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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1911)
DO YOUR "BEST FIRST, LAST if JIa .li.M- -r U V . -tAJfci ntU4i- .- flKpUR. ADS CARRYING l' lYmi.. uKu'f.iipuN. should aitiiL'nr 'as SOMEONE HM S, "A store's itriverttaliiv sdnc' newspaper, coiinmioil ttifi ili roKiilaily ns does this newspaper. If used by oilier stores, 'vfcliouhi'! 11 lltWXlMI"'!' OlllillOll mi ISKIIO HOW nml then ecti ftir no Molality a re.i h'jii as fi-arliiu Unit It might rain If MoiiKl not lie n Boot! neuspnper. its uoiii)iuiille hnportaiicq community! Docs your trior ii'I'HhIiik Hpaco do 'that' MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED J'KIISH Iffid jf" rf 7 Estnbllslied In 1H78 us Tilt) Coast Mall A Consolidation of Time, roast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, EVENING EDITION No. 'Hid Coos IJiiv Advi'iilsee. mof. HHW utmr. s --.. .laflEavHUl-ff wLIlL t . , taSZXSkiSJlKfviCf' It n. i if i'miiM in .i i iri.rf-n-.--r-- . . i - tm V" j 1 1 II i Vt MFfi (vl 1J v.l volxx: JULY 3, 1911- .JMMMBM EtWiaWJMW ! MtBlWaMiMMaMMWM.r .1 hi III iwnnwvrvr ii n-tvim rnnn nriBT nrnnnaaiin an a Mr neenm nr rnnor Uiniii n nr nn'b ammy rftm'n m-mu H-a hhHSflWh mVr sh r h h ,h b r -h j Mb bu - B SwV B I H I I I U BUI LIHIf'JH llll IIIPfLlJII Klllilll J f P 1 ft W LJ K " I 4 k I r 1 I JQirUlVltlllUU (If iin i i ii tiiiiii i ii nil iilmi uuii i cuu mi a i il. uci'jdj vi l o i iul. i u wt- w il. mv 4W ' V, . . '4fc ' ' w2 DED IN II EAST Entire Bast Suffers With Irnmcdiate Prospect of Relief. ' HOTTEST DAY OF YEAR GBIPS NEW YORK CITY Reports From All Over East Show Conditions Same. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3, With sklcH prnctlcally cluudluss tliu country over today, reports to tho "Weather llureau Indicated that hot V weather rccortlH might bo brokon In ' ninny BectloiiH. Tho ilny started with ,n tompornturo from two to sixteen fit degrees higher than yesterday inorn- JV iiiK In the larger cities, New York topping Hut with a rise of from 72 - to 88 degrees. In Chicago It was 8 ' ns compared with 82 yesterday morn ing; in Wosmngton, the i'Ibu was FERRY BUYS ! STOP RUNAWAY By Heroic Act, Local Men Re scue Imperilled ' Girl. i MJss Dentrleo Smith, nn operator In tho local olllce of tho telephone company narrowly escaped being soveroly Injured by the running away of a spirited horso attached to a buggy In which sho was seated at Mn base-ball ground yestordny after noon, and Qcorgo nml Jim Ferry, two well-known local boys, risked their lives In a successful attempt to .bring tho frightened nnlmal to n stand still. from 78 to 84, and In Atlanta from V Smith was tho guest at the, 72 ?s. a. H... .inv ,.m.Vrn...,i. ti,,.-""'! game yesterday of Mr. Norman .- ... .w. .. ... ...., , ... , - JoaiiHon, nmi iwo uiuvu iu mu ,"" In tho lntter's buggy. During the game, Johnson removed the bridle -Cooi hent In many sections became Btlf lllng and u number of prostrations nnd deaths, 'occurred. Tho Weather, llureau holds out no from tho animal's lieml nnd, before ho roplnced tho pleco of harness be fore tho drlvo homo after tho gamo seated Miss Smith In tho rig. V.. ..A .M1n limn nlmllt rn lllltt t Ii O Bsoclnted Prcsii to Cooa Buy' ,M,B, " "" "UD "' ." . ' ;" rin)e(, hrullo.ovor tho iiorsos nenti, inc it.L.I C.i.,.1. .. n 1l.n1t nU ntltl MlQ ,v YORK, N. Y., July s.Thlf UBVr Biruc' ' . ' "' , : o hottest day df the year. A !lorB" VM.",'U "w , , , uor of prostratlbns nro reported, . """"" uuuw -" -'" (insnea maaiy up mo incimoiuwiuua the Ilnll 'streot bridge. ilnvlng'no means of 'controlling the ernze'd nnlmal, Miss Johnson was helpless. Hearing tho commotion bohlnd thVm, KerrV took In tho situation with ono .backward glanco nnd whteol tlio uriUCC8B uorso enmo huiuuoi vi nom Oeorgq ForrV throw lilmsol 3,-Intenno "Hon Its neck with such force as to . .. I a a.. hi.,iililn it il fn ii Tl tt CnilHO 11 IU BIUIIIUIU HUH " Ferry then hold tho nnlmal'. to tho round until jhl brother was able to oxtrlcato himself nnd until Johnson,, who Jind followed tho runaway, help ed Miss Smith from, tho buggy. Despite tho terrible ordeal, ho slrl (hope of relief for nt least 3G Iioum. no ' At0 ' 1AZKI) MAN HAN AMUCK. ,10 ' MBsoclnted I'renn to Coos Uur ' "' lone ddath.' In Drboklyn n mau, fen Intnuo by tho heat, ran amuck Ii a knlfo and nttomptQd to stab policemen nnd n number of cttl- Ho was shot (lend by an odl- iiaiiks dm: ix ciuc.vcip. leRoclnted Press to tho Cooa Day Times.) riCAOo, in... July . todny cauBod scftres of prostra- Thousands weio sleoplng In nnd tho sidewalks last night. 'mortality among jifnnts w:s Ivy. I'oday was tho hottest dny of tho nml wna followed tlin hottest fnt-J nvMnrfonrnd In M.lo rllv. rtOWCil WOIldorflll ."hick nnd. nfter rKht"Uenth8 were reported to tho JohnBon hnd placed tho brldlo on thtf lllcqnd tboto wero hundreds of hwno. sho Insisted. upon riding into stratlonB. ,lw" w,l uim' . , , U 2 p. m. the tomperature ofllclal- Sho has suffered no HI effects, nnd rPlr,l 103 decrees at street fro nor pinco ni mo ibiupiiuuu - it nnd 09 at tho top of obsor- change this morning modestly dls- ur' towor claimed Having piayea uio roio - t DAIAiMOItK SWKLTKHS. AssoclatPd Press to Cooa Dny Times.) IAI.TIMORD, Md., July 3. of heroine In so near a tragedy. torod 91 degrees. Four deaths nnd Tno numerous prostrations aro recorded m'peraturo hero by noon today hnd 'for the past 24 hours. iiched 95, ono degree hotter thnn DETROIT, Mich., July 3. At noon today tho morcury read 109 degrees on tho streot. ion Sunday. Irted. Two deaths woro ro py Dny KANSAS POOH SUFFER. Associated Press to Coos Times.) KANSAS CITY, July 3. Tho hot- it weather In 23 years Is provnlllno 5re. Thousands nro sleeping out ers. There Is groat suffering mong tno poor, similar reports lime from many places In tho middle Pest. ATCHISON. Kan.. July 3. At noon today tho tompornturo was 102 and four prostrations are record ed. HEAT KILLS NINE. Ijy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times. PHILADELPHIA, July 3. It Is Ltresslngly hot hero today and a Ije numberof prostrations are re tted. tlno deaths have been reported so NEWARK, N. J July 3. At ten o'clock tho thermometor read 100 degrees. Ono death Is recorded. CLERK JUMP TO DEATH. Hct Crazed Man Jumps From teentli Story Window. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. 111.. July 3. Q. A. 1,D ,.B17 T T P ? h.'WTlKht. a clerk, committed eulclde I A light breere tempered the y by Jumplng frQm flftenth ID1B Hliciuuuu, l'ER CENT AT PITTSBURO AMOclated Press to Cooa Bay Tlmea.) ' .TSBURO, Pa., July 3. At oday tbo thermometer register- 444aa4 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, July 3, Fair to- ... -r T..l 9 . A A nlirht nnrl Til e fid BY. Vti, MftBO., jui; - "'o story. of the Masonic Temple build ing. He was Instantly Jellied. It Jb believed that he was crazed with the beat. degrees. )UR DEAD IN BOSTON, isocluted Press to Cooa Bay Times.) Gunboat Panther Is Ordered rracc- wlilcl1 t is expected win be to Morocco to- Remain There takon on,y after con8Ultntl(,8 w,th urcnt uritnin nnu musia. it is hoped hero that tho Etcp taken by tho German Foreign Office will lead to n genernl discussion of the Moroc con situation by tho four powers (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day principally Interested and that tho Times.) question will bo definitely BettleJ. BERLIN, Germany, July 3. Hav-' Othorwlso tho GormnnH rmnln lug Bhown her hand In sending tho ...'., J .' ' i " . . expeditions hn;e been withdrawn. sunboat Panther to Agndlr, Morocco, A Bonoral Elirapcaa confe.-ence Is not iermany Ir awaiting tho action of c cctcd. Until Settlement of Difficul tiesMove May Precipi tate International Convention., DISARMED AFTER STIGGI m m m ii FAVOR PEOPLE m K WEIOe ORATOR OFlAJ yi:i,L-KovN coos hav boost nit will di:liyi:r oration AT TOMORROW'S OKLKItRA TIO.V -WILL TALK ON PATRIO TISM AND PLUCK, rnnk D. TIchcnor, tho well-known Coos Day booster nnd frntornnl or- gnulzor, will bo orator of the dny nt tomorrow's celcbrntlon. 'Mr. TIchc nor who arrived from Portland yes tordny, consented to talk on patrio tism, push, pluck nnd porsevcrancc. TIchcnor hns hnd much cxporlcnco In the entlro quarter of virtues and vMH deliver n tnlk well worth hearing. GENERAL II IS FASTEST BOAT TCi3PidCftW vflKiLilBHiiiHHKpA I. T. Commission Makes Ruling In Favor of, Emigrants. (3y Aseojlated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3. Tho Interstate Commerce Commis sion decided that barbed wlro, form ing part of an emigrant outfit shall I take tho same freight rate as other .'ask ft Miempts i Madden Murder Attorney '. W. Bennett. IS JAILED ON CHARGE 1 0F AH31 T0 Action Result of Grudge Law Suit Against Father. Jack Marsdcn, a saloon kq from North Bond Is lodged lit city Jail charged with assault ' Intent to kill. Attorneys J. W.I Tom Dennett In tho Flanagan &j iip t Rnnk ,'nilldlng shortly two o'clock this afternoon. According to tbo story of tha fair In tho hands of the pollco, movables, which makes a difference (lon' J w- cnne" nd Tom KILVNK I). TICHENOR. Orntor of tho Dny. FES IITES ' "". Coos For IET TO COME of 40 cents per hundred pounds In tbo emigrants' favor. ELEVEN (Dy AssoMnted Press to Coos Duy Times.) DOVER, England, July 3. Only by making n crosB-chnuncl lllght mi dor extraordinary clrciimstnnces will any aviator over bo ablo horenfter to gain nnv particular glory from tho feat. After today's flight It must bo considered nn ordlnnry nffnlr for this morning saw no less than eleven aviators on their way across tho channel and alighting at Dover ns lenslly as n flock of birds might have, done. Ono of tho oloven carrlod a pas-, senger In his biplane. Great crowds witnessed tho flight which was n part of tho European circuit race. Racers will now go to Shorohnm nnd thenco to Hcndon, n suburb of London. Bay. Jlot- Ready Races This Morning. . 0(wIng.t,o tho faqt that sho could not. b,o completed In tlino,, tho now apeed boat "Coos Day" did not takoj Big and Enjoyable Program . . Still to Be Gone ... Through. i w ET S 1 U T ii . Tho following la, tho program of festivities to bo held this ntternoon nnd tomorrow mornlnir? part In tho races hold this hiornlng. V No effort will bo spared, howoVorto I V am have hor rendy for tomorrow's pro- for n11 'dgea nnd floats IJint nro to gram, when sho will ho mado to de-itako part In tho parndo omorrow velop n speed of forty mllos per n,0rnlng to marshal at Sou Broad- "r . , ., A . way tomorrow morning not law than Ono of tho races that was to have ' . . , ... . . been pulled off this morning, a race te oc,0(' Thero W,U bo no'WttU- between gasoline launchos under ,'nS and delinquents who nrrlvo after forty feet in length, was postponed that hour will find that they have until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock been left. v sharp. I Tho school children who nro to Tho results of tho races this morn-. man tho "Llverty" float and take Ing were: part In tho parade are to bo at the'1 Gasollno launch parade for best . home of Mrs. Wilbur on North Broad- TwentyuFive Bird Shoot Re .' suits In Victory by One Bird. decorated launch. First prlzo, "KlngfUher." Second prlzo, "Piker," Speed boat race between "Gen eral II" and 'Wolf." First prUo "General II" driven by A. H. Powers Tho Wolf I twisted her propoller shaft during tho first lap of tho race. She will be repaired In tlmo to com-. pete In tomorrow's races. Tho dis tance was 20 miles and tho time for tho wlnnor 4C minutes and 30 sec onds. Gasoline launch race for boats un der -26 feet. First prlzo "Ensign." "Kid II" second nnd "Tng," third. Distance 20 miles and time for win ner, 1 hour, 13 minutes and 30 sec onds. , Row boat race. First prize, Oliver Larson and Louis Knutsen. Second prize, J. D. Sneddon and Dan Mc-Larren. way at 9:30 o'clock sharp. Miss Lucy Powers lies been select ed for tho Goddess of Liberty. The program yet to bo gono through is: EDDY WILL IN COURT. LET US TAKE A W TWIN BOYS BORN TO ATM. COX SUNDAY MORNING, ALSO TWIN GIRLS TO A. M. HORSnAW ON SATURDAY mLL ARE BOIpfG WELL. Coos Day may well celebrate to day. Two pairs of twlna in two days should make the eagale scream. Case Will Now Go to Supreme Court Mi. and Mra. Wm. Cox are the par- For Hearing. .ents of two boys, weight 5 and 7 CONCORD, N. H July 8. The pounds who arrived yesterday. Mr. Superior Court today denied a mo tion of tho defense for the injunction restraining George W. Glover from proceeding with the suit to deter mine the legality of tho residuary clause in the will of the late Mary Baker Eddy. The case will be trans ON MaSS., July a. m i u'b"' - i r- - oday the thermometer regis-! .Jarred to the, supreme court and Mrs. A. M, Horshaw are parents of twin girls that arrived Saturday. A Burst of Sunshine. Friends of Mr. and Mrs, J, E. Dren were delighted today to re ceive news of the birth of a nine pound baby girl at their Minneapo lis home at an early hour this morn- Tho shooting match between tho Coqulllo nnd Mnrshflold gun clubs took plnco this morning nt tho rnco track, Marshflold winning by ono bird with a score of. 109 to 168, W. N. Ekblad carrying off tho Selby trophy. Undor tho rulings tho tro phy went ot tho highest score of tho Wlnnlng team and though two Co- quillers outshot tho high Marshflold scoro their team average was poorer. Ullbrlght and W. N. Ekblad tlod with 19 blrda each and Bhot off for tho trophy which fell to Ekblad. The members of the teams and their scores, out of a possible 25, aro as follows: Mars n field II. Wright, 19. Rubs Tower, 17. Frank Lalse, 18. W. N. Ekblad, 19. Howatt, IB. A. J. Ness, 1C. Geo. E. Dlx, 16. H. J. McKeown, 17. Claudo Nasburg, 15l Hark Wells, 18. Coqullle Pike, 15. A, J. Sherwood, 9, Johnson, 18, E. Laring, 21. G. Laring, 15. LyonB, 21. S. Sherwood, 19. . Single, 17. Dr. Leep, 16. Dr. Endlcott, 17. nott all went up to tho offices igothcr to talk over tho results recent law ftlt brought by Mara against his father and In which? Donnotts figured ns attorneys Robert Mnrsdcn, senior. Thny first went Into tho ofllfc cupled by J. W. Dennett In tho ling, but, fenrlng troublo with den, who had previously throata tlio elder Bennett's life, thoy retl to nn Inne- office occupied by Dennett. At J. W. Bounott'a requ Torn Bennett remained In tho roc I During the dlBciiBslon of tho that ensued, Marsdcn boenmo m4 ". nnd moro oMstvo and rcachod a. I max by drawing n revolver from pocket while addressing tho wo I'll get you npw," to J. W. Bern! Marsden Jind no sooner drawn! gun that lie was pounced thrown to the-dloo'r of the of Tom .Bennett, who, with, tbo auce of his fnthqr, succcodqd inl Ing tho would-bo murdoror wh.H stenographer In tho ofllco roache window opening- ovor tho cH street b61ow and screamed for Marshal Jack Cnrtor, tractod by tho girl's cries, hi the ofllce, followed .by .a HugeJ and placed Majdcn undor arjj Tho feeling whlalrlod up tj near tragedy today Is c-f 1 Ing. Somo tlmo ago brought suit ngnlnst his father cover $750. Tho Bonnets nt tho trlnl as nttornoys for thj man. Tho jury in tbo case to recognize young Marsdor and, besides deciding tli against him, ordered him tl father tho sum of $200. Marsden haa several that ho wns going to kill? nott for his connection but the Dennett's always IoJ tho threat as nn empty 6m HOIUIKHS LOOT i.i-M-i 'V 'II V Burglar Blow Safe In Hi Francisco. (Dy Associated Press t Times.) 8AN FRANCISCO, C Robbors blew the safaj Shoro Railroad Compa and secured about havo no clue, Tho offices aro heart of the city. Hotel I Thmitei which for n tlmo gon hotel, occurred 1; Saturday night. Th a garage which was ed. i Jr T1 for MISS ROSE MYRBtf. cently operated onii on her arm Is report rapidly, a tact that wll to her many friends.; Still Unconscious. Mike Lynch, victim of the accident reported in The Times Wednesday, continues In a precarious condition at Mercy hos pital, North Dend. He was reported unconscious this afternoon. k. I . P.. M AGNES, one only and original last evening .Xor a ing with hla son from Sa: had so man hat'UJiaa to day. Locinw closed aU dj FriHaHP ' u ' Inc. 1 ) U 4HjHr"'a. .i,A,jiiliri , IIVll llim Ii" sL mrjm r 'iBBBKJtBBBBKM mLr" -- MjfcaiiaaaBBaaaaMiaaaBiaMMBaaMiaaBMMIanBMyBIt vi- Tjgmm iHaaaHBW mh-i " -- .t 1mBE$KL-M.: -an