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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1910)
WVW.WmiifWll1''.! ' wSIPwwffWFi'Wf'' n. - ADS. mm?& NEWS nt niwwffl? is blow Al GET IT WHILE IT IS NKW DX READING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALw THE TIME TERSELY TOLD it :: :: :: : VI- IRTISH. Ill.Vl'lirr I'6":.. ..- ciirnnsSFUL in nusi- SSloraBS BVBIWWIIKIW :: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1H78 ns Tho Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mill Coos liny Advertiser. .xxxiii. No. 49. BIS HDLD UP RUSSIAN SOLD nu iu kuh vmm L Owners of the Vessel Are Murdered By the Robbers. SEVERAL OF CHINESE CREW 'ARE KILLED. Libers Make Escape and Are Pursued By Russian Gunboat. (By Associated Press.) HARDIN', Manchtirln, Soit. 12. n'.fo!til ns pnsscngcrs, n band of Ljiods boarded nnil hold up it Ruh LuutMni vessel, killed two Russians I . I il.iiAiiun1 n.i.1 fltn.i almf fl tWOWBCU lU HMUI) IIU UIUII Dllb Ifnmbr of tlio Chinese crow nnd Ittotal the passengers. A RiiBsInn finboit has been sent In pursuit of ',! outlaw. I IN SHOT AH s'an ES FROM iakci U HA S BEES STOLEI'GAILIIG RESORT IS HELD UP; Bf NEGROES Hegroes at Columbus Hold Up Whiles and Pistol Fight Follows. (Dy Atsoclntod Press.) COLl'JinUS, 0., Sept. 12. Pour mnt held up Charles Otla nnd Ciltln Hcyge, two white men, nenr toe last night mid In n pUtol fight Otli ai killed nnd Heygo probably atilly hurt. 1ST LEAGUE BALL SGORE Portland Loses Two Games to Oakland Team and Wins One. Cy Associated Pross.) PORTI.AVM w c... , -.. . ....., wiv., ouju. u. i-uri- I m4 won a gamo from Oakland Sat iny but lost both games with Onk M Sunday. The- scores for tho two I re as follows: .SatiiuLi)'s Games. AT OAKI.A vn - o u Iw'Aii o R AT SACRAMENTO R. II. "rramentn v " i) 'ttKU ... 1 AT LOS Avnurtw ' u Angeles j 8111 Francisco .!!..!.'. ,,', 2 niimliyV Games. FIRST GAME. v Oikinj . ' PortI..i ' . ' inland . '" A SACRAMENTO' Mframentn Vfrnoa . AT LOS AXQELES ' I 1,, . sr GAME. 1 U1 AflPoln, 81,1 Francisco'! , SECOND GAME.' r" Angeles ... " Francisco ' G 4 H. R. 5 3 . 4 . 3 R. . 3 . 0 R. . 1 . 0 Steamer M. F. Plant Here and Will Sail To-Morrow Evening. Tho Htcnmor .M. P. Plant nrrlvod from San Francisco oarly this morn lug ami will Bill I at 5.30 P. M. to-inor-. row. Tho following nro tho pubboii gors who arrived: Goo. Lungford, Mrs. Lnngford, Miss L. Qulgloy, Miss O. Eleklor, Win. Tyr rell, Mrs. Tyrroll, A. Carson, Mis Carson, .1. L), Jones, Q. Hlnlr, J. E. Smith, Mm. Smith, Mrs. E. K'olloy and two chlldron, M. 0. Qulgley, G. E. French, Miss Mogohnn, E. Elcklor, C. W. Cnlof, Miss F. Kaufman, Miss Chase, .Mrs. W. J. llutlor, Mrs. I. Car ina, W, Stephen, Ed. Wngnor, A. ller rot, E. Duke, R. Ouch. OBJECTS TO RATE.. Vice-President of Pennsylvania Says They Are Too Ijuv. (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sept. 12. John J. Thayer, third vice-president of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, to-day told tho Interstate Commerce Commission hrtf tho freight rntcs botweon tho East and tho West woro too low, and that they should havo boon advanced In 189S, but tho adjustment was de layed on account of business depres sion. Ho said tho passenger rntcs woro not compensatory for tho ser vice rendered. LYON MUCH APPRECIATED Amount Missing in Shipment From Alaska Is $57,000 and Whole Affair Is Surrounded By Mystery. (Uy Associated Pross.) SEATTLE, Wash., Sep. J. Tho mystery of tho $57,100 gold bullion robber Is almost ad deep to-day as before. Indeed, the dlstanco to bo iparchod for clues of the thieves has been enlarged by the r..ldltlon of tho Yukon River botweon Fairbanks and Dawson. Tho first reports stated thnt the gold boxes containing $170,000, shipped by tho Wnshlugton-AlnBka Dank to tho Dexter Hortou National nnnk of Seattle, woro opened by tho customs olllcers nt Dawson nnd tho gold examined. This Is not truo. Tho Canadian oHlclnls merely looked at tho express seals to sco thnt they woro Intnct. Tho robbery wns not dlscnvpred until after tho Hhlpmont I KILLS 10 Big Four Train Carrying Na tional Guardsmen In An Accident. (Dy Associated Press.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 12. Two persons wero killed and two In jured severely and soma slightly hurt In n wreck of a Rig Four train, carry ing tho Kontucky National Guards men to Fort Harrison. 01 RO Jdifl- - tontine "S lKs. Tho duck 15th and6!18011 1)ens Thufc SePl to mat CaI nlmrds nro planning T"!-morn, rIV atttlCk tl,0m' Mat Ed in th MoInt03 Gn Club 0sCoosnr. Ut t0 Us "esorvo h-em-T I0OI atter tho feed nCa !' Cal- Wrlt, deputy from a , , n- who recently returned feWrttw rUgh tno Sand Hills, ,!l8re tit, mre dUC,S wero 1,atcned inn. 8eason than Beveral ile i. . 001 smd kand S4id ' lD1uIre 215 Broadway, S. Harris Applauded As He Sings "The Holy City" Sun day Morning. inr TJov. fl. I.ollov Hall.) LYON STK'KTHiHTS. "If onch of tho tlfteon snioons v in Murahliold pays $000 license nnd you think you must havo this $9,000 for "rovonuo," uiuh v tho 700 voters hero nro selling thomsolvos for about $13.00 a head. You could buy a small sized hog for thnt sum." a "Anv ninn who swears Is a coward, and I can provo It." - "Gambling catcnos a man umn going and coming. Ho wants to win moro If he Josos, and If ho wins ho still wants more." "Tho man who gnmuios aim wins Is a thlof. Tlo one who loses Is a fool." "Either America win iimu v out the cignrotto habit or tho death knoll of tho State has al- rondy been sounded." "Tho saloon and tno iioubo v of prostitution nro twins." "There nro no pedestals In tho grave." "If a hog falls into tho mud ho usunlly stays. Dut a sheep tries to get out." "Thero was fnr more nope iui weeping Peter outside the gnto v than for boasting Peter Inside tho gate." $ "If Pltato ran a buslnoss In O Mnrshfleld ho would say, 'I want v to bo neutral." "No dust blinds tno eyes oi mankind so much to-day ns gom v dust." "Havo you been to tho tabernacle, and how did you like It?" ThS answer Is unanimously In favor of Mr. Lyon. All with one accord say. "Ho is nil right." AH lovers of mu sic say that Just as Mr. Lyon Is a D,.iniit in his work, so Mr. Harris nn his nlitco. All should have reached hero on the steamer Hum boldt and wns delivered to tho Dex ter Harton Dank. When opened nnd checked up, the first box wns found to coutnln lend, although tho seals w.oro unbroken. The prevailing the ory nmong shipping moil Is thnt tho robbery was commlttood on tho steamer on tho Yukon, for It seoniB to have been a counterpart of tho Uobby Miller robbery of 1900 when $C!),000 was taken. Miller wns em ployed as watchmhn on tho stenmor and opened tho trensuro box, taking the gold and substituting shot. The dealer who Bold tho shot betrayed Milter, who surrendered $50,000 on the promlzo ho would only get an olghtecn-months' sontonco. Ho Bald tho other $19,000 hnd boon stolon from him. Mlllor, when InBt hoard from, wns on tho Yukon. It Is ex pected tho thieves will ultimately bo caught when nn nttotupt Is made to dispose of tho gold, for tho Tnnnnl gold has n peculiar color. HIICU DIES OF Logger Injured at Isthmus In let Passes Away at Mer cy Hospital. Milton Hindi, tho logger who wna injured on tho railroad nt tho Isthmus Inlet camp, died of his Injuries nt Mercy Hospital Saturday afternoon. Everything possible wns dono for the mnu but he wns so badly hurt that the surgeons were unnblc to' save 1) life. Tho funorr.l was held this aftor noon and tho but ltd was at tho ceme tery on South Slough, 0 ERS ESCAPE WITH $1,000 KIDNAP THE PROSECUTOR Hill Interests May Build From Grants Pass to Coos Bay. It appears that tho Hill Interests nro making a raco with the Southern Pacine to como up tho coast of Curry county to Coos liny. Tho plan scorns to bo to reach tho coast by extend ing from Grants Pass down tho Roguo River to tho const. Tho following press telogrnm In tho Orogonlnn was nrlntoil under a Grants Pass dato lino: .i "That Hill lntorests nro In tho Held opposing tho Grants Pass & Woetern Rnllroad from this city to tho northorn part of California Is evi denced by a crow of surveyors, wlr admit thoy are working for the Hill linos. It Is bollevcd the opposing rail road will follow Roguo River to noar tho mouth and thenco strlko up the Coast to Marshflold, practically a wa ter grade. In this Instnnco, tho Hill lino will follow tho Applegnto and Roguo with tho same conspicuous survoy as mark tho Eastern Oregon line. It is announced now that the fran chises seourod In Medford, Ashland and Grants Pss will be used lmmoill- atoly, and as the time limit did not exceed one year for construction work to begin, tho situation points to rapid rnllroad developments in both steam and electric roads. Every surveying crew Is well sup piled and both sides nro assembling tools and Implements. Each company has an attorney who Is looking after the lognl interests, nnd nothing Is br lug left undono that will give an ad vantage to either side." Philip Smith of Newark, 0., Taken From Sanitarium in Auto. (Dy Associated Press.) COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 7. County Prosecutor Philip Smith of Nownrk, Ohio, who has been In n sanitarium horo for somo time, was kidnapped to day by unknown persons who drovo to the ennltnrlum In nn auto. TAFT DENIES THE PARDO Refuses to Recognize Applica tion Made in Favor of Sugar Weighers. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sopt.12. Prosidont Taft, It was learned to-day, lias de nied tho application for the pardon of Edwnrd Boyle, Patrick Hennessey, John Coylo nnd Thomas Kohoo, sugar weighers, who woro sentenced along with Ollvor Spltzor, dock superin tendent, for frauds on the Williams burg docks of tho Sugnr Trust. Splt zor was pardoned nnd gnvo testimony nt tho subsequent trial of Hoick and Gerbrnucht who woro convicted. V Attack Is Made at the South ern Club at Ely, Nev. ONE FATALLY SHOT AND TWO WOUNDED. Employes of the Place Have a Pitched Battle With Five Robbers. (By Associated ProsB.) RENO, Nov., Sept. 12. As a rosult of a pitched bnttlo between tho em ployes of tho Southern Club, n gam bling rosort nt Ely, Nov., and llvo rob bers who held up the place yesterday, one mnu is In tho hospital fatally shot nnd two others nro wounded. Tho robbers escaped with $1,000. Nono of the robbers woro hit . A posso Is In pursuit. iSE STILL A iS TWELVE DIE IN IJONNEL Falling Rock Causes Death and Injury to Many at Jersey City. (By AHSocintcd Press.) JERSEY CITY, Bopt. 12. Twolvo cnuo 0f lloy Porklns, who la missing Roy Perkins Still Missing and Nothing New Has Been Found. Nothing now has dovolopcd in tho THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Sept. 12. Track prices to-day: Club. SBcS6c; Bluo- stom, 91c92cj Red Russian, S2c; Turkey Red, 81c 80c; Valley, SSc. CHICAGO, Sept. 12. September, 96c: December, $1.00,4; May, $1.00. TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 12. Mill ing: Bluostem, 94o; Club, 85c. Ex port: Bluestera, 94c; Club, 86c. ILL TAKE UP THE OLD CASES New Grand Jury Must Indict Those Acted Upon Last Term. Tho Grand Jury for tho Soptombor torm of court which convoned to-day will havo a good, deal of business to transact. In addition to tho cases which have boon bound ovor and any new buslnoss thnt mny como up tho Grand Jury must tako up tho casos which wero actod upon by tho Grand Jury of tho Inst torm. It was dis covered that Chas Cavanngh of North Bond one of tho members of the body had not yot rccolvod his sec ond papers for naturalization, and consequently wns disqualified, and tho old Grand Jury was dismissed. Ibis left tho Indictments In such shapo that If any oiq wanted to tako oxcop tlons to tho lndictmonts It was possi ble to havo them made void. In tho cases whoro tho accused havo plead on tho indictments they will stand, but all other casps will bo taken up by the now Grand Jury and tho ac oused re-indicted. deaths resulted from tho fall of n rock at tho west end of tho old Erlo tunnel horo yostordny. Ton othoi's are In tho hospital. Circuit Court which oponod this morning with Judge John S. Coko on the bouch. Tho business of tho old torm has been complotod nnd the new buslnoss Is now started. The follow ing Is a list of tho divorce cases which are found on tho dockot: Dora O'Mnlloy vs. Edward O'.Mul ley. Charles Westmnn vs. Jacoblnn Ma rio Westman, Rubeua Wndo vs. William Wndo. Lily M. Mattows vb. W. D. Mat tows. Thomas Francis Mnddon vs. Ma mlo Catherine Mnddon. Margaret M. Cox vb. John 13. Cox. Chnrlos Donlson vs, Myrtle Alma Donlson. Inoz Flngg vs. Oron Flagg. Fred Von Llllenthnl vs. Annlo Von Ltllonthnl. Cora A. TImons vs. R. W. TimoiiB. Gcorgo E, Baxter vs. Floronco D. Baxtor. Flora Johnson vs. Albert S. John son. Nolllo Winkler vs. Andrew AVlnk lor. Annlo McDuffeo vs, Burton McDuf-feo. Set For To-Day. Tho cases which wore sot for trial to-dny aro tho following: Tlornoy vs. Snydor, Ingram vs. Wilson, Han son vs. Aspl; Garrison vs. Ward Log ging Company, Simpson vs. Coqulllo. Action Tiiki.'Ji. Cases In which Bomo entry ha3 bo far been mudo aro as follows: Soabrook vs. Coos Bay Ico & Cold Storage Company; dismissed. Coos liny Ico & Cold Storago Com pany vs. E, D. Soabrook nd E. G. Flanagan, suit for Injunction; dis missed. E. B. Soabrook vs. Coos Bay Ico & Cold Storago Company, suit for In junction; dismissed. First Trust and Savings Bank vs. C. A. Metlln ot nl., confirmation of sale; confirmed. Myrtlo E. Johnson vs. tho Frater nal Union of America, motion for now trial; motion for now trial over ruled. Thomas Francis Maddon vs. Mario Catherlno Maddon, dlvorco; continued. nud whom tho officers bollovo has been murdered. Tho drnggtng of the bay has ho far not brought to light anything. However, If tho body was In tho bay It would not bo difficult to miss It oven with a grcnt deal of dragging as tho officers have nothing to guldo them as to what part ot the buy tho body might be found. Frank Garrison, tho man siispoctcd of killing Porklns, Is still In tho coun ty Jail at Coqulllo. Thoro woro vari ous reports about his confessing, but Shorlff Gage says tho mnu has not talked any lately about tho caso. Gar rison's montnl condition Is bucIi that It wquld not bo sale to allow him his liborty. DENIES REPORT. Italian Agent HnyH .Marriage Humor Are ISiisolchs. (By Associated Press.) ROME, Italy, Sept. 12. A semi official communication by an Italian agency to-dny declares to bo abso lutely baseless tho reports of tho ap proaching mnrlrago ot tho Duko of tho Abruzzl and Miss Knthorlno El-klns. ONLY DIFFER OX MONEY. NEW TERM OPENS. (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLE, Ore., Sept. 12. There are fourteen dlvorco cases on the docket ot the September term of tho Lawyer Tells of Love Affair of Robert W. Cliiiuler. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sept. 12.-Tho first admission of an authoritative sourco of tho flnanolal differences between Robort W. Chnnlor nnd. his bride, Linn Cnvnllorl, wns mndo to-dny. Syd ney Harris Chanlor's counsel, when askod If thoro had beon an antl-uup-tlal ogrcomont botweon Chnnlor and his wlfo, ropllod: "Thoro was, but I will not sny how mil oh money wus Involved In tho ngreomont. That Is a mnttcr which may como out lator; but wo nro hoping this mattor may bo settled without any litigation." Continuing, tho nttornoy said: "Mr. Chanlor still loves Mmo. Cavllorl; thnt Is, bo still thinks ho loves hor. Asido from tho financial differences, thoy nro on good terms." LEAVES SEVEN CHILDREN. CRANBERRY RANCHES. Wo havo them for salo cheap. They nro monoy makers. Let us toll you about them and show you what wo have. I. B. KAUFMAN & CO, Mivs. Alvlu Smith Dies at Kcnfuck Inlet Raiii'li. Mrs. Alvln Smith, wlfo of a ranohor on Kontuck Inlot, died Saturd She was thlrty-slx yonrs of ago nn ur vlvod by hor husband and soveu Uttto chlldron. She had been HI about three weeks. Tho funeral will proba bly bo hold to-morrow. Read The Times' want ads. H (Continued on page two.) sgggl iL. A iAm 4