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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
n,W"mww jiiin THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911-EVENING EDITION. crHOONER PRESIDENT SC RETURNS TO 'FRISCO CasoH"' Rent Quits Coqulllo-Coos .! linn, liMivliiR For tUo Golden Unto Vcstcrday. . rnsollllO BcliOOHOr President, l. nnanlitl 1DL b 1..I.... ttnitvnnn Pn, ?i to points nutl Coos liny, has Tin tin tlio run nnd yestordny f V?nr San Francisco wlioro she will Soirntcci in tho future. Tlio Uent 1ms boon running unrtly us auxiliary service to tlio steamer M nulling fUl "o " F AUWr' , naa luil tlin RtnWliik? of Tillamook ami Anvil on the Co- ' ,n..tiniiiinn nnd wny ports run cut ,uiin- Z Tillamook and Anvil on the Co ,B..ii-.tiniiiliiii nnd way ports run eul ?. -really o t" oiibIiicsb """ tho i,fjt l now divided up, tho Pr.csl- FRUIT MEN IN NEW SOCIETY Horticultural Organizations Are Formed at Coquille and Myrtle Point. 1'. M. Ilnll-Lewls, fruit Insneetor, lee loony ON BREAKWATER Steamer Sails This Morning For Portland With Fair Passenger List. The Ilrenltwntcr sailed this morn- returned yesterday from tlio Couulllo lug for Portland with n fair pnssen valloy where ho Iiub been assisting In ger list. Tho outgoing travel from Int could no longer mnko expenses I organizing liortleultural societies, tho Uay hns been stentllly decreasing m tho run. Agent McGcorgo enden- two were formed, ono nt Myrtle lately and not near as many, nppa Mred to keep her on tho run na long Point and tho other nt Coquille. rently, aro leaving as nro coming ..nomlblo ns sho nffordod much bet- 'I ho Central Horticultural society here. Bfflby the Alliance. pit. WINKLER uses NO DIIUGS cr knife tit service for tho Cooulllo Vnlloy of Coos county Is tho nnmo of tho ,ints than can otherwise bo given Coqullio organization and tho olllcors P01 i... ,i, Alliance, nro ns follows: President V. C. Chase. Vice-president Ed Howie. Secretary A. V. Johnson. Treasurer P.. II. Burns. Tho society starts with nn lnltlnl momberslilp of 25, and It Is expected to Increaso It to about eighty at tho next mooting which will bo held ;icxt Monday. Tho Myrtle Point Horticultural so ciety will moot again next Thursday to perfect Its organization. N. 0. W. Perkins was ehalrmnn of tho first mooting and S. D. Pulford, secretary. About fifteen fruit growers wore In nttondaiice but It Is expected to nug ment this number considerably. Next week, Mr. Hall-Lewis will go to Handoii to organize a society there. SAVE MONEY .Vow Is tbo time to buy your fall nnd Winter Supply of feed We quote the following monoy-snvlng prices for ensh only: Read This List: $33.50 $1.70 $27.50 85c $29.50 $1.20 $34.50 $1.60 $37.50 $1.40 Wheat. per ton . 100 pound rack Pran per ton . . 60-pound tack Shorts per ton . . Sojourn! tack Middling per ton . 90-pound tick Among those sailing on tho Drenk water this morning were: Mrs. S. A. Farrln, Miss D. Narbln, A. M. Prontlss, Paul Rncker, C. W. Wlnchell, John Lamport, E. M. Shrl ver, A. L. Peters, I d. Arrlngton, A. J. Drews, Illchnrd Fryc, C. A. John son, Floyd C. Until), Robert Geo, Mrs Robert Geo, II. 13. Plnnk, O. D. Holt, Alfred Matson, F. O. Lnndcr, W. W. Whlttlngton, Mrs. W. W. Whittlng ton, Andrew Pyentt, F. W. Peck, Hugh McLaln, MIbs Tllllnghnst, F. Richards, Father Munroe, F. Whlt tock, Fred Roth, F. M. Lnndon, Dr. Clark, Emma Ingram, G. J. Lohmnns kl, Gust Frederlckson, Mrs. H. G. Coleman, Mrs. Droulllnrd, Mrs. Tnw so and C. L. Adams. IHJV IX XUHTII HEXH. Mm-shlMd Ron! People Purchase Estate Tlieic. During tho pnst week, a number of Mnrshfleld pcoplo have boon In vesting In real estate In North Rend nnd near the mouth of Pony Inlet, the rumors of railroad purchases In that section probably Inspiring somo of them. Among tho deals reported there the last few days aro tho fol lowing: Dr. E. Mlngus bought six lots In block 2, Rangor, for f 1,000. W. U. Douglas nnd W. P. Murphy bought live acres wcst.of Rnngor of E. Hobson for $3,000. Mr. Hobson bought tho property last spring nnd bus inado a nlco profit on his Invest ment. V. K. Wiseman hns bought threo lots on Sherman nvenuo just south of tho till on Oregon street for $900. Two lots on Sherman, tho third Thoroughly Peaceful. lUrloy per ton 75-pound and fourth south from tho corner of Get our p" rlcos on liny beforo you buy. Cnllfornln street, wero sold to J. W. unnnner nnu r. n. neuorg ror z, 200. Thoy wero owned by II. A. Rush of Emmctt, Idn. They have GO foot frontago on Shcrninn. Tho wnr Is on In Europe now, Tho conflict nil the world's been dreading; A3 yet 'tis but a little row Rut It has lots of room for spread ing; Tho powers have begun to growl, And start their lethargy to shake off; Ench ono Is putting on n scowl And getting ready for tho rnkcoff. War Is most upholy thing, A cormorant nnd undertaker! Excuso us, wo have got to fling A dornlck nt u scab strike break er Thero! wo havo spoiled his ugly faco! Wlioro wero wo nt oh, war's ero sions; ' Wo'vo only strikes, nnd scabs to chnso, And busted dams, nnd mine explosions. CUT-OFF PUN IS OPPOSED Coos River Ranchers Do Not Want It Shut Off Give Reasons For It. Residents of Coos River arc plan ning to send n big delegation to tlin next meeting of the Port of Coos Hay Commission to enter protest ngalnst the sliuttlng off of tho "Coos River cut-off." The Port Commission hnd the mntter up for discussion at re cent meetings owing to the clnlm that unless something Is dono soon, the channel of Coos River will chnngo to the cut-off ns the latter Is being rapidly widened and deepened by every little freshet. Tho Coos River ranchers who ale opposed to the shutting off of tho cut-off give two rensons for their at titude. One Is that tbo shuttlng-nff of the cut-off will prevent tho i mild How from Coos River during fresh ets and that consequently tho water will rise higher in the stream and do more dnmngc to tho lowlands in tho vnlloy. Another Is thnt the cut off saves considerable time In coming nnd going from Mnrshllcld and espe cially to mid from points on Catch ing Inlet. The Port Commission owing to the cost of tho proposed shutting off of tho cut-orf being about $4,000 has not tho funds to do It now nnd nt nny rate will not take final nctlon on It until tho Coos River residents have ample opportunity to present their Bide of tlie case. WORLD'S GREAT HIM HERE Facts and Figures That Prove Coos Bay's Possibilities As Seaport. EDITOR TIMES: An article on the much talked nbout Coos liny harbor, which recent ly nppeared In a local poper, has In duced mo to beg permission to mnko public through your columns a few facts regarding the engineering possi bilities of this same harbor. To begin with, I make tbo bold and broad assertion thnt IT IS POSS1I1LE WARNING NOTE E REV. (J. LEROV HALL DELIVERS STIRRING APPEAL TO VAlVt SIZED AUDIENCE AT REVIVAD IX TARERXACLE. Tho sermon of tho Peoplo's Evange listic campaign nt the tnbcrnnclo Inst night was delivered by Rev. G. Lo Roy Hall, pastor of the First Rapllst church of Mnrshflcld. Tho speaker chose for his text, Eph. 5:1 1, "Awnko thou that sleepest and arlso from tho dead," and miido a striking an penl for a more wakeful watchful TO CONVERT COOS RAY, OREGON l"?S9Mftntl " 8roatcr zc on tho part INTO THE GREATEST SEAPORT f,,tno Christian peoplo of Mnrsh- HARROR IN THE WORLD! The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Ro siiro and ATTEND 1IAX1) RANCH XEXT SATURDAY night. Music by full bnnd DAY XIGIIT. next SATUR. Tho RIGOS STUDIO. All kinds of PHOTOGRAPHIC work.. FIXE POR TRAITS a speclnlty, North Front St. IF your STOMACH Is out of order. Sco 1U. WINKLER. -f X it s i -tr Y-tr mw v v t .... i... iiini-viiiPiTio el im."W im.wr, ni iv;iunr,s ll.iuij If you hnvo APPENDICITIS. See gntlir(lnv oveninir. octoiier h. mit. DR. WIXKIjER. sic by FULL bnnd. The White Is King of Sewing Machines Well said and true, Every woman who has ever used one will substantiate this. LATEST MODELS $40.00 to $50.00 They run easier and sew twice-as fast as any other style of machine. HOW TO RE HAPPY THROUGH MARRIED (ny President Tnft) On the eve of his silver wedding anniversary, the president (unofll clnlly) mndo known tho secret of a "quarter of n century of wedded happi ness and success. t His recipe Vj: "AbBoluto and positive lovo for ono another nt the beginning. Ambition on the pnrt of both for tho success of tho family, with nn nbundnnce of energy on the pnrt of both to carry out their' ambition. "Tenm work. "Manliness nnd womnnltncss, com bined with mngnnnlnilty. Never n single swerving from this course. ''Directness in nil relations with ono another nnd those with whom so cial, political nnd business Inter course Is hnd. "Never bo subservient to nny man or underhanded. "Hnvo moral courngo to reject nny thlng and everything requiring sub servience. "Unselfishness in nil rolntlons with mankind nnd n readiness to meet with nnd trent with all humanity. "A contliiunnco nnd growth of tho affection for one nnothor." Now tho most optimistic booster or nil this bay country hns not yet ventured thus fnr In his lnudhtory description of Coos Day's future, hence this stntoment may. nnd un doubtedly will, bo considered nn Mdlo drenm," by many, but here nro tho figures, denr render, take your mnp of Coos Ray and verify my cnlcula- tlons for yourself. The assertion nbovo mndo will bo proven by a comparison of the area of Coos Hay with thnt of what engi neers ncknowledgo will bo tho lnrgest harbor and dock system over con structed in tho world, nnmolv. tho hnrbor at the Pacific end of tho Pnn.v m a Cnnnl. As planned, tho Pnnnmn project Is to consist of n series of parallel piers and alternating slips, constructed on two opposlto sides of n rectnngulnr turning basin 3,000 feet wide be tween tho pier ends. Tho piers nro to bo each 1,000 ft long, nnd tho slips between, 300 feet wide, thus malting nmplo provision for docking tho biggest ship thnt floats, nnd for facilitating the loading nnd unload ing of any number of vessels nt tho snmo time. Held. Ho said, "tho most useless Indi vidual In the world Is tho sleepy head and llkowlso tho most usolesa follower of Christ 1b tho ono who la sleeping. Is It possible thnt men to day aro sleeping? I bollovo it Is. Tho ungodly mnn is surely asleep. Ho hath ears nnd hears not, eyes nnd sees not. Surely thnt Is sleeping. It seems to mo thnt tho cities of tlio Pacific coast nro nit nslcop In mut ters religious. Rut men who nro making riches their god will nwuko somc day, when It Is too Into, to HnJ thnt tho treasures of this world lmvo vanished and nil Is vanity. "If n wotch dog wero to waken Ills sleeping muster, nnd tho master arousing should shoot tho faithful dog and then go back to Bleep, allow ing Ills house to bo robbed, would1 it bo tho fnult of the dog? Mr. Halt likened tho church to tho watch dogu Tho churches nro rounding tho wnrn- Ing to the people of this community nnd If they fail to heed tho warning. It will bo their loss, not tho church's. Mon today nro laughing nt tho truths of God. Some of them will I laugh themselves Into nn eternity nmi,. fi. m,i..,iu n, . . whero repentnnco will avail thotii ..lntn.1 .ll Iw. Imnrnvn,! n tl,.. ,.rnDnl IlOtlllllg. Sllllll llOt WO Clirlstlnlia I'hivvii uu ! w4 it, fctiu jia.atab . time, but wo will consider, in this comparison, however, tho whole area to be Included lu-tho Panama scheme, which Is, approximately, C75 acres, with about two miles of wator front age, and this Is to bo tho greatest harbor known, moHt of which will be excavated out of solid earth and rock, at an enormous cost, whtlo here wo hnvo Coos Ray as completely land locked nnd ns perfect n harbor of snfe ty as thnt of Pnnnmn, with the hnlf already excavated by Nature, and tho other half easily and cheaply removed by a common suction dredge! Now for tho comparison. Coos Rny, with its Inlots to tide wntor lim it, contains 29 square miles of wntor surface, or 18,500 acres, all of which It Is possible to maintain nt n depth keep nwnko to our duty to warn tho uusnved sinners? There nre so ninny sleepers In the churches thnt thoaoi who nro nwnko nnd would glvo warn ing nro stumbling ovor tho sleepers. I sny to you, pnrcnts nnd teachers of Marshfleld, awake beforo It Is ever lastingly too lato nnd tho youth or this city Is lost in sin. It scorns- tu bo Coos Hay's slogan when tho ques tion of religion Is raised, "O, wlint Iff tho use." Christ would not hnvo come Into tho world of It had bcon no use. "If Jesus wero hero now Ho woulcE say to rfla Christian ns Ho salt! to- the three disciples In tho garden or Gcthscmanc, "Whnt, could yo not. watch with mo one hour?" "I any to you, nwnko from the Rnnd dnnco EAGLES' HALL next SATURDAY XIGIIT. LATEST MODELS $40.00 to $50.00 There is no vibration like the machines with ,the long shuttle. Call and Let Us Demonstrate Them to You The Monarch Is Monarch of Steel Ranges The Monarch Wflrt All of the Gold Medals at The World's Expositions WHY? Ask Us m f rl lMI)jt The Monarch Is Unbreakable and Indestructible WHY? Ask Us The Baldwin Piano Leads Them All We Have Them Going Harvey Company COaiPLETE HOUSE AND HOME FURNISHERS. If you hnvo a GOITRE. Sco DR. WIXKLER. MUSIC nt tho CHAXDLEU on SUXDAY evening. Arrnngo to tnko YOUIt Sunday DIXXER thero. Rand dance EAGLES' SATURDAY XIGIIT. HALL next XOTICE TO FISHERMEN'. Wo want fresh snlmon and nre prepared to pny tho highest cash prlco for thom. For furthor parti culars SCO C. G. HOCICETT, Emplro City, oi 7? GEO. F. SMITH, Coos Rive' Get Our Price HEFORE YOU 1JUY YOUR WET WEATHER GARMENTS Men's Long Boots $6.00 to $10.00 s Aquipelle Pants $1.50 Coats $2.00 Guaranteed Rain coats $3.50 to $5.00 Fixup tlnn of riches Is ono of tho unimpor tant things of this llfo. Tho really important thing is tho following of tho teachings of tho Savior. Ills graclousness and bonoflconco should bo rndlntcd by each Christian. Tho Indlffcronco of church mombers Is not tho fault of God but of meu themselves." Services tonight a.t 7:30. 13. If. C A novel stool for telophono booths keeps nn electric light switched oit only us long ns n person, la sentetl upon It. Music by full band DAY XI (HIT. next SATUK- MUSIC nt tho CHAXDLER oa SUXDAY evening. Arrnngo to tnko YOUR Sunday DIXXER there. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS US MIL I'HOXK 72 Paclflo Livery & Transfer Co. of water from 20 feet to 4C feet, mean (,cn(,( ftm, Umt tho nccumultt IUW uuu Tho bay proper Is 13 miles long, nnd n MAIN CHANNEL of this length ono fourth mllo wide and 45 feet deep may no hnd nnd mnlntnlncd for more ly a trifling cost when compared with tho cost of excavating n channel of ONE FOURTH this length nnd width, which Is nbout tho slzo of tho water channels of tho world's greatest har bors. Is' it n drenm. then, to sny that Coos Ray may benr on Its peaceful waters tho gieatest ships that float? This much for a deep water chnn nol, now as to tho docks which may bo constructed In Coos nay. slmllnr to those of tho great Pnnnmn system abovo described, and In addition, re member, to tho many miles of shore whnrves which may bo built along both sides of tho bny and Inlets, how mnnv miles of these shore whnr ves? ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY! Tho Panama project Is to cover 075 acres, tohil nren, ns already stated, but Coos nay harbor mny hnvo SIX SUCH SYSTEMS on either sldo of tho ninln chnnnol, already reserved ns a deep water roadway to tho ocean, and located ns follows: ono Bys torn on tho South Arm. with nn nren of 320 ncres: one on tho North Arm with nn nren of 000 ncres; ono on the Pony Inlet tidal flats with nn nren of 320 acres, and FOUR SYSTEMS of tho Pnnnmn kind on the upper bny, extending from White Point to Jor dnn's Point, on east tide of tho main channel, containing nn nren of 2,720 ncres, making n total area of 4,320 acres for tho slln nvstem of Coos nny linruof ngnhist G?fl ncres nt Pnnnmn, or, generally speaking. Coos nay mnv have n svstem of docks nlone, SIX TIMES GREATER IN AREA THAN THAT OF THE LARGEST IIARROR IN THE WORLD! When wo get down to coal calcula tion, somo astounding facts nro apt to bo deduced. Thoreforo, summing up, wo have, for tho greatest harbor, Pannmn, somo two miles of water frontago and 27 piers in tho ship system, or a to tal wharfage of 11 miles. On Coos nay it is possible to se cure 13 MILES of wnter front main chnnnol, ono fourth mile wldo nnd 45 feet deep, nnd 1C2 PIERS of tho ship system nnd 170 MILES of shore, wharfage, making a totnl deep-wator-front whnrfngo possible In tho Coos nay nasln of TWO HUNDRED THIR TY MILES! I I chnllongo n refutntlon of these statements for they nro fncts and leave it for ono moro optimistic than mysolf to predict, that, some tlmo In tho not far distant future, Coos Rny will bo converted Into n harbor such ns heroin described ns being within tho engineering possibilities of tho century. J. F. POLLEY, North Pond, Oregon. MUSIC at the CHAXDLER on SUXDAY evening. Arrange to take YOUR Sunday DIXXER there. Bolbs ! Bulbs! Now Is tho tlmo to got and plant your HYACINTHS NARCISSI CHIXESE LILLIES. DAFFODILS CROCUSES AXD AXEMOXES; At Portland prices by tho doz en or hundred. All this year's crop. IDEAL PHARMACY i Mrs. R. B. Drews Florist.. , & ; J If 4 : .iiifiv