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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. 2 i I 1 (I? m I & tf COOS BAYT1MES M. O. MALOXEY Editor and Pub. OAX K. JIALOXHY News Editor Entered at tho poatomce at Maran fiold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second class mnll matter. mm c i a"lp ap k iVb f tTuTIjit y UK MAHSIIITELD. Olllclnl Paper of Coos County Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. fni-slillc)d :: :: :i s: Oregon Uodlcated tQj tho sorvlco of tho yeonlo, that no good causa shall lack! a. champion, and that evt' shall not thrlvo unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. One yenr $6.00 Fur month 60 WEEKLY. One year ?l.b0 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription, price of tho Coos Day Times is $5.00 lHr year or $2.50 for lx months. Au Independent Republican news pnpor publlshea ovory evening oxcept Sunday, and Weekly by The Coos liny Times PuhllsliliiK Co. TOO MITI! liOLI). A LEARNED professor has re cently predicted before a body of eminent British Htudonts tlmt tho cumliiK three yoni-H will bo innrkeil by strikes, labor wars nnil -violence, beeauso since 18SK5 tho cost f iK'lnir Ihih been steadily rlsliiK, whcreim before that time tho cost of living had been going down. It Is rather significant thnt tho yenr 189G should bo selected from which to dato an Inllntlon of prices, luo to un enormous Inllntlun of tho money supply, but such Is the Irony .of statistics. Tho professor nyM: Tho enormous output of gold In recent yonrs has upset tho bul--nnco of irlces and tho world has not yet shaken ItBolf down to a true adjustment. f It should prove true that wo nro entering upon u period of unrest rind tllBturbunce which can be traced di rectly to tho gold supply, and that In thlB period somebody should arise to .suggest n change from gold on tho ground that there Is too much of It, -wo should have the money Issue In ii now and Interesting form. Thero has been more than nno hint of n crusade against tho gold stand ard on tho part of those who were most IusIh out on adopting It. PUBLIC MORALS. TACOMA. It now appears likely, Is to have a public morals commis sion. Some or tho persons ten tatively named for membership have indicated that they are prepared to iii-rant the task with wide-open eyes, oyes that see the needs of tl-o young peopjo, us well as the errors young lieoplo fall Into. Expressions from these probable "commissioners," printed In the past few days, are en couraging for this reason: Almost without exception the women quoted lmvo spoken of the necessity for find lug a proper and yet attractive outlet for youthful energy: none has seem d to concern herself with providing additional apron s-rings, municipal or family, to restrict this youthful unergy. It Is possible that tie commls-dou can go u long way toward making Tn coma's morals public, which should bo tho real aim, though not to be hoped for In the lifetime of one or Kovorul sets of commissioner. Make the public's morals public. This will t-ome about only when stealth has lieeu supplanted by openness, when young folks can iiuhmuIiIo us a mat ter of course nnd not as a matter of .-ondemued plcnmire-iteekluK. "Tho trouble with us." said Mayor Sejmour at a uuent ufternoon's meeting, "as with all o-hur communi ties, Is that we can get $iu.miu to help cure a bad condition, but we enn't get $l fop prevention." A positive constructive program on l)io part of the proponed public mo rals commission will more than jus tify Its existence. In spite of the bad sound of Its name. One of the iiioin fears, by tho way, has suggested that the word "welfuio" be substituted for "morals," which Is good constructive effort at the very outlet. a social center. THK sohool as a social center, now being discussed with fresh vigor, Is an old subject- That Is. In a way. It Is old. In another way it is not- The rural or village school of twenty or thirty years ago used to toe u social center In tho broadest sir-use of tho term. Our mothers and thu1 ' jff JiUHiCft ' grandmothers went thero to singing bchool and spelling matches and our fnthers and grandfathers went nlso. They went together, the old tlmo boys and girls, or. If they didn't go oget.ei. they came homo that way. T'-.i'i-e were all kinds of social diver sions at the little red school houses of our forefathers. With the growth of a largo and complex social nnd educational sys tem, we have naturally outgrown this neighborhood habit of making die school a place whore a wide- di versity of Interests Is fostored. But there is now developing In our cities a commendable tendency to use school buildings and property for tho Improvement of tho social life of the community. Writing In tho American Review of Reviews, Mnry Josephine .Mayer calls attention to a great variety of uses to which the long-closed school houses mny bo put. Hero It Is that wholesome piny may be substituted for tho harmful recrentlons which young people pick up on tho streets. Tho article tells of tho successful formation of boys' athletic clubs, of literary societies for women, dnnclnir clubs for boys nnd girls nnd social nnd civic organizations where men and women mny meet and discuss Inter ests which are vital to themselves. As the author says, "Districts where home life Is eliminated and wholesome recreation unprovided nro ""ding-grounds for reformatories and prisons. And to look at It from tho standpoint of tho hnrd-headed tnxpuer. prisons and reformatories cost more than playgrounds." This Is Intelligent reform nnd tho Held for activity Ib practically unlim ited. It does little good to close dance halls and lock up Incorrigible boys If nothing Is done to provide snfc and attractive amusement for tho young peoplo whoso nntural energies are demanding recrentlon. Tho "gang" of boy toughs nnd tho crowds of girls who attend public dnnco halls are usually those who would mice hnve welcomed better entertainment If It were offered. The public school, with Its liberalizing spirit of educa tion, ought to furnish this recreation without danger of corruption or nar row Indlscrotlon. : WITH the : : toast and tea : A GOOD EVENING. That which will mako tho colebrlty In the futnro of all of us who nro occupied with art, will not bo our cleverness, but perhaps a llttlo ray of Indlvldu- allty. You will bo nothing It you Imitate another, be ho ovor so great; you will bo some ono, oven tho humblest of you, If you are truo. Cnrolus Durnn. Why Is It thnt rupld doesn't got married and settle down. A pessimist Is a boy who sits on tho bank watching the optimist swim. Nat Goodwin realizes thoro will bo pretty women left after ho is forgot ten. Poverty has probnbly kopt many people from being killed In auto ac cidents. Another of Lillian Russell's beauty hints; "Keep uu yo on your pro llle." Next she may be advising tho women to keep an eye on their back hair. Cooi Hay pessimists could learn n lesson from Sis Hopkins, who In tho course nf the piny tells an Inquisitive and bothersome neighbor that her father never troubles trouble until trouble troubles him. An exchange contains tho follow ing ndvertUement- "Miss Jones, tho Lou--: Hollow school teacher, who Is "RUNAWAY LEOPARD" NO FAKE! A real live leopard runs nwny ami cause considerable havoc In a milli nery More and affords n means for continuous lauhgter at tho Orpbeum Theater TONIGHT! "CHRYSANTHEMUMS" Is a bonu tlful coloied production, and the "TOTEM .MARK" a decidedly excit ing Indian story Including mnuy beau tiful water scenes for tho background. All three of the above plctuios nro on the program tonight at the popu lar house of tho photoplay and prom ise to make up un extremely strong and Interesting bill. Olympic Flour Highest Quality to tench In district NO. 4,' wants a' place to board." It would; seem as If Miss Jones should hnve a pretty fair appetite. I When a woman tries to Improve upon a pretty complexion every ono knows It. Kven the artist can not improve upon the colors nnd tints of nature. This Is tho time of year when spo clal food, scientific handling and ex treme kindness are necessary In coax ing biddy to lay an egg a day, ac cording to Mayor Jordan of Kastslde, who is an authority on egg produc tion. when Tin-: uostf acts hack. Engine broke down and tho -train off the track It all comes right when tho boss gots , bnck! . I Trouble nnd work with keeping straight Hurrah for n rest when his hand's at the gntel Things looking gloomy nnd some thing gone wrong The bright light again when be comes with a song! Orders not cheering and trndo slow ing down Things will pick up when the boss gets to town! Mill out of order nnd output dolny- od Hobs will set right each mistake that we've made! Hold up tho courage, nnd don't be put out . The boss Is tho fellow knows whnt he's about I Things not agreeing and nil sorts of well He'll llx It all right with the touch of his spell! Don't mind the knocking, but laugh at each whack It all comes right when the boss gots back! THK DREAMER. Hencnth tho 11 g trco's boughs ho snt, and drenmed of somo fair place, where never heartless plutocrat can grind the poor man's face; his vision placed beforo his eyes a region fair and good, nnd while his spirit roam cd the skies, his wife wns splitting wood. The dreamer gets somo line bouquets from poets nnd their kind, who picture him ns ono who lays up trensures In his mind. Hut when It comos to old brass tacks, I llko that pilgrim best who sheds his coat nnd takes tho nxo, nnd gives his wife n rest. I llko tho man who's wldo owako until ho goes to bod, who hus tles In tho mart to mako tho prlco of prunes nnd brend. Thnt man Is hardly worth IiIb cheese who loafs tho hours nwny, and basks on downy beds of ease whllo others halo their hay; and if he lets tho hausfrau sweat in soap and suds, nnd steam, whllo he proceeds to plrnuetto In cloudlnnd, on n dream, ho Is so punk that somo ono nenr shouldglvo tho knock-out punch; for men llko thnt nro mighty dear at ono kopeck tho bunch. WAIr MASON. NOW Is tho TIME to see HAINES for Hour nnd FEED. "COOKING is a More Im portant Factor of HAPPI NESS than the Fine Arts," Says Dr, Wiley, Chief of the United States Bureau of Chemistry. Dr, Wilay is one of the greatest authorities on tho preparation of food, And Dr, Wiley has heart ily endorsed the GAS RANGE. Cooking with gas is the scientific way, Besides being the scienti fic way, it' is the CHEAP EST WAY and the EASI EST for the cook, Madame, our New Busi ness Department is ready to give you the prices, facts and figures, to con vince your husband, It costs you nothing to investigate. Call us up today and men tion this advertisement, Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178, miners op bandon. News of Clty-by-Hie-Scn ns Told by Tho Koeordcr. Our honorable mayor, J. W. Mast, Is at Coqullle today enjoying a birth day dinner given In his honor nt the home of his brother, Rubo Mast. Our Informant did not say how many birthdays James has passed, so we will bo compelled to pass that infor mation up. Cnpt. 0. When, cooperative ob server, reports tho rnlnfnll for tho month of September us 2.2-1 Inches, days clear 13, days rainy and cloudy nnd part cloudy, 17. Tho rainfall for the corresponding month last year was .12 Inch, making a difference of 2.12 Inches more this year than last. Messrs. Peters and Hnlpln who were In Handon Inst spring looking Itiix Hi oltnntlnn with the view of establishing a night business school, hnvo returned nnd will open up their school In the old school building. MASQUERADE nt LlimY has NOT been POSTPONED but will bo held SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 1 I. Don't forget tho Turkish BathB. I'HONE 211-J. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have AlAVAYS USUI). PHONE 73 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. A TURKISH HATH will do you GOOD. Phono 2H-J. James C. Dtililiiitin, "Con boy" Mayor of Omiiliii, "Throws the Lnrlut" Mayor Jas. C. Dahlmnn started his enreor as a cowboy, and Is nt pre sent Mayor of Omaha, and has tho following record. Sheriff of Dawes Co., Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron. two tcrniB; Democratic Nnfl Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years, and In 1010 Candidate for Governor of Neb raska. Writing to Foley & Co.. Chi cago, ho snys: "I hnvo taken Foley Kidney Pills and they havo given me a great deal of relief so I cheer fully recommond them." Yours truly, fsl-'iiod JAMES C. DAHLMAN. cn A Xgood jr cup vn. 1 .JT.X. CQEFBB r """5) ICU CRKAM HOT DRINKS Buy Your Meats at tho UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. STATKMKNT OF CONDITION Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank of MARSHITKLD, ORIXJON At Hie close of business September Jbt, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $397,393.93 Ranking Houso GO, 000. 00 Cash and Exchanges 141.5-IG.53 Total $588,010.10 Llabllltles Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 54.U35.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Total $588,0 10. 10 CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS HAY At tho Closo of Huslness, September 1, 1011, Resources. Loans and Discounts , , $209, 719. G2 Bonds and warrants , 88,852.40 U. S. Bonds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Real vstate, furniture nnd fixtures ,. , 81,472.94 Cjudi nnd sight exchange 100,031.00 Total resources $803,070,03 Liabilities. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. Circulation IK'noslts Total liabilities $303,070.03 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsey Kreltzor, Cashier; John F. Hall, John S. Coke, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas, F. 8. Dow, Win, Grimes, W. P. Murphy. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. Wo want fresh snlmon and nro prepared- to pay tho highest ca-h price for thorn. For further parti culars see C Q. HOCKETT, Umpire-City, oi GEO. 1 SMITH Coos Rivor. Coos Bay Investments 1,500 feet degp wnterfront. Sultnblo grounds for factory or sawmills Special Haigaln Huslness corner nenr depot 50x100 $3,300 Fine locnted bungnlow, closo In and splendid neighborhood 82,200 Nice modern seven-room houso 50x112 In Forndalc, fronting county road $3,500 Good Coos River Dairy ranch, 130 acres, well Improved, with stock and Implements. Good Jenns $13,300 Acreage In tracts to suit In cluding some splendid platting propositions. Coqullle Valley Rnnch, on rail road, consisting of CO ncres, 25 ncres In cultivation, re mainder slnshed and splendid laud If cleared. Prlco $3,300 ($2,000 cash balanco 5 yenrs.) 21 lots within one block of do pot. SHOO Karb 1-3 Until, bnl nnco In one nnd two yenrs nt (K'c 100 Acres within 3 miles of Marshllold. Land lays good and all underlaid with coal.. $35 per acre Must bo scenjo appreciate. HOME REALTY COMPANY Telephone 10D-R Successor to Homo Land Co. Murxhllcld, Ore. Any Information regarding Coos Hoy Investments will bo gladly sub mitted. Thnt's what wo nro prepar ing to Bi'rvo nt our fountain. An elegant and sclentlllc new coffee lllter Is being In-' stalled and In a dny or two wo will bo propared to serve the finest cup of coffee In the city at our fountain. Wo will also servo sand wiches so that when you want a nlco light lunch, something out of tho ordinary, drop In at Lewis' Confectionery HROADWAV NORTH COFI'lIi: SANDWICH KS. 'Phone 58 , 6.88G.26 133,100.00 1 Public Stenographer All Wprk Confidential Phone No. 162 No. Bronzy Unique Pantatorium DYKING, CLi:ANIN, I'RFSSivn AND IIKI'AIIUNO ALL KI.V)S n?, HAT WORK. " 01 2 5(5 Central avenue Phono 2B0X imoo ty I'lAlitiOR. A now Btock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J IIAVK YOU CALLKI) AT Till: Xi;y Marshfield Cash Market PI I ON 1-3 Ulil-.l A Full Lino of rin:sH and .mkats axd POULTRY. I will carry only tho most health fill nnd wholesome nients which will be sold at reasonable prices. Olvo mo n trial order. II. I-'OURIICR, Proprietor. WANTED!!! CARPHTS UPHOLSTKRINfl AND PIANOS TO I'liKA.V, by tho Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken nt (U)INO IIARVRY PI I OX K 11)0 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PROf : C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 461 North Bat rK. i:. r. winklkr, " Niitiit-opiitli and Chiropractor. All chronic dlsoases treated. Consul tation free. Olllco hours: 9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 and 0 to 8 p. m. Naturopath Institute Room No. 1. No. 13G Urondway, Marshllold, Ore. rU. C. W. LICSLIK, Osteopathic Phyolclun Uraduate of tho Amerhan school ot Osteopathy nt Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 101-J; Marshllold; O:egon. J W. IIUNNHTT, Lawyer. Oflleo over Flanugan & Dennett Dank larshflold Oregon D R. J. T. McCOKMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. JHlco: Locklmt Building, opposite Post O.Hte. Phono 105-J rR A. C. IIURROUGHS, - Sclentlllc MntsnKlst, Treats nil dlsenses Oince, corner Second nnd Contra! Avenue. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. DR. A. .1. HKNDRY'S Sloileiu Dental Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do high class work on short notlco nt the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lndy attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotol. DR. II. H. .MOORE, Chiropractor Chronic Dlsenses n Specialty 203 Coos IlldB Pnolle S1 Olllco hours 1 to 5. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drlvora are now at tthe dis posal of the Coos Bay public at KEASONAHLE KATES Rigs or rigs with drivors ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special ocommo datlons provided for funoral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 8131 Prof. A. Richards A GRADUATING TEACHER Pupil of Carl Christenson, the well known New York Swedish concert pianist, will take a limited number ot students for prlvato lessons. Applicants call at Studio, Sengs- tacken Bldg., ISO Broadway.