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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
!SSw'WWPflW,"lww' I lf p "r 'rvifww ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION - AJl TME CHURCH A BflWi SBulji y r. ii mi m im.llj j (Ministers nnd others aro request ed to hand tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to lnsuro Insertion Saturday.) UNION' SERVICE AT NORTH BEXD. Sunday evening a union sorvlco will bo hold at tho M. K. Church, North Bend, ns tho pastor, Rev. R. II. I'lcrson will preach IiIb farewell sermon at that tlnio. Tho order of tho scrvlco will ho ns follows: I'roludo, Sumner's Orchestra. Hymn No. 180, congregation stand ing. , Invocation. Quartette, accompanied by orches tra. Scrtyituro reading nnd notices. Offertory, music by orchestra. Solo, Mrs. Williams. Farewell sermon, "Tho Great Day," llov. R. II. Plcrson. Hymn nnd benqdlctlon. Postludo, Sumner's Orchestra. K THE LUTHERAN' CHURCH. X Itov. J. IUchnrd Olson, Pastor. 0 A. M., Sunday School. 11 A. M., Communion services, con ducted in tho SwedlHh language. Also admission of now members. No evening sorvlco. At North Bond 2 P. M., Sunday School. 3 P. M., rcgulnr services with sor mon by tho pastor. he Gin Fir ORDNANCE IS xmv regulations which AF FECT DEALERS IX FIODSTUFFS AXI) OWNERS OF HORSES AND cows ix marshfield soox effective. oitmxAxa: xo. iw. thereof, and shall at least ns often ns onco each day collect all tho accumu lations, upon said premises, of man ure and excrement from such animal or nnlmnls, deposit tho samo In such receptacle or receptacles and care fully closo or cover tho'Biuuo in such manner as to prevent tho nccoss ul files or otier insects to the contents thereof. Section 3. It shall be the duty of all persons, subject to the provisions of this ordlnanco to provide them selves with tho articles and appli ances required by tho terniB hereof, within ton (10) days after the pas sago and approval of this ordinance Section 4. Any person, who shall HERE'S THE "TYPHOID ELY" An ordlnanco to protect tho public health nnd to nrcvont tho spread of filth and of contagious and Infectious diseases by means of flics and othui ltlBCCtS. TUB CITY OF MARSHFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It shall bo tho duty of vlolato nny of tho terms or provisions every grocer, hotel keeper, owner or 0( this ordlnnnco shall, upon couvlc luanugor of a restaurnnt, boarding tlon thereof, bo deemed guilty of a house, meat market or Btoro, or nny L'.lsdomcanor, and shall bo punished building or plnco other than n pri- uy n flno of not less than flvo dollars vato dwelling house, where meats ($5.00), nor moro than ono hundred and vegetables, fruit or food stuffs dollars ($100.00), nnd tho coutlnu aro kept for snlo or consumption, to anco of such violation shall bo deem keep nil such meats, vegetables, cj n ncw offonso for each day on fruits and food stuffs, that nr in which the samo Is continued nnd shall their nature Busccptlblo of contain- UQ nunlshnblo accordingly. Unix WSlW Sunday school will bo hold nt tho usual hour. Other services will bo at tho Tuber, nnclo. m 4 FIRST BAPTIST CHUHCH. Ilov. Q. Loltoy Hall, Ilcsldcnco C92 Sixth street Plioiu'tt: Residence, 2BC-J. Study, 28U-L. Norwegian Lutheran, m H L. RASMUSSEN, Pastor. K English services nt 10.15. Sunday School at 10 A. M. In North Bond thcro will bo English services at 2.30 P. M., nt tho M. E. Church. gy(j CHRISTIAN Clll'KCtl. A. O. Wnlker, Minister. Blblo School nt 10 A. M. Y. P. S. C. E. sorvlco nt 7 o'clock. Union Borvlco nt Tnbornnclo at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Inatlon in any mnnner, by or from llles or other insects, at all times, properly and securely screened nnd protected from contact with sucti llles or Insects, by proper glnss, wood or metal receptacles or covers, or by mesh screens, from which nil llles nnd other Insects shall bo n't all times excluded. Section 2. It shall bo tho duty of every owner, manager, tenant, lessee or person in chnrgo of any stable, bnrn, shed, Bhelter or structure of whatever nature, within tho City of Mnrshlleld, occupied by or used for tho housing or protection of out or Section C. Whoreas, tho continued oxposuro of food stuffs to contact with llles nnd other Insects and tho exposure of mnnuro nnd animal ox croment to contact with such llles nnd insects, constitute a constat! monnco to tho health of tho commu nity, for this reason it Is necessary for tho Immedlnto preservation of tho pcaco, health and safety of the city that this ordinance should be como Immediately operative. Section C. Therefore an emergen cy is horcby dcclnrcd to exist and this ordlnnnco shall bocor.u opcratlvo Immediately upon Its passago and 4T'yi$'y' Any fly may be the Typhoid Fly Flici kill more human bclngi than Ml the beaiU of prey LET US HELP YOU KILL TWIT WT.TPCI t JOt JuHH J0AL k owiicoml&y! fit WtJt II A." "ar r moro horses or cows, to provldo and approval by tho Mayor. uso ono or moro propor receptacles, I Pnssod and enacted this 5th day i so constructed oi mouu, woou or of September, luio. ucrcentng thnt llles and other Insecth (Approved) E. E. STRAW. Mayor. cannot gain access to tho Interior Attest: JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder preach at 1 1 o'clock and a union scr. NOTICE vico will bo hold nt 8 o'clock, nt which Hov. 11. II. Plorsou will dollvor his farewell senium. Subject, "Tho Great Day." A CHKISTIAX SCIENCE. Tho Christian Sclenco will have services nt their 'hnll, 327 Third street North, Sunday at 11 A. M. Subject, "Substance" XOIITII BEND PHESRY. TERIAN CHUHCH. Sunday School nt 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. Junior Christina Endeavor r. m. Senior Christian Endeavor r. m. Evening scrvlco at S P. M. at 4 at 7 MAHSHPIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mass will be celebrated at 10 A, M. by Hov. Father Springer. NORTH 11KXI) CATHOLIO CHURCH. Tho North llond Catholic congrega tion will hold sorvlces at S o'clock. Mass will bo celebrated by Father Springer. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M Hov. FRANK R. ZUOG, Mlnlstor Sunday School at tho usual hour. Tho other services will bo hold nt tho Tnbornnclo In conjunction with tho revival meetings. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Win. Horsfall, ArcluWncon. Services will bo held nt U A. M. nnd 7.30 P. M., Archdeacon Horsfall officiating. A METHODIST EPISCOPAL U H Hot. II. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. X Services nt tho Methodist Episco pal Church will bo held as follows: Sunday School at 10 A. M. Epworth Leoguo at 0.30 P. M. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS F. O. HUNCH, Minister. Seventh Day Adventlst scrvlco are conducted every Saturday at tho Lutheran ball ns follows: Sabbath school nt 10 a. in, preach ing service 10: -15 a. in. You are cordially Invited to attend. 1IOW8 THIS? Wo offer Ono lliimlivil IHlur Hew nt for nny rntoiif Ciiinrrli llrtl ranno. Iv uirtri Uy IIkII'k (rtlirri i lire Y. J. l-IIKNKY CO., Toltiln. O. Wo, tluuniilt'rlKiioli livo lnuMi K. J. Ulir ney for ilioll l."i)iui, mill Mlou1 liliu l'or fivll) lui..ornliU in all lniliu lntiiclloiu ami lluiiiuiiilly Hb.o liu'urry out any o-IIku-tloiu iiimto liy iil linn. v tnn.No, KinsaN Si Makvin, Wliol ulo Uructiitl. Tolttto, O- It nil's CMtiirrh Cure l IhLoii iiiU'riinlly. Hit Iiik uluH'lly iikiu l to lilohl iiml iiiiu'oik ur fiutii df Hid i.iii. IVtitnicnliiU nul (rto rrii-t- iiinu iter ihiiiio ih)ki uyiiii utiiRt;ii Tukv llull'i tMiiill) l'IIWfnrooiiiiilrttuii. l'OHT ST. JAMKS, OX LAKE STU- ART, HR1TISH COLU.A1UIA. UNITED RRinilRKX CHURCH OK NORTH IHCND. Suiula School, 10 A. M. MoiniiiK Worship, 11 A. M. J ii n tor i:mloRvri. 1 p, M. Mrs. ri-iiii-, hiipei i 'i ndent. on'oi- Ciiiivai ; p. M. Kuiuluis service at 8 P. M. NORTH REND METHODIST. Hov. Rutledgo of Mnrshflold will This Is destined to bo tho Portland of Hrltlsh Columbia, on a navigable river ami deep wator lake, with two trains running lu uoxt fall. Letters pour Into our otllco nil da; with applications for lots. To those who canuot como In wo would do our utmost to muko a good solectlou. Price, $100 and ?200 each. Cash $25, balance $10 n mouth. A fow 40-acro farms, Jolnlug Fort St. Jamo townslto nnd Lake Stuart, $50 cash and $10 a mouth. You n?d uot be n Canadian oltlten to hold this. You nead uot Improve It, uor you need not reside on It. AH tots land Is on or near the railroads Qrand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Htoh fuciu lauds, $9.6Q per acre. $8 cash and balance $1 per acre per jvar until paid. Apply Canadian Northern Land Company, 304, 305 and 3QG Lewis Uutldlng, Portlaud, Oregon. OF SALE OF IMPHOVE- MEXT ROXDS. Notlco Is hereby given that scaled proposals will bo received by tho Flnanco Commltteo of the Common Council of tho City of Mnrshlleld, Coos County, Oregon, at tho otllco of tho City Recorder of Bnld City of Marshllcld, In tho City Hall of said City, until 4 o'clock P. M. of TUES DAY, tho 27th day of September, 1010, for tho purchase of street Im provement bonds to tho amount ot $15,055.27, of tho said City of Marshllcld, Coos County, Oregon. All of said Improvement bonds to bo In denominations not exceeding $500 nnd bearing Interest nt tho rnto of six per centum per annum from dnto thereof, payable soiul-annually; sail bonds to bo dated tho day of Is suance nnd to mnturo in ten years thereafter, with prepayment option thereon nt fnco value nnd accrued In terest to dnto of any semi-annual coupon Interest porlod at, or ntter, ono year from tho dato of said bonds, upon giving notlco by publication In a newspaper of genernl circulation printed and published lu Coas county, Oregon, such notlco to bo published uot less than twlco during tho month preceding such soml-nnnunl porlod at which such prepayment thereof will bo mnde. Tho right Is expressly re served to reject any and nil bids and upon nil or nny of such bids, or pro posals, being rejected, If thoro should romaln any bonds unsold, tho said bonds may bo thereafter sold nt prl vato snlo by said Common Council of said City of Mnrshflold, Oregon; but In no event to bo sold nt less than par nnd accrued Interest. Said bonds nr0 authorized by the laws of tho Stato of Orogon and ordinances of tho Common Council ot tho 6nld City of Mnrshflold, Oregon. Assessed vnluatlon of said City of Mnrshflold, Oregon, is $1,701,540. Rondetl Indebtedness Is $54,000. Population Estimated nt 5,000. A certified check for 5 por centum of amount of bid, or proposal must accompany each bid to bo forfeited to said City of Marshfleld In caso bid Is accepted and blcfder falls to accept and make payment for said bond or bonds, covered theroby, within ten dnys from dato of ncceptnnco of said bid or bids. Each bid or proposal submitted to doslgnnto tho denominations of said bond or bonds desired. nids or proposals received for any amount of said bonds; small bidders j being given preferonco of purchase. Proposals, or bids, with certified j cheoke, to bo oncloHod In sonlod plain i ouvelopeg without distinguishing I marks or writing thereeu, except tho words "Bids for Improvement Bonds ot the City of Marshfleld, Oregon." Dated this Mh day of Se'iteinlun-, mo. P. HKNNE88EY, A. H. POWERS. CARL ALBRECHT. Flnauoe Commltteo of Common Coun cil Of thQ flltv Af Vnratiflnl.l n- I .... ..,, . viu, uic gon. We Have BUHACH THE ORIGINAL AXI) REST FLY POWDER OX THE MARKET. 25 cent and 50 cents Can It Kills Flies THEN WE HAVE Poison Fly Paper fie. PICR PACKAGE, AXI) Tangle Foot I SHEETS FOR 3c. GET RID OF FLIES AXD YOU WILL SAVE DOCTOR RILLS. Wiltt "i , if NteniAT cu.iiM ee. tmuta nu vwcJ'. faometovek:- It wow to ekokkl too too pw Mt. id not foeaCthy ChttCv ones In $a&k ijotA oCd Ad and aet c n&v one AV uo(A oont: i&e fiaw &owe eO'tit Aado Szdb that wwCd fo a'yi onamcnt to cm faom& mid the hilee id witftin beaeft oj aCC. ea and see ouk Sine. . GOING & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers THE RED CROSS Drug Store STEAMER M.?F. PLANT JaW Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. OP THE SHIP, THAT TIME U.V- sna2SE5dLTidsaszsasE5aran!jas2ir : j C C C g r-n i, . -- fl " , S"L. . - i &2S25BSZSlit7.S?jaS?JHSSS3Si5SS5ria 'aUSlhlSiSiSiSi. ISVriSiSiSiSlSiSiSt i-C-a-rt-n-ri-n-a-tJ-M-H-ti-M- m-m-m-m-m tt8i Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AXD J03SOX CEMENT The bott Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 810 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 201 .-- MYRTLE NOVELTIES FURNITURE :: AND TO YOUR ORDER AT THE SHOP OF QUALITY 710-720 SOUTH BROADWAY. "ng; i BKKKKKKStHiK3SiSIE3HM.WKBHKKilKKSHBMKtl BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES MAnr A BUSINESS MEX IX MARSHIILLD WHO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAX BE GUARANTEED AT PAIR PRICES OR MEX WHOSE WORK MAY BE DEPENDED UPOX. IT WILL PAY YOU o TpATrSe THE.M -"--mi ramr " Mother7 Restaurant Is better prepared to servo you than ever bete re. Commercial Au, bet. Front nnd Ri'omlwny, .Martdiflclri. Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heating Mnrahtlelu, Ore., Phono GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DOXE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Hrnils, Bill Henrts, Enve lopes, Culling Cmds, otc. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office STADDEN All Kinds ot ihotoSiaph work, 1. I.S- -uiiiiw euiai-inj; ad Kodak Ishhig. tin- At J.. KOONTZ Machine and Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam nnd Gas Engine Work Hollar dH hont sIiod. Front street, Marshfleld, Ore.