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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
AUTOINTOXICATION: TRYING TO GIVE A LOGICAL REASON EOR PREJUDICE YOUR. ADS CARRYING Mvxm SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spaco in n newspaper, compared with tho space used by other stores, should defhio Its comparative Importance hi tho community! Docs your store's ml. vcrtNIng space do that? your More-news, should appear as egulnrly ns ,ocs thls "cwspnper. If newdpnpcr omitted nn lssiio now , ,10 even for so weighty a rcn- us fearing that It might rain l WOllhl not IW n Kuu nuwnnw;c. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PJRES8 VOL XXXIV Established In 1878 as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 119 (fas WW AGED WOMAN FOUND DEAD, ABOUT $4,000 IS MISSING Mrs. Thomas McGovern of Cunningham Suddenly Succumbs . NO TRACE OF VIOLENCE IS FOUND ON BODY Only Intimation of Foul Play Is Strange Disappearance of Money. Mrs. Thomas McGovern, ngod 07, was found dcntl at tholr homo on tho powers' ranch, four nnd ono-half miles up Cunningham Creole from tho Coqtilllo tfio night boforo laBt. A toroner's Jury yesterdny nftor Inves tigating tho cnRO brought In n verdict that death was duo to nnturnl causes, presumably heart failure Tho In quest was conducted by Coroner It. E. Golden. Coupled with hor denth la tho mys terious dlsnppearanco of aJ largo amount of money tho savings of herself nnd husband during tholr llfo time. Tho monoy wns kept by Mrs. McfJovorn In tholr homo .and Is sup posed to havo boon mostly In cur rency, tho mnjor portion of which iho hnd sowed up In a cloth rccop tacle when alio carried nbout h,or por ioii when away from homo. When it homo Bho generally kept It In a. trunk, tho hoy to which nho bid about tho hotiFO. It Is ponslblo that tho monoy wns secreted eloewher but so far her husband has beon un ablo to And It. Tuesday morning, sho wa up and ' got breakfast for herself and bus- band. Then Mr. McGovorn left for tho rowers' ranch whoro bo waa employed. Whon ho returned Tues day evening for supper, ho found hlH wife lying dend on tho bod. 8ho, had evidently boon dend for somoj time. Thoro was no Indication of a truBRlo or no marks of vlolonco on tho body. flowever, ns soon ns ho recovorod from tho shock, Mr. McGovorn no ticed tlint tho trunk whoro sho kont tho money wns open, tho koy still ro- mMnlng In tho lock nnd tho monoy was gone. Tho McGovorn homo Is nbout a half mllo from Cnmp No. 1 of tho 8mlth-Powors company nnd nbout the same dlstanco from tho Powora' ranch and Is in a rathor Isolated spot. He summoned aid ns soon ns ho nM f,,i Coroner Golden was no tified and nrrnngoments mado for the Inquest. Tho old couplo lived alono. They have three children, two sons whoso present whereabouts nro unknown, and n daughter living in or near Hoquinm, Wash. Mr. McGovern says that ho ofton urged his wlfo to put tho monoy In a bank but sho was nfrald of It and Insisted on keeping It nt homo. Ho bellevrs thoro was nbout $4,000 In the roll Mrs. McGovern had' been Buffering 'rom heart trouble. Whether some one could have appeared to rob hor and t fright caused a fatal attack ' Imrt dlseaBO Is speculation. How they ?-0 secured tho key Is another oystcrv Some bollevo thnt sho real!7C 1 elm ,.oo ln, try ollffor nil ar' -ra removed tho money from the trn-k to another hiding ' place na -., overcome boforo sho could take tn key rom tho trunk. The homo Is being carefully fearchci now. The body will bo brought to arshneld for burial, Rov. Father J. A. Moran conducting tho services. THE M'EATHKR. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Juno 1. Fair 'to- n8ht and Friday. d th Tlmea' Want Ads. , TWELVE ENTER 0 Eighth Grade Commencement Exercises Are Held In North Bend. Tho Eighth Qrndo commoncomout exorcises of tho North Bond schools woro hold last ovonlng nnd woro lnr goly attended. A very flno program was given. Thero woro thirteen mombors In tho class but ono was prevented from graduating by sick ness. Tho following was tho program: Music By II. S. Orchestra. Itecltatlon Abide Smith . Clnss history Cnrrlo Stovens. Duet Marjorlo Smith and Etta Taylor. Itecltatlon Lola Hltchoy. Duet Drum and cornet, John Shoppnrd and Harold Simpson. Class poom Written by John Shoppnrd and rend by Wluflold Wood bury. Song Dy class. Itecltatlon Roso Pulley. Piano solo Lauronco Smith. Clnss prophecy Marjorlo Smith. Recitation Amelia Llllobo. Song Class. Muslo Orcheetr. Presentation of diplomas Dy Prof. K&nb. The gradaaUM wore: Carrie Bte- .nn. AtitilA (ImiIIIi JOMa Tnvlnr. Mnr. ""- -""" " Jrio Bra,th' Lo,.a "ltcejr' ""rold Simpson, Wlnlfold Woodbury, Roso Pulloy, Laurcnn Smith, Amelia Llllo bo, Carl Grovo and Maud Crosby. Class Day Program. Tho North Dend High school class day oxorclses will bo held Friday ove- "" "k " ' "' " "- ! nt Q ti m na frrwa welcome -r ruun Jiatur, luuuj, Trio Mlssos Andorson, Mondo, Allgor, "A Twilight Rovel." Solccted reading Fnco to fnco, " Und8trom w To- V Ulttl DUIU M vi iiv w gather," Edith Allgor. Reciting, "L'nscn," Graco Fulton. Duet Misses Anderson and Monde, "Cnrmenn." Closing nddross "Unblazod Trails," Clarence Klblor. Tho commencement exercises will o hold Tuesday at 8 i p m. when tho followlug program will bo glvon: Music High school orchestra. Invocation. Orchestra. Address W. J. Korr, Pres. of O. A. C. Trio "Onco In awhile." Misses An dorson, Mendo & Allgor. , Presentation of diplomas. Orchestra. Denodlctlon. Alumni Banquet. Tho Alumni Banquet will bo hold jnt Hotel Oregon at 10 p. m. Tho monu for tho banquet will bo: Oystor Soup Cold Meat Mnshed Potatoes Chicken Salad Hot Biscuits Olives Strawberries with Cream. Cheoso Coffee Music High school orchestra: 1st violin, Faith Hunt; 2nd violin, Harold Hunt; comets, Harold Simpson and Fred Reynolds; urum. ..,.- pnrd; piano, Edith Thomas Tho following is tho program of toasts: Toastmastor Dr. I. B. Bartla. Alumni R. W. Coko. The Novice Clarence Klblor. Tho. Board of Educatlony-L. S Falkenstoln. The Teacher A. B. Beaumont. Visitors Pres. W. J. Kerr. Fellowship Supt. F. A. TIedgen. The Schools Supt. A. G. Raab, Leave Marshfleld In .morning and arrive In Portland same night via Drain-Coos "Bay auto lino. STEEL TRUST HEAD IS ON E. H. Gary Denies Knowledge of World Wide Combine Clash of Committee and Government Bureau. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1. Elbert II. Gary, chnlrman of tho Bonrd of Directors of tho United States Steel Corporation today flatly denied any kuowlodgo of tho proposed formation of a combination to con trol tho stool mndo In tho world. Gary nppeared boforo tho Houso LEAVE TODAY STEAMSHIP SAILS THIS AFTER- NOON FOR EUREKA WITH RIG CARGO AND MANV PASSEX- GEHS. Tho Alllnnco sailed this afternoon for Eurokn with ono of tho largest passenger lists sho had In mnny1 weeks. Sho also had n big enrgo of frolght. Tho Alllnnco Is scheduled to snll from lioro for Portland Sunday. ' Among tho passongors woro tho following: I L. Johnson, Paulino Chcstor, W. M. Strntton, Mrs. W. M. Stratton, Pearl Strntton, W. P. Klrby, Anno England, F. Nosro, John BeneH. Hl Smith, Un. H. H. Smith, Ohoatori Cary, Geo. F. flmlth, T. J. Xrtok, T.' Bradley, W. HichM, Y. (hinder, J. Jiso, S. Lizes. Former United States Cruiser to Become Training vShip for Reserves Tho Coos Day Naval Rosorvo Dlvl- slons hnvo been requested to sond n dotnehmont of twenty mon to Pugot mui: Himiiw i u win UtlMlu UUUIUII UUnUll lilLL'i TO COOS BAY HEARING ISDN Sound by Juno 15, to assist In bring- tweon tho holrs of tho late Col., Coach Ing tho cruiser Boston to tho Colum- 0f Bnndon over tho appointment of bla rlvor for tho summor cruises and nn administrator of tho estate Tho drills of tho Oregon Restrvea. Tho nrst hearing last Monday lasted near Boston, which la no longor fit for act-'jy all day without any doflnlto dovel- Ivo service in tli U. S. Navy, has opmonts. beon assigned to the Oregon Naval ( Arthur Coach, one pf tho cons, is Reserves ns a training ship. Adju- Booking tho nppolntmont, Joseph tant General FInzor of tho Oregon Coach, tho other son, wishes L. J. National Guard has stated that tho Cody appointed. Mrs. Carey, tho Boston will bo stationed at Portland daughter, has filed two petitions, ono nnd Coos Bny, dividing Its tlmo each nsklng that sho bo appointed adml year between tho two ports. ' nlatrator and tho other asking that Word has Just been recolved hero Bbo bo appointed Joint administrator thnt Cant. J. J. Reynolds, now of Wth her hrothor, Arthur Conch. Mr. Portland but who will shortly locate Shoemaker of Bandon has filed a poti on Coos Bny, has been nppolntod tlon on his own initiative asking that rommnndlng oHlcors of tho Oregon bo bo appointed. Naval Resorves, filling tho vacancy Besides this, Walter Sinclair of Co occasioned by tho rotlromont of Cnpt. qulllo has ontered tho controversy, Shepherd and othor ofllcors as a ro- representing no ono In particular but suit of tjio troublo and courtmnrtlal t Portland. Cnit. Reynolds If well known here, having spent sovoril wpoka hero last winter when ho was negotiating for tho establishment nf controversy. n fish cannery hero. Ho secured tho Songstncken cannery and is expect- BIRTHDAY OF HARLAN. ed here soon to tako chargo of It. I Noted Jurist Will He 78 Venn Old NOTICE. j Tomorrow. y . t (By Associated Press to Coos Bay The regular meeting of the oxeou-' Times.) tlvo committee of tho Mnrshflold WASHINGTON. D. C, May 31. Chamber of Commorco will bo hold Awoolnto -Justice John Marshall Friday afternoon, Juno 2, at -1:30 Hnrlnn of tho Supremo Court of tho o'clock. All mombors nro requostod United States, -will celebrato tomor to be In attendance. Tho noxt meet- r$vhls 78th nlrthdny anniversary, lng of Chamber of Commerce mom- iys health Is A,xcollont. . Ho has hers will bo held Friday evening, been sick but twice in his llfo. On June 9. G. W. CARLETON, December 10. next. ho will havo beon Acting Secretary, on tho bench 31 years. 1 Read the Times' Want Ads. Cbmmlttoe Investigating tho 'steel trust nnd declared ho bad eomo to yashlngton to toll all ho know of tho big corporation. Tho examina tion of Gary brought out tho fact Hat the Department of Commerce nnd Labor and its bureau of corpo rations nro not cooperating with tho Stnnloy committee which is conduct ing tho Investigation. Mr. Stnnloy aBkcd tho witness If ho know wheth er a report of tho bureau of corpora tions on Its Investigations of tho steel corporation had over been sub mitted to Proslednt Taft "or to for mor Presldont Roosovolt. Gary said ho did not. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) Portland Takes Another Game From Oakland San' Francisco Wins. PORTLAND, Oro., Juno 1. Port land won n nlno to four victory over Onklnnd hero yestorday. San Fran cisco won again and Vernon lost, thoroby giving Snn Francisco second plnco by a fair margin. Tho scorns yoBt'orday. At Portland R II Portland 0 10 Oakland 4 8 At 8an Francisco R II Ban Francisco. 7 14 Los Angelos.' 1 7 At Vearon R II Vernon, i 2 7 Sacramonto 7 5 3,WTC imt5i r. V,J, W). Controversy Over Appointment of Administrator of Estate Continues. Judgo John F. Hall loft this morn- ng for Coqullo whoro ho will resumo tho hearing of tho controversy bo- claiming to bo "for tho good of tho estate" and opposes tho nppolntment of Arthur Coach. A half n dozen othor lawyers nro Involved In tho i ReM tho TlrneB' Wan. Adb. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES NICARAGUA! FORT BLOWN UP REPORT 150 Li MONDAY Actual Construction On Rail road to Coast Will Start Next Week. EUGENE, Ore, Juno 1. Actual work on tho Eugono-Sluslnw rnllway will bogln noxt Monday, Juno G. This dato hns boon decided upon by tho Lano County Asset company and Con tractor Porry will havo a forco of twenty head of horses nnd porhnps twlco that many men rendy to begin throwing dirt bright nnd early thnt morning. Tho work will bogln on WcBt Fifth street nt tho city limits nnd will bo pushed toward Elmlra as rapidly bb posBlblo. When tho crow rcnchoB tho sovoral small stretches of right-of-way that havo not yet boon secured It will skip thoso and work beyond thoio until tho neces sary court proccduro to condomn tho proporty can bo gono through with. It will not tnko long to sottlo tho ! mnttor nftor suit In tho circuit court has boguu. A Jury will decldo upon tho vnluo of tho land to bo taken nnd after tho company pays tho price tho proporty Is nvallablo for construction work. TO PROSECUTE PLOTTERS. Coiivplrutoru Against Mudcro Indict- ed at 1CI Paso. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) EL PASO, Tox., Juno 1. Indlct mouts woro roturnod todny by tho grand Jury against Daniel Dovllllors nnd W. L. Dunno, who woro chnrgod with conspiring ngnlnst tho llfo nt Francisco I. Mndoro, Jr. Extradi tion will bo sought from tho Moxlcan govorumont for Dunno who Is under arrest nt Monterey, Mpxlco. J. R. Johnston Pays $8,000 for L. C. Soule Property at Allegany. Moro activity Is ovldonccd In ranch proporty around Coos Bay now than hns been ovldonccd In many months. Two largo sales woro reported today. J. R. Johnston, who recently nr rlvod from Portland, closed n doal through L. Amadon for tho purchase of tho L. C. Soulo ranch near Alle gany. It Is a woll Improved proporty and tho purchaso prlco waa $8,000. 8. C. IJoffman, who recently nrrlv ed from Oklahoma and Portland, has bought nn 880 aero tract of hill land on Coos Rlvor from W. II. Kennody AI Smith and tho purchaso prlco was $6,f00. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. O,. For twonty-fotir hours ondlng at 4:43 p. in., Mny 31, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, spoolttl government moteorologlcnl obsorvor. Maximum C7 Minimum ,.. 4S At 4:43 p. m BB Precipitation 01 Wind. Northwest; cloudy. Don't forgot tho Turkish Baths PHONE 211-J. WANTED Room nnd boiml In pri vate family by young man. Ad dress "Homo" caro Times. BEGIN TWO RANCHES CHANGE HANDS SOLDIERS KILLED Terrific Explosion Occurs Fortress La Toma at , Managua. at STRICT CENSORSHIP KEEPS DETAILS SECRET Washington Authorities Think Disaster Was Due to Carelessness. (By Assoclal il Press to tho Coos Day. Times.) SAN JUAN DEL SUR, NIc, Juno 1. Tho fortress on Tlscnpa Hill, wnB blown up nt 3 p. m, yesterday. Ono hundred nnd fifty soldiers pcrlBhcd In 'tho explosion. All tho ammunitions in tho fortrcBS wart destroyed. Tho cniiRo of tho explosion Is yot un known. Strict cnblo censorship has been established from Nicaragua. DUE TO CARELESSNESS. United Htntt'H .Minister SondM Meager Details of A (Tali-. . (By AB80clatcd Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1.' . Ono hundred nnd tlfty people woror klllod In an explosion of fortrosd La Tomn at Manngun, Nlo., accord ing to n tolegram tp tho Stato Dopart mont todny from Minister Northcott. Tho causa of tho .explosion Is not known. Northcott's dlspntch lndloatod ove ry porson In tho garrison was klllod. Blnco tho resignation of Prosldoub Estrada and tho assumption of powor by Vlc-Prcsldont Dlnz, tho Stnto De partment has recolved no ndvlcos In dicating discontent in tho ropnbllo. Tho gcuornl disposition In administra tion circles Is to conjocturo that tho disaster was tho result of carolossnoaa In handling tho explosives. TOLD TO WASH : KILLS ) Chicago Bartender Slays Man Who Told to Wash Before Waiting On Him. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Juno t. Follow ing tho demnnd mndo upon him by Androw Plowaunk to "wnsh your hands boforo you wait on mo," Em manuel Ovor, a bnrtonder, la nllogod to havo knockod down Plowanolc. Lntor Plownnok dlod In a hospital from n fractured Bluill. Ovor Is being soarched for. DISPUTE IX CONGRESS. Ilrynu Stirs Vp Lively Row Ovor Wool .Schedule. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C. May 31. Among tho mombors of the Houso of Roprosontntlves, democrats and rs- publicans ullko, u.-dlsputo over tho wool tariff stlrrod up by Bryan's at- 'tnek on tho democratic leaders for 'drafting a revenue measure .instead of putting raw wool on tho freo list waa the subject of discussion today, The DomoorntH Insist that tho can- 0ub wduld ratify the Ways and Means ComuiUo racommendntloua and that the bill would go before tho Houso with the party committed to . Draln-Cooe Bay AUTO LINK atarta next Tuesday. A TURKISH HATH will do yo GOOD. Phono 314-J. a j J