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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1911)
r- ' , jmamBmmrr. l" fWKa mmK'itm. i 'JP "ijpp JULY 4, i191l -EVENING EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSWIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, . ii mmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmlmrKKaKUKrM!W f-rf TTl - " ,., .. 7-7 rr r , - 'a III III I -I ' ' ' ml N m IPX Tf 'inf M ' J I I III -1 " """ "COOS BAY T.IIE M. O. MALONEY MAN B. MALONEY Eilllo:- ulnl Pur. Xowa Editor Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. Marshfleld :t :i S: i Oregon WITfi TEA AND TOAST I . An Independent Ropubllian news paper published ovory evening except Bunday, and 'Wookly by Tlio C Bny Times Publishing Co, Dqdftttsd Jo tho aorvlco of tho pepplo,' lt no good cauBO shall lack ch&rapUs, lind that evil shall not thrive naoppoeed. Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh- Hold, Oregon, for transmission jihroneh the malls as second class ?mnll matter. . i p KTOWlCniDTION RATES. DAILY. Ono year J6-00 ,P,or njtnlh BO , WEEKLY. One year When paid strictly In ndvanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times fs 15.00 pr year or.?2.50 for Jjx, months. .JTpfnairapcr of Co(sCoMnty ali 'i 1 , t tajoea fo'r.20 conU an hour, but for p GppDlVEJfLVa. planting you ho gots 4 times as much. . .- ? ' A carriage to tho theajro costs $3 J but ono 'to tho cemetery costs $5. 'A There Is many a gem In tho path of saloonkeeper will fill your hide to life, 'bursting for BO cents, but tho era uhhul nuLu :a iD n CIIPPKQ H 'II II II llll II till V !U U "UULUU DRAI-COOS BAY AUTO LUHE . Which wo pass In our ldio picas- jnlmor getB jj50 for the Job. Como ure, to thfnk of It, Ihero aro lots' of things That Is richer far than tho jewelled loft t? ,Itb for ,n th,8 old world( do. crown, Bpjt0 tho high prices." Or tho mlsor's hoaruca ireasuro; It may bo tho lovo of a llttlo child, Or a mothers prayors to iioavon, Or only a beggar's grateful thanks For a cup of water glvon. OVFiqiAli rAl'EIt OK THE CITY OF JkLIt8lll'IEM. MEANEST OV MEANNESSES. T' HERE Is no social sin quite so low find detestable as wilful bnck-bltlng and chnractor-blast- Ing gossip; In nil tho gamut of per-1 Bonnl evils this Is tho worst because pf Its dollbcmtcncss nnd utter gratui ty; It ylolds no ndvnntngo to thoso who Indulgo In It; saves nothing to ooclcty; nnd works more unlinpplnosa to tho word nnd minute devoted to it than anything oIko In tho lint of humnn vices. " ? Tho untownrd word of monn Im port goes farther, travels fiiHtor nnd wronko mnro dovllment tlinn n thou sand words of friendliness enn nchlovo In tho snmo time nnd rnugo, nnd this nnomnlous fact provos tho readiness of nocloty to ncrupt and en dorse tho splry HpltofulnosH of tho ono rather thnu tho dull wholesome loss of tho other. Tho evil Is vaster linn ono dionms of mid thoro Ih Uhw iffort nt reform nlotiK (his Iluo thnu my other within tho scop' of hunitin bought mid endeavor. The worst fonturo of the situation is In tho tondoncy of tho hint to come n (art In tho rourno of rouett ju; the vaguest wind of disparage- nient to become n hideous tissue of 1'ei In Um pHssnge from Up to Up, mil tho dnmnlug, doomliiK rlrouni- rUnco In the end. It Is tho II mt filio Insinuation that dnos the work of Inilduoim peril and wreckage; rFliiPo, like n hall or snow In more- jnont It gathers weight ami substance '. rolln until at last the crushing i irro Impinges and the hurt mate- rli.lizos. ""iM There Is something cruel and araen In the hIhiIIiik of Idle goselp that tglit to aopenl lo tw limllnct of dv-j iicy, but l(, rarelv doom the wnntoi Int Is nt out either through Indlf orunco or set puriHire, and the dam Dettor to wcavo In tho wob of life .JV,brJght and golden filling, And to do God's will with a steady heart And hands that aro swift nnd will ing, Than to snap tho dollcato, Blonder threads Of our curious lives asunder, And then blnmo Heaven for the tan gled ends, And sit nnd grlovc, and wonder. Selected. TIME AND SPACE. To ,wrlto In rhymo Tnkes lots of tlmo. Unless ono doesn't enro a hoot wheth er tho lines scan or don't scan, And blissfully wrltos along on some what this sort of plan. It nlso snves much tlmo nnd .Much wear upon tho brain If ono Is qulto content with Ono rhymo to the quatrain. A lino like this, of tho Kipling kind, Ih nu easy thing to do, And It helps to Mil, for as each lino brenks It leally nmouutH to two. Hliyiulng In couplots Is n pipe, ' Short ones llko theso look well lu type. 0' course tho easiest form of verse Is that which goes this way. i K'h popular with poets who lmvo nothing much to any. Hut why, you Inquire, ami not unna turally If tlmo Is nn object, why attempt to (splitting an In finite) rhymes compose? V. ly not spy what you lmvo to ay, howejor llttlo, In plain, ovory day prose? I'or thu simple loasou (hat If you have nothing to wiy It Is onslor to sny It In vorso; I Which account for tho awful stuff you soo ovory day, llko this, only woiyo. To write In rhyme 8ave thought and time. oun pakapii'has'e. Gathor' your dollars how you may Grab and snatch and stow away Schomo,palavor, storm and' rant Push and Jostlo, puff nnd rant Underbid and overrldb, " Cast your lofty thongh,ts4'aside; 8tbw your conscience, In'our Jeans, Tho end will Justify tho means. Marshfield Firemen Give One of Ciy's Most Enjoyable Entertainments. Tho danco given by tho Marshflold j- (Flro Department last night at tho Eagles Hall was tho largest and most (successful affair of tho kln ever 'given in Marshflold. Early in tho evening tho crowd began to gathor and by nlno o ciock mo nan t filled to Its limits. A alx-plcco or chestra furnished excellent music and tho dnncora did not loavo tho sceno of festivities until tho weo small hours of tho morning. Decorations wore' of trl-colorod bunting and Jnpaneso lnntorns. Messrs. E. Os trow nnd ' C. Arlandson sorved a delicious punch nnd tho booth was Judge Coke In granting a recent dlvorco ndmonlshod tho 'woman not to mnrry ngaln without consulting her frlonds nnd abldlngby their ad- Vo'ry popular as tho evening was op vlco. Now comes a Spokane Judgo presslvoly warm for Coos Day. L W. who grantod an aged man a dlvorco Travcr with an able corps of assls with tho understanding that his son tants, managed the dance splendidly would keep him trouble." out -of "further nnd nothing marred tho pleasure. evening's If you hnvo any troubles, tell thorn to a lawyer. An umbrella with windows Is tho latest novelty in Paris, and wo nro told that It comes from London. The reason for the Innovation Is the diffi culty of getting about on account rf, the trnlllc, especially In wet weather,' who will bo first to Intrnduco one on Coos Uny. BREAKWATEn Tfl nnuTlnHin, I L I ' f f lr C B I 1. U I yiA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOK HUSINE8S Leaves Marshfield Daily ? . (i , u ' K BOAT LEAVES ALEUT LANDING, M4RSHFIEIiD 5:80 AKIUVE DHAIN 4 1'. M. SAME DAY. )T A' ,M. r TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT TJie iBusy jQorer Jpiiftg Store PIIONK 208 'FIFIELlV'.TIII! ONLY WAY TO 'FIU8CO nAY" The Steamer Fifield SAILING, FROM BANDOG FOR SAN FRANCIS CO, THURSDAY AT,8.M. TICKETS FOR SALE AND IN OR.MATION AT IIILLYER'S CIGAR STORE. ' T-- , k. ,; wy; -V -.. -vrrl Sails North With Gnotl Freight Cargo and Many Passengers. Tho nrenkwntcr sailed nort' wlti n largo freight cargo nnd n good pas Henxer list. The following I n com- IIIpb we'll ; ,lo, "8t of I'nMO'iBors: iHolon Myers. Stnnloy Myers. A. Cnrland, ltuby Collvor, Miss W. Tcth- I)r. Dlx oxprosses tho opinion thntra,llt' Mr8- A- JT- Hiinton, Leo. H. j tho price of nutomobllo tiros Is somp- Myors, E. O. Wol'.s, Dean A. Unbl-i what Inllatod. It Isn't always the strongest men who carry tho heaviest lifo Insurance. "Ho prnycth host who lovcth best nil things, both gront mid small." No Mr. Coleridge! Not tho swat them, ono nnd nil! EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS EAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 1) A. M. ON .IULY B, 10, in, (), y.i, no. ' .?...! SAILS FROM COOS MAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JULY 7 I1 IT IVh L. II. KEATING, AGENT U;; PHONE MAIN JW.L CURRY COUNTY NEWS. I'.V KwnV in Tlnil Seillon nx Ti!t! The Gold llench (ilobp. Davo Colvln returned Saturday evonlng from a trip to Eureka, Cal. Ilo Informs us that Poto Olsen has not yet sold tho Coostor. hut probably will. Tho boat Is running hotwoon the Klamath river mid Eureka. DltlCAKVOI.DAOK I'm growing old. That fact foloin brlug to my oars thu tears. Tho inn slo of tho dlnnor horn no longei nuo and dun iter appunuilatee thrnugh cnn''m '" nrt. I'm iiiiunionoii tti tho gunrrullty nud grouis of tho tho groaning hoard, and go with lud It touch. In Its Might and the draialnir f,t. n.i i,.,'.i,ih- r ..,.. Inst word of It borniuoa n monument my aw0nl and ranri ti... fr..t Of uiihnppliieai. a revelation of dw- meat. I ..11,1, i . n... -i..ui.. ....... ,pnr. which ronld never lmvo been I rare not for tho hash; f am hungry .ullelpated nor guarded ugnlust ow- for tho toast, tho ogga or succota.l,. L.iub.10 tno roui vocrory of IU hmid- And when I've ,mim. Hn,.,i,inv ..... ",'; ,,,,,.., . !'' tmnth breakB tt hills, and tl.w It Is this InslduoiiiiuesM Hint makes itif i,nn n knm n,i ,i a .i ... f .n ll.l 1 . ., . ... -v ...... iminv. VIlHIllllllia i ,.nu iiiiiik ii iifiiui)- nun uerisive; for pills. Ah Mo, Ah you! Ah Rich ard ltoo! 1 full of yearnings am for dear, dead days of long ago. whon I could eat a ham! When I was young my appetite was equal to tho fray: I ate all day and dreamod nil night nrO nf mnli Mint ..nt nti'nf t...i ...i . .....y of fomenting and forwarding ," ""Zl aro esHouuniiy guilty and con- .....i,,,. ,n ,, ,, ..... , .., .. ... ,. -" -" '" .w, . l.lllKiTll lUMf uioro is no protection for tho victim, ns (hero Is no limit for the expansion of tho story; It usom the dirty undor- Lgroiiud levels for Its progress and hlt Uor as Its results may bo to the ob ject or tho canard, those who IncIoiiH of that ',:,': , 1 r, , ' ,m'8 nl"1 "tremus, and fences eight iMglsfoulandthelawaoferlmlnal tm ,. No Il)ngor C()mf libel SllOUld bo lliml.i sn ilrmMn ,...... " V""H I Illbel should ho ninilo so drastic ns to ponstltuto tho ovll word of untruth physical assault, to be treated as h and to warrant the Instant and vltnblo punishment It suroly de serves. .vv4 THIS .MIGHT IIRIVO WLVG LIFE. Ill'T WHO WANTS SUCH A LIFE? find In dinner trumpet's blare; nor do mind dUeusrt the WALT MASON. 1 with cnutumlud bill of fnro. imoCKTON, Mass., July 3. ot of ruloa for 'long life" jdled by Mrs. Mary Serla- , famod as tho oldoet wo- Masaneliusetts. IiipIiuIo tnvlug. ts of haul woik llf- fitrs day U not too nbntiiln from ldio bos- k.rlllrt. for it Is a iim- itf ot energy; do not banish the vanity pep away from dnneos The libos of the tolophono arc becoming more apparent ovory day. Down In California last Sunday a good old grandmother had a long suburban circuit out of commission half tho day, and when the trouble locator got mound to her house, there sat the dear old lndy cloo up to the Instrument, calmly using tho rocelvor to darn tho family socks on. After tho tolophono man got through explaining to grandma, she promised to use nn ogg next tlmo win, Miss Hannah Parson, Clinton I Harlan. Mrs. A. W. Williams. .Mrs. E. C. Lbaton, Thou Glenvc. S. W. Rllov. Mrs. J. 0. Hoyt, Miss Uotlt Hoyt. .1. W. Forgcy, Mrs. It. S. I.oabs, Mm. Chas IJarr. W. F. Ilrnlnard, V. Cur tis. C. H. Freeman, C. C. Ilngner, E. E. Shall. Mrs. E. E. Slmll, A. P. Noah. Tom Harrington. John Knke. Geo. Theolnr. Tony Knr, John Sait ilon, A. Rosenblnd. Geo. Max. E. 10. liowon. H. A. Hollar, Rose Arnold. Mrs. Ithon, Mrs. Rennle. .Mrs. W. S. Superintendent Giiorin, though in ""mln. C Hockett, Miss Domi. L. very III health arrived heio on sohed- Ciilhorlson, Mrs. A. A. I.olghton. C. nlu time to hold tho touchers oxaniln- - Vi'y- '" Standlsh, J. 0. Amadou, atlon last week. Thoro woro only 5,r, Amadou, .Miss Amadou. four that took the examination. Mum! ... Katie Fromui, Miss Winnie. Doyle, FOUND GUILTY. Miss MeCall and Mr. Chas. ltanney. ! . Ono of Ohio Legislators Convicted Wm. Fleming and wife of Smith j Ui'1' ''" Dclllieintloii. Itlver. Cal.. arrived here last Smitr-U"' Assoclatod Press to Coos Ilav day night, en tholr way homo from' Times.) trip to AlBi-shrield ami other Com COLUMNUS, Ohio, July . The county points. Mr. nnd Mm Flom-J"ry '" " e of Rodney J. Dleglo, lug have many friends here who 'r"(-Bt-nrms of the stato Sen grently onjoyod their short visit. ,nto- trl(l1 (no chnrgo of nldlng and jnbottlng tho nllogod hrlhory of Stato D. Colegrove. Abo Hardenbrook. iSoimtor '' Androws brought In n J. W. Ostrandor. W. II. Crook and Tt,nl'ct nt 00 "f noiigullty. Tho Elmer Miller camo to town Sunday ,,r' linB bien out slnco 1:30 Friday to recoivo nud tako to tholr several .nrternoon, stock ranches, somo duo Cotswool buck shoop, recently brought In from (ho Wlllnniodo vnlloy by C. H. Dal-ley. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redoado (Equlppcil nltli Wlicli'hs) ii'in .....i i... ...i.... ""' u """" "'i" ciirrjiiijr puHNeiigei-N liotli ttnya mid freight lietuccii Coot liny mill Snu Francisco. AlliVM-rviUloiiMforpimsciigorM iiiiide nl Alliance Dock, Mnr-lillcM nnd Inter-Ocenii TrniiHp. C,. Union Stivet Wharf No. L S, Fr.inclsco. For Information, ,,,(,i,d I I-.J or 2H.-. Sallln.; from Com liny to San Francisco, Siiiiilny. July S, nt !l P. M.-) INTER-OCEAN TRA.VSPORTATION COMPANY. COOS county PEAS, FRESH eve ry day. SACCHUS Grocery. Read tho Tlmca' Want Ads. A Sweet Temper and A Warm Bath "THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND SAILS FROM COOS.1BAY, FOR PORTLAND TUESDAY, JUNE 2?th ' NORTH IViw'IFIC aTEA.VSHIP COMPANY. 1"0N,: M C. F. McfJEORGE, Agent nwisri " "" ' "-1 - rl IIIWII IIISHIWlllBI iiiimi -IMllPITlii mi ' """ FA"iT SJDaViCS TO ROSSBUR.G Our stages lcnvlnK Mnr,liilel, t ,) oVIod; olwy ,,. ,. ncct ulth t.cnIi.K triiln to Portland, the niiiio us unto lm.s. pixni ; COOS HAY ROSEHURG STAHK LINE " OTTO SCHETTEH, Agent. c. P. HAUVAHD, 120 MARKET AW, Mnml.llel.!. Aput, ROSEHURG. Oro PHONE 11 Somo wise philosopher gets off the following: "There aro mon who argue that living Is high, but thoy might try dying. A living man gots shaved for SB cwntB. hut a dead ono pays $5 and never kloks. A good Kory over coat costs $25. but a wnixi.m 'costs ?10Q. A grave digger will mnnt Tired bodies and worn nerves respond cntliusiastie ally to a warm bath. A kettlefull of water doesn't liolp niueli only irritates. Vith a modern gas water h titer the bath problem is solved. Touch a match to tho pilot lighter and by tho time vou are ready for tho bath, 'the warm bath is ready for vou. Let us show you' how 'gas water heaters work. Oregon Powor Companv. Hill Coal eaver MOUNT DIABLO INI) JOSSON CEMENT. mo Desi uometflc nnd Hnportod brands Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of bulIderB material HUGH McLAIN nn - GENERAL CONTRACTOR ----r HwUi PIIONR "nt i 1 . Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire 1 lT v ana marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co IIKXIIV SENGSTACKEN, M " "' Coaulllo Offl-o Phono 19! MarshHeld Offlco H-J. Farms - Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty VJV"J"" "BCIHS "iSABTSIDE" I Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121 MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FA3I1LY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c nnd fl.OO; week 52.00 to ?5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges tiu.uu to 318.00 por month. FRED MIOJfK I. S. K VUFMANCOYOUR HJilL8." W- TtLIVAN. Prop. COAL ORDERS-LSO PER TON. "Koad tho 7lnw w... . - if t W. pi Road tho limea' Want Ads.