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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. a I I f ' HOW TO CURE WTTH MUSIC. lnvellfltort Find Certain Tunei Dene, fit the Sick. r.lstpn, you men of medicine, mid give t-i'd, von women who wait iintl wntch within the hospital wnrds and In the nil krooms of our home. Hero Is n creed Hint Is new. yet old, Hint has nt Its back the fervent fnlth of n prent theologian mid thinker nnd the practical Indorsement of hard hended physicians. It Is the science of ItenlliiR hy music. Serious continuous experiments nro bo iiiK mndo liy men whoso sincerity nnd scientific nttnlnments nro nbovo ques tion, nnd they assort Hint the results nlrendy nttnlned Imvo astonished tho most sanpulno nmoiiR them. Tho tests lmve been nnd nro hclnp mndo In tho Snmnrltnn hospltnl, Rroad nnd Ontario streets, I'lillndclphln, un der the direct supervision of tho presi dent of Hint Institution, the Iter. Dr. Russell II. Conwcll, famous throughout America for tho brendth nnd force of I1I3 opinions nnd tho eloquence with -which he enunclntes them from pulpit jind lecture platform. They aro fully verified In nil their detnlls by Dr. Wil Jinm Ilnrhnlen nnd tho other physl Ians nnd surgeons comprising tho stuff of tho Snmarltnn hospltnl. Thcso hion nnd tho nurses who hnvo aided In making nil tho observations unlto In testifying to the bcnellclnl ef fect upon tho temperature nnd pulsa tions of their patients of certain mu sical nlrs nnd tho evil nnd depressing jnflucnco of other tunes. They found that tho old rich melody of tho hymn "I Know Thnt My Re deemer Llvcth" brought patients forth from tho tranco of anaesthesia with nono of tho nnusea nnd feverish symp toms that usually nttend nn awaken ing. They further found thnt fever was nbntcd nnd restlessness reduced by thnt flno old song "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," thnt "DIxlo" calmed n pntlcnt who hnd delirium nnd thnt "Juniata," "The Lnst Roso of Summer" nnd n number of other soft phrased melodies sent pnln racked Invalids into soothing, bcnllng slumber. In tho courso of tho experimentation Dr. Conwcll nnd tho physicians discov ered thnt n number of songs produced Injurious effects upon tho patients. Among thcso disturbing tunes wcro many hymns. "Abldo With Mc." "Pie ycllo's Hymn," "Heboid n Stranger at tho Door" nnd "In tho Hour of Trlnl" wcro distinctly unfavornblo In their re sults. "Hen Holt," "Tho Stnr Spnngled Ranner" nnd the dead mntch from "Saul" produced tho worst effects of all tho tunes. CLEANING WITH MILK. How to Uio tho Leftover Contents of the Pitcher. It .seems cruel Irony to clean Iioiiho'i with milk when it Is so high even for thoso who wish to drink It, but sour nnd skim milk nnd buttermilk nro Just ns good for this purpose, so It Is not so cxpcnslvo us It sounds. Ruttorinllk Is tho best possible thing to clean linoleum nnd oilcloth. Just mop It up with n soft cloth nnd wntch the dirt taken off by tho application. About onco u week is often enough for tho cleaning. Kltlier skim or sour milk will mnko rubber plants grow. Wnsh tho leaves with n soft cloth In milk and water, sponging ench off carefully Insldo and out and pouring the remainder of your basin into tho ground of tho tub. Tho plant grows nnd thrives on It. Milk well rubbed into tho wood mnkes n good furniture polish also, keeping tho shiny surfaco in good con dition. You do not need frequent treatment. At housecleanlng tlmo is often enough. So hero nro threo ways nt least of using tho leftover nnd spoiled con tents of tho milk pitcher. How to Freshen Ribbon. Now is tho time to got tho family trcasuro box down from Its place on tho closet shelf nnd tnko an account of our stock of ribbons nnd laces and other tidbits which come In handy for trimming tho children's school bats or adding u fow touches to our own lnst yenrs chapeau. Many of tho old ribbons may bo used to very great advantage if they nro properly fresh ened. Wash tho ribbon in warm soapy water. Do not rub tho soap on tho ribbon, but rinse tho ribbon In clear warm water and then roll It round u ulass bottle which lias been covered with a soft limine!. Tho gloss nnd pretty finish of tho ribbon will bo spoiled If it Is pressed with the warm iron. The drying over tho glass bottlo will mako It look almost as good ns new. How to Press With Paper. When you nro nbout to press n pleco of silk or of ribbon, to make an uu qunlllled success of it place a pleco of slightly dampened wrapping paper over it before Ironing. Tho pnpor Is something that Is always on hand. Thereforo It Is not much trouble for you to do this, nnd when you see tho result of your experiment, no vestlgo of lint on your Ironed piece, a nowlsh EtltTucss to the fabric and a perfect ploss, you will nover depart from this rulo. How to Make Buttonholes Strona. To mako tho buttonholes strong In children's clothes work over ordinary soft wrapping string. Hold It on the inside as near tho edgo ns posslblo nnd it will not show when tho buttonbolo is finished. How to $have Easily, A razor will cut moro rendily If It is dipped lu hot water just before it is used. HOW TO CARE FOR SILVER. Too Much Ocourlns Will Wear Out Plate nnd Means Netdless Work. While all honiemnkers take genuine pride In the handsome nppearnnce of their table sliver, many llnd the euro of It a burden and give themselves nn unnecessary amount of labor over It. The weekly cleaning, which Is a bug bear to many housewives. Is not only needless, but it real harm, since con stant scoiirlni; will soon wear off sil ver plate and has an appreciable ef fect even upon solid sliver. To avoid this It is hoped that the following hints may prove helpful to some house keepers: silver In tlnllv use should be washed as soon ns possible after leaving the tnble. following Immediately nfter tho glasses In the process of dlsuwnshlng. After n preliminary rinsing to remove loose food lay aside nny stnlncd pieces for future enro nnd Immerse tho rest In a pan of clean, hot. soapy water. Wash such pieces ns need It with n soft cloth nnd place them nil In nnotli or pnn of hot wntcr to which n tnble spoonful of nmmonln nnd a dash of soap have been ndded. Wipe tho pieces directly from this wnter with out drnlnlng them. Plenty of dry. soft towels nro required. Follow this by a rub with cbnmols skin or soft flannel, rubbing briskly, but not heavily enough to bend the handles. Take the stained pieces next. Egg stains are removed with wet snlt. oth ers with whiting moistened with nlco hoi or nmnioiiia. After nil stnlns hnvo been removed wnsh nnd polish pieces ns nbove. Two coarse, wide mouthed pitchers will bo found n convenience In wnshlng silver. Soap should never bo rubbed directly on tho silver, but n strong suds should be mndo with tho sonp shnker. This program may seem somewhat elaborate nt first, but If per slsted In It enslly becomes n habit, and the result Is much moro thnn worth tho trouble. For tho grand denning chooso n clear, dry dny. Provide yourself with n convenient tnblo covered with oil cloth or papers. Have whiting, sifted three times. In a dish before you, n small bottle of alcohol, one of nm monln. a soft brush, flannel nnd cot ton rags, chamois skin nnd plenty of tlssuo paper. IJcgln with tho small pieces nnd sep nrato tho sets. For tho most part n rub with n cloth dipped first In nlcohol. then in whiting, will bo all that Is need ed to clean, but If tho nrticles nro much stained mako n pasto of tho whiting nnd nlcohol nnd npply thickly, allowing It to dry on. After this clean ing rub nil tho nrticles llrst with old llnnnel, then with chamois, using the brush to remove tho whiting from the ornamental work. In case thoro nro obstinate stains which do not yield to this trentment a competent authority ndvises touching them with oxalic ncld. wnshlng It off Immedlntely nnd then rubbing ngnln with tho whiting nnd nlcohol. Oxalic ncld 1h n poison, nnd nil duo precautions must bo ob served In Its use. If tho spot looks dull nfter tho add has been used rub It hard with a flannel nig moistened with sweet oil nnd dry whiting. After everything is shining nnd clean nil that which Is not in dally uso should bo put nway In ennton flannel bags, onch contnlnlng a small bit of camphor gum. It Is nn ndded pro tection nlso If ench pleco is previously well wrnpped in whlto tlssuo paper. Parallln paper Ih excellent for wrap ping, ns It helps to excludo gns. which is tho greatest household agent, cither coal or illuminating gas, In tnrntshlng silver. This thorough cleaning should not hnvo to be dono oftener thnn onco or twice n ye.r If tho pieces to bo put nwny nro properly protected nnd tho dally caro outlined nbovo Is bestowed upon nil the nrticles in dally use. How to Clean Bagdad Run. It Is very dltlleult to wash n Ilagdnd couch cover or rug successfully. Tho colors me almost sure to run when treated In tho ordinary way. Heforo beginning operations separate tho strips. Then wash each one lu n sep arate water. Use whlto soap and luko warm water to which a little salt has been added after a suds has been rais ed by brisk stirring. Do not rub tho strips on n wiishboard. but merely dip them Into tho water nnd stir them briskly, then quickly rinse them and hang them over a tiotbeshorso In tho kitchen nwuy from the sunlight. Ho careful when drying Hint the strips do not overlap. When almost dry press out the wrinkles with a hot Iron. If tho middle strips have become slightly worn exchange them with those on the outside when sewing tho cover togeth er again. How to Cook Pumpkin. The beht way to cook u pumpkin u to set it In u tin and then place it di rectly In tho oven without nny other preliminary treatment than a light washing with a wet vegetable brush. Hake It for an hour or more, according to tho size of the pumpkin. When it Is done open the steam end nnd re move the seeds. The liml will peel off as though It were to much paper. As n tlmo nnd troublo saver there is no better way to cook a pumpkin. How to Have Pins Handy. A pincushion on tho wrist Is a con venience to the small dressmaker. It should be a small, soft cushion, at tached to an elastic band Just snug enough to wear on tho left wrist. No stopping of work Is then necessary to look for a pin. How to Renovate Scratched Paint. To remove scratches on paint mudo by scratching matches rub with a cut lemon. HOW TO MAKE A RIFLE FIT. Havo tho Tnnos on the Framo Bent Down to Get the Rlnht Drop. Compare the rllle and the shotgun belonging to the same man and you will almost Invariably llnd the rllle has much less drop of stock than has the gun. This Is due to the rllle makers not wanting to carry n large assort ment of rllles fitted with stocks of dif ferent shapes, perhaps following tho Idea most people have thnt it sholgun must lit, but any old rllle Is good enough. And thnt Is whnt most of them get. rays a correspondent of Recreation; nlso If you'll wntch the owner handle the gun and tho rllle you'll And thoro Is a big difference. With the gun built for him ho keeps his head up nnd his eye on tho target. With the rllle ho puts his head down nnd hunts for tho sights nnd even then complnlns of overshooting. It doesn't occur to him thnt this Is due to tho too high modem front sight nnd the too straight stock. There is ono way to remedy this latter dllllculty without giving up your Inst cent to have a special stock built for you. Simply hnvo tho tangs on the rllle frame bent down until you have the drop that yon want 1. e., the ono that brings tho sights In line so that you wouldn't be bothered whero you wouldn't sco tho sights, but could sco the outline of the game. I have had this dono on several of my lilies. It cost something less thnn $1, nnd lnst fall every guldo nnd nn tlvo from New Ilrunswick to the Smokies thnt saw nnd handled tny 38-55 II. V. wanted It. They nil spoke of the way tho sights aligned, but they didn't know why they did. I be llovo It will pay any hunter who Is troubled with overshooting to look into tho mntter nnd see if ho can hnvo his rillo altered in this wny. HOW TO LEARN TO FLY. Several Schools of Aviation Hava Been Started In Europe. Whero can I buy nn ncroplnnc. nnd whnt will it cost mc? Now mnchlnes cost from J.1,000 to $7,WK). nlthough tho Snntos-Dumont Dcmolscllo can bo bought for $1,200. In Importing mnchlnes Into this coun try there nro cxtrn chnrges, duty, freight, etc., which nmount to CO per cent of the orlglnnl cost. So much for tho machine. Rut this is not nil. You must bo pre pared to tnko lessons In flying nnd spend ns much tlmo ns mny bo neces sary to become proficient. Mr. Far man has said thnt the aeroplane break ago made by tho nverngo mini In learn Ing to fly nmounts to nearly $2,000 nnd thnt to nvold dangers nnd to pre vent accidents n mnn should hnvo nt least sixty trips In tho nlr under the instruction of u competent teacher bo fore he dikes control of tho machine himself. . Regulnr schools havo been establish, ed abroad nt Chalons, Pan, Rue, Etnmpes. Mourmolon. Lyons. Juvlsy. Issy nnd Mou-oti. Hundreds of flights nro being mndo every week. HOW TO KEEP HAIR IN CURL. Ono Woman's Wny, by Which Sho Can Defy Fog, Mist and Rain. Most women ngreo with the ancients In thinking that thoso whom tho gods lovo havo curly hair, nnd It Is per baps becnuso they want to seem to bo favorites of tho gods thnt so many women curl their hair artificially. The fog, tho mist nnd tho rain nro then looked upon ns tho evil genii of nature. Tho women who hnvo found n wny to combat these unkind Influences by keeping their hair In curl even during .Innip. humid weather aro frequently regnrded with envy. Yet to do so, snys n woman whoso naturally straight locks never conio out of curl, Is a slm plo mntter. This woman keeps on her dressing tnble In nn nlr tight Jnr the whlto of nn egg, diluted with wnter to threo times Its bulk. Then nt night, prepara tory to curling, sho pnsses n comb saturated with this mlxturo through Its length. As soon ns this Is dono ench strand Is twisted tightly like n cord and wrapped around u curling kid. recipe cures weak kid. XKYS, FREE Relieves Vrlnary and Kidney Trou bles, Rnckache, Straining, Swelling, Etc. Stops l'aln lit tho Illndder, Kidneys and Rack. Wouldn't it bo nlco withUi a week oi so to begin to say goodbyo forover to tho scalding, dribbling, straining, or too frequent passngo of urine; tho forehead, nnd tho bacK-or-the-hcad aches; tho stitches nnd palna in tho back; tho growing musclo weakness; spots boforo tho oyes; yellow skin: sluggish bowols; swollen oyolids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and tho despon dency? 1 hnvo a reclpto for thcso troubles that you can dopond on, and it you want to mnke a quick recovery, you aught to wrlto nnd get n copy of it. Mnny n doctor would chnrgo you $3.50 Just for writing this prescrip tion, but I have It and will bo glad to send it to you ontlroly freo. Just drop mo a lino llko this; Dr. A. E. Robinson. K-1491 Luck Building, Detroit, Mich., nnd I will send it by roturn mail in a plalu envelope. As you will sco when j-ju got it, this reclpo contains only pure, harniloss remedies, but It has great henllng nnd pnln-conquoring power. It will quickly show its power onco you uso it, so I think you bad bettor seo what it Is without delay, I will send you a copy freo you can uso it nnd euro yourself at homo. 1911 Ford Touring Car The Ford motto is high priced quality In n low priced car. A fully equipped S-passcnger touring car Including top, wind shield, mngncts, gas nnd oil lamps, speedometer, nnd horn. Delivered nny plnco In Coos County for ?SS0.00. For catalog nnd full Information address F. S. SLAGLE, COQUILLE, OREGON, DlMi-Unitlng Agent, Coos County. Garden Tools WK HAVE A COMPLETE LINE INCLUDING SOME FINK Florist Sets Just Received COMB IN AND GET A LITTLE Shovel nnd hoo for that flower bed. Also hoes, rnkea nnd eve rything needed for tho vegetable garden. 4& r 1 0A&& (oSeSk . coos w.oecM. ii K CU JPc?lWD in Tho past has proven thnt investments cities aro tho most profitable. The C. Bruschko, Marshflold, Oro, frw wip Wa acavEy&J . M Apr ,f SATE JN?P W.J& vt.iusr y s- st' s "THE FRIF.NR OF COOS RAY" STEAMER ALLIANCE Connecting with tho orth Dank road nt Portland EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Will sail from Portland for Coob Day nt S P. M., Wednesday, Feb. S, leaving Coos Ray for Eurekn, Snturdny, Fob. 1 1. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. C. P. McGEOHGE, Agent STEAMER BREAKWATER Snils from Alnswortli Dock, Portland, at 8 P. 5 every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Ray every Saturday at service of Udo. Reservations will not bo held Inter than Friday uoon, unless tickets nre purchased. L. H. KEATING, AGENT THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo 'SS? ,v"" Will make regular trips carrying passengers both ways and freight lietween Coos Ray and San Francisco. All reservations forpassengers inado at Alliance Dock, Mundillelil and Inter-Ocean Transp Co Union Street Wharf No. a, Sun Francisco. For Information, 'phone tl-J or J285. Will sail from Mnrshfleld for San Francisco Sat uitlay, February 11, nt 0 A. M. 1XTKK.OCEAX TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Times Want Ads Bring Results en BWARE. 3 '' ' '' ''I ' ' COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS J!s A6aiTS, COAL . COLONIZATION. JAM FAM. FRVFT, MNEM1 iMBE&UlWS. OXSMZM or INDUSTRIAL cmPAtfllS A SPZCIAITYSO in Bmnll ncro tracts nenr growing D. R. S. has buch to offer. Chas. J. PHONE MAIN 35-L GET A GOOD START IN jgjj Ry buying your furniture, ant! household furnlshlngB and llxtineH tight. And to got tho right goods nt tho right prices you should Bo to C. A. Johnson, Oldest Established Futniturj Store On Coos liny. --m--::-m-m-ii-m-m-h... , .-- i You Can Lower IIig i.. r i . n t High Cost of Livine K I tt I n i i h i a ;; By Buying Your Meats AT THE ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET TIU IT AND SEE GOOD MEATS AT Ronsonnblo Prices PHONE 82-J Geo. W. Kins l'iiurjiiETon & GOW Will RUILDING, MARSHFIELD i K-tt-tt-tt-H -n-tt-tt-n-w-tt-8-H: LADD, HUNT and Co. CONTRACTORS AND RUILDEIIS. All hinds of repairs nnd shop work promptly attended to and neatly dour. Phono 1C1X. OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos ilr.y Oil and Supply Company under tho iuanagemoat ot J. W. Flanagan will contlnuo to ban dlo tho Union Oil Company's e'to lino, distillate, bcnzlno and coal oil nt tholr oil house across tho Day ta which placo they hnvo moved tliilr ofllco. Phone 302. Eloctrlc lamps suited for every purpose For tho homo, Offlw, Launches, Automobllo, Miniature Flash Light Colored Lamps for dec oratlvo purposes for salo or rent. Opon until C:30 o'clock week days; Saturday until 9:00 P. M. Phono your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo have Becured tho livory busi ness of L. H. Holsner nnd nro pre pared to ronder excellent service to the people of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good riga and everything; thnt will mean satisfactory service to the public. Phono ua tor a driving horse, a rig or anything needed la tho livery line. Wo also do trucking business of all kinds. RLANOTIARD DROTIIERS. Livery, Peed and Sales Service. 11 First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J I hnvo Rnmn nf tYin nrnttlest VSlen tines at tho most reasonable P'lc over seen on the Bay. And remem- bor that I always havo tho latest H of postal cards. AUGUST FR1ZEEN. CS Central Avo. Marshfleld, Ore- FOR GOOD AVORK Drlnir vnnr iinihoi tn im nipnnlnS' pressing and repairing a special'" fiy experienced men. Satlsfacu guaranteed RLANCIIARD & P00" SON, South Hroadway. iK s -in. . "" '-" -'-"dlMilllirf iEiliiMrfii