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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1911)
01002 QftttWB ADS. NEWS .ir lUsixicKS is slow, ad- t V ITIHI . THAT IT PAYS IK KVL " sS 1IOISKS KVKKVWHKItK !t get it WI111.K it is xicw nv READING THE COOS HAY TIMES. AM, Till: NEWS AI.Ij TIIK time tkhski.V TOLD :: :: :: :: member or associated press KMiililMieri In IH7H iik Tin; ('(iat Mull VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD,OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consollilntlon of Times, Const .Mall mill Coos liny Advertiser. No. 47. lie STATES PREPARE TROOPS ARE RAPIDLY GATHERING S FOR LARGE NUMBER ARE REPORTED III I AC ETO Conditions In Diaz's Country Said to Be Worse Than Reported. OUTBREAK SPREADS TO MANY SECTIONS Mobilization of American For ces Is Preparation For Emergencies. ny Associated Press to Coob Dny i Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 9. Tho real significance of tlio auddon mobilization of tlio Army nnd Nnvnl forccs on tlio Mexican frontlor nnd In waters adjacent to tlio Intornntlon- ,nwn . , ,,, ,,,, nilf ol boundary Is gradually lonklng out In Washington. From vnrlous sour- ccs yet without tlio possibility of offl- clal verification crcdlblo ndmlsslons nro obtained which pieced togothor Ith known facts mako up a wholo that goes far to substnntlnto tho In- tcrprctatlon placed by tlio public on tho great movement of military forces la progress. It Is said that about tlio tlmo of tho return to Washington of Henry Lane P. Norton, second vice-president; It. Wilson, ambassador of tho United E. Smith, secretary; C. W. Clark, ns Stites to Moxlco, tho United States Blatant sccrotary; J. H. Booth, trcas govcrnmont had received advices In- urcr. dlcatlng tho Increasing unrest In Mox- Upon olectlng officers tlio follow Ico and that tho revolution notwlth-lng committees woro then selected, stnndlng tho assertions of MoxlcnnB" and will servo In conjunction with to tlio contrary had extended In many tho nowly elected officers during tho 6'rcctions. Tho whole country was, noxt twelve months: said to bo in n critical condition Exocutlvo Committee C. W. Pnr whlch was mndo moro sorlous by rott, Amos Wllklns and W. W. Card health of President Diaz. iwoll. Thero Is known to ho no littlo ' Flnanco Committee C. W. Tnr-antl-Amorlcan feeling among tho rott, Amos Wllklna nnd W. W. Carrt Mulcans generally and It was foar- well. el that tho developments at any mo- Printing Commlttco C. W. Pnr nicnt might prcclpltato a chaotic con- rott nnd R. E. Smith. t'Von with probnblo demonstration Among those presont at tho mcet asalrst foreigners. This alleged Btnto ( lng woro Charles Parrott, W. W. of affairs, it Is said, was discussed Cardwoll and F. E. Alloy of Rose vrlth deep concern nt tho Whlto burg, and E. E. HIUIb or Eugene, rop Houso with tho rcBult thnt tho Bug-1 resenting II. F. Hollonbeck. Messrs. goftlon was mndo that It bo tho part p. p. Norton of Marshflold; Amos of forethought to concontrato noar Wllklns of Eugono, nnd Hnrdy Stow tho Moxlcnn border sufficient troops nrt of Curry county, woro represent to meet any sltuntion that might od by Mr. Alloy, who hold tho neces arlse. This raovomont waB to tako nary proxleB. IllA farm nf mnnni.i.n.a nn.l nil nnr.! n..ns.r. .III irnl llin fnlr 111 1019. V IWIHI Ul IllUUUUIUtU ttl.U .. 1.. 1 ties to tho plan sincerely hoped that nothing olso would bo necessary. Tho Interpretation which was In- tantly plncod on tho movo by tho' Tho lognl formalities linvlng been newspapers nnd pooplo of tho coun-'Coinj)iio(i with, tho County Court will try. It ts said, hnvo disconcerted tho t.lils weok trnnsfer tho formal tltlo administration nnd tho President nnd , 0( tno fnr grounds near tills city to Ms advisers hnvo hastened to rollovo tno Rosoburg Pnrk & Fair Associa te tension of feeling In this country tjon Tho city will then probnbly ns nd In Mexico by nn emphatic dccla-' B8t jn fitting up a portion of tho ration of tho hnrmless Intent of tho Movement. Meanwhllo nccurato Information of Urn real condition of nffnirs In Moxl co and especially of tho health of Piesldont Diaz nro awaited In Wash ington with intense intorest. EXTORTION IS CHARGED. Houghs County Man Arrested For Serious Crime. ROSEDUnO, Ore, Mar. 9. Aceu3 cd of the crime of extortion, for "hleh offenso ho can olthor bo prosp ered by the stato or government of Mais, w. J. Scott, of Edenower, was arrested by Sheriff George Qulno and Deputy Sheriff Sam Starmo:1 r.nd now languishes In tho county Jail "waiting disposition nt tho hands of the proper officers. Specifically, Scott Is accused of having written a letter to Antono ' Gallagher, a well-to-do farmer rnld-. lng near Blxonvlllo. In which ho at tempted to extort from him tin? rum ' 250 under the penalty of killing his family nnd burning tho -and. hulldings. "Just In'-.Smart hats In great Profusion. Trimmed and seml-trim- med hats. All tho spring styles will e in evidence at tho prollminnry shwlng nt our store on Thursday, prlday and Saturday of this week. This shnnlio. ,i.j. -,, u. ' -...b ciiiuuuiea an ie iui-i re styles and the prices are mode FO SS ROSEBURG IS GIVEN FAIR Marshfleld Given Option of Taking District Exhibit In 1913. ROSEBURO, Ore, Mnr. 9. At n meeting or tlio directors of tho Sec omI Soutllori1 Oregon District Agri- cultural socloty, hold nt the olllco of tlio sccrotary, Attorney F. G. Mlcclll, it wbb decided to hold tlio next annu- nI fn,r ,n UoBcl)UrK commencing on , Soptombor 2C nnd continuing until ,nto ' t"o evening of September 30. Of tho directors presont at tho mcct- '" fr voted to hold tho noxt ox- lilbltlon In HoBobtirg, whllo two cast tholr ballots In favor of Eugeno Concluding tlio abovo btisIncBB tho following olllcora wero elected to servo tho society during tho ensuing year: C. W. Parrott, president; Amos Wllklns.. first vice-president; P. I'JllftUtlU .1 1 ,) VI V .w ..... ---. nnd It will bo optlonnl with Coos county to hold tho fnlr at Marshflold n 1913, If they so doslro. Br0undB as a public pnrk OF President of Mexico Is Said to Be Enjoying Good Health Now. (Dy Associated Press 10 Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y Mar. 9. Ru mors of tho doath of President Diaz woro in circulation today but tho As- soclated Press correspondent tele- graphed from Moxlco City last night that ho saw tho Presldont last night and apparently he health. was In good MILLINERY OPENING. Mrs. A. G. Aiken will open her comploto lino of spring and summer millinery March 9, at her now store In the Coos building, ' . For BUICIC auto service PHONE 31 - J before G. P. M. and CO-J at night , . .1 . ii. -i. . . n Witt'lstali linth RUHR T Mobilization of Army and Navy On Mexican Frantier Pro ceeding Without a Hitch. (IJy Associated ITprb to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON', I). C, Mnr. 9. Still under tho guise of peaceful mun ouvcrs, the ndvnnco of tho Army to ward tho southern frontier o! tho United StatcB Is proceeding in per fect order. Innumerable telegrams arc being received by General Leo nard Wood, chief of stnff, reporting thnt Ills sudden orders flashed from ELKS CHOOSE Annual Election of Marsh fie Id Lodge Was Held Last Night. Marshfleld Lodge, No. 11 CO, D. P. O. E., last night unanimously elected tho following officers for tho ensu ing year: Exalted Ruler C. P. McKnlght. Lending Knight W. R. Hnlncs. ' Loyal Knight J. W. Hlldonbrnnd Lecturing Knight W. II. Kennedy Sccrctnry Geo. Goodrum. Treasurer W. N. Ekblad. Tyler D. Y. Stafford. TriiBtco for threo Smith. yenrs M. C. SOLO TODAY Jas Culley and Geo. Gettins Buy John Messerle Place For $20,000. A deal wns closed todny whoroby tho John Messerlo rnnch on Catching Inlet becomes tho property of Jaa Culley and Geo. Gettlns. Tho tract consists of 221 acres nnd tho pur chase prlco Is understood to bo ?20, 000. The ranch Is ono of tho best In this section and Is finely Improvod. Tho purchasers got all tho stock and farm machinery, etc. It Is bIx miles from Marshfleld. Mr. Culley recently camo hero Sanborn, Iowa, end will movo on tho place shortly with his family. Mr. Messerlo Is figuring on moving to Coeur d'Aleno to re-engage In tho steamboat business, Tho deal wns negotiated by Stuts man and company. Whenever you bring a wet umbrel la Into tho house, always sot It to drip handlo down. It dies moro quickly that way; otherwise, which is moro Important to consider, tho collected rain-water rusts tho hinges nnd rots the cloth or silk. Little Talks TALK W RAC Why is newspaper advertising the most inexpensive of all forms of publicity? Because the nowspaper reaches tho greatest number of readers at a minimum cost. You can't write letters, and address, stamp and seal envelopes at anything like the amount It requires to reach tho. same number of peo ple through the advertising columns of this paper. If you doubt that, Just get our figures! This newspaper prints tho news presents It interestingly and Intelli gently and Is subscribed for by nenrly everybody In this vicinity. It goes Into tho homes and Is thoroughly read by all members of tho fam ily E0 the easiest and quickest and most direct way to the pocketbooks of the people Is by tho newspaper route! (To Bo Continued) the capital only three days ag mo being cnrrled out with rapidity and precision. Telegraphic advices Indi cate nil tho men ordered out nro now moving rnptdly southward with nin ple commissary and ammunition sup plies. Tho Nnvy like the Army is rnrry Ing out Its pnrt of tho operations without any semblanco of a hitch. Tho real purpose of tho unprecedent ed movement of soldiers, sailors and marines Is still enshrouded In mys tery. Olllclnl Washington Insists tint the movement Is a technical military experiment nnd that it has no rela tion to the Mexican situation. 10 ARRESTS FOR ROBBERY CLUE FOUND IN MYRTLE POINT SAFE BLOWING HUT SUSPECTS HAVE NOT BEEN CAPTURE!) YET. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Mar. 9. No arrests hnvo been mndo yet for the Myrtlo Point depot snto robbery night beforo last. However, two Iti nerant "tinkera" who wero hero nro suspected of possibly linvlng some knowlcdgo of it. They wero around town prior to tbo snfo blowing and made various tools In a local black smith shop but have not bocn seen slnco tho robbory. Sheriff Gago aud tho other officers aro working hard on this clue. Tho robbery did not net tho snfo blowers moro than $3G. TALKS TO TAFT T Mexican Ambassador Assured That United States Is Friendly. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bnj Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 9, Mexican Ambassador Do La Barra reached Washington from Now York today and had a meeting with Presi dent Taft. After his Intervlow with tho President, tlio ambassador said, "I talked with tho President for Bomo time in regard to tho assem bling of troops on our frontier nnd ho assured mo In n statement mndo to my government that tho assem blage of tho army on tho southern frontlor Is purely a matter of maneu vers was tho slncero posltlou of tho United States. This was quite satis factory. 'I am convinced that tho friendly relations botweon tho United States and Moxlco nro undisturbed." MILLINERY OPENING. Mrs. A. G. Aiken will open her completo lino of spring nnd summer millinery March 9, at her now store In tho Coos building. on Advertising No. 7 SLAIN IN RATTLES IN MEXICO MANY ARRIVE fill QHPIMITER Steamship In Early Today From Portland New Chan nel Good. Tho Ilrcakwator arrived In enrly today from Portland after a fairly good trip down tho const. She hnd a largo pnsscngcr list nnd cousldcrnhlo freight. Cnpt. Mncgcnn this morning came up tho new chnnnol that has been cut by the Drodgo Oregon and roportB It to bo a very good one. Tro Breakwater will sail at 9 o'clock Saturday morning for Port land. Among thoso arriving on the Brenkwater wero tho following: Capt. Ames, Mr. Woldon, J. II. Foathorstono, II. Mucklln, J. M. Swisher. G. P. Story, M. Lovolond, 1 A. J. Mendel, E. M. Eldrcdgo, Goo. (Prouty, 7.K Steolcr, T. JCnlcspl, A. Unman, T. Wilson, J. Wilson, II. Wyburn, .Too Agonls, W. FIhb, A. Bukowskl. P. Wollett P. Noubort, M. Mlnnlo, J. C. Snvago, Jno. Pollns, J. Bellou, 11. Hutchlns. J. E. Lane, L. .T. Cody, MIsb Noble, S. E. Eddy, C. Armstrong, Mr. Bnkor.Fred Pino, II. Hnrrls, E. Doran, II. Pinkerton, J. Autroy, Mrs. Autrey, L. Autrey, Miss Autrcy, Geo. Huron, E. Nudd, C. B. Haywood, J. Savago, W. B. Mltcholl, P. Arnott, E. J. Hunrd, J. C. Naylor, Geo. Twolsman, Mrs. Rossltor, P. .7. M'chaol, Mrs. Michael, Master Mich ael, M. Cary, Mrs. Cary, Miss Schroe dor, J. D. Swift, C. J. Swift, L. Tot ton, Mrs. Totton, C. P. Wagner, A. B. Snyder, Mrs. Hnnnn, E. Fnrrln, Wa nnkl, T. Grlsko, G. Hallt, Geo. Mur ray, T. Fawcott, O.' Williams, C. Baker, J. M. Fisher, A. .1. Snndokor, C. P. Noll, S. Jumper, Mrs. Jumper, Chna. Drummond, Fred Kohlmpo, G. W. Holllster, J. Dlngmnn, Master Dlngman, Miss Dlngmnn. WnH In Collision. Tho Brenkwnter benrs trnccs of tlio collision with tho Johnnn Poulson on tho Columbia river on hor last trip up. Capt. Mncgonn pnssod tho Poul son nnd tho Inttor swung In to tnko Mncgonn's courso too quickly nnd rammed tho starboard stern of tho Tli-nnliuntoi- wIMl 1llr tirOW. TllO smaBh was high abovo tho water lino of tho Brealcwator and does not bother hor In any way. It will prob ably bo repaired noxt trip and will bo nt tho oxponso of tho Johnnn Poulsen. T DIE OF CHOLERA 1 Twenty-Five More Cases of Plague In Honolulu Are Reported. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HONOLULU, II. T Mar. 9. Tho twenty-fifth caso of cholera was ro- ' ported today. Tho total of tho doatha to date Is 21. Tho afflicted Includes !24 Hawaii Islanders and ono Portu I gueso. WILL PRINT ENVELOPES. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, .Mar. 9. By affixing his Blgnaturo to tho con tract for tho manufacture and print ing of stampod envelopes and stamp ed nowspaper wrappors, Postmaster Hitchcock put an end for at loast four years to a contest that has wag ed Intermittently for moro than n quarter of a century. HT-0NE Revolutionists Reported Re pulsed After Hard Struggle Sunday. 'MANY AMERICANS ARE AMONG SLAIN Insurrecto Junta In El Paso Claims Another Victory For Rebels. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) EL PASO, Mar. 9. A messago to tho Herald filed at Caaan Grandos, Mexico, March G, glvo soino particu lars of a disastrous defeat suffered by tho Insurrecto forces undor Provi sional President Frnuclsco Madoro. Tho battlo resulted, according to tho dlspntch, In tho defeat of tho rebel a aftor a loss of 200 In killed and wounded nnd 300 snddlo horses, ma chlno guns and 12 wngon loads ot supplies nnd ammunition. Thirty-six Amerlcnus, who woro fighting with the Insurgents, woro tnken prisoners. Tho Americans woro In front of tho bnttlo nnd four woro lying dead In ono licnp soon nfter tho fighting commenced. Tho Insurgents stood up undor ennnonndlug of 12 hours beforo thoy rotronted. To offset this report tho insurgents In nn official report General Louis Torres shows tho dofoat of tho fodor uls at Cumurlpa Monday with 1C0 killed and wounded. General Lorrca forco rotrcntcd after tho fighting. POT BAN ON T Bill Introduced In Illinois Legis lature Forbidding New Fashioned Gowns. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPRINGFIELD, III., Mnr. 9. Tho hobblo and hnrom skirts aro mado tho "Wert of legislation In a bill pre sontod to tho IIouso today by Ropro sontatlvo Murphy ot Cook county, "Hobblo" skirts measuring less than ono nnd ono-half yards nnd not moro than threo yardB at tho bottom aro prohibited. An nbsoluto ban Is plac ed upon tho Harem skirt by tho bill which prohibits any woman appear ing In public In tho garb. TAFT LEAVES President Goes to Atlanta to Deliver Speech Absent Until March 21. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TImos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 9. President Taft leaves Washington this nftornoon to bo away until March 21. Ho first goes to Atlanta, Ga whoro ho will mako an nddress' tomorrow night boforo tho Southom Commercial Congross. It is clalmod that marrlago is a lottory, but It can not bo true, olso tho law would tako hold of It. Women may possibly not know onough to vote, though wo don't admit It; but Bho cortnlnly knowa onough not to soil that voto to tho first briber who may happen along. BB OR GEORGIA Alter mo hhuw n j 4 ... ........ Phone 214- J. j mt CLARICE MILLINERY.