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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION. I . m FINE IE AT MODEL MEETING 1 W. S. CHANDLER Large Crowd Participates In Large Attendance and Good Women of Woodcraft Event Here. "Tho Model Meeting" held by Coob Bay Circle, No. 104, Women of Wood- Time at Millicoma Club Smoker. At tho conclusion of the smoker tendered nt the Mllllconm club Inst ! ovmilnir coninllincntnrv to ' W. S. crnft, nt their hull Inst evening wits , clmm,ori Mr. cimndler announced one of the most lnrgely attended t))lt unlc88 80mctlllllB extraordinary gatherings tho Order 1ms ever hold , nlorferc, i,0 nnd hls associates hero nnd was one of tho most on.,woll(, hftV0 th(J propOBeil nvc-story Joynble. Following the business ses- ,IMd,nB on Ccntrnl nvcnlI0 from Tho slon nnd ritualistic work, a Bump- fiilflllllini. hntol to tirnn,i,vnv com- tuous banquet wns served. The hall was handsomely decorated. W. U. Douglna acted aB tonstmnster nnd among those responding were Frank B. Tlchonor, Mrs. M. K. Hollywood, Annlo Hnwklns, Mr. C. Hawkins, Mrs. MabbI A. Hoherts and Mrs. Mary A. Prico and Mrs. Norn Daly. Aid Horry Fnlr. ploted. Mr. Chandler's announce ment came as n happy conclusion to n most enjoyable event nnd wns loud ly cheored by those who heard It. Last evening's affair was Informal, J. Albert MatBon who presided an nouncing that It had been arranged In responso to a- general desire of tho club members to show their np- Tho Coos nay Clrclo Instructed .,..,,cntion in B01110 Wnv of the work tho clerk to notify tho Chnmbor ofthnt w g Cinmior j9 dong for Commorco thnt tho membership f,iOVeoplng Coos Uny. There wns a Coos Day Clrclo would hold them nolves In readiness to do whntevor thoy could to mnko tho coming first nnnual Coos county berry fair a suc cess. All visitors present mnda It known thnt they would go back to their homes nnd lot nil know thnt Marshfleld would hold n berry fnlr each year. (Irnnd Mnnngcr Annlo Hawkins, Inrge attendance. Besides the hand some tribute paid to Mr. Chandler by Mr. Matson, Col. H. H. Rosa of Ban don nnd .ludgo John S. Coko during tho evening In Impromptu talks ex pressed the appreciation of Mr. Chan dler's work. Mock Council ScmhIoii. Tho prlnclpnl event of the evening wns' a mock meeting of tho Marsh North Bend News Homer nnd Robert Holvcrstott of Falrvlew were guests of R. J. CoWfc nnd other friends here this week. H. G. Kern, who tins been !nld up with throat trouble for n week, Is able to be up and around again. A. F. Freeman of'Bnngor, V'ho re cently underwent an operation at Mercy hospital, Is reported gel ting nlong nicely. Shermnn Cutlip nnd family ot Coos River have gone to Eugene" to resldo so thnt tho children may at tend the State University. E. R. Peterson who hns been teaching tho Myrtle Grove school on Coos River will leave Saturday for Monmouth, Oregon, to attend the Normal Bchool there. Tom Stora, who has been employ ed nt the McDonnld and Vnughnn logging camp will lenve Sunday for Los Angeles to Join his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Matt Stora who have moved there from Portland. Win. Llndstrom has completed the remodelling and enlarging of his Wlllnnch Inlet homo nnd now hns one of the finest ranch homes In this section. W. L. Walker of Cooston hns moved Into his new home there. WOMEN who KNOW, say HAINES' FLOUR is the REST. REMINGTON nnd STEVENS pump GUNS nt THIS GUNNERY. DR. WINKLER uses NO DRUGS or knife. ono or mo lounuara oi mo oruer oi , , ct COMIlci. it was ono of tho tho Women of Woodcraft, spoko at )(JBt Bt,ntg tmt ,ms l)001, IMlllc(, off length telling or tho stnrtlng or tne order, nnd of tho great work tho so rloiy Is doing nt the present time. Bho Informed those present thnt tho order's olllclnl paper would 'glvo Coos Bay much publicity tho next few months, this publication goes Into moro thnn 50,000 homes. Sho congratulated the officers and guards for their splendid work. A big clnss of cnndldntcs wcro Initiated, several coming from North Ilcnd, Co liilllo nnd Myrtlo Point. A vote of thanks wns glvon to the press of Mnrshlleld for the courtesy shown tho order during their mem bership cnmpnlgu of tho past few months. It was past one o'clock In tho morning when the crowd snt down to tho elaborate banquet In the beau tifully decorated bnnquet room. i Tho committees who hnd tho work in charge- wore praised on nil sides for tho manner In which thoy hnd planned tho evening's entertainment. Special Organizer M. E. Hollywood was given n vote of thanks for her efforts in Instructing the olllrors anil guards for the model meeting. YMioi'H ProM'iit. Among tho out-of-town members present Inst evening wcro tho fol lowing: Mrs. Annlo Hawkins of Toledo, Ore.; Mrs. M. R. Hollywood of Lewis ton, Idn; P. H. Tlchonor of Portlnndj C. Hawkins of Toledo, Ore.; Mrs. M. C. Halni'H of North Hand; Florenco C. Chnpmnn of North Bend; Joule A. McKay of North Bend; Amnudn A. Emery of North Heud; Rilnn Tomp Kins, of North Bend; Lillian M. Cur tis of Condon, Ore; Solum Simpson ;of North Bend; Wlnnlfred Kern of 'North Bend; Inn Hill or North Bend; Mrs. J. H. Painter of Coqullle; Jin, Get YOUR tickets EARLY for tho entertainment nt the Opera Homo Vrldny evening. In n long time, the tnkc-off keeping the entire audience In n constant roar of laughter. Mock ordinances, re monstrance nnd speeches thnt would make ahlt In vnudovlllo wcro pre sented. Tho cast of characters for the mock council meeting wns us fol lows: Mayor John D. Gobs. Recorder M. C. Mnlonoy. Jack Carter Rny Kaufman. City Attorney W. U. Douglns. Councilman Coko Rubs Tower. Councilman Copplo W. P. Murphy ' Councilman Powers D. Y. Staf ford. Councilman Snvngc Dorsey Krolt zer. Councilman Ferguson nob Booth. Councilman Albrecht J. Albert Matson, Taxpayer W. X. Rkblad. Dan Mnlonoy Geo Gopdrum. All In nil, It Is declared by those present to have been one of tho nost enjoyable events of tho kind over held In Mnrshrield. Tho cost, of repairing tho wiring in our building in Marsh field wns nine dollars. Tho owner nt once got ft re ductlon of Fifty Dollars x?r your In the Itmurnn'cc. Think it over. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone mm Alfred Sohroedcr of Coqullle;,, A. Schroi'der of Coqullle; Mrs. Ruby Drews of Colfax, Wash.; Mrs. Ra ijhol Allen of Albany. Oregon; Roso M. Phelan of Myrtle Point; Mnbol A Hobnrts of Myrtlo Point; Carrie A. lleusou or Myrtlo Point; Mary A. Price of Coqullle. BOX I Xrgio vesnt Tho G I'XX E ft Y RROf.C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 4G1 North Bend T"H. R. P. WINKLER, Xuturopntli and Clilroprnctnr. All chronic dlsenses'trented. Consul tation free. Olllco hours: IP to 12 a. m.; 2 to h and C to S.p..m. Naturopath Institute Hoom..No. 1. No. 130 Broadway, Marsliflold,' Ore. THIS BOOK WORTH READING The Adlor-l-kn book, telling how you can EASILY guard against ap pondlcltls nnd how you can relievo stomach nnd bowel trouble almost INSTANTLY, Is offered free for a short time by Lockhnrt & Pnrsons Drug Co. They're Here .Tust arrived from t'ic oast tho swcllest line of Clothing ovor shown in .Marshliolrt, Wo especially want the young men to come in and look at them, for thoy havo CLAS, a-id the price, $20.00 to $25.00, AVKLL, wo just ask you to judge. Our wet-weather goods are hero too, Swell Eng lish Slip-Ons, and Light l?ubher Tourists Coats for street wear, Slickers ami "Rubber Hoots for work; so, got ready !NOW for that rain. rvR. G. W. LESLIE, " Osteopathic Physician Urndunto of tho American school ol Osteopathy at Ktrksvtlle, Mo. Offlet In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 tc A', Phone 1CW; Mnrshlleld; Oregon Kit. C. C. TAGGART, " Phytlcinu and Surgeon. Ofllco 209-210 Coko Building. Phones: Residence DHL; Olllco 10-J W. BENNETT, lawyer. Offlso over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Inrshflold Oregon t DH. J. T. McCOHMAO, I Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. ' Jftlce: Locktnrt Building, opposite Post OftHe Phone 105-J r R A. C. HUHROUGHS, Sclontillc Mnssnglst, Treats all diseases Office, corner Second nnd Contrnl Avenue. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m, 2 to 6 p. ra. T R. A. .1. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Purlers. Wo nro equipped to do high class work on short notlco nt the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel. THE TOGGERY TAR. II. II. MOORE, Chiropractor. , Chronic Dlhcnses n Speclnlty ' 203 Coos Dldg Phone 81-L1 Office hours 1 to 5; 6:30 to 7;30 Sunday 3 to 5 weS5' lical IiJstato Bargains In Bunker Hill and Bay Park property. For particulars see AUG, FMZEEN 68 Central Ave., Marshfleld, Ore, 0N both steamers this week we have received additional suits Gaberdines and Overcoats all express ing the newest ideas from the East It costs no more to buy this class of clothing THE BEST because of our system of doing business The only right one gives us and you the advantage over our competitors We are ready to show you A lot ot new clothing has been received on the last two boats The idea "Mon ey Talks" is ex pressed in these goods prices range from $10 to $45 We invite your in spection and criti cism Again we repeat Benjamin cioth (p "Money Talks" fmww m . rWffl imXmZMH J ttmfU Hll W ill U IlLLmil 11 1 llLll If I nip Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD BANDON 5fc 'TIIK frii:nd OV COOS BAV" S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPEI) WITH WIHKIjKSS CONXICCIIXO WITH TUB NORTH HANK ROAD AT CORTLAND Sails from Coos Hay for Portland, Monday, Octo ber 2, at service of tide , NORTH I'AJiriO 3TKAMSRII COMPANY. IMIONK C. l McOKOROR, Atnt FAST JSn COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo KQUIITED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Mars hficjd fob San Francisco, Sunday, October 1 qt 4 P. M. INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 4 C. F. McOEORQB, Agont. What's the Use? To tnko clmncoa on having your clothes spollod by Inexperienced men. Olvo us your work. Wo do ovorythliiK and do it llrat class. Our work will excel nny work on Coos Bay. Mnko us provo It. Wo to dyolng, clcnnliiB nnd preBslns, nllcr Iiir nnd ropnlrlng. Wo mnko old bats now. Wo Call For nml Deliver Your Suits- unique pantatorium: l'lIONI; a."S()X 5l Central. Arc EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON SEPTEMIIER 3, 8, 13, 10 AND 2(1 AT 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON SEP TEMBER ri, 10, 10, S:l AND 30. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PnONE MAIN 35-L MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY MIOTEL THE LLOYD Rntes. reduced to: Dni-J-BOc. 75c and: .O0; wcojt J2..00 tp $5.00. Houbf kcoplng apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 por month. FltEE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. T. J. SCAIFE A. II. H0DQIN3- Marshfleld Paint Decorating Co. Estlmntes Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phono 140L Oregon FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our autos, IoavIiik Marshfleld at 0 o'clock every morning, con nect A'lth tho evening train to Portland. Faro $0.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, O. P. nARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Muralitleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PnONS 11 DEARY'S GUN SHOP Complete lino of Blcyclo supplier second-hnnd bicycles for sale. Guns, bicycles, otc, repaired. Umbrellas covered and repaired. E. HANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phone 180"11 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domettic and Imported brands. Pluter, Lima, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTU BROADWAY. PHONE 901 Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash these garments cleaner nnd better thnn tho work can bo done olsewhoro, nnd thoy are not worn so much. We do not shrink them, even woolen garments are returned tne same size ns when sent us. Wn IrnrT Vi irnrmnntS nice!?, D10" ordinary ropalrs free of charge D you havo fresh clean, sweet unaer wenr rendy for each week's change Bundle yours up with next wee' laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PHOJT- 220-J . A Modern Brick Building, EJ"'rISi Lights, Steam Heat. ElegwW Furnished Rooms with no. and Cold Water. n O T E L .C O OS O. A. METLIN. Prop- ,fc) Rates: 50 cents a Day and UP Cor. Broadway and Marsev Marshfleld. Oregon rSSS, After the sbow try a Turkish Phone 2 14-J. ' LI. ? !! tr Front rTU ami CtTiirTU ,Wj- Come 'the"Red CToajljriffc Murshaeld, Ore. ;s Hw... ""7