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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1911)
A MAN IS NEVER WISE UNTIL HE HAS BEEN foOLISll! OVER AT LEAST ONE WOMAN A Little "Cnmpnlgn" Of WANT ADVERTISING in Tlio TIMES Will Put Vour Heal Estate "in llio Market" Ef f c c 1 1 v c 1 y ! It will put tho facts nbout your property beforo the eyes of nil "pos sible buyers" lu town. And If there's one of them who ought to own It, you'll sell ltl (toa lag 3fatt0 WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Keep the Income from Your Furnished Hooms from Lapsing! YOU enn renlly help tho fainllr revenues by renting n fow furnished rooms nnil. If you know how and when to ubc tic clnssllled columns. you niny keep Hint ll'tto extrn Income I MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED ns "steady ns n clock." fc. VOL XXXV Established In 1878 m Tho Const Mali MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mnil mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 77 SUMNER AND VOLGKMAN PLEASED WITH OUTLOOK FOR RAILWAY VICE-PRESIDENT or PACIFIC COAST STILL HOPES TO START ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. ATTEMPT TO BLOCK LINE RUMORED RUT IS DENIED ENGINEER SUMNER DISCOUNTS REPORT THAT VISIT OF REPRE SENTATIVES IS ON ACCOUNT. KU.MUIl IM IU'..II,I. A report In circulation hero m----- today was that the visit of Mr. Volckmnn nt this time wns to mnko n personnl report to tho foreign syndicate bncklng the project. It wns clnlmcd that some rlvnl line, presuiunbly the Southern Pnclllc, had ondoavor- ed to block the llnnnclng or tlio road Mr. Sumner represents nnd 08 a result of this, tho for- elgn capitalists had scut Mr. Volckmnn to personally Invos- tlgnto It for them. Vlco-presl- dent Sumner or Mr. Volckmnn could not bo seen about this re- port but Engineer Sumner said thnt he did not believe that there was anything to It, i -i . ... ,.,.... i,i .,. .., Declaring that ovcryth lug was lro - grossing most satisfactorily and that lie still hnd hopes of being nble to1 itnrt nctual construction this fnll nnd possibly to prosecute tho tunnel work throughout tho winter, Vice president H. A. Sumner of tho Pnct nc Const Lino and Pnclllc Grent West-, em who nrrlved hero yesterdny wl.h ' 0. W. Volekmnn, personnl reprcscn-, tntlve of tho English and French cnpl tallsts who nro bncklng the project,, wns enthusiastic over the sltuntlon. However, he wns reticent rolntlvo to . the plans of the company and said thnt ho hnd "nothing new" to BivoarrQ Number Pay Last Trib- out. u J "I do not enro to tnlk for publlcn- n MGmorv of Heni'V tlon," remarked Mr. Sumner when ML IU IVIUIIUiy Ul nuny teen nt The Chnndler lust evening. Pnnlnniirt Tnflav "We nro not soiling nny Block In tho L-Ulliuyu. luuay. rond and nro not asking for nnythlng. wth of fren(,8 from nU Hesldes, I have been Informed thnt , . ,i, activity on our pnrt or nnyono else over Coos county In attendance, tho lends to Ims.en the-Southern Pnclflc's funernl of Henry Conlogue wns held Activities nnd ns wo do not enro to from tho Mnrshlleld Catholic church man them, It perhaps would bo best at 9 o'clock this morning. Tho llornl to sny nothing." tributes were numerous nnd benutl- .Mr. Voickiuan wns not very com- ful. Tho services were conducted by munlentlvo. He Ib decidedly English the Itev. Father Munro. in his dies, manner nnd tnlk. Hoi The pnll-bearers woro nearly nil was enthuslnbtlu over tho Immense old friends of the decensed, coming ttnnd of timber they hud seen In from Wnyno nnd Potter counties. Pa., coming over tho route from Eugene where ho formerly resided. All or to lioreiice nnd thence down tho them nro now residents of Coos const, nnd of tho fertile valleys and county. They were Jud Fltz. Clins the cllmntic conditions. O'Ncil, Peter Tully nnd Russell Mll- 1 wns In Cubn n fow weeks ago. wlu re it wns hit ensely hot nnd then! nnd Dnn Conlogue and John H. Con to Canada where it logue, formerly of Potter county, Pa. wtnt northwnrd was quite co.d so 1 can appreciate tho Kputb.e ellmu.o here," remarked Mr. VoliMunn. "The stand ot timber Was Wiillflorfiil nii.l lli.i iirmllli'tlVO- e?s of vnlloya wnou tho timber, Llfo and the Mutual I.lfo Insurance lfc gone 1 am told is equally remark- companies. Tho logging business in abie It is n great country. This Is which ho was Interested will bo enr the tlrht time 1 hnve visited this sec- rlcd on by his brother, J. i. con tain. 1 have visited Canada number logue. ,,,, of times nnd been out along the Conn- Uesldes the wlfo and two children, dliin railways nnd the extensions of. Mr. Conloguo Is survived u two the railways thoro. Tho people of' brothers In Coos county, J. T. Conlo- n . . . . . .i nmi frilrw-nA- mill Ills lnr ur. voicKiuun snld mat no nopeu i ... ""-. - - - to visit this section again soon. Ho 'all at tho old homo nt Whites Vnl lms to bo In Now York the latter part ' ley- P"- . . . ... of October and will probably return I uuuiy iviuiu from there to London. He and Mr. I Riimo. ...mi , .i.. t i,....-iin Saury for Portland Iconloguo and Dnn Conloguo. and Pe- Ye-terday was spent In visiting tho' tor Tully also reside In Coos county. North Uend mills nnd fnctories, and) today Mr. Sumner and Mr. Volckmnn ' Potato Market. Tho potato mar will visit the Smith mills nnd plants ' ket wns swamped today when tho en- am.i - . ... .. ..... Li i . nt .I... Ailnmc rminh nn and as much of this section ns they can. They nro securing some fine views of this section with which Mr. Volckmnn can best tell tho story of the COtintrv thnlr lln will tnn. Mr. Sumner has nlso gathered a lot of lata relative to this section. I Although neither Mr. Sumner nor Mr. Volckmnn did not say it was the case, .Mr. Volckmnn's expressions of ' familiarity with nnnndlnn rnllwnys I'lKht be tnken as an intimation tending to conilrm the report clrcu- lated sometime ago thnt the North -oas Lino was n project of the Can-!)aw the men were not me jisiieuimii adlan Pacific for reaching San Frnn-mit thnt tho owner of the nets they Cisco. Thnt report hnd it that tho wer0 operating. Sam Nass. was tho Hill lines and Milwaukee might nlso reaj flshormnn. Judgo Coke held unite In It. tho law constitutional but upheld the Get Right-of-way. lntter contention. Nass who oper- Mr. Sumner stnted that Ralph n(ea the cannery on the lower Co Hunt, who has been working on the auti0 had nil the licenses taken out Jlorence-Eugene section of the road jn his name but they were for the ww-"""""vwww' net8. Ho then hired the foreigners (Continued on pae 4.) to watch the nets. - - ---- - - - w ALLIANCE IN AND OUT TODAY Steamship Arrives From Eu reka Early today and Sails For Portland I The Alliance nrrlved In early this '"""""B from Eureka and sailed a few hours later for Portland. In attempting to pass tho d rod go Oregon, the Alllanro swung over too far to the enst side of tho chnnncl nnd wns held fiiBt for some time. Among those arriving on tho Alli ance from Eureka were: Mrs. J. W. Nllllngcr, Gertrude Thnrncll, llnlph Hwllblatt, A. E. Knorr, R. E. .Inmes, A. Llmmor, J. Henry, M. Kllner, W. .1. Edgworth. Among tlioso Railing for Portlnnd on the Alllnnco were: II. It. Grnbecl, Mrs. Mlnnn Jnmscn, J. Virgil Pugh Jr., J. Virgil I'ugli, Mrs. .1. Virgil Pugh, W. A. Green, .1. S. Jackson, W. n. Root, Mrs. W. 11. Root, Willie Hoot, Geo R. Good, II. A. Wellsted, Mrs. II. A. Wlllsted, Ro land Ground, Mark Shaughnessy, John Olson, Halver Swnnson, 11. n. ucC c 8trlckI.mK u,chnn, Mnyi Cnnt Ame8 Cnnt Woldeu. Y ATTEND FUNERAL RERE lor. formerly or wnyno couu j, i iiiicruicui was m iu i. u ' . tery. Henry Conlogue carried $4,000 llfo Insurance. $2,000 In tho Now York An uncle .n tonioH.on..., - .,--.. - -- ... .. lived In Coos county uui now .e Portland. Three cousins, John lire prUUUCl Ul n.u .......- - - Coos River was brought to town. FISHERMEN GO FREE. jH,iKe Coke Decides In Fiivor of Sain Xnss' Employes In Case. in the foreign fisherman case from nenr Rnndon, Judgo J. S. Coke hns rendered n decision, upholding tho flsiinrninn. Tho llshernien contended tj,at the law under which they were! being prosecuted was unconstltutlon-, a nnd also thnt In the eyes of the, M WOMAN DIES SOON AFTER ARRIVAL MRS. MAGGIE FRVE, FIRST THOUGHT TO RE SUFFERING FROM SEASICKNESS, SUC CUMBS AT MERCV HOSPITAL. Mrs. Maggie Fryo, who arrived in North lloiul Sunday on the Alllnnco from Portlnnd died enrly this morn ing nt Mercy hospital. Apparently the cnuse of death wns stomach trou ble or nn obstruction of the bowels. Mrs. Fryo wns a stranger nnd ns nenr ns cnu be lenrncd came to the Hay to act ns housekeeper for a North Horn! mnn named Jack Dickchnins. When she nrrlved, sho was apparent ly Buffering severely from senslck uess. She went to the Oregon hotel where It wnB Btlll thought she wns suffering from scnBlckness nnd not Vernon Drops Two More Games to Oakland While Portland Breaks Even. Dy Associated Press to tho Cunt Hay Times) PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. 13. As n result of Portlnnd winning one nnd losing one to Los Angeles yesterdny nnd Vernon dropping two games to Onklnnd, Portlnnd hns practically cinched tho Const Lcnguo ponnnnt for 1911. Double-bonders were play ed by all Const lcnguo tenuis yester dny. Tho scores: At Los Angoles R II Log Angeles G 12 Portlnnd 1 5 (Second game) Los Angeles 1 C Portlnnd C 9 At Onkland It H Onklnnd 4 11 Vernon 2 4 (Second gnmo) Onklnnd 1 5 Vernon 0 4 At Sncrnmento R H Sncrnmento 12 14 Snn Francisco 0 12 (Second gnmo) Sacramento 4 10 Snn Francisco 0 11 INIGALIEORNIA LATEST RETURNS FROM" ELEC TION INDICATE SUFFRAGE MILL CARRY RY A ROUT 2,."J00. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. Ro. turns from tho constitutional amend in out election nro still Incomplete but tho Intest reports Indlcato thnt wo man suffrage hns cnrrled by about 2,500 majority. Tho returns from tho country districts showed a much greater majority for suffrage than oven its advocates had anticipated. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The tug Gleaner arrived In yes terdny from Gnrdlnor nnd will tnko back n cargo ot merchandise. The San Gnbrlol, a steam schooner of tho Gardiner Mill company, Is load ing n eurgo of lumber at the Smith mill for San Pedro. Tho Advent has finished taking on a cargo of about 525,000 at the Simp son mill nnd will sail today or to- morrow, probably, for san r rancisco. It will be somo weeks yet before tno new scnooner wnicn is ueing ouui for tho Simpson Lumbor company at tho North Bend shipyards will be ready for launching. Inspectors Ames nnd Weldon re turned on the Alllanco to Portland to dnv nfter Insnectlmr tho steamer Liberty here nnd tho Maple on tho ' Coqullle, Both boats passed Inspec- tlon. HAMMERER and Spun BRASS- WARE nt MILNER'S. BII YOU ever TRY HAINES for feed. BECOY Ducks at MILXEIfS. PORTLAND RAS 1911 PENNANT W I W N until last evening wns she taken to the hospital. She was n woman of apparently thirty-five or forty years old. A let ter found among her effects wns nd dr essed to her nt 185 Mill street, Portlnnd. Another letter found Indl cnted thnt she has n daughter, Mrs. L. M. Reynolds, living nt Sncrnmen to, Cnl. Undertaker G. W. Dungnn Is endeavoring to communicate with the lntter today. Mr. Dlckehmns is employed nt tho North Ilend livery stnbles. When cnlled up by Tho Times todny, ho snld thnt he knew very little about Mrs. Fryo. He said ho hod advertis ed for n housekeeper nnd she hnd miBworcd it. He sent her the money to come to North Uend with tho un derstanding It wns to be deducted from her wnges. Further thnn this, he snld he knew nothing. He hns some bnggngc thnt belongs to her but It hns never been opened. North Bend School Board Not Allow It As Adjunct of High School. The K'orth Rend school board hns plnced a ban on dancing classed as an adjunct to the high school there. At Its last meeting, tho following self-explanatory resolution wns adopted: "Whereas, certnln Individuals In North Uend nre promoting n dancing club under the name of the High School Dancing Club, nnd "Whereas, neither tho High School nor tho school board has authorized the use or the High School in con nection therewith, conducted under tho nusplces nnd snld dnnclng club Is not of or bncked either llnnnclnlly or morally by tno High school or the bnnrd ot directors, "Resolved, thnt tho school board dlscountennnco tho use ot tho iinmo High School in connection with snld dnnclng club, or with nny project not authorized by tho school board or tho superintendent or the principal ot the lllgh school." Tho board also decided to havo two days' vacation for Thanksgiving and that the schools should bo closed from December 20 to January 4 for tho holiday vacation. L JUDGE HORDWELL MAKES IM PORTANT RULING ON EXAMI NATION OF PROSPECTIVE JU RORS FOR McNAMARA CASE. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Oct. 13. Today's session of tho McNnmara trlnl has boon largely occupied with a clash of tho opposing attorneys ovo" a ruling ot Judge Dordwell permit ting the examination of veniremen ns to their views on union Inbor. Thh: Is regnrded us favoring the McNama rns. Tho prosecution declares thnt the ruling will mnke It impossible to so cure a Jury, CULLINGS OF COQUILLE. Coos County Seat News ns Toltl by The Herald. Clarence Davis and Miss Ida Ro nln, both ot Rnndon, were married nt the parsonage of the Methodist Eplecopnl church South, Tuesday aft ernoon. October 10, 1911. Rev. C. H. Cleaves, officiating. Mrs. Tnfnar Slnglewood died nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack I Tawso In Coqullle. Oct. 12. 1011, ago j m jeiira unu iiiumiib, ino reiuuiUB will probably be shipped to Califor nia for burial, Last week one mile of 52 inch woven wire fencing wns received by Fred Johnson, a prosperous Falrvlew rancher, which is probably the largest shipment of woven wire fencing ever received by n Coos county fnrmer.Ir, Johnson and E. X. Moon took out the first loads of the wire Monday each hauling 1.800 pounds. This makes a fine permanent fence nnd is cattle, hog and goat proof. You want SANITARY PLUMBING go to MILNER'S. TO PUT BAN ON DANCING W L ADVANOE INTO INTERIOR OF TRIPOLI 11 )) TRUST LOSES United States Circuit Court Up holds Government's Suit Against Combine. fly Associated Press to the Cons liny Times) WASHINGTON,- D. C, Oct. 13. The government won Its suit against tho so-called "Hnth tub triiBt" lu a decision In the United Stntes circuit court nt llnltlnioro todny. Tho De partment of Justice wns advised that Judges Rose nnd Prltchnrd Bustnlned the government on nil points whllo Judge Goff dissented. CRIMINAL CASE LATER. Prosecution of Member of Trut to Re Taken Up. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Da; TlmcB.) DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 13. Tho criminal cases against more thnn a score of firms nnd Individuals alleg ed to be tho "Hath tub trust" will como up nt the November term of tho federal court hero. All tho de fendunts have pleaded not guilty. MEXICO GETS TROOP PERMIT PRESIDENT TAFT GRANTS HE QUEST TO TAKE SOLDIERS THROUGH UNITED STATES TO QUELL UPRISING. SACRAMENTO. Cnl., Oct. 13. Whllo here, President Tnft today re ceived n telegraphic request from tho Mexican government to transport troops through tho southern portion of tho United Stntes to quell nn Up rising In northwestern Moxico. Tho President granted It. President Tnft8 thront Is troubling him severely ns.n result of his strenu ous speaking trip nnd whllo here ho had to havo It poulticed. FAVORS NEW TREATIES. Tuft Upholds Agm-iiieiitN Willi Nica ragua and Honduras. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Dny TlmoB.) SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Oct. 13. President Toft's first Important speech In Cnllfnrnln was delivered Blivei'ii iii iiiiiiuriiiu wiiii uuuvuruii here today on the steps of the State Capitol. The President spoko lu be hnlf of tho proposed treatlos with" Nicaragua and Honduras nnd vigor ously defended tho policy ot tho ad ministration which he snld muckrak ing Journals hud labelled "Dollar di plomacy." PLAN FINE RANQUET. San Francisco to Tender President Tuft Elaborate AITnlr. SAN FRANCISCO. Cul., Oct. 13. The banquot to be tendered President Tnft nt tho Pnlaco hotel this evening, : will bo the largest ever given in this city. It Is bolloved that 1,000 cltl zens will attend. The decorations will bo n fcaturo of the banquet. Al bert Landsburgh has charge of this work and Is being assisted by Edgar j wniter, n snn i-rnnciscnn, wno nus ing elaborate preparations for on won famo as n fceulptor, and who Is tortnlnlng tho delogntes to tlio a vlsltlng this city nt this time. Ho mini convention of the Stnto Vedertt hns modelled n speclnl flguro for tho tlon of Indlos' clubs which moots Ire occnslon nnd thoso who hnvo seon It Roseburg October 17, IS nud 30. declare thut It ranks with somo of Othor than arranging for auto rfclcs.. his host work. The Misses Worn receptions nnd othor fentuivs, JHs havo charge of the floral nnd tnblo Albright received notice thnt tho fol decorntlons. The plan of decoration lowing well known orators and odu Ib not only unique but will surpass cators would bo present nnd deliver anything of Its kind ovor done In tho nddresses during tho threo dny's ses Unlted Stntes. Special souvenirs nnd slon: Superintendent Campboll of tlte hnndsomo menus will bo given ench University of Oregon; Congressman:, guest. 'W. C. Hnwloy, Stnto School mrperfn- Tho commltteo on banquet consists tendont L. R. Aldormnn, Stnto Healtlu of M. J. Rrandonsteln, chnlrmnn: Olllcor Calvin White, Mrs. Aimu- Zl Uruco Bonny, John Rothschild, F. J. Crnyno, denn of tho Women's derart Kostor qnd W. E. Avery. Imont of the Oregon ngrlculfirral eof- The spenkers nt tho banquet wlllilego; Miss Kennedy, n popurnr rfu- bo President Tnft, Chns. C. Mooreicntor of Salem; Mrs. Laura Dooflttle-, Benjamin Ide Wheeler. W. B. Bourn. Vloln Franklin, Dr. Wlllfnrrr ITause, nnd Hon. W. W. Morrow. : Mrs. Nellie Trumbull and Mr. AIur. Tho Indies bollove that tho coming: 8EWIXO MACHINES $20 to $35 convention will prove successful. at MILNER'S. Roseburg News. REPORTED CHECKED DISPATCHES INDICATE THAT ITA LIAN ARMY LOST OVER 1,000 IN KILLED AND WOUXDUU. TURKS AND ARAR TROOPS FIGHT HIiOODY UATTJLHC YOUNG TURKS REPORTED TO HAVE ARRANGED FOR FUNI TO CONTINUE WAR. LONDON, Oct. 13. Press dle pntches from Tripoli report that titer Italian advance Into the interior of Tripoli hnB been checked by tliff Turks nnd Arabs combined. One dispatch says that the Ita lians lost over 1,000 In kthed nni wounded In the engagement. Advises from Constantinople say that tho young Turks In control or tho Turkish parliament hnvu vote funds to Increase tho army nnd coh tlnuo tho wnr. LOCAL OVERFLOW. WARNER OOREN returned nt noon from n brief hunting trip bringing; a string of eleven ducku as proof of his mnrksmnushlp. NELS RASMUSS13N nnd Frank Lnlse returned today from tho Rnsmuu scn ranch with tho finest string oC mnllards nnd "sprys" brought In thus far this senson. CHINA'S REVOLT HANKOW REPORTED TO HAVK FALLEN REFORE REVOLUTION ISTS WHO ARE TRYING- TO OVERTHROW MANCHU 1Y XASTY. PEICIN, China, Oct. 13. Lata advices from Hankow ludlcnto th-L tho city has fallen ptej to tho re volutionists and is belnt; pilings), r.uit burned. The uprising's objoct Is to o ten th row tho Munch u dynnsty. Lnl Yuew Huang, n former gouornl lu the Chi nese army, Is reported to havo bcutv elected chief of the revolutionists. Three divisions, comprising 1&.0O troops, nre being rushed to the frunC to 'quell the uprising which Is now causing u reign of terror by massacre and IncoudlarlHiu. It Is claimed thnt the molutton Ists absolutely dominate ftui pro vinces. ASSUMES OFFICE TODAY. QUEI1EC. Canada, Oct. 13. Tim- , n,,i, . ., , i,i ,.. ,.. n.. i Ma stalled as llrst governor genenil of Canada today. FINDS ROGUS RILTx Parties Raise 81 Greenback to $0 Note by PnMlng on Xiuulier. MYRTLE POINT, Ore.. Oct. 13. Cashier Suplee of tho Flanagan & Ronuett bunk bore tho other dny dis covered n novel bogus bnnk note Someono by pasting the figures "20" over tho "L" on n $1 greenback had uindo n good Imitation $30 bill. Kx- icopt when closely oxamlnod, tho fako- would pnss unnoticed. Mr. Suplea- Iiob turned It over to tho utitliorltle nnd tho perpotrator may bo appro- bended. Whether it was dono Ihj Coos county is not known. PLAN FOR FEDERATION. Tho Indies of Roseuurir are rnK- T n I ?,l I t