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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Valentines 1r Up old tho oting. the It.I.InT and from tli ci'iit up ROOll Finest Line on f Bay Coos Wo cnn snvo you monoy on nny article In tho Iioiibo. Trade lit ' 1 Save Money. 030S5 BAY ASH STORE (1F.O. X. HOLT, - - Manager. Front Street, Mnrshlleld. Pie Time Here generally sees n lot or pcoplo wnltlng for 0110 or moro of our famous pics hot from tho oven. Mnny iluclnro that "mother never baked pies ti8 BOOtl." Fresh Fruit (lie freHlicst of oggB and milk, and all other materials equal ly as good, with tho "know how," are what nmko our pies a dream of delight. ONE OF OUIl CAKES will add tho Until touch of goodness to tho SUNDAY DINNER Coos Bay Bakery PHONE 111-h Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal 81.50. Nut coal 83.00. Wo do all kinds of hauling, and contrnctlnB. Horses and vehicles for salo. For quick dollvory call on L. H. HEISNER or phonn ,10-J or,i9-L. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono aim. Good Evening HAVK VOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this U MB laundry whero you got tho best work, and prlcos aro In ovory ono' roncli. Call up and ouo of tho drlv- rs will call and explain nil details l you. All telephone calls aro quick!) nttendou to, becauso wo aro runnlug wo wagons. Ol'lt GUARANTEE IS VOUIt SAT ISFAOTION. MAHSHFIELR HAND AND ST ISAM LAUNDItt'. lOnnzey Hros., 'ri Phone 220-J. Owing to n recont Increnso In supply 1 can sono n fow moro customers with Pure Rich .'Jersey Milk Dlicet from my Dairy, Clean nnd Sanitary for only 37U Cents Pep Gallon Only a limited amount nnd dellvory must bo inndo In tho evening. Addross Mrs. D. Hnynes, P.O. Dox 3G5, Mnrshflold LIMY COAL I have secured tho last two months' rn of tho high grade coal from the old Llbby mlno nnd nm able to soil nnd dollvor it now for $5 PER TON, Send In your orders at once. Orders promptly filled. Remember I am still giving the best livery service possible. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEUD STAHLKS PHONE 27.1-J. FAMILY nOTEIi TUB LLOYD MARSHPIELD'S POPULAR Hates leduced to: Day 50c, 75c and ?1.00; week J2.00 to ?5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS Fl. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. CATALOG HEADY TO MAIL Tim lending Scad Cotntog of thaWeit Lilly' Catalog Your 1011 crop deptndi on GOOD end for thli Catalog nnd net Ilia belt. Writo now to lha CHAS. H.LILLY CO., Seattle, Wn. Masonic Theater ew nay For SATL'ltDAY EVE. 'Pierre of the Plains' A Gripping Tale of tho Canadian Northwest. Roscrvo tickets at 'TIIK ltfSY CORNER" 100 trap Nested iiarkkd PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Our inntltiBs hnvo produced stand-rd-brod specimens of exhibition uallty with rccordH of 2-12, 227, 222 ggs In 3GG days, aby Chirks and Egg for llutchliiit Rook your ordors now for spring delivery. A fow cockerels from envy laying stock for $5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Yards FRED. RACHMAN, Prop. rnrxbrtfltl, Hoy 185, Phone 1!K8 SEED FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS B AY Capital fully pnid $100,000.00 "V. S. Chandler, President; M. C. .TTorton, Vice-President; Dorscy Kreitzer, Cashier. Ray T. Kaufman, Asst. Cashior DIltECTOliS: "V. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, W. U. Douglas, John P. Hall, Win. Grimes, P. S. Dow, S. C. Rogers, "W. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on timo and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes for rent in our steel lined lire and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan (Sb Bennott Dank of Marshfield, Oregon Olilcut Hank In Cons County, Established in 1HHI). v Pu (I up Capital, Surplus, mid Undivided Profits over $100,OUU. AMetN Over Half Million Do Inrs. Poi'3 n gonornl bnnklng business nnd draws drafts on tho Dan of California, San Francisco, Cnl.; Hnnover National Hank, N. Y.; Firs' NatlonnI Rank, Portland, Oro.; First National Rank, Row burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Rnnk, Ltd., London, England. Also soils exchango on nil of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: .7. W. DENNETT, President. .1. H. FLANAGAN, V.-Pros. 11. F. WILLIAMS, C.ihhler. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, .Ust. Cash. INTEREST P1D ON TIME DEPOSITS. Pacific and mm I M Ma. WpUji.J.liM ' kj " All kinds ol monumental work promptly and artisticall) ese cuted. Call at our workc on South Rroadway. Beaver MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMJ3NT. Tho best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Drlck and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH RROADWAY, PHONE 201. HOME LAND Co. Seo ue for Investments on Coos Day. We guarantee owner's price to bo our price, rhone 74Ij. 304 Front St. LIFE. When all Is done, human life K at the greatest and the best, hut like u frownrd child that must be plaed with and hu mored a little to keep it quiet till It full nleep. ami then tint etie It over. -Sir Wllllnm Tout I'le. It mitt tern not how n mini dies, but how he liven. -P:mnitl John- 8.11. Dos; tlmti love lire? Then do not squander time, fur that Is the stuff life Is made of. Ren Jamhi Fiitnkllu. The winds nnd wave are nl ways on the Hide of the ablest navigators. Edward Gibbon. When her child Is in datiBor n wo man will rlak her life to protect It. No Brent act of heroism or risk of life Is necessary to protect n child from croup. Glvo Chamberlain' Cotish Remedy and all danger Is avoided. Tor sale by nil dealers. I'ltO.Ml Are made by us so thnt our patrons hnvo no trouble whatever in the hnndlliiB of their Lnundry work. Wo do tho very best work In tho neigh borhood for Gentlemen nnd Ladles and our careful methods receive tho highest prnlBo everywhere. Having exceptional facilities for doing llrst class work quickly we nro enabled to charge lower rates than usual. COOS HAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 5T-.L Monumental ' Building Works T DELIVERIES DAILY II. II, WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. Hill Coal Turkish BaLhs 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J STAY HOME AND HELP YOEJR TOWN It Is tho Duly of All to Do; What Wo Can, CITY HO PLiGE TO LIVE, Ovorcrowdod, Unhealthful Metropoli tan Centers Havo Little Room For Country Youth Your Own Town Ha Larjjer Prospects. y JAMES SCIIRCIDCR. Jr. As ono who lotnr In populous city pent, Where housed thick inul sewers uniioy tho nlr. From "I'nrnJIso Lost." It was ever thus and will no doubt ever be so-the city, where house thick nnd sewers nnnoy tho alrj where tho sun's rising nnd setting nro seen by few unless iiy chance; where the moon is forgotten, being undistin guished from thu dull glare of the electric lamps swinging nbove the street; where people nro confined In tenements and suinll roomed apart ments; where souls are huddled to gether, nil striving to Dent their neigh bors to n phantom goal-riches; where guileless wanderers entne from ufar nnd become lost In the iulro of failure. Or nay success Is nttnlned that Is. a numerate Huceotw, ror tuto In u hundred reatitos the topmost rung. Ik It worth striving forV Doesn't your own loui how moro ndvantages? The city is u fasi-lnatlng place. The height of uuiblllou of most of the people living outside the big cen ters of population seems to be to visit New York, Chicago or other large places. Visit them nil to your heart'n content, but don't mako your homo in one of them. A great city Is no place for the am bitious youth who wishes to become a power where ho lives. A clerk In a country store can do more with his salary than u manager of some of the stores In the city. The small town has advantages which you cnn see If you will, hut take your eyes off that mirage, the city. The duty of the uverngo youth lies in the town of his birth or adop tion. Instead of wanting to quit It yourself, you should try to induce city people to como nnd live with you. Show them where they cnn benellt by so doing. Help Increase the pop ulation of your town in this way. Toll them that you are a big family, not u lot of Htrangers to ono nnother. us they nre. Speak of the good times you Indulge in that the city people never enjoy. There are thousands of people cooped up In the cities who If they nre brought face to face with the beau ties of tho small town will como to you nnd help you grow. Ry tho recent census it was proved that In Missouri wherever a town showed n decrease In population It was duo to tho lack of good roads. This neglect will have a demoralising effect on any community. People who other wise would reach your town will uvold It If tho roads nro In poor condition. Some of your own peoplo will pack up after uvhllondoavo In disgust, " sumo migut no sunt ir tno town Itself presents. n slovenly uppearaneo. or If It shows a luck of civic pride. Rut the place that shines out in civic Improvement, whoso streets and roads show that the people aro up and do ing, will bo tho gainer by Its neighbor's neglect. To Build Beautiful Market. In Oleii Ridge, N. J., n vlllngo mar ket, n unique nnd pretty feature of modern suburban Improvement, is to be erected nt the corner of Rloomlleld uvenuo and Herman street. It Is part of n general plan for tho beautlflcntlou of the borough and protection ngalnst tho ere ilon of unsightly structures. Tho main building will havo six stores, each 21 by 40 feet, with olllces on tho second door, u suit having nl ready been referred for borough nfll clals and the borough council chamber. The lnilldliiBs will he of light brick and 1mv a id tile roof. Tho stores will be In an arcade. The borough of Glen KUbc h now without a blng!. store, not oven n drug store Iwlng In cnted within the limits of the iniiiilcl polity of over 3,000 Inhabitants. Cities Destroy. Cities nlwnys destroy; thoy never produce. The city sits llko a parasite on the face of tho country absorbing Its best. The country nlwnys con tributes to tho city, tho city never to tho country. Tho titles could not ex ist but for the country. We have de veloped the city civilization beyond that of tlto country. Professor Dalley. A Quick Thinking Advertiser. It happened In Topeku. Three cloth ing stores are on the bumo block. One morning tho middle promiotor saw to tho right oi' lilui a big bltu, "liankrupt Snle," uud to the luft, "Uuiiun' Out nt Cost." Tv.ent; Ui!uu;cs l..ter there up peared over his own door In large let ters, "Muln Entrance." Everybody's Magazine. I One Vay to Keep Trade. There Is none who has greater op portunity to make friends than the clerk In the store, and to him friends nro valuable. Never consider nny ono n bore who Is n customer of the place. It Is quite as easy to be good natured and smiling as to be short, crisp and frowning. AT THE CHURCH (Ministers and others nro request id to hand tho Sunday church no Ices not Inter thnn Friday evening to insure Insertion Saturday.) UNITED RRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH HEND. a) Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at C:30 P. M. Preaching service nt 11 A. M. and 7:.10 P. M., by tho pastor, Rev. Al bright. Subject for morning sermon is "Serving tho Lord" nnd tho subject for tho evening sermon Is "Peter's Penitence." H THE LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. J. Richard Olson, Pastor. 0:45 A. M. Sunday school (Eng lish). Services In Swedish nt 11 o'clock. At North Rend , Sunday school 10 A. M. . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. 1 Services will bo held In tho Chris tlan Science hall, 327 Third Btree north, Sunday at 11 n. ! Subject, "Soul." MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Mornn, Rector. 44 4 444444 Mass will bo eolobrnted in Mnrsh Ilold nt 8 nnd 10:30 o'clock Sundny morning, tho Rov. Father J. A. Mo ran celebrant. NORTH HEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Fnthor Springer, Rector. Mnss will bo eolobrnted at 8 and 10:00 o'clock, Sundny morning by tho very Rov. Father Springer. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHURCH. Rov. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector. S A. M. Holy Communion. 0:30 A. M. Sundny school. 11 A. M. Morning prayer sermon. 7:30 P. M. Evonlng prnyor sermon. Thoro will bo n sorvlco In nnd and St Luke's church, Empire, nt 3 o'clock, Sundny nftornoon. NORTH HEND PHESHY. a TERIAN CHURCH. Rov. D, A. Mac Leod, Mlnlstor. 10 A. M. Sunday school, 11 A. M. Preaching sorvlco. C:30 P. M. Chrlst'Hu Eudeavor. Preaching scrvlco at 7:C In tho ovonlng with special music. t 'All Btrangors in tho city nro ox tondod nn Invitation to all of theao sorvlcos. Tho subjoct for tho morning ser vlco is "Israel's Keepor." And tho ovonlng, "Homovlug Obstacles." CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A, O. Wnlkor, Minister. Pronohlng in tho morning and ovo nlng on tho second nnd fourth Sun day of onch month. Rlblo school nt 10 o'clock, Y. P. S. C. E. nt C;30 ovory Sun- dny. m FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH. Rov G. LoRoy Hall, Resldonco 592 Sixth street Phones t Residence, 25C-J. O Study, 289-L. 0 10 o'clock Sundny school, Alva Ma m waM mmi $100 Reward, $100 Tlie renders ct HiU iiHiRT WII la i1oum'1 to Irani Unit there U nt leiul fine, dremleil aUrsro tint science dan been utile to cure, In all It M'nei, anil ii,il U I'Htarnl. Hall' Catarrh Cure In tho only poMlnc cure nmv known to tla mtxllcul fraternity CaUrnt IicIiik aeon Mttutloiml ilUeaH', ri'Hitre n coiutltutloiinl treutment llall.s Catarrh curu U taken inter nal ), nctlne, directly upon thu blood and mil coiih mirlacen of tint )U'iii, thereby dentroilim the foundation of the dl.-ake. ami tihlnntlie la lent Mrmuth fn biilldlnx up thu constitu tion and Hi.letli'K nature In doln Itauork. 1 he proprietor hv to much faith In ft cur nlhe power that they utter Ono Hundred Pol lurt for any cae that It fall to cure. Bend fur l'l of testlmonla a. V. J.oriBNUY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all PriiKxlti. 7.V. Take Hall1 Family I'M lor comtfpatlon Doll, superintendent. 11 o'clock Worship. 3 o'clock Eastsldo scrvlco. 4 G:30 o'clock R. Y. P. U. J 7:30 o'clock Evening worship. Tho sermons series on tho Prodigal Son have begun. Tho second In tho series will bo delivered next Sunday evening. "The Wnndoror" Is tho to pic. Strangers fool nt homo hero. PRESHYTKRIAN CHURCH t Sunday school, 10 n. in. sharp. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 p. in. Preaching nt 11 a. in., and 7:30 m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rot. H. I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning scrvlco, 11 n. m, jspwortn 1-caguo, u:3Q p. Evening scrvlco nt 7:30. in. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS T. G. HUNCH, Mlnlstor. Seventh Day Advontlst scrvlco aro conducted every Saturday at tholr now church ns follows: Sabbath school nt 10 a, m. preach ing scrvlco 10:45 a. in. You nro cordlnlly invited to nttend. K NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. K L. RASMUSSEN, Pastor. K Sorvlcos Sunday morning at 10:4G. Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. In North Rend thcro will bo Bor vlces nt 2:30 p.m. NORTH REND METHODIST Rov. CHURCH. ALRERT S. IIISEY, Pastor Sunday school 10:00 a. in. Preaching 11:00 n, in. Junior League, 4:00 p. m. Epworth League, 7:30 p. rn. The One Dish Diet. A food specialist said of dieting: "The simplest, enslcHt mid most elll caclotiH diet to bring down the weight Is the one dlsli diet. At no mcnl, that is, should moro than ouo dish ho eaten. "The dish may bo what you will Irish stow, macaroni nnd cheese, roast beef, vegetable soup, bacon nnd eggs hut no courses nro to precede or fol low it. You may eat ns much ns you cliooso of tho dish, and yet for nil that you will lose weight steadily. "It's tho variety of dlshes-tho oys tcrs, soup, fish, turkey, mlnco pie, Ice crenm-lt's the vnrloty of dishes, em itting nn artificial nppotlto when tho body has really had all it requires, that causes corpulence If wo conllno ourselves to ono dish wo know when wo'vo had enough wo don't know oth erwise nnd tho result Is thnt wo soon drop down to tho sllmncss natural to children, animals and temperate nnd healthy men and women." He Started tho Trouble. Mrs, Johnson had begun to learn French nnd wns gleefully informing her husband of tho rapid progress she was making In her studies. "I'm ufrnld," remarked Johnson, "thnt you'll soon grow tired. I've known people tncklo a foreign tongue, expecting to know nil about It In a few weeks, but before they hnvo uwstorcd even the rudiments their enthusiasm has evaporated and they havo given up tho task as hopeless." "Oh, that's not tho caso with me," declared Mrs. Johnson confidently, "I um getting on splendidly, nnd Pro fessor Dubois says I shall soon begin to think In French." "Well." tho husband murmured, "I won't Interposo nny further objection, nnd I shall bo glad when you nre able to think In French. It will bo some thing you hnvo been unable to do in any other languago!" Twain's Most Quoted Witticism. Of all the witty things said or writ ten by Mark Twain no phrase has been itioted of tetter than his reply tonn uliirtulst report, "Rumor of my death greatly exaggerated," I think tho his tory of this boumot, says a corre spondent, may Interest. Mark Twain was on u lait to London soiuo years ago uud had teen secured as tho chief guest of u dinner to bo given by n lit erary club. On the morning of tho day when tho dinner wits to tnko place tho secretary was shocked to hear a ru mor that Mark Twttln had died sud denly. At his wits' end, bo sought to verify It by a diplomatic nolo to Mrs. Clemens, in which ho mentioned the rumor. Mark Twain got hold of tho note ttud telegraphed tho now famous reply, "Rumor of my death greatly ex aggerated." Tho Fleur-de-lle. The flour-do-lls, tho well kuown em blem of France, Is said to havo been brought from heaven by nn nugel to King Clovls, he having made u vow that If ho proved victorious In nn im pending battle with tho Alcmnnul near Cologne bo would cnibrnco Christian ity, It was tho national emblem until tho revolution of 17S0, when tho tri color (white, icd and blue) was adopt ed. Tho royalists in 1S71 tried to re store tho old emblem to tho Hag, but without success. Now York American. bVL A Um a.JUt