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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1911)
'ttfr ""'' ' FfP'WPIW 7JM I ' " I I I i?WI " v I J m IB r ( i li iimxi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELdI OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 4, .4511 -EVENING EDITION. 3 t tU 1 J' i J U I ' ' ' ' "-" SLCOME fei THE TIME AT THE I1U8V CORNER. nnnouuco that wo havo roBorvqd room for out-of a during tho 3rd and 4tl, and.all tho timo for parcels, r r 1 k t . o. Information can be obtained regarding the colobra- a m Coma all lp tho Busy Corner, you aro nqltftimo! J khart-ftrsons M & "rzr,F? JBDOT GOBNBJth 3ADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. PJU3BCJHPTION8 AC4JIRATHLY COMPOUNDED. rxin ?r rnr? nfmywi PQPPESgJPNAL DIREQTORY Dr. g. w. li:slik, flatfifWinlltlf DliwtiliitiiN iOllVMUIIIU I. SIJ OltttlBl Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy al.KlrksYlJlo', MoV pflleo in Eldorado,' Wk. fours' 10 to 12; 1 to 4 ; Jiicmo 'iqi-J; .'Marsbjloid; Oregon Du;j vvuwka; ,r PuyfoJau iitiu Surgeon. 200-2 10 Coko Building i liouoHt OIllco.ioiLl: ReVideiico 1021. it.; uiiv irvj mrfunmir n-Wsr ; tin t" rnrw vtgv-mn FOR' SALE jGIcm gardens S acres 'Hear comer oitown. uau, at bui Sixth street jHR - fc.i FORRENT Sbi replied 1liou80 on First Btreot.' Apply JtriT A. Hut- wuvout .V f WANTEI A rnuch hand! Ono who can niiK.-si w. .hubbou. .norm , I v ' ' j-i,... . -j ., ,. can mine - w. ,i one over, Flanagan & pcnnqtt.Bauk J .;,- Jiirshjlahl . , , . Oregon . "r rf i I1 1 '" ' " imimiimr ',-AV ii t"m ii iwiii')yj't . . . Pb'yulclan and .Surgeon Marsbaod, jOrogon. t Offlco: .Lockhurt jpqlMJnjc,' opposite Tost Office. PhonSJiQSVJ " i . , ,. , - , HERE IS A REASON. WHY? Such well-known and successful dalrymon as iry CONDRON, . C. IIODQEKS, B. DES8EY, HAS. .MAHAPPY, . i VICTOR. 8TAUPP, C. JOHNSON, .1. LANDIIITH, I. S. SMITH to all changing thelr Herds so that they eventually will havo noth- S but COOS COUKTV IIOI.sri'JIX cows. These Men Know and You Will Also AKTHIl YOU ll.VVU TIHKI) WATCH! 0WI Homer Mauzey, 3U of tha.drlvttra t I VT nd the solicitor .'for us 'Is out for sundry. Watch hi ml ha (s liable to stop you on tho street and explain all details of Laundry and .also to bo at your ouaio any time, H knows Iuundry business, from A tj '., Marslrfiel Hiand arjd Str$ip Laundry "WANTBIV--C3lfl 'q( aoiuo expcrlcuco at Lowltt confectionery. , , FOR SUJtt Al'fr 8Qt oorM la ono lot or will sat j U,paroto to suUV ' C W. j&nfordiararaaJdj hot jos County Slofstein Butter Miiimfucliiri'il 1'roiu idected Coes County Herds Full Weight, 24 Ounces 003 COl'NTY CltKAMKRY ASSOriATIp.V, MAltSHFUCM), OR. p jsswfsgo sw iwmsiiiwiis lrrn wi rO-NIQHT sonic Ooera House The Reliable and Deiig-htfu fmwWmHh Hello! Hello! Hoiisowlvcs of Mnrshflold uoo Marshfield Creamery Butter . If your grocer does not kcop It cnll up I'HO.VK 7!t-J. Preo delivery S 2 p.m also STi:itiiiii;i) cream mitaz 1CK, RUTTKRMiriK, COTTAGE CIIKESi: lesS lock Co I vksilllWIJlBllllllW I sflsiBlllllSwRiK 'BllllllV Lv'iiiiiflBiSsiiiiiiiB Hi BBBBBBBBBBBsV' BBBBBBBBBm Our Irish American iCotisin A Patriotic Comedy 1I'"oh7 ojf 7A'c to have J'JIeclric Liyhls in your Country home? Find out tho number of llghtH you would want and wo will ho pleased to glvo you nil tho Information you nsk. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE uaT-J. ntid' cold, .water. i ptRNIHKD.flat UlivO rooms, both ,hot nnd cold water gaB range, A'ply" to. ' i npnpRT.MARSpEN. (.Thoso aro in tho best 'residence part of towp.) FQR SATilv ?IirKo(12 roomed liouno and' 1 lots In South ttWahflold. Very desirable Rcasonablo for quick Balo. Apply lira. M. F. Campboll or Phono 110-L. l'OR SAM-: A choice bungiilo, with charming grounds, on Coos River. Also 100 by 200 foot in Emplro, nt a bargain if taken nt onco. You may never havo another such chanco to buy In Emplro. I. 3. Kaufman & Co. FOR S.Uii: Slightly ilniiiiigcil door and camp stovos. Enqulro Rail road Dock. AUTO LINK rm-H nt .Vny tluu. Phono 231 R, nitcr,mldnlght 181X FOR SALE JIcmIciii eight mam apartment house, nil rooms occu pied, will ho sold nt bargain If tnkeu Immediately. Apply "Oppor tunity" Times' onico. WANTED Toucher qunlilled for Ninth grndowork. Snlary govomod by ability and oxperlonco. Man profoned. Address Leo Wobator, clork DIst. No. G, Emplro, Oro. LOCAL dt GLEANINGS ; .LocAii ,iEMPEivTUna nu- t, PORT.' ' Por twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m., July 3, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government 4 moteorploglqal observer: .Maximum 69 ' Minimum' . . . G3 At 4:00 p. m G5 Preclpltnttpn ...nono ,,yin,d, outhweat, cloudy. , , , . . . . , ,BQUN f. .. :. , .;-. DHLIEU Tb Mr. and Mrs'. L. D. 'Do lleu at their homo in Marshflcldj Monday, July 3, n daugh'ten This' first messago over loves tolophono wlro found1 a Joyful wolcotao await ing. Tho father, who Is an em ploye of tlio Coos Bay Tolophono Co'., sayB "wire Is busy" on ' th-s happy lino today. Tho mother, who will bo romcmbo'r'cd as Miss Ethel Doono, will bo (ho rcclplont of congratulations from many friends. KRUSE To Mr. and Mrs. Prod KruBo nt Mercy hospital, North Dond, Tuesday, July 4, a son. Mrs. Kruso will bo remembered as Miss Laura Escott, one of Mnmhflcld'n popular sqhool teachers . Tho father is ono of tho proudest pat riots In tho city today, ami thinks his son has all tho qualifications of n future president. "Will Rnfllo Dogs. J. w. Dennett Is raffling a lottor of twclvo thor oughbred Irish setter pups today for tho bjncflt of tho Marshflcld Rod anil Gun club. They nro on exhibition :i tho Lockhnrt-Parsons drug store. X ' 'irJi --t Personal Notes JAS WATSON camo over from Co qulllo Sunday. , PRANK PIERCE Is among tho Tea Mllo visitors In town today. WILL PIPER of North Coos River i a Marshflcld visitor today. STANLEY DAR.TLETT of Coqullle la , spending tno rourtn in .Marsuuoiu. JIM SEISTROM IS In town front Wortb?lialco to take in Ma'rshfloid's colob'ratlon.s ' y 1 - ARSO'N O. R00ER3 l k ' k t ft ana 111110 MR. and.MRS. ARSO of Boutn Coos Rlv flaugntor, .Katn of ,fr. and ,M: for tho Fourth of South coos illvcr ana mtlo daughtor, . Kathloen, aro tho guests iHif u k. 1. . II '. . I a - li'J" ' .-V - '. ' -- . 01 .Air. ana .airs. w. n. ivonneay J, ,J. qiINKEDEARD and L. D. Smlh and son camo down from Coos River this morning to attend tho celebration. VILL DENN.INQ with his wife and daughter, Allco, aro la town from thoCapo Arago llghthouso and are ylslting relatives over tho Fourth, ui 1 CLAUDE NASBURO loaves today ia his auto for Curry county. With, him are a number of Portland business men who aro looking Into real cstato propositions In this section. ' NORTH 11END NEWS. Mrs. M. D. McLcod, who has boon spending tho past thrco weeks in Portland, returned to her homo la North Rend on tho Drcnkwator. Autos Will I.0HV0. No autos went out by tho Draln-Allognny routo to day but tomorrow's stago will carry a number of passengers. Among thoso engaging seats aro: C. A. Gil bert, Mrs. Gilbert, E. U. dimming and E. J. Mallard. 'Clnlro and Hubert Cavanaugh aro spending a few days at tho Collver I ranch on Catching Inlet. $ Tho Misses Mildred and Winifred Rood, who havo Just returned from college at Albany, aro- tho guests of tho Misses Katheryn and Holcn Mondo at their homo nt North DonJ Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Wiley of Haines Inlet, wcro shopping In North Bend Saturday. WANTED Gli'. for light house work. Thrco In family. Wagos $25 por month. Apply Mrs. W. G. Bos soy, Marshfield, Oro., Phono 31CX1 FOR SALE 80 acres lino fruit anil borry farm. Immedinto possession given. Good tonus. Address D. D. Brnlnnrd, North Dcnd, Ore, Phono 3083. ' Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and aroful drivers aro now at tho din osal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivors ready ror any trip nnywhoro any timo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hoarso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE3 PHONE 27it-J Candy fire ae 25, 35 and 50 Cenfc ts on Sale at the "Busy Corner" . Lb l WPE INVESMEXTH. information m., ,.-., i H -- -, vwukUIUlUt, Mass bond Investments, ;,qS 6 Interest not, 19 . B. Hinsdale. onr t M;ta an(i comnanv. T.nn blrll ... " " r-",J voilfornla. IlJsiI BATn Phone 2 14-J. will do you Red Estate BUY NOW All kinds of City and Farm Prop erty. Rooming house at a bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN 08 Central Ave., Marshflcld, Ore. BlancharcTs Livery Wo havo secured the llvory buBi- uosb of L. H. Hoianer and aro pro- pnred to rondor excellent service to tho people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs aud everything that will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us tor a driving horse, a rig or anything needed Ip tho livery lino. We also do a trucking business of nil kinds. HLANCHARD BROTHERS. Llvory, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Streots. Phono 138-J. Crackers Cnp tho climax of tho celebration with a box of Stafford's candy. You know tho kind and tho qunllty. REMEMBER STAFFORD'S ICE CREAM, ALSO. AitIvo From Portland. J. L. Bow man, of tho Woolen Mills Store, nhd A. S. Eldrldgo of Portland mid their families arrived in tho city this morning from" Portland on their way Breakwator, to spoiid a fow woaks with thnlri father-in-law, Anson Rogors Sr., nt his ranch on south Coos Rlvor. Thoy nttonded tho colehratlon In tho city horo today. Miss Ethel Roynolds, who hns boon visiting with hor parents. In Oregon City, returned 'to North Bond on tho J. J. Sullivan, of Haines Inlet was a business visitor to North Bond Saturday. Charlos Cavanaugh Is spondlng a fow days on Coos River on a flsh- Stag Party. Mr. .T. C. Kondnll entertained tho mombors of tho Sin- lug trip. ma Chi Frntomly and a fow others, - Saturday ovonlng In honor of Dr. I Mrs. Van Dsr Pool, who arrived Sother of Rosohurg who Is visiting In on" tho Breakwatsr from Portland, Is this city. Thoio enjoying Mr. Kou dnll's hospitality waro: Dr. Sother, Claudo NoBburg, T. T. Bonnott, It, K. Booth, Jnek Plnnngnn, J. It. Tower, John Mercon, Arthur Pock. tho guost or Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Mnudago nt North Bond Hoights. (&aMnfidk New Singer Pleases. Miss Dolly Lincoln, who opened a short ongngo mont nt the Orphoum thoatro lait Snturday, dollghtod tho crowds which attended tho performances at thnt popular trcatro by hor rendi tion of a number of vocal solcctloiu. Miss Lincoln, whoso pleasing volco hns been heard at ono timo or an othor In almost nil tho cities on the coast from San Dlogo, Cnl north, will ngaln sing at tho Orphoum to night and on tho "Fourth." Robort McCmin, foroman of tho Simpson Lumber Company's mill, Is spending tho day attending tho colo brntlon In Mnrshflold. Do is accom panied by Miss Lillian McCann, his dnughtor. Havo your Job printing dona at Tho Times offlco. Road the Times' Want Ads. m TWO STORES NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E. O. Hall has romoved his renl estate and employment office upstairs over McArthur's drug store. Tola phono No. 1C9-J. We Work And Advertise ' To bring n customer hero tho first time, after that lio comes of his oh ii accord. You know why. REMEMBER Thero Is no kink, or cuo thnt wo can't do, 'THINK IT OVEU.1AR1V1 Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN ft '.J"""" . "i h.-otit... After tho show try a Turkish bath Don't forgot tho Turkish Baths. Phono 214- J. PHONE 21 l-J. ME HI of ideas, who havo some Inventive ability S" ni plea-o write UKUELKV A. MelNTIHK, KXrnV l-utvut Atlorui)., Wu.hlntlon, II. 0. For Exceptional Bargains In Business mid Resldonco property In North Bend and acreage In Coos County Seo tho Standard LOGGIE BUILDING Investment Co. J NORTH BEND OREGON For Biimmor diarrhoea In children always glvo Chamberlain's Colic, Cho lera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and cas tor oil, and a speedy euro Is certalu. For snio by all doalors. $100 Reward, $100 The r ailer cf Mil rot per lllb iilenel to Irani Mint there W at U'lut nno ilromU'il riln'iuo that icluicc hit heen ithle toritre In nil In MaKCf.aiul Mint U CutnTil. Hull' Cntitrrli Cure I the only ki1iivo euro nnw bnotut to tho uii'illi'iil fraternity. Calarni bolnv neon, tltutlomil illsniK'. rvMUtrt n connltutloiinl trvntiieut. Hull, ftiturrli cure I taken Inter, tinlly, DcllUK directly upon the hlnoil nml ran. cum. ourliiev of MhI ytem, thereby UettroyliiK the foumtntlon of tho ill (, nnn gUtnutho la lent ftrtnu'th fu biilhlliw up tho cntutltu. thin mill I'kiletlne nature In 1oluir It wurk. Ilie vroprlelnr tmvr ko much full Ii In (It cur. nllso iiowvr that tliov i.ffer Ono llliudroil Pol. lars fur any rne that It fall to pure. So ml for lUt if totiinniiln i. V.J.CtIKNKV&CO.,Toleao, O. Hold by all DrttKctkt. 7.V:. Tako llallt' Kiunily 1'IIU torcnnstfpatlon Tnere Ai re ie Why You Should Buy Your Groceries From LOOK H A It T'S GROCERY We place our reputation back of every article that we send out, As we carry a large stock of fresh, clean goods which is being constantly renewed we can afford to do this, Our goods are put up by reputable firms who stand back of everything they send out and we stand back of them with a guarantee of satisfaction or your money back, While tho quality of our goods cannot bo excolled, our prices aro most roasonoblo . 9 Lockhart Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 , 'tnmi'iiilirlriT, fl.iiiirMr'' -Mj-i.Ajjuw-.t. ..-k.- -A i vtt ,' ' nw ' BJMV t r BBBr v ' - PSJSSSS.J r i vafr I '' - f 1