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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1910)
- THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHF1ELD. OREGOW. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1910 EVEMIMG EDITIOM. temporary nid vou ever stop to think t,,feci oil healer is or valuer' u you want to sleep with your win Jopen In winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil hea er hile you undress at night, and then turn it off. Apply a maHi iilirituable In lis capacity of quickly 'Z.ii.a it work, it win ourn tor Enoteleu and odorless. It has o damper top and a cool handle. An Indicator ,.n ihows the amount of oil In the font. r '.. l.- .. nntninnlln.lnplrtnn II pij ..u."."- -" '.v i,nm he ne turned lilnti cnoucli to Sick io that the wick can be cleaned In Tne ourncr oouy ui gmivry tumiui J f- rmtttVlnn niMlcllArl In iaicfcwcu iui imi.MHj. . ............ hi ElJe. built lor service, auu yci ngiii unu Dttltrs Evtrywhtrt. If rel at yourt. unit fcr dacritl.'m ctrotlar to tht ntarttt aimey cf thi Standard Oil Company (Incorporat'd) jj:m::::t::Jt:Jtj::n:::::t::::Jtrt;:::::::::::::t::::::n::t:::tjt::t:tj:::::t:t::tJ::t: IT IS A MATTER Or PRIDE fyZ-'ZV2-Am-l With tho I IUDR nous CO. .1 -rt'i ivjl I SNOW DIMJPI -Aji. FLOUR H. W. PAINTER jMarshfield 3Mnmmnm:mmim:m:ti:m:mmmmw:m:mmmttmmHm: TIIK FAST AM) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) Wllilj MAKK REGULAR Tit IPS CAUHYI.VG PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT RETWELN COOS HAY AXI) SAN FRANCIS CO. AI.Tj RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MARE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AXI) INTER-OCEAN THANSP. CO. FIFE HLDG., SAX FRANCISCO. FOlt INFOR MATIOX PIIOXE 11-J o 285. WILL .SAIL FOlt COOS HAY OCTOHER 21 INTER-OCEAN TUAXSPOUTATIOX CO. Fss25sssa'a5sssessH5H!r STEAMER ! Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF TnE SHIP, RE8KUVATIOXS WILL RE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN LESS TICKET IB BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. S?SSS?'PSiSiZSZSSS?2El'vi.'l VH,KHtanMaHHnHHHMMHMHMHMPm BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE I BUSINESS HOUSES . Mother's Restaurant better prepared to servo you 'wo ever befcre. CoDliuerolnl a. i. ,i im,,( Ul'l, X'lUlll M11U Hroadwny, Marsliflrld. Go To , W'LLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating . "oneia. Ow. Phone 773 THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RELIADLE RUSINESS HOUSES AND BUMNEM I Mfc IN MAIWIIPIBLD WHO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAN RE fll"nj; MEN vunav WrtTir v nn nMPEVDED UPON. IT WILL PAY OU TO PATRONIZE TnEM , -. ., Heat Qaiickly of the many ways in which n .1 iic iiuniing, wnen you get out of bed, and you have heat while you dress, l nose who have to eat an early breakfast before the stove is radiating heat can get immediate warmth from an oil heater, and then turn it ofF. The girl who practices on the piano n a cold room in the morning can have warmth from an oil heater while she plays, and then turn it off. The member of the family who has to walk the floor on a cold win ter's night with a restless baby can get temporary heat with an oil heater, and then turn It off. The JRFECT0 JMOKELCSS Absolutely smokeless and odorl ess giving heat. Apply a match and It is Im- nine nours without rcMiti t ..r. flnm ... ...t.t-t. . . oi'iyiuti which prevents inc smoke, and Is ensv in rtmnv aA .rnn An instant. occomc wcurcu, ana can be qulcklv .n.n .... J L. ? .. jopii ui iiibiiKi, buuug, uurauic, wen- omamcniai. ft makers of Snow Drift Flour. They know Hint If tho housewife Is suro that nho gota tho snmo kind of flour In every sack oho Is going to buy that brand uvqry time hIio orders. So tho makers of Snow Drift linvo liiBtnllcd n model baking plant In their mill. Every batch of flour tluit goes through Is tested In tho labora tory first, then a baking of bread la mado. livery loaf of bread from every baking nniHt bo uniform with ovcry loaf at bread from every other baking. In this way tho makers nro suro tho flour Is tho Mime alwnys. Tho careful housewives tho par ticular ones Insist upon such n brand when they enn procuro It. Snow Drift Is such n flour. :: Oregon I isasHsasEsasEmsHS? M. F. PLANT Marshfield Ore SSZ5ilSZSZSSS2S2Si &V2SS15ZS:5ZRS3 GET YOUR JOR PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, Rill Heads, Enve lopes, Calling Cards, etc. STADDEN All kinds of photograph wort, bromldo enlarging and kodak (In- Isliln; O. K. of Experts ; On Every Inch of .These Clothes 'EFORE your Cloth- craft suit comes to us, every inch of tie materials' every stitch every point of the work manship and style have passed under the eyes of experts and have received their approval. This expert examination is guar antied to you. On the back of the maker's guaranty which you will find in the right inside coat pocket you will find the examiner's number. The guaranty of the famous Cloth craft clothes insures to you an abso lutely All -Wool suit at $10 to $25. You never heard of anything else like this in clothes. It insures you correct style right up to the minute the non-brcak-nblc coat front clothes that have lasting shape. When you can have nil this Ruarantttd to you in Cloth craft, why take less io? your money? Woolen Mill Store MAN TO MILL CLOTHIERS Marshfield - Oregon immm:::::::;:::mwa;:umm::mt Great Furniture Values FOR Coos Bay Homes MAY HE FOUND HERE AT ALL TIMES. SATISFACTION IN PRICES AND GOODS. C. A. Johnson Oldest Established Furhlturo Storo Oa Coos Raj. Mmmmmmmtmmwmimmmmm::; LAUGH! WELL I GUESS you'd laugh too If you had Just got your old suit back from tho . cleaners and it looked as good as I now llko nilno does. No it's tio i secret, tho work was dono by tho Mnrfeliflchl Cleaning .ami Dyo Works, Phono 270X. 18C So. Droadway. Ladles Garments n Sjieclnlty. Savo money by patronizing Tho Times advertisers. I Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J, J.. KOONTZ Machine and Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop. Front street, Marshfield, Ore. ' m vm 5K J4TTHE j lHUK.JMi (Ministers and othors aro request- 3d to Hand tho Sunday church no ; tlces not later than Friday evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) X THE LUTHERAN CHURCH. M Rev. J. Rlchnrd Olson, Pastor. it1 )6$$00$$0jSOOSO0$$ a. n sununy school At 11 o'clock, tho English lan- gitago will bo used at tho morning service. Text, Mntth. 28:23-25. Sultnblo sacred music will bo ren dered by tho choir. No evening service. At North Bond 2 P. M., Sunday School. At 3 p. ni Dlvlno services con ducted In Swedish. FIRST RAPTIST CHURCH. Rov. O. LoRoy Hall, Residence G02 Sixth street PIioiu'm: Residence, 2BC-J. Study, 289-L. Sundny school, 10 a. in. Enstsldo service, 3 p. m. IJ Y. P. U. C:30 p.m. Uuho absence of tho pastor Micro will he no preaching service's. .4 -m.-wimiiici I'lMcnnnAi. 1 r,' ,,.'., i t, - Rov. II. I. Rutlodgo. Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a, in. Epworth League, 0:30 p. m. Evening servlco nt 7:30. , There will bo n tompcranco pro-i gram In tho ovonlng. 3SA IGOSOOOOOO'-JooOOSOOf j whnt llttlo ho could In a humblo wny it NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. M to uphold theso ideas, hut somo as it L. RA8MUSSEN, Pastor. Ulsombly candidates wcro nominated 60000t00VOti.Ott5o RorvlrPH Sum nv morn neat 10 :4G. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. In North Rend thero will bo ser vices at 2:30 p.m. f)f4tf) ,ruies relating io politics in mis hiuio t CHRISTIAN CHURCH. j is that n mnjorlty or n plurality A. O. Walker, Minister. .must govern, In fact It is an Amorl q, 'can prlnclplo ami personally tho Rlblo school, 10 n. in. Preaching sorvlco, 11 n. nt. Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. Subject, "Tho Immortality of tho Soul," Mrs. McCray will rfilng. At 7:30 tho minister will lecturo on tho subject "Sour Gropes," Visitors welcomed. K PRIJU3HYTKRIAN CHURCH M Sundny school, 10 a. m. sharp. Preaching servlco, 11a, in, Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 p. m. Evening servlco at 7:30. SorvlceB Sunday morning nt 10:45 Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. In North Rond thoro will bo ser vices nt 2:30 p. nt. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHURCH. Rev. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector. Holy Communion, 8 a, m. Sunday School, 0:30 n. m. Morning Prnyor and Sermon, 11 a. ni. Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7:30 p. m. - MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Moran, Rector. Mass will bo colobrated at 10:30 a. m. by Rov. Father Moron, Even ing service will bo held nt 7:30 o'clock. NORTIf REND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Springer, Rector. , O Mass will bo celebrated nt 8 a. ni. by Rov. Father Moron. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS ' F. G, BUNCH, Minister. I Seventh Day Adventlst service are conducted every Saturday at j the Lutheran hall as follows: i 8abbath school at 10 a. m. preach I lug service f0:45 a. m. You are cordially Invited to attend. ,H CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. WJ Services will bo hold In tho Chris tian Sclenco hall, 327 Third street, north, Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "Probation After Death." UNITED RRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH REND. Sunday School at 10 A, M. Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M. Preaching servjee at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.'.'by tho former pastor ftev. R. Q. Summerlln. . ..i.j m SHOULD VOTE PARTY TICKET GqO. WatkillS WlitGS a StfOllCJ Article Proving His Consis tency In Supporting the Re publican Ticket. Editor Times: A number of persons have found . ftullt ' tll wrltcr because "o now i , advocates standing by tho Repub lican party regardless" of whether n candidate is nssombly, or nntl-asscm- bly. Tho writer does, not pretend xo know It all; In fact, ho candidly ad mits that a. man who docs not make tl chimin of himself nbout half of tho , .. tl.tlf In lint In l.ln fllnnn t'nt tin iflltllftl tiitiu in n ui. in inn V.1UOO, jn nv nii.iio also that his position In this mnttur Is perfectly logical and right. In tho first plncc, ho Is a repub lican ho Is a Republican, not bo catiso ho considers tho party perfect , by any means, but becauso ho be lieves It to bo tho very best party In oxlstcnco today, becauso ho thinks it Btauds for inoro right prin ciples than any other party. Whoa nnoUlcr Jmrly g org(u;,,0l, nml tho wrltcr Is convinced that It Is bet tor than tho Republican party ho will ; hnvo no conscientious scruples nbout w'iol"'"B Its ranks, but until such n H :. . .. ; . ... thing happens ho proposes to Btny with tho folks, oven though resort to tho frying pan and tho poker aro sometimes necessary. Now tho writer believes in statement No, 1; ho docs not bollovo In tho assembly, ho thinks theso principles nro proper and right; boforo tho primary ho did j by tho party, cither by a mnjorlty ,' ' ". Theso nro tho nominees of tho party, whenever wo piny any sort of n gamo wo must nbldo by tho rules and ono of tho I . .... a. ...... .. wrltcr doffs his sombroro to tho will of tho mnjorlty of his pnrty. How can ho do anything olso and remain n Republican? And In doing this ho does not consider that ho has aban doned any of his principles In tho , lonBl' In tho last primary election tho voto unquestionably showed that n tnnjority of tho Republican party aro strongly ngninst tho nssombly, As RRIDGE IS ROOMING. Many IinpiovoitienlH Made In That locality. (Speclnl to Times.) RRIDGE, Ore, Oct. 20. Tho little sottloinelit of Rrldgo, tho first station out of Myrtlo Point on tho Rosoburg ulngo lino, is Increasing In slzo this fall. Tho placo consists of n hotel, storo, postofllco, blacksmith shop nnd sovornl residences nnd tho now buildings going up will soon dou bio tho numbor In tho plnco. Tho most Important Improvement Is tho now school houso which Is bolng built nnd will bp oponed au soon ns completed, Thrco school districts wero consoli dated and ono Inrgo building erected and n high school courso will bo started so that tho pupils in tho thrco districts will hnvo tho benefit of a full high school courso, tho emtio as in tho cities of tho county, Tho Farmors' Telophono Company tins built a small houso for a tele phono oxchnngo and residence for the oporators. Several now residences havo been built and with tho first class hard road extending from Myr tlo Point to Rrldgo the placo Is in cIobo touch with tho markets and has a regular mail sorvlco. The now road built this summer and fall, makes it possible for Rrldgo to bo reached in n vehlclo or auto nt all seasons of tho year. Several small tracts of land in tho neighborhood of tho town have been bought this year and will bo sot out in fruit as tho climate and soil seems particularly adapted to that industry. RAIN COATS and rubberized CAPES nt tho LADIES EMPORIU.M. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE . tables for PARTIES by PHONE. LADD, HUNT and Co. CONTRACTORS AND RUILDERS. All kinds of repairs and shop work promptly attended to arid neatly done, i " Phono 161X. REPUBLl i an example take Mr. Uowormnn. Tho assembly peoplo coiicontrntod upon htm whllo tho nutl-nssombly divided their votes betwoon three Had those votes been centered upon one candidate, making all duo al lowance for personal following, Mr. Uoworman would havo been badly beaten. Tho wrltcr holloves tho as sembly question Is settled In this stnte; It Is a memory. Rut this Is a digression, having toed tho scratch again I dcslro to ro tnnrk that tho assembly nnd state ment No. 1, nro not pnrtlsan ques tions, neither nro they tho only ques tions or principles Involved; It xltoy wero It might bo different, tho writer confesses their importnnco but thoy hnro not all Important, ho will nlways bo found on tho firing lino battling for stntoment No, 1, and against tho assembly on nil proper occasions, but becauso his party by reason of a di versity of candidates, or for othor reasons nominated boiiio nssombly candidates docs not so far as ho can sec, Justify his doing a scalp dnnco on his lint and refusing to piny further on thti Republican collar door. Tho only political dlfforonco between the assembly candidate nnd tho writer Is thnt ono believes In tho assembly and tho other don't. Now It ho rofuses to voto for an assembly cnndldnto and votes for a Democrat ho theroby abandons tho pr'uclplcs that make him a Republican nnd adopts tho principles of tho Dcmii ocrntlc pnrty which aro dlamotrlcnlly opposed to his Republicanism. II ho refuses to vote nt all then ho uog lccts to uphold his Republican prin ciples! nnd nt onco becomes n cipher which Is worso than nil. As tho writer sees it tho only thing ho enn do consistently Is cither to stay with tho Republican party or olso ro nounco his- principles nnd bocomo n Democrat. ' ' Ab I havo said tho question of no soiiibly or no tiHscmbly is not tho only question Involved; thoro nro many othors to bo considered and somo of thorn of ns much or moro Importnnco than tho assembly. I conccd'o to ovory man tho right to think nnd net ns ho ploasos bo long as ho don't Jostle mo or so mo other follow. If nny Republican desires to kick over the pot nnd danco In tho fat that Is hla business, but as for mo I am going to atay with tho G. O. P. . I would bo out of plnco anywhoro olso and I will sco that thoy don't loso mo. GEO. W ATKINS. I DATA OF COQUILLE. Gal her StntMh'H of Shipping For tho Government. Tho Myrtlo Point Entorprlso imys: "M. J. Krantz of Ornvol Ford, and J, N. Goarhart of Dorn, a co.ninlttco representing tho farmors and timber owners of tho Enst and North Fork rlvors aro Just now busy gathering dnta from tho farmors regarding tho nmount of trnlllo that la dopondont upon rlvor transportation to bo mar keted, and nro also asking for esti mates of tho amount of trnlllo thnt would bo forthcoming should tho government bo lmproo tho river that boats could bo conveniently piled along thoBO courses. Thoy hnvo been mailing to Bhlppora a schedula of questions thnt will assist them in prosoutlng statistics to tho United States Engineering depart ment to mnko n favorablo showing for tho consideration of that depart ment. Thoy desiro to show tho acred In tillable land owned by each farm er, the acres in timber along those streams. Tho nmount of hay, grain, potatoes, apples, chickens, eggs, dairy products and miscellaneous products produced. Tho amount of lumbor and saw logs and other simi lar Information. Also each property owner Is naked to estlmnto tho in crenso of products conditioned on tho Improvement of tho rivers and also to atnto whether ho intends to own a launch should tho rivers bo Im proved. All of this Is tho result of a visit hero by two representatives of the engineering department, Frodorlck E, Leofo of Portland, and James E. Kelley of Mnrshflold. Thoy camo to ascertain tho nels of tho country In this lino and need this data to par ted tholr reports. TO THE VOTERS OF COOS COUNTY I am a candldnto for Coronor of Coos county, running strictly as an independent, nnd will appreciate any support that Is glvon mo. If elected I promlso n faithful, honost and econ omical administration of tho duties of tho oftlce. W. E. DUNGAN, (Paid advortlsoment.) Have'' your 'jW printing doneyat The Times office .,