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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1911)
TtOMyoREMiY PLAY THE GAME IS WHEN THE RULES SEEM HARDEST WANT ADVERTISING In TImj TJStES I Will Keep Hie Income from Youi? Furnished Rooms from IjiiusIiikS YOU enn really help tha family ' revenues by renting n few furnisher! rooms and, If you know how and when to use the olnsalfled columns'., you inny keep thnt Httlo extra Incon ns "steady as a clock." j i mvt& tho .liancct" I'iiieouvoiyi ti .f1t1 ni.f tlln fnnfa nlmtif ... 11 Hill Flil. W.W "W """Ilk JU1II property beforo tho eyo3 of nil "pos sible buyers" In town. And If there's one of tltcm who ought to own It, you'll sell ltl MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRli&a (&m Smr VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns The Const Malt MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 78 PRESIDENT Tlfl THROWS FIRST SPADE OF DIRT FOR EXPOSITION Actual Construction of Grounds For Panama Fair at San Francisco Begins. PROMINENT MEN TAKE PART IN CEREMONIES Wife of Mayor-Eiect Rolph Badly Hurt In Auto Accident During Parade. 4 LAST DAY OK NOVEMIlKIt MAI) AUTO ACCIDENT. 4 (By Associated Press.) 44 .SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 4 14. En rotito to tho Golden Gnto l'nrk for tho Pnnnmn Pncl 4 flc Exposition ground-breaking 4 ceremonies today, tho jiutomo 4 bllo containing tho family of 4 James itolph, Jr., mnyor-olcct 4 nnd a director of tlio exposition, 4 collided with another car. Mrs. 4 Itolph and tho other occupants 4 were painfully Injured. -4 4444444444444 (By associated Press to Coos Day Times.) -SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 14. Paining In his sweep across the country to fulfill one of tho few non jiolltlcal engagements of his Journey. President Tnft sot in motion hero today tlio mnchlnery which will pro duce tho material portion of tho Pa- amn-Paclflc Intcrnntlonnl Expoid tlon In 1 0 1 r . Aftor heading a jspec tncular mllltnryiwval parade through tho city and tho Golden Onto Park to the Stndum which Is n part of the ground Included in tho site of tho Exposition buildings, Tnft nt noon sunk Into tho enrth (ho silver spaflo anil turned over a sod as symbol thnt the actual work of erecting tho build ings which will house tho exhibition has commenced. Tho battery of Artillery nt tho Stn dliim fired n presidential snluto nnd a wlrolesH flnsli to tho 'fleet of wnr vowels In tho harbor was followed by another snluto of nrllliury from tho ships under Hear Admiral ThomnB. As tho cchoi'H of tho salute died away, tho massed bands struck up "The Star Spangled nnnner" nnd tho Immenso crown led by Mnflamo Nor dlca and Pacific Sacngerbnnd society took up tho nntlonnl anthom. Tho ceremony preceding tho turning of tho rod was simple. Following tho overture by Cnssn's linnil and n souk by tho Saengerlmnd Society. Madame Nordlcn sang an urin. Charles Moore, president of tho exposition mndo tho opening address, Mnyor P. II. Mc Carthy and Governor Illram Johnson, spoke and tho President nddresseil the throng. The Army and Navy parados wero KorgeoiiB, ono of tho most Impres sive ever .eeii hero. 4 4 4 4 4 year vlll fall on the last day 4 of November. According to ad 4 vanre Information received it is 4 known President Tnft will de 4 slgnnto Thursday, November 30, 4 Instead of tho next to tho Inst 4 Thursday of tho month. In snlto 4 of n protest from bankers thnt 4 tho holiday falling on tho last 4 4 day of tho month wonld Incon- -4 4 vcnlenco them In getting out -4 4 their reports. In accordance 4 4 with tho presidential proclnmn- 4 4 tlon tho holiday will bo declar- 4 4 ed by Governor West. 4 4444444444444444 IS THANKSGIVING DAY 4 4 SALEM, Ore., Oct. 14 Gov- 4 ornor West Is preparing to is- 4 sue a Thanksgiving day this 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 'S 1 IS Effort Made to Overthrow! Manchu Dynasty and Estab 1 lish Republic Is Favored by Foreign Residents. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times., SAN FRANCISCO, Oct RG IS1ASHED Charles Merz Makes New High Average In Santa Monica Road Races. (By Associated Press o Coos Bnj Times) SANTA MONICA, Oct. 14. With nil the world's records for upccd bro ken, the third nnnunl Bnntn Montcn auto road rnco -was run today. Tho weather wns flno nnd tho track per feet nnd thousands wltncsseU tho con test. Not n mjinblance of in acci dent marred tho contest. Charles Merz, driving n 'Nntlonnl, 'won with tho wonderful record of 74:4 miles an hour nverngo for 1151 nlllca. Tho former record was 74.3 by INnvnrro, of Paris. TO HELP ItEYOIT. NEW YORK BEFEATS PHILADELPHIft- 14. A cable from Shanghai to tho local I Chinese dally Bays the revolt has now , "that the Powers do not Interfere." Foreigners In Clilnn Would Llko to See Revolution Succeed. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Englnnd, Oct. 14. Ca bling from Shanghai Tho Times cor, respondent says "The reformed gov ernment was proclaimed at Han kow, there is general Bympnthy hero In both foreign nnd Chlncso circles for the rebel alms, nnd nmong tho foreigners there Is n Blncere desire spread to crery province in China nnd n largo number of troops of tho Imperial Anny Is going over to the rebels. Muny Importnnt cities have been captured by the revolutionary forces. Tho rebels captured FOItM NEW REPUBLIC. i Chinese Ilevoliitlonfutu Elect Gener nl IFrst President. (By Associated Press to tht Cooi Bay Tlmeu) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Advi ces received by the Chinese Daily inBf ' World arc that tho Revolutionists In China have declared n republic, clect- nlght, it "is Btated, an imperial -war- Ing LI Yuen Hung, lleutennnt-com- I mnndcr of the Imperial New Army, ruii iii'lLl lllllinuni M VBlut'Ill JUDGE JOHN M. HARLAN DIED TODAY IS FIRST OF WORLD'S SERIES t " U,: VGMs Game Today b Associate Justice of 'United J,110 spnw court of tho united States Supreme Court and National Figure Passes Away. (By .Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) WASHINGOTN, D. C, Oct. 14. Asxtielnte Justice John M- 'Harlan of States .died nt his home hero this morning of acute bronchitis. He was 78 years old. Harlanwns the oldest member of tho Supremo Court of tho United States and for years was conspicu ous in Kentucky politics. He onco wns n cnndldnto for the republican nomination for vice-president of tho United States, n foremost constitu tion authority nnd prominent in tho councils of the Presbytcrlnn church. SAILS NOVEMBER 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. Chrlstmns presents for soldiers nnd snllorB stationed nt Guam, Hawaii, or tho Philippines, should bo purchased at onco nnd forwnrded to San Francisco before November 1, nccordlng to iho Wnr Department bulletin Just Issued here. Tho last trans port to leave San Francisco In time to reach Hawaii, Guam and tho Philippines before ChrlstmnR Eve, Is duo to sail on November 1, nnd Chrlstmns presentB delivered to tho Qunr termnster's Depot at San Fran cisco before thnt date will bo transported freo to soldiers or snllorB In nny part of tho world. Carriage mtiBt bo prepaid to the coast city, however. PROGRESS ON PANAMA CANAL M IS SHOT AT THE DALLES BOYS PLANNED Fred Eveland Kills David 3Wan- nasaus For Tormenting Him and His Wife. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay INSURES COMPLETION IN 1913 Magnificent Work 'on Great t0 pcrmt several inrgo nners to dock niiiiuiuuH'uuaiy. i-unuriiii lilgB, cucil Waterways Indicates it Will Be. Done Before Two Years Some of Its Great Fea tures. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TO GETREiRDl Sensational Slory of Hill Fam ily Murder Now Thought Frame-Up. towing largo bnrges laden with sand nnd rock for tho docks from Porto Bollo (soma twenty miles from Coion along tho Eastern coast and now a fairly largo American settlement), may possibly bo In sight on their wny through the Cannl to Gatun, soven miles dlstnnt from Colon. If tho Associated Press to Coos Day j above bespeaks activity nround Colon Times.; Hnruor, the activity will bo seen to . . , , . bo greater when Gatun is renched. It COLON, Pannmn. October 14. 8 ll0ro t)l0 Cnnn, ccng0B t0 bQ eca ,cv. Mugnlllcient Ih tho word Whlch might el .nnd renches tho threo giant jocks iioknrlhn the nrocroM made on tho which will lift all Bhlps clghty-Avo construction of the Panama Canal. J "XS SeWa Tho statement of Colonel George . monster dam which Tmpoturds tho Gaathnls. Chief Eugluecr of tlio i.a- waters of tho River Chacres and Its nnl that tho Cnnnl would bo finished tr'butnrles. In September. 1913, or over ono yoar The stenm shovels, of which there before the date previously nnnoun- are several tvnes nnd sizes, nro entlnc mil for Its Inauguration. Was at first nwnv thn illrt frnni tlio niminnln Associated Press to Coos Bay received with some hesitation. Now slones or dlcclnc ienn down intn thn Times.) however, nil examination at tho CO- enrth with n recnlnrltv thnt Riipfraetn inc. urtuiiw, uru., uui. n. nu- lossnl work tnot is ueing rusueu io mo swing of n pendulum or tho bent rnuso ho and his wife liad been tho,conij,jet;on nt MIrnflores, Pedro Ml- of n pulse. Largo buckets filled with subjects of n long period of alleged iguei .nnd Gntun, and tho surprising concreto nro passing noiselessly over buso nt tho hands of Havld Mniaiaa- wny the Culobra Cut is advanced has head nlong tho steel cables nnd de ans, Fred Eveland Bitot nnd killed convlncod tho most incredulous thnt positing tholr contents nt tho desired Ids alloged tormentor and surrender-, colonid Goethnls' estimate of com- spot. Tho wholo scene Is ono woll ed to tlio nutuorities. a son oi let on n 1913 will be borne out. calculated to Insnlro admiration for Mnnnnf-aus fired two shots frore n. The nolnt which seems to offer tho tho mnnner in which tho work is be ne nt tho slayer of his father iut'crontet.i difficulties throughout tho Ing performed. they missed tne marK. ino. rmo whole rannl Is tho cut In tlio cuioura nianied nnd he could net uso u 4444444444444444 fbeigFIte to beraised Railroads Said to Plan Twenty 1 Per Cent Advance to Pacific Coast. (By Associated Press to Coos Buy Times)' CHICAGO, III., Oct. 14 An ad vance of twenty per cent In tho com modity rates to tho Pacific Coast from territory botween tho Missouri river nnd Now Englnnd Is planned by the western railroads according to tho Record-Herald. Tho scliomo Is to bo cnrrlcd out In event to the plea of the railroads to tho federal com morco court for an Injunction re straining tho enforcement of tho or der of the Interstate Commerco Com mission In tho Intcr-mountaln cases, Is denied. Score of Two to One In Presence of 40,000. MATHEWSON PITCHES ' AGAINST BENDER Giants Play Errorless Game While Phillies Err Twice Evenly Matched. (By Associated Press to Coos Il&X Times., NEW YORK, Oct. 14. In tho pns sonco of n crowd of forty thouaund. tho Now York Giants, ponnnnt din ner of tho Nntlonnl Longuo, dofeatJ Philadelphia, tho American Loipuei ponnnnt winners, by n score of two to one, in nn evontly contested gamT on tho Polo Grounds hero today. It: wns a pltcher'B battlo between Char ley Mathewson for tho Giants nnd la dlnn 'Chlof Bonder for tho Phillies. Tho weather wan cool and cloudjv Tho score by Innings: , uir fcr Phlln- dolphin 01000000 01 C S New York 0 0 0 10 0 1 Batteries Deader nnd Mnthowson nnd Meyers. Philadelphia's two errors probably cost Bender tho victory over Muthow non In tho pltchor'a bnttlo. Tomorrow's gnmo will bo played at Philadelphia, tho games nltornntfnK botween Now York nud Philadelphia- 02 D & Thome J, R. WALSH IS FREED TODAY COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORES. 444444444444444 4 STANDING OF LEADERS. 4- 4 Won Lost P.C. 4 4 Portland 108 74 .Gf)3 4 Vernon 112 84 .571 0444444444 " fuithor. NOTED .MOIDION DEAD Chicago Banker and Railway President Paroled From Federal Prison. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Da) Times.) LEAVENWORTH. ICnn., Oct. 14. An ordor from Washington pnrol- Ing John R. Walsh, tho former Chi cago banker and railway president, wns received at tho federal nonlten- What annlieS tO GatUn annllCS alSO tin rv Imrn tills mnrnlni'. Tli nrlnnn. Hills, and this, not on account of en- to the other vnrloua sections along or Immediately began propnratlons glneerlng probloms, but because of the Canal, all tending to convince the n Rtnrt for hi homo, iin im.i Bnrrmi tho many slides occurring from tho observer thnt tho possibility of op- ono v,.r ataht mnntlm nni twnntv. nnnnl Iia'swa 11a tint rtfi I " six days of his five years sontonce, RANIER JIURDER CASE loose eu'th. These slides confuse enlng the Cannl before tho date offlc estimates as to tho number of cubic inlly fixed Is no empty boast John Henry Smith 1i.mb Away At' yards to bo excavated. Tho engl- What tho snnltnry department cfi Salt Lake City I neers however, In chnrgo of tho work the Cnnnl Commission has accom-l (Ry Associated Press Times.) to Coos Bay are confident thnt these difficulties pPshed In cleanslnc tho Cnnnl Zono Geo. II. Wilson Miit.t Rtiind Trial nro by no means Insuperable and will of yellow fever nnd other dlsenso Is. for Killing Coble qai.t i.AK-n tTtnh. net. 14 John In no wny retard tho date set for op- well known. Tho progressive won- (By Associated Press to Coos Baj (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Honry Smith, second counsel of tho enlng the Canal. dors that have beon nttnlned In houi- T mesy) CVVll WJIUIU uimumumiuei illh. iirflllllt, llllll liutiuillt UII1UBU- UUllllllik, tVUHII., UCl. 1 1 . .' stranger to tho Isthmus on arriving ment and- Instruction to the nrniy of motion to dismiss the murder charge at Colon, will bo struck by tho unus- 40.000 workmen Is less well known. 'ngnlnst Geo. H. Wilson, charged with ual activity vlslblo In every direction tho pestiferous Jungles nnd swninpB'tho ntroclous murder of Mrs, Nettle In the harbor. His attention will first hnve been transformed Into clean. Coblo nnd her husband nt Ranlor tho bo directed to tho long trestle already smart-looking, healthful towns, and night of July 10, was overruled ns stretching seawards for over ono and villages to bo seen throughout tho well as n motion to tnko from the a hnlf miles in a nortnenst airectinn cannl Zone, nil full of hustling ran- Jury tho confession made by Wilson, from Toro Lighthouse Point across dovous of on ever-increasing number nnd which ho nfterwards repudiated. the narnor. All along m's iresue or American nnd other tourists. This The defence has begun testimony, rock and stone are being dumped to transformation has cost millions, but "-" form a breakwater whoso ultimate they have been well spent and tho nnd save a considerable part of tlmlr length from shore will be nbout two uninterrupted and successful digging salaries. miles. The estimated cost of this of the Cannl ever since has been ron-( Tho publio schools of tho Zono aro breakwater Is five and one half mil- de-ad possible thereby. 'Very good. Tho teachers aro Amerl- l'on dollars. It Is being built to re- Throughout the whole length of can and nntlvo. Tho gardens estab duco to n minimum the silt thnt may the Cnnnl clean comfortnble houses llshed In mnny of them have boon be washed Into tho channel of tho have been built for the married em- such a succes that tho Pannma Gov Canal, nnd also to protect the Inner ployees nnd thetr families. Eighteen ornmont is adopting tho same method basin of tho harbor, which leads to big hotels were also erected for tho .In Its provincial schools, the entrance of the Canal, from tho bachelors, besides numeroiiB br- Under the management of tho Y. northerly galea which usually obtain racks, messes and kitchens for tho M. C. A. there nro club houses In tho hero from October to January and laborers. In these buildings there principal Zone towns wherein em- whlch not frequently do much dam-Jare under the Commission's caro not ployees, aftor a hard day's work, may By Associated Press to tlio Cbos Uaf Times) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14. Ym torday's games in tho Const League' resulted as follows: At Los AngelcB R lf Los AngoIcR t II. Portland jar At Snn Francisco It It Vernon l x Onkland 14 1 At Sacramento U It Sncramonto 2 C San Francisco 0. 11. STILL CLASH IN NOTED CASE !. r.i.....l. ...l .!... I !. .rt Tlme.) .Mormon uiiurcii uuu iium iu iw o..i-- PnriTi vn A U m ,slon tor tho presidency died yes 'UiiTLAXD, Ore., Oct. 14 Under jor(jay4 te kindly but searching examination jt 44444444 ky the detectives today Harry How-' makjj rig h.ItL 4 ra. one of tho youthful hoboes who RY TAPPING WIRES 4 JtBterday, with his partner Jnmes 4 Hawkins, told the local authorities a 4 (By Associated Press.) fmplete and almost qonvlnclng NEW YORK, Oct. 14 Rac- 4 story which Implicated A. R. Holm-.' 4 Ing men learned yesterday of a 4 erg, also a hobo with the murder 4 genuine wire tapping scheme 4 J he four members of the Hill fain- 4 that was operated here Thurs- 4 ) in this city on tho night of June 4 day with a loss to the poolroom 4 . made such admissions that the der 4 men of more than twenty thou- tfctlves now bellovo tho whole story , 4 sand dollars. AAA... ' the two boys wns a well planned 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 iratno-un. Tho vltnl nhloet nt the I --'v-,-n-n-rLrLn os' story was to obtain a Bubstnn- murderer of the four members of the Jjai reward offered for the arrest of le murderer of tho Hill family AKRKSTED AT THE DALLES. lly Tramps fndo First fll.nA iy Associated Press to the Coos Bay . Times) .JUTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 14. Rlch- "J Holniberg named at Tho Dalles ar,i .?es IIawlinB and Harry How- "", the boy tramps, as the "alleged Hill family at Portland, June. 9, was brought to this city witn nis accus ers. Holmberg denies any knowl edge of tho crlmo but tho boys re-j Question of Nelson Serving ore McNamara Jury to Be De cided Monday. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14 Today marked tho cIobo of tho first week eC tho trial of JameB B, McNurnara- charged with the murder of Cliartac J. Hnggorty, a machinist, who -u-a killed In tho Los Angolos Times ex plosion n yenr ago. When court ad journed until Monday, tho opposlnJ? uuiiunui, iiumiuu uy uiairici Aiiomey John D. Fredericks for tho Stnto nviX. Claronco S. Darrow for tho dofcrise. had not qulto flnlshod tho nrguinonfip In tholr first clash of tho trial. Whether Z. T. Nelson, tho first taW man oxnmlncd Is entltlod to Borre o&i tho. Jury under tho stnto Iawe nr gardless of his expressed viow that Ice bolloved Tho Times was blown rr by dynnmlto and a Cbllof ns to he gult or innocence of tho dofunaaHi, rests with Judgo Brodwell who a ununccd that ho would render a deci sion Monday following a brlof nrga ment by nttornoy Joseph Scot. GRAND JURY DONE) Los Aiigelcti Investigators Discharg ed After Year's Work (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELE8, Oct. 14 TTiw Iterato with great circumstance tho Rwnrn statementsmade at Tho Dalles Charges nml g0 tar j,ave not been shnken in their story, thougn detectives nro noi yet ready to place much credence in it. They will be further examined. Hasty MESSENGER SERVICE day or night PHONE 08-J. ica ib.n r. ntn ..! : in w.ii ,i kmiJ.i -' '" urunu jury wnicn nas oeen invesn- ployeps are furnished with free houso naslums. '"" '" r"?,?r' " ,jenrD n ndV ,ttf ml1 electric lights, coal nnd water, and all I mor. ..! rl"? :?. YnB 0hoTKcjr. and to cost ultl-, laborers nnd emnlovees hnve commls- SPECIAL attention clven to CHIT. ti, 3 , , Y . aamaaimea illlon dollars, al-lsary rights which enable them to m.r.,T,mU4''V',n"e, 2" ML ?V ','J'J l1!6 Ie" r.e,non.,"otito..,:oaiT "' P"9 ready stretch out for nearly half a chase In the Government stores at Studio. Front street emsoives rmC mile Into the harbor from Cristobal, nroctlcnllv cost prices, clothes, food I. ' . -..!?.! ...--r iu,em80lvc2: Point. and other necessaries which permits " -TOU "ave n i-..Mm,iiiH. beo p ( aiinnM flni, nniahfnffwi. ace to the shipping and coastline. The eye following the coastline will soon be attracted towards the massive piers which, begun about elctr'o lights, eonl nnd wntor, and all I tnree muiuus ago unu 10 cuhi mately several m These piers will be roomy enough' them to live well and Inexpensively ,,Il WINKLER. Foto Supplies and flnlshfng- iker Studio.