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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. k - 1 " H flu A K'W -J fc.i, 58K .2' if' .- - , i J i"-VI -1 V 9mmm ' .,- . ...... m..j III "tbIi ( 1( r If Jlir" , PERSONAL notices of visitors in the city, or of Coos Day people who visit in other cities, together with notices of soclul affairs, nre gladly received In the social de partment. Telephone- 133. No tices of club meetings will be pub lished and secretaries nro kindly requested to furnish same. A ItiDDIiK. (Written for The Times.) A compliment gave 1 my sweet, one day Sho laughed till she showed every dimple. "111 return It," sho said, "with in terest to pay If this riddle you guess, Mr. Simple! CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication in the society depart ment of Tho Times, muBt bo sub mitted to the editor not later than 0 o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only in cases whore events occur later than the time mentioned.) mot, Nelllo Wilmot, Bertha Chap man, Ida Nellson, Helen Bailey, Lo tllla Sleep, Flossie Hoyes. Mabel Jen nings, Gladys Lnrsen, Allre Bylor, Almn Lundqulst, Mabel Immell, He len Fnlkensteln. Madeline Larson, Edith Hendrlckson and Violet John-sou. One of the enjoyable social events of last week was the social given by the Swedish Lutheran Church Sunday school in tho church hall on Friday evening. It was largely attended, and during tho evening n handsome purse was rnisud and presented to Miss Inez Johnson as a token of appreciation of her services as orgnnlst at the church. During the evening, a short program was enjoyed. Among those participating in tho program wero Besslo Sanqulst, Ethel Josephson, El sie Hlllstrom and Edith Johnson. In ! concluding tho program, tho pastor, I Rev. U. F. Bengtson, delivered a 1 short talk on cooperation in church WUI'K wmuii hub in IHJIl Ulll husbands of putty, and a few which Refreshments wero served. nre all wool and a yard wide. Given your nmtcrlnl, it Is up to you to build tho finished product. You enn not transform your wooden husband In to nn Idealist arid a dreamer, but you can mnke a vory satisfactory and at C. F. McKnlght and bride return ed this week from their honeymoon trip to various points of Interest in the Pnclllc northwest. They nro 1 litittiwtiifi !! tiintltitr fit nit lintlin Willi tractive bit of household furniture " "'"V Li . uiuiA m," ,w V out of him. You can not twist your, J " Mcknights sister, Ms. 1-. A. Iron husband .around your. nnBcr. J IJnsnrd. To say tlint they were l. vn ., nvlranl n Int nt tnv nut I HllOWered With follclt ntlOtlft Oil tllCll of his solid, comforting, supporting 'nrrlvnl here Is putting It mildly. The qunlltlcs. You cannot make a hero , Corvallls Republican contained tho of your putty man but you can mold ' following account of their mnrringo: him Into n very beautiful object d'T'At 11 a. m. today occurred tho wed- nrt. Once you have accepted a man ding of Miss hum M. apangier, 'Pray toll, If you can, sir, the bond that unites A sigh from the heart and n thought, OI ror WMnt , in i,,Htoad of for what ' ibuiirhtor of John StmtiKlor of this And In tho same group put the toy ,. OUGHT to be. you will bo sur-'cltv. to Mr. Charles A. McKnlght of. - - . ."' .i prised to discover what n number or Murshlleld. It was a home wedding i lino qualities ho iiosst'sseR. When onlv the nonr relatives and friends you have brought these out and en- ( i,011B Inrludod among the guests. Tho I vnu huh wuii nn iiiubo uieiu m uuu couragou, urgou ana "lovcu nun l , rooms of the Simngicr homo were that delights Tho everyday, run-u-bout, unto! thing more, -A being most mulish and balky; You must add to the rest, to complete. male nfter nil to his highest possibilities, the aver age husband Is not such a bad life- beautifully decorated lor tho happy evont with festoons of clemutls and smlliix and bun' lies of whlto tullo And after you havo done all you lton;.()VOn wlth asters, carnations, " n,r l"lJJr:,!"! Jrr' .wcet ucn... that transformed tin' the four, A ilnrlntr anil dnrlliiL' vounc doll i-'anmnd '"uid adjust yourself !o Joto a ' Now tell me." she bogged. 'Vlmt your husband .-ct.yo you would ffii "0 MvS Tffi. S tho answer can lie." .adjust our hair to our lint, nn I to ,.,,' .,. lllliv,i m,.,i..Ib- ..... . .. , . ... ,. it ..... nun HCiino ill nil! ii I urn mien m mil ko ......... ....... ,....-.. . 1JI11 1 BUKl, 1 LIU I l kuubh ii, hi; can Q dear! I yourself believe you have actually sohn's wedding march to. tho fnntl nttnlnod the very finest, most milt- Hr Htralns of which tho brldnl pnrty. Q ,.... lw.,... ,ii,.i ui mi vmi fnnit nuninoii mo very uiiesi, inosi huh- n... - - So Boine ere and sit on our fond n)j)e nm, mmi won(lorftll ,umbond on1 moved to their places and were ro """"' D ",,vu ... nnrMi llin nun mmi In nil Mm wnr il i l!B VOll IV I3P. .1. K. IS. UOII, 1110 OIll- r! .. . . Ii.i ...I.. I. ..A- rrl. l.l.ln nn....i tiint you wonicu. jciiuiuk iimuoiui. u "ij " llnrnln 11ns Mm whnln nnrrol nfiwiiii rif wlilln llinrnllisntto OVCr Sntltl. ..M. . . ..1. I ,!.' ...... ..... .... " .,...u ........ u ... w -, i no sign is nn And whisper It, quick, In my ear!' . ,, .. i unrein lies tno wiioip secrot oiiwas oi wnuo lunrquisuiiu uvur mmu. ho sigh is nn OH, dear. , me HrccBH n nmtrlmony, tho only sue- and sho carried a shower bouquet of .thought Is an Wear , iCOBH m Ufo wortll n woinnn's whlleJbrldeB roses and Illy of tho valley. While tho nuto. ' says Hhe, Is Just. Untj. yn lmvo trloil ftM tncf,0 HI)0C. j,or majBi M8a Carrie Dnnnemnn two dear'! ' lMc. DON'T go to the exchnngo:or Corvallls, and Miss Myrtlo Shonk- one 7 Tlio desk! Is not that ;i good oilier, you nuji .Oh tho dear little donkey Is 'you,' " (jenri A farewell party was tendered 15. O. u t.j) 'Wllllnms nml family, nt their homo on ' ' Catching Inlet, "Wednesday evening, wllor of Portland, woro pnlo bluo mnrqulsetto and carried showor bou quets of pink carnations. Mr. C. T. McDewItt was 'groomsman and Mr. John Wlthycombo usher. Follow- loct. 18th. They will lenvo soon to lug the ceremony and congratula- bu'Jsi- "WW AVE you n little husband In make their future homo nt Corvallls. tlons n dainty wedding brenkfnst was ' "ll. Hv,,r i.nm if tnkn honrt o A ,l,ll(l,lc f-Mituro was that It was Mr.orved. Mr. mid Mrs. McKnlght then I 11 L IT " , ,' , , . Wlilln us' birthday, which was not, took the Bny train and will bo lost Knim miu maun ! vk -k KOm,rnljy Known until nrter tho nrn- to tno rrioncis yir n row unys; uiu him. .Mr. Rockefeller has said of busi ness: "Stick to one thing until you mnke u success of It." Ho might al no h until vul of all tho guests. Many Interest- will return In tlmo for tho McDe lug games wero played mid all had a vltt-Dannemnn wedding nt Indepon very enjoyable tlmo. At eleven donco next Wednesday. They will to n success o . " """' " T o'clock IhiicIiimiii was served nml the ,.08ldo nt Mnrshlleld. wlioro Mr. Mc- iJ,VvnUm,'.i, n 1 ., r ,J ni ' I K's inndo their departuro at twelve , Kn,Kht ,1Il8 thriving law practice,! JuJlylVnrmnMtiinm. 'clncU' M W,H,I,IIK Mr' nilrt '"-"' tl10 H'cessor to tho firm of, n,'L" ,, ,"?,:" '"'VimV -'rs. Williams prosperity In ',, & MeKnlght. Miss Spnnglor, Thoro Is n growing rnllncy tint :.- ; ",."- . ;; " .7 nnvo won ior nor 1110 nigue Provdenco .imnufaetures souls In ? """"J"' "il, 1 ' 1 ' llw N "y. Mr. Mc pnlrH nml that soinowhero out In ,rnnin ' '"Zinl, m', i'! Brnilunto of O. A. C. 111 tho great "luminous void" there Is J..0 circle of friends In n "twin soul" waiting for every ' . K(i ' n ' "., """i1":.""8 Tho city unites In n boned C. uud hns a Corvallls. benediction on tho new home." A Jolly company gnthored nt tho 'imt'HOiiuKO of tho North Bend Mcth- llovim that other "Idwil half." called l,,," " "" iv.iikhuiii uiihh, nun oiiist i-jpiseopni ciiurcn inst .vonuny nn ulllulty. Is pining for her. So she n"1'18 Williams. evening and spent 11 couple of hours ymirnliiK creature who discovers her 'v rhnoh . Vnin will. Husband Is only n man and feeU f J Ne 1 1. Clinic l.j b A iibove udJnsMng Ihtjo" to that pro- i"h. Umeiire Colher. n. Jne mile clrcunist.uin.. Roniewho.J ho... Arthur Mooro, n. Ch rch. i,.. .i,i .i.i.. u.,.,.i,i ui... rmi.iiv 1.... ChPHter, Vernon nnd Gladys Collvor. ..... ....., ...' ......... ...- ..).. imcliH her trunk, gives tho children lier blessing, takes her do and the trnln for Reno and starts out on n limit for trouble. That she really II111U It. tho nc I'ountM In the dully psper roustuut- ly niiiw. wuii ner niiiiii 1.1 11 iwop- ",,.. :,11im.lI "i... i,,,.!. ,im tliirtoon tlv nioo.l. n lot of unhealthy Ideals " ?V "i V..!. ." . J ' .V. , l. 1 ,.,. 1 , ...... ,, .,,., .....i .. iin'iiiiM'in n in, iii'ii." iiit'ni'iu mill iiuji In games mid visiting. Fruit was On Thursday last, the A.N.W. club "eryoil us refroshments. About ; forty , ..... 1... .i. a,.. ..i.. of tho members mid frlondrf of the lll WlUt'll I'll lllnT 111 my .iiuinn- . . .... . ..,.!.. ...rt .1... Held "bus to the homo of Mrs. Huns " ""? ' " tnti. ?.,11co"? to! Reed m Klttvvllle. Tho afternoon. VW. Rev. Hlsey, nnd his wlfo to begun by the pleasant drive .was tho charge for year. In 0110 hand and u pedestal nml u l.midhaliitiHl halo In the other, she Is ready to clothe Urn Hint fairly ell KlbW niHii Mho liieo's with nil the kIo vy of her beetle Illumination, Any mnscullt.o crmitimi. from her law-, yer to her clmlTeiir. who posuMnes a 0 liresent mid tho Tho members of tho Junior Lengtio live Kuests or tho day Mrs. Small,' 0f tM0 Methodist Episcopal church of j Mrs. Selieiter. Mrs. Ppton. Mrs. Ellen (,ru, vni ,not nt tho home of Mrs.' h.Kim mm .miss .limine iiopu. .Mrs. 1 .,..-,. i.11It Tiiouilnv ovonlni: after E. G. FlmiHKHU will eutoitalii tho Club next Thuradny. ehool for n social hour. Tho chll dron found Mi's. Lovnr ir most royal eiitortulnui'. 0 Rev. J. T. M. Knox nnd wife nnd from Yoncolln, Ore., whore Mr. Knox nt tended 11 North Mend to her youiiK frltnd In 11UH.nit of his denomination. They liniiiir nf her lentil blrtlidiiv. Twull- ..i... ..1..11...1 .. t ii,...u..,i r.... nwlilin - - - mmi 1 ipiiitii ni iiii.n,i,i .111 .. .u iy-fotir of her p!u males were In at-, Mrs. K. F. Morrlssoy plans 10 re- H leiiuttiice. unu n very pieasum nonr Iua, 81U)thPi' week or two In San ' was spent 111 minion, otc, alter which i,'n,ci.0 vIsltliiK frlonils. 11 delicious liiHcheon ws served. .. Vtiifimr lltiiu.. i.i'.iuiiiit U'dfA lii'ntliv '1 'it .....a ....n.l.. ..n..l.. 1.. ...Iilnli ilonrtH- . very jin-iij iuiij 111 uhii iivii- utralunt nose, looks to her HKe an On Wednesday Hftwuoon t 1:00 uinnlly." And 'It Is seldom Ion 0vioek Miss Eva Van Kilo, iliiuich- neiore ne nils anuexeii "iiii- ter ))f JIr. HIl(1 Mw. Abraham Van ,m ,mve ,.t,in)ed """ "" " """"" '"" " .u. gave a imrty at tlieir nonio 111 iinv iiHnni iiiiimi a 11111.111 111 nit mn- trlinonlal exeliuuoe tlvk. It Is in tensely dliu'ouragltiK. Now iih n matter of fart, a hut lmnil Is like a lint or n rout. He nhoiild be Hi'liH'tecl with the utmost nre and rlmxeii fur his durable ami serviceable us well tn for his bean- 1 ,.... - .I,...,.. . .. ,i...... ... ii.. firni 11. 11,1111. iu nn. liui. in. .,.....!. ' 1.1 1. . .iiiMiiiiiu .iiiiii'iYiiu. 1 iti iieu- ' V "V, . " """ "V' iiii-inbunn iiMvoi vim viip rinini.iv at of swcot pens and l.ucKleuorry oil him. It Is uutural to assume hat a drickson. Haxel an .lie. Iototli ' . , . . ' , ...... ,,..... A,(m. wommi has gotten what she wanted. Vn .He. Helen lnimell. Doris Fal- "ft, iur 5.;r,.n,,!.;:r ',.'; "fc , ."-f he 0,, a ,,r.Zo ,- 1 1 - . won iiy .u, ii, iv. iiuiiiii. Minii-r ui uiu painted It before you not It homo I mm tun simp? When you discover that the hat you had bouicht was a "mistake" do you throw It Into the ash barrel ami Bit down and plna? Not at all. Yon try wearing It at another miule. or rtolng your hair another way. You Hive It a new turn hero, n twist there, a curve here: you add an ex tra f'ii t her or take off a superfluous, mo. And behold Hie hat grail-1 ually begins to look fairly attractive, j to lovo It. There are few husbands who. with little taking In and letting out. pol Islilng over and trimming, down, can nm be made over Into perfectly sat-1 isiiieiory and eongeulnl men. There nre few utterly Imponslhle men. A man, at most. Is only raw material, nnd the handiest women are not the ones who i.tarrv the best men. but the oues who make the best of the men they marry. Husbands nre not l.orn. but made: and tho Lord put II! ve into the world to give tho finish ing touches to Adnm. lliubnndg eomo In assorted mater ials. Thoro arc woodon husbands, husbands of steol, husbands of Iron, Stafford's Chocolate s The Quality Kind I (Nl'F CK1.) m , V man two s-rnniM. ii guest of honor. Tho guests of Miss Mnhoney were: Miss Mae Bennett,! Mrs, .1. T. McCormac, Mrs. G. A. Ben-' nett. Mrs. 15. Mlngus, Mrs. R. K. Booth. Mrs. Will Merchant. Mrs. Ellz- nheth Ailanis. Mrs, W. 11. Kennedy,! Mrs. A .0. Rogers, Mrs. M. C. Mnton ev. Miss Genovlovo Songstacken nnd Miss Chnrlotto Murch O I Mrs. Arthur McKeown ententnlneil the Chilling Dish Club Wednesday night nt one of tho prettiest even ings of the sonson. The Idea of har vest abundance nnd beauty was car ried out in tho doenrntlons, the table, , and tho fnvors. Tho large tab'.e, . particularly, which seated all nine teen of tho party, was respiemlnnt , with Its yellow harvest pumpkins, Its red apples and Its Hallowe'en place-1 cards. In tho course of the evening' tho party was horrlflod to flntl tho j, -ft g Mil' lill l,V Mil lllllllllUll III unu IIIU f- hostess' Bllvor sticking Innocontly fj'i f from tho pocket of Jack Flanagan. UIIAXjL l'non uolnf; Pi'"""?"' wt theft. Mr. .-.ill , Flanagan, with .his usual amiability, rostorod tho purloined goods to Its rightful owner, protesting, as ho did (Continued on page 10.) Women's Fancy Tailored Suit Among this week's arrivals are the Ladies' Fancy Tailored Suits, They come in exclusive models only one of a style. Are in mannish novelty worsteds in pepper and salt, brown and white effects Are Strictly Man -Tailored After the Season's Most Approved Models The coats arc skillfully cut on the newest lines and hang with a grace all their own the new straight back and three-button fastenings in front. Several varieties of collars, including the tailored notch and the latest novelty effect, satin inlaid and trimmed with silk braid. Skirts (M O 00tn$3? 0 have raised waist effect. Prices 4 O'VUtO $ OZ.OU fiirls, Juniors and Yonng Women We are especially well prepared to please the young people .now. Shipments just received from several of New York's specialty "Misses Wear" houses place us in position to show you a splendid as sortment of the very latest styles ESBBBBBBBBBBtBBBsi Suits Tailored Suits include plain tailored and Norfolk styles of wide-waled serge, rough diagonal cheviot, or mannish worsted, plain, sailor or round collars, and combination trimmings of velvet, corduroy or satin. A nice assortment to select from. Prices very reasonable at $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 AND UP Coats Wc have never before had so fine and varied an assortment of Girls', Juniors' and Misses' Coats. The reversible models in plain or plaid double-faced cloths, sailor or round collars predomi nate. Color combinations arc gray and Coronation purple a'nd tan, gray and old blue, brown and blue, etc. For the younger girls corduory and velvet coats arc very stylish. Girls' and Juniors' Wool Dresses All Sizes from 6 to 14 Years. These Dresses come in plain wool serge, Scotch plaid, etc. Some are Russian and sailor models, braided sailor collars and full plaited skirts, colors include navy, brown, red, the various plaid com binations, black and white checks, etc. The prices will please you, and the dresses will please the most fastidious Miss in Marshfield. Priced at $1.75, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00. vfe A P jSm k ill ill' . fri'ifi-l fit '2;v,i!ji All Woo! Dress S kirts $3 J This is the story of an All-Wool Skirt. Every woman needs a good black dress skirt, but she is not often able to buy one at a saving like this. While in N. Y Mr. Myers bought of. a manufacturer, his entire remaining stock of this all-wool panama. You may know the price was very low. He selected one of thebes new skirt styles and had the material made up under his per sonal supervision. We are now able to offer these skirts to our customers at less than the usual wholesale price. In fact wc have sold skirts o this same material all Fall at $7.50 and they were considered good values. While this lot of about 50 skirts jj3.95 lasts you may buy them at each - - - .- THE BEST EXCLUSIVEJWOMEN'S STORE IN SOUTHERN OREGON New York Office 41 Mercer Street MYERS' WOMENS' AND MISSE'S WEAR Coos Building MARSHFIELD tm yj.rr.'jxv.ry 3EXSUB MWWtWWBMiWWhi Hiiiii. IiwUh