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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
(Eons Grottoa ADS. NEWS ;irr it wiiii.k it is new rnr READING TttlC UOOS HAV TIMICS. AM, TUK NKWS ALL THE TIME TERSELY TOM) 11 ll It It MEMBER OP ASSOriVTKl) PRESS IMnblMied In 1H7H nt Tlio Const Mall VOL XXXIV NIARSHFIELD.OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Convilltlnllon of Time, (.'unit Mull mill Coo liny ilvoitler. No. 48. uiiiv ni'siXKss is sum, ad- lullTIHK. THAT IT 1MY8 IS KVI-. II l'UI V SUCCESSFUL MUSI !,, S HOUSES KVHKVWHKKH DENIES REPORT Til JBI SECURED PORT IN MEXICO Sensational Story As Probable Cause of Military Display. JAPANESE AMBASSADOR j SAYS IT ISN'T TRUE RIG TRAFFIC OF COOS BAT However, Intimates That Pri vate Japanese Interests May Have Done So. (ny New Statistics Show Nearly $7,000,000 Business Last Year. s IN TALKSiUHI OF TROOPS TO Associated Prow to Coo Baj TImcfl.) Interview Deprecating Re ports of Possible Interven tion. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YOUK. N. Y Mnr. 10. lose K. Yves Mmnntour, Mexican minister of Flnnnco and right liaml man to President Diaz, grows dally Unoro gratified ns tlio Intent of tlio administration In dispatching twenty thousand troops to tho Mexican fron tier discloses Itself. Tnilnv tin on 1.1 "Tli I.I..M .... .t .....,, hi; OIIIUl HIV IIIWIID IVHtllU- tiio voiumo or i.usincss in aim out ,ng tlls mntlcr whch PrCBldont Tntt ii i Mtn rra llnv lin lina iintl n nm wivi UIU jvtn iij iuu tttw iii a v. Minister of Finance Gives 0ut;u,B,t VnalAeai Dlnz'8 ,lonUl1 ,8 ,,rc" VUI lljiin. Tho latoBtauthorltatlvonewB from Mexico shows an Improvement In the gonornl sltuntlon and that President War. Is attending to his duties nB usual. I rogrct exceedingly that so much has been said In tho newspa pers regarding n possibility of Inter vention In Mexico by tho United Sta tes government. I cannot conceive a situation In my country that would warrant such an nctlon. "My government will protect, not only the Interests of Its own people, but those of foreigners as well." "It 1b Known thnt tho Insurgents In Mexico have smuggled arms and supplies across tho Texas border. Obviously tho stationing of n largo forco of United States troops In that section will lessen and probably stop MEXICAN FRONTIER IS FAST nAAAA NORTR flONT i ru .... i wnH rnnnripii in iinvn nYnrnnanti voa mnrknblo growth In tho last ten . , , .... . """" ' r 'years according to statistics compiled lon,ny whlI on routo to t,1(J Bouth , tho smuggling altogether I will linvn n fnrMinr rnnaaiirltii nffnnf I "fri. nrncnnnn nf lin t! F FILL DELAYED Dredge Oregon Cannot Do It Until Next Fall To Hasten Harbor Work. Engineer Leefo nnnouncod yester day that It had been definitely de cided not to move tho d red go Oregon Mobilization of Army and Navy Proceeding Without a Hitch. ADMISSIONS MADE BY THE OFFICIALS Base of Operations Will Soon Change From Washington to Field. Washington! d. c.. Ma, io. 01 n. frt.hcr ' cfH "Th0 prc8onco of.!h? trT thc?lup "cnr MnrB,lflc,,, mt" T ..." ,.t ..nvor mniln tho sllnhtcst , n . ...-... . r... J "ur n uuno untrue, us report- will also navo ucciuuu 'J -', compieies us wor.v on u.o wjiiuihu .irnrL to obtain from mo any con- ,,,. ,. n,n mniitir.ri.lnl cd' t,mt Presentations have been feet on tho rebels In northwestern nnd retrns to Coos Day this fall. Bouthward movement of troops com cession for n coaling station or naval ,,f ,mi)0rlnnco ,loro Wftrrnnw a largor !. by rc8nonB,u, ncrson8 to Prcs- Mexico. Moro than this, I cannot uo- Th,B IllcnnB that tho North Front ,oto nml tho BCcno of tll0 nctlv,ty . v.,)innn Tinv nr Plmllln or ..... 1 ,1 ,'uuni inn or 10 oiner nign omcin s novo tno unuou duuub b"u' street nil cannot uo mauo lor sever- .... . ... ... i, nM nBCB In Magdalenn Day or Chall is or n)prolirntlon for harbor and bar. ,VnBhlnp,nn nf .. pon . ,n,n ntiv ,., nrt!on ln tho . .. shifted from Washington to tho Hold, nny point on tho coast or .Mexico. IinroV0mcnt. According to theso .... . .. ... ., ' i. .....,.' , , ,. I .... . ' ..... .... n tho hoadnuartcrB of tho army Is would contlntio oporntlons nc.r awaiting arrival of tho units of tha North Dcnd until April 1 when It moving commands at tholr objec- wlll bo moved to tho Pony Inlet and tvo 1)0lntfc. iono Treo suoaiH to worn muro mi- nuj iuink " - -- linprovumuui. ii:uuruiiiK iu uuou tnilnv wnn tlio emtlhatlc do- .i. ..,.. - .i. ni. !.,...,. "'"i - - nguruu, lliu. viiiuu ui mu dii.i.iiuiii.-i claratlon of Daron Uchldn, .TaponcBO from Cooa nny ,Bt ycnr WftB $3,077,- ambassodor to Washington, when his .,00 w,,0 tho vni0 ot tj10 R00,i, attention was called to tho published Bj,pI)0,i jnt0 coos nay last year waa BtatemcntB that through treaties or t3(oc2,Gr.O. other arrangements with President Tho oxport trndo was divided Into Diaz's government, Japan olther had Ul(J f0OWng lines: Lumbar, 121.- ncqulred or was about to ncqulro 11 000,000 foot, worth $1,240,000, jnd coaling station or a naval baso on tho totn, Vft,uo of forcBt products, this sldo of tho Pacific. Ho Insisted jijo-I.OOO; coal, $104,000; dairy that any nrrangomonts for coaling j,r0,iuctB( $182,000; AbIi, $297,000; mado by tho now steamship lino be- nnnini products, $18,900; farm and tween Mexican ports on tho north rftnch products, $39,G000; mlscclfa- nnd Peru on tho Bouth oporntcd by noouB $1,320,000, bringing the totul Japanese Interests woro purely on a OXp0rtB up to $3,077,400. Tho hn- commerclal basis and that tho .Tnpan- portB wcro (nviactl Into tho follow- 080 government had not mado any j,)B cinBB08; Qonoral morchnndMo, attempt to extend Jnpanoso sovor- $o(fl4o,000; machlnory, $40,200; M, rlcntv to nny Mexlcnn port whoro . ., .no. i,nv. tio.CCO: grain and commercial lino Btentnor took on f00(, s,000; fruit, $0,000; coal. ' iiroducts. $18,000; eggs, NEW M GIVEN E ISIALA5KA FIRE IS DISPLAY Concentration of Texas Termed "Alias Maneuvers" LOSS HEAVY MnJor General Carter, command til Juno 1 when It will bo moved to .iQP of ti10 division which Is concon- 'tho Coqulllo. Ho said that nftor trntlng at San Antonio, Is oxpoctod to completing tho work nt Coqulllo, It 'nrryo at tho Toxas post tomorrow. .would return hero and commonco nop0rtB to tho War Dopartmont In- 1 oporntlons near tho Smith mill nnd dlcato that by that tlmo noarly all ...,. .1..... ,lln Tin.. fm tllft..! TIlA ... . ...... ..... .1 t . wiirK uuwii urn .mij i.u... iiivi-i. ... or lH0 (roopB which win iorm tuo' ArmV In TOWn Of DOliglaS Threatened government Is opposed to moving division will Imvo roportcd. i fM n...f.11 fnlio tlm lnaa nf limn nnil m... t .- , .. i. H. in Dun... jui.o, t.ij " . ...... riio invj ih LurrniK "" imiv expenso being contrary to tho gon- '- t)l0 0perntlona Just aB If tho sud oral economy practised. 'don nnd oxtotiBlvo wnr proparntlon Tho now snag boat and submnrlno by tll0 V0BB0i8 for nctlvo duty, Is part 1 With Destruction By $100,000 Blaze. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay I (By Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) I Times.) a.w Avrnvin i. r in I .11IJCRAU. Alaska. Star. 10. A """ - " - u) lliu lioauio .. iiviiiu . , . drill for tho Coqulllo river work has of ovory dny uf0. Thrco ships ot tha been complotod by Kruso & BnnkH'pjj, Division nro now on routo to lumber, m nnii? in. prUUUUlB, lo,v, tbhl T-l - iTchldn nlso denied lcnowlodgo i, nnana 24r..000: brick. t.- ... .nA.1.1 ...miiiAinAnlo llflil llOOtl .. . . nAA ....1 1n...1... I iWl)' bii:viiii niiiih." " 1UU; COIIlOnt, 1,-uu, uiiu mado between his govornmont and rrnnn. ... . !... .- il.n Mexican government ruuuuiK " luu Tehuantepec rallrond. GO TO RAX DI KflO. nml l now rcadv to bo taken to Ban- n.innnii-i,nin nnim anil I i" luiiu.iiu, .vi .uuii .v. w.. ..-, - - -. - v. uiiu... i". ..." .... "UI. . ... . . ., .... .. . 1 .!.... 1.n .1 ... 11.. ... Wlmi. If vnntllAU .... ... . . . . .1 .i-i Not knowing lust how to ueslcnato nro mat inrcuiam-u 10 "" " uon uj mu iuk. .... . .v....... AumisHions in tno numiniBtrauoa "'yi.. . . ..... .. . i.i..t i t .. t- r. triiiw will. .... ........ tho concentration of troops hero, thoyown 01 iJouginB wm vnnbu.oi. umiuun, .HBjiutiu. o.m. . ... ..... circles tnnt mo military ncuvimw. will call it tho "Alias Manouvora.M'lnst night nftor It had destroyod havo tho outrigger drill attachment nro tnBptroiI by tho conditions In Me- , In tho next 72 hours, sovonty-flvo property vniucu at ono nuuuruu nnU cnuin put on. .. mu wui..Ui . 35,co woro rcnd toaay witn great in-v .... .1 i .tit... !fni.AHnUn If .ulll atnrf In Immnfllntn. . . ... m . .t. t M.. .. troop trains nro scucuulcd to arrlvo inouBimu uuhuib. i"u'u", " v torest oy oiuccrs oi wiu rmy horo. Bids for largo Quantities of Tho flro originated in tno uougms iy to urui mo rocits in tno mwur -" N'nvy, a majority whom lind nccoptea T . ., . ., Mioro. Bids for largo quantities of '' r oriRinuiuu m mu uuub.uDiy to Un.. v.m uuiD ... ... ....... - avy, a majority wnom nnu nccuinou Theso flgurea rovoni mat lor!auppca for tho a nr(J be,ng ro. holci nnd was confined to tho block (qulllo bo thnt thoy can bo blown out tho cnrllor explanation thnt tho oper woro S.1C0 passengers arriving .colved n which tho hotel Is situated. .Othorwlso, It will bogln tho up rlvor nUons woro moroly technical oxer- Marines Lonvo Vnllejo For Houllicni lort. Coos Bay during tho year Just closed and 7,935 dopnrtlng. An estlmnto of tho freight nnd passongor earn ings for tho port placo tho totil for lumber nt $540,000, on coal, T39 (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay I ,..,Tt,, J, x't m wm, and on paBsengors, $809,850 VALLEJO. Cnl.. Mar. 10. with . . .'. ...., .t. over r.00 marines nnd 250,000 000; on all othor freight, $101,000, in passongors, $809,850. A tnhlo showing tho rnpui prog over r.00 marines -'-'"' rcBB bolnB ,do In tho buslnoBs for rounds of ball cartridges, 500 Spring- J0 fl flB foOW8. Held rinos nnd n quantity Of stores Amount. nboard tho navnl auxiliary Buffalo 97,500 sailed today for San Diego. Tho j " " "tJ2oz2 gunboat Yorktown undor orders to " ' ' 1313178 proceed to San Diego Is coaling. '1004 " " .'." !i3g!o58 " innn 178,945 SOUTH wmopMKB TAFT. JJ ; ;i84;,5r President fii-eettnl Willi Givnt Orn- 1907 1C7.5G2 lion In Atlnntn. 19os 218, C31 ATLANTA. On., Mnr. 10. Prcsl- 1909 281,008 dent Tnft arrived horo today and was l910 353,237 greeted by nn immense tnrong. jih-i medlntely ho was driven to tho audi torium to nttond a session of tho Southern Commercial Congress. Amount. $1,924,000 2,876,720 3,360,480 3,557,984 3,901,900 4,300,000 4,160,000 5,320,000 5,936,000 6,729,950 SAYS 110 CRUISERS PASS IRIS MORNING worK. clsos nnd dotnlls ln tlio art or war- Tho Coo's Bay Port Commission Is fnr plnnnlng to tnRo immouinio action United States Naval Vessels En Route South For Military Display. Tho United States Naval Crulsora carrying Blue Jackets from tho Pu- CRAZED ISNTSCARED Editor Declares People There Accept President Taft's Word. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay' Tlm. ..... .- , BALTIMORE, Md., Mar. 10. Sound Navy yards to San Diego Tho Bnltlmoro News this afternoon to participate In tho mobilization of received tho following dispatch from troops at tho Mexican border pnsBed . . o . ... ... , n Coos Bay this morning. They woro Ernestot Simondetti, editor of Elda- abQut twonty mUe8 off 8hor(j rlo, nt Moxlco City; woro nnxlou8 for tho latest nows of "Tho health of President Dinz was fjl0 military movomont nnd tho world novor bettor. Tho people havo per- ln genornl. Thoy were equipped feet faith ln him. The Insurrection with wireless and had Operator . ..., . ... ... , r.i.11....,,.. Barstow of tho locnl Wireless station " ' Bond them a resumo of tho Associated First assistant secretary o he .In- j nnd tho dolny , ,,, t h raninly - ,nimaarn ltl 1 r r"lftllT tenor itoiik iiuitu ......". - , because ot geogrnpnicai anu topog- T,moa If III U Lll 'U I .tl,nt nB n mmor ol cou"0" lu ""' rophlcBl conformation of that soctlon information concern M h r in ' Fuhort succcBsor to Secrotnry ot jrcxic- Th mnBs!nB ot r& IVILLU LIU1I I 'nalllngor. ho would tender his reals- can troon8 on tll0 frontler of our S w 0 f on "i. o.o Is otha for getting nctlvo headway In tho hnr bor work. Thoy first will try and get tho Halo caso in tho fodornl court disposed of to romovo tho last pos sible cloud on tho bonds whereupon thoy will bo nhlo to dispose of tno S300.000 bond issuo to better ad vantage. 8AYS DIAZ IS WEIjTj. ClnlniM Mexico Ik AWo to Copo With tlio Itebelllon. (By Assoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Times.) vnw vniJTf M V. Mnr. 10. W. Then, thev nrobnbly vlll n Tnn .irnoidnnf nf lm Nntlonal " ; '. .; .. ' ... !" -"'-"' " - - -- maKo nrrangemonts wun n mg uruug- surety Compnny, Bnld toaay -ns: lng compnny to Bend In n couplo of cninB on Mr. Mmnntour, tho Mexl dredges nnd rush tho nnriior woric cn minister of Flnanco: "I am l with the dredge Oregon. NE6R0 PIF.ItCE TO ItESIfiX. Assistant to Seeretiuy Bnllliiger Will Tender Iteslgnntlon, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 10. TO CAN SALMON ON COOS RAY Capt. Reynolds of Portland Leases Sengstacken Plant For Ten Years. Capt. J. J. Reynolds of tho firm of convinced thnt tho honlth of Presi dent Diaz Is satisfactory. I am as sured by Senor Mmnntour thnt Gon ornl Dlnz Is at his desk day and night. Moreover I bollovo that tho Moxlcan administration Is fully nblo to cops with tho rebellion." El 1 In ORDERS IN FOR STEEL uiHjrbHtuiiu . v , . Salmon Packers lng who wero on tho vessols other , ,. , .. ., uint'a unuif Kentucky Black Kills Deputy rior Department. Sheriff and Seven of Family. nalllngor. ho would tender his reslg- can troop8 on Ul0 frontier of our JJ n . t from Portland, has leased tho Sengstacken nation soon after tho now appointee country created a Brent Impression t " p. "". Sou,ld XaVy Yards to San,Caery """"'"K8 nt Mnrshnold. for takes chargo of affairs of tho Into ' on tjjo public but tho Mexican peoplo " iton years, and will proceod shortly .f . ... , -.., it. .. wiogo. 1 , . ,., .,, , ...uu (By Associated Press to Coos Bay BOOSTS COOS BAA. F. B. Tlchenor of Portland Is still nctlvo boosting Coos Bay. Recently ho sent to tho Chamber of Commerco hero for some booklets on this sec tion and in acknowledging their re- Tlmos.) GLASGOW. Kv.. Mar. 9. "Doc" . . . .,. ,, imnnfniv ilia ,, ' ... , , CCipt 8U)H Willi. Mazy, a negro said to bo insane, kill- trlbl,ted there among peoplo who ed a negro deputy sheriff and seven sont them t0 frionds In tho east, members of a family In Hnrt county part of Uiem ho distributed on Btreet last night. Mazy escaped and a posse . ,nB comlng nnd going is scouring tho country for him. 1 f Portland. Ho says ho expects n largo number of peoplo will visit Coos Bay this summer. IIT..C Till profusion med hats OXIA' IvILI.ESl) ONE. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MUNFOBDVILLE. Ky., Mar. 10. The report that Massey killed a fam ily is false. Ho killed Geo. Stuart, a Smart hats in great Trimnrod and 6eml-trlm-All tho spring styles will be in evidence nt tho preliminary showing at our store on Thursday, have accepted In good faith tho ad ivlces from Washington embodying Taft's declarations of assurance that thero Is no intention to interveno." PEACE IX HONDURAS. TO STERILIZE PENCILS. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 10. Ste- United States Steel Corpora-! tion Shows Great Demand, Indicating Prosperity. to Coos Bay (By Associated Press Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y Mar. 10.- Forelgn Soldiers Withdrawn From Belligerent Isle. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) to renovnto and equip tho samo with modern canning mnchlnory, cnpablo of putting up 750 cases por day If Sioci.Ksnw. nnd will also Install n I'UIHIjAINU, ure., .-war, -iu. "-- . .. , . , n 0,i in iho small freezing plant to tako enro of , Tho Unttod States Stool Corporate city schools Is one of the latest snnl-( nny surplus nh during n heavy announced today tho unfilled ton tary measures ordered at tho suggee-; run. Capt. Reynolds spent some nag0 on its books February -38 .to , , n(v ttoaIH, Officer Wheeler, .time hero seevral weeks ago. tailed 3,100,513 tons against 3,110 om. mi. will hn thrown Into a R. O. Graves was largely Instru- 918 on the last day of January carbolic acid solution at night .ml mental in securing tho location of , rinsed in water in tho mominir. this cannery in Mnrsntioia, as it ws School children will put tho pencils' through his efforts and personal and CRISP GETS PLACE. Son of Former Speaker Chief Assls tnnt to Chump Clark. (By Associated Pross to Coos Baj Times.) AMRRICUS. On.. Mar. 10 Char-1 Speakoi --.7 u 41UOC, UU ftllUU VJCUt Mill" qhmiumo - relative and bnrrlcaded himself with ' Friday and Saturday of this week. his family In a house and defied a posse nnd escaped into the woods. Ho is insane. This showing embodies all tho cor rect styles nnd the prices nre mode rate. CLARKE MILLINERY. tiTTrinTn rnnTR7 Tlnrwlnrnn. - ... . 1 -.t, I .. .. .u .i 1 1- i,iiwj,i business relations with Capt. Roy iblue jackets wero withdrawn fromscarlot fover. diphtheria. tonslll'Is. ,'nolds that tho Sengstacken factory . . ...... -j .... .. . . 11. wnn chosen. San Pedro sum yesteraay ana mo ctc, are oiten spreaa in iuv ncuwvn town turned ovor to representatives jn this way. of tho Honduras government. Tho guards were withdrawn from trains gay, Mr. Lniiiichmnn! and tho revolutionary army hero wnt uatterles that are fresh, call rm n sp. jno j- - t- , recolved tt teIegnv was disarmed. Peace has opco moro on . for Columbia batteries manu- rod. that ta heeded by Coon ; c Y a been restored along the coast. For BUIOK auto service f PHONE 81 J before C. P. M. and CO-J at night m... no.oi-iiiaii Wo sell every .- t.i in Mm Hnn nf flHlilnir taoklo. los Crisp, son of former It JOU, rii,. tl.n VnMnnnt ITnilSO of R0 want batteries that are fresh, call Mf - - Z, J . telegra innu- "" "- " . - "-. . . ,,. ,.,.. fi,. :.:.. ." . ...1. Mi oMttir anglers. Wo havo JlBhed tho locnl irom unamp umrn. -. u - lactureu u,, ..a - --. Houso. offorlng him a placo as 1101 GUNNERY. . . ..., i, .,,!. nnrllnmonlfirinn and clerk to tM anil Iiavo ueiecicu uui Diuvn uwvw.u . speaker. Read The Times Want AdB, Jngly THE GUNNERY. Crisp nccoptod.