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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
YOU CAN ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE THI3 PEOPLE WHO ARE "IIALE-jXCLlNED-TO-BUV" THINGS AL MOST AIAVAYS MAKE THE FINAL 'decision UNDER THE INFLU KXCE OK SOME PARTICULAR AD. VOL XXXV Established us Tho Const Malt ITALY DECLARES WAR OK AND HOSTILITIES Declaration of Hostilities Ef fective at 2:30 O'clock i This Afternoon. BLOCKADE OF ALL PORTS IS ARRANGED Sultan's Refusal to Comply With Ultimatum Leads to Quick Action. Italy hns n stnndlnR nrmy of 22C000 nnd 300,000 reserves with 1,200,000 unorganized nvnllnblo for duty. Turkey hns n standing nrmy of 37G.000, with 350,000 re- serves nnd 2,000,000 unorgnn- ized men nvnllnblo for duty. ltnly hns 12 battleships, 23 cruisers of nil clnsscs, 13 gun- boats, 127 warships of other clashes, with 20,941 cnllBted men nnd officers. Turkey hns llvo bnttleshlpH, five cruisers of nil clnsses, two gunboats nnd 12 warships of other classes, with 30,800 on- listed olllcern nnd men. CAUSE OK WAR. Tripoli, on the north const of Africa, opposite ltnly, In n Turkish possession desired by Italy for trade purposes. ltnly oltei'B to lease the country, hut Turkey declines, nnd nn Itnllnn campaign of conquest Is tho re- suit. LAND .MEN TODAY . (By ABKoclated Press.) MALTA, English colony, Sept. 29. A telegram from Tripoli says twelve Itnllnn wnrshlps are anchored off Tripoli nnd It Is expected h landing will be effected this afternoon. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ROME, ltnly, Sept. 29. It Is of ficially announced hero thnt Italy and Turkey nre In n stnto of wnr be ginning nt half past two on tho aft ernoon of Friday, September 29. Tho reason given Is thnt Turkey hns fail ed to meet tho domunds contained In the Italian ultimatum. Tho minister of marlno Is believed to hnvo sent wireless orders to tho Itnllnn lleet of Tripoli to net Imme diately. This nctlon followed n meeting of tho cabinet nt cloven o'clock nt which It wns decided to proceed with tho mensures previously determined on. A blockade of tho ontlro Trlpolltnn const will bo undertaken Immediately nnd notification of this act will bo ent to nil powers. STAND OK TURKEY. Sultan OpKses Military Occupation of Tripoli. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PARIS, France, Sept. 29. A dis patch to tho Hnvns ngency from Constantinople says Turkey recog n!s completely tho economic Inter ests of Italy but will not nccept the proposed Itnllnn military occupation of Tripoli. ITALY'S PLANS GIVEN. Will Maintain Strict Rlockndo of Turldsh Territory. By Associated Press to the Coos Bay.. Times) , ' CIIIASSO, Italy, Sept. 29. Tho Italian fleet has been ordered to Maintain a close blockade of Tripoli's coast and prevent by force the land-l 'ng of further reinforcements. Sec- t Instructions have been given for NEVER RECTIFY A 'MISTAKE RY (&&m law tms In 1878 MARSHFIELD. TURKEY TODAY WILL OPEN ANY TURKISH REPLY TO Sultan Expresses Surprise at Stand Italy Has Suddenly Taken Against Him. (By Assoclnted I'rcss to Coos Daj Times) CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, Sept. 29. Tho TurklBh reply to tho ultl- nintum of ltnly, which demnnded ns- I surnnccs there would be no resist lance to the Italian occupation of Tri poli nnd Cyrcno coinnuinlcntcd to i tho Itnllnn charge d'affaires, Slgnor ! 1)1 Martlno, tills morning. The moB I sage was couched In friendly terms nnd expressed Biirprlso nt the nctton of ltnly in view of tho cordial rein tlnns existing between tho two coun tries. It pointed out thnt Itnllnns In Tripoli hnd not been threatened nnd It wns hoped ltnly would desist from her contemplnted mensures. Tho Impression prevails In diplomatic clr- elcs thnt tho nolo will not bo Hatls- factory to Italy. T UNTIL DEM Renew Oath of Unity and Alle giance to Turkey to "Last Dron of Blood." (By Assoclntcd press to the coos Bay, V lines) TRilUOLI, Sept. 29. Nearly nil the Europeans Inst night loft on or (tor's from tho Itnllnn consul nnd this morning tho streets oro desert-' ed excopt for squads of Turkish Ml RR GH soldlors. who nro enthus'nBtlc over of through freight from Portland jtrp p tno eonBt Cn()ti Mngeo ro tho sltuntlon. Tho Arabs hnvo hold nnd nlso ninny through passenger ; pmB tnnt- wj,j0 tncro wnB a ,'lwuj innss meetings in an mo mosques nnd tnken the solemn oath of unity nnd nlleglnnco to tho Turkish ling "to tho Inst drop of blood." REYOIl' IN TURKEY. Albanians Want General Gurllmldl to I,ead Revolution. (By Associated Press to th Coos Bny Times) CIIIASSO, Italy, Sopt. 29. Tho Albanians nro importuning aenernl Garibaldi to take advantage of tho sltuntlon nnd orgnnlzo another Alba nian revolution In Turkey. TURKEY WlLlfNOT RESIST. Decided Not to Oppose Itnllnn Iiiiml- lug nt Tripoli. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times) PARIS, France, Sept. 29. A dls patch to tho Havas agoncy from Cons tantinople says tho Turkish govern- mont has decided not to roslst tho Itnllan landing at Tripoli. wwwsNNN n strntoglc distribution of ships along tho Albanian, Macedonian and Syrian coast tho moment action is bcKim, to prevent any nttompt by , Turkey to nttnek tho Italian coast through prlvateors. Ships hnvo been Instructed not only to defend Ita lians but nlso all foreigners on Ot toman territory. FLASHLIGHTS nnd batteries at THE GUNNERY. If you have APPENDICITIS. See DR. WINKLER. FOOTBALL supplies at tho GUN NERY. Salmon TROLLING outfits at Tho GUNNERY. If you have a GOITRE? See DR. WINKLER. HUNTING COATS at TIIE GUN NERY. IF your STOMACH Is out of order See DR. WINKLER. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29.1911 EVENING EDITION. FO M IRS ARE ENTOMBED 5 Hope tO Save Men Buried n;cnb,c diltch from Fairbanks re ceived last night stated thnt hope Shaft Near Fairbanks Drill Air Holes Into Cham ber. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bny TlmcB.) SEATTLE, Wnsh., Sept. 29. A u E CITY" IS Noted Chicago Amusement Park Swept by Conflagra tion This Afternoon (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times) CHICAGO, Sept. 29. Tho "White O.ty,"" nn nmusoment park on the south side, Is snld to bo doomed by n Arc that started this afternoon. The Benson nt tho pnrk closed Sat- unlay, it Is sa d none of tiie eon cessions can bo saved. W TODAY Steamship Sails For Eureka This Morning With Many Passengers. . The Alllanco sailed this morning for Eurokn. Sho hnd "heavy cargo I A-innnir thoso Riilllni from litre on tho Alliance Wore the 'following Stella Carlisle, I,. Q. Carlisle. Mrs. SI. Carlisle T.' Brndloy, II, A. White. Geo II. Bloom, J. Powloy, L. Han son, John Vorstlng, Clnrko .Tqnnor, F. Jnmeson, Lydln Barton, Vernon Knussen, G. W. Kaujnon, Georgia Gllkey nnd A. Mlsslp. FOWLER IS DELAYED. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times) EMIGRANT GAP, Sopt. 29. Av Intor Fowler attempted to stnrt this morning but euglno trouble com pelled n furthor postponement. PLEASED WITH COOS RAY. Edward Kruso, Owner of Elizabeth, Slakes First Trip Here. Edwnrd Kruso, managing owner of the stenmor Elizabeth, which piles between Bandon ana ann i-rancieco, returned to Bnndon this morning wjtn CoI R, jj, Kosa. This was his flrgt trjp to c008 uny although ho had vj8jtod Bnndon n couplo of times nnd j,0 wns very much surprised nnd gratified to find Mnrshflold bo far ad vnnced. Yesterday nfternoon, ho and Col. Rosa wero taken over the town nnd to the Smith mill In an auto by J. Albert SlatBon and Hor bert Lockhart. His company has been figuring on putting nnother ves sel on the Coos county-San Francisco run nnd perhnps It may also run to Coos Bay as well as Bandon. Col. Rosa says that Mr. Kruso has been pne of the best friends that Bandon and tho Coqullle Valley has ever had. RUMHELLS and Indian clubs at THE GUNNERY. AUTOS now RUNNING between DRAIN and ALLEGANY. TICKETS on Bale at tho RU8Y CORNER. SER VICE will CONTINUE until rainy season. w I MCE L STRIKE OF EMPLOYES OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC MOMENT AND ILLINOIS CENTRAL CALLED FOR TOMORROW Ib entertained for tho fourteen min ers, mostly Russians, who arc on tombed In Shnkcspcaro plnccr mine on Dome Creek ns they were still nllvc. The drill hns been tnken to tho Clnlm to bore nlr holes to tho chamber In which the men nro lm- prisoned Canadian Express Offices In Hamilton Looted of $15,000 1 Last Night. (By Assoclntcd Press to the Coos Buy Times.) HAMILTON, OnL, Sopt. 29. The local offices of the Canadian PncI- flc Repress company wero robbed of $15,000 In ensh during last night. i EARLY TODAY Brings In Many Passengers From San Francisco Sails Sunday. BIG ROBBERY IN ONTARIO The Itedondo nrrlved In this morn-ildont lug from San fViuicIbco nftor a good wind,-there wns Uttlo sen to .Impede their progress. Tho Itedondo loft San Francisco nt 0 o'clock Wednesday evening, Sho will snfl from hero nt -I o'clock Sun day nfternoon. ' Among those arriving on tho Ite dondo were the. following: I. C. Fnller, Mrs. E. Stephens, Mrs A. T. Hnlncs, Mrs. vP. Stcndrldgo, Stnnley Stcndrldgo, Mrs. Alex Lund, Mrs. A. Ohmnn, Blanche Ohman, A. J, Mendel, M. L. Hunt, Mrs. M. L. Hunt, Paul Hunt, Julian Hunt, Rob- bio Hunt, Leo J. Cnry, Mrs. Leo J. Cnry, Arthur Conch, Mrs. Arthur Coach, W. H. Sanlott, 11. E. Mlllor, Mrs. II. E. Miller. L. W. Plnnz, Mlsa A. C. Lodd, L. Wndo, Sirs. Florcnco Baxtor, A. Llehl, F. W. Kom, Mrs. K- W. Kom, F. M. Fenley, Leo Stnn- dledg, Mrs. Cannon nnd child, An drew Pedorson, J. Pedro, P. Sulli van, P. Andrews, A. D. Zerblnos, M. Anderson, Chns Shores, O'RRIEN CHANGED PLAN. Party Did Not Go to Eiigeno on Re turn Trip. , Tho Eugono Guard says; "Tho au tomobile which was to have brought Genoral Mannger J. P. O'Brien nnd the party of Southern Pacific olllclals from Mnpleton to Eugono over tho lino of the proposed Eugene-Coos Bny extension, enmo in empty Tuesday night, tho ronds being too slippery from tho hard rain for tho officials kto come across tho coast rango. They chartered n tug from Florenco to Newport and will return to Portland via the Corvallls & Eastern. 4 NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. , We want freBh salmon and are prepared to pay the highest cash price for them. For further parti culars see C. G. HOCKETT, Empire City, oi GEO. F. SMITH, Coob River RATTLING ITS SKELETON A Consolidation of Times. Const Mnli mill Coos Hny Advertiser. STANDS FIRM President Reguin of Railway Employes Says All Are Ready For Strike. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29 President Reguin of the Federation of Shop Employees engaged In tele-' graphic communication today with i tho van'ous union olllclals on the i coast. Reguin dcclnres t'ho men ate 'standing together nnd will continue to tho Inst ditch. LUMHEH COMPANY KAILS. RoeeUor Appointed For Sondlteluici' Company of Cairo, III. By Associated Press to tho Coon Hay Times., CAIRO, III., Sopt. 29. A receiver wnB nppolnted today for tho E. Sontl- helmor Lumbor company. Tho Hn- billtlcB nro given ns $700,000 nnd tho assets $1,2&0,000. PROSPERITY IS TAFTSJESIRE President In Speech at Water loo Urges Restoration of Confidence. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times., WATERLOO, la., Sept. 20. PrcB- Tnft received nn enthusiastic welcomo when he renched this placo yesterday. He delivered a lengthy ad dress, his subject, "Tho Itolalfon of Government to the Business of tho Country," being ono of the most lm portuut ho Ib to' deliver on his pro sent tour. ' After stating his attitude on rail road regulation, tho trusts, tho tar iff nnd tho monetary situation, Pres ident Tnft concluded his address ns follows; "Wo must hnvo Investments from which to secure n largo wages fund, which is needed to Biipport tho wngowhnt is tho romody? It la tho ro enrnors. Wo muat Insplro In tho Btorntlon of confidence between the biiBlnesB men who control thoso In-Insses of perBons who hnvo been op vestiuontB tho confidence thnt they posing onch other In times paBt, who will not bo driven out of business, 'now, nftor tho reforms nro Initiated If rnllronda nro unjustly legislated nnd nro in process of bolnu effectod- against by Stnto legislation to tho point where thoy enn not do n prollt ablo business, tho Injury Is moro di rect to tho wngo earners of tho rail way than It Ib to tho shareholder, bo- causo tho shareholders presumably j nro people who hnvo somo other means of livelihood thnn tho divi dends from tho stock, while tho wngo enrners nro entirely dependent on n cmulnuanco of conditions which mnko tho wages fund largo and sup ports tho wago earner and his .fam ily. "Lot us reason together. Lot ub bo chnrjtnblo nnd kind. Lot ub not i nmnv thousands of citizens ot bo bo suspicious nnd nscrlbo corrupt De8 M0nes when ho hognn tho scc motlvcB to ovoryono In tho commit- on(l (lny ot ,8 lowa tour. seiintr nlty but our particular flronds and cummins, n progressive lendor. who political associates. Lot us do team- wn9 conspicuously absent yesterday, work In tho community. Lot a wn8 up br,Bht nml oarly aml toti' linvo lUKiHimiuii uuu iiuiliB, ur III! ""'Tnft tn.lnv n hl trnln senco of legislation If It bo unneces sary. And let us npprovo nnd praise tho great business enterprise nnd genius thnt honestly nnd by pro per mothods nccumulntos proporty ""! Pts It Into productive Indua- tries, supports tho thousands of work- men, and furnishes profit to thoso whoso savings have gono Into tho shares nnd bonds of the enterprise. " - " "' ".PUNCHING bags at Tho GUXXERV. future. Business Is halting now, I . ,. , There Is doubt and distrust among GOOD THINGS ARE ADVfltflSED LET THE NEXT THING YOU UUY AT A STORE RE AN ADVERTISED IT MEANS HETTEIl SERVICH. ARTICLE AND, IK POSSIBLE, THE .t4-tii ftnin v-?u XVI IT 111i"tf It iirVl IIViIliH 1IIU1UJ3 JLVTW W.M No. 65 Over 35,000 Men In Shops of Harriman Systems to Quit Saturday. STRIKE ORDER WIRED TO LOCALS EARLY TODAY Union Leaders Declare ThaC Men Will Stick Together In Great Struggle. 4 STRIKE ORDER ISSUED. (By Assoclntcd ProsBB.) CHICAGO, III., Sept. 29. Tho following Is tho text of tho Union strlko order: "All efforts hnvo foiled. Kruttschiiltt! ro- fiiBes. All crnftB Btrlko Satur- day, September 30, nt 10 A. M. " Letter of MnBtructloiiB follows. Let every man do his duty.' By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times. CHICAGO. III.. Sopt. 29. The. Bhopmen on the Hnrrlmnn lines and Illinois Central will go on n Btrlko nt 10 o'clock tomorrow morning nc cordlug to HtntomontB by J. W. Kldin. , president of tho Blacksmith's Unfonv Tho Btrlko order wns Issued nnd the." tlino Bet thtu morning, nftor n con ference with flvo union presidents. ISSUE STItlKi: ORDER." Heads of HolleniinUcrH nnl Carmen'! r I'nloim Issue It Today By Associated TrosR to tho Cons-Bny ' Times.) KANSAS CITY, Sept. 2ff. Follow ing n conference hero today be tween PresldentB J. A. Franklin nnd M. F. Rynn of tho nollonnnkcra and Cnrmen'H Unions rcBpectlvoly, thoi two men sent, out Btrlko orifars to' members Of their uiiIoiih tills nftor noon. Pres'dent Franklin nnd Hyutj of the BollermnkerH mid Canneim' Uii Ioiih, respectively, corroborated tfih Hkntomont of President Klnu of IHlv BlackBiultliB Union, given fit Clfcji go, to tho eeffct 'that tho tlmo for calling tho strike wns agreed oir this morning In n conference by wire. According to Frnnkllu, non-union workorB nro being brought both here nnd In Chicago to tako tho placo or union workers. Investors, due to n fear of blind en mity tnwnnl mirrrHfi!l nntnnirlun i - ought to come togethor in amity and.' make tho best uso of tho onormouai resources wo hnvo In this country for tho promotion of gouornl prosporlty and tho securing nnd encouragomouU of individual happiness. TAKT IX DICS MOINES. Senator Cumuilus Welcome Presi dent There Today. (By Associated I'reHa to Coos Baj" Times.) j DES MOINES, lit., Sept. 29. president Tnft received u welcome Taft's prin cipal address nt the Coliseum wotj dovoted to tho pence treaties. ALONG TIIE WATERFRONT; Tho President Balled yesterday fox tho Coqullle with a cargo of general merchandise. Tho nrcakwnter will Bnft at 3 o'clock Saturday for Portland. Head tho Times" Wi I 1 r r" k- 4 -, isr- .