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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1911)
u THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, ''' ----- - ' MARCH 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIME Entered nt tho postirtlce at Marsh flcld, Ori'Kon. for Imnnmlnnl in throtiKh the ninllii nit sei-mid cIb-m ainll mutter. c H. l MALOXKY N K. MALOXKY Krilfni- ubd I'nti. Xevt Ktlltui' An Independent Republican news paper published every evening copt Sunday,' and Weekly by Tin Coo liny Time I'iiIiIKIiIiik Co. Hi'dlratpd to tho service of th ppoplp, thnt no wood cause shall lack n champion, nml that evil shall not thrive unuppnKPH i C '" to the penitentiary for 1 I jenra. .i- ..! 1...... ...- .....,. ni j nin iinpi irnii uucb iiui imnoiin nil with tho sum of this man's Ini quity, but It doe comppl iho cuiulu-' slnn that Justice In nor dead In the Hay City. And It mean, further. that there la a chanre to duplicate, and triplicate, the vlrtnona Jiidmiio-it. time after time aa he shall live through thm. There I nothing by way of pity to mitigate the extremity of reprisal! against this man: hp wax pitiless enough. Ood known. In the long gamut of hla offenses, to dcndoti anjr symptom of' softness tlint tnny rise to check the conscientious en forcement of the limits against him: his family Is amply provided for nil ULimi E?HRH mmmtmsmmimmmmiammmmmttmKm ON EARTH What The Coos liny Times represents a consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and The Coos IJny Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos liny and The Coos Day Times Is Its Immediate successor. SrilSCUII'TIO.V ItATKS. DAILY. One year $0.00 Per month fiO When paid strictly lu advance tho subscription price of tho Coos liny ""nos Is Jfi.OO per year or $2.50 fo. months. WEEKLY. year $1.50 i)f!U'lnI Paper of Cnw County. official OF paper of tm:: marsiifield. CITY Address nil roniinitulentlons to COOH HAY DAILY TI.MKS, IMiifslillcId :: :: :: Oregon A IMtAIKEWOKTIlY ACT. T UE members of the Marshlleld city miiicII are to be commended rnd cnuifratiilatod for their no li, . .', Mipttrr of t-o C.-A. Smith (.- '.'.' 'lcnchhf. They ntcd as '. in r iiud honorable men. They refused to bo a party to a scheme of municipal repudiation and dishon or. They have kept the pledge and jiromlRo of tholr city unbroken and unblemished nnd prntoctod Ita fair urine nnd fnmn from Mug ti by word nnd n reproach. As Tho Times previously stated tli ' only question Involve! was on of common, old-fashioned linnoatjr. That Is it question upon which tholr cannot be disagreement turning honorable men. Among hundred point men standing four square to the world there In never a dismission of the ethical principles Involved In the Of. Men rule and tho ten coinninud inentH. They are accepted a the moral standards of all men of honor. Tho only problem Involved tit this tlmo, no mntter, how attorneys skill ed In cunning might try to confuse nnd obscure It, wna whether tho city should hoop Hh agreement and prom Ibo mndo nnd accepted In good faith by Mr. C. A. Smith four yours ago. Thoro was no change or alteration of any kind asked for. If It bud been Bought to brondon or lengthen or niter by one Jot or title the frnn chlso provlotmly granted there woufd bo nliundnnt cause for discussion nnd dobato. The proposition would Jiavo to bo considered pro and con and measured on IIm merits. This was not tho case. It was a single question of keeping an agreement al ready made, regularly considered nnd ratified by the people and property owners four years ago. The oqulty of tho principle Involved was sslf-. evident. The protection of the credit, mi,- and good name of the city nnd Its clt- .National bank notes out- teens was Involved. There Is no rule so Impsratlvo as honor, bonosty and .Justice, first and always. Questlonablo deals, dlokora nnd dubious tricks have no plnco In prl- individual deposits sub vato buslnoss much loss In public jout to ohoek ...... transactions. Savings deposits The Marshlleld olty council did a nemnnd cortlllotito of praiseworthy and popular act when deposit ;., It protected tho credit and good nnmo'i'lmo cortlllonto of de- of the city by standing back of Its ,,ogjt pledged agreement. Such action Certlllod chocks moans honor at homo and respect Cashier's okooks out- time to come, and tho application of the Mosaic principle fits admirably here, and henceforth. Abe Ruef hns no kick coming: though It may take another sort of courage than tlint born of ondless wealth, to support i him through the darkened years be-1 fore him. The long nnd foul history of his crimes against civic and social law has long since klllod ovary vestli' of compassion thnt might have boon his and his Interminable, adroit ml costly warfare in tho courts has left 111 in without standing lu any trln m- al: he was condemned utterly months J and months ago, and tho Judgment Is I but confirmation of tho pro-concept ,of his guilt and the sentence, as far as It goes, finds Instant and Imper sonal endorsement ererywherp. Al ways with the reservation thnt II years may not be the end of the chastening to bo Indicted. I ". i REPORT OF TIIK COXDITIOX i of the First National Bank of Coos Bay ' ! rt Morsnfletd. lu the State of Ore gon, at the close of business, March 7th, 101 1. HoMIIIITOH. Loan and discounts. . .$lCfi,r3S.iii" Overdrafts, atc-urod and unsecured I'. 8. Bonds to secure clruiilntlon Premiums on V. S. llouds Itouds, swurlllatf, etc... Hanking hnus, furni ture, and tlxtnrot. . . Duo from National Hanks (not reserve agents). Due from state nnd pri vate banks and bunk ers, trust eompaulos, and Savings bunks. . Duo from npprovod re serve agents Checks and other Cash Items Hxchnngos for Clearing House Notes of other national banks Fractional Paper Curren cy, nickels, and cents. Lawful money reserve lit bank, viz: Specie. . . .U, 015.0." l.egnl-tender uotos. . . . 3,195.00 Why ? TIIKV PIT IMCKIMICT AltOCXD TIIK XKCIC, DO NOT Wltl.V Kf.K r.lKUTIIRCO!.I.AII, HAXfl 1'KHKIttT, SIIOlM.DKItS aim.' iii'iir ri I'Mi'lvKTS ffAXO KltO.M TIIK SHOl'I.DKU. (ai:axti:kd a Mi- wool, Titoisi-:its err loosi:, axd tiik puick is imcjiit. YOl' SKK.V TIIK XKY SPltlXd PATTKItXSV A.M .flST IX IIKCKIPT OP ll) SPITS IX ALL TIIK XKW SPKIXtS SIIADKS, IX TAX, (.'KAY, IlltOWX, M1XKD ULt'PS. Because Have NO DOUBT you' have a little "MISSOURI" blood the "SHOW ME" hind in your- veins. IF so, let George show you. ilk- -m STFIOUSE a UROS. umutivnoms Spring, Hats, Shirts, 1 Ties, lioes, Etc, .18 250.00; ss.osn.-m t.nnit.'js rB.SBT.BfJ 1. 117.$" B3iSrlD y zy MAKSIII II l) m MmrvitMnsMMtMnikM tmmiuw3mmmmm j .in. si 2.1S0.00 4CS.3D - n8.2io.or. Hodemptlou fund wltb V. S. Treasurer (B of circulation) 1.2.ri0.00 Total. Do You Know How io Get Full Value Out Of Your Gas Range? Occasionally wc learn of ladles who neglect to use the oven or certain burners of their gas range. CC0S BAY Li VERY. Wo liav secured ine ! I very bust- , noss cf L. H. Ilelsiun and are ik- ' pared to render excellent servlcu it i the people of Coos Day. Careful drlvors, good rigs nnd ovorytlihiK tlint will moan sntlsftictf-y service to the public. Phono us lor n driving hors, n rig or anything needed In the livery lino. Wo also do n truckliiK business of nil kinds. KLAXCHAItn IIItOTIIKIIS. Livery, 1-Veil anil Sales Service. 141 Pi rat mid Alder Struots. Pbono 13S-J Telephone) 178 Others use more gas than they need by failing to employ a lit-j tie care in combination cooking We will take pleasure in send ing a representative to give PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY free-expert instruction to ladies' "ZCZCZTX"""" r")U. O. W. Lr.SLIK, who may not quite understand osteopathic physician . . . . . . . ... i Qrnduato of tho Amcrhau school of how to get full value from their, osteopathy at Kirivnic. mo. onito In Eldorado Illk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to Klectrlc lamps smti-d over; piirpos(. Fr the hou i, Office. Launches. Automobile, Mlnlatun l-'lasb Llxlit Colored Lam; i f jr iet otntl. purposoa for sale v: rent. 0Mn until 0:30 o'clock wc !; days; Satunrny until 0:00 P. M. I'llono your orders for deliver;. Coos Bay Wiring Co, 1MIOX13 i!:7-J. gas range. The gas range will cook any thing that can be cooked by a coal range,, and do it much bet- fen. ;. Phone 1I-J; Marshlloldj Oregon. ,.$191,032,201 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In. . Surplus fund I'udivlded prollts, less expenses and taxes $100.00iVOO 3.000.00 ! Oregon Power Company national standing. . 1)U0 to other banks. . , , ' Hue to state and private banks and bankers. . i abroad. HI' Kb' TO IMtlSO.V. standing. 1.2S3.H 2 I.SO0.00 2.500.00 11.101.07 2C7.C90.2S 13.093.10 12.80C.33 1 35.021.0C 1,000.00 I A Sau Total $191,052.20 i State of Oregon, County of Coos, ss: SIGH of gonutno rollof boos up I. noilSKY KHUITZKU. Cnshlor of from the thlukiiiR nmssos of tho the nbovo-namod bank, do solemnly Pacific Const at tho nows from Francisco, that Abraham Huof Tliont U niiv 'irrh l-i Ihl h-ioii of tin ro'itilrv ilian hII lu-r iIUohm lnl lusolliijr. nlnl iiulll Hi- !t fi" M-iirn MaiiiMiMil til U incurrtM.' F.Trt (l-i-al ui nv t"-t'f i-o-liuiliicril It lt"il t ir rrlUil lol leiiK-'tn nml t'V Miin'Hiitlj t-IUs t i with loral tKUlinoiil. proiuiuii .-! It tiU'urnltli-. Koeu.-(i iihi oruu'ii rlrrli l- t .imHH. tl.) -h! iIip-hhi hihI llu-r.-fiirn r.-nili.K i.iu.lltu lloimt Irt-slnitMit IIhII-i (-H"M'ir.; l7' fsriurt'il In- I' J Oli.-iu V t Tllo. ilhki, iat ronly c -iMUta'l.iiis' i-iire.ui lb umrtirt It UtaVeu In ilo.o (roin liiilro'es Ihmii iul Mmudlivi-ily .m ti' M'MMi Mini iuujm ui' fiii'cn nt llio ivitom Tlu'V effi'f one lutiHlrait ilolUr (or nvr) It ffttlx to cure. bi'lil (or rlrruUm anil tpalliniiiitHU il(lr.. V J IHKNKY .tt CO , ToK-ilii. Olilo Holil by PruevUlF, 7V Tsl Usll'i Kmllv fill', tor couitlpulluu. swear that tho above statuuiout Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. OOKSKY KUKITZ13U. Cashlor. SuUscrlboii and sworn to before mo this 9th day of March, 1911. CHAS. 11. SKLUY, Notary Public. Correct Attest: JNO. P. HALL, VM. QIUMKS, W, U. DOUGLAS Directors. Saint Patrick's Snaps for Insldcs, $125,00 ior 90x100 good bay bay view- Lots in Marshlleld Heights 50x200 $100 corners. , tt btory dwelling with two lo.s. aggregating view, for $ I, nno.oo. to Lot in Kast Marshlleld ler i?l)OO.tK easy terms - Lots, on llroadway $1,0.10.00 a Lots, on Second Street $ I .tUMi.OO. Half block on llroadway, with good unobstructed $::,! oo.oo. 10 Acres fruit land $.100.00 easy terms. do act-s fruit laud $1)00.00 easy terms. to neivs fruit land $100.00 a By terms. .1 acres fruit land close to Marshlleld with 225 fot waterfront ship channel for $t,5(io.oo. .1 m-re tract In Lobreo Park, closo to now Coqullle Road $1,. 100.00. easy terms. lliiMmss lot on Second near Central 50x100 "a quick maker" $.1,11.10.00. 2 lots In Plat A 100xl3S perfect tltto $.100.00. Corner waterfront lot on Front street, 50x240, for $0,.100.00, ryt. J. AV. INGHAM, J PhyMclnii and Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Ilulldlng Phones: OBlee tOiJ; Hesldence tOUL J. w. UEXNFrrr, Lawyer. OHlco over Flanagau & Bonnett Bank Marshfleld, Orogon WyTM. S. TUIU'KX, W Architect. Over Chniabor of Cbmmer.- Coa! Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $l..1(). Xut coal $3.00. Vr'i do all Kinds of hauling, ani contracting. Horses and. vohlclesfor sale. For quick dollvory call en L. H. HEISNER' or phono 120-J or 49-L. on money Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXKY SUXGST.VCKKX, Manager. Polks Oregon and Washington State Gazetteer and Business. Direc tory. Just Issued for 1931-12 Is tho most comploto work of the kind published. It contains an nccurato business di rectory of every city, town and vil- lago In Orogon and Washington, anl j tho nnmos and addresses of country . morchants and professional mei' Mumbormon, otc, who are located ad jacont to vlllngva; also lists of sot , ornmont nnd countv olllcers. coramlJ If so. do not forgot that this u'slonors of deo.fa. stnto boards, statu- THE laundry whoro you get tho boat tory provisions, torms of courti. work, and prices are lu ovary ono'a ' namos' of tho postmnstors, postofllcei. roach. Call up and one of tho drlv- express, telephone nnd telegraph of ors will call and explain nil details Aces, justices of tho poace, hotels, to you. All tolophono calls aro quick-jiinlly and weekly newspapers! t ly nttendod to. because wo are run-sides much other Information useful nlng two wagons j to all classes of business and profes- Ol'lt GUAUAXTFi: Is YOUH ST.!8,0nal men' A descrlptlvo sketch of ISFACTIOX. " cacl1 I''nco ,s glvon, embracing vsrl MAHSHFIHLI) HAX1) .VXD STEM'US ,te"18 of ,nterest such ns tbe ' LAI'XDUY.' ' j catlon' population, distances to dlf Mauzey Pros., Prop. Phone "0-Jre"t l,0,nts tho most convenieBt i snipping stations, the products w aro marketed, stage communication. Good Evening HAVI? YOl AXY LAUXDUY? FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHPIELD'S POPULAR Rates, educed to: Day50c, 75c and 1-00; wcek-W.oo to $5.00. House. keeping apartment PO.OO to 8 With Kas rnncoa $1S,00 net- in n.if I, r.rr.r. DATHSn. v. srmiMv n.""6 "-'i i rop. ol llve, Sedentary habits, lack nf nf... OYOrnloA I. . 4 ' l .:, Hismnciont mastication v""ai 'pauon, a torpid worry and nnvii,. .. .. Comet ,-our habit, and t.ko Ch.. Times Want Ads Bring Results 'irs; trado statistics, the nearest bank lo cation, mineral interests, churcnes. schools, libraries nnd societies. An House-,,mPrtant feature is the classified di rectory, giving ovory business arran ged under its speclnl beading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain at a glance a list of all houses manufac turing or dealing In any particular lino of goods. Tho vork generally is complied to deserve their llte""a patronage. PRICE $0.00. R. L. POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wash. r", .t " Mrw-