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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
WE OfTEN HAVE TO COMPROMISE BUT WE'RE NEVER ASKED TO CAPITULATE A Llttlo "Campaign" Of WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will 1'iit Your Real Estate "In the Market" lit t o c 1 1 v o I y I It will put tlio facta nhotit your nroporty before tlio eyes of nil "pos sible buyers" In town. Anil If .iiprc's one of them who ought to ;. if. vou'll sell itl (&QM ttltmro WANT ADVDRTISIXG In Tlio TIMES Will Kwp tin Iiicoiiio from Your I'uriiMietl Rooms from Lapsing? YOU can really help the family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms ami, If you know how and when to use the classified columns, you may keep that ll'tlo extra Income ns "steady ns n clock." own It. you'll aoll Itl IIEMREK OF ASSOCIATED PKh&a I VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns Tito Const Mali MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION TEN PAGES A Consolidation of Time. Const Mail and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 8& mm GHINKEREVOLUTiOM TO SPREAD 10 PEKiN SECTION T0-U00W Imperial Forces Reported to Have Been Badly Defeat ed at Hankow. REBELS ALSO CONTROL STRATEGIC POINTS NOW Foreign Legations Prepare For the Worst Rebellion Fast Gaining. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PEIClX, China, Oct. 21. Persis tent rumors hnvo It that Admiral Shah Plug's llagshlp was sunk or cap tured In Hie recent lighting at Han kow. It Is nlso reported that the re bels control soveral Important strat egic points. There Is llttlo In the news received touny to reassuro mo government or relievo the general feeling of uneasiness. Tlio mission aries In this provlnco hnvo been warned by students there will he a revolutionary outbrenk near Pekln tomorrow. Considerable credence, Is attached to the warning. In view of tho possible spread of the rebellion, the foreign legations arc Inking the necessary military and fommlfsnry precautions in this city and TlenTsIn for the protection of the legation nnd cltlzonB of tho rc spcctlvc countries they represent. Xi:VS IS COXKIIOIEI). LOSES $10,000 HALF BREED LEAVES BLOODY TRAIL JEW Dispatches to San lYnnc'ro Couilrni KelH'l Victory. (By Atiociatcd Pre a to Coos Day Times. J SAN FHANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 21. A cable dispatch from Shnnghal to the local Chinese paper conllrms tho report of the defeat of Admiral Shah ho was In commnnd of tho Imperial larshlpg In the attack on Hankow. Shah Is said to hnvo retired to Kill Klang with his disabled vessels, ex cepting the one which was sunk. Over n million Inhabitants of Wit Chung nnd Hankow aro snld to hnvo cut their queues In nccordnnco with the proclamation issued by tho rebel authorities. Daughter-in-Law of Vice-President Fairbanks Robbed on Train. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Rr.y Times) CHICAGO, III., Oct. 21. Mrs. Warren Fairbanks, a Chicago social leader and wlfo of tho son of former Vice-President Fairbanks, reported to the police today thnt a bag con taining Jewels worth $10,000 was taken from her Pullmnn car en route from Boston to Chicago a week ago. IRE RAIN IN PHILADELPHIA Kills Two California Women and Wounds Boy Before He Is Shot Down Angry at White Girl. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times) OROV1LLE, Cnl., Oct. 21. In an InMino fury over the refusal of his LITTELL MILL BURNED TODAY Plant of Chehalis Lumber Com pany Destroyed With $200,000 Loss. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHEHALIS, Wash., Oct. 21. Tho plant of tho Chchnlls Lumber 'com pany at Llttoll, four miles from hero, was destroyed by lire early today. Tho loss mny reach $200,000. Tho ori gin of tho 11 ro hnB not been determined. XOVLL XAVAL OHDEHS How rnglMi Olllcers Instruct Turk- Mi Sailors (Djf Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) LONDON, Oct. 21. Tho discussion Incident to the present unpleasantness ieen Italy nnd Turkey of tho un Preparedness of Turkey's lleet hns re talied an iinusunl dllllculty exper ienced by the founders of tho origin- i woman .nvy. iJA"? vvcro '"'"Pored by tho fact Mt there wero no words In tho Tur- ": wnnry for the various ropes "'alls of the warships of that day. i ingenious oflleor solved tho prob b by tys ,i(Torent vegetables to 'tetarloiis ropes and spars of tho rlg W, i ami the sailors received orders tot,;;??1 l" loninto!" "Lot go tho fc -!"!U1 n mo,' for"'n vocnbu ur' could ho supplied. hi ... i U118 Procedure-wns, it was uJSliLnn,ovn,,,11' na u wn8 exactly I PortnVi """Pieii ' Almeida, tho l''lURUeso nil in ,-ni ...i .1, . . ano wna outfitting n n i.. rt " ..vvi. lift JUOV World's Series Game Has to Be Postponed Again on Ac count of Weather. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 21. Ilaln again today caused n postpone ment or tlio fourth of tho World's Series games. As Sunday bnsebnll is tabooed in Philadelphia, tho next gamo cannot be plnyed before Monday COAST LEAGUE HA Mi SCORES BANDITS KILL 11 2 whlto swethcart to return to him, Ed ward Williams, a half-breed Indian, shot nnd killed Inez Drooks, tho young girl, and Mrs. Llllle A. Mul len, her friend, nnd Berlously wound ed William Mullen, a boy, before ho himself was shot by D. J. Mullen, the head of the house, In n running duel. Williams is In the county Jail nnd has n smnll chance of recovery. i no giiojiung occurred InBt ovenlng, MANY HURT IN E Over 100 Killed or Injured In Explosion In Shaft In Sicily. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) PALERMO, Sicily, Oct. 21. In an explosion in n mine nt Trabonella, one hundred are reported to have been killed or injured. Dut few details hnvc'beon received. M DISASTER LOCAL WOMAN DNORC E REV. RIGRESDN HELD IN JAIL TO ANSWER FOR GIRL'S DEATH SAYS AUTHOR IS ' BAD HUSBAND Mrs. Booth Tarkington Begins Suit For Divorce In Indiana polis Today. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 21. Mrs. Dooth Tnrklngton, wlfo of tho novelist and playwright, today filed BUlt for divorce in tho superior court of this county. Sho charges cruelty and asks the custody of their five-year-old child. W (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 21. With the pennnnt race over, but little in terest Is taken in the concluding games of the Coast League season which will end next Sundny. Yes terdny's games resulted as follows: At San Francisco R II San Francisco 12 0 Portland 1 10 At I-os Angeles R II Los Angeles 9 14 Vernon 2 8 At Sacramento R II Sacramento 7 7 Oakland ; 4 7 'FROM GERMANY TO MOS BAY Norton & Hansen Receive First Toy Shipment Direct From Factory. ..i - w inn it hilt it iinnr mr iiinr i ' a descent on tho Turkish enionv For tho first tlmo In tho history of c Trl li "e ns t,l I,nII""B """lo Cooa cami' " Iocnl b"8'"088 house Three Masked Men Rob Saloon at Graysville, III., After Fatal Shooting, a (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CARMI, III., Oct. 21. Three mask ed men entered tho saloon of John A. Schnlch nt Graysville, eight miles from here, shot nnd killed Schnlch and founded his brother. Andrew. robbed the cash register early today nnd escaped. NO REQUEST TO BRIDGE THE BAY Southern Pacific Has Not Re newed Its Petition For That Purpose Yet. COOS HAY RAILROAD SITUATION IX RRIEP Oh for n Sherlock Holmes to ferret out tho moves or tho re- puted moves In tho Coos Day railroad situation! Only a Sherlock HdTmes Mrs. Peter Scott Jr., Begins Action For Separation Husband Away. COQUILLE, Ore., Oct. 21. Through her attorneys. Peck nnd iPeck, Mrs. Augusta C. Scott of Marshfleld has begun suit 'for di vorce from Peter Scott Jr. She nlso sues for a half interest in tho ono third interest of her husband in n pnrcel of Marshfleld property which ho owns with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Scott Sr. The enso will come up for trial at tho December term of court. T POINT BEATS YALE Army Football Team Defeats Varsity TodayOther Football Scores. Little News Develops In Sensa tional Massachusetts Murder Case. HEARING IS SET FOR WEDDING DATE HUXtt IX EFFIGY. Minister's Declaration to Friends of Manner of Deatli As Evidence. (Dy Associated Press.) IIYANN1S, Mass., Oct. 21. Rev. Clarence V. T. Rlchcson was hung In effigy today on tho limb of a tall elm In the yard of tho Daptlst church hero of which Rlchcson wnB formerly pastor. On the board nailed to tho foot of tho treo wero painted these words: "Guilty, read Luke 17-2." Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Das; Times.) DOSTON, Mass., Oct. 21. liar. Rlchcson, pastor of tho Inimanuel Dnptlst church of Cambridge awoko- today somewhat refreshed for tho hot ginning of this first full day hi tlio county Jail where ho will remain un til October 31, the date which had been sot for his marriage to Misa Vio let EdmondH, daughter of Moses. Grant Edmonds, a wealthy resident of tho Chestnut Hill section of li'.ookllne. Instead of being mar- ALLIANCE IN AND OUT TODAY MARSH FIELD WINS FROM MYUTLE POINT rln.t tln.l ,lnv h,l,. will n.....,. (Special to Tho Times.) (,, court on the chargo of mnrdorluK .his former sweetheart, Miss Avla Lin- 'noil, n student nt tho Now Enirlnnd.. football team defeated Myrtlo onngnrvntorv of innate, nml n Riimlnv MYRTLE POINT. Ore.. Oct 21 Tho Marshfleld Illnh school Point hero this afternoon by n score of flvoto nothing. The game'TVus" fiercely contested throughout. (By Associated Press to Coos Da; Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 21. Tho final scores In tho big eastern foot ball games today wero: Navy, 0; Princeton, 0. Drown, G; Pennsylvania, 0. Army, C; Ynle, 0. t school teacher at Tremont tomplo. ItOYAIi COUPLE WEDS. liny Steamship Arrives In From Eu ' reka and Sails For Portland. Ai-clulnke of Auxtr.'n Married Vienna Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Times.) VIENNA. Austria. Oct. 21. Arch duke Karl Franz Joseph and Princess ttlta of Parma were married today. a vat ti. i . . - .. Itath . ul'KHMnR or tho six l,; century. i,j Portucnl still to..... .. navY "'"I tho Portuciioso has recolved n shipment of goods di rect from Nuremberg. Germnny, whoro tho Christmas toys como from. Tiiiitniliii1 inva linvik lionn nil tlin PnnR W.m ?nillevollJ of nnvnl torms.lDny market before but they nl- U.t .( "" not daiint IIia ..,.. . i,c,i l, ,...., I, nnc ,WM of mh ' "i1'1, J'n,,BlnB upljohblng houses, but Norton & Han KrtndstarlVnnr,i I' ,"lons 0, "J0! son went direct to headquarters and riluihu. . ."""""' icaiieciivuir Itilnxnil mm nt 1ia lnriroat nrilnrs fnr r.,0''fiV'lleoT'-oVhJ toys over given by n oCos Day busl- ncss house. Tho first installment of this largo purchnso arrived on tho Dreakwnter this weok. They were packed In tho original shipping eases Just ns they loft tho toy factory In Germnny. This shipment mnrks tho growth In vol iwdi.u ' "'"on -" commanded. tho helm, "wisis i:. ii. f,sh. l!j hVa... Hi mid family novo moved 1 l.- . ' ",rifteid. !,;.: a.:." "",l' lth .. : ' ''" 18 con r' Pui. i. "'" "rauiey Candy Co could do It for n whojo lot of peoplo on Coos Day wlio think they nro on tho "inside" nre found by tho developments in twenty-four hours to be away on tho "outside." Foretelling tho moves of tho master chesB or checker player Is child's play beside trying to lineup tho moves and reputed moves on tho Coos Day rallrond mnp. The Alliance arrived In this morn ing from Eureka and sailed shortly after noon for Portland. Sho had n good cargo of through freight and a largo through passenger list from Eurekn. Among those nrrlvlng hero from Eureka on tho Alliance were: Geo. Thomas, Theo. Drndley, R R. Rihnnfla T? f Ilrniinni. w tr .Hunt. Ron. Tlmrnu-nll t Tl Pnri' nml ,M. D. Dolnney. Among thoso sailing on tho Alll- . nilCO from lioro vrn .T. R. Tlinmiinn , "" " -..--, .ire. r. jonnson, .Mrs. j'nui iiiiistrom, T. Richards. Fred Holllstor, C. L. Adams, C. II. Rrakemnn, II. Todd, Mrs. A. W. Young. SAY REYNOLDS MIbh.AvIb Llunoll died after taking; unknowlnuly cyanide of notnssluiu to- relievo an embarrassing physical con dition. Tho pollcolnvestlgatlon oC the case continues. ltsjs learned that on the night Miss LlnnoU died, tho minister dined nt tho hoiuaaX-. friends nnd suddenly throw himauir on n couch and exclaimed, that lur had lost a dear friend and. that say hnd died of convulsions, Tho palta wish to know how the minister laiaw this friend died of convulsions. The police have Information (fiat somo one visited tho rooms In Cam- lirlilirx orniniloil liv Itnv. IMi'lnnnii. 1,1 (and vnrlous articles wero removed; lo fore the police could search thorn. Rlcheson this afternoon rcaiiyiod tho pastorate of tho Inimanuel church. Moses G, Edmonds, fathur of Rlcheson'u tlnuceo, called on him in Jail this afternoon nud had a long talk with tho prlsouor. Edmondu re iterated his belief hi tho innoceuco of tho prisoner. Thnt tho reports circulated at North Demi that the Southern Pacific has nlready secured permission to bridge tho Day nro without founda tion Is evldonced by a letter Just re ceived by Wm. E. Hommo of Coos ton. Mr. Hommo, when he heard the NORTH DEXD NEWS R. A. Wernlch nnd wife nnd baby are spending Sunday nt the TsllCoos Gun Club. Report In Circulation That Cap- ' tain of Naval Militia Has Retired. According to n report In circula tion lioro today, J. J. Reynolds has tendered his resignation as cantnln of tho Oregon Naval Militia to Gov. JUDGE (JROHSCL'P HAS RESIGNED POSITION (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO. III., Oct. 21. Judge Poter S. Grosscup of tho United States circuit court, to- day forwarded hla roslgnntlon to Presldont Taft. He askod for It - to heroine effect I vo next Monduy - DEATH AT DANDOX. Judge G. W. Ren died at his homo In this city Wednesday night, nftor a lingering Illness. Judgo Ren was E. R. llodson of Marshfleld was n North Bend business visitor 'yesterday. Miss Lillian McCann nnd Miss Er- Pui. I " rn( ey Candy Co. iD,"''",v-"1 '""'" " o " - rGnort ,lonl)to(l It hut tn ninko sire """" ""'' " '"B r "J h, for numbor of yenS u,no nml importance of retail Kdlatoh- wrote to the War De n,a Ho,,BOn were Kest8 nt the R' L ff eZ:V,ith0 shlnment to J ' at wSn oIM"'1 ra8h hm ,n Ea8,B'a 7nt9" resiBne,i his nositinn nnmn I" speaking of this shipment to a. t . , . ','. West to bo offectlvo ns snon n thn.horii in Pittsburg, Pn., October 7, chief executive, who is in command lsa9' nml (ll0(1 nl Handon, Oro., Oc of tho Nnvnl Militia, wishes It . tober 18, 1911. aged 72 yours and C.nni Ttovnnlila wl.m, Cnon ImW H !" He Was U VOtOriUl Of tllO- nbout It, was very reticent and In fact c,vl' w'"r ,,nv,nB unlUtoa In Fobrua EA I . " nn - . -" -.v iuoiiui niiii P in. Z Bne'l 1,,a Position somo Flrt , , ,tn tho Bradloy Co. ti In nl il,""' "avo many !!fctoL,,"'Vvno Kt very u thi, ... "w" 've our city, but "m iiiorti . .ti . . k fc -wn ei .111 tlinln le-: Dando now Times' reported Warner Ogren said that it was tho iragest ship ment of toys ever recolved here. It embraces all tho very latest European novelties, tho samo as will bo shown in New York nnd tho eastern cities. It includes the latest fashions in dolls, lions as largo as cub hears, big elophnnts and in fact everything that will inter est and delight tho little folks who n Recordor. S,,RAI, SERVICES LJ.OUng Ponnln. . in nu --iij n .-Mininrino rr h Jance Siinrtn nn,ns for a ,nrB aro already beginning to dream of iV. hurcheq evening nt tho Santa. Onus' visit and whnl ho will i and narMninoV . nromPu .bring In his flying machine and by 'or forty.flvo ml t a Uvolytno wa' thore nre a nrabor of y,ng iiiuciiiuua iiiuiuueu in iiuii oiiiikiiuki. ITm.- S.v ttenMon given tn nriT r ftoni : .fiUf UATEnSLlSS Art goods, artists' supplies, pictured framing Walker Studio. is from Major Jay Morrow, in charge . nt tlir. fnl'flrnitiftnl nnflnnnrn In thla I district, self-explanatory and Is as I NeU. Hanks has purchased a lot follows- I nenr tho Dr. Dartle homo and Is nr- "In ronlv to vour letter of Sentem-1 FP8. ? b'!d ft flno bungalow on her 27, 1911, to tho Secretary War, this office Is requested to it. rm.t , l.. . a i . ii. jinn nun kivuu rmu 10 ruiuurs rei- Ul nil.. a n .l. .-.! .1 v. -n .. ,iiu iu iiiu lumiiiuiwuii oi .iir. uuiiKS linnhplnro rlnra form you that no application for the! ' in- crossing of Coos Day has been filed with tho department. A fow years ago, tho Southern Pacific railway sub mitted n plan of a crossing near North Rend but it was withdrawn be fore any action was taken on It." Many believe that for the tlmo be ing nt least the Southern Pacific will Miss Delia Droulllard will sing to morrow night at tho Presbyterian church. Miss Droulllard, who has n well-trained soprano voice, Is known as ono of tho leading vocallsU of Charles City, Iowa. ONE and HALF CENT per POUXD use u lorry m crowing ilia vuy, u t, POTATOES by the sack. AXOXA cross from North Inlet to Pony Inlet. Pnfin annnvnv -'.' (Continued on page 10) refused to discuss It. Ho said that it was n matter that should and could only como through Gov. West's olllco nnd it wns not his place to olther af firm or deny It until tho announce ment of Gov West was received It Is understood that Capt.. .Rey nolds has felt that his private Inter ests would not permit him to give tho tlmo to tho position that ho felt it should receive. If ho has resigned, It Is posslblo thnt Gov. West may hnvo his suc cessor chosen by the men nt the elec tion which has been cnlled for No vember C to fill somo other vacan cies In the organization. ry, ltCB, and was discharged In July of tho samo year. Judgo Ron ban been a resident of Dandon for two or threo years. Dandon Recordor. COOS COUXTV lllRTHS. Photo supplies and finlshing ker Studio. -Wal- Dorn To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cun ningham, October 19, 1911, a daughter. Dorn To Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bar ker of Coqulllo, October 17, 1911, a girl. Mother and child nro doing: nicely. Dorn To Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. D. Morfe nt Dorkolqy, Cnl., October 7. 1911, a daughter. Mrs. Morso la woll-known here as tho daughter of Captain and Mrs. C. II. Dutlor. Cu qu'llo Sentlnol. Rand dnnco EAGLES' lI.VLCi.nuxt Tho ono host bet In the baseball SATURDAY NIGHT. situation Is that several Coos Day fans will get new hats without pay- ,.0TATOES 1 M cents pomitT ly ing ror tnerm t,;o gack ANOXA Cafm jrO0FJV. WHEAT $35 per TON at HAINES' Have your Job printing dona ai Che Times office. It you have anything to uir era do rent or want help, try h nt u I fl .'I