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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1911)
? WE SHOULD NEVER FORGET THE MAN WHO HELPS US CROSS A SHAKY BRIDGE GOOD THINGS ARE ADVfflTISCD ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE Tin: pkoplk who auk "half INTIjlxi:i).To.ia'y" things AL MOST ALWAYS MAKE TIIIJ KIXAL 'division I'Xinni tiik ixtlu- I'SCi: OK SOME PARTICULAR AD. i,i:t tiii: next thixo you mnr AT A STOlti: lie AX AIIVKHTISEU it .Mi:xs nirrrnu SERVICE. ARiiCLi: AND, IK POSSIBLE, THE XKX.T DOZEN THINGS VOU BUY. ), 1 KM Hint OP ASSOCIATKD PHKSH A Conolluirroii of TiiucH. Const Mnli No. 64- VOL. XXXV EMnlillHhcd In 1H7H as The Count Mult MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1911 EVENING EDITION. , null Coos Hay Advertiser. (Eaiua ttlt0 1RRIMAN OFFICIALS ll DOWN UNIONS, STRIKE SOON Walkout of Shopmen Expected Saturday or Next Monday or Tuesday. UNIONS KEEP EXACT DATE SECRET NOW Over 35,000 Men on All Lines of System and Illinois Central Involved. , AM, U1LDV VOU SI HIKE. - .4 (Dy Asaornitcu J'ram.j DAVENPORT, Iowa, Sept. 2, aa mil for a strlko of tlio mneh- Inlsts and allied trnfio unloiiB oil tho Hnrrlmun UnoB mny cotno from Davenport tonight or so morrow morning, according to Jnmcs O'Cmmell -of tho Machl nlstB'Unlon. Thettlmo-for-wulk-' out will bo set ffor early noxt week, probably StunUay or Tues day, ho sain. (Dy Assoclatcc ITcsb to Coos 'Bay Tiroes) NEW YORK. Sept. 28. Announ cement wiib matte by ofucltiU of tho Union and Southern Pacific nillroads at noon la:ry 'Chut '(hoy hnfi reject ed tho di'inands of tho Federation of Itallwny Employes on their lines. ,n official statement giving tho position of thti rnllrondB "in tho mattrr Is ex peitcd blitirtly. Mil."!, CAM, STRIKE. Day mid Hour of Wnlkotti to "Ho Dflermtnod 'Moon 1y Union l-mli'i-H Dy Associated Press to tho Coon Hay Times.. CHICAGO, 111.. Sept. .28.--.'A Btrlko on all tho Ilarrlman lines In cluding tlio Illinois Central will bo willed as noon jib 'the president of tho Shopmen!. Inturnuthmal UnlnnB in olved woi fix upon a day and hour, according to X W. "Kline, prwlllcnt of the International IJIacksmltlw and Helpers Union today. Three of the flvo International unions Involvua.'Jnclutlhiglho machi nists, wore wild to had agreed on Saturday morninB' between ten nd itwolvo o'clock ia -tho huur for tho genernl walkout. Tho number uf men who will 'bo effected 'Is roughly' estimated nt 3C00U, President ICllno iWlfled biter: J believe tho impending strike will spread to all the roads In tho west ns fust ns tho roads -rufuso to nceejrt the todoratlon'8 -terms. Thene Is a crisis betwoon, laVor and capital and It will have to be foutfbi out. "Tht! Btrlko 1b Inovltublo now," said Kllno, "Kruttuchnltt roplled tm lftorabTy to our final request for a conference, and nfter a talk this morning -with tho ofhor -union prl- dentB wo havo decided tho strike ninet bo called." Some are in favor of next Monday as tho proper time to hegln the actual struggle, and others want to begin Saturday. As soon hb wo decide this question word to strlko will ho sent to nil unions." The strlko oTder Is said to ho al rendy In tho hands of local nnlon heads, and all that will bo neoded Is fl flash -malilnK It effective. Thlrty- flvo thousand men. Including the machinists, hojler makers, car repair ers and manufacturers, sheet metal workers, and blacksmiths will bo af fected. In some quarters a strlko order Rlthln twentytfour hours would not come as a surprise. DATE .IS DECIDED. Time of Calling 'Strife Fixed nt Pa venport. CoBference.v--' ,. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) KANSAS CITY, Sept. 28. "There Is going- to 0)0 strike on all tho Har- rtman lines and It will he called with in a week." said M. F. Ryan, inter - national president of the Carmen s Vnlon here Joday, Ryan -refuseu to state the date the atrlke will bo call- -d but he, said the. day and hour were decided, upon, at- conference In Da- venportoa,, last Tuesday. 10 INVESTIGATE I FRUIT BLIGHT i Peculiar Deterioration Ih Irri gated Sections Causes Alarm. By Assoulatcd Press to tlv Coos Tlnj Times) , WASHINGTON. D. C Sept. 2S, Ijlrpoi'tH of a serious deterioration In tho oraiiKo. applo und pear orchards on tho Irrigated lands of California, Oregon, Washington and 'Oilier west 'orn stales, whore Intenslvo farming mofhoUs aro followed, lius resulted In tho beginning of nn lnveHURirtlon by 'tho Department of Agriculture to de- torntlnn thn rilllSOft. The iCOAOrnmcnt .ij 'kcc fr,,it ad (fll experts In tho Irrigation status (for several months, studying tins "effects of abundanco of watr jrpur. tho or chards. Tho decline In tlio valuo of erttabllslied orchards lutvo amounted to mlljlons of dolinTB -according to authorities of the ingrlmtlturnl de partment. tsteamship Arrives TT)day From Portland WuVCapacity Passenger lliist.'' The DrenkwaUr arrived in at C O'clock this morning itflth n capacity passonger list from Portland. She hud n fino trip down 'tho coast. The Dreakwater uIho iind a good cargo of miscellaneous (frolght. In tho latter wob a motor Ihout for Mrs. W. "W. Dean. Tho Dreakwaler Will bUII at 1:00 O'clock Saturday for 'Portland. Among those arriving toUay on hor wero the following: MlR9 Alma Bkblad, WIsa Wllia Hall, JUIla Maguson. Mtb. "T. Nlcols, Mrs. E. D. Gohrke, Cqjr Bums, J. n. Hnnnesott, Mrs. Hnnne(tt, J. a. Beyer, R. Woldon, C. Mxctiaen. Mrs. G. Jones, Mrs. M. Jones, J. McOrnw, F. Rouleau, II. Dlmmlck, Atiiflo Haw kln. Amanda Kromllng. Mrs. E. J. Homme, Jno Leeto, Andrew Tyeatt, C. E. Hawkins, Jno Holglness, H. J. Lashway, II. H. Lashway, A. Ed munds. C. F. Alhertson, Geo A. Per iHnn. T. H. Roundln, H. Juntl, Hop Sing, Dow Tnl, Sing Tong. Dow Yuen, Sam Sing. Sing Lee. Hop Lee, O. Ilobson, Mrs. W. J. Rohson, V. E. Hcndersen, C. H. Worrell. Mrs. C. II. Worrell, Mrs. E. W. Fahy. Miss M. Gllllson, Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Dlauche -, ., iinl rnmeroll. Mrs. Ab- plund, Anna Sarin. Mrs. C, E. Drond bent, Mrs. L. M. Noble. E. D. Dorau. n t. itnil. Emily Dutters, Mrs. J. Aidon. II. S. Kuttlo, W. O. Hargls Jr., Fred W. Davis, Mrs. S. R. Dar- nes, Manny Darnes, F. wans. r. B. Fran, Leta wauo, ' Ohafi Walls. R. II. Smith. Wang Jonn Sold Ding. J. A.Loddy.J. C. Toohey, w, . T T7iim. G. Gratton, M. uonuor. v. .." bla, N. Hananen. L. Chandler, J. Hen- .i,,0 n Johanson. J. M. Kim?y, j. B. Hellenlus, T. Doland, C. I. Le- bendorfer. J. Dravln, S. it. uarnes. R. Abbott, D. Kaselund, J. Forsman. B Kelly, II. Howard, J. Comlnhaus, M. Marshall, C. W. Grover, D. H. Grant, C. H. Freeman. Margie Foulks, Mrs. A. M. Rhodes, Edna nt-t.o-.ia Mav Mahonoy, Mrs. G. H. - Q WrgM w g lew nui."..w' " r LIUUB - . for tJje Get Oi. UCKei H entertainment at the Opera i eVeD,DB- RIG CROWD ON BREAKWATER ITALY AND TURKISH Time In Which Sultan Must I Answer Note Demanding. Concessions Expires T I 1 0-1 morrow at Noon. (By Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) LONDON, England, Sept. 28. A Home dispatch says the period .of grate allowed Turkey will expire nt moon tomorrow OIL RUIR IS No Strike Wade at Bandon Be yond Seepage 'in Evidence For a Month. "Xo o!Il "lmB Ibeun 'taken from tho Hear Crwik -vcll mnU ahlppod to San Knotclfico Sfor ttests, of oil airo nutting Ihettor and whon tho drill Ib pulled tup through tho 1,21)0 Scat xif wntor In tho well, somo thick oily Bdbstanco Is found on It A Httlo Bkum -nlBO rises to tho top hut 'It '1b only a Blight Boopngo, pos- hut It 'IB oniy a BuBm .,.... ' Ktblya HtClo stronger than a month ngo.1 . I .1"' h" SiT"1 "n? .2 u. -i. Bi.u....u. -..-. --- moBt iirom nunt niomuorB oi mo coiii-i w drilling for oil - cnr Cre to Tho Tlniea over tho long distance telephone HUB afternoon. Mr. Spen-, ,r laughed w'hcntoia oi mo w ,u LortBthut someono had started hero to the effect that they hud struck oh VTa,:nlTL UUIIUI 'Ul l"i. w..., -- .. ,.,1 !-.. Vnnn- wlln If trllO UUl WU II IUI Ull ,... ...--.. -. hivppuns -na wo nro still confident It will,"" Mr. Spencer naacu. i Col. it. II. "Rosa came over irom DaTidon today, having left there this corning. Hohad not heard anything of tb. striking of oil, hoyond th. slight seepage that has been notl o- nhle for n month or so, but still lo- cal people insisted that oil ,,Ba uja atruciu x,o i... ....-. ;:'';: Speneer .nfl the -above was the re- suit. Woman and Four Children Vic tims' of Illinois Holocaust Two Escape. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MITCHELL, 111., Sept. 28. Mra. Virgil Van Dover and four of hor chlldron were burned to death in their homo. The husband and Arin- ur Langord, 18 years old, a son of a former husband, Jumped from a sec ond window and saved themselves. JOHNSON'S HOUT OFF. 4. . a rnv Associated Press.) LONDON, Engiana, aepi. o. The Johnson-woiis cnaraiu- ship flght'schedulcd for October 2, was definitely abandoned to- day by the principals and' pro- moters, owing to opposition of the authorities and a largo ele- mont of tbepuhllc., TOCAIJONTAS NOTICE. All members of the Pocahontas Lodge are requested to meet at the Swedish hall Thursday evening, Sep. tembor 28, at 7:30, on very Impor tant business. By order of MARGARET METL1N, Pocahontas. NOT CORRECT FIVE BURNED IN THEIR HOME CRISIS FRIDAY WANT f?V'"Mr CTION. Italy Made Pi. f, ..' Demands on Kor Answer. Tin lioy By Associated Press to tue v-ona nn Times) . ROME, Italy, Sept. 28. A note ttddrcssed by the Foreign Ofllce to tho Italian clinrgo d'affaires at Constan tlnoplo very recently peremptorily fixed twenty-four hours as the period within which theTurkish govern ment must reply to tho demands therein set foith. in tho note Italy announced her Intention to occupy Tripoli and Cy- rene Marshfield Methodist Pastor to Be Tendered Reception Soon. Itcv. II. I. Uutlcdgo, pnstor of tho Marshfleld Methodist church, nrrlv- REV. ROTLEOGE RETURNS HOKE ,. . ,, cd homo today from Salem whoro ho Tho Indications.. . . . ,. nns Dccn iiiiciiuihk i "' vu... renco of tho Methodist church. Ho was warmly wolc'onied buck by his many friends hero who wore more than gratified that ho had been sta tioned here for nnothor year nt least. Members of tho local congregation , (, n recoptlon , ,,,, honor P'" I'""" . for Friday evening, but It was post- .in tm, I nn tippntint of thnt llOlnK tllO it. of thehenctlt for tho Mnrshno.d ,,,. uurnry. . .., .. i. ,, r h the 00 .nahnminllt1ril,,. nnil tho IloUcy mQT0 f(jr fore,K o - - 0mnRbA Tho , ,, Co're'lCOO and for homo missions iU,ll An IncrcjiBo dnrlcfi tho year of df tho 1398 In tho membership ,M t, lnrlMo. - conference, and ttoi i U nBm(hKf 8clloolB conn0cted J lhowB JHJ t "'"uu ' -tt last year was 18,228 and this year It niembershln of the I f W -, v. Snndny school last year was 10,340 aMd this year It is 12,113. There Is an Increase, according to tho report, In tho church property of 1S1,6G0, tho valuo of tho property for last year being $782,1 DO, and that for this year holng 11,033,800. rwhhytertniM In Oregon. Tho annual report of tho gonoral assembly of tho Presbyterian church Just Issued gives the following sta tistics of the Oregon synod: Presby teries, 5 ; ministers, 141; churches, 144; communicants, 13,557; Bap tisms, 837; Sunday school mombor. ahlps, 15,403. STATE RIGHTS Public Land Convention Opens In Denver Today Keynote Sounded. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Hay v Times.; DENVER, dolo., Sept. 28. A graz ing homestead 'law giving preference1 to stockmen and farmers ahead of "any and all American citizens" in disposing of the pubUc domain undor the system of state supervision, was advocated by Chairman J. A. Eddy In his address at the opening of thd Public Lands Convention here today, as he sounded tho keynoto In the fight to be made for the state's rights aa vpcates. The latter are' clearly lrt control and whatever declaration of principles Is set 'forth by theVonven tlon undoubtedly will oppose Inderal control and disposition of public lands. IN CONTROL REORGANIZATION LINES IS Annie Crawford Makes Partial Confession In Poisoning ' of Family. Dy Associated Press to tho Cans Day Times.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Sept. 2S. Following tho announcement that SUbb Annie Crawford had admitted cIvIuk morphine to hor Bister EIbIo, causing tho lntter's death Saturday, Interest todny centered In tho ac tion tho police will tnko concerning tho mysterious deaths of tho parontB and another sister who died In Juno and July, 1910. Miss Crawford has been formally charged with having murdered her sister Elslo. iTSON WINS IN CASE Jury In Judge Carter's Court Brings In Verdict In His Favor. Tho Jury In Judgo Carter's court yesterday In tho enso of Jack Tuwes of Dnndon, who was scokliig to gain possession of $38.75, Dobblo Evans' share of tho receipts of tho recent fight, brought In n verdict In favor of A. Mntson. Marshal Carter assumed tho bench nnd wns aided In presiding by JiiBtlco Ponnock. Although E. II. Joehnk nnd Tom Hall raised all kinds of objections to U10 examination of wltncsscH, Marshal Cartor or rathor Judgo Cartor got through In lino shapo by overruling most of thorn. This does not sottlo tho enso now although tho costs of tho litigation exceed tho amount Wvolvod. Matbon claimed tho monoy on an ordor Is sued to him by Evans for tho payment of an old debt. Tawes tried to get It In payment of a bill ho had against Evans for monoy advanced tho P6rt Jand pugilist. Tho monoy Is on de posit with Justice Pennock yot and pow Joehnk will claim It and furnish a money holding tho codrt secure against further claims of Matson who will have to suo Marshal Cartor as tho officer serving the writ of attach ment tb gain possession of It. Tho Portland Oregonlan says Dan ny O'Drlen, Portland lightweight, who was defeated by Jack Drltton laBt wook at San Francisco nfter winning popular decisions ovor Jorry Murphy nnd Rufo Turn6r within tho past two months, has been matched with Bob bio Evans, another Portland 135 pounder, for October 5, at Dond, Or. HANDON MAX WOUXDKD. While hunting. Saturday, Tom Duncan accidentally shot Art Hughes his brother-in-law, mistaking him for a deer. Mr. Hughes was shot In tho J emln and for a while his wound' was thought to be fatil but this inornlng ho Is getting along very nlcoly. and unless some complica tion sets in ho !!! probably recover. Bandon Recorder. NORTH HEND NEWS C. II. Worrell and wife returned today from a fow weeks' visit at Portland and other 'northern points. Mrs. E. W. Fahy of Dullards pass ed through here today on route homo from a visit in Portland and other northern points. If you have a GOITREl' See DR. WINKLER. ADMITS GIVING SISTER POISON OF HAR RUN ANNOUNCED TODAY Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line and Southern Pacific Are Separate. WILLIAM SPR0UL IS NEW HEAD OF S. P. A. L. Mohler Is Chosen Presi dent of Union Pacific and Short Line. (By Associated ITcbb to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Sept. 28. Changes In tho operating organization of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacin-; recommended by President LovotU woro announced this nftornoon, fol lowing tho approval of tho board of directors. A. L. Mohlor, now vlco presldont nnd genornl manager of tho Union Paclnc, has boon solecto'l nresldcnt of that company nnd tho Oregon Short Lino, with headquarter In Omaha. William Sproul, formerly freight trulllo manager of tho South ern Pnclflc with headquartora In Ban Francisco. Tho above reorganization lsti thought to bo In compliance with a- recent order of tho Intorstnto Coui merco commission that tho Southern Pacific and Union Pacific linen bo under sopnrato ninnngoment. It was claimed that tho old form was con trary to law as It placed parallol anil supposedly compotlng lines undor 0110 mnnagoment. It Is not bollovod that will coubo any shnkoup or affect Vlco-presldent8 Calvin or O'Drloti 11 any way. EARLY TODAY Steamship Has Big Cargp. of Freight and Good Pas.- senger List. The Alllanco arrived In this morn ing from I'ortland with a good pas songer list pnd a big, cargo of freight. Sho had the largest freight cargo 9 ho has had tor some time and had. to leave at Portland about thjrty tons of freight that was consigned to Agent C. F. McGoorgo for his Jobbing: business. Tho Alllanco wl.ll saU at 10 o'cloclc tomorrow from North Dond for Eu reka. Among thoso nrrlvlng from Tort land on tho Alllanco were tho follow ing: Mrs. C. E. Dowers, J. Mallory. J II. Jennings, Jos Warren, Anna Ar row, Miss Cameron, Mrs. W. Mathqw son, Earl Long, M. A. Long, Grace Long, W. P. Schleffolo nnd wlfo, JI. L. Tummory, F. L. Loland, Qeo Fleming, Mrs. Fleming, II. T. Novoll. Mrs. Novoll, Mrs. Geo Gray, Mrs, Lw Hutton nad family, Wm. Rollory, T. Cully, F. W. Paris, Honry HeB8, It. L. Meyers, Lydla Rarton, K, F. Law ronco, E. Ward, L. E. Drews, P. Ob.lo and J. Hogan. KILL MANY JLVTS. SEATTLE. Wash., 8opt. 28, Tho Seattle HoaUh, popartment has des troyed 7,500 rats In the last fifteen months, Only one was found to bo Infected with bubonic plague, IF your STOMACH Is out of order See Illl. WINKLER. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. We want treph salmon and ara prepared to pay the highest caBh price for thom. For further parti culars see C. G. HOCKETT. Empire City, or GEO. F. SMITH. Cood River. ALLIANCE III