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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1911)
JTALLING IS A POOR WAY TO EASE THE FORCE OE THE INEVITABLE BLOW (nm WxmtB YOUR. ADS CARRYING SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Moiv'n advertising opnce In a lU'UsimpiT, (onimreil with thu pnco used hy other Motvs, sluuilil detlno Km compai'ittUo Importatiro In tho community! Duos jour Moro'a ad verlMng tiaro lo that? nlon-iit-'W, should appear as ifrt . i..i. lil nowHimtier. If Hp ....lia.t1 ttti Uuiln tttitM -MrtlMllHT OIIIIIIWI ' V j (lion -cii for so weighty a rc. Iliv - , fearing ttiat It might rnln . . 1... n irttfiil tiim'MiHiiiftr. would not K"1 "WM''l't'r. MEMBER UEStSSOClATKI) PHESH Established In 1878 ns Thu Const Mall wu xxxiv MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNEy 1911 EVENING EDITIONEIGHT PAGES A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall anel Coos Hay Advert ler. No. 121 law - HMD PRESIDENT'S WIFE IS KILLED Mrs. L. S. Berg Victim of Dis- aster.ln Minnesota Hus band Badly Injured. PASSENGER DITCHED BY WASHOUT NEAR VEREGAS j, H. Bloedel, Wealthy Belling- ham Lumberman, and Wife Among Those Hurt. (Br AMoelatcd Press to Coos Day Times.; vkbeoaS. Minn., Juno 3. Mr. L. B. Berg, tho wlfo of tho president ihfl Now Orleans, Moblls & CM- dgo Hnllrond, wob killed nnd Mr. nrB icrlously Injured whon tho Mln apoll8, St. Paul nnd Snuit St. Ma rie passenger train was derailed In a Mihout near hero last night. Sov trtl other passengers Including J. II. Bloedel and his wife or Hdiingnnm, Wuh., wero Injured. Dloodel Is n iHhy lumherninn. MVKTIjH POINT GAME. The Conulllo nnd Myrtlo Point bmball nines will piny at Myrtlo Point tomorrow nftornooa. Slnno orjinlilng for tho coming Benson tho ttimi havo met In several tightly fonjht games, and n lnrgo crowd will tarn out to witness tho gamo tomor row SOUTH TDDAY Provisional President of Mexico On Triumphant Journey to Capital of Nation. Iltjr Awoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) PIEDRAS NEGHAS, Mexico, Juno J. Through a colonndo of arches ttout which was nssomblod n choor- tj mass of Mexicans, Frnnclsco I. Mtdero, Jr., ontororf Mexico from thd I'ulted States today on a triumphant Journey to tho nnclont Aztec capital. The demonstration began at Englo Put, Texas on tho arrival pf tho pin there early this morning, and j'Mched Its climax nt tho center In " International brldgo whero thoivs fe appropriate ceromonles and 5lng displays of flags and otlur orations. TIIV CTIUtY CASE. Ice case of I). A. Curry, who was nested on a charge of violating tho rftT building ordinance by orectlng 'lulldins without securing n por- -. ttartc 1 before Recorder Dutlor afternou. It stnrtod nt 3:00 TwcKnn-1 prebnbly will not bo com Mted for rreral hours. ID KILLED p.B. Fleggand Wife, Phy sicians at Vancouver, Victims of Accident. I ;Assour,i p,oss to Coos Day . Times.) I UNCOUFR. Wash.. Juno 3. drlWllir nn nl nrcranf .nil vna. . 'y the team driven bv ifr. and " E D. PlOL'cr. hnth nt whnm Physicians, ran away, throwing ")upie out. Mrs. Flagg recelv "Ca Injuries that she dlod today. I RUNAWAY IN WRECK TODAY INVITES TUFT TO THE COAST Governor Hay Asks President to Continue Western Tour to Washington (Dy Bsoclatcd Press to Coob Day Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Juno 3. Gov ernor Hay of Washington today tolo grnphed urgent Invitations to Presi dent Taft to continue his proposed western trip noxt autumn to Wash ington nnd nlso asked senators Poln doxtcr and Jones to use ovory effort to Induco tho president to extend hid Itlnornry. Illinois Senator Anxious to Tes tify on Charges Before Senate Committee. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3. Senator William Lorlmor of Illinois today requested that ho he permit ted to appear boforo tho now Inves tigating commlttoo to testify In hid own bohalf. Tho request wns tolo graphed to tho Sonnto Commttco.on Privileges nnd Elections hy Lorlmcr who Is In Chlcngo. Tho committee, It was said, will ho glad to hear him. Will Not Resign. Tho telegram had tho effect of quieting persistent rumors that tho Illinois senator would rerlgn. No notion was takon today by tho com mltteo but another meeting was or dorod for Monday whon It je oxpect od tho Lorlmor caso In peroral will bo considered. Tho ontlro discussion nt todny's meeting contorod about a motion by Senator Konyoa that tho 'commltteo proceed as a wholo with i.. .. . ,.i IIIO Worn. lliuru wuru roiiiiiiuuin u tho tacit agreoment for tho action of special commlttoo to do tho work and Indications polntod to tho fnll uro of tho Konyon motion. OIL CASE IIS GRAFT TRIAL IS Sensational Testimony Given In Case Against Wap- penstein Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 2. Jnmoa Valontlno, paying tollor of a bank, was tho first wltnoss today In tho AVnppenstoln grnft caso. Ho testi fied that Gideon Tuppor usod to conio to tho bank and got currency of largo denominations. Soveral times tho teller went out of tho bank to got theso largo bills. Tuppor tes tified thnt soon nftor Gill was elected mayor, Claronco Gorald Introduced him to Wnpponsteln, who told him to go ahead and lease tho "Midway Resort." This house was flllod with women and opened tho night Wap pensteln became chief. Afterward Wapponstoln told him, ho said, to lease tho "Paris House." Tuppor testified ho paid Wappensteln 10 a month for each woman who lived In tho houses mentioned. I LORIIR ASKS FOR HEARING; UNDERWAY CANADIAN RECIPROCITY TAKEN OP President Taft and Other Pro minent Men Will Speak On It In Chicago Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Juno 3. This Is Canadian reciprocity dny in Chicago, and programs under the auspices of tho WcBtorn Economic Society, ex Former President May Be Asked to Verify Statements of Gates and Gary. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Dn Times.; WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 3. Dccauso of tho mnrkod discrepancies In tho nccounts of tho absorption of Tennessee Coal nnd Iron Co., hy tho United Stntos Steel corporation In tho panicky lays of 11)07 ns glvon I)) John W. Gates nnd.I'ilbort II. Gnry, tho Stnnlcy Steel Trust Com mltteo of tho Houbo hns determined that further light on that deal must bo obtained nnd thnt ovory porson who had anything to do with It should bo examined. Tho commltteo again was considering tho necessity ofssummonlng Itoosovolt and former Secretary of Stnto Root for verifica tion of tho conferences with MosBrs. Gary and Frlck, of tho Tonncssco transaction. " L TARIFF BILLI Democrats In House Combine to Support Underwood Tariff Measure. - HILL 18 APPROVED. (Dy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 3 Tho wool tariff revision bill will bo reported favorably to tho Houso when It convenes 4 Tuesday, tho Ways and Moans commltteo so deciding today. 4 Thoro was a strict party voto on tho bill, fourteen democrats 4 approving and seven republic- nns voting ngalnst It. A long dobnto on tho bill will begin Wednesday. $ WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 2. Tho democratic members, of tho Houbo havo finished tholr pnr:y strugglo over tho wool tariff and agreed almost unanimously to sup port tho Underwood bill placing n duty of 20 per cent ndvanco on raw wool. Tho democrntB are prparod todoy to meet attacks on proposed revision of schedules that nro to come from republican minority. Chairman Undorwood stated that tho adoption of this bill by tho demo crats, including those who do not fa vor It ns policy, but recognized Its neoesslty from rovonuo standpoint, ao monstratod again tho earnestness and wisdom of tho democratic houso. "As for Dryan's attack, on bill, I can only sny ho has rocolved his nnswor from domocrats who never bolted a cau cus." Tho Sonnto was not In sosslon todrfy. j Tho bill to revlso tho wool soheJ-. ulo was Introduced in tho House by Chairman Underwood as approved by tho demoorat caucus and was refer red to the Ways and Moans Commlt teo. It will bo reported when tho-House- meets Tuesday with tho favor able recommendation of that com mltteo. . 1 MM T 0 fill tending the discussion of the subject through the whole dny and conclud ing tonight with what Is expected to ho one of the most Important speeches mado during his term of olllce hy President Tnft. Professor H. P. Willis of Gcorgo Washington University opened tho dny with a talk on "Canadian Reciprocity nnd Commerce." President Tnft nnd his party nrrlv cd hero from Washington today. E TO Tugs Ready to Tow Dredge From Coos Bay to Bandon In Day Or So: Cript. N. J. Cornwnll brought tho tug Gleaner down from Gardlnor Thursdny to take tho dredgo Oregon to tho Coqulllo rlvor as soon aB tho weather will pormlt. Today ho went to Dnndon nnd will Inspect tho bnr nnd entrance there and bring tho tug Klyhlam back with him to assist In , taking tho Oregon nnd n couplo of bargo loads of machinery ovor. i Tho Oregon hns not fully complet ed the dredging of tho Lono Tree shonl but will complcto it this fnll on her return from tho Coqulllo river. In ordor to onnblo tho dredgo to got away this week, tho channel throuch tho shonl wnB cut ICO feet wldo In stead of 200 feet wldo. I Everything Is In readiness at Dau don for tho Oregon to begin opora- Jjons there and somo record-break- lng work is anticipated. GALL SCORES San Francisco Slips Back Into Second Place and Ver non to Third. STANDING OF THE CLUHS. Por Won Lost cont Portland 34 25 .G7C San Francisco. . 31 30 .B31 Vernon 32 30 .510 Oakland 34 32 .515 Sacrnmento. . . 29 31 .483 Los Angeles. . . 24 39 .381 PORTLAND, Oro., June 3. Ver non lost yesterday, and San FrancU co and Onkland both won, thus switching tho teams around again In tho race for second place. Tho re sults yesterday woro: - At Portland , R II Portland. ......... 2 8 Onkland 8 13 At Vernon R H Sacrnmonto. ....... 8 9 Vernon 2 10 At San Francisco R H San Francisco 8 12. Los Angeles. ...... 5 7 Myriads of the Insects Swarm Hastings-on-Hudson Today. (Dy Assoclatod Vrosa to Coos Ray Tlmos.) HASTINGS-ON-IIUDSON, N. Y Juno 3. What tho local naturnllsts say Is tho sovonteon-yoar Ipcust pot is horo in full force. Troe3 througn out tho town nro allvo with tho In sects and tho humming sound produc ed by tho swarms Is heard In all parts of tho village. K COUILLE 0 LEAGUE LOCUST PEST j . mi mom vnny N BLW UMt DIG UNI LABOR VWVkAMMAV LAKE STEAMER IS Steamer Northwest Catches Fire As Result of Oil Explosion. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DUFPALO, N. Y.f Juno 3. Tho mammoth lnko passenger steamer 'Northwest,' owned by tho Northorn Stcnmshlp Company, wns dnmnged to tho extent of nearly $000,000 hy flro early tqday. No ono wns lnjut cd. Tho stenmor wns nt tho dock being overhauled for tho season. An explosion of oil caused tho Arc. Marshfield Selected Office Department For Savings Branch. Postmaster Curtis Is highly elated over nows In Washington press dis patches that tho United States postal authorities havo dccldod to establish a-postal savings depositary hero. Al though no ofllclnl confirmation of tho action of tho postaLauthorlrles has yet boon received, Postmaster Curtis stated this morning that ho had ex pected tho postal odlclnls to tnko this action. Application for a postal sav ings bank was mado somo tlmo ago by Mr. Curtis. "On account of tho largo foreign population on and around Coos Day, it Is particularly desirable that a postal savings bank should be estab lished hero," said Mr. Curtis. Tho foreigners seoni to havo an aversion for tho rogular banks nnd rather than doposlt tholr monoy, forwnrd It ' l.M I..A l.JDH lu mull iiiiutu laiiua. Mr. Curtis stntod thnt IntortHt would ho pnld on nil deposits, al though how much It would nmount to, ho Is not yot propnrod to say nintll details como from Washing ton, LAROR LEADER HAS CONFESSED Charged With Murder Maurice - Enright is Released on Bail in Sum of $30,000 (Dy Associated Pros to the Coos Ru Times.) CHICAGO. III., June 3. Maurice Eurlgut, tho labor lender of Chicago, who tho police uay has confessed that ho killed William (Dutohy) Gentlomau In a saloon ton days Rg3, nnd who Is charged with thu murdfr of Vlncont Altaian on Mareli 22, was udmlttod to ball today in tho sum or 130,000. Knrlght in hie allojfO'1 confession said thnt he shot Gentle man in solf dofeuso. Framod pictures nnd all art goods at groatly reduced prlcos at Walkar Studio. Drain-Coos Day Al'TO LINE starts next Tuoslay. IF THE REST IS NONE too good, buy HAINES' FLOUR. POSTAL BANK : ON COOS BAY' I I ' uy ruai STRIKE MAY TIE OP VANCOUVER Organizations Will Decide To morrow Whether They Will Order Layoff. CITY MAYBE THROWN INTO TOTAL DARKNESS Praotically All Organized Crafts In British Columbia City Involved. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day, Times.) VANCOUVER, D. C, Juno 3. IJ tho threats of tho labor union londoro wero mndo good, Vancouver will ho "tied up" Monday morning. Thoro will ho no power for tho operation oil street cars, there will bo no powor for factories and other purposes, ami thoro will bo no electric lights. It nil dopondB upon tho result of tho voto which Is being taken among tho omployoB of tho Drltlsh Columbia olectrlc railway, tho result of which Is expected to bo announced tomor row. ' Tho "tlo up" will Include tho build ing trades, nnd mny extend. Thoro nro hundreds of men arranging hero to tnko tho plnccs of strikers, but whether tho throats of labor union leadors to causo a gonornl strike will bo effective, cannot bo stntod at tho present tlmo. TO CELEBRATE ON JULY 4TH Chamber of Commerce Plans For Gigantic Celebration on Independence Day. I Mnrshflojd will liaVQ ono of tho grontost Fourth of July celebrations in Its history. Preliminary plans fo.' tho Independence day carnival woro discussed at tho meeting of tho exe cutive commltteo of tho Chamb'ur of ! Commerce yesterday afternoon, Tho report of tho commlttoo In chargn of tho celebration was very favorablo l for tho procuring of tho necessary; i funds. Tho committee stntoa that tho morchants and tho resldonts o Mnrshlleld wuru much onthusod ovor tho prospect of holding tho big colo brntlon on July 4th, and thnt sub stantial donations havo alroady boon promised. At least ?1,00Q will bo requlrod to make It n success. Among tho leading features of tho celebration will bo a parade of naval nnd civil organizations nthletla gnmos of all kinds Including foot races, gronso polo climbing, boat rncos and swimming racos, Tho commlttoo which Is handling tho affair Is coinposod of T. T. Uon nott, I. S. Smith, Henry Songstackon, Georgo Rotuor and A. II, Powora. Tho report on tho Courtuoy Mill proposition was laid ovor until tho next meotlng, the committee asking furthor tlmo. U!L UwL IS Supreme Court Takes Its Final Action In Noted Merger Litigation. WASHINGTON. D. C , June 3. . Final action by tho Suprome Court In tho Stnndard Oil caso was takon to duy whon tho mandate to th.i United States Circuit Court for tho Eastern District of Missouri to put the decree of dissolution Into effect was lssuod. ' i! i;i ; i I