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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1911)
mmmmmmmmmm ) vr& 01) &NT GET MUCH ON A RECORD IF YOM HAVEN'TfTHE POWER TO REPEAT . .. ., Eimm YOUR. ADS CARRYING C000 SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space in n newspaper, roniparcd with tho spnoo uscl by other stores, sliould dcflno it coinparativo iniiHirtauco in tho community! Docs your storo's ad vorlNlmr spaco do that? Your store-news, should appear us regularly iin docs tliis newspaper. If a newspaper omitted mi Issue now and then oven for so weighty n rcu hdii iw fearing that It might rn I li lt would not bo n good newspaper. MKMMKH OF ASSOCIATlil) 1'ltKSM W1ARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY VOL XXXIV Established in 1878 us Tho Const Mall 4, 191 1 EVEWIWG EDITIOW No. 146 -TT -i-MPaMMHHMMHMMHiHaiHMHiHMH 1 ''. i ' -r rmWMT m STREET RAILWAY FRAHCHESE TO BE HELD IN TRUST' FOR CJTY To Be Offered to First Railway That Builds to Coos Bay. BLAKE FRANCHISE REVOKEDBYJDRDINANCE J. V. Smeaton, M. C. Horton, C. S. Winson and L. J. Simp son to Be Named Trustees Tho regular meeting of tho Mnrsh- flold council was hold Inst evening, Mayor K. 13. Straw presiding. Thoso i "FOURTH" IS BIGGEST ?ET IB LEE FII Is Nobody's Fight All Way Through Lee the More Scientific of Two Burns Another Nelson In. Style and Endurance. A woll-Bntlefled attendances of nbout 100 locnl, fight fans Inst night clicored thoniBolves honrse when, nt tho end of tho twenty-round glovo contest between "Rongh-HouBo" Chnrllc Burns nnd Guy Leo, tho re feree cnllod the flcht n drnw. Tho Not an ACCldent Reported Up men themselves showed their npprov n ORffl FLlSGi HEifJT SELL zrr COOS W ITER CO, PLIINT H JIM HK 1 : ARE IN RING! COOS BAI'S BEST CELEBRATION to Noon Today. With not one slnglo case of ncel- prcsent woro Councllincn Thos. Coko, dent from Hrc-crncltorB ho far ro Cnrl Albright, Duncan Ferguson nnd ported, nnd with hut ono smnll blaze R. A. Copplo. Tho ciiHtomnry gonornl city ex penses were road, iIIsciirboi! nnd ap proved. It was decided to ask for bids for tho printing of n llmltod number of the city charters ns thoy nro grently In demand nnd tho sup ply Is limited. Upon motion of Conn cllmnu Albright n wnrrnnt for ?7fi In fnvor of tho city library was or dered drawn. Tho routlno hunlncss ovor Attor- 1 to nttrnct tho attention of tho lire department, tho grandest Fourth of Jnl of tho decision bv embracing e.ich other In ono big hug botweon tho time thnt the llnnl gong sounded nnd their seconds cot ovor tho ropes with their dressing-gowns. Owing to the fnct thnt tho crowd was slow to tenr itself nwnyfrom tho, other nniusonimts up-town, the pro- ODDS ARE 10 TO 0 IN FAVOR OK WOUJAST GREAT CROWD GRKIvlS FIGHTERS ROTH kqcama' confident op vic'Fin3 Parade Caps Climax 'voni'' I I Two Days' Festi- .0?AAAAAA CHAMPIONSHIP RKSl'lr. Of ...... luiuuiiuiiiii iivcr niiQinpiaii noro Hmtnnrv. which vai Pchodull to wns throe qunrtora coniplotod nt tn10 ,nco B,nrj, nt 7:30 o.c,0cIt wa8 noon today. almost nn hour Inter In starting. U hen thoso of tho stores which j,,lt boforo tho commencement of romnlned oion yesterday closed 0tmtles. Promoter John ITe-ron their doors Inst nlght.Uho city was H;cn.,C(, onfo tll0 rng nnd Intr0.:uc. IfllXltl niliiH nllHn1ll tn ll. lit!..... te.,;.. u,u. LHu.f.j ii, uiu iVmK ... R . (:yn,, ITnn,nro- Uy special arrangement with the AssQClnted Press, the result of tho Wolgnit-Mornn light will bo poBtod at the Coos Ray V Tlmos' ofllco. Imtnodlntely after tho bnttlo. , (By Assoclntcd Pr'ss to Coos Buy Times.) SAX FRANCISCO, Cnl., July !. "'TW)j Thos J. Nolan of Omaha Named as Purchasers of Local Corporation. ASKS CITY "COUNCIL FOR 50 YEARS FRANCHISE City Has Privilege of Buying! Fiant After Twenty Years. inos. i .oinn, nn attorney, of! Omnhn, hns completed nogotintlonsj for tho purchnse of tho Coos Bayv Wntor Company from Flnnngnn & Rcnnott. LciBt night nt tho mooting of thol c.ty council, ho applied for a frnn- cniso to construct, malntnln nndl opernto n wntor system in tho Cltyl of Mnrshllold. Mr. Nolan nnd Mr. Cinnmlngs proHontcd tho ranttor at street, south on Front to Central and col(lcr''l Kt "oforo tho coun- ., cu mm tneir ropresontatlons Inj vities. Hcndod by tho band of tho Coos Rny division of tho Oregon Nnvul mllltln, tho best pnrndo thnt over mndo Its way, along tho streets of this city startel from the marsh alling place on South Broadway shortly after ton o'clock this morn ing, continued up Rrondwny to Al der street, enst of Alder to Fronv west along Central nvonuo to brlof wore: Thnt If granted a franchise nccopt- n A tllnHinnli .l Y ulll-t. 1 !-. Cnrnlvnl" for tho tlmo bolnc. Is nt nv. ...ii.. ,..,.. ... ,. ... . ..o .."h- uuuuiuu .Masonic Opera houso where it dU- M, i.iM - .. fc-, oi -iiwiuiiw. from 0.,0Blt0 copncrB , .,. r.n banilcd. Despite tho ImmenBo crowd of vis-. lT1! S.-7J""!r -! thl. nftemoon when Ad Wolgnst. The procession wns in the follow- "b, to "". would tnko ovor noy C. F. McKnlght nddressod tho .. t , m.v i m. m ' P r ?,,u. - "l ., n . .,-, ing order: l" BBlcm '"o Coos Bay Water A, " " " -""'i'-'. mo renueBt or tho house manage- """ """ ." ui uuguuiu, cumo-, , m .. nniiiinii nn vim niniinr ni inn rvi n va iiu...ti i . r ' . . . V rovoiimg ni mo snnno or uacclit, mont then consonted to t Hold street railway franchlBo. R- .Mnrshnl Jnek Cnrtor nnd i.i tnmn ... .. presenting tho business interests of 0f men have had little trouble to vu ... ....; ,..... f tinli flnlil niil t Vt rk P1 n tnlmw r fts ... i . " (VfcVH """Dl,"u"1 """ "" '"i "' -uiii- conionu witn. Kvon theso atom act as rofcroo cd through tho ropes for their i A. T. Haines, marshal of tho dnv. Co'"lnny at a prico of $150,000, nnd l Tho Coob Rnv Nnvnl Mllhln hnmi. I wou,(1 nt onco Proceed to tho bettor-! ioniy-rounu unttio for tho light- Tho Liberty enr with Miss Mnudo mcni or Ul nInnt bv tho cstabllsh- welght chaaipioiiBhlp of tho world.. Bowron, ns Goddess of Llborty, Pan- niont of nn Innlt"ntlon plant of 1,-j "" " - "" cuiuuiiu wmi. rven incso atom Wilson nnd mil Onffnev both Inrnl w4. - wuuuoo ui uiuuuj, i uo- --- -. morco. Mr. MeKnlnht ndvocntod tho Pnr,iin nf m, n ,. i . " .. ..nci'. U0Ul ,octu To ench battle, flngs attached deo.i- auin Bradflold as Uncle Sam nnd .000 gallons daily capacity to bo holding of tho street railway frnn- Bo imbued with tho holiday spirit that L.!, Tht" 'noth hov. tnrte,i til r00t0(1 BPetltlous slgniflcnnco to thirteen little girls holding streamers . ocatct a,1 or nonr tho present pump, chlso of tho city In trust to bo grant- thoy have only gathered in tho police mix from tho outlet nnd in tho first ,tB ownor- Tho Unlon Jnck worn hy trm tho cnno,,y ovcr tho a(,ace8 , ' U, construct,on r Mornn wns sent him hv niimirnn in renrcBontlnc tho nrl-lnnl Htnon "10ern, comont lined nnd nsnba? canvas, Englnnd( nB confldent n8 ,10 thnt to. Thirty-two llttlo girls wearing (lags covorol reservoir of 1,500,000 gal night he will wear tho light-weight nnd wenrlng snshes with tho nnmos ,ons cnl,nct' it an olovntion aboil crown. Wolgnst has carried his be- ot tho states on them wero sontod onl,,,riy IC0t nB""' than tho prnsig w1 in (pnafnna lint li In f nraliflftld nml . .. At. ...i. . .... ' "-v" "" -..... ... urug IlOl UlCBO WHO, DCCaUBO Or .Mar- rnnml nnr.1, lnn,ln,1 , North Bend for tho first railway to 8hnl Cnrtor's evident InilnlL'nnrn ., . . .. . , ,. ,, , , .', B",u v-,,ricr B eviuoni inuuitenco, es- only to got up ngnln nnd contlnuo thu ranch tho liny. Ills position being saved to "tnko" the nrnvnrhlnl mi ,. . , . . .. . . , ,,, ., . ., , ., , ""J1-" lo lUKU l,, provoruini nillllng, It wns nobody's round but thnt by holding tho franchlBo In .this "mile." tn . . .. ,. ,. . w i i nil ii mi v hiiii yl niiiiHiiii iiiii niirinr .- . manner it would bo a groat induce- niirlnir thin nftnmnnn ttm rmw.ia . .... ..... ... ........ ragglod. stars and strlnos about hlH tho sides of tho cnr. This wns nulto . rcBorvo,r tho Inylng of n aixt ment to tho building in of n rnllronJ, ' will bo given tholr choice of nttond- himself ns tho favorite In tho hearts walst ,n mnny hnrd won "attics' and the prettiest Liberty car over soon mn,n from S,IC reservoir to tho giving w.e.n uy .... " h".. ,g either tho bnsoball game botweon of tho 8)ectntor8. Tho Becbnd round Hold waterfront, nnd nlso hold the North Bond and Marshuold, which wnB repetition of tho first, both ns franchise nwny from spcculntlng stnrts nt 2:30 o'clock: or tho horo ...... .... ....i... .-. ...,... . lu i idMiio .nut I i;aiiiii(j iliuviuo, w I1IIU fools thnt on this day they ennnot but at Q colobratlon horo. m!bs Bowron, bring him victory. Hours beforo tho gong clnngod for frnnchlso-huntors. J. V. Smeaton races which start nt tho tmmo hour. tn0 thr(1 roumi cnmo t0 n closo wtn tho first round, thousnnds gnthcred onu ai. u. iinrinu, .Mr. .lcivnigiu an nounced hnd dcclnred tliomcolvea ..w ..... .W1...11 VIIIIIU fcM Ik V.l.dU Willi .... Immediately following theao JI-jtno nB,,t nB much tho ono.a nfl tho """"t tho nronn gntes fighting for .versions, tho second bent of tho tug- niimr'n ' position of vnntngo in tho rush for vimng to nccopt sucn n trust rromjof-wnr botweon tenms composed ofi Tno fourth round w tho city of Mnrshnold nnd Chns. Win- .loggors will tnko plnco nt Mill Inlot in8t wn8 fought in tho Bor nnd L. J. Simpson to hold tho franchise granted by tho North Bond council. Attorney C. R. Peck nnd Dr. Mln kub spoko favorably of thin plan nnd after n general discussion tho council doclded to refer this matter to a com mlttco composed of Councilman A. II. Powers, Duncan Fergueon and Carl Albright who wore directed to meet with tho North Bond council. An tho Blake street railway fran chlBo explrod July 1st, Acting City Attorney Kendall was ordered to draft an ordlnanco ropoallng and re voking this franchise. Mnyor Straw rend a telegram from Mr. Blako dat ed at Omaha In which Mr. Blnko re quested tho city council to nwalt his romlng which will be next weok, bo faro tnklng nny stops on tho fran- off South Brondwny. This ovenlng tho nro department will give an exhibition drill which will Includo putting out a flro in u building sot alight for tho purpose. WNNN6 ninnnliAH a a 1Ih1.i. ... hlch was tho .""-'"""" "-"lo- ""'uurn oi reBorvoa . RPnia milnwnrl Mnon in tUn lm.1. . rnnna mnvn ........ w.v.DU m mu ii.uio ui moro AT HORSE RACES Good 'Attendance and Some Interesting Races 1 Good Time. A largo crowd was presont nt tho races yesterday afternoon and wit-. .Bniin)lfv. . . chlBo but tho general eentlmont as nessod a good card. Tho tlmo in allL .. rAi. . ..,.. . If roun(1 nnd na Blinromfiv expressed seemed to bo thnt Mr. races wns exceptionally good. io repIeto wlth IntoreRt and OXcitomont. , nt-hlB terrli5lA- punishing blows more thnn In tho middle of tho ring, ?, b,loachor8 nnd whon rofereo nnd, Just beforo tho sounding of tho JUCK uol8n ca"eu ino Winters to gong, nftcr Lewis had boon knocked tho contor of tho r,nS the arona wns through tho ropcB, ho refused to got Jcmmc1 c1obo by a packed mob of on his feet again claiming that ho.chcor,nB Pectaton. had been hurt by n low placod punch. I u wou,d bo hnrd to flnd a mro Ho wns examined by Dr. Horstall who closoly matched pair of fighters thnn failed, howover, to find nny evidences tno onoucngor and tho .champion, of the supposed injury. There is less thnn half an Inch dlf- In order to fill out tho tlmo bo- frcnco in tholr hoight, Moron being tween then and the moment when tho BlBntly taller; and law than half princlpnln might bo expected to en- a p0UDd wnB tho difference In wolght. ter tho ring, John Herron permitted In cnHtlon there is 'nothing to "Billlo" Wilson, a brother of tho do-lcbooao between tho two men, and fented "Kid" to fight a six round bout no,ther hnd slightest trouble mak- wlth Qaffney. Oaffnoy, although ,nB tno Btlpulated weight of 133 Bllghtly tlrod by tho exertion of tho Poun(ls- Both men showed superb four rounds already fought, consent- con(Htlon nnd neithor lacked in con ed nnd "Billlo" Btepped into tho riug. fldonco. Although this bout resulted In tho1 wolgnst doclnred he would enr.-y in tho tno flK,lt to his opponent In every certain Blnko wns ontltled to no further con-1 threo qunrtors' dash being a Burprlso Bldorntlon, ns his time had expired whon announced at 1:17. Tho follow. and ns nbBolutoly nothing hnd beonl"B wero tho results: dono on tho project. AT TIIBTIIKATHK. Tho Mnsonlc Opera Houso was crowded last nlglt (o witness tho Hob Company's "porformanco bf "A Country Sweetheart'' nnd ngaln dem onstrated tholr nblllty to oiuuho-a Inrgo nudlenco'ns they have so often done In this city during their, mnny visits. Tonight tho 'patriotic co'medy drama "Our Irlsh-Amorlcnn Cqusln" in which "Old Glory" cuts qulto a llguro In tho Irlsh-Amorlcnn "Teddy (on O'Mnlley" who stirs up tho British i aristocracy nnd created roars of Inughtor nnd npplnuse. Don't miss this opportunity of enjoying your Bolf on tho glorious Fourth of July. nnco No. 1 July 3, running 3-S-inllo. Purso $50. 1. Toddy j ownor, O. J. Sooloy. 2. To8sIo S; ownor, E. G. Allon. 3. Voronn; owner, J. F. Knight. Time 37 seconds. Rnco No. 2, July 3, trotting nnd with her blond typo of beauty mado a splendid Goddess of Liberty and many remarks complimentary to hor woro henrd nmong tho crowd which lined tho streets of pnrndo. Tho Coos Bny Naval Militia formod nn escort for tho cnr nnd lent n military nppearanco to tho procession. Tho following woro tho llttlo girls repre senting tho states: Eleanor Flnnngnn, Ethel Davis, Agnes Johnson, Margaret Barry, Ed na Roes, Helen Recs, Olga Holms, Ruth Bowron, Marian Horefall, Maud Stutsman, Madgo Stutsman, Opal Brown, Ruth Golden, Stella Lub, La vlna Paintor, Emma Lou Douglas, Kolen Merchant, Mabol Lingo, Ed dova Wheeler, Marian WlUon, Clara Ferguson, Hazel Cooke, Alma Pratt, Mary Metlln, Edith Ayro, Lola Lenox, Elizabeth Flanagan, Blanche Bache lor, Elsie Hllstrom, Abble Ledyard, Elsie Grant, Alice McLaln, Doris Sengstackcn, Ettlo Plttman, Stolla Storgard, Anna Storgard, Besslo Srade, Agnes Hull, Georgia Thrush, Virginia Clarko, Lillian Seamnn, Maxlne Jones, Jeanetto Upton, Mar garot Powors, Irene Oulmottc, Allco Johnson, Margaret Lund, Ruby Pitt man, Mary LouIbo McArthur. Following was L. W. Travor 4mas4n rniL .. iv.ov.-i.nun ui ruiiriii Hirnui nnu ue. j f trnl nvnnnn. lin lnvlncr nf o (n.i,?3i .,....,. vp ..w ... ...f, lh 1. IVIl'lUM main north from Fourth ntrcot anJt i-iiirui nvunuo 10 connect witn the Front Street mnln nt n nnlnf nnno !. J Standard Oil Company's plant, thus giving prossuro from both onds of, tho Front street main, guaranteeing! n preBsuro of 85 pounds to thai aquaro Inch, tho establishment &X their own oxpenso of flfty-threoftii hydrants nnd tho taklncr over hv!ft' them of tho old hydrants at a prices to bo agreed upon. Tho price of each hydrants to th8jK city per month will bo flxod nt ?3.n or tho Bamo rato as now paid North Bond, although in excess the present rato in Marohfiold. Mk Nolan stated that this Increaso la tbo prico of hydrants would bo mora) than offset by tho fact that tho now company would Instoll tho hydrants j freo of chnrge, and that the bolter- mentS in the SVatem enntnmnlntnA i would doublo the prossuro nnd In gf creaso tho flro protection, thoreDyp? duciug the flro insurance premiums: , rifle din, followed. Thoy mado a I pretty sight with canes and bannors. j Then came n beautiful car of gold'! nml vnllnu' ii'l, I. I.mI .., r .... I -..- .... ., mui uiiuiiui, UUU otumutatv broom trimming driven by Miss NoralVi Tower. Soatod In tho auto worn MIsJ tfi' 'reiiBB, MIbs Madgo Barry ancVH. "Billlo" showed class far boyond hlslwouUI wcnr thoVEngllshman down. years nnd experience nnd seemed to I 0n other hnnd Mornn Btntod thnt bo ntdo to lnnd Mb lilnwn wltl, fnll if tllO ChnmplOU left nn ODGIlIllC to !. ...i. i ...u ,.. him. miPii nC ho iVnv ian,in ,. .marahalllng the Mnrshfleld Flro Do wished. Thn flnt wn nnt n fni. . Burns, ono well timed richt cross in I PWtment Including two flro englnei. . . . i. in. ....Li . uf ii. . :hoso nnnnrutus and tho hook nml in which to juugo unnney a noi t'i ""' iuhu hihi mo i.exu, , , idrin wnm -i,in iim. ,i.i t . ... .... ... . . .... . . tti.. !. ,. ,.. .- .... 'laddor comnnnv with Vorn Albrlcht ltiris woro w,1,t0 wh whlto hats an ..a no una nirenny rougnt rour rnst ,b'"Bi cihuiuiioii o. uie wori'i. i, t lyollow flowom mwi mrri,.,i w.i .. rnnm'n ul, l, .l ..nilll. - There was llttlo nhnnn. tn h W. fop ,U08Ct. f0"0 "?W0,S n"d. Carrlod WllIto I tw,, h ' ., ,. r4. " .;'tinP .i,fr i, .,. w,. I The Oregon Power Company's float a"018' n"8 oxMm ot Cs Daj .:.:"' '" r. . " t.:; m",,u" aui:i,:r( "":::. ..".:.r.r:. z : fouoweu. decorated wm. rod. win ooa,,,y ol,clted 'ch praiao from b XUO " ," i"w ! iicni j iimmiu uy May P MIs3 Frances Williams. All foul ' i , ... . "v twining iijJiiiuiiuuii n uuu innniiip' 2?!ifl olnfiR. nonr twn nnr nt .... ,,,,, , : -" j rororeo . stopped their bout. In the ll' 9 &K wun plenty or Mornn sup- , , """ " """ " M' !0f tho nnrndo h throe -mlIo hent. Purse ?75. Qf portors-lk evidence when they found ' "f .! !"tB" 8t0,V0 ,Two sa,os I " 0 ZdZ of Moose foil i. LnbdS ' "":'" TTW I horo n preliminary between these thnt the Uected drop to two to one dl8tf cook books among tho J'Jj of auto8 nd1 2. Bill Murray: owner. J. L. Nny , two woul(, ,- tB0,f b dld ,fot Iterlnllze. spectators. I" tjr , h thiee autos and Time 1:21 and 1:22. 'drawing card. WoWnft began to p,n future ,0 ,P "T I,ardWBro flat camo ln7l 1 ! 1 ,' T" Race No;j, running -m.le with- After rftther , nd ,,,, inRtcleJ Bbefro he entered the ring. I ? l .J"- C Thos? L V L" JZZ 1. unnecessary, wnlt following the nM- Ho dec nred ho hnd boon offered TT ,11. .1.1. T-l T X I ' " " " ' iitmiiibiiii uviiu.1, i. i. r- jjininnrles, tho two principals took moro money for a bout with Pnckey tholr lilnces In their corners, o. .t. MeFnrland than the llcht-wolcrht I 2. Macbeth; owner, Wnltor Con-, SeeIoy ft Well-known locnl horsomnn, ovor iought him. He refused to (lrOU Kvfifl Intrnf1tirm1 no rnfnww. n nrti, linnif JthAXlirnninf ap lmf ontrl MaTo- RnCO NO. T( running 3-4-mllo dnSfl.n ri Unvha wn KMoMn.1 na lm. lnnd Ubd nrOAd tn mnUn laa nmmrla biAitiM ( frtlir. llniira liAri Vi (!! ..! i.i.i. ilUJIUl, ,. ..- I'VilUO wiu ilftUl IIUII ill.U A nrnllmlunrv nnrlov liotwoon tho 'J ho ciiuhl Ret tho concessions hn dd- . ..- , I - v .,,.--. .-,. - . - , -. ncs. roiiin iiiiivniiiifi. ino rest rny. 'bocoii.Is of tho two nud tho roferoo mended regard to fight pictures ho rooms In rooms 20S-200 of tho Coos I 2. Greonlnw; owner, John Vonk-: r0BuUed ln ,lle ,jocision to "light nll,v"l fccept tho offer. building maintained by A. W. Myors am. I tho tlmo and break elonn." Looap-I nnd rQ. bnvo been groatly appro- ?.. Tesslo S; owner, E. 0. Allen. ' OI11.0(1 ,n tll1 rnirffflll.,n,B i,,i,,-m ' A nloo.l l. !... I ..l.ll m, l.m I" . . " " "" I v "- '' . T T V V V tu "' l,lu Kuim i'"""w UD,C-' Mum i.n. ' on his loft knoo. Tho boys wero ill- I B0RW ciauy motnors with smnll cnuaren. Jince No. d, -milo unsii cntcu troducod met in friomiiv tmnri I- Purso $100. 1. Chnrllo Foster; owner, M. II. i Middy costume woro seated under a canopy supported by oars nnd canoe paddles nnd decorated with greens. It mndo n beautiful display. Tho Wostorn Meat Co. had nil at tractive float with tii-colored decora lodgo olIlcerB two llttlo girls. Esther Sullivan and Ruby Plttumn, who. J ribbons string from tho horns of iiiuijpu uiiiuiuiu, aiiio no. 'J carr! Dr. Bartle, medical oxamincr ordor. with his wlfo. Auto tlons and won many coininoiulutloiis. ",oorfl ","1 ',"rs. Ekblad nnd Son. Ilnrdwnrs Stn.' T,1 C(,ot, li' 'r'"' I had a tent supported by two blcyele.1, mxi wUh ""wsuoys and making a novel nnd original dlsplav. l",,", nvreseniinK tro following this wan MU Nellie " ' i Tower driving a Bulek runabout ola- A niuu miuy r b0VJ A aI'i .. I ... It. n ..I...... ... ... In tho balcony of tho mnln store ica weights for horses not trained this Bnflkft. ntlll fnnlloI ' .nwsT:! ,i: , ?-,."! wun Mlss Towor wna s" Charlotte "' " -"" ' """ "-, I "I ' " ""!. VUIIIUIHI ..-.---.-- T4 I. cream, wnrors nnil punch were sorv- senBon. ed to tho patrons of tho store nnd the hospltnllty nnd nttontions of tho attejidents was praised highly by visitors. J J lirSO J.iO. I Itoilllll 1 Tim rnimrl nnonnrl with i 1. Evolyn; owner, John Yoakam. ( nggresBlvo fighting by both moiu Both 2. Dixie; owner, J. L. Knight. flent Jn distinctly opposite styles, a. uiru. Tlmo 25 4 seconds. visitors. j Timo 25 seconds. (Continued on page J.) BUKIM J, borntely decoratod with Scotohhroom. cnpr',nS Sperry Hour Uv aaaaa. ; With juss Towor was .Miss Charlotto oy n bcotc" ,)l,'1' their homo ln Marsh-' MlirBl, M mm ,, contributed much . - -.., .. am wn ah n ui 11 Hold Tuesday. Julv 4, to Mr, and ,vnito of tho best features of Mrs. Arthur C. Drows, n daiishtor. NoYt ,n ,, wno thn Ki(l.. ,.. ,?J. i . ....... ,.... -V .. w ,.......... , ..- I v I i ill iiiiu nits iiiu wins n .uuw.oriniiu cnuu nro uoing weii. cornted ln purple nnd wJlto wUj nnd Arthur says nil his rides afl'rour magnificent Elk heads. Thirty Joy rides now. ona Elkn with horns, blowincr a tor- Season Ojrmis. - state gnmo laws. hunting will open IWiV tilv- -: 'jBMka. ojagfH Xojtr & ilJBfe . .V7! :'. WrV 4 T&m tiffi.: , Hill. JktuA ,TKpu' 29Bbbbbbbv': '$'$' vift ' Acffli kW Hi IIIU ""' ssmm Vst.Msp, MM M!&A ' JSbsbsbbIisbbssHbHIbHbbbbbbssIKI BSTPSBBMMKiigMjTtf.MWBy