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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
-nor'jar-r r- '"ffHW"' v ADS. tmw NEWS civi'JW IS SLOW, Al GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS ''JAY TIMJCfl. ALL THE NEWS Ahu THE TIME TERSELY TOLD v: :: u :: it miEN li3 ., ihvb is isvi. tIISK. T ' CESgp0Ii flU8I. JTni-MM KVBltrWHBllB :; MEMRER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS v - t'coLoLT MAflSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION -EIGHT PAGES. A 'LST No- 48. xxxm. -f riih IJSlfOiL BAllAILIffi MILTON M LAWLESSNESS iPRQMINENT If HISliN GOULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED FATALLY HURT IS DENOUNCED SHOOTS LOS ANGELES BROKER - .mnfrnller of Currency Ac om r0c Sminnrs of Not Re porting AclualConditions. JENTYOFTHEM ARE bHiricu' Hnuuuu. ndthe Comptroller Will Make a personal inyesuuauuu of Affairs. rny Associated Press.) ffASHlNOTON', Sept. ,10. Comp- tiler of Currency Murray mnuo n .M.nt to-dny that every recent i n.nfc fnllnro could hnvo llWl.l "" r'J '01UIU " .... .. . ..rtiil nritin cmiuiuuiin. iiu "f ,, , , ...., nnncted that 10 would ninlco n iter- jontcea uiai i ,,,u(rin .. i.. a.i nnllntt In OVQ1V district.; y will ascertain at nrst hnnd "' ' . . . r in exam ner Is unnuio io his- I " """" :r Impending disaster in tno nr- ,ln of a bank. Ho will bo nccom- uil and assisted on tho trip by . ... . i.. . ...!... irL. TeilinK. niniiuriy u iiiuiuiuu a mrancr ml now chief of tho in of report. In tho comptrol- iiiivM vl ' :r"g office. wii.Ij go east,. ntirj JtolllngiT Proiwren For Trip to ValdiiKlou. (Dy Aitoclated Pross.) I fE.VTTLi:, Wash., Sopt. 10. Scc Urr Balllngcr will depart fro.u little for Washington on Sotpcmbor Hi, and will nttond tho cabinet :ftlng on September 20th. On his iiEait ho will stop nt Idaho, Utah :1 Colorado points to attend to of- Ul bttilncti. i Ortcon Here. Tho schooner Ore- I't U here from tho Conulllo Itlvor '..hi load of spruce In nber for thf ita Desd box factory. Sun was uJ to Coos Uny by tho tug liilim. Wand Wins Another Game and Is In Lead of Clubs. II OW TIIP.V STAND. NYon. Lost P. C. .572 .503 .532 .407 .490 Portltnd sa G2 72 74 SO 82 OUljnd so a FrancUco..Sl Vernon ?a W Angeles.,.70 'wcramento ...5G I -iu mliu 1UU ,JOV 100 .359 tnv a...i i o.suiiuiGu rress.; "WTLAXD, Ore., Sept. 10. Port- ui mi "UKianu yosicruay " 1 retains her load In tho Coast ino scores of yesotrday's ' follow: ATOAKr ivn R. . 1 . 5 R. O a . '3 R. . 5 . 0 II. 5 4 II. 8 S II. 7 4 Puttiiad '.'.', ATSAPRtl.'nM.'J ' ttaentn . Tnon . AT ina t'xU'.'J ' ' f Angeles ... irranelsco pwaixs 1x i,,,,,,,, FIX- hav v.."-.. . . of w. rz l ": i-p i.J. ,ures nn(l supply houso at toon ', prlce' AVo are moving It eM e tMa' and as soon a- BeiT " Wo w" hand over ' l the hoof .- . . ectri.. . uarB"ns in gas nna vlc light m. fl,i. ... itt 'e evur ' "l""i ie., mat 'ch f 8 VOn on Co03 Dny our announcement nest t us DAY WIRING CO, SAt.T. . eltk .r""""0 81 f" 'in mni'P. I, "l HUOUt 1 iftA It. .. . ZTA H bp a " in., worKS sin hw ,ubto! Pr,co reasonable. H0re rai:sicMuUen. Ma."h- i IT LEAGUE ! BALL SCORE IS STILL MISSING Officers Are Searching But Nothing New Is Found in the Case. TluJro Is nothing now to-day In tho 'found nild Whom It In liollilvml tvim Killed by J'TtinK unrruoii. ' of wild reports hnvo boon c " " ," ," " , " , , , "7 tho body If it is d Biiosod of in that - ,,,,., iwnv. Sninn nnmll rlimn linv turned ' , . , . ," "' """ " ' ""'" "7" '" ' yestordny of a lint being found which - - .... ...... t was thought belonged to Perkins. "" ' "as Invest gated by tho p?- fin,, mill uf.ivnil tn n aAmnniii nlan'a discarded hat. Marshal Carter Is pushing the enso vigorously. "Treason of Judas a Pattern For Modern Traitors," Says Lyon. (Dy Itov. Q. Loltoy Hall.) "I would rather hnvo ono who wns almost an ignoramus teach my childrou than to hnvo n teacher who wnB as wlso as Solo- mon nnd mean as tho dovll." Lyon. TAUEKNACLE PKOGHAM. TO-XIGHT. . 7.15, streot meeting nt post- Ico corner. olllco 8.00. Mr. Lyon will speak on "Tho Wnnderer's ltoturn." SUNDAY. 11 A. M., union morning sor vlco, "Tho Dnsls For a Groat Re vival." 3 P. M., Mooting for mon, "Tho Great Fight." 7.30 P. M., evening service "Tho Grent Election." "And Judas. Iscarlot, which was 'a!so tho traitor." ThU was tho atrlk - Ing toxt used by tho evangelist Inst evening nt tho big Tabernacle. Mr. Lyon mndo n deop Impression upon hls hearers. Peoplo nro beginning to iinilerstand that there is a great preacher hero in Mnrshflold. Audl oncoa nro attentive and souls aro seoklng Christ. "There nro somo nnmos," said Mr. Lyon, "thnt nro never apokou witn out a diuddor. Such was tho nnrtio of Judas. His name, tho very utter- nnco of which has tno stuinnco oi io serpent's hiss. Among all tho trait ors of history, tho nnmo of Judas stands forth supreme. When naming tho apostles, tno name of Peter always conies first and the name of Judas is last. "Judas had great opportunities. Ho wns with tho Master of men for three years, He had seen the mlgnty works of Jesus. Ho was with Him when ho fed tho hungry, when ho stilled tho tempest,' when he per formed his mighty miracles, no nan shared tho fellowship of Christ and yet 'ho wns n traitor.' "This only proves as false tno ine ory ndvnncod by many to-dny that 'environment is everything.' Peoplo who have tho best of environment often make tho greatest failure of life. A man once fitted out a largo tenement house in New York City .im. Mm iit nt fivervthlng. He went in ih house soon afterwards and 11 V I . - - - 'w found that the poor people were using the porcelain bath tubs for coal bins and that they bad twisted out the PEBKINS i l"k I 1 il 1 1 1 H Ml fa MM MRU DOWN TO DATE Crushed Under Wheels of Log ging Train at Isthmus Inlet Camp. Milton Hindi, employed nt the Intimitis Inlet ennui of tho Smith- Powers Company, was fatally Injured on tlio logging railroad Inst nlghtJ After work, Hindi waB walking aJong tlio track near tlio camp with Chnrles Johnson, nnothor logger. A logging train was passing nnd Hindi attempted to board It nnd wns thrown under tlio wheels. Tho loft log wns broken and the flesh torn from tho bono. He also sustained In ternal Injuries. Hindi was put on tho train and brought through to Mnrshllold nnd taken on n boat to Morcy Hospital. It was hccii from breed Indian. His fnthor was a white man nnd his mother an Indian. Tho accldont recalls another tragedy in tho family. Hindi's fnthor many years ngo killed Mr. Wlckmnn nt Empire. Ho fled to tho woods nnd It. M. Wlcdor, who was Sheriff nt tho time. Konrchcd all winter for tho mnn hut did not find him. Hnnlly .Hindi enmo back nlmost stnrved to donth nnd died before tho law had n I chance to tnko Its course: l Hindi loaves a sister residing nt Pouth Slough. r,nnr,nfinn. brass electric fixtures nnd sold thorn to tho Junk donlor. They needed a hotter prlnclplo of living not n hot ter place to live. "Many penplo right hero In Mnrsh llold aro moro Intorostqd In sowor systems than In tho salvation of wiitls. I toll you that If you would put out tlio effort in bringing In tlio reign of Josus ChrlRt Into your beau tiful city, you would hnvo n city llko tho ono thnt wns BOt on n hill and It could not bo hid. It would bring peoplo hero faster than ft rnllronTl would bring thorn." (Applause) At tho closo of tho Bormon, Mr. Lyon gnv0 out somo striking teach ings with roforenco to tho cnuso of Judas botrnyal. Ho sad that ninny think ho did It bocnuso ho was angry. .Otliora lay it to covetousness. Hut .Mr i.von bollovod thnt Judas bo trnyeu jurist ui; ... brlnB Jo8UU to n point of committal ,i,oforo his enomles nnd In thnt ovont nus would I Christ would necessarily bo obligod to sot up his rolgn nnd finally Judas himself would then como In for nn Important oillclal position In tho now rolgn. "Judas betrayed Christ becnuso ho did not know tho powor of Christ's lovo." enld Mr. Lyon In conclusion. "This is Just tho reason why mon to day roject Him." Tho cnorus mon snng "Don't Roject Him," and threo camo forward tnklng a stand for ,Cnrlstt NOTF.S. Tho men's meeting to-morrow gives ovldonco of awakening unusual Inter- .egt( Tll0 jjucoln (Nob.) Stato Jour ni Bni.i nt this nddross of Mr. Lyon thnt It crontod tho most profound im pression of any lecture delivered In that city in years. Tlio Junior Chorus consisting of boys nnd girls will sing nt tno 'inner ,mcIo t),8 oVenlng. All uojs am. uwj o - - - . ,rJg ar0 invited to join ine cnorua. THE WHEAT MARKET. (Dy Associated Press.) niiTRAGO. Sent. 10. Tho wheat market closed to-day as follows: Sep tember, 95i,sc; Decomuor, 5v. May, $1.05 54. Drlng your picture framing In now instead of waiting until wo nro crowded. Walker's Studio. ANNOUNCEMENT. You aro invited to call and view the correct creations In Indies' mlllln--,. Inr fnll. 1910. This initial show ing will Include all modes sanctioned by tho very latest styio anu m please all discriminating tastes. CLARKE MILLINERY. Corner Droadway and Central Ave. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER. Special menu nnd ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables tor PARTIES by PHONE, ' Good things Jj the ar line low prices at U alker s Studio. Roosevelt Speaks in Strongest Terms While at Colum bus, Ohio. (Dy Associated Press.) COLUMDUS, O., Sopt. 10. Com ing to-dny to tho sceno of tho street car riots which kept Columbus In n state of dlBordor for weeks, Colonel Roosevelt In a speech lioro denounced In the strongest tcrins tho acts of lawlessness and tho men who com mitted them. Tho Stnto capltol is still guarded by militia and Mr. HooHorclt himself wns escorted by United States troops from tho Colum bus barracks. THOUSANDS GATHER. Throngs of .People nt tlio ICuclmri.stic Congress. . (Dy Associated Press.) MONTREAL, Cnnnda, Sopt. 10. A throng of 75,000 persons nssomblcd at Fletcher's Field to-day for tho first open air coromouy of tho Euchnr tstlc Congress. Tho preacher of tho day was Monslgnor O'CounolI, Arch bishop of Uoston. - 3 1 ATCHED KOlt FIG I IT. (Dy Associated Press.) MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 10. Tho lightweight champion, Ad Wol gast, and Pncky McFnrland aro matched to meet herc for ten rounds with no decision on September 30th. Weight to bo 133 pounds at 5 o'clock on tho afternoon of tho contest. TONNAGE DECREASE. (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YORIC, Sept. 10. Tho un filled tonnngo of tho United StntcB Steel Corporation on hand on August 31st, wns 3,537,128 tons, a decroaw of 433,803 ns compared to tho un filled tonnngo on July 31st. COMMITS SUICIDE. Retired Cpltnllnt nt San Francliico Kills Himself. (Dy ABSoclnted Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 10. D. D. Talbot, a retired capitalist, shot and killed hlmsolf In his npnrtmonts hero to-day. LEFT TODAY Sails For Portland This After noon With Large Num ber of Passengers. Tho steamer Dreakwntor loft this afternoon for Portland with a good enrgo of freight and qulto a largo iiumbar of passengers. Tho outgo ing passengers were as follows: G. C. McAteo, Alda E. Cannon, Wnrnor Nystrom, Robt. R. Miller, T. J. Humphrey, Geo. Mordlano, J. A. Zlmmormnn, Mrs. Zlmmormnn, John Ivans. Y. F. Woorn. W. J. Lnwronco, A. II. Halo, R. H. Smith, T. Rlmboy, E. E. Heeso, Rodgor Avorlll, Mrs. An na Holme, Mrs. John Hurlo, Mrs. Knrr, W. L. Karr, Mrs. E. A. Karr, Maudo Noblo, Ed. Wledor, John No ble, P. D. Lewis, DenJ. Chandlor, Mrs. R. M. Rlclmrdson, Miss Richardson, C, F. Gray, S. Mergons, Mrs. MergonB, Mabol Mergons, Loo. McLaln, Mrs. Harmon, G. S.Vxelson, D. F. Gray, Mrs. H. E. Spears, Louiso Spenrs, Slgnn Holm, Mr. Rosonthall, W. H. Kennedy, J. T. Harrlgan, uecu uru flth. J. A. Mitchell. L. D. Judson, O, Lender, Joe Noblo, A. C. Weed, Mrs. A. C. Weed, Edna weeu, i.yio Weed, Guy Johnson, Rev. Allen, Mrs. Allen,' W. Smith, A. P. Smith, Don Schuylor, Mrs. Tripp, C, F. Wagner, T. D. Wheeler, Mary Sundorland, J. W. Hoyt, Mrs. Hoyt, J. D. Davis, Al bert Andorson, Phebo Motzker, Mrs. Rydell, W. Rydell, Uma Marsh, A. u. Taylor, Steve Stamos, F. W. Gorttula, R. E. Dorden, M. Groknn, J, Toma zlch. M. F. Lotterman, J. D. Ron, D. Hughes, C. F. Foreman, R. Dahnor. FOR RENT. A seven-room house, fre.e water, plenty of yard and shed room; fl2 per month; good loca tion. Phone 210-L. BREAKWATER BUCK U Son of Italian Doctor Kept For Three Months and , Sent Home. (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YOKK, Sopt. 10. Title Mich ael Sclmcca, thrco-year-old son of Dr. Michael Sclmcca, n promlnont Italian, wiib returned last night after being hold nearly thrco months by Dlnck Hand kidnappers. Tho nb doctors hnvo so far escaped tho pollco drag net. Tho parents received n message thnt tho boy could bo found walking nt Fifty-Fifth streot nnd Mnnhnttnn, near tho homo of his grnndfnthor, Dr. Mlchnol Potrclln, nnd suro enough ho wns whoro tho kidnappers said lio would bo, and nt noon wns snfo in tho homo of Dr. Protclla. IS SET City Marshal at Coalinga Wires Sheriff to Release Him Immediately. W. II. Perry, who wns nrrostcd on n telegram from Coalinga, Cal., i . . ... where ho formerly conuuetcu n nows-ipnpor-andwho was out on n bond of I ?100 given In tho county court, has jboen entirely relcnsod. Tho city jmnrshal of Coalinga wired Sheriff Gago to roloaso Porry Immediately i until further Investigation. Mr. Por iry, who has been in Mnrshllold for tho past day or two, sine ho gave bond at Coqulllo, wns notified to-day by tho Sheriff that ho was entirely ,frco. i Mr. Porry stated that Iiq wired his ,nttornoy nt Conllnga to look Into the tcaso nnd see what wns tho niattor nnd thnt tho nttornoy wired back that thoro was nothing to tho enso, tho prosecuting nttorney not having bcon oven consulted by tho marshal. Mr. Porry snyB that ho cannot under- Hlllllll II uiiiUDB 11 nB u iuuiu ui sniv work nnd thnt ho hns Instructed his nttornoy to ascertain what grounds ho has for redress with a. viow of se curing dnmagos. Mr. Perry wont to IDnndon this nftornoon to visit his jbrothor, owner of tho Porry voneor factory at mat piaco. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS. Mrs. Frank Parsons gavo an In formal card party Frldny afternoon In honor of Mrs. J. L. Housoworth, who Is visiting lioro. Mrs. Houso worth won tho honors, j. .j. $ Tho mhrrlago of Harry Moffatt of San Francisco nnd Miss Anno Flana gan will tako placo Thursday ovoning 'nt tho Catholic chapol in North Dond. Only tho membors of tho family wP bo presont. After tho ceremony thoro 'will bo a buffet supper at the homo FREE Will uu n UUUUk duihii.. UV ...U ..u...- . of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McCollum In" ,lls r08t nml recreation trip and -. .. ... .'nn Mnmlnv will rnsiinin InHtrilotlnllS Vnrlh lloilil C5. V MrCnlllinl Will UO ,W. ... ..... , - . - --- " . best man and Miss Mlnnlo Shorldnn will bo maid of honor. Mr. Moffatt will nrrivo this week from Snn Fran. Cisco and will bo accompanied by his J mother and Mr. Durbrow, a frlond. Tho brldo and groom will go to Roso J burg nftor tho wedding and from thoro will go to Dol Monto, Cal. J 4- ' Mrs. C. F. McCollum gavo nn entor- talnmont this wook In honor of tho Misses Sheridan of Rosoburg, and also in honor of her sister, Miss Anne UIIU 111 IIUHUI HI 1V U... ,.... - ninnfnn ulin In tn hn married. Tho house was prettily decorated and tho iniooto nnlnvnil ilnndntr nnd BUnnor. Those in attendance were Misses Gen- ovlove Songstncken, Helen Doble, tho Misses Shorldnn, Nellie Tower, Anno Flanagan and Messrs. I. R. Tower, Mrs. M. Krauss, Wife of Edu cator and Physician, Seeks Revenge. FRANKLYN H. GRIFFITH IS HER VICTIM. Claims He Defrauded Her of Money and Broke a Prom ise of Marriage. (Dy Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Sopt. 10. Mrs, Mt Krauss, wlfo of Dr. Krauss, said to bo n well known educator nnd physician of Memphis, shot and slightly wounded Frnnklyn II. Grif fith, n mining broker of this city. Tho woman charged that tho broker had obtained money from her and failed to keep n promtso of marriage. Sho llrod thrco shots, one bullet en tering tho right foronrm. Mrs. Krauss was arrested. Mrs. Krauss snld Grlfllth said ho would marry her when sho wns di vorced from her hushnnd. Grlfllth snys bIio represented horsolf as sin gle When ho found hor to bo mar ried ho broke off their ongngomont. Ho denies that ho hns tnkon any money from the woman. LORIMER RESIGNS. (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 10. Sonntor Lor imcr hns resigned ns a mombor of tho Hamilton Club, . tho organization which requested thnt ho not nttond tho banquet for Roosevelt bccntiBo tho latter objected. Jack Mercon, Clnitdo Nnsbttrg, Jay Dnssott, Charles Kenne, Tom Don nett, Will Chandler and Cornell Log orstroni. Mrs. Chns. McCullough wns hostess ot tho Ladles' Art Club Frldny nftor noon. In .addition to tho mombors, thoro wero two guests, Mrs. John Hirst of Sun Joso, nnd Mrs, Schroo dcr, Mrs, N. RnsimiBson will enter tain tho club on Septerhbor 23d. SPEND DAY AT REACH. Tho steamer Alort ran nn excursion to tho bench to-dny. It wns nn all day picnic nnd thosa who nttondod woro from tho north and south forks of Coos Rivor, from Mnrshflold nnd from North Dond. Tho llfo saving crew prepared to glvo ft special drill far tho cntortnlnmont ot tho excur sionists. Thoro wns n big crowd nnd tho steamer took hor full enpadty ot pns8Gngcrs. Among tlioso from Allegnny and along tho rivor who nttonded woro tho fallowing: , Mrs. Lottlo Cowan, Carrlo Dromor, Lena Krnegor, Chas. Krnogor, Mrs. Kraegor. Mrs. Gllurdl, Mrs. Z. T. Thomns, Mrs, M. C. Edwards, Harold Ott, Jack Plpor, Miss Do Voro, Mrs. M. E. Rhodos, Vern Wilson, Elslo Gl lardl. Hazel Cowan, Evelyn Plpor, GubbIo Cownn, Penrl Prlco, Eva Plpor, Mrs. J. II. Price, Mrs. Flosslo Now Iln, Jennetto Nowlln, Mrs. Dontlnck, Knthorlno Mondo, Hnttlo Hugor, Mrs. Daggott, Hazon Prlco, Pnul Kraogor, William Gllardl, Z. T. Thomas, Her man Mondo, I. J, Ott, G. S. Gould, Goo. Cnmpboll, William Dromor, I. II. Prlco, Henry Gllardl, Mrs. Rooko, W. A. Russell, Norn Russoll, II, L. Russell, Lnwrenco Russoll, Lauren Hodson, Leonard Russoll, Floronco Farley, Holon Smith, Floronto Ott, Lynn Lnmboth, Rowland Epporson, Mrs. G, S. Gould. PROF. DOLL OPENS STUDIO. Prof. Louis II. Doll has roturnod I "" .. " - In his piano studio in tho First Trust and Savings Dank building. Prof. Doll has won a high nnd secure posl lon in tho musical world of Coos Day. His methods of Instruction have proven so succossful that his tlmo Is always taken nnd his popularity with pupils nnd parents Is based solely on tho excellent results attained. Photo supplies, developing nnd printing nt Walker's Studio. Mrs. T. R. Minnt will Hisnose IIIIUI W. ..,,..w nf lior liniicnlifilfl Tlirnltlll'ft Hi reasonable prices On f UOSfJay, ill.. I I I Tl.....ln.i 650 HI1U . .Uljucur, oepii lOllii inui aim iuhmm the Store adlOining mO UOIClen Rule, in tll6 0'Connell Buildingi t -te- ifrjU.l'lllfn UH. frllI. '1. . ..i WJT.. mljH iL.Jgt hum mrtliAtillin'iiMl "Au.-