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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION Copjrriibt llitt Ktiffncr A Mui fOU young men know the kind of style you want in your clothes ; and maybe don't .always get it? many a man buys les that afterwards he doesn't like When come here you'll find in our Hart Schaffner & Marx ., such n variety of weave, color and pattern, iu 30 17 different models, that you'll surely get what s you. A us to show you the now Shape-maker model, Hart affner & Marx now one. Suits $20 and up. The Woolen Mill Store This store- is the Coos Bay home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. MothersilFs Seasick Remedy absolutely guaranteed to prevent seasickness, or ney refunded, We have sold 635 oackages without We complaint, PRICE PER BOX 50c. POK SALE AT THE BUSY CORNER. Jdtart-Parsoiis Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. wIKG DRUG- STORE IN COOS COUNTY. tracts, Real Estate, Fire and. Marine Insurance "e Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKXRY SEXGSTACKEX, Mgr. '6 Ofll a phono 191 Mnrsliflohl Offlco 14-J. -Tlmi . . - . 1.11.. ..iuU(.r uoai anil iMnumg lianas a specum;-. General Agents "EASTSIDE" curry county news. Invents There As Told lly tho Port Orford Tribune. Robert Forty Went up to Coos Day last week to assist his father, nml Johnny Swing In completing their now gnsollno boat, which will bo lar ger than tho Hanger. They will seal on tho reef this season. Norrann Tyler, lato sheriff of Cur ry county, Oregon, is now a report- o or on a San Francisco papor, In which vocation wo predict Mb success, as ho lias special qualifications by. his lltorary and artistic training bo sldcs being a porslstont student. It would not surprise us to sco him reach a high position In tho lltorary world. grJtpGMi MN I THE WEAT11EK. 'C (By Associated PrcsB.) OREGON Juno 2. Fair to- TEMPERATURE PORT. WEISS IS FIXED. ltosvIitirK Mnn Escapes Jail Scutciico by Closo Mnrgln. ROSEDURG, Ore, Juno 1. Max Weiss, convicted In tho Circuit Court hero last wool: for violating tho prohi bition law, was sentenced by Judgo Coko to nay tho maximum flno of ?G00, tho earno bb thoso Imposed on two other beer Bollors In tho preced ing trial. Like othors, WoIbb escaped a jail sentenco only becauso tho grand Jury declared tho Jail unsanitary. Six other Indicted soft drink dealers will bo tried at tho ndjournod torm ct court next month. Promenndo Social. Tho Ladles of St Monica's church arc- making ar rangements to giro a proraonado so cial in Eaglo'a hall- on Juno 2. night and Saturday LOCAL RE- For twenty-four hours ondlng at 4:43 p. m., Juno 1, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 48 At 4:43 p. m G4 Precipitation nono Wind, .Northwest; cloudy. gamo warden of tho state, has filed application for reappointment, tho petition being Indorsed by ninny pro minent sportsmen iu this section who nro highly pleased with Mr. Wright's work in tho past. first vacation Mr. Dennett has taken since tho Smith mill started hero. Schools Close. Today is tho last day of regular studies in tho Marsh field public schools, next week being devoted to examinations. Many iu tho vnrious rooms havo passed hono rary and so will bo exempt from tho examinations. DR. C. E. ENDICOTT of Coqulllo passed through hero today oa route to Portland for a Bhort stay. DR. C. E. ENDICOTT of TKyrtlo Point passed through hero today on route to Portland for a short stay. Is Hotter. Mrs. Bon McMullcn of Myrtle Point, who recently under went an operation tnt Mercy hospital, is now getting along nicely. Hearing Not Fixed. Tho dnto for tho resumption of hearings in tho Kinney bankruptcy cases has not boon definitely flxod yet, owing to- other negotiations in tho matter. Ge( lints. Harry Bradfleld is tho winner of two hats as a result of Coos Bay railroad projects falling to materialize as soon as some of tho ardent ones oxpected. Ono ho won sonio tlmo ago on tho street car pro ject and tho other ho received yester day from D. A. Curry who bet him that activo railroad construction to Coos Bay would bo started by Juno 1. H-UU-im 1IIMM.1 WANTED Typewriter for n week. Mnchino must bo in good order. Address "P" enro Times. ,i;OUXJ) An undressed kid rIovcj Call at Times' ofnco,"pay for this nil and claim proporty. Munr Blackberries. Jaa Watt says that tho Indications aro that tho wild blackberry crop this year will bo tho largest In a long tlmo. In a trip through tho woods yestorday lio found many patches of berries. Hum Typhoid. Mabel Leaion, tho fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loaton of Eastsldo Is ill of ty phoid. This 1b tho third mombor of tho family to suffer from tho discaso, ftwo brothers Just rocovorlng from It. FOR SALE Rhodo Inland Red chicks, ono dny old, 12V&C oach. Two weeks, 25c each. Mrs. E. Don McCrary. WANTED "Room ntul board in prl vato family by young man. Ad dress "Homo" caro Times. IX)R RENT HOUSE with IS rooms mid bntb, hot and cold water. FURNISHED house with 0 roouii, bath, hot. nnd cold water, piano and sowing machine FURNISHED lint with 0 rooms, batli hot and cold wntor. Apply to ROBERT !kLItSE.Y. (Thoso nro all In tho best residonca part of town.) FOR SALE An L. C. Smith vislblo typowritor. Torms to right pnrty. Address "II" caro Times. WANTED Girt for olllco work. Ev porionco not necessary. Address in own handwriting "A" caro Tlmea FOR SALE Ono blnck driving mar. A. T. Ilalnes. FOR SALE $IB( plnno cbenp for cash. Inquire 3G2 First streot. FOR SALE My fnnn 000 acres in ono lot or will cut up In parcols to suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold, StnrtM .Mining. J. H. Mncartnoy of tho California Gold Rocovery com pany is arranging to rcsumo mining on "Whlskoy Run" near Bandon, I which years ago yloldod hoavlly. Ho is putting In consldornblo ciiulpmont and oxpectB to rcallzo considerable on it. ' Low Tides. Ono of tho lowest tides of tho year this forenoon c-uisod sonio bother to boats In tho Bay. Tho Forry Transit Btuck on tho mu,l near tho oast sldo of tho channorfor 'qulto awhllo and romalnod Btrandod . with tho pnstongors until tho rising tldo floatod hor. Send Inspector. Dr. McCormns, president of tho Marshflold Chamber of Commorco, Is In receipt of n lot tor from Senator Chamberlain stat ing that tho Postorrico Dopartmont Iwb ordered an inspector to como to Coos Bay to mako a report on tho matter of frco mall dollvory In this city. Tho Chamber of Commorco has boon urging tho establishment of frco mail dollvory hero and it looks aB though it may bo secured booh. Holds Commencement. - Supt, Raab of North Bond passed through hofo today on routo homo from Myr tlo Point whoro ho dollvorod tho commencement address last oyonlng. Thoro was a largo audlonco prosent. Ho said tho floral offerings showorcd on tho throo high school graduates and olghth grado graduates exceeded anything ho ovor snw and ostlmntod that if th,oy woro given In tho cast would roprcscnt nn oxpondlturo of ovor G00. S. C. BROWN haB a force of mon on gaged at Emplro City, moving a number of buildings for William McMullcn. MRS. NELLIE OWEN Is homo from Hugo, Oro., whoro sho was called by tho sad illness nnd death of hor mother. THOMAS HOWARD left today on tho Drcnkwntor for Portland to attoni tho annual meeting of tho National Jewelers Association. MRS. A. T. HAINES left on tho Brcnkwntor today for Portland to attend tho Roso Carnlvnl and tho EnBtorn Star Convention. COL.-R. II. ROSA and wifo of i Dan don pnBsc'd through horo today on routo to Portland to tako In tho Roso Festival-nnd visit' frlonds. MR. and MRS. F. M. FRIEDBERO returned yestorday from Gardlnor whoro Mr. Friedborg has boon do ing Bomo work on Joo Schilling's now hotol. Personal Notes . E. LARSEN of Allogany was, Marshflold today. In Fractures Ankle. Mlss Cn'tiiorlno, tho oldeBt daughter of II, E. Bcssoy of tho Coos Bay Cronmory, fell ovor n fon co nnd fracturod a bono In hor loft nnklo yesterday. Dr. McCorman, who reduced tho fracturo, does not nntlclpnto any lasting ill-offccts from tho Injury. Hltf Crop. Mrs. Emily O. McFnr lano of North Inlot was In Marshflold today. Sho roportB tho prospectB good for n big cranborry crop this fall. Tho strwborry crop will also bo largo, alio says. They aro now rlponing In great quantities on tho Robinson ranch. FOR RENT-10 ncro ranch, Slough D. Ferguson. Named Delegates, Marshflold Lodgo of Elks haB olected John D, Goss nnd Geo. Goodrum delegates 10 tho Grand lodgo meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., in July. They oxpoct to trnvol on tho special train which tho Portland lodgo will run, Portland bo Ing a candldnto for tho noxt Grand GUS PETERSON of Emplro City was In Marshflold yesterday. MISS ANNIE COX leaves today for a fow weeks visit In Portland. CARL ARLANDSON loft today for Portland nnd othor northern points. JOE NAY, nn old tlmo pioneer of Curry County, is visiting frlonds In Marshflold. Mr. Nay rccontly disposed of his 000 aero farm In Curry county. . S. HAMMOND of Coqulllo nnd Fred Holllstor of North Bond woro In Mnrshflold yesterday on mat tors rolntlng to tho Kinney bank ruptcy proceedings. MRS. E. K. JONES loft today for Portlnnd whoro sho will spend a fow weeks with hor sisters, Mrs. Boyd M. Richardson nnd Mrs. Wm. Ford. P. M. TULLY loft today , for San Francisco whoro ho will spond eonio tlmo. Mrs. Tully has been 'Visiting relatives thoro for a fow weoks. They will return to tho Bay shortly. MISS RUTH ALLEN loft todny visit at Portland, Snlem and bnnon. to Lo- T. M. COLLVEIt of Catching Inlot was n Marshflold buslnoss visitor todny. i GEO. GOODRUM loft today for Port land whoro ho will bo n month or so on buslnoss. J. a SWINFORD nnd family loavo today for an oxtondod visit with jolntlvcs In Illinois, ALFRED MATSON and wifo expo:t to leavo today for Portland to vis It for. n few weeks. North Lodgo mooting. Afeks Appointment. Cnl Wright, AUTO Anytime, anywhere. Rea- tha local deputy gamo warden. sonablo lates. Phono Blanco hotol whoso nppdlntmqnt expires with tho 40 or Resldonco 28-J. jcomlng Into ofllco of tho now mnstor Doles Pure Hawaiian Plueopple Juice 3, PINTS 15c "PINTS 25c The pure unfermented juice of ripe 'Pineapples prepared without tho addition of sugiu or any pre servative and sterilized in the bottle. REV. G. LEROY HALL loft this morning for Sumnor whoro ho will hold services this ovonlng. I. S. SMITH loft todny for Corvallls to attend tho commoncomont oxer cIbob at Orogon Agricultural col lego whoro his chtldron aro at tending school. Mrs. Smith nnd tho children will roturn with him. MRS. N. J. COR.NWALL nnd family of Gardlnor, who havo boon resid ing In Borkoloy, California, whoro tho children nro attending school, nrrlvcd at Marshflold yesterday on their way to Gardlnor to spend tho summer. Tho Cornwnlls camo up from San Francisco via nnndon. SWEDISH LECTURES. F. E. Under of Chicago will hold a sorles of Biblical, Social and His torical Lectures In tho Knights of Finland Hall, Central nvcnuo, .Marsh flold, boglnnlng Sunday, Juno 4, nt 3 p. m. Tho lectures nro ontlroly freo, nnd you nro cordially invited to nttoud. ELIJAH SMITH, president of tho Southern Orogon Co., Is roportod ill in n hospital at Portland. DR. W. A. TOYE loft todny to attond tho convention of tho Orogon Don tal Association at Portland. ED. MoKEOWN, foroman. of tho South Inlot Logging Camp, is In Marshflold on business and pleasure. LEONARD AGAZELOW nrrlvod horo from San Frnnclsco via Bandon yestorday to tako n position on Tho Times. Tho Woolen Mill Storo puts up n gunrantpo on ?15 nnd 20 Suits for men that would surprlso you. FLY KILLEHS 10c at MILNEIt'S. Drain-Coos Bay AUTO LINE Btarta noxt Tuosday. Got DELICACIES for your SUN DAY dlnnor at tho SISTEItS of BETHANY COOKED FOOD salo at PERRY-MOXTGOMERY storo at 1:30 SATURDAY afternoon. JAS BENNETT, chief onglnoer at tho Smith mill, and wifo left to day for a month's trip to Portlanl, Scuttle nnd San Frnnclsco nnd other coast points. This is tho Do You Havu the RUht Kind of Help? roloy Kldnoy Pills furnish you tho right kind or holp to noutrnltzo and reinovo tho poisons that cuuso bnok- .ouo, headache, nervoubnoos, and other kldnoy nnd bluddor ailments." RED CKOSS Drug Storo. Don't forgot PHONE 21 1-J. tho Turkish Baths. ztssmim ttoiZ7g, zmtwmrm FOR SALE Grocery arts Two Private Phones 85 and 305 AH Grocers Times Does Job Printing 1 VTCRH MEAT Jm