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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1911)
,i - ' if If CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DISCOVERED AMERICA, H0 DISCOVERED COOS BAY? A Llttlo "Cnnumlgn" Of WANT ADVERTISING in Tlu, TIMES Will l't Your Real Estate "In the Market" lit f. o c t i v c 1 y ! It will put tlio fncts nbout jour property before tho eyes of nil "pos sible buyers" In town. And If there's ono of thorn who ought to own It, you'll sell ltl GI000 WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Ktvp tlie Income from Your FurnNlicd Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn renlly help tho fiunlly revenues by renting 11 few furnished rooms nml, If you know how nnd when to use tho classified columns. you may keep Hint Httlo extra Incoiao ns "steady as n clock." ottjtra MEMHEH OK ASSOCIATED I' VOL. XXXV Established in 1878 as Tho Const MniJ MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of limns. Coast Mul! and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 76' "SppW" wan UPRISING IN GiA THREATENS TO DEVELOP 10 REVOLUTION Mutiny of Troops at Hankow Spreading Alarm Is Felt Throughout Country. SPECIAL GUARD TO PROTECT PEKJN PALACES Hundreds of Manchus Reported Slain by Former Soldiers at Various Points. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) HANKOW, China. Oct. 12. Tho revolutionary movement Is gaining momentum ovory hour. Slnco noon yesterday It Iibb swept tho city of Hang Ynng nnd tbn native quarter of Hankow. Orent numbers of Chinese are Joining tho movement voluntarily. The death losses now nggregato sev eral hundred. Practically nTT tho dead Jiro Mnnchut Thus far thero hns been no Indica tion of animosity against foreigners. TROOPS KlliTi MANY. tcMirt That Chinese Mullm-vr Kill. cd Atanit .'MM). (Ily Associated Press to Coos Hay Tiroes.) PRICING, (China, Oct. 12.Ho twecn 5,000 and 6,000 Chlncso troops In Hankow's nntlvo city nro reported to hnvo mutlneed this tnnrnlng and killed 200 to 300 Munchus. Klnbornto precautions to prevent n sympathetic revolutionary uprising In this city nro being mndo and tho jmlnces nro giinrflea by troops oi proved loyalty. A telegram from llnnkow stntes that at most four hatalllons remain loyal. The American gunbont Holcna Is expected to rench llnnkow today. Several llritlsh boats nro also on route. ALONG Till? WATERFRONT. Tho Alliance Is duo In enrly to morrow from Eureka nnd will snll the tmmo day for Portlnnd. Tho Itedondo will snll Sunday from Snn Frnnclsco for' Coos Buy. Tho Coaster, n s'enni schooner, ar rived In' todny nt North Dend. NOT ON LIST LIST OF FEDERAL PAROLES IS- SIED IOKS NOT CONTAIN THAT OF NOTF.I) CHICAGO FIVE HANKERS PAROLED. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LKAVBNWOUTII, Kan., Oct. 13. In t!jn tire. Mat it nrifnlna i.rnntPil ll ... .. ..tot .lav w. I'tiii'iv. n. ....-... - the federal board of parole, nt Its Inst meeting, tho nnnio of John It. Walsh, the Chicago banker, does not appear. WnUh's hearing, It Is understood, wns had before some thoso who nro to bo imroled. The paroled nro said to Include tho following bnnkors, nil of Indiana: Max P. Euuiierych nud C. P. Rlntzier of InillnnnpoHs, B. II. Detzer of Port Wayne, J. H. Phillips of Torre Haute and E N. Nicola of Auburn, all flvo 5 ear men. TO DISMISS CASK. Anieili'iin Federation of LiiImu Lend ers so Petition. (By Associated Prebs o Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 12. Messrs. Gompers, Mltcholl and Mor rison of the American Federation of Labor todny petitioned the District Supremo Court to dismiss tho charges ' contempt preferred against them ' a committee of lawyers appointed b' the court last May after tho su preme court of the United States had decided the Jail sentences for tho la bor leaders wero Illegal' becauso they had been criminally charged In a civil case. The SWEDISH LUTHERAN SUN iV SCHOOL will have n social , Friday evening at 7:30 in tho church Parlors. Contributions expected. W you have anything to sell, trade "nt or want help, try a want ad. WALSH'S NAME flead the Times' Want Ads. T W WW WT W W W w W W W WWW-W IS DEAD: SCHOOLS CLOSE Little Daughter of Supt. Tied gen Passes Away Today No School Until Monday. l.lttlo Emily Tledgon, tho twenty months old daughter of Superinten dent nud Airs. P. A. Tledgon of the Mnrshlleld public schools, died This morning lifter a ten dnys illness of scarlet fevor nnd other complications. She had been very ill for tho past I two dnys and tho end was not unex- 'pectefl. Mr. Tledgon who left home1 . whon thu quarantine was established, I in order that he would not be kept mvny from his school work, returned tho day bufore yesterday and lias 1 Uioii constantly nt tho bedside of their only child until tho ond came. Owing to tho child bolug a victim of a contagious disease, there can bo no public funcrnl. On ovory hand today wero expres sions of Bympnthy for tho bereaved nurcnts. Tho Mnrshfleld school directors announced today that tho school wnulfl 'lin closed tomorrow on nccount of tho death of Superintendent Tied- geri's 'little 'daughter. Tho schools nro closed today on account of It he- I lug n legal holiday and so vlll not 'resumo until next Monday. Tho I school students called off tho foot hill gnmo to hnvo been plnyed with North Hond hero Saturday nnd nlso cancelled arrangements for picnics to have been held todny. Emily Lydln Tledgon was born in .Mason, Mich, twenty months nnd twenty-two days ngo nnd was tho only child of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tledgen. An especially bright and wlnsomo child, sho not only enraptured the paren's hut endenred herself with nil with whom sho enme in contact. The funeral services will bo con ducted nt B o'clock this afternoon by Hov. Rolicrt K. Drowning. Owing to being tho victim of n contagious dis ease, tho services hnvo to bo prlvnte. Steamship Arrives From Port land Early Today Will Sail Saturday. ti... lirnnliu'nliip nrrlvoil In nllOUt midnight from Portlnnd nfter n good trip down the const. Sho had n largo pnssonger list nnd consldornblo In coming freight. The Dreakwnter will sail at 1 o'clock Saturday for Portland. Among those arriving on tho Dreakwnter were the following: Mr. Kamos, Mr. Weldon, .1. A. Ol son, Mrs. J. A. Olson, Mmie Neymon, W. A. Hold. Mrs. W. A. Held, C. T. Fnrrls. Mrs. C. T. Fnrrls, C. L. Dnl ley, Fred Marx, Mrs. Hazard, Mrs. Metlln, R. A. Taylor. Mrs. R. A. Tay lor. K. H. Kane, C. Motley, J. P. 01 sen. W. Mnst, Mae Ryburn, Vlnn Ry burn. .1. W. Ryburn, D. Rooney, W. L. Walter. It. Lnrner, II. D. Keiiney, W. Dlllcllff, M. Levls.F. D. Shields, J. Aliens, W. M. Moo, Helen Dodson, Mrs. Mnry Wnlter, Mrs. Marhoffer, Mrs. Flora Dodson, Amelia Anderson, Eva L. Wood. Mrs. K. J. Thomson, E. J. Thomson, P. Thomson, Doro ... Ti,nmann. nov Drooks. Fred Drooks, J. Mulllns. Frank Stefflo, Roy Duffy, Olaf ErlcKson, non ijohbuu, D. F. Dodson, Alvn Dodson. E. C. Guerln. W. P. Ornndy. Henry Stroh forn. G. W. Clay. R. McCnrvln, . A. Wood. V. A. Matson, H. Halo. L. m n vniim. .1. Postman. H. W. Richardson, H. K. Hayes, Mrs. H. A. Miller, Vern Miller, rranK juui. -. Raymond. It. M. Dorton. C. A. Craig, . ni-nmiae. Mrs. A. M. Pren tiss. P. D. Lnyton. F. S. Smith, Mrs. F. S. Smith, C Evertsen, Mrs. Evert sen. F. G. Pullln. H. Larson, Mrs. K Norbln. Mrs. C W. Elmore. A. Cu bltte. A. W. Anderson. A. A. Grow. T, T. Land. J. Marhoffer, G. R. Mc-vi- p willev. H. Jowott. J. Legart, N, George and G. Nlcoll. ...A,mnllir of T.limV hfIR SOT . i.ncTiinvpn hut will be held MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER oeon nmi'" "-- SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 14. ITALIAN WILL ADVANCE' ON TURKS General Advance on Sultan's Forces In Interior of Tripoli Ordered by Italian Comman der Today. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos I3f.y Times) TRIPOLI, Africa, Oct. 12 Gen eral Canenhn, commander-in-chief of the Itallnn expedition, has ordered nn Immediate ndvnnco against positions occupied by Turks In the Interior of Tripoli. Vice-President of Pacific Coast Line and Pacific Great Western Coming. REACH NORTH HEND Vice-president H. A. Sumner of tho Pacific Coast Railway, and O. W. Volkmnn, nnothor representative nnd who is said to bo tho porsonnl representative of tho foreign capitalists behind the project, reached North Dcnd todny nftcr making n trip over tho route. They snhl every thing wns coming lino with tho project but did not give out any Information beyond that given by Mr. Sumner to The Times a week or so ngo. It is under stood Hint they nro now figuring with L. J. Simpson for right-of-way ncross tho hitter's Ten Mllo property and possibly tho right-of-way of tho old logging road 8tnrted by the Simpson Lumber company thore. They will come to Mnrshfleld this afternoon. Vice-president Sumner nnd four or five other nfllclnls of the Pacific SUMNER JITH I RAILWAY NEWS OFFICIALS NOW BRINGS MANY Const Line nnd the Pnclllc Great nnd later was engaged in the paving Western nro expected to reach tho business In nnd around Tncomn. no Dav todav or tomorrow. ct'ntI' no ,,n8 1"ul c,1IlrKe of tM con" Eigieor singer w,10 Was hero "Jructlon of concrete bridges on the yesterday, reserved rooms nt Tho Milwaukee's line near Puget Sound. Chandler for tho pnrty. i Vice-president Sumner hns been attending n conference In Portlnnd relntlvo to the Coos Dny project and it Is expected that his visit hero now with the other icpresontntlves of tho rond will menu nn early realization of his expectancy to start nctunl con struction on this end of the Hue thU fall. . i Further ntinouncoments concern ing tho project nro nlso expected from ' Somo thought that he nnd his pnrty were coming in on mo nroKwmrr todny but othors understood thnt tho pnrty would coino via Gardiner, prob nbly coming down ovor the route If the wenthor permitted. i Trlbblo Makes Denial. ' Despite tho fnct thnt three or four clnlmed to hnvo seen Contractor Trlb- lny with his wife nnd daughter, hie of Spoknno on tho Dny within tho Helen, to spend the winter nt tho Inst ten days, W. Ed Trlbblo of homo of Mrs. Hold's parents, Judgo Mnrshfleld. n brother of the con- nm, MrfJi c Ai gehlbredo. Their nr tractor. says they nro mistaken. Ono comnleto sumrlso no In- mnn told Tho Times thnt Contractor "uU wnB n co"'I'leto surpiiso, no in Trlbble's visit hero nt this tlmo wns tlmntlon.of their visit being sent In supposed to bo secrot. ndvnnco and In fnct Mrs. Sohlbrodo W. Ed. Trlbblo today mado tho wn8 ,,iannjng t0 g0 north to spend tho following written statement to The winter with them. Times: "Contractor W. L. Trlbblo It nn8 been n vory B00(j season In of Trlbblo & Dowen of Spoknne, has Alnska," remarked Mr. Held today, not been on tho Day for many weeks Wo met wlth very K00(J resuit8 j nnd no very nenr future trips are tno Y. M. C. A. work. Tho travel plnnned nt this writing but the firm tlero JinB been nbout tno Bajuo aa will figure on contrncts or proposed u81ini, railroad construction In this section, ,.Tno principal new strlko has been nnd this investigation wns fully mndo at RUby, near Fort Drlstol, and a on my brother's visit here In Aug- Kreat mnny went there. They nro list." taking out considerable gold nt the Of course It may be that someone T,ntnrn.i vat. Th nniv tmnliln with wns lmpersonntlng Contractor Trlb ble and trying to uouoie-cross uiu Mnrshfleld men for some reason or other. GREAT NORTHERN WRECK. Ono Killed nnd One Fatally Hurt Nenr Helllnglinin. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times)' DELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 12. Pirpmnn J. P. Dohls was killed nnd Drakeman Charles R. Smart was fa tally injured when a Great Northern freight crashed Into a rocK simo eight miles south of here toduy. COME In today nnd SEE mo about feed and FLOUR HAINES'. Don't forget the Turkish PHONE 214-J. i Daths. CANNOT UK CONFIRMED. French Foreign Olllco Not Advised of Any Armistice. (Dy Associated Press to tbo Coos Day Times) PARIS, Frnnce, Oct. 12. Tho Foreign Office hns no confirmation of the published statement that Italy nnd Turkey nro urrnnglng nn nrmlu tlce. MORE TROOPS TO TRIPOLI. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) TRIPOLI. Africn, Oct. 12. Italian troops continue to nrrlvo here E. J. Thomson and family and Five Associates Arrive on Coos Bay Today. E. J. Thomson and fnmljy nnd five men who hnvo been working with Mr. Thomson on the Milwaukee Rail road in the Pugot Sound section ar rived hero todny, being nmong tho ilrst thnt prospective rallrond con struction has brought In hero for thnt purpose. Although Mr. Thomson or his associates say they have no In sldo Information ns to when railroad construction will begin on Coos Day, the prospect from what they woro nblc to glenn Is mighty good. Mr. ThnniBOii with his wlfo and flvo children nnd his flvo nssoclntbs Fred Drooks, Roy Brooks, Jack Mul-' Hns, Roy Duffy nnd Frnnk Stofllo. They enmo on tho Drcnkwntor today. "All the papers I hnvo scon lntoly have been full of rnllroad nows nbout Coos Day nnd we decided to coino down nnd Ikj ready for It when it stnrtB," romnrked Mr. Thomson this morning. "Wo enmo determined to reinnln hero nnd If wo cannot got work Just now on railroad construc tion, we will find somothtng clso to do." Mr. Thomson wns n sub-contractor on the .Miiwnukccs const extension ARRIVE FROM W. A. RCICJ, In Charge Of Y. M. C. A. Work There, and Family Reach Coos Bay W. A. Reld, in charge of tho Y. M. r . - k in Alnska, arrived horo tnnt wna tnnt t00 ,nnny peopi0 flocked In there nnd overdid tho field "There Js but little left of Dawson. Tho smallpox epidemic thero the past year hurt it considerably." Mrs. Rosa Preuss of Marshflold, who spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Reid.Veft Alaska sometime ago an,i jinB g0no t0 Southern California whero sho will spend tho most of the winter. . 40 HUSHANH MUST NOT SPANK HIS WIFE 2 (Dy Associated Press.) LOS, Oct. 12. A man is not ?ij18t,netl '" spanking his wife Ven If sho deserves It. nccordlng'tyo a deel- ston of Justice Young who fined E. W. Pyne 15 for the offense. HAS CARRIED IN CALIFORNIA M IS Father of Grade Summerlin of North Bend Is Fatally III There. Speclnl to The Times MYRTLES POINT, Ore., Oct. 12. Mr. Summerlin, ouo of tho best known pioneers of tho North Fork, Is lying nt tho point of death nt his homo hero. It wns reported thnt ho had pnBscd away nnd In fact In ono of his sinking spoils ho sank so low that it was thought that tho ond hnd come. Ho has been sick a long time. Mr. Summerlin moved hero from his North Fork ranch nbout a year ngo. D. J. Summerlin nnd Mrs. Ed Lowollen of Myrtlo Point. Grndo Summerlin of North Rend, Rov. R. G. Summerlin, formerly pnstor of tho United Drothrcu church nt North Dend but now at Vniicouvor, Wash., nnd Mrs. Wnlter Lnwhorn of Fnlr viow are sons nnd daughters of tho well-known pioneer. 1Mb bclloved thnt death Is only tho mntter of hours. O'lUUK.VK MOTHER DEAD. After nn Illness lasting only 3(1 hours, Mrs. Mntthew O'Drlcn died nt 7:40 o'clock this morning nt tho resldenco of her Bon, J. P. O'Drlcn, vice-president nud goncrnl mnnngcr of tho Harrlmnn lines In tho North west, 72 North Twentieth Htrect. whoro sho hnd mndo her home for tho Inst two years. Considering her ndvnnccd ngo, 73 yenrs, her henlth hnd been vory good until Sunday night, when sho complained of Illness. Monday morning It wns deemed nd vlsnblo to summon Dr. A. E. Hockey, who diagnosed her nllmcnt nB stniu nch trouble, with complications duo to ngo. Mrs. O'Drlcn was born In Ennls County Clnro, Ireland, nnd enmo to Amorlcn with her pnroiits, who settled In Wlnsted, Conn., whon sho wns 11 yenrs old. Portlnnd Telo grnm. Logger Injured at Camp Two Succumbs to Injuries at Mercy Hospital. ' Mike Lavish, who wns Injured In tho Sinith-Powors Cnmii No. 2 tho dny beforo yesterdny by bolng struck by n cnble, died last evening at .Mercy hospital, Lnvlsh wns badly crushed nbout tho throat nnd chest. At first, It wns not realized thnt his injuries wero so severe but It wns soon found that ho had beon Internally hurt. Lavish wns n forolgnor, nbout thlrty-llvo yonrs old, nnd so far ns known hns no relatives In this sec tion. Tim funeral will bo hold to morrow from tho Wilson chnpol. COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORES. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 12 Port- land won ngnin yestoruay aim vornon lost again. Tho scores: At Sacramento R II Sacramento i G San Frnnclsco 3 10 At Los Angeles R II Los Angeles 2 t Portland 1 13 At San Frnnclsco R II Vornon , . . . 1 G Oakland 8 10 Llbby COAL. The kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pnclflc Livery & Transfer Co. Hnsty MESSENGER SERVICL day or night PHONE 08-J. NOTICE TO TRAVELING 1'UHLIC. Tho O'Kelly Doat Lino will opornto on tho Sunday schedule from now un til spring, J. A. O'KELLY. Proprietor, Read the Times' Want Ads. M MIKE LAVISR TODAY DIES OF HURTS Amendment to Permit Women to Vote Had Majority of Thirty-one at Noon. EXPECT RESULT WILL PROBABLY BE CLOSE Reports From Country Pre cincts Today Wipe Out Majority Against It. MAJORITY FOR IT. C (Dy Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, Col., Oct. 12. Tho not results of tho can- - viibs of tho returns on womau suffrage up to 12:30 o'clock shown nn apparent majority of 31 for woman suffrage. 4t '.. . By Associated Press tu the Coos Hay? Times) SAN PRANC18CO, Cnl., Oct. 12. Tho latest returns on tho woman suf frage vote in California show tho proposed nmendment Is only 80S votes short of a majority and aa thor vote of tho cities has already been; -counted the supporters of tho movo uiout bollovo this lend will bo ovor coino by belated returns from coun try districts. Tho mnjorlty ngnlnst .womnn suf frage Is slowly being cut down andL It Is generally bollovod the amend ment will provo to hnvo boon cnrrlodX OHANI) JURY DONir. Los Augelc Investigators Will Con clude Work Tomorrow. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANOELEB, Cnl., Oct. 12. After serving ten dnys loss tharr si year, tho grnnd Jury which ItuHctotC' John J. McNnmnra, his brother Jumcts D, nud six others for murder In con nection with tho wrecking of tho Losi Angeles Times, will mako Its flunl re port tomorrow nnd bo discharged ac cording to a report today. General Electric Company Loses In Government's Anti-Trust Suit. (Dy Associated Press to Coos nny Times.) TOLEDO, Ohio, Oct. 12. In fed eral court, Judge John M. Kllllta ren dered n decreo in favor of tho gov ernment against the General Eloctrio Co. nnd nbout forty subsidiary com panies controlled by tho GouornC Electric company undor tho Sherman anti-trust lnw. Tho decreo nrdors tho Gonornl Electric company to conduct nil its business under Its own unino nud a dissolution of the Nntlounl Electric Lamp eompnny and about thirty-five subsidiary companies. FRAUD IN HYDE CASE. Seiisutlmial Alllduvit Introduced Cou- ceriifiiK KniiMiK City Hrlbery. Dy AsBoclntod Press to tho Coos Hay Times) KANSAS CITY, Oct. 12. An af fidavit signed by Dr. D. Clurk Ifydcr In which ho says County Marahal Harry C. Hoffman told him that for $1,500 he could bang the jury 1 the llrst trial of Hydo, nnd for 3,00O could secure nn acqultal wbb Intro duced today nt tho hearing hero. DIG RAILWAYS CLASH. Florida Rnllwny Wants $(l,()(,00 Dmiuiges From Seaboard Air Llim Uy Associated Press to the Cuos- D&y Times) JACKSONVILLE. Fin., Oct. 12". Garnishment proceedings agalnstt eighteen banks supposod to hold funds of tho Senboard Air Lino Itan road company and tho Knlekorfjoclair Trust company, woro Instituted to day by the Florida Railway company which last week filed suit for sis millions damages against tho Sea board Aid Line company and tha Knickerbocker Trust company. 10 DISSOLVE BIG COMBINE fl ufeutii Sgtewwaajnfe