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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
i isrTVP t?',"'I"11bI T' HT'T -'ww5rr,pr',Rrr-r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910-EVENING EDITION- .0.. - ' AWRIVv4pvvPHWPWnpWWWVVwwMflvn00te rR7TcK? T SS'S'csj'cfi'L fiv- " i T WiKL IPfcluEi W fMWri as i,N5 kl A I . VJJ I TSa.NJ. ' U " AJ s 1 li It rfjflW" Hcsve a Miihcoma THE BEST 3 Hat y IN AMERICA Fall Stylos Now Showing TiTo WOOLEN MILL STORE MUI-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon 0MW0$miJ pS company him but sho refused because ! mmamrommimromromroimr sS&gg FOR SALE OH TRADE. Nino blood ed Angoras. Mrs. E. E Dyer, Dan lols Creek. mz&sm WANTED. I have a limited nmoiuit of private money to loan In Binall nmounts on real estate. It .0. Graves. mm Euthymol Cold Cream No mystery about this tho "whoroforo" Is In the cream It- lelf. KUTIIYMOL COM) CREAM Is wholcsomo. It Is smooth. It rubi In nicely and Is quickly nbsorbed. It is exqlulstcly Bcented. It i all that a cold cream need bo or should be. Price 25 cents a tube Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Comer" Marshfield, , Oregon I FOR SALE New five-room modern bungalow nud lot 10x100 In South Mn'rshlleld, near In. Hat-Rain. Call at "421 Golden Ave. or phone 14711. WANTED. A competent tutor in Algebra, ono hour dally. Address by letter "X. Y" caro Times'. WAXTKI). Cliniuberiiuild, nt tlio Lloyd Hotol., LOST. ladles' gray sweater, llo turn to Times ofllco for reward. "WANTED Uy newcomer and busi ness man to buy Interest, with ser vices In paying business, or n posi tion. What havo you? Address P. O. Hox 405, city. TIIK WKATIIKH. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Sunday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 P. M., Sept. 9, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me- teorologlcal observer: Maximum ' OC Minimum 40 At 4.43 P. M GO Precipitation None Wind, Northwest: Clear, WAXTKI). One iNitwiiger for auto trip to Hoseburg before Sept. 17th. D. L. Footo. FOR SALK. Iron bod, innttiess, springs, sanitary couch, crib, prin cess dresser, 4 dining chairs, lea ther rocker, library table, good heater. Inqulro 309 Park nvo., down stairs, FOU SALK. In Coos River, nliout five miles from Mnrshfleld, quarter of a inllo from the river, 12 acres of laud, 10 acres marsh, two of hill. For particulars wrlto to An tony Blasca, Marshfield, or call nt tho placo. FOR SALIC Cheap for cndi, Slv and halt million feet of timber. Ad dress Uox 32S Mnrshfleld, Oro. n-B-B-tt-H-tt-tt-tt- tt-tt-tt-tt-tttt-tt-tt-K-tt-K-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt- n u I a i i k t :j tt rt i t: t u i tt i tt tt t V K I a i a i 88 a-u--jt-n---.a-K-B- -n-n-tt-H-K-n-a-r: -a-a-a-a ; aSESJSSSaSSdSZiSaSZS?. 25ES7SHSSSZ!IE5?lSZ5ZSZIiK5aKKSZS? STEAIV1ER BREAKWATER! Cm. . .... .. ifl a "iiuiii.liiHWor(!iDock, Portland, at 8 P. jr., every Tiuday. C 8 Ms from Coos Hay every Saturday at service of time. Denervations $ tj lll iwt be held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are iiurvliiixod. fV i W. F. Miller, Age. , Ffconc Ksfn 35-L, leKiidalile laundering. Usunlly it is u very difficult matter to II nil a laundry thnt. Is thoroughly depend able where you can always count on everything always done right. Our laundry porforms Just that service. Family washings, flot work, dainty fabrics, shirts, collars and cuffs nro always handled in the snmo way, by tho Bamu skilled operators and with tho saiuo painstaking care. It is this mire and porfeot systom that Is win ning us hundreds of friends on Coos Hay. Wo may not handle your work now, but wo surely will 'soon. Why noLaJart-now?. -,. COOS ll.Y STKAM LAUNDRY. PHONE n7-J. WAXTKI). Hoarder ly week; line tablo board. Address Times. WAXTKI). Carrier boy deliver The Times; must bo nt least in four grado at school. WAXTKI). Experienced roal iiiliirr and tlmbermon. Apply Heaver Hill Coal Co. W. C. T. U. Meets Tho W. C. T. U. holds n special meeting Monday afternoon nt 2.30 In tho Methodist Church. Goes Fishing. Rav. M. II. Lyon to-dny onjoyod his first troll Ilshlng, G. W. Dungnn tnklng him out this morning. What "luck" they havo re mains to bo soon on their return. Opens Unkery. C. D. Rcovcs of North Yakima, Wnsh., has bought the Corthell bakery on Second streot and will reopen It. Ho Is an experi enced baker and expects to build up n big business here. Loses Finger. Victor Wlttlg of North Hand, who Injured his hnnd so badly as to necessitate tho ninputn tlon of ono of tho fingers Is gradually recovering, though It will rcqulro sov. eral weeks yot before ho will bo ablo to attend to his log rafting business. Walts For Hallrond. L. II. Jud son, formerly a resident of Mnrshflold but now of Ilnndon, passed through hero to-day on rotito to Oshkosh, Wis., where ho will visit nt his old home. Ho wanted Mrs. Judson to nc- Bho declared when sho camo hero she ' would not go bnck until sho could make tho entlro trip on a railroad. Sells Stock. Arthur Peck as trus tee of W. J. Preston, bankrupt, has sold tho roninnnts of tho electric sup ply stock to tho Coos Day Wiring Company. It litis not yet been figured out what per cent tho assets will pay tho creditors. Will Hrlng Hrlde It Is under stood that Hov. R. E. Hrownlng, who hns been appointed by HIshop Scad ding, to tho Marshfield parish of tho Episcopal Church, will bring a bride with hi m next week, his marrlngo taking plnco soon. No further par ticulars havo boon received. Illlllaiil Contest. A. A. Adnms of Los Angeles and Mr. Glllosplo of Kan sas City, who has been visiting his old friend, Low Price, on tho Hny, aro engaged In a bllllnrd contest thnt la attracting considerable attention Hoth nro "shnrks" with tho cue. In tho first series, Adnms was victor, then Gillespie took a series, nnd yes terday they broko oven on four gnmcB, lenvlng them still a tie. They nro playing three-cushion. THF F I fYVn MutKlineM'i popular Family lilt lluiu 0ri AU frture -rotv ninl I'lcnu. Velvet ami AxmlnUtor enrpet In t.vor room. I'mir Morlo of olM comfort Itu'i'K taliirvit tot iUy, AOe, T.V mul II.OOj week, U 0o to (M, AWirn few tumor krcpliiK utl. ini'iiu wit iim rniiuoi, 12.W per month. Krre Luilit. Tnku lm titoHit. Mrt. llrliluvs. flop i THK FAST AX1) COMJIOIHOUS Steamer Redondo (KQUIPPKI) WITH WIHELKSS) WILL 3IAKIJ HKGL'LAH TRIPS CAUHY1XG PASSKXGKHS A-M FREIGHT 1JETWEEX COOS HAY AXI) SAX FRAXCIS 0. AU, RKSKRVATIOXS KOU PASSEXGKRS JIADK AT ALLIANCE HOC1C, MARSHFIELD AXI) IXTER-OCEAX TRAXSP, CO. fife HLDG., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR 1XFOR WATIOX PIIOXK U-J or 28.1. SAILS FROM SAX FRANCISCO, SKPT. 1 ITU. INTER-OOEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. TnMtfffMTMP ti-t:---n-::--K--u--- i ? For Strictly n l Fresh Butter ? Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk ? Butter Milk I Bean-Pot Cheese ? and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES H A. M. and 2 P. 51. Phono 7!J.J. -.----K----n-n-r-' rt i t: t n i n i t tt t t n ti ll a i u i a tt t i i tt a i n tt i R I tt t tt t tt I tt tt t tt n THE ROYAL TONIGHT "TH KMOTII AND THE FLAME," A Clever Comedy. "P. S. Sl'UMARINE SALMON," Graphic picture of the operations of the largest vessel of the kind In the world. See her dive. "INDIANS," And iiiany new ones good ones' the kind the Royal always shows. ADMISSION, 10c. WORK AT OTHER END. Douglas County Helping to Make HoM'hurg Roatl Good One. Tho Roscburg Roviow reprints from tho Myrtle Point Entorprlso an litem regarding what Is being done on tho Myrtlo Point-Rosoburg wagon road, in which it Is stated that It Is to bo mndo an nuto routo. In com menting upon it tho Roviow says that fully ns much moro work as is boing dono In Coos county is boing cnrrlod on nt tho Douglas county ond of tho road. A new grndo several miles long has boon built along Camas mountain entirely cutting out ono of tho hard est parts of tho trip. AMOXG THE SICK. Wilson Kaufman, who was qulto sick, was better to-day. D. W. Small has been confined to his homo for n fow dnyn by an at tack of la grlppo. C. 1). Hillings hns been qulto 111 In North Mnrshflold tho pnst week from a protrnctod attack of hiccoughs. Lawronco Koontz, tho young son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Koontz, who hns been suffering from n severe at tack of pneumonia, is reported soma bettor. Mrs. SI. Nonh of Coos RIvor is hero securing medical attendance Sho has boon suffering from a com plication of Ills and Is staying nt tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. Foster, In South Mnrshfleld. Personal Notes fcitttUUttttttUttttttUttttttKttttttUUKttKU H. W. PAINTER will HUY your APPLES. Phono 241. STEAMER RETA '"III Wvo SUN DAY MORNING from MARKET AVE Nl'E DOCK for REACH. Round trip FIFTY CENTS. Everybody como. Tnko your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Speclnl menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tallies for PARTIES by PHONIC. MRS. A. Q, AIKEN will havo hor fall nnd winter millin ery on display on and nftor SEPTEMBER 14 CRANHERRY RANCHES. Wo havo thorn for snlo cheap. They nro money makors. Lot us toll you nbout thorn nnd show you what wo havo. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. WILLIS II. KENNEDY loft for Port land to-day on business. RODGER AVEH1LL loft for Portland to-dny on business. MISS MARIE THOMASON hns re turned from a visit up Coos River MISS EVA LAIRD of Myrtlo Point registered nt tho McCiallan Ilotol in Hoseburg. ED. WIEUER loft to-day on tho Hreakwater for Portland, whoro ho will attend Columbia University. MR. nnd MRS. W. S. CHANDLER nro down from their Coos Rlvor bunga low. PETER LOGGIE of North Bond was n Marshfield business visitor to dny. JACK NOBLE, .Too Noblo nnd Leo. McLnln nil left on tho Uronkwntor to-day for Portland, whoro they will ontor Columbia College. COL. R. II. SMITH of Portland loft to-day on tho atenmor Breakwater for Portland. Ho Is going away for tho benefit of his health. BEN CHANDLER loft to-day on tho Brcnkwator for Portland and from thoro will go to Eugcno to attend tho University of Oregon. MESSRS. MIKE SANDIN nnd WER NER NYSTROM of North Bond loft to-dny on tho Brenkwntor for a few weeks' stay In northorn cltlos. DONALD CHARLESTON wont to Unndan this morning nnd will bring his wife from thnt city to Marshfield. LEE EDWARDS nnd II. A. Wolls hnvo returned from a hunting trip In Curry county with many yartm of big gnmo, but they brought vory llttlo gnmo with thorn. DR. W. L. KARR nnd wlfo and mother, Mrs. E. A. Knrr, who havo been visiting tho past thrco weoka with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon left on tho Brenkwntor for Port land, whoro they will mnko their future home. L. W. JACOBS of Portland arrived on the Drnln h'oh? to-day on n busi ness and plcnsuro trip. Mrs. Jnc- ' obs, who was formorly Miss Hnttlo Kerrey, Is now In tho city vsltlng hor pnronta, Mr. and Mrs. Jamoa L. Forrey. F. II. McCARTER nnd fnmlly of Port land arrived on tho Brenkwntor for n short visit with Hormnn Illllyor and othor rolntlvos horo. Mossri. Illllyor nnd McCnrtor aro Drotohrs-ln-lnws and Mr. McCnrtor has charge of tho linotypes on tho Port land Dally Nows. CRANHERRY RANCHES. Wo havo them for sale cheap. Thoy aro monoy mnuers. 1.01 us ton you nbout them nnd show yon whnt wo have. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. FOR THE QUEEN OF TIIK HAY, rKE EASTSIDK. KLLERHY'S FISH MARKET, Kd. T. Hnlcli, Prop. Shell Fish of Every Description. Salmon anJ Deop Sea Fish In Season. Tel. Market 2 0-1 J. Foot of Market AviMiue. A full lino of TUNGSTEN and TANTALUM LAMPS Just received. -iaii...,. o Get In your orders for ronownla for fall ns tlio days grow short you will need thorn, I ,., cobs my.&wmi. :i,.J "C00S BAY WSiY SYNN&Vrg ) DEAL5&S Jts X iH73 j ccAicoimafl7!r. wv. FARM, FMT. .. w -od nmm at 4 44 44 r -r AvO) "" sW ISAF AND Fttr 4P - SQUARE V-Z&r . x cir vw rx&zciiLu xx j r Ousmzms or rwmu, COJIPAlflES A SPBWITYsO l, ' ' I ! Wealr1 kS ,,rovpu thnt Investments In small aero tracts near growing Brnsohv , mc,t Profitable Tho C. B. R. S. baa such to offer. . Cbas. J. " Marshfield, Oro. Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-L. 4 Coos Bay Wiring Co. I PKRT ELECTRICIANS. H.h'('ctfiilv ask your patronage. PHONE 2S7-J. -tt--tt--tt-fc-w-tt-tt-tj-tt-a-tt-R-n-n-a-tt-tt-tt-a-tt-tt-tt-r) k 9 Pippin Vinegar A Pure Cidar Vinegar No Acid but Just Ritfht Your grocer has it at no ad vance in price 17H Broadway, North, MRS. M. R. SMI I'H agent for CHARLES A. STEVENS CLOAK AND SPIT HOUSE, of Chicago. Our Work is Our adlver- . tisementt OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SATISFACTION. UARSHFIELR HAND AND STEAM Shop In Rear of Owl Furniture Store. IjAU.MJUX. '..'auzey Hros., Prop. Phono 220-J. TRY .MY VACUUM CLEANER. Don't make a drudge of yoursolf by banting rugs nnd cnrpUa when you can havo It dono more cheaply and batter with :uy vacuum olonnor. ' PI ono 205-J. r. ., T,,.r.n I IX. r.. i-i.ruvjii, tttt-tt-u-tt-tt-n-n-tt-tt-tt-tt-- tt-tt-tt-tt--tt-tt-- Paint Your Roof If you are figuring on painting or repairing your roof this fall we would like the opportunity of quoting you prices on our ELASTIC ROOF PAINT. This paint is as goo 1 as its name, Will last for years without repairing, It is a protective coating against corrosion, This paint dries rapidly, is WATERPROOF and ELASTIC. Do not paint vour paper roof, with coal tar or anv pf thp chean so-called paner roof paints. Our ELASTIC ROOF PAINT will last for years and the price is no hifiher, K n a tx tt tt c tt tt i u i V tt I tt t tt I tt tt ? tt 1 G. W.Dungan TirHb'ich HatJhc'l Undertaker 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J M.irslul. Id, Oitgon. Pallors, ISO South SJd St., Telephone, Day or Night, 105-J. Pioneer Hdw. Co. F. E. HAGUE, Pies. M. D. SUMNER, Vice Pres. i i