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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 7TT m for filling tlio street by tho dredgo Oregon next week. The old planking can be used in the bulk bonding nnd nthorwiBC. Personal Notes . '1 Tar si8 jov-. -a 'kks -r. I UAn I V rturitio THE WEATHER. ! -I U)v Associated Props.) OREGON, Sept. 29 Fair in enst with occasional rain in west portion tonight or Saturday. ( IHg Ticket Sale. There has been a very large advance ticket snle for the be nc lit at tho Mnsonlc Opera house this evening, of tho Mnrsh field Pult'lc Library- Tho program will open at S:30 and It promises to be one of the most Interesting offered by local talent In n long time. Doesn't Llko Mexico. V. 1 Schleffelo and wife who returned V CupyrUU lUn 9c!nAirr4 Mm John Aldon and 1'rlscIHnj ono of six historical pictures by Edward Ponfleld. You can get tho six pictures, In tho original colors, size . 11x12 inches, free of chargo, by leaving us your namo and ad- ' dress. OU know the romantic legend of Jonn Alden JL and Priscilla Mlillins! she frnw what Tnfin wanted to say better than he did We don't pretend to know better than you, what you want in clothes; but we know . ' ... Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes arc the best clothes made; and we believe when you see them ' you'll want them. V uits $J8 and Up. . Overcoats $16.50 and Up Woolen mill store yesterday from an extended trip Piny Today. The Myrtle Pomt I s"t some time In old Mexico. Mr. ,...i ....... i. ..ii . ... i.. .1 ... ociv uueio uoiisn i iikc .Mexico ami snys t'hat bIiico the laBt revolution there, the antipathy of Mexicans fr Aerlcans is moro marked thnn ever. high school football team arrived to day noon nccompnitled by n few root ers for the guiuo nt the depot grounds with Hin Mlirsllllnlil hli'h hpIkhiI linva this afternoon. w" . . . : r ' Thonlns in iXccKieui. ur. ,i. t. Mccormnc GUS 1'HTERSON of Emplro is Mnrshlleld on business today. In lins received ndvlses that his brother, J.W. McCormnc, who hns been spend ing the summer in England wns de layed In returning by nn accident. No particulars wore received. Still HI. Word hu3 been received here that Elijah Smith, formerly head of the Southern Oregon com pany, Is still confined In n sanitarium nt Portland. There Is Uttlo Impro vement In his condition. MUiimleiNtuuilliig. Mrs Ulnlii Informs Tho Times that the report that there had been a possibility of litigation over the settlement of the estate of her Into husband nnist have been duo to n misunderstanding. She says the cstnto was settled, amicably exactly In accordance with tho provisions nnule In her late husband's will. VIRGIL MATSON of Coos River Is In Mnrshlleld today on business. MISS DAISY LATTIN of Coos Rlvor Is a Marshflold shopper today. JESS SMITH of Coos River is in Marshflold todny on business. REV. A. O. LIND will leavo tomorrow for Coqulllo to spend Sunday. CIIAS. SIESTREEMof North Laic Ib in Mnrshlleld on business today. H'LLIS SHORT of Ten Mile wns a Marshlleld business visitor yester duy. MRS. NORMAN SAVAGE of Coos River Is a Marshflold shopper today. today W. PLANK arrived homo from n visit with rolatlvcs in California. Give Concert Tho Coos Day Con cert band will glvo a concert Jhls evening nt tho corner of Front nnd Market avenues. It will probnbly bo short so as not to Interfere with the benefit performance for tho Marshflold Public Library. Tour Up Street. Streot Commls-, sloner Lnwhorno today began taking No Service Sunday. No services will bo held In the Norwegian Luth eran church on Sunday, Oc tober 1, In Mnrshlleld and North Ucnd, tho minister preaching In Coqulllo. Second Sunday In Oc tober service In Mnrshlleld 10:45, and Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. Evening Bervlco 7:30 In 'North Rend. A. O. Llnd, pnstor. ' Iteport on Witter. Engineer RJcl -ardson, who has been making an in vestigation of tho wntor supply In up tho old phuiktng on North Front this section nnd also of tho present street to hnve everything in readiness J waterworks Bystem, will complete his report October 1, according to infor mation received by Kdgar MrDanlei, secretary of tho Joint committee of the North Rend nnd Mnrs1tft6Ul cjtv councils which hns tho matter in hand. AGENTS WANTED First class for C. It. Smith Armstrong, local Coming. Herbert reprosontntlvo of CAPT. HARRIS and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Sumner are Marshfleld visitors. MRS. A. R. SEARS will Icavo Sunday for a visit at Redwood and other California points. GRANT EGOERS was hero from Co nulllo lila week and Is'plnnnlng to return hero to reside MANAGER MORSE of tho Coqulllo Electric Compnny drovo over to day with Mi's family In his auto, MRS. OSCAR OHMANnnd daughter, lllnnche, of North Inlet, arrived homo todny from u trip to California. ARTHUR T. COACH and wlfo of llandon passed througluhoro today en route homo from a trip to California. this nnd surrounding counties, for M0 Monn8lm Woodonwnro compnny. tho "NEW STANDARD 1910 Con- Wft8 (,own fr0, NorU, ,, y0Rtorimy sus A? or mo worm. Agoni 0 DUllnoBs. 0 ox,)0Cta c. n. 8inlth, MarshfielcJ tho homo of Hart Schaffner & Mark clothes o r- r "TEe BtiSy Corfter n Coughing- WK dIAVE A NEW COUGH DROP AND IT'S UNDOUIJT- EDLY THE PUREST AND REST TO HE HAD. IT CONSISTS ONLY OF HEST HUTTEIt, CLEANEST SUGAR, PUREST MENTHOL AND WATER. THE TASTE IS PLEASANT AND THE RESULTS MORE SO. SEE OUR WINDOW. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us Abstracts, Real Estate,. Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract ..Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offl:e Phone 101 Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Genaral AnU "BASTSIDE" t at MASONIC OPERA HOUSE U i r FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 29TH For tho Heneflt of Marshflold Public Library. Enjoy nn Interesting and ontortnln- Ing evening and holp a worthy cause. Reserved Seats on Sale nt Tho Dusy Cornor. making $40 to f(10 per week. Dest of terms. Also agonta for low-priced, easy soiling JUVENILE nnd HOLIDAY books. Combination Outfit postpaid only 20c. 50 commission, to agents. Full parti culars free. . Addross A. D. KUHL- MAN. Publlshor, 13C West Lnko St., Chicago, 111 head of tho company, horo about tho mlddlo of October to Inspect the local properties. At that tlino, Mr. Smith will probably detormlno whothor or not tho compnny will shortly begin the manufacture of lumber hero. j Ulg Salmon Run. Partlos from South Inlet report that there was a I arnnt run of anlinan thorn thn ilnv TAiiKW ui'--rrei rony. utvner b(jfor0 ye8tor(Jay A Bchool of tho can navo same oy paying .cost. c&mQ ,n vop ho bur nnd BUrlod and for JUIs ,.dy. Enquire,. U B()Uth ,nl()t Thoy wcn) 80 thckj i iiiicb uuicu. MR. AND MRS. WM. nARKAS re turn to McMlnnvlllo tomorrow after a pleasant visit with rela tives nnd friends on Coos Day. MR. AND MRS. LEO. J. CAREY of Coqulllo arrived hi this morning from San Francisco, where they lhavo been on a brief business trip. A. J. MENDEL returned on tho, Re dondo today from a business trip to San Francisco. Ho reports bus iness conditions Improving on the outside. IGoorgo Wesson reports, that boats FOR SALE GiiHolino launch liO fee t;3 find dlfllculty In gottlng through and , loiy? and G-foot beam, first elass tho fish could bo killed with' clubs order. Call at 427 Droadway. Attor' going up Soutlrlnlot a short ' ; ' ' I ',''-' ' ' ' ' ' dlBtanco. thoy turned back and are WANTED Young man, good habits suppoaod to bavo gono out to sea to board apd room , In homo. Phono 129-R. modern -.again. FOR RENT 7-room, ,houo .with batb,,cqr. Np, Broadway and Cedar , Avo. Apply to C. J. Druschko. , WA5TEI Wouiaa or Iclrl to cro TICKin'S 25, 35 nnd 50 CENTS Will Wed. Friends horo havo boon apprised that Dr. May Vandor burg and JudgoPorryofHonoluluwlll jba marriod In San Frnnclscd early in January. Dr. Vnnderburg Is well knovyn on tho Day, having formerly V Yi . . 7i t 7 r,V associated In practice with Dr. for elderly Invalid. Inquire of irr.8. , .' " V , Losllo here and also through visits at P00K ta - t the homo of lior undo, J. J. Cllnkln- ''"''' ;'' l,. ' ' ' board on Coos Rlvor, Sho Is now vis- VANTEJ-Fivo bounlen. ana room- ,tng ,n 8an FrancBC0 Th w,n ors la private homo.- Handy loa-',, , onoluUl. tlon for mill hands. Nicety lurntsn ed rooms. Rates reasonable 977 South Fourth street. Phono 188X MRS. C. QUERT1ER, who has boon making hor homo with nor sister, Mrs. A. C. Gabornacho, will leave Sunday for San Francisco to remain. MRS. A. C. WERDEN who has boett visiting hor slstor, Mrs. Escott In JSouth Murshflold will leave for hor homo In Arizona on tho R'f-dondo. -I Would pay somo difference. Call dt'lloo'd Apartmonts, ground floor, South Sldo. I'nil Ill'ICT rri,nA fiirnlulicil rnnniH ., i ..i. .i.ia FOR SALE Fumlturti for seven for gentlomon. Inquire at this oftlco. FOR RENT Furnished flat. Also houses. Phono 1C4-J. room house. Enquire Tlmos' olllco or address Uox 792, Mnrshlleld. WANTED Piano to 10 8-J. rent. Phono IOST Tiirqiiolho Htlck p3n iK'ttreeti O'Connol building nnd Pnlaco res taurant. Reward for return to tho Times ofllco or pliono 2 80-J. FOR SALE One -l-piwwi'iiKvr nuto, In first clnss condition, 1910 mod oj. Or will trade for roal estate. FOR SALE Pure Phono 108X. Jersey milk. FOR RENT Four-room, partly fur nished houso, next to Catholic church. Inquire on promlsos. Your Sunday Roast Wo hava It ready for you. Sweet and Juicy. ROAST MUTTON KOAST DEEP Union Meat Market Phone Ua Your Order. ROAST PORK Phone 58. Special Sale on Steel Cut Coffee Edwards' Dependable Vacuum Packed Steel Cut Coffee. A spe cially selected coffee that If guaranteed to give absolute satisfac tion. Strong and Delicately Flavored. Make It as you mako tho coffee you havo been using nnd Its superior merits will appeal to you. Notice the uinorence. Regular price 4Bc, now only AUTOS ALWAYS READY Two ma chinescareful drivers. Stands at Dlanco hotol and Ed's Billiard par lors. Day phones 4G and 231R. 1 Night phono 181X. WANTED Girl nt Stafford.'!). 35 Cents Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 WANTED Hoy to deliver Times in South Marshfleld. Must bo at least In fourth grade at school. LOST Ladles' gold ring opal nnd two diamonds. Leavo at Times' of- I llco and got rewnrcL ' FOR SALE CHEAP Pluito, 1073 Anderson Ave. FOR SALE My farm OUO acres In one lot or will cut up In parcels to nit. C. W. Santord, Marshfleld. FOR SALE Two cholco 20 ucre tracts, closo In. ?,1500 each, onu third cash, long time on balance. See J. C. Doane, phono 314x2, WANTED 0 experienced coul min ers Deaver Hill Pnmnnnft lT-v EARL, WINNEJt and Jorry Klnner havo returned from a trip tp Mr. Winner's claim In the Fall Crook country. They killed a cougar ami got a few doer during the trip. E. S. DARQELT and wlfo are expect ed homo Sunday or Monday from their eastern and southern trip, They woro In Los Angeles tho first of tho week en route home, They expected to conio home via Rosq burg. HUGH LONO, formerly n tho plumb- Ing business In Marshflold but for somo time past a resident of Dutte, Montana, has returned to this city. Ho says Coos Day looks good to him and ho Is going to stay thl time. MAJOR TOWER and wlfo nnd their guests, Mrs. Lumb and Mrs. Hatch, pnssod through horo yeitar day en route homo to Empire from their Btimmor cottage on South Coos R'vor whore thoy hnvo bo-tn upending n few weeks. MRS. GEO. WOLF of Forndalo has been vory III the past few days. She was In rnthor poor health and worry ovor tho burning of tho Forndulo browory, In which sho wns financially Interested, caused a collapso. V . E. C. POTTER will leave In a day or two for Spokano nnd from thore ho wjll proceed to California. He re cently sold his ranch on Shlnglo houso Inlot to E. R. Wright of Portlan'd and expects to mako his homo In California. H. J. LASHAWAY of tho 0. A. Smith mill returned yesterday from Wis consin where he attended tho gol den wedding anniversary of his pnronts. Ho brought back somo fine Wisconsin apples which ho placed on exhibit nt tho Chambor of Commerce WOMAN'S auxiliary of PRESnY- TER1AN church will hold a COOKEI1 FOOD SALE SATURDAY, Septembic 3,6, at comer imOAltWAV ' SVW'.jur "V- I I r