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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
fnt',vw-ilV'"i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, ' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1911 EVENING EDITION. J .7 1! 1 i r 1 1 ) rn k ITn COOS BAYTlMES 91. O. MALONEY PAX K. MALOXEY Editor mill Pub. XeH Kill tor XEW POST CARDS. c HEAM colorotl postal cnrds print- oil In red Ink nro soon to take II CHMJE II BUSINESS tho plncc of tho present cards of Bradley Candy CO. Will SUC- black Ink design. This Ib an effort to present an artistic card, and the government Is prepared to spend $05, OOO nioro this year than last In this decorative effort. This may Bcem extravagance, but when one learns that tho profit on the Bate of postal cards exceeds $8,000,000 n year, the extra expense seems Justified. 13e ajldcs, tho department secretly hopes thnt tho cnrdB will bo so much more attractive that added sales will more than meet tho extra expense. Tho postnl card proved Its usefulness Ions ngo, and Its extended uso In tho coinmerclnl world In recent years lion given It nn Increasing Impor tance. For tho transmission of no tices and of Information not of n prlvato nature- the postal card Ib n j;reat savor of time and money. If -wo should ever adopt one-cent post age for first-class matter tho price of tho postal card probably will take si corresponding drop. When that tlmo comcB postal cnrds can soil two for a cent and still show a profit of 94,000,000 to the government. RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS NY II. A. Sumnor of Portland, vice Tiros' dent of tho North Coast Lino nnd Its allied corporation, tho Pacific Great Western, arrived on tho Hay to day to look aftor Interests hero and confer with his son, Engineer Sum ner who has charge of tho "Hold work on tho survey. Mr. Sumnor Is stopping In North IJcnd nnd could not bo reached thin nftornoon but It was stilted by men -who Haw him thnt ho did not have .Anything to give out at this tlmo. Engineer Sumnor was ''n from Tun "JMII0 today gottlng supplies for his -aurvoylng crow which Is working In (Ttlrath section again. night of way Agent Eddy Is still liusy nogotl'atlng with owners of North Inlet and Ten Mllo property for right of way, So far as can be nscortnlned, ho 'has not optioned or purchased any proporty on tho .South sldo of tho Hay yet. '.So far, tho only positive declara tion anyone has boon nbla to got nut of any of tho men of tho North Coast Lino nn to who 1s behind It Is fhn It Is not n (Southern Pacific project. Vice-President Sumnor was form erly nn engineer on tho Colorado Midland and E. H. Robinson of Jlarnhflold Worked with (him on that road sovoral years ago. HiUiicm flues North V. A.'IIalncB, chief ouglneor of the Coos Day and Rolso project, expects to lenTe on tho Ilrenkwater Saturday for Portland. Mr. Haines has not rondo nny statement of his trip or Its R'gnlflcnnro but It Is understood Chat It Is on matters concerning thnt project. No announcement' con cerning developments In that pro ject havo been made horo beyond that "everything Is looking good." Work on Survey. Engineer Saudberg, who Ib making tlio Biirvoy for tho Terminal Hallway reports that good progress has been rondo. Ho has completed tho work from near tho Taylor Slglln rnnch to iioar the Muru'illolil city limits. This rooming liu moved his crow to near North Hend to run some Hues there to secure data for the company which will Saturday night mnko ap plication for n franchise there. Although tho exact route has not lieen given out, It Is understood that f ho survey closely follows tho county road to Marshlleld and In some places will embrace part of It ceed The Modern Co. ' In Marshfield. Articles of Incorporation will bo filed soon making a number of chan ges In a well-known and firmly es tablished .Mnrshfleld business con cern. Tho Modern Co. will change Its nnmo to the Urndley Candy Co., will lucrcnso Its capital stock, and take in some ndditlounl members who will become actively Identified with tho business. E. II. Fish of Dandon, has taken itock In tho company nnd will hnve an ofllce position. Ho will bring his fnmlly from Hnndon to this city to make their permanent home. 11. E. Folsom, traveling ropresontntlvo of tho company, also has taken stock In tho company. W. C. Hrndloy nnd L. V. Travor r,etnln their Interests and will continue to give their per sona! attention to tho business, Mr. Drndley having recently returned from Portland to resumo nctlvo per sonal direction of tho company. In addition to enlarging and ex tending their present Jobbing busi ness it Is tho purposo of tho com pany to engngo In the manufacture of candy about January 1, and thus Milnrgo tho scopo of their IiiisIiicjb The compnny thinks that tho open 'ng for n wholesnlo candy factory Mero Is Inviting nnd will occupy the field nt tho earliest possible mo ment. Mr. Hrndloy and Mr. Travor 'mvo been long, actively nnd success fully Identified with tho commorclnl circles of Coos Hay and mnuy friends will wish thorn nnd their associates abundant success in their wider field. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES By Associated Press to Coos B) Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Ore., Sopt. 29. Vor. on now lends In tho Coast League pennant raco, having wrested tho top plnco In tho percentage' column from. Portalnd as n result of yesterday'? games. Tho scores yesterday: At Portland' R II Portland ..... . . ... 1, 4 8an Francisco 2 0 At I.OS Angoles R II Los Angoles 1 10 Vernon 2 At San Francisco It H Sacramento 3' 10' Oakland ....'... 4 12 Philadelphia Wins. Tho American ' Loaguo' bnsobnll championship for 1911 was doclded nt Phlladolphlo Tuesday, whon Phlla delphln defeated Dotrolt. It wus tho fourth tlmo that a Phlladolphla team piloted by Connie Muck has won tho pennant nnd tho first tlmo that Phil adelphia has won tho title in succes sive seasons. Hy ropeatlng this yenr Phlladolphla earned tho right to de fend tho world's championship title which It won Inst year In a series with tho Chicago National Ieaguo club. Now York looks like tho win ner of tho National League ponnant. . . AMONG THE INJURED Geo. Hnnson, who was Injured at his homo nt Hny d'ark by a fall off n walk, Is reported getting along as well as could bo expected. , He Is In a partly comatose condition. Dr. Dlx, who Is nttcutUng him, believes tlint ho suffered n stroke of apoplexy which caused his fall. Someone started a rumor that there was foul play In connection with the accident but little credenco Is given It. Ills condition Is rnther critical. Frank Ward, who was Injured In the South Inlet Logging camp, is get ting along nicely nt Mercy hospital. A. M, Peters, who was Injured by a fall caused by tho collapse of n scaf fold at one of tho now building) at tho C. A. Smith mill, Is getting nlong as well as could bo expected. His fall was broken by Btrlklng on somo long planking which had supports under each end, mnklng them Bort of n spring bonrd. Word was received this afternoon thnt nn employo of tho Smith-Powers' South Iulot cnmp-hnd been Injured by a falling tree. JHo Is being brought to tho hospltnl nnd his nnmcor tho extent of his Injuries could not bo ascertained. MONOGRAM OIL nt tho GUXXERY. AUTO SUPPLIES at tho GUXXERY. Loggers'Supplies See our window for a flno dlsplny of these goods. Loggers' Wool Shirts a rj $3.25 to $' J Loggers' Hoots ft $7.50 to p3.UU Loggers' Short Waterproof Coat 2T..'.':" $4.00 LoggorM' Corduroy Pants ( r rv $3.00 nnd v)G.DU Loggors' Socks TC r0c and jC Loggers' Gloves '"JCn 12.00 to JL Loggers' Caps OCr. 7Ce to DC Come to headquarters for Loggora' supplies. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. MEN: f Saw Mill Refuse too Valuable to Burn Many saw mills and wood working factories no longor burn their refuse or sell it for fuel. The refuse is used for vari ous purposes including tiie extraction of alcohol, acids, etc. It is made into a by-product of great value. Electric Power, therefore, has replaced tho steam en gines in many saw mills iwvl box factories. It is employ ed because it enables a suit stanlial reduction in the coal of operation. Tn "West Virginia, electric power is being used in min ing the belter grades of bi tuminous coal. !It can do the work cheaper even at tho mouth of the mine. We will supply experts ww can solve every power need. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178. Mm, who hrnva him tnvantlva ability pldwritalUIKKU.V A M.INTIHK. I'aitat Atl.rr.,- Wuklwlaa, , Q BlanchaVd's Livery Wo hayo seoUrod tho.Uvory busi ness of L. H. HelsnoV and, a'ro pre pared to render excellent servlco tn the paople of Coos Day. Careful dt Ivors, rooq rigs, and pyorything hat win mean satisfactory seryi yica to lrlv)ng Prof. A. Richards A GRADUATIXfl TEACHER Pupil of Carl Chrlstonscn, tho woll known New York Swedish concert pianist, will take a limited number of students for prjvato lessons. Applicants call at Studio, Bongs tackjjn BIdg., l.lfl Hroudwny. Good Livery Service Finer now rlcs eood hora And the 'public. Phono us for a driving' careful drlvoro are now at ttbe dls- horso, a rig or anything needed In posal'of the, Coos. Day public at tho llvpry line. We, also do struck-. S business of all Kind,.. JLANCHAR1) nnOTQICRS Livery, Fe4 and Bale 8rrfce'. 141 First and Alder Streets .Phono 138.J. -i. Auto CLOVES nt tho GUNNERY. ..) 'RKA80NARLH RATES .Rigs. or rigs with drlvors ready (or Anv trin anvorhurA nti llmA Uavui boarded and rip pared for. y I New hearse and spedlal acornmc dattons provided for funeral parties. , W. L. COND&ON'S We Clean and Press1 L,yEUY SSJFSS"" . . i ladies' and Gent's Suits WANTED f ! f STATEMENT OF COXD1TIOX Flanagan (8b Bennett Bank of MARSH FIELD. OREGON At tho close of business September 1st, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts s. $397,393.93 Ranking House CO, 000.00 Cash nnd Exchanges . 141,540.53 Totnl . Liabilities Cnpltnl Stock paid In ? $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 54,105.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Total 9588,010.10 COXDEXSED STATEMEXT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS RAY At the Close of Rit(.lness, September 1, 1011, Resources. Loans and Discounts $209,719.G2 Qonds nnd warrants 88,852.40 U. S. Donds to sccuro circulation 25,000 00 Ronl estate, furnlturo and llxtures .81,472.94 Cnili and sight exchange 1(10,0:11.00 Total resources S505,07(i.U2 Liabilities. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits G.S8G.26 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits !::, 100.00 Totnl liabilities 8505,07(1.02 OFFICERS AXI) DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, president; M. C. Horton. vlcc-presldont; Dorsoy Kroltrcr, Cushion John F. Hall, John S. Coko, S. C. Rogors, W. U. Douglas, F. S. Dow, Win. Crimea, W. P. Murphy. PRICE Of MAGAZINES WILL BE ADVANCED SEPT. 30TH YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY Until Soptombor 30, Tho Times will accept subscriptions to the fol lowing combinations of magazines at tho prices named: Roguinr Rotall Single Copy Price Success Mngazino and Tho National Post $1.20 Tho Dollnoator , 1.80 Dnily Coos Day Times .......'. (5.00 Weekly Orogonlnn '.V. . .". ". 1.50 $10.50 Success Mngazino nnd Tho National Post $1.20 Pictorial Roviow 1.80 American ; 1,80 Cosmopolitan .-n ', 1.80 Daily Coos Day Times G.00 $12.69 Success Magazine and' The National Post' $1.20 Woman's IfomeCompanlon 1.80 or Hampton Mngazino, or -"Everybody's' Magazine McClure's Magazine .'. ;' Tl.80 Daily Coos Day Times -. 6.00 Special Last Chance Offor. All for only $7.30 All for only $3.40 All for' only $3.0$ $10.80, Success 'Maga'zlne and The National Post I$ll20 Good Housekeeping' ,',,, 1,80 or Pearsons'"' ' ' ' Everybody's Mngazino 1.80 Dally Coos Day Times . 6.00 $10.30 Goods Called for and Delivered CARPETS UPHOLSTEIUXO AXD I PIAXQS TO CLEAN, by the Pneumn tic Cleaning Company. Ordors for Coos Bay Steam Laundry "ork "SS& ,unVB, ' PHONE MAIN 87-J PHONE 100 DECOYS nt tho (UWXEHY. Foley's Honey mill Tnr Compound Sdll rotnlns Its high place as tho best tiausehold remedy for nil coughs nnd ! loft mo nnd to ono of my business, ex I Great Advantage to Working Men J. A. Mnplo, 125 S. 7th St., Steub anv llo, 0 snys: "For years I suf fered from wenk kldnoys nnd a sovero hladdor troublo. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills nnd their wonderful cures so I begnn tnklnt, thorn nnd tare enough I nnd ns good results ns any I heard about. My bnckncho coius, oithor for children or grown porsons. Prevents serious results ffrom a cold. Tnko only tho gonulno Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr Compound, and rofuso substitutes, For Sato nt hQ Red Cross Drug Store, iirossmnu, that alone Is n grent ad vantage My kldnoys ncted freo nnd normal, nnd thnt s..ved mo a lot of misery. It is now a ploasuro to work whoro It used to be a misory. For Salo nt Red Cross Drug Store, Light, White Always Right You Know tbe Rest Drifted Snow Flour A" .. '.... M ... . " iw.J";:rf. ...w..'.H,.i;.ft-v. Corner mront w. v-.. -' rww milTDUMVIui wv Ollivant Weaver , For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Saturday FRESH SUPPLY JUST ARRIVED EVERYTHING TO SATISFY Cantaloupes, Muscat Seeders, Illack Prince, Malaga Grapes, Pears, Peaches, Apples, Prunes, Hananns, Oranges, Huckloberrles, Cranboirlos, Squashf Pumpkins. Itutnbagas, .Parsnips, Cnrrots, lleets, Cucumbers, Green Com. Kentuck Wondor Deans, Celery, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Green Onions, Rlpo and Green Tomatoes, Dell Peppers, Quinces, Sweot Potatoes. TRY OUR COOS RIVER HONEY It is the best on the market. Also In Olives we have n fine sup ply Small Manzanllln, rlpo and largo Queen Olives. Phouo us your order. OLLIVANT (b WEAVER The PurJlFood Grocer men. A Good Place to Trade. Phono 275-0" Corner 3rd and Central Success Magazine nnd Tho National Post $1.20 Woman's Homo Companion , , 1.80 or Hampton's Magazlno or;Worhl Today Weokly Orcgonlan 1.50 Dally Coos Day Times ', . . , 6.00 All for' only 17.95 All for only $7.70 '$10.50 Success Magazlno nnd Tho Nntlonnl Post $1.20 Amorlcnn Mngazino . , 1,80 or McClure's Mngnzlno or Everybody's Mngnzlno Dnlly Coos Dny Times 6. CO $9.00 Success Mngnzlno nnd Tho Nntlonnl Post $1.20 Cosmopolltnn i,80 or Physlcnl Culture Weokly Oregonlnn 1.50 Dnlly Coos Dny Times 6.00 $10.50 Success Mngazino and Tho National Post .$1.20 Delineator , Everybody's Magazine ', i,80 Dally Coos Day Times !...!!!. 6.00 u $10.80 Success Magazlno nnd Tho Nntlonnl Post $1.20 Independent Weekly 5.20 Cosmopolltnn j.go Dally Coos Day Times 6.00 All for only $6.95 AH for only $7.45 AH for only $7.85 All for only $8.45 $14.20 ui thoRed 3 rose viuh As these prices are good only until Saturday, September 30th, they should be taken advantage of immediately. Do not delay if you want to got these prices on your next year's read ing matter. Call or address, -. COOS DAY TISIES, MARSIIFIELD. fiEEiti & V I MMfr-pSM A ., irrfiTirtfi tit mi