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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1910)
h"-i ) i ; THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY. OCfOBER 22. 1 -FVFNING EDITION. . I U, Tho Sisters of HE'f'HAXY will glvo a nromenndo COXCERT with amuse ment booth In tho ODD FELLOWS hnll on Hnllowo'on evo. u& 'J. h I fcd ( " II 'AiJ- a "IS MY HAT ON STRAIGHT?" m iiti i! i ,J :"( . ':. Hallowe'en Novelties on Iffifc iH9flEBiJUfl ww i mi i in in 7T7M n iipiatlmi aim i i wiiiiW I CONTRIHUTIONS concerning soclnl happenings, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later than C o'clock p. in. Erldny of each week. Exceptions will bo allowed only in cases whero events occur Inter than the tlino mentioned.) home. Thoro's n llttlo old liotiso on n ltttlo old street In a little old bit of a town Wharo tho honeysucklo Is breathing sweet, And nights ns tho sun goes down A childish trcblo Is raised In song That fits In the perfumed gloum; And, oh, tho days they are hot and long When 1 ntn uwny from home. Thero's a llttlo womnn whoso cheeks a ro red "With tho roses of days gono by And you would know by tho bonding head And tho red lips curving why That wheresoever his path may lead, How-fur In tho world ho fares, Tho man's heart turns when tho days recede To the woman and babes upstairs. There's a big soft placo In the dnd dy's heart That nchori when tho night comts down When tho woman ami ho aru'wholo miles apart, And far from the dear old town, lie knows thu bullion are by their bod With their mother nonr by, and then , Tho whisper comes from ouch curl head: "Hrlng daddy home safe, Amen." . ; " THE othor day I was talking with n llttlo wife. Sho was a happy llttlo woman, but sho wns de ploring tho fact Unit "her husband did not know u thing outside his bus iness!" "Why, do you know," she said, "ho Is tho most helpless crenturo Imaginable. Ho Just depends on mo to pavo every stop of tho way of his existence after ho leavos his work." "What did ho do beforo ho mot you?" 1 usrfod, knowing full well tnut bho really loved this need of her. "Ileavon only knows," she an swered. "Hut this I do know. Ho couldn't got on without me now." (Aud I know alio would bo miser able without him.) she went on to say, "1 have gotten so used to Boloctlng his socks and shirts, ties and things that It would bo queer if I hnd to stop. Everything about tho lioiiso is left entirely to me. Ho Is business nil over." "Hut how woli ho attends to that," I ventured. "No bottor In his lino, that Is suro," sho answered proudly. And when I suggested what u happy at tribute that was and that tho chunees were if ho had to think about all tho othor things, ho would not bo so protlclent In his work. "Oh, I am not complaining, my dear," sho uuswered, "only that It goes to show how a great big man can bo so mannish montally and physically, and yet must neods do pond so entirely on a wee woman. Ah, that Is whore wo got tho bal ance lu tho schoino of things, says Sophie Loob. How much moro to bo admired Is tho mauly man who doos not know anything about housekeeping or cannot oven Bolect his own shirts than one of these chlckon-hearted-trulllng-along wom anish varloty. Tako, for Instance, .Mr. Mosey. His poor Bpouso hasn't n minute's peace. Ho Is forever at her heels. If she bo making jellies, he Is right In tho kitchen with his usual stock of com ments. When she buys a new hat, ho must be right there to beo that that ehunteclor bird is put on just n certain way. Her dresbos. from mntorial to trimmings, must bear his mark of approval before they are purchased. Ho takos a leading purt In all tho llttlo follies and fancies of parti cular interest to wouiou. (How much happier must tho manly man's wlfo bo.) Ho Is a common variety, this wo manish mam Wo sec him evorV hv. He caros n6t for the sports of mend out prefers the things that appeal to the other sex. Ho Is always seek ing sympathy. His pearl handled penknlfo Is In a morocco enso nnd his watch In a chamois skin pouch. When ho Ismokos (which Is tho only so-called I mannish trait he possesses) he . doesn't oven smoko men cigars, but chooses the fcork-tlpp clgaretto vari- lety so ns not to soil the lndy-llko lips. I would lintiglno ho liked several Jvnrlotles of perfumes and Is tho fel low who forgets his ring ("don't you know") and has to go homo for It. No doubt ho Is fond of ton. He llkos to Join tho gossiping clans and (emulates tho busybody rnthcr than tho busy boo. Drothor dear, It Is a fine thing to bo n man, especially n manly man. Live up to It! Wo would much rather you didn't know tho first thing nbout ribbons and Inces and things, and actually show your ig norance nlong theso lines, thnn bo forever womanly in everything you do. At any rnto you would command moro respect from both your own and our sex. Tho nvorago womnn onJovs tho admiration, tho approval, the Inter est manifested by man lu things wo mnntsh, but, nftcr nil, sho admires most tho mnnly man. Knowledge of things within tho womun's renlm dots not necessitate man's being hlniNlf orfomlnnte. Have a llttlo thought of the (ltnoss of things. Exploit a ftfw fancies, If necessary, but dosorvo tho words: "A man's n man for n that, and a that, and n' that." .Mr. and Mrs. Norls Jensen havo rottiruod from a plonsant outing at tholr liousebont on Coos Itlvor. Mrs. Jensen succooded In landing some big Hull during her stay. PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho ulty, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices of social affairs, are gladly tecolvcd lu the social do-pattmo'K.- Tolopbouo 13:11. No tices of club meotlngs will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. .Mrs. Chns. U. Sclby returned this week from Oklahoma and I'hllndol- phla where sho has spent tho sum mer with relatives. Mr. Solby met her lu Portland. A social ovont of tho weok at Co qullle In which many Coos Hay peo ple will 'be Interested, will take place next Wednesday, October 2U, when .Miss Einiiin Sherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sherwood, bo- comes the brldo of Lnwionco A. LIN I Jeqvlst. Miss Sherwood Is a grand daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. O. Rog ers Sr., of Coos River nnd Mr. Lll Joqvlst Is n former Mnrshilold at torney. Miss Cora May Montgomery, who left Inst Saturday after spondlng tho summer witn relatives here, will vis It in Los Angeles and In Texns bo fore roturnlng to her homo In Decn tur. It. R. Montgomery nnd wife, who left with her will visit in i.o Angeles. It Is not Improbable that u. it. .Montgomery will movo horo from Decatur next year and make his noino on Coos Hay. Last Saturday aftornoon, Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor was hostess to a dollght fully Informal sowing party at hor homo there. It had been nlanned to make tho n.Talr nuch larger com pllomntnry to Mrs. Geo. Langford and Mrs. Robt. Tyroll of Oakland. who are gue3ts of Mrs. 1,. J. simp son, but Mrs. Tyroll had to leavo early Saturday aud so tho nlans wor changed. Tho aftornoon was speut at needlework followlmr whinh pa. freshmonts woro sorvod. Among Mm. Winsor'a invltod guests were Mrs. Wahn, Mrs. J. R. Smith. M L. F. Falkenstoln, Mrs. M. E. Eve. I.rltt, Mrs. R. A. Wernlch, Mrs. Geo. Mingioru, Mrs. C. M. Bylor, Mrs. Frank Framo, Mrs. L. J. Simpson and Mrs. E. H. Jones. Georgo Langford of Oakland, who has been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of North Dend, for tho past few weeks, will leavo short ly for his home, but Mrs. Lanuford will remnln until Thanksgiving or thereabouts. Miss Mamie Mnhoney returned this weok from n few weeks' visit at Port laud and other northorn cities. Mrs. M. A. McLeod nnd Mrs. W. p Murphy are expected home In a few dnys from Snn Francisco whore they have been spondlng a fow weeks. Tho A. N. "V. club hold a most pleasant session with Mrs. L. M. Noblo Thursday. Mrs. M. C. Malo noy vrs elected to membership. The atilectinn nr a frAaat.. .l. . v.gulvl 4U ull ma I vacancy caused by tljo resignation of Mrs, R. F. Gebhardt was postponed until the next meeting. Mrs. A. T. Haines and Mrs. P. M. Wilbur were guests of tho club. Delicious refresh ments wero Bcrved. Tho next meet ing plnco will bo announced later. .j. Mls3 Genevieve Scngstnckcn, who had planned to leavo today for a visit lu Portland nnd other northern points has postponed her trip a week. Mrs. Henry Scngstnckcn tins been unwell for several days, but Is Im proving. $. .j. .j. Miss Mamie Giilovscn has returned from an extended visit In Portland. Mrs. G. R. Giilovscn aud children re turned with her to visit on tho Bay for awhile. J J Mrs'. Sarah Haines and her daugh ter, Mrs. Flanagan, left this weok for tholr homo In San Francesco after a few weoks' visit on tho Uny. J. R. Smith hns sold his homo In North llond to G. W. Shelly of Marsh Held, who will shortly occupy it. Mrs. Smith and tho chluiron will spend the winter In Snn Frnnclsco and Mr. Smith may go there to make his per manent home. Tho departure of the osttmable counlo will bo itfontly re gretted on tho Hay whero they have made muny friends. Tho Progress Club will bo entor talued next Monday by .Mrs. E. G. Flanagan nt her home. -J This nfternoou. Mrs. W. T. Mer. ohaiit Is hostess nt'ono of tho biggest soclnl events of tho season nt her homo In Marsh field. Mrs. 0. A. nonnott and Mrs. Rob- ert Kendall Hooth havo Issued Invi tations for hrldgo noxt Thursday aft ernoon at tho Dennett home. Mrs. M. R. Smith hns been nulto HI at hor homo in Mnrshdold tho piut fow weoks. Hor daughter, Mrs. Dungnn, Is here from Coos River at tending hor. Mrs. C. E. Nicholson oxnects to lenvo shortly for San Francisco and California points for a short visit. Helen May, tho flvo-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adolsporger, was baptized last Sun Never mind the hat but listen to this HORSE SENSE Look cheerful and buy your flour and feed from Haines OITR LINE OF JIALLOWE'EX 0TPrT" CONSISTS OF A LARGER AND MORP vS,3 ASSORTMENT THAN EVER HEFOHE Avn S CAN FIND ALMOST ANYTHING Sl'lT M, FOR PARTIES OR OTHER AMUSEM S FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF TUP t . B NOVELTIES: L LATE HALLOWE'E X XAPKIXS Hallowe'en I'lM'KKS ''iXTKRxs ovi:ini:S ASKS CATS SL-RPRISi: 110X13 Do not wait till Christ mas, but sse Haines now. Get wise to the fact that Haines will save you money on feed All orders are deliver ed promptly by . Haines It will pay you to know Haines and the lines he sells. A, T. HAINES GIVE HIM A TRIAL ORDER. NEE OUR WINDOWS. THE NORTON & HANSEN Stationery Company OLDEST AND LARGEST STATIONERY COM PANY IN COOS COUNTY. . ' FRONT STREET. MARSHFIELD, OIIEGO.V. i-tJ-M-n-n-xj-u-u-ii-M-M-u-u-.M-sj-o-ri-,,-,,.,,,!.,,..- Home Addition To Eastsidel NOW ON THE MARKET This addition is situated lmniedlatoly East of new Eaitild Mil The lots nro 100x1! 11 and larger, nbout eight ordinary lotij H prices nro J1G0.00 up for thoB largo tracts. This plat was filed recently, nnd wo havo onlr i tit lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho property li latere Ing to purchasers, and anyone wishing to securo a lot hou!d irt promptly. Tonus ono-hnlf cash, lmlanco equal paynvnti, J, J, J and 12 months. For particulars, soo Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, Genoral Agents EASTSIDE , Henry SengitnckeD, Jlitijff ---..4 tWMM!' u---a---a-----tt-- (Contlnuod from Pngo 2.) Toasted Marshmallows and Spearmint Mints Aro tho two very latest and finest pf Stafford's Famous Confections. The;1 sound good, don't they? You will find them Just as good as they sound and a llttlo hotter. Send u box homo to hor tonight. Dy the way, havo you tried those LOfl CAIHX CREAMS They aro good. Alnnys something new nt I a i u i tx i tx I tt ? a t a a i a a a a i a ? a a i a i a t a i a e a v,yv't- TWO STORES SIO Front St MO Central Arr THE ROYAL TONIGHT "THE HEALING CURE" (A remedy for tho white plague A 1000-foot Drama) "A LEAP FOR LIFE" For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized. Milk V Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and) Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. and 3 P. 51. Phono 78-J. -a-a--a-a-a.a-H.B-a-K-K- NICE CRJSP GOODS J -.'i'lll'' '" - rvy ltwuv s w r mcrivr, iTir w ft T A OJMirfri VOM ff : satz mVw4r l SQUARJfJ g-y x c ?y S 1 (PRESENTED sZ cowmv. meem. . " COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS U&A6CNTS COAL . COLONIZATION, MM, FARM, FWIT. ttlNEMb i ii OrsahiziHs or misrM COMPANIZS A $PICWJY a a i i i a i a a i a i a i I i a i a a a Thft nnnt lino ...n.. . . . .. ...L ..... ,..-. u. ,,4U,,. uini invosunents in Bmnll aero tracts new i, cities aro tho mctt profltablo. Tho C. B. R. S. has such to offer. Ctu.1 "'"""""i aiursnnoia, oro. i- . i. j "AMONG THE CANADIAN INDIANS" 3,000 FKKT 3000 CONTINUOUS SHOW iiEGIXNINq 7 s 15 Adtfci ;cr Ckiliret 5c THE KIND THAT TICKLES YOUR PALATE. HUY YOUR SUPPLIES OF PASTRY AXI) I1REA1) FROM The COOS BAY BAKERY pnoxE in.!. tvntH HOUSE OP GOOD THINGS." THINK OF BAY PARK As the only addition where you can live and enjoy nearly all the modern conveniences, As the only place In the same distance from business where $10,00 down and $5,00 a month will lay the foundation for a home of your own, As the best place for those of small savings can se cure a safe investment, and share the profits which the future development of Marshfield will ' bring, r' Think, Then Act ! I. S. KAUFMAN CO. HIGH GRADE WOOD WORKS of every description at THAI quad cm nuAlJTY inirn " ....nlllWAV' 710-720 SOUTH nit"" E. n. GEHRKE, oosBay:-R6sebiirg StagfJLj Dally atasrei -n t - . .- .... iu atan leTe Sandjr at 7 p. ,. p 9o;00 K PHONE 11 . -. Mu.