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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1910)
ADS. " NEWS ! illEX IILSINKSS IS SLOW, Al VFIIT1SK. THAT IT PAYS IS JSVI- Ftri nv successful uusi. sl.sS not SIS EVERYWHERE :: Mm?& MIMIIKR OP ASSOCIATED PRESS GET IT WHIMS IT IS NKW BIT READING THE COOS 'JAY TIMKS. VMi THK XKW8 AL.i TUB TIMD fEHSELVlOLIi : :: :: i: n Lt xxxih. Established In 1878 lit Tlio Const Mtiil. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1910-EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnl Coos Hay Advertiser. 84. MI M AL LIBEL SOU IS IN U. S. SUPRE IE COW ction Started By rormer President Roosevelt Against Now York World. Urged "tip" was GIVEN TO RELATIVES ALDRICHlAS A CLOSE CULL OPIEfi THREATEN GOULD ROADS THK THREE BALLOONS ARE LOST III CANADIAN FORESTS United States Senator Re covers From Street Car Accident. (Dy Associated Pros to C003 Day Times.) NKW YORK, Oct. 21 Unltod State Senator Aldrlch Iimh recovered i.iuhj j rum me shock mtil bruises re colvoil Inst night when ho was knoek od down by 11 Btioot car. Early re ports snld ho was In nn uuto nctl-donL President Taft's Brother and Others Alleged to Have Got Big Profits. h; Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 21. bled In behalf of the government hdtbc Press Publishing Company of lot York woro Illed In the miproino -jurt of tbo United States today In hit li termed tno l'annnm nuei fcia me case is inni 111 which ior- ctr President Koosevult ordered tlio vpirtraent of Jnsilco to proceed hplait the publishers of the New fork World because of tlio publlcu Ccn ol stories of alleged favoritism h the purchase of the Panama canal property by which capitalist luclud- Ilaj Charles P. Tnft, brother of the Fwldent, Douglas Robinson, broth- tr-lo-law of Roosevelt, nnd others ' re charged with having renped great (uncial benefits. Ilecauso of the bitt (be World circulated upon the orernracnt reservation nt West foist, tho libel proceedings re ronjbt In the federal coum nnd on -IironiI , ConH .. ., , ...,.. tte legality of this action depended I ,,, . ..,.,., m vuiiiiHiviuiiiu MitvaoutVDni liiviu lift u Declare They Will Extend Mis souri Pacific Strike to Other Lines If Necessary 1,500 Now Off. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) KANSAS CITY, Oct. 21. All tho union bollor makers, blacksmiths nnd plpomen on the Missouri Pacific struck today In sympathy with tho machinists who have been out for Hovernl months. Fifteen hundred nro Involved In tho strlko cnlled to-, day. Railroad ofllclals say the strlko has not yet Intorferrcd with tho oporatlon of trains. Union men Bay tho road will not bo able to operate tho loco motlvo moro thnn a weok without tho men who quit work today. They say If tho troublo Is not settled within n rcasonnblo tlmo, they will cniiBo n walkout on all tho Gould lines. Thcso Include- tho Denver, & Itlo Grande, In ternational & Great Northern, Itlo Grande Western, Western Pacific and uoiton ueii railroads. Tho ma chinists' trouble was cntiBcd by a de mand for n change In working conditions. JWUK.w'r.nni- TO E W Dominion Government and Hudson Bay Company Ask ed to Search For Them. PECULIAR ILL OE CHILDREN SEVERE FIRE IN HAILTON by Physicians Are Puzzled Strange Malady North Bend Child Dead. A pccitllnr stomach malady that was first noticed at Myrtle Point hns I He brief contentions of tlio defend M'i counsel. IfFER REWARD mn TnriTsmrn run luniunw i more cases at North Dcnd than there nro In Mnrshlleld and owing to n few deaths, physicians nro puzzled over It. The most recent death that can bo attributed to It was of Albert Hal stead, tho llve-year-old son of Albert lllalstcad of North Dond, who died day boforo yesterday and who -wns burled yesterday from G. W. Dun- gau's undertaking pnrlors, tho Rov. Mr. Drowning officiating. Tho little Business Section of Montana Town Endangered By $125,000 Conflagration. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MISSOULA, Mont., Oct. 21. Tho business section of Hamilton, Mont., 2C miles south of here, was ondnngor- cd by a fire rngglng for several houra this morning in tho Vulloy Mercan tile Cos store. A special detail of flromen nnd apparatus woro sent from bore. Tho loss Is $125,000. MOUNTAINEERS RESGUE MOORE ALL RECOGNIZE PORTUGAL. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) Dnitl.IN, Oct. 21. Great Drltnln has proposed that all tho powers rec ognize tho republic of Portugal at tho Hnmo time. Gormnny replied ap proving the Idea. CAL JUDY TO Stemler Brothers Will Pay to i Have uursc Arnold . Brought to Justice. PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 21. Unr- N to take such action bv mnnv Mendi. who evidently nre of tho Im preulon thnt the authorities nro not stirring themselves with duo vicor. L E StenihT nnd Attorney J. O. wnler hnvo decided to offer a ro "M of $500 for information nnd "Miction of J. o. Arnold, ex-dny 4 attendant nt Pi-vatni Rnrint. Sanitarium, who lied tho city to es- P service of n warrant for heating 4 othfrwion maltrentlng nnd tor ''"aS their brntlmi. n t .,! a "filer, nn Inrmmmtn,,. ,.oiint ., , r.vt iMiuvin, "ISaalU thCSO frlonila linvn vnli.n. Url! Called on the Stemler lirnthnra W 1 offered them financial asslstanco ' Tinging to Justice tho mnn who "Peatedly btnt, kicked nnd choked ., stem'er and afterward bound '" to a cot nn,i 0,i t.i i a Oim 1n this condition fnr fnnr uM,t ,r8, Sovc of thein nRTe tbey -n-ould llko to bo permitted contribute toward payment of tho ""'fl In PHRA A.nnl.l 1.ll t i . "'"IU Ollllil UJ CUI- ra 8na convicted of his offenso. J-rand Jnry Investigation of the wtlces at i, xf..... m...- .... ,.,. "Hum tnuur iiihii tin en I'ormltted to halt iTlVly' tho Jury taklne a recess Is. v . " """ l" HnuerBianu "Maat shonirt th i-.. .1.- demand tho Jurymen may bo stomach trouble nnd Dually appeared to bo suffering from brain fever. NO GAME IN BIG SERIES N H Friends of Convicted Virginian Liberate Man Under Death Sentence. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LIVINGSTON, Vn., bet. 21. Mountnlnecr friends of John Monro, under Bcntcnco to bo electrocuted for tho murder of Frank Howol descend ed upon tlio Nelson County Jail early this morning, stormed tho building nnd rescued tho prlsonor. It Is sup posed ho will bo taken to tho moun tains nnd liberated. It was not until somo hours after tho rescue that tho nows was spread and deputy sheriffs woro on their way Into tho mountains to try nnd rearrest Mooro. It Is feared blood shed will result from tho attempt. FORM Investigation of Los Angeles Times Disaster Will Begin Next Monday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANOI3LKS, Oct. 21. A Bpeojal grand Jury was called today to Investigate tho dynamiting and burning of tho plnnt of tho Lob An geles Times, October 1. Tho Jury will convene next Tuesday. WERE.ENTRIES IN ST. LOUIS CONTEST CONDITION OF OREGON BEST Rain Prevents Chicago-Philadelphia Contest This Afternoon. (Dy Afcsoclated Press to C003 Day Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 21. Thero was no gamo today on account 01 woi grounds and a drizzling, Intermittent rain thnt has been falling all dny. Doth clubs welcome tho opportu nity to rest from tho stress nnd ox cltemeut of yesterday's gamo. COAST T.KAOUK SCOHKS. (Dy tallen ... "'" It ,. er nt nny t,mo previous- tomeron. It 1 otl"cr ai any tlmo previous ' o Monday hy District Attorney HIT EMPI.OYMHXT AGENCIES. Ubo"''K Me,, of Washington niK'st Tii.kiH AVill (Br neir anontion. Associated Press to Coos Day TIm-..-. .TCM. WnRh 'ftf . ,,, ' Mln n m ',,".. . other pin -ueuma, seaiuo aim the nen 1 Ul prosent R Petition to Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 21. - scores of yesterday's games in Coast League wero as follows: At San Francisco It San Francisco 8 Portland. . 0 At Sacramonto R - Oakland Sacramento 3 At Los Angeles D Vernon 2 Los Angeles 0 The tho II 10 C II 3 8 II 8 4 NUNCIO IS RECALLED. As Ubo; Iono Said to Hnvo Decided It Protest Against Portugal. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LisnON. Portugal. Oct. 21. Mon- D(,-t legislature asking a law to slgnor Tontl, tho papal nuncio In LIs- ; , u lo nuoiiBh nil omployment bon, today loft rortugai. is u- tlnatlon wns not nnnounceu, it nas been rumored that tho Popo has do clded to recall tho nuncio as a pro test against tho antl clerical attitude j of the republic. -Sentip abolish all omployment -IclJi V" the stat0 excPt tho mn- "ee employment bureaus. 4?SIr...?"mP an Douo,a "W4 -NS at ailLXEIl'S. Former Loon Lake Convict Wins Homestead From His Former Wife. ROSnilURQ, Ore., Oct. 21. Cnl Judy, tho pnroled llfo termor from tho stnto penitentiary, was victorious In court hero In tho legal Imttlo Insti tuted by his former wife. Mrs. S. C. Solauder, for tho possession of tho old fnmlly homestead of 1C0 acres on tho ground of undisputed posses sion for tho statutory period of ten years. Judy's attorney, Senntor Alb ert Abraham, argued that tho wo man hnd no color of title; thnt tho patent which uho obtained from tho government nftor hor husband was sent to tho ponltentlnry, was In her husband's name, not hers, nnd thnt tho homostead, therefore, wus hold for his benefit nlono. This conten tion -wns tho basis of a motion niado by Abraham that tho court Instruct tho Jury to render r verdict for Judy, This Judgo Coko did and tho Jury complied without retiring. Mrs. So lnnder's attorney, John T. Long, will appeal tho case to tho supremo court. Just before tho noon adjournment Judgo Coko dismissed all of tho trial Jurors excepting F. W, .Dlllard, Grant Taylor, J. II. Hortzer and Robert Hoggs. It Is oxpocted that Judgo Coko will Friday declare on adjournment until November 25 to enablo him to hold a term of court In Coos county, A fine of $400 nnd costs and 30 days' Imprisonment In tho county Jail was tho sentence meted out by Judgo Coko In tho circuit court hero to Max Weiss, operator of a local cold storage plant, who was convict ed by a Jury last week of violating the local option law by celling real beer. Weiss' attorneys will carry tho caso to tho Supremo Court. Throe moro chargos nro hanging ovor Weiss In connection with his cold storage business. C. A. Smith Talks About Com mercial Prosperity of Coun try and State. "I bollovo thnt tho Pacific coast and particularly Oregon nnd Califor nia, Is In bettor condition in n busi ness way right now thnn nny other pnrt of tho country." Tho nbovo statement wns mndo by O. A. Smith who was In tho city re cently looking nftor his milling nnd timber Interests In this locality. In speaking of tho business conditions gonornlly, Mr. Smith said that thoro was a feeling of uncertainty among tho big Investors nnd In tho financial circles of tho cast nnd thnt tho poo plo or Oregon mid no complaint to mnko ns thoy woro bottor off than most all other pnrtH of tho country. Politics Is nttrlbutod by Mr. S-nlth ns tho cnuso of tho present conditions which mnko rapltnt feel uncertain ns to Investments. In speaking of tho lumbor business, Mr. Smith snld that ho had hoped for nn Improve ment In tho lumbor mnrkot by this tlmo but that It had not como. Tho market, ho says, Is not good and tho manufacture of lumber cannot under prcsont conditions bo cnrrlod on profitably. Labor Is higher than formorly In thnt lino, snyB Mr. 8mlth, and tho cost of living and prlco of farm prod ucts aro much higher yot tho price of lumber Is low. In tho east tho rlso of tho prlco of lumbor Is moro slow thnn on tho const but it remains moro stnblo. Only a small ndvanco or drop In prlco occurs but on tho Pnclllc const, tho prlco fluctuates widely. Mr. Smith Bays that whon moro than tho usual number of ves sels loaded with lumbor como Into Snu Francisco harbor thero Is nn Im mediate, drop In tho mnrkot on ac count of tho ovcrsupply. Roforrlng to this unprofitable pres ent price of lumbor, Mr. Smith says: ''It mav Boom an nntmindlnp ntntn. mont to mnko, but it is truo that No Word From Pilots of Air ships That Left There Last Monday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 21. Alarmed by tho prolonged silence of three baloon pilots and tholr aides who loft hero Monday In tho International race, tho Aero Club of St. Louis today asked tho Canadian government to begin u hunt for them. It Is believed tho baloons landed Wednesday night, nnd thnt tho six occupants of tho three baskets nro in distress In tho forests of Canada. Tho Hudson Dny Com pany with headquarters In Montreal was uIbo asked to begin a search for tho aeronauts. Tho three baloons unreported nro tho "Amorlcn III," "ABunrn," tho Swiss entry, nnd tho "Dussoldorof II," tho Gennnn ontry. IN MARSHFIELD Arrangements For First Divi sion of Oregon Naval Re serve Made Tho movement to organize n branch of tho Orogon Naval Reserve horo promlsos to necomo even n greater Hiicccsa than was anticipated. A largo numbor hnvo signified their willingness to Join nnd It Is bollovcd thnt two divisions can bo organlzod In Mnrshlleld and possibly ono In North Dend. Lleutonant Stono, who wns eont horo to mnko urrnngomonts, wrote to Mr. McNulty, on chnrgo of tho Oro gon Naval Resorves, stating tho situ ation nnd this morning received tho following telegram: "Lieutenant Stone, Marshflold Lettor rocelved. Flno work. Wash ington wired. Tologruphlc answor states booT8 on tho wny. Lettor from Commnndor Marsh coming. Captain Shephord going to Marshflold on next Drenkwator. I am writing you now. (Signed) "McNULTY." Plans for tho First Division hnvo I tho reason labor, farm products and M. !'. PLANT 18 IN. Arrlit'N From South Today With .Many PusNeiigcrx. Tho M. F. Plant nrrlved In nt noon today from San Francisco nftor a good trip. She hnd a largo passon gor lister. Tho Plant will sail nt 1 o'clock Sunday for Snn Francisco. Among thuso arriving on tho Plnnt woro tho following: - Mrs. C. W. Morchnnt, J. F. Mursh all, II. D. Hutt, MIsh L. Dutler, J. Dorustoln, F. T. Hobson, Mrs, W. F, Dntcholl, Miss Datcholl, Mrs. Sweot on, .Mrs. Curron, W. II. Painter, Mrs. Painter, W. H. Pnlntor Jr., A. Mng ormustor, M. C. Ollmoro, Miss P. Shlrloy, J. Hnrmnn, P. Rnmbach, O. L. Dnggott, O. A. PoterBon, J. Davis, J. Van Horn nnd M. Hurley. nnd would not require the operating capital, "Dut thoro has been au Idea that sawing lumber was highly profltnblo and many hnvo rushed Into tho busi ness. Thoro nro mnny small mills which have boon started and many 11 biiw mill mnn Iiiih found that ho could not got tho prollts ho hoped for. Tho result has been an over production and a market which has declined whllo the prlco or other commodities and labor has Increas ed." In spite of tho fact that tho lum ber manufacturing buslnoss Is not profitable now, tho O. A. Smith Com- pnny continues to 'manufacture and this year Increased tbo capacity of tho plant by the construction of tho now mill, Tho plnnt has tho largost output of lumbor or nny mill on tho const and Is pnylng out In tho county a monthly pny roll or $70,000, which Is ono of the most Important Itoms In tho financial affairs of tho community, THE WHEAT MARKET. (Dy wny? - already bcon mndo, part of tho offi cers being chosen. JiiBt as soon as the copies of tho books containing tho Instructions reach here, tho Divi sion will bo able to start drill wprlc. The officers already chosen aro as follows: Lieutenant, senior grade Dr. E. Straw. ' Lieutenant, Junior grades II. Stono. Assistant Surgeon Dr. E. Mlngus Assistant Paymaster. R. O, Graves. 1 Ensign --Arthur Dlnnchard. E. C. WHEN? ! Shormln-Wllllams Pnlnt at Mlluer's. COATS, Tailored Suits and one piece drosses. At the LADIES' KM. PORIUM. 3-ln-l OIL at MILXEU'S. everything has gono up in prlco and lumbor has gono down Is simply ho cause of a mistaken bellof that the manufacture of lumber Is a profit able business. It Is a caso of over production due to this Idea that saw Ing lumbor will mako a man rich. Tho wealth of tho lumborman has been made by tho Incroaso In tho val 110 of tho timber lands, "Wo have boon In tho lumber busl noss for many years and I know that thoro was no monoy mado In saw ing lumber until 1897. Then somo profit was mado. Thon tho wages in tho east woro much lower both In tho woods and In tho mill. Now, wages aro higher and tho cost of producing lumbor is higher bo that with tho present market thoro Is no profit. An ownor of a saw mill to day would mako monoy faster If tho monoy ho has Invested In his plant wns Invested In timber, Tho lncrenso In tho value of tho timber would bo greater than anything ho could mako operating u mill and ho Wltllrt tint hflUA .tin ttnmn nn.1 .....t.1n 1. uu.v. uui. uu.u tliu VUiU UUU WUUU1U Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Oct. 21. Wheat un changed. TACOMA, Oct. 21. Wheat un changed. CHICAGO, Oct. 21. Wheat closod as follows: December, 03 7-8c; May, $1.00 1-8; July, 90 7-8c. HOW? RAIN COATS and rubborlzod CAPES at tho LADIES EMPORIUM. IIEAIt TRAPS at MILNER'S. SHOULD WE? ItAIN COATS and rubborlzod OAPES at tho LADIES EMPORIUM. 1 "- LAMPS nt -MILNER'S. 51 M