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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1910)
r535r' J23S3SJT ADS. NEWS 1IB.V Ht-SIXKSS 19 T8LOW, Al VEItTislC. THAT -IT PAYS IS EVL nPCi:i) V SUCCESSFUL 11USI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY reading the coos may iimks. ALIj THE NEWS AIj.j TILE TIMW TERSELY 1 OLD t: :: :t :: is ...gjj HOI SI'-o l'- ''" """" !' MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established lit JH'H ns The Coast Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Canst Mall mid Coos Hay Advertiser. 86 VOI. XXXIII. ii m m. mmmsm jffyt $bs2f 'Jr w fo TWa-THIROS OF Bulk of Business Section of Siuslaw Town Is Burnbd. FEW DETAILS OF DESTRUCTION OBTAINED F. W. Carey Comparfy Heavi est Loser Coos Bay Men Escape. According to word received thla morning by Fred llolllator of North Brad, one of the oillcers of tho Bnnk cf Florcnco, two-thirds of tho uub' mm dUtrlct of Floronco, nt tlio mouth of tho Sluslnw, "wnn wiped on j (lro Into Sntnrdny -night. Dut monger dotnllB of tho tiro icro obtainable. Tho cnuso of the lino which atnrted In ono corner of tie block occupied by tlio Wm. Bryan hotel anil tho F. W. Corey Lumber company'a bulldinga, could not ho uccrtalncd. Tho untlro block wns llpcd out. Tho loss is estimated nt upwnrilH ot (50,000. No ono on tho Dny hns inr Idea of tho nmount of Insurance arrlcd. Tho F. "W. Cnroy compnny of San Francisco, Is tho heaviest loacr but ns they nro a atronp firm the loaa will not ho ns Bovero c them ns oiv aomo of tho prlvuto con ttrni. Tho bank which Is ncroaa the itrwt, escaped dnmngo. So fnr as can be ascertained, no ono on tlio Day offered nny loss, although -several North HenJ nnd Mnrh field parties re Intcrcated nt Florence. ELLS ABOUT two mm Lc'ch Phodus, Arrested In Hast St. Louis, Hints at Mys terious Crimes. (Br Associated Tress to Cooa Day Times.) EAST ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24. Aftor living tho details of ninny local rob torles nnd hinting nt two murdors. klgh Rhodtis, who wns arrostod yw today, wns placed in solitary co "wncnt todny. One mmrder thnt Ithodus Int' i"tr,i ho know about i of a n1 n nnnd Mlchnol's e.1 Cklcairi, n-,i m,, tn,u. routiv Pot ter cf Vrr"'. ' VlHoiiri. Tho po lice tc'lf v. ' , rMwroU to the mys terious ijoath of Dr. W. F. Miohnels la Chlcnno, ugust 75. IUiodus nrt Bi"ed he w ls n Chicago at thnt J'e Mrs, Ithodus told the, police mt her liusbnnd tmo homo nnd tlled ho had hold up nnd shot n tfor, As Mrs. lihodua wns leaving the Mlon, her luiBband culled to her '"anything happens to mo, you kill Tourself.," The couplo woro mnrrlod a July after returning liero from Cb'cago. They lived at ono of tho adhlB family hotels In this city. Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 24 Twenty bus- ! were examined. In connection "h the murder of Dr." Michael's, n otlt, Lnt no Incriminating evl- dence wns adduced, CIUPPEX'S TIMK SHOUT. U Will Up Executed November . Instead of Xorcinlier IB. " J Awiated Press to Coos Bay , Times.) L0iO net. 24.- -Dr. Crlppon 1 r , . ,, T . o t -'-u .vvyiiHiur a. The fr'ilnallv announced as V(,lllrr 11 l,. ,, .t, .oo ml. """- " 0" " " 'i tlo day one week. h!!1n:V Vot,n r Sheriff, esporl- Re4i the Times "Want Ads. FLOREMCE IS W1PE0 OUT 01 HUE REST RES J GOSTJILLIONS Government Estimates Loss of Six Billion Board Feet of Lumber. (By Asaoclntcd ProBS to Coos Bay Times.) s WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. 21. Six lillllotv board foot of lumber val ued at about JlG.000,000 woro de stroyed In tho recent forest lire I tho National forests ot Montana ami Ifltiho. Tho total area burned over in this ono district was 1,250,000 hctob. Tho 'heaviest Iobbob two Idulio foroats, Coour IVAlono whoro 450,000 ncros worn burned over and Clear water, wliero UOO.OOO acres wero "burned over. Tlio other heavy loa ses woro Helena National forest In Montana, 500,000,000 feet; Cabinet 100,000,000 foot; Lolo forest, 300, 000,000. Tiow much of tho liurned or killed timber cum bo saod It Is Impossible 'to predict; HTi.000,000 Is the estimate bnsed on Tlio total loss. L Rumor oT Heavy Loss of Life On Southern Italy Island. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HOME, Oct. 24. Tho minister of tho Interior this ovenlng received word of n HQnl wnvo nt Cnsumlcclo to. Island ot Ischlm, that drowned two hundred porsons. Communica tion with tho island is Interrupted and verification of tho report is Im po&slblo. CM S! Portland Drops Two Games to San Francisco Sunday Other Results. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 24. Sun day's games in tho Ceaat League re sulted ns follows: At Los Angeles First game. Loh Angeles . . Vernon - Second game. R II Los Angeles 2 ' Vernon - At San Frunclsco First Kama. San Francisco Portland . .... Second game, San Francisco Portland . . At Sacramento Sacrarnonto nnUlnnd .' C R 1 0 1 3 It 4 1 Saturday's gamo rawiltod na fol lows: At San. Frnnclseo Sun Frnnotoeo . Portland At SerBmento Sftorn)Bto . R 1 g R 4 3 R 3 2 LOakll . t ,L.Qji, Aivel Vernon Lob Angeloa (Elovon Innings). WHY should the Railroads be watched' Because of their record. W W LEAGUE HOPE MISSING Message ReceivedFrom "America III," the Only Missing Craft In the St. Loliis Entries. Uy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. The baloon "Amorica III," tho only one in tho international baloon race thnt has not been reported landing, pnssed over Thompsonvllle, Mich., Tuesdny, October IS nccordlng to n message received todny by the Aero Club of St. Louis. Tho message wns signed by Alan It. Hawley nnd Augustus Post, pilot nnd aide. It wns dropped to u farmer eight miles from Thomp Honvlllo, It rend "Thompsonvllle. Mich., "America III" pnssed over this placo Tuosday. Courso due north." Tho course followed was thnt of tho "Azures" nnd thu "Hel vetia." Tho former landed 32 miles northeast ot 11 1 scotr.fl lug, Out., nnd the lnttor near Villa Marie, Out. Tho recoipt of tho message has re vived tho hope that Hawley nnd Post nro alive. Now It la only n ques tion of getting thorn back to civiliza tion. Tho Hudson Bay Company and other searching parties nro looking for tho missing bnloonlsts. PLANT WILL Si. TODAY Steamship to Leave This After noon for San Francisco Rough and Heavy Fog. Tho M ,F. Plant will probably sail thlB afternoon for Sun Frnnclaco. Sho wvu) scheduled to sell yesterday but owing to tho rough bar nnd heavy fog, Captain Burtla decided to wait a dny beforo venturing out nnd will endeavor to sail about 2 o'clock this ulternoon. Among thoao nvervlng pnssago on tlio Plant aro tho following: Roy Snndorson.Oeo. Mnlndcr, Miss McKennn, Miss drub, Miss Maud IVerno, Delia EvnnK, Frank Spalding, W. P. Murphy, Cnpt. J. Ernst, O. W. Lnuford, Mero Gonsher, Grace Snn- lf8,rd. Mrs. I. A. Rose. Mrs. S. F. Chase, Mrs. R. H. Homer, Mrs. Mc ICnntlrc, Mrs. Bulllngton, J. R. Do- bnult, D. II. Potts, A. Roberts, Aug ust Wolss, Mr. Booth, Mrs. Booth, R. Booth, Geo. Langslng, Fred Moms nnd ten stocrago. JUDGE COKE Coos County Candidate Re ceives Flattering Recommen dation From Dist.-tyty. The following iottor from District Attorney Goorgo M. Brown Ih solf-ox-plnnatory: ROSEBURG, Ore., Oct. 20th. Hon. A, G. Stenmrf, Oakland, Ore. My Dear Judge: Referring to your Inquiry concerning tho laws creating three judgeships In tho flecond Judi cial district and touching tho ability andlntetrrity of Hon John 8. Coke, 1 have this to say: The second Judicial district 1b the largest Judicial district in the etato and compriseu tho counties of Ben ton, Lincoln, Lnno, Douglas, Coos and Curry. Tlio law provides for three circuit Judges of this district. The law further provides that the labors of these three Judges may be divided no thoy may agrco between themselves. The law a'80 provide thaj "One o,f said Judges shAll relde sputh r tb Umpnua river nd wes of thc onst rans of meuntalti duliiK '. term ot offlcj " Tins tjr.iu: ' n i eqnlv.leiit to s 'n", I'.fr. c' . ? ''' term r Mcr o. i .f tl.f 1 "' iv-to in r j v " u' , '" f ,.,!-,. th - p . t .i i .i'y i". i ' west of the Coatt Rtrape of matin talns While the law d.""3 1101 f xprc"' sta'e that on ot tto ca; rdi' i . tuU BROWN FAVORS II ARE ill VZLh IX WILDEKXESS. Think Missing Baloon Im In Wild lU'glon of Canada. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TORONTO, Cnn., Oct. 24. A re port todny from Hlchnrd Colo thnt ho nnd canotst companions saw n ba loon crnsh Into n denso Ontnrlo for est nnd buratcd nnd wero unnblo to reach the spot, although it appeared but n mile nwny, wns quoted todny as showing tho difficulties which even a well equipped expedition must meet. Thoso who know tho district beyond Klsklslnk, Quebec, nro not sur prised thnt tho racers have not been heard from if they continued Into thnt wIldernesB. Thero tho Quobcc nnd the St. Lnwronco rnllroad nnd tho Suegnnty River nnd St. Lawrence form trlanglo around thousands of squaro miles of wlldornoss. It wns horo on this trlanglo thnt nn un known bnloon wbb roported to have pntered Wednesday. Tho trlanglo Is not entirely uninhabited nnd today Indian runners nnd woodsmen were sent out to And trnco or tho missing aeronauts. TO TALK HERE Prominent Portland Orator to Assist In Local Republican - Campaign. Ch. B. Selby, chairman 'of tho Re publican County Contrnl cotumltteo received a telegram todny stating that Hon. 'Geo. S. Shophnrd of Port land, onciif tho ablest orators In tho stnte, has been secured for two speeches in Coos .county. Ho will nrrivo on tho Breakwater noxt weok nnd will speak In Coqulllo on Thurs day evening, March 28, nnd In Marsh flold, Friday evening, October 28. It la expected that other outside speakers will bo secured to assUt in tho Republican campaign In Coot county. Besides tho outsldo talent, n number of Coos county men hnvo been engaged to sponk nt vnrlous points In tho county during the next throe weeks. bo elected from Coos or Curry county, yet It Is fnlr to nssunio that tho spirit of tho law contemplates thnt ono of tho Judgos olected shnll nt tho time of his election, bo n rosldont of Coos or Curry county. It Is fair to tho pooplo of Coos nnd Curry counties to oloct ono of tholr rosldents ns Judgo. When tho legislature onncted tho law creating tho third Judgeship of the eoond Judicial district, tho gov ernor of Oregon selected a resident I i lwj county tor tno nppointrnont. Ho nppolhtod Hon. John S. Coko, who had boon a resident of Coos county for moro than thirty yonrsj n Inwyor who had prnotlcod his profes sion within tho bounds of Coos coun ty for nearly twonty yenra. ,Aftor Judgo Coko hnd been tried out as cir cuit Judgo( following his appointment in j'oorunry, iaos, tho pooplo of Goes and Curry counties, by nn over whelming voto In tho primary elec tion, cxpressod a wish that Judgo John S. Coko bo elected as tho Judge to reside in Coos or Curry county. The wishes of tho peoplo of tho coi counties should bo respected. Per sonally, i have known Judge Coko for seventeen years nnd know ihlm to bo -t ...... in imvinuy, uuuiiy, learning and he will make ono of tho best Judges that ever presided In a court of JiiBtlco within tho atato of Orogon. Tho peoplo who know him best ad mire him tho moct. Vou thavo a rJght to voto for two Judges at tho coming November election and ono of yqur voto should be cast for Coke. Yourn very Jnily, geo. m; BROWN. HOW can wr Iive jooj roads, nnd ot honest wtirli? r rrovs ha.yqvkts. E:dnjir's emit. Meklietti'ti oproad. Will Kennedy's Bachelor dlnnor. Read The Times' Want ads. NINETEEN LIVES F SAMWWVVVAAAAAA 1910 CHAMPS Takes Fifth Game of World's Series From Chicago Sunday. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 24. By n scoro of aovon' to two, the Philadel phia American Longuo Champloits wrested tho fifth gamo of tho World'B Chnmplonslilp sorlcs from tho Chi cago National Leaguo i'onnnnt win nors ycBtordny nnd gnlnoJ tho 1010 bnBcbnll honors. Tlio gnmo wns plnyed In Chlcngo nnd was witnessed by a record-breaking crowd. Brown nnd Archer woro tho Chi cago battory and Coombs nnd Thom as tho Philadelphia battory. Tho result: R II E Philadelphia 7 0 0 Chlcngo 2 10 1 THEVICTOR Defeats Coquillo Independents By Score of 10 to 0 New Style Game. SCORE. Mnrshflold 10 Coqulllo 0 TouchdownB J, Cowan and II. Brlggs. LongCHt ftnlnK. O Abbott 20 yards end run; for- ward pofia to Abbott, 15 yards; O forward imbb to Cowan, 20 yards; Johnson (Coqulllo) end run, 30 yarda; forward pass to C II. Brlggs, 1C; forward pas to S. Brlggs, 2G yards. O THE LINEUP.' Coqulllo Position Marshilald Curey Contor M Kruegor J Bellanl r guard V aiitlllams T Bollonl 1 guard L Blnnohnrd Clilsliolni r tncklo K Johnson Nosier I tncklo , I Elrod Johnson qunrtor Flanagan Shoup r ond Abbott Miller 1 ond 8 BrlggH Swain r half II Brlggs Collier 1 Imlf J Cowan IIow.oll V Back A Blanohnrd Substitutes; Coqulllo J. Juzn, Patterson, aionn. Marshfleld Bob ICrueger, Chas. Morchant, Ed Dolan, G Snydor. Bob Krtioger replaced Gullllams in second half a right guard. , Tho Coqulllo rootorssaw tholr font, ball toam dofeatod yesterday on tl Marsh0eld( grounds, but tho vlctorj was not overwhelming and when tl' teams meot again, Coquillo is like to turn tho tables, It form Is taken Into consideration. Though defeated, Coqulllo played a good gamo, both offensive and defensive, but boforo tho county sedt boys woro nblo to solvo tho forward pass employed by Captain Blanchard'H elovon, two touchdowns woro Bcored. Mamhllold used tho forward pass to good advantage, though two trials woro frustrated. Coqulllo thought to gain by this moans towards tho lat ter part of tho gamo but inoa o' tholr trials woro Intorcoptod and the; wont back to straight football. It was a most Interesting game throughout, for tho Coqulllo ten had tho ball within 20 yards of Marshfleld'a goal twlco. Tho home boyB hold, liowovor, and Boon worko ' tho ball down tho flold. Thoro wo tho usual satlafacUefl among tv playora over tho clean, fair gar W MARS ELD LOST IN SHIPWRECK Steamei; Regulus Sunk Nine Miles From St. Johns Today. MEAGER REPORTS ARE RECEIVED FROM IT Was Bound From Belle Isle to Sydney Occurred at . Shoal Bay. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ST. JOHNS, N. V., Oct. 24. Nows of tho wreck of tho steamer itogulus, bound from Hollo Isle to Sydney with tho low of nineteen of tho orow hnB beon received hero. Tho wreck wnB at Shoal Bay, nine inlleii from hero. POPE PIUH IH WELL. No Truth In Humor That Ho Is IlldlHlMM'l. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ROME, Oct. 24. Tho report thnt Pope Plus Is Indisposed ot gout (s unfounded. Ho. held his usual rccop tionB today. playod by both Bides nnd nothing oc curred to can bo nny 111 feeling. Two amusing Incidents occurred In tho last half of the game. Mnmhflold fumbled tho bull nnd ono of tho Bol lonl boys grnhbed It nnd atnrtod for his opponents' goal. Somebody downed 'hlin nfler ho hnd covered It) yards, or It Is Just possible ho might have made n touchdown for Mnrsh flold. Coqulllo attempted n forward pnss. II. Brlggs Jumped Into tho air nt Bcrlmningo lino and caught H- Tho gamo was thu first played I Mnrshflold under tho new rules, nnd, oxcopt to n closo obaorvcr, Is no dif ferent from old stylo piny. A lnck of mnau plays Is noticeable tho now gamo, for players are not nllowod to push and pull tho mnn carrying tho ball. Tho Coqulllo bunch, who enmo ovor on n spcclnl train woro hero in stylo, bringing tho Coqulllo band and n lnrgo crowd. Tho rooters wore flnm Ing red hnU ami scomod proud of tholr Identities. "'It wns nn Idonl, clear day nnd tho gridiron wns on fnlr condition for tho j?nmo. Will Chnndlor roferood tho contest and Goo Oago was umpire. Tholr dooIn!oiiH woro nover question ed. 8. P. Bnrtlett of Coqulllo, was hoad tlinekeopor nnd linesman, Marshfleld had n few llukos, na Boinii of tho boyfl hnd not practiced nnd wont nto tho game unpio4)ured and got mixed on slgnuls sovoral tlmea, Coqulllo hnd boaton Mrtlo Point last week nnd yostordny som od confldont of mnstorlnK tho Mnrsh flold Independents, hut MnrshJlo!d lies tho nd vantage of Mr. Graves' coanhlntr nnd plays nnd It stood them lu good stonil. Thoy realize, however, that If thoy win tho majority of tho gamea to ho playod against Coqulllo, thoy will have to ho faithful In prnctlco and havo Bomothlng new to sorvo In future games. Coqulllo outweighs Mawhflold elx poundB to tho man. Manager Robert Dlllard of tho Mnrshflold Independents, today re colve'd a challenge from tho Myrtle Point Independents nnd may nrrango a gamo with them In tho near futuro. Somo Coos Bay peoplo knpw so many awful things that nro untruo, AFTER THE SUMMER. Broko! Brokol Brokol By thy sail gray Bands, O pea! And oh! for tho shining shokcla spont That will novor como back to mo." Oh! woll for tho crafty schemer Ami the promoter, chlpyei t:nt gay. But, alas! for my wad A i':i.-" r'- That hna lllf inh. .. SHOULD wo hsve r j.xtih i of all or part? lUvo your Job printing tlino t The Times office.