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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 5 .. i : Oranges SWEET Oranges Are CHEAP Now Is the Time To Enjoy Them HOLD BANQUET RETRACTS HIS 1KB EVENING1 STATEMENTS Bell Invented the Telephone But We Deliver the Goods. "HUSY CORNER" Buying from tho "Husy Corner" by phono Is snfo find satisfac tory. IMcaso don't do without drug Btoro Biipplles bocauso you can't como for thoin. You aro apt, at any time, to need something In drug store goods. Tho need may ho urgent. Perhaps you can't como In porson. No messenger may ho at hand. It doesn't matter Just step to tho phono and call 21)8 "Husy Corner", tell us what Is wanted, wo will send It promptly. THE GOODS AND THE SERVICE WILL BE RIGHT; AND THE PRICE, TOO, will ho Just tho Bamo as though you camo to tho storo as low as can bo had anywhoro for goods of equal quality. If you wish, our mosBongcr will tnko an assortment of any desired nrtlclo for you to chooso from 11 called for and del ivered without delay. Our tnlophono and Free Delivery service provides n prompt, safo nnd easy way to buy drug store supplies. Don't hesltato to call us because you aro not a regihir cus tomer This service Is for everybody. "tiik iu'sv corner." lA'iiillug Drug Store In Coos County. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Marshfield Republican Club Will Observe Lincoln's Birthday. I'liuis. for the Lincoln banquet at Tho Chandlor hotel this evening wero completed today by tho Marsh llold republican Club nnd there promises to bo a largo attendance of representative members of the party from all over Coos county. Fit ting decorations to commemorate tho greatest of republican leadeis bavo been arranged. The program of toasts Includes tho following: "Tho Republican Party In Ore gon" Hon. J. S. Coke. "Politics In Business" J. V. Smcaton. "Party Organization" Ch. B. Sel by. "Buncombe" A. S. Hammond. "Lincoln Republicanism" C. I.' Uclgard. QUIET OX THIS SIDE. l t'sxxi u sJi v itiiri iT'i t&. j SftBK?w roil SALE Thoroughbred Jersey cow 70. Apply Entorprlso Meat Market, Phone 52-.I. LOST Between Ferndnlo mifl pub lic library on 'Broadway, pair spectacles In chbo. Return to D. Ferguson's wnrehouso nnd re ceive reward. LOST Suit rase marked Mr. C. A. Jensen, North Inlet, on Mnrshfleld wharf. Howard for return to Mrs. John Bear. Tho Names of Moses. Moses of Scriptural fame Is called by eight different names In various places In tho Bible. Batbla, tho daugh ter of Pharaoh, called him Moses be cause she drew him out of tho water. Jochebed, his mother, called him Jeku thiol, saying, "I had hoped for him." Miriam, his sister, called him Jurod because sho had descended after him Into tho water to sco what bis end would be. Aaron called his brother Abl Xuiiuch because his father had de serted their mother. Amram, tho fa ther of Moses, called the hoy Cluibnr because bo was again reunited to tho mother of the lad. Kchatb, tho grand. father of Moses, called him Ablgdor because f!od had repaired tho breach In the house of Jacob. The nurse of tho grandfather of Moses called him Abl Rocho because ho was onco bid den three months In the Tabernacle. All Israel called him Shcumlah be cause "In his days Ood heard their cries and rescued them from their oppressors." Xo Activity or Mexicans In 1'nltcd Slates. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. I). C, Fob. 11. No activity of Mexican insurrectos on American side has been discov ered by tho United States troops pa trolling tho Texas frontier. IS HAItl) OX BOOZE. Kansas Supreme Court Gives Liquor Men Hard Jolt. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TOPEKA, Kas., Feb. 11. Tho Kansas Supremo Court today held tho now liquor law constitutional. Tho law prohibits tho sale of liquor for medical or mechanical purposes. It) It SALE One young thorough bred Jersey bull. Enquire Entor prlco Moat Markot, Phono 52-J. WANTED Strong woman or girl to caro for oldorly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. Songstackcn. I'Olt SALE 77J5iicivs on Coosltlver 'i'i iuIIch north of Allegany, now bungalow and barn all fenced, 20 Dot and Trouneau. ncrcs bottom land, lino for pota- Dealing with the weaknesses of nc- toes. Spring wntor piped to Um "0I,M ",lmI or mei. I'nrl i .. i .o nn -m i contemporary relates a good story of house. Prlco $2,000. $1,750 cash ,,w,ork.k Lemnllro. ,0 celebrated ac- will handle. Address C. M. Dotitt, tor. who wan somewhat parsimonious. Allegany, Ore. J vv hen his daughter was about to marry, Lemaltro agreed to jirovido tho "dot" and tho trousseau. "Dot," It tuny bo observed, Is the French equiv alent for the English "dower" or Scot tish "tocher." When tho notary camo to complete tho contract nnd was reading tho terms Lemaltro said: "Tho daughter of Frederick Lemaltro has not need of n dot. M. Lo Notalre, strike out tho dot." I'OR SALE Thoroughbred brown Tho prospective son-in-law was pros Leghorn and Rhode Island Red cut, and ho had tho eourago to reply: oggs $1.00 per setting of 15. Box "The daughter of Frederick Lemaltro 1 5H, Marshflold. I'Olt SAL15 Bankrupt Millinery stock. Must bo sold nt onco. En quire of Oregon Trust Co., In First National Bank building, North Bend, Orogon. can easily clothe herself with tho fame of her father. M. I.e Notalre, pray strike out the trousseau." How to Clean Bamboo. Now that Immhoo furniture Is used so universally a suggestion about cleaning It may not go unnoticed. This l cleaiihlug should ho done with soap ' " nun warm water to wnicii salt uas (.001) HOME For children under Uewi ucUlotl. And the mixture must bo fcvon yonrs Coos Rlvor. old. Phono 3039, put on with a brush and then wiped 1 off with clean rags until the article Is dry nnd glistens. Ordinary laundry j WUTED Plain nnd children's sew- B0H "ill remove tho natural gloss of i lag by day. Call 210 N -1th St. . mA ,CaV U """ " M l- "0t added. . l . FIRST CLASS PLUMBER Wants j How to Clean With Gasoline, position In Marshflold. Address J If you do not want to make rings on Joo Boholm, Raymond, Wash. I mnterlnl cleaned with gasoline nni h ' tha or other cleansing tlulds, put blot- " 7 " i ting paper underneath or hold tho fab- UlingalOW, , ,.H,P HirliHi- mw n think 'I'ml.-lsli ' mon1 tt iili1ik.1 mnltS rt stlnwktiiwtlrt t li lit t It VI Ul UJtlVl Ml0 I't LltUVOV.V.tVI II u FOR SALE Xlne-rooni cheap. Easy terms, apply P. O Box, 4SG Marshflold. FOR SALE S. C. R. I. Red eggs $1 per 15, special rato per 100. Ad dress Mrs. J. II. Prlco, Allegany. SHUMAX PIANO FOR SALE Al- most now, oxcellont tono. Ownor leaving city. Phono 187X; P.O. Box 719. WAXTEI) Girl for general house work. Apply C. L. Pennock, 10G9 Contral ave., West. other soft material. If this Is neglect ed the dirty fluid soaks Into the mate rial, falls to bo absorbed and spread.! badly. How to Make Scallops. There Is an Important point In : gnrd to making scallops. That Is, ufuir tho scallop is made and cut out go over it again with a tiny buttnuho.d stitch. This prevents fraying and give body nnd flnlsh to tho scnllop. DOX'T "forgot "that" 30 " OT. COF- 'FEE at tho AXOXA GROCERY. FOR SALE Tlireo homestead relin quishments, wrlto Box 253 Co qulllo, Oregon. WAXTEI) A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Mat son, 893 Central avenue. FOR RENT Furnished apartment In O'Connell building. Phono No. 113-L. HOW ABOUT YOUR HARNESS? Spring work will soon commence nnd you will need elthor n now har ness or tho old one repaired. That's my business. I guarantee both my work and my harness. I also guar antee that tho price will bo as low or lower than you can get elsewhere for the samo quality. Como ani seo mo at tho little corner shop near the water front on Front street, and let us talk It ovor. K. L. HOPBON. E BILL PASSED (Continued from pago 1.) Ing salary Assessor of Coos county Now bills Introduced In tho Houso Included: II. B. 3-1G, by Rnckloff Prohibit ing use of sink boats and othor de vices In shooting ducks and geese on cortnln streams. Bills killed by tho Senate were as follows: S. B. 154 By Calkins, Imposing a tax on mortgages boforo recording a similar bill being cxpocted to como ovor from tho house. S. B. .05 By Kollahor, establish ing ofllco of stato hotol Inspector and regulating conduct of hotels. S. B. 229, V Boan Relating to tho formation of drainage districts. S. B. 218, by Slnnott Prescrib ing qualifications for candidates for Judges of tho supremo court. Bills passed tho Senate as fol lows: S. B. 220, by Abraham Providing salary of County Judgo of Douglas county. S. B. 1G5. by Chase Providing salary of deputies for sheriff of Coos county. Tha Raco With the Ram. In Morocco the strange season of tho .Molinmmedau new year, beginning March t, Is generally called "Alt-el-Ilanwela." the tain feast. The people of Moroeo pay more elaborate niton t!ou to tho Item of huviiiivu Hum au.v other Modems. In every tovv;n a su I roino offering of n ram or he goat lakes place nt the door of tho princi pal mosque. Immediately after it Is struck by the olllclal imam In pres ence of the multitude it Is flung on the shoulder of a stalwart Moor, who, ex erting his utmost strength, runs like a door through the narrow streets, pur sued by a rabble. The poor animal Is pelted with stones by boys and Is Jeered nt with execrations from every house, as It Is reputed to be carrying tho sins of the people. The man rushes along with his burden till be reaches tho door of the cadi's palace. If the animal Is still breathing the augury Is excellent, for good luck Is to be expected all through tho year. But If tho ram Is dead all sorts of evil prognostications nro muttered. Cleveland Moffett and Hamp ton's Magazine Exonerate Standard Oil Co. The following self-explanatory statement concerning tho Standard Oil company's libel suit has been Issued: THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY'S LIBEL SUITS. In the matter of tho libel suits brought by the Standard Oil com pany for $250,000 damages against Hampton's Magazine nnd for $100. 000 damages ngnlnst Cleveland Mot fctt, the former, the publisher, and tho latter the writer, of nu nrtlclo In tho February Issue of tho maga zine, which defamed the company In connection with the sale of glucose and candy In Philadelphia, tho fol lowing retractions have been signed and nro Issued from the company's olllces nt No. 20 Broadway, New York. "Hnmpton Mngnzlno" CO West 35th St., Now York January 31, 1911. Standard Oil Company, 20 Broadway, Now York. Donr Sirs: In tho February Issue of Ramp- ton's Magazine, there was published an article, written by mo, entitled 'Cawddy nnd tho Food Poisoners." In that article I referred to tho In vestigation of Mr. Cassldy, with re spect to tho manufacture nnd sale of Impure candles In Philadelphia, nnd mndo tho statement that your Company manufactured and sold Impure material which went Into theso candles nnd Hint, when the various dealers wero arrested and lined, nt tho Instance of Mr. Cassl dy, your company pnld tho flues. Upon Investigation, I havo ascer tained thnt your company was In no way connected with tho transactions referred to nnd I hasten to rotract In the fullest mnnnor nil churgei, mndo against your company and to express my sluccro regret thnt 1 should have fallen Into this serious error. Yours truly, ' CLEVELAND MOFFETT. Standard Oil Company, Now York City. Dear Sirs: Referring to tho foregoing loiter of Mr. Clovolnnd Moffett to you, wo hog to stnto thnt wo aro convinced that Mr. Moffott was In error In his statements with roforenco to your company. Wo greatly rogrot that this error should have been mad?. It Is tho desire of Hampton's Ma'ga zlno to bo nccurnto nnd fair In all things. In our March number we will publish this letter and tho fore going lottor of Mr. Moffett. Yours truly, BEN J. B. HAMPTON, President Broadway Magazlno Inc. iMinc LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 1: 13 p. m.. Fob. 10. by Mrs. 15. MIurus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum. . , Minimum. . . O At -1 : 4 :i p. m.o Precipitation Wind Southwest: rainy. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Fob. 11. Occa- slonal rain or snow tonight nnd Sunday. Personal Notes 15. T. COF FELT of North Bond, was a Marshflold business visitor today. MRS. ALVA DOLL, who has been 111 of la grippe, Is roported Improving. MRS. A. C. GADKRNACHE Is re ported 111 of In grippe at her homo on South Marshflold. JOHN F. HALL returned last eve ning via Drain from Salem whoro ho has been on business. W. F. BOWRON of Ton Mllo, Is In Mnrshfleld today arranging to prove up on his homestead. MRS. R. O. GRAVES has been qutto lit of la grlppo at hor homo In West Marshflcld tho past week. Move to Rnudou. Win. Dungnn and wifo nro moving to Bnudon where Mr. Dungnn will make ' his headquarters henceforth. Injures Eye. Tom Hall Is nurs ing a very sore optic as u result of a splinter from sonic kindling pene trating th6 eyeball of his right eye tho other night. It camo mighty uenr destroying the slht of tho oti tic. Meets Wednesday. Tho Sisters of Bethnny will moot with Mrs. Frank Donning next Wednesday nft ornoon. It Is erroneously announc ed clsewhcro In today's paper that they nro to moot with Mrs. J. T. Ilarrlgnn. C. B. STALLARD was down from Dashncy's camp of tho Smith Powers Logging company today. I. S. SMITH Is reported qutto III to day. It was feared that ho was suffering from an attack of appendicitis. To Honolulu. Arno Moreen, gen eral superintendent of the C. A. Smith Lumber company, loft today on tho Nairn Smith to Join hls'fam- tly nt Bcrkolcy, Cal. He expects to sail with them soon for Honolulu whoro thoy will enjoy n short stny. C. SMALL, who has been visit ing his fnthor, D. W. Small, left tlita morning for hlo home In Montana. WM. WADE loft this morning for Portland whoro ho exports to buy n new automobile for tho Ros btirg stage route. MRS. 15. T. COFFELT and chlldroi of North Bond went up Coos R Iv or this morning for nu ovor-Sun-day visit at tho T. J. Coffolt homo. JOHN LAIRD of Bondon wn In Marshflold today cm routo to Alas ka on his Eighth annual trip to tho northern gold fields. Hum Big Chorus. Prof. 15. A. Todd, a former resident of Mnrsh fleld, In a lcttor to friends horo snys he Is now In, charge of tho choir of tho largest church In Los Augolcs, having sixty-three voices In tho choir. Ho also has a largo number of students In his private studio. Buys Auto. Dr. E. Mlugus has plocod an order with Geo. Goodrum for a thlrty-horso-powor roadster auto. It will probably reach here next week. Mr. Goodrum may nlso bring down n mnchlno on tho noxt Breakwater for himself. He left today for Portland on huslnoss and plcasuro and expects to return noxt weok. TAFT MAKES E TALKS I IS STILL MISSING. YALEXTIXE social DAXCE at Odd Fellows' hall XEXT MOXD.VY EVENING undor tho auspices of the Ladlos of tho Episcopal church. $1.00 SALE Lot $1.00 do tho work of $1.50 $1.75 and $2.00 nt tho LADIES EM PORIU.M beginning Monday, Fob 13. Fresh Prussian POULTRY TOXIC at RED CROSS Drug Store NOW IS tho TIME to give It. DOX'T FORGET tho VALENTINE social dance at Odd Fellows' hall next Monday evening. TRY THE . South Marshfield Grocery E. II. HARKEXSEL, Prop Good groceiios for right prices, prompt dollvery. To Introduce our goods, wo aro glviug away with every $10 worth of groceries purchased a Win. Rog ors silver tea spoon. All porsons re ceiving Jottors are ontltled to a spoon absolutely free. Como nnd call for snmo, It costs you nothing. Wo aro also handling tho Sterling Manufacturing Company's popular priced Jewelry. Come and Inspect our line you will be pleased. Phono (JO-J Cor. 10th & Klrod Ave IMPORTANT NOTICE. All persons Indebted to Pioneer Grocery Company aro hereby re quested to make prompt settlement of samo as It Is necessary to closo our books Immediately. By so doing you will savo costs of collection. Make payments to Israel Lando. II. E. BESSEY, Trustee. Dorothy Arnold's Lover Doesn't Know Her Whereabouts. (By Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) ATLANTIC CITY, Fob.. 11. Goorgo S. Grlscom, Jr., who has had much notorloty In connection with tho dlsnppoaranco of Miss Dorothy Arnold, declared this afternoon that ho hoped to marry Miss Arnold, He bolloves tho young woman Is alive hut states positively ho does not know hor whorenbouts. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. 111., Fob. 11. Mny wheat. 92 7-Sc; July, 91 5-Sc; Sop tonibor, 90 5-Sc. Tnko your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Special menu. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHOXE. Tako Week's HRKAK-UP-A-COLR Tablets for LA GRIPPE nt RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Artists' supplies at Walker Studio President Continues Trip to Boost Reciprocity Treaty With Canada. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) CHAMPAIGN, 111., Fob. 11 Pres ident Toft after an all night run from Columbus arrived horo today anl started In his second day of specch-mnklng In support propoood of tho reciprocity troaty with Can ada. "Wo shall bo blind, Indoed," said Tnft, "If wo rojoct this golden op portunity to add to tho strength and virility of our country by thus Increasing our self supporting capacity." INVENTS GAS BUOY. Cnptalu Mucgcuu Rays Ho Has Over come Tidal Troubles. PORTLAND, Oro., Feb. 11. To nfllx a rudder to n gas buoy that tin buoy mny bo hold pnrallol to tho curront at all times, whllo the re ceiver or Illuminating apparatus ro mnlns porpondlcular undor nil con ditions suspondod from n universal Joint, Is n dovlco porfectod by Cap tain T. J. Macgonn, master of tho stoamor Broakwator. Captain Mac gonn says his Invontlon will revolu tionize tho prosont mothods employ ed In gas-buoy construction. A cop por -model has boon completed by tho mochnnlcal forco of tho O.-W.-R. & N., and nu application for a pat ent has boon forwarded to Washing ton by W. II. Lltzonborg of tho lognl dopartmont of tho systom, Happy thought got theso pic tures frnmod right uwny at Walker Studio. First Aid to the Doctor Tho Doctor first, of course, In sickness or Injury, but a drug store capable of supplying him with drugs, modlclnes nnd sick room goods Is also u prime requisite. You novor need this drug storo more than when serious sickness comos tho in oro critical tho illness tho greator tho need. Tho Doctor flrst, tho prescrip tion to us, wo do tho rest. BROWN DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Our Now Storo, 71 Market Avenue, Coos Building, il