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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1911)
(Eon's ADS. NEWS WHEN ni-SlXKSS IS SLOW, Al vi'HTlSK. THAT IT PAYS IS 15V1 iirCKI v' SUCCESSFUL IlUSI- OUT IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY reading the coos hay times. ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME TERSELY TOM) :: :: :: :: J MvSS HOISKS livi.i'iiiiv .; MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In J 878 iiH Tho Const Mall VOL. XXXIV MARSHFIELD.OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull m- niitl Coos liny Advert Nor. '0, n i wmmmmm DMtMMMrnmnfWMMHM wwmwiiBW H RUMORS RIFE AS OF ACTIVITY OF Mobilizing of Army and Navy Near Mexican Border Causes Speculation. TROUBLE IN MEXICO MAY BE CAUSE OF IT Government Officials Deny Any Intent of Hostilities In Practise. (By Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) WASHINGTON', D. C, Mur. S. Telegrams nro pouring Into head quarters of tho Army showing the movement of troops to tho southern frontier country Is proceeding with the smoothness nnd regularity of clockwork. Tho celerity with which the orders aro carrlod out It Is said at military niinrtorR to give tho Impres sion that tho movement Ib nn every day occurrence of practically tho en tire forco of 20,000 men now en route to tho lower pnrt of Texas and California. Tho troops aro equipped with ball cartridges. Notwithstanding this, nowever, of ficial Washington stilt maintains that the movement Is merely n plnn of prnctlco to dotermlno tho ofllclcncy of tho fighting arms of tho country In mobilizing on short notice. While this Is held to ho truo technically, the general ImpresHlon prevails that the sudden nnd oxtcnslvo military activity 1ms vital direct relntlon to the revolutionary movement In Mexi co. The activity of ofllclolB of tho stnto, War nnd Navy Deportments Is ac centuating this Impression of tho Idea which Is gonornlly ncceptod oven In tho fnco or ofnclnl pronouncomont that no slgnlflcnnco should ho attach ed to a movement of government troops In preparing for nn eventual ity that mny bo developed with tho progress of tho revolution agnlnst President Diaz. Tho Navy dopartmont continued Its preparation for tho dispatch of tho Filth Division of tho Atlantic fleet and tho largo detnehmont of marines to Quantamo, Cuba. Tho four.armor ed cruisers of tho Fifth Division un der Rear Admiral Stuart nro being sup'plled with n full comploment of blue jackets. The Mexlcnn embassy has Issued a statement branding ns preposterous the report current that tho Moxlcan government Is looking to tho United States for nld In regularizing Its In ternational affairs. Dr. Francisco Vasquez Gomoz, con fidential agent horo for tho Mexican revolutionary party, declared today that tho revolutionists will continue until tho Diaz regime Is overthrown. GREAT BRITAIN DENIES. Has Token No Action Itelntlvo to Mexican Situation. By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Mar. 8. This afternoon the Foreign Offlco .author ed tho announcom'bnt that no In structions of any kind havo been sent Ambassador Bryco at Woshtngton from London regarding events In Mexico. ACTIVE ON PACIFIC. JIni From PuKot Sound Navy Yard Aro Called Out. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Mnr. 8. The etlre marine corps of tho Pugot Sound Navy Yard, 410 men, under Colonel Boyno leaves tonight for San Francisco where tho cruiser Buffalo IH receive thorn and carry them to San Diego. Tho cruisers West Vir ginia, Virginia and Maryland ore flll DB their coal bunkers and taking on ammunition and war projectiles as If or war- Tho cruiser which will sail wnlght for San Diego will arrlvo Jjwe Saturday. RESULT III E Saloonmen Make Request of City Council and Hearing Is Granted. A protest from tho Mnrshfluld li quor dealers ugnlnst the Increaso In tho city licenses of saloons from $000 to $1,000 per year to become effec tive July 1 wns presented to tho council Inst night by tho president, L. F. Denning. Mr. Denning stntcd In IiIh communication that ho thought the Increaso would linvo an entirely different effect thnn tho council anticipated and would result In a proper quality of liquor being Bold. An opportunity to present dnta on what other towns of a slzo simi lar to Marshflold nro doing wns re quested. C. P. McKnlght nppoared In behalf of tho liquor men nnd urged tho council to give consideration to tho matter. Ho said that tho heavy cx penso tho liquor dcnlers woro under should ho considered nnd gavo tho following ostlmato of what tho yearly oxponsoB of tho fifteen saloons hero would bo: City licenses, $15,000. Federal licenses, $375. Hcnt, $10,800. Lights, $1,800. Telephones, $450. Water, $350. nnrtondors, $11,400. "Swampers", $3,000. Ilesldcs theso, thoro Is fuol and ex penses of owners or mnnagors and cost of liquor, making a business of about $G5,000 por year necossary be foro they can break ovon. Ho said that tho last election allowed only about 900 votes woro cast hero and thnt only about half of tho voters woro saloon patrons, tho "dry" olo inont among tho locnl voters offset ting tho transient trndo. Councilman Albrecht said ho thought that may bo $1,000 por year was too heavy a license. Coun cilman Ferguson thought that tho high llconso might put tho law abid ing liquor dealer out of business and lot tho liquor law violators continue Mr. Savago thought tho liquor men ought toboglvonnhearlng and Council man Powers nnd Coko refused to dis cuss tho mattor. Mr. Copplo said ho thought that may bo thoy should 1)0 given a hearing. Finally It was de elded that at tho first meeting i April, tho liquor men would bo given a hearing on tho roquest to reduce tho licenses. w u IN Coos County Presbytery Will Will Hold Synod Thursday and Friday. The Coos County Presbytery will hold a Synod In North Bend on Thursday and Friday of this week which will be attended by all the Presbyterian ministers of the coun ty. Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Mrs. Knox of Marshflold will address tho ladles on woman's place and du ties In church work. a fnnr o'clock the ministers nnd all Sunday school teachers and work ers will meet In conference to dis cuss topics of Interest in that branch of religious work. Friday evonlng, there will be a congregational supper served to mem bers of tho church and visiting del egates at which there will bo table talks for the good of the churcn. IE STATES LIQUOR S R MEETING north BN Morals and Decency Outraged COMPROMISE with vlco In any form always results In further demo ralization of decency and morals. Mnrshflcld's toleration of depra vity nnd debauchery will bo rewarded with a still further lowering of Its mornl standards. Tho Royal Thcntro was tho Bccno last evening of ono of tho most deprnved nnd demoralizing exhibitions over seen on nny public stage, oven In tho dlvca and brothels of a city. So vile nnd vici ous wns this lonthosomo nnd lasciviously suggestive exhibition thnt all self-respecting .women wcro compelled to get up nnd leavo tho thentre. Tho show throughout was suggcBtlvo but when ono of tho so-called cho rus glrlB attired in flesh colored tights nnd n gnuzo undershirt nttomptcd tho hoochy-koochy It drovo tho women In hnBto from tho thentre. Men who havo travolcd and scon tho hula-hula and othor vulgar dances pron ounco Inst night's porformnnco nt Tho Itoynl ono of tho most coarsely vulgar nnd Immoral exhibitions ovor seen on n public stage. Somo of MarBhflcld's moral gunrdlnns recently hnd n spasm of virtue over a proposed exhibition of somo fight pictures nnd nt their behest the nltt nnntiftll unaanrl n onnntnl nntmnrali 111 nrillnntinn fnt mnvlni- tilntllrno 1IIJ WI.I.V. riiaaVU . Uft.l... - u...,' w. u....... u mu. ...u.aaac, ji a la a . w Last night's porformnnco was so much lower In moral depravity thnt a comparison would ho odious. Decent peoplo of Mnrshflcld aro becoming 'nauseated at this toleration of immoral filth In this city. Isn't It about 'time thnt somo corrective lnfluenco bo applied boforo this nbnndoncd coarseness nnd vulgarity becomes such n stlnch In tho nostrils of decent I men nnd women evcrywhoro thnt tho city will becomo Infamous for Its degeneracy and excesses. There should bo no thought of minimizing tho dnngor to tho morals of a community by such shameful exhibitions ns that of lost evening at tho Royal Thcntro. Thero should bo no need of special legislation to reach and punish tho perpetrators of such depravi ty nnd debauchory as that exhibited In last night's performance. MYRTLE POINT Cracksmen Make Clean Haul In Depot and Leave No Clue Work Looks Like That of Experts. Safe blowers last night blow opou tho safe In tho Coos Day, Rosohurg and Eastorn Railway and Navigation company's depot at Myrtle Point last night and secured about $5 In cash, a sealed oxpross packago supposed to bo Jewelry valued at $25 and mado a clean got away. No cluo was loft nml nlthnuch Sheriff Gaco nnd nil tho J othor ofllcors In tho county nro work ing on It today, tho ldontlty of tho porpotrators Is shroudod in mystery. Nltro-glycorlno was used nnd tho IS HELD VALID Mrs. Turnbull Loses Case to Break Last Testament of Californian. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Mar. S. s. Turnbull lost In her nttompt to Dreak "Lucky" Baldwin's will today. i Tho case haso been on trial for many weeKs. JUDGE INSTRUCTS JURY. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Mar. 8. At the conclusion of tho arguments In tho Baldwin will caso at noon today, Judge ftlves announced ho would In struct tho Jury that tho ovldenco ad- ( ducod "fell short of making out a, case for tho plaintiff" nnd that tho, jury should return a verdict in favor of tho dofenso. This ends tho case brought by Miss Anita Baldwin Turn bull, the 17-year-old Boston girl, for a daughter's share In tho $11,000,000 estate left by tho lato "Lucky" Bald win. NICK BURLEY DEAD. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Mar. 8. Nick Tt.irlaw fnrmnrlv a. heaW-WelKht t """" . ..'". A.- prize ngnter wen-Known in mo Iflc Northwes't and Alaoka, dropped ( ' ori inof nirrht nt tipnrt: disease, need . .u--u.--.-o forty. Mrs. A. G. Aiken will OPEN up her ' store at Coqullle City with a com plete lino of Spring and Summer millinery on or about March 21st. For BUIOK auto service TIIONE 34-J before C. P, M, and CO-J at night BALI V L SAFE IS 1 successful manner In which tho Job was dono Indicates that It was tho work of professional cracksmen. Just what hour tho affair was pull ed off Is not known, tho crlmo not be ing discovered until Agent R. A. An nlu went to tho depot to open up this morning. Entrance to tho depot wns effected by pulling off tho warehouse door. A packago of watches In tho warohouso was brokon open but tho watches woro loft. Tho chnrgo of nltro-glyccrlno wns put In such a way that tho combina tion and front of tho snfo woro blown out. No other dnmago was dono around tho depot. No ono has been found nt Myrtlo Point today who heard tho explosion. IN CALIFORNIA Three Days Rain Impedes Rail road and Wire Service In State. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Mar. 8. Heavy rainstorms havo swept tho stnto thrco days and sorlously im peded railroad traffic and hampered telegraphic and telephonic commu nication. MRS. ELLIOTT Coos Bay Pioneer of 1864 Suc cumbs After Lingering Illness. Mrs. Hiram Elliott, a resident of Coos Bay slnco 1864, died yesterday at her homo at Eastsldo after a pro longed Illness of complications duo to her advanced years. Mrs. Ablgal Elliott was born In Ohio In 1828, and was married thero to Hlram Elliott nnd with him cross ed tho plains to the Pacific coast In 1849. In 18C4, they came to Coos Bay and resided at Llbby and on South Inlet until Mr. Elliott's death after which Mrs. Elliott mado her homo with her children. One daugh ter and five sons survive. Tho funeral will b0 held. Thursday afternoon from the Wilson Undertak ing parlors, the Rev, II. I. Rutledgo officiating. W D M Y G. . SM T COlPANlf GR E City Council Refuses to Pay Engineer For Month of February. After n rather brief but decidedly nulmntcd discussion Inst night, tho Mnrshflcld city council by n vote of four to two refused to nny P. A. Snndbcrg for the month of Fobrunry nnd oven refused to settle on n bnBls of two-thirds of n month. Tho decl-j slon was accompanied by tho Infor mal announcement that If Snndbcrg got his pny for Fobrunry It would only bo through n lawsuit. Councilman Coko was presiding whnn ttio mntior wnn broncht nn. Mayor Straw having loft earlier in tho evening. J. M. Upton appeared In behnlf of Mr. Snndbcrg nnd sold! that ho would llko to sco tho mntter settled umlcnbly ob n fitting end toj a rnthor stormy affair. Councllmnn Coko was not disposed to let Mr. Up ton present tho enso as ho wished,! frnmlntlill' Inlnrfll lit I Tl I U'lt.l tlm rio- CIUrai. On mill ... iwunu; nun mado up and that ho wouldn't pay! Snndbcrg n cent nnd chnrnctorlzlng It ' ns a "hold up." no saw no nnu 1 .. .1 .... In A.nM On., fllia'l' nif. I UL'UII IIIBIUUUU IU 1IHUI Biuiuui.iri -...- ly In the mntter hut that tlio latter had been "bull headed" about It and thnt now ho wns going to bo bull headed too. . onl.l Mm Mi. Cjnndlinro' 111. UJllwll nun. inn. w "n. was still In tho eyes of tho law city engineer, tho last notion of tho city council In ordering him to turn over l. nnnAa nt lila nfllnn otn.. (n tlm council recognizing him ns such.. However, ho said thoy woro not going to press thnt If tho Fobrunry salary ( account could bo sottlod amicably. Ho said that Mr. Sandborg was now pro poring nn Inventory of tho records,' maps, etc., of tho offlco preparatory to j turning them ovor to tho city record- ( or nnd hnvlng hlm'recolpt for thorn.' City Mtornoy Gobs disagreed with Mr. Upton's vlow of tho case, saying that In his opinion Mr. Sandborg J could not collect any salary for tho first part of Fobrunry, thnt Is from" tho tlmo tho council first discharged him .until tho mayor ronppolntod him nnd ho ounllfled. From tho latter' dato, or about two-thirds of tho( month. Mr. Goss thought that pos-' ln.i.. Cntollinrfr'a nlnlm mlorht lio ' niuiy .ii. W.I..WM-. n , I hold valid but ho declared that it could not bo for longor than from' ll,n .!! Iin nimllfloil Until tllfl tirC- vlous meotlng of tho council when tho office of city engineer was declared vacant. Councilman Albrecht moved that Sandborg's bill bo not allowed. Coun' oilman Powors suggested that If tho mattor could bo settled on a basis of -1, . ..!. CnniUmff. linv fnr t WO- ' '.muni. it, uw.iwww.o ... - . thirds of tho month nnd as n condi tion that ho should turn ovor all re cords, maps, etc., In good shape, ho would favor It In tho Interests of harmony and peaco and also becauso It would bo cheaper than a lawsuit. City Attorney Goss sa'd thnt If ho was advising a prlvato client In tho case, ho would approvo of tho plan j favored by Mr. Powors. Councilman Coko said ho was against It that Sandborg had been paid for sovoral months that ho had not dono any work. Mr. Upton Anally said that ho would ncreo to settle on tho two-J thirds basis and asked permission to amend his bill. While ho was amend ing it, tho council voted by ayes and nays on the matter, Albrecht, Coko, Copplo and Ferguson voting ngnlnst nllowlng It and Powers and Savago for allowing It. MILLINERY OPENING, Mrs. A. G. Aiken will open her cnmnioin lino of sDrlnc and Bumruer 1 millinery March 9, at her new store In tho Coos building SANDBERG BILL TURNED DOWN MED 6T CITY COUNCIL Many Business Men Urged Ac tion to Keep City's Promise to Them. ALBRECHT AND C0PPLE ONLY VOTES AGAINST George Baines and Others Re quest Delay But Are Refused. Tho Marshilcld city council h evening nftcr a dozen or so of I lending citizens hnd urged It ns t only propor nnd honest action to talus regranted the frnnchlBo for tho tram way railway from tho Smith mill to tho company's retail yardB to C. A. Smith. The vote was four to two, Councllmen Coko, Ferguson, Srvago and Powers voting for tho franchise nnd Councllmen Copplo and Albrecht ngnlnst It. Prior to tho veto on tho mattor thoro was considerable dUcuBston oC tho mntter, C. F. McKnlght In bohnU. of George Baines, tho Balnos estato nnd somo othor proporty ownors urg ing thnt tho council delay action on tho franchise while tho othor speak ers pointed out thnt to delny would bo dllly-dnllylngwlthhoncstynnd that thoro should bo no hesitancy on the port of tho council In living up to tho promise nnd obligation of tho city ol Marshflold. Tho mattor wbb brought up by R. K. Booth. Ho said that Judgo Ha milton hud recently held thnt the franchise was dofectlvo through er rors In tho slgnoturcs of roprosonta tlves of tho proporty along tho street. Ho sold thnt tho frnnchlso hnd boon given by tho C. A. Smith company when It first located horo ns a condition that C. A. Smith should build n mill on tho wost sldo of Isth mus Inlet with n monthly pnyroTl oT $30,000. Ho sold tho company hail lived up to Its part of tho agreomon nnd thnt It wns only, fair, right, hot J est and just thnt tho council shoulj do likewise for tho city of Marshfloltl Ho sold that they didn't ask for nny now privileges or franchlso ,but me rely wnntod tho council to mako good tho ono granted four years ago. C. F. McKnlght said that In be half of George Baines nnd others ho wonted the council to postpono ac tion for n little whllo In ordor that thoy might have tlmo to consldor IU Ho also said that tho mattor was ot such magnltudo that tho council ought to tako moro tlmo nnd under stand fully what they wero granting. Ho said thnt besides tho quostloit ot tho logallty of tho requisite amount of nbuttlng proporty bolng signed up In favor of It, Judgo Hamilton hold thnt tho road was iiBod by a private interest which was Illegal. Ho Ball ho bollovcd tho franchlso Illegal. Furthormoro, ho said that ho didn't think tho city nttornoy hnd tlmo to pass on It and that ho could not very well do so becauso ho was nttornoy for tho C. A. Smith company as well as for tho city. Mr. Booth replied that tho ques tions Mr. McKnlght had raised nuoilt tho logallty franchlso would bo talton caro of by the company Itself. Ho Bald that all thoy woro asking for was that tho franchlso grantod thorn In good faith and accepted In good faith four years ago bo mado as valid as tho council could by approving It now. Furthormoro ho said all freight offored tho company was hauled over the lino. Mr. Goss said that l.o had not pass ed on It as cljy attornoy or nttornoy for tho C. A. Smith company othor than that tho now franchlso was an Identical copy of tho old ono with tho exception of a corroctlon mado so that tho C. A. Smith company would not havo to build another mill With in twelvo months. Judge Coko Tnlks. Judge Coko was called upon "by Mayor Straw to toll what ho know about tho matter. Mr Coke explain- I I