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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES Keep Your EVERY TELEPHONE IN MARSHFIELD AND WORTH LEADS DIRECTLY TO OUR OFFICE. BEND Entered at the iiostolllco at Mnrsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mail mattor. I Little Talks on Advertising TALK No. 18 i. v. malonev DAN E. MAl.ONEY Editor nnd Pub. News Editor Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrchflr-Irt :: :: :: :: Oregon An Independent Ropablinan nows papor published every ovonlng except Sunday, and Wcokly by Tho Coot Day Times Publishing Co. Dcditntcd to the sorvlco ct tho people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. I SUI'SCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year $G.OO Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Official Paper iif Coos County INVENTOH AXD MANUFACTUHEU ATTIUIIUTKS HIS SUCCESS TO ADVEHTI8ING. ATTMBUTE my business buccojs to advertising," says Humphrey Sullivan, lnvontor and manufacturer of rubber hcols, a man who has advortlscd for yoars on a natlonnl scale. "I began my first advertising In monthly magazines, thon Includod weekly publications, and lator entered Into a heavy advertising campaign In tho dally nowspapors. I consldor nowspapor advertising tho best, for ono can suit ono's adverti sements to tho needs of tho moment and can get immediate results." Tho success of this advortlsor Is only ono among hundreds whoro adver tising tho morlta of a genorally usod nrtlcle In tho nowspnpors Ma re sulted In wldo sales and thus nBsurod success. Advertising In Tho Coos Day TlmoB is tho most economical, offoctlvo and convenient method of reaching tho buyers In 2,000 homes In Dally and Weekly Issues; and as this papor goes only to tho permanent, thrifty classes who buy goods in substantial quantities, it is a tremendous forco In reducing tho cost of selling gooJs designed for homo consumption on Coos Day and tributary districts. THE "UNEMPLOYED. The solution of tho unemploy ed problem In the bl cities In In the transportation of men who want to work to places whero men are wanted to work. Tor enco V. Powderly. OFFICIAL PAPEIt OF THE CITY OP MAHSHFIELD. CO.MMENDAHLE ACTION HY FAC TJLTY OF OIIEGON UXIVEIISITY. TWO YOUNQ mon studying at tho University of Oregon disguised as girls and took part In a frolic that wau jntemlcd only for girls. Tho faculty suspended tho boys, and sym pathizers 'with thorn assort that tho punishment was too great for tlio of fense Tho sympathy Is misplaced. Tho faculty hns tho right view of tho mis demeanor, and ought to hnvo Impos ed tho sharp punishment that It saw fit to inflict. Tho performance, on tho face of It, was in poor tnsto, to say tho least. Tho nffalr was Intended only for glrlH, and no man with tho Instincts of a gontlomnn would hnvo thought for n momont of obtruding his prcs enco Into it. Dotweon tho llnoH, howovor, of tho story told can bo road tho suggestion of a story untold. Tho young mon and Uiobo unwomanly girls who help ed thorn and know of their presence hnvo hurt tholr own reputation and that of tho unlvorslty. Though the prank is said to havo been a harmlosn ono, tho .participants havo exposed tholr characters to scandnl. Tho fair fnmo of a coeducational collcgo can not bo too Jealously pro Borvod from suspicion oven. Tho ac tion of tho faculty of tho Unlvorslty of Orogon Is strong and wlso. It id In tho direction of preventing oven tho scorning of avll. GOV. WILSON SPEAKING. Tho Man In Whom Many See o Future President of U, 8. mESmmvu 1911, by American Frens Association. B' 30VERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE. All THE MAX WHO KICKS. Philosophers may toll you that an everlasting snillo Is bettor tlinn n mixture, half-and-half, Or smiles and frowns usod alternate ly overy little whllo, And that tho world will lovo you if you laugh. Hut I havo often noticed that tho man who's always kind, And anillofl no matter how hard he's boon hit Gets what tho kiakora wouldn't tnke, ami you will always find: Tho man who kloktt somotlmos gets tho beet of It. I've Fcen It In my dully walks tlmiiiKh llfo, and whllo I know That frowiiH bring favor some times whan a smllo Would fall. 1 try to smllo n llttlo ovorywhoro I go, And often in Us tho best things by n smile. I've seen It In tho hotols ns I waited for my meals, Whllo klokors camo nnd almost had a fit That inndu all hnndB step llvsly, and It's so In other deals: Tho man who kicks soma gets tho bout of it. Tho man who smiles continually and lhvor in a law n kick Will ho Imposod upon nnd ofton sold, For merchants Uko to sol! their goods and always turn tho trick Of passing out what's damaged or Is old To oiu who doe not ratio n howl and kick for something new, Although tho things tlioy sell to him do not lit. I Uko tho smiling method host, but still I know 'tis true: Tile man who kicks sonic gots the best of it. ChaB. II. Motors. Progressive Reform Have That For Their Objeot, 8nyt Wilson. DIhvuh.hIuk the progressive move ment In politics, Governor Woodrow Wilson of Now Jersey snld recently: "If you will look at tho proposed re forms, proposed by men In both par ties, meant to sorvu tho country In Romo special wny, you will see that each particular reform has n definite object. For example, the question of tho cost of living In n' question which touches tho great body of the people. It does not touch tlioso exceptional persons whoso Income Is nhundniit. It touches tho whole body of the peo ple Tho question of direct primaries touches the accessibility of tho offices by the pooplo. It touches tho means which they are to exercise to put (ho nort of men they desire Into olllce. rho question of tho equallzntjon of taxation menus that equality which I) Justice, that fairness which will seo that no man Is tnxed more than an other man or upon a different ImslH from other men or other corporation. Tho question of corrupt practices In elections Is n question of tho attacks which have been mndo upon the vir tue of the people. "Every direction you turn you will seo thnt what wo nro straining nfter Is to bring tho government hack with in tho touch of tho people and to use It In behalf of tho people. Upon what sort of occasion, therefore, In what sort of campaign, should a man who remembers tho long traditions of American government take greater pleasure and zest tlinn In n campaign which has mieh objects ?" BEFORE THE QRlNQO CAME. KFOrtE the Gringo came, senor, wo were most nnppy hurej Tho blue wnvw npnrklM and the shore Beemrd eresn Instead of sear. My people sanjr the cantanetit Were clicking thronch the nlht. There were no tears, no vain regrets, And life, senor, wan bright, There roso the tinkle of miliars On every moonlit tie. Our henrts then bore no deathless ncars ; , Nobody secnied to grltvo; The dancing throng was everywhere Thq fandango lurrd all, Sut everything today savo caro Has heard tho dingo's call, .You drlngocs, what a folk you nro To make light laughter dloj " All solemn, stern, you roam afar And slay tho butterfly. Onco wo were happy-onco, I say And llfo a living (lame; Iliit, lo, dead ashes strqwed our way Tho day tho Gringo came. Arthur Chapman. CENSURE. Censure and criticism novcr hurt anybody. If true they how n innn his weak po!ntn nnd fore warn him iigalnot fulluro nnd trouble; If falso they cannot hurt him unless he Is wanting In character. Gladstone THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. It Is Pervading the Whole Country, De clares Woodrow Wilson. How widespread Is tho progressive movement in American polities was eloquently expressed by Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey In a I recent speoch. Tho governor said: "It loos not requlro any great Imag ination toMhlnk that high thoughts and purposes In polities are running subtly through every household and every member of every household In this country. It does nor need that you should touch elbows actually touch elbows with men In tho street and men In tho shop In order to know the great Issues of human happiness that nro Involved In a great contest like this. for. tho question or the tariff Is not ti mere question of policy. It Is u question of tho rearrangement of tho public Intorests ns you touch every household In this country, and how any man In such circumstances can hold his head up nftur ho has voted for a special Interest without n Just con ception of tho common Interest I for ouu cannot comprehend. "Hut whether men can comprehend It or not, help It or not. we all know that tho 'mills of the jjods grind slow I,' and they 'Blind exceedingly tine.' Mud the men who r.ow twist this treat Impulse of reform, the men who Impede this great compulsion of pub lie luture-bt, will bo ground so tine In sumo of these mills of tho gods that their very dust will bo Imperceptible." IHtefgMOEai WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Tho Only Nciy unnbridgod die tionnry in many yoars. . Contains tho pith and essence ox an authoritatlvo library. Oovors ovory Hold of knowl. odgo. An Encyolopodia in a single book. Tho Only Diotionary with tho New Divided Pago. 400,000 Words. 2700 PngOH. GOOO Illustrations, Cost noarly half a million dollars. Lot us toll you about this most romarkablo singlo volumo. E2StA'. .. 'X "Wrlto forsamplo paces, full par ticulars, etc. Name this paper and we will send tree v ft ,et ' i'OCKOl Maps . &C. MerrlunCa, Springfield, Mum, i vat mw; T- ' ' m. rxz-ac tw- , ON OUH Picnic Window This Is tho season of picnics and wo nro proparod for It with PICNIC BASKETS. and everything to All thorn, Including Lunch Herring, Chipped llecf, Corn ed llecf, Itoaflt Ilet'f, Deviled Ilnin, Deviled Meat, Totted Chicken, Veal Ijonf, Sardines, Illpo nnd Green Ollven Sweet nnd Sour Pickles,' Crackers nml Sweet MealH, Cheese. I'resened I'Yults, Oranges, llaiianas. In fact everything to mnko a de lightful luncheon. Cook's Grocery pho?;k iki). Corner Fourth nnd Central Avenue FOR SALE All of the Property of R. D. Home including 10,000 ncrcs of farm and pasture laud 4,500 tirabor land, fisheries, etoro, cannory, cold etorago, and fishing oqulpmont, boats, Uto stock, etc., etc., cither in parcols or ns a wholo. Not prlco $300. 000; 1-3 cash, bnlanco In ono nnd two years. Address Mrs. It. D. Humo, Portland Hotol, Portland, Orogon. rU G. W. LCfiLIR, - Osteopathic Physician Urnduato of tho Ameritan sohool of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. OfllCQ In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 101-J; Marshflold; Orogon. pR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd flurgeoit. 209-210 Coko Building Phones: Olllce 102.1; Itcsldcuco itt'21. J. W. HENNKTT, Lawyer. OITlco ovor Flanagan & Dennott Dank Inr8hflold Oregon rR. J. T. .McCOHMAO, Physician nnd Surgeon Mnrshtleld, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposite Post Cllc. Phono 10B-J MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates roducod to: uny COc, 75c and fl.00; weok J2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas rnngeb i f 10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE , HATHS--K. SULLIVAN, Prop. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and nroful drlvors are now at the dis posal of tho Coos nay public at REASONA1ILE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers roady for any trip anywhoro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs enred for. Now hcarso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STAHLKS PHONE !i7!W Union Oils GASOLINE DIST;LLATB JEXZ1NE KEROSENE A.MSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121 Drawn Wire "Mazda" Aftor tho twenty-fifth wo will be nblo to supply tho trade with tho "New Mazda". This lamp speaks for Itself. A trial order and you will use no other. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. Our business is TO SERVE, Feel free to call us up and consult us on any subject relating xo electricity or gas, tiS8S2f&M, , Should you waYit advice -to' make a com plaintto place an order to ask for a repre sentative to call, The same courteous treatment awaits you In our office Irrespective of your, particular er rand, . If employes misrepresent oar real attitude, let ,tlie Manager know about It, TELEPHONE 178 OREGON POWER COMPANY Wj Your Sunday Roast Wo havo It ready for you. ROAST nEEF Sweet and Juicy. ROABT MUTTON roast ronK Union Meat Market Phone Uo Your Ordor. Phono 58. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, SiirpIusanJ Undivided Profits Over" .... Assets Over $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time'Deposits First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Hdrton, Dorsey Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow," John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, . M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, rrnr-rnarnnn - SPECIAL FEATUItE 1IIOGUAPII film at THE ItOVAL SATUltDAY night. We Work And Advertise To bring n customer lieie the first time, nfter that ho comes of his own accord. You know ihy, KKMEMIlElt There is no klnR, or cue that we can't do. "THINK IT OVER M A It Y . Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIA1ILO NI JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick and all kinds of bulldors material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OIFICE, SOUTH lIKOAmfilY. PHONE 201 tons Rnv Oil ft Simnlv fn .mujsuu-j.uu udy oiedm Laundry 1. I PHONE .MAIN 57-J DVEING Frencn Dry and steam Cleaning of ladlos nnd gents' suits. Goods call. od for and dellvored. Prlcos reason- nuie. HOSE CITY DYE AND CLEAN- NO WOllKS-It, E. PINEGOIt, Prop Foot of Market Avo Phono 103 Try my vacuum carpet cleaner. MHrfrhflcul, Ore. PHONE Tall Orders Solicited U E A L EST A T E II A It G A I N S For bargain In City. Bunker mu and Farm Property. Seo AUG. FHIZEHX Kenl Estnto and Insurance Agei.t. 08 Central Ave., Marshfleld, Ore. Clenl"f FOB GOOD AVOIlK Bring your clothes to us. nresslmr nnd ronalrlng a hy experienced men. Satlafacttoa guaranteed I1LANCHAI11) A n0"" SON, Alllanco llltls. Front SAFE INA'ESMENTS. For Information concernlo? high-class bond lnvestmW, bearing G?a interest net, write O. B. Hinsdale care " it . a rnrtinnny. Angeles, California. "W w Wm 1KjK