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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
" pimHyfW'" whiH,)mmipp' wwmpyqW THE COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION sFree COUNTY SEAT NEWS. NEWS OF ALLEGANY. IJANDON BRIEFS. News of That City Taken From the ltandon Recorder. "IWWJUjgil' Doings of Coqulllo People ns Told In Tho Herald. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Potter of Mnrshfleld, come over to soo Coqullle friends. Mr. Llngrln U visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. Mnrtln. frfaM: i , ' WE WILL DELIVER AN ELECTRIC IRON TO YOUR HOME TO BE USED FOR 30 DAYS, FREE OF CHARGE, AND IF AT THE EXPIRATION OF 30 DAYS YOU 00 NOT CARE TO KEEP IT, WE WILL TAKE IT BACK WITHOUT ANY CHARGES. TELEPHONE US AND WE WILL DELIVER THE GOODS. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. TELEPHONE 178 PROFESSIONAL GAUDS. nil. J. W. INGHAM, 1'IijhIcIiiu urn iiid Surgeon. Ofllco 208.200 Coos Building. Phonos-Olllco 1C21; Rosldonco 1022 J. W. DENNETT, Lawyer. Offlce OTor Flanagan & Bonnett Dank Hinhflold, Oregon. W M. 8. TUHPEN, Architect. Over Chambor of Commerce. OIL .SUPPLIES The Coos Day Oil and Supply Compaq; under the mnnnsoinem or . - -nMM inn vwiiitiiiiiT vu uuir i " the l'nk:i Oil Company's gnso- Une, dUtlllatt. benzine nnd conl olltr: thrlr oil house ncross the nay to j k Wch place they have moved their i "" j'hnno 302. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OK THE First Trust and Savings Bank OP COOS DAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910 RE80URCES. Loans and discounts .... $126,516.98 Ovordrnfts 264.86 Donds and securltlos .... 20,990.16 Banking houso, furniture, nnd fixtures C6.S20.50 Cash on hand and duo from banks 82,963.51 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. . .fl00,000.0( Surplus nnd undivided profits 3,995.61 Dopostts 189,555.40 Total J293.551.01 1 Total J293.551.01 Wo Invite your attention to the strong cundltlon of this bank howr ly tho above statement to-wlt: Cash reserve 43 per cont of doposlts. Rosorve requirod by law 15 per cont of doposlts. Reserve In excw of leirji requirements. . .28 per cont of doposlts. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, KENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS. DORSEY KREIT5CER. Cnliler. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER. M C. MORTON. Vice President and Manager. imiN A GENEIUI IUNKINO AN D TRUST 1IU8INES& voi-U RI'SINESS SOLICITED. a I H ' I I a BTClMKIl REDONDO WILL SAIL J T 2 i, v.. seit. h. vnn SAX 'A " iU "LUCISCO. MAKE RESERVATION " PASSAGE AND FREIGHT. Inter-Ocenn Transportation Co. O. F. McGF.ORGE, Agent. HOME LAND Co 8ee us tor investment on Cooa "V- We guarantee owner's price to our price. 1'hone T4L. o w-011, c. THE" FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY kSTIlini.V A COMMERCIAL nANTC. i Wells Fargo Nevada Notional Hank, San Francisco, Cl. The United States National Rank, Portland, Or. The Nutlonal Turk Bnnk, New York, N. Y. Tho Corn Exchange National Rank, Chicago, III. The Rank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonuals, Paris, France. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking eentsn In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central and Personal and commercial accounts kept subjsct to eheok. Certificates of Deposit Ise jad. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Mrs. T. J, Halt of Marshflcld vis ited Mrs. W. Sinclair in this city last week. Mrs. Dcrtha E. Evans of Grants Pass, camo In Monday and went to Dandon to sco friends. Mrs. A. L. Noslor of Drldgo was a Coqulllo visitor a fow days last wook, and attended tho goldon wedding of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Mcssor. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Miller are up from Gold Dcach, and attor tho pros ent session of Circuit Court they will go to Portland. Mrs. Gcorgo D. Morse of Emplro spent Bovornl days lntoly visiting her parents, Capt. nnd Mrs. C. II. Dutler, and many friends In this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Winchester of Mnrahfleld passed through town Friday. They wero on their way to Douglas county for an outing of sev eral days In the hills. Mrs. Mary Dlngmnn of North Dcnd, Mrs. Williams of San Francisco and Mrs. Rhondes of North Dcnd, nre vis iting at Dert Gray's homo for sov oral days. Dorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Philips, on August 24th, a lino baby girl. L. D. Noah, Mr. Cox and Leonard Mauzcy of Marshflcld nre returning from a hunt of sovoral days In tho mountains. Mrs. Newklrk of tho Loon Lako country has started for North Dcnd on n visit. I. N. Prlco nnd W. M. Roberts nro In Marshflold on a visit of soveral dnys. Somo of tho Allegany peoplo will lcavo to-morrow morning on the steamer Alert to wltnoss n drill at tho llfo saving station. Fruit growers of tho neighborhood expect to mako a shipment of fruit through tho association on tho next trip of tho Drenkwntor. HUEAKWATER HOTEL, . yrout St., Mnrshfleld, Ok, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. JIls been thoroughly renovated "f newly furnished. Rooms reason- j ,w. by day, wcek or montQi u". J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. ; NEW TRANSFER LINE. Li. MnmitwA. i . I... . """ una tunned n new 'er "no In Mnrshfleld and Una Prompt service for ..:; w. naullnB. --i at "The FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAR3HFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Rank in Coo Cornty. Established In 1880. Paid up Cnpltnl and Surplus. $80,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars-, noes a ceneral banking business and draws drafts on the Rank of CaUfornUBai Francisco. Cal ; Hanover National Bank, N. Y.; FlrS Konui Dank, Portlind. Ore.; First National Dank. Rose-L.-l nre -The London Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, England. Ain sel'l's exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. ?nd?vldual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. 1 W niiWVFTT President. " ' WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. J.' PMNAOAX. V?I". GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Asst. Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. .M. ar- nil Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line. Stage leaves wwy iwu linllv since between lloseuurg anu .tuiramn-m Ho will have his Sunday ut O A. I. E""1. $a'00 Dusy Corner"' drugi OTTO SCIU-TTTER, Agent, 'We or r... . .. (,,. . Tv "' "bb can reach aim Hpoonlnrordergto298. O. P. BARNARD, by 120 MAKKET AV.j Mnrshfleld. PHONE 11 Agent, ROSERURG, ORB. Capt. A. C. Dnrnum, a former steamboat man of tho Coqulllo, but now a custom houso ofllcor nt Astoria, accompanied by his wife, nnd n follow olllccr, Nnlo Johnson, pnBsed through town Monday on routo to Dandon nnd on down tho coast, whero they go for tholr vacation. Thoy will do somo hunting and fishing. Marshal Hlcknm nnd n crow' of men were busy Sunday evening nnd Mon day milking ropnlrs to tho conduit pipes lending from tho city's wntor supply Into tho reservoirs which was made necessary by Arcs and tho fall ing of n treo ncross tho lino. Notices wero sent out Monday asking tho peo plo to be careful about tho uso of water till repairs woro made, which wero accomplished nnd tho stream turned in Monday ovonlng. Sam Nobs, tho salmon ennnor, passed through town Saturday with his Chinese crow of ennnerymon, pro. ecod'ed to Prospor by tho Dispatch, A carload of tin passed through town last wcok and preparations for tho fishing season will now proceed ns rapidly as possible. WAS WIDELY KNOJWN. Mr. Alfred Johnson, Who Died nt Coqullle, PromlnfJit in Comity, COQUILLE, Sopt. 9. Mrs. Alfred Johnson, whoso funornl wits held at Coqulllo on Wednesday, was wldoly known In tho county. Tho funornl wns hold from tho Methodist Church at Coqulllo and tho services wero con ducted by Rev. C. II. Cloavos. Tho mombora of tho Eastern Star olll clnted at tho grave. Mrs. Johnson was formerly Gcorglo Anna McCllntock, nnd wns born o Fobrunry 8th, 1852,Tn Point Fortune, Cnnndn, whero she lived until 1862, when hor parents moved to Wauke sha, Wisconsin, nnd lived thoro until 186S, when sho came, to Manistee, Michigan, nnd was married to Alfred Johnson, on Juno 19, 1869. To this union wero born tho following chil dren: Ida Dello, Alfred George, Ev erett Elsworth, Charles Cllntock, Kntherlno .May, EUiol Marguorot and Esther Irmn, all of whom woro born In Manistee, Michigan. All of tho fnmll) survives. ' In 1.S89 they',"came.wo3t to Califor nia, whoro they llfed until 1S97 when thoy moved to Gonullle. Tho peoplo who nttended tho pray er mooting Thursday ovonlng nt Al logany roport a plcnBant ovonlng. Mrs, Mary Dlngmnn Bang a solo in n foreign tonguo nnd other numbors woro on tho program. Mrs. Josephine Peck of this city, visited Coos Day the first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Storm nro th proud parents of a bouncing baby boy, born August 31st. Rot. Father Kovony roturned to Dnndon last Saturday from Portland,, having been away about three weeks. B. C. Martin, formerly of Hotch klss, Colo., has purchased tho trans fer lino of John Jenkins nnd toolc possession on Soptembor 1st. Mrs. E. J. Kcttring of Mnrshfleld,. accompanied by Miss Pearl Shcotrer, of Sprnguo, Wash., woro Dandon vis itors lust week. Dr. and Mrs, Dlggs, of Dolling' haul, ,Wnsh who havo boon visiting', relatives in this cly for tho past three wcoks, loft Wednesday morning for their homo, going by tho way of Myrlto Point and Roscburg. FRIGHTEN THE PEOPLE Roys Judgo Gcorgo P. Topping has a- now Studobakor nutomobllo, and gave it n good tryout last wook by driving; it down to Langlols to tho big Wood man log rolling. nt Coqulllo Set Off Largo Amount of Powder. P. S. Dow, who roturned today from n business trip to Coqulllo, re ports that tho Coos county sent Is nil wrought up over n prank of somo bad ; boys there. Last night nbout mid night threo discharges of giant pow der woro sot off nnd for a tlmo every body thought nn curthquako hnd oc curred. Everybody was nwnkoned, houses trembled nnd tho Jnr wns tor- rlftc. Soon nftorwnrds tho causo was located as tho hill near tho odgo of town told tho.Htory. Today n clue to tho Identity of tho boys was found but no ovldonco suf ficient to convict. It is thought they nro tho samo onctrwho wore recontly arrested uniJJJncd for disturbing tho poaco thoro anu thoy ovldontly tried to show that thoy could "disturb tho poaco." E. G. Porham reports that ho olthor heard or felt tho tremor In Marshflold. Mrs. Ruth Spear and dnughtor of Illinois, nrrlvcd In this city Saturday, having como by tho way of Portland,, nnd will visit hor brothor, Fred N. Perkins nnd family of Two Milo, for tho next threo or four weeks. NOTICE. To tho Republican Votora of Coos and Curry counties: I havo decided to bocomo a candldato for nomination at tho Primary Nominating Election, for Joint Roprosontntlvo for Coos and Curry counttos nnd shall submit my nnmo to tho Republican votora for nomination under tho primary nomi nating election laws, HERBERT HUME. S3.J50 RECIPE CURES WEAK KID NEYS, FREE. Mrs. L. L. Brandenburg, accom panied by her mother, Mrs. J. A. Trnylor, and sister, MIbs Leila Tray lor, left on tho Flllold for San Frau clsco. From threo they will go to Pnsadonn, Mrs. Brandenburg's for mor homo. Thoy will then go to Tuc son, Arizona, nnd on to tho City of Mexico boforo returning. Thoy ox poct to bo gono threo months. GOLD REACH NOTES. 4 News of the County Seat A Told 4 in the Globe. 4HtMtMMHt D. M. Moore's cottage Is rapidly nenrlng completion. Ed. Miller has returnod from the mow gold flolds. J. II. Browning nnd Bert Nuttalt aro building tho foundation for the bank. It Is reported that a good many salmon aro bolng caught near tho for ry. Richard Donaca caught 75 last Sunday night. GOLD STRIKE GOOD. Reports Front VXcjv Fields in Curry County Ajy "Encouraging. GOLD BEACH, Ore., Sept. 10. M. W. Duncan returnod a fow days ago, from tho scono of the now gold ox- cltoment on Chotco River, and pro nouncos'tho And a very rich ono. Ho succeeded In locating soveral claims for hlmsolf nnd friends. Mr. Duncan ' said there was considerable oxclto mout In that vicinity, nnd that claims aro being staked off promiscuously. Owing to lack of time and urgont business elsewhere, Mr. Duncan was unable to do much prospecting or even location work, but will return In a few days, prepared to mako a 'horough Investigation. Try Times' Want Ads. Relieves U-lnnry and Kidney Troubles, Rackiulie, Sti timing, Swelling, Etc., StoH Puln in the Bladder, Kldm-ys tuid Hack. Wouldu't it bo nlco within a weo or so to begin to say goodbyo for ever to tho scalding, dribbling, strain ing, or too frequent pnBaago ofi urine; tho forehead und tho back-of-the-head aches; tho stitches and pain in tho bank; tho growing muscle weakness; ipots before tho eyes yol low skin, slugglBh bowels, swollen eyelids or ankles, log cramps, unna tural short breath, sleeplessness nnd tho despondency? I havo a roclpo for theso troubles, that you can deporrd on, and If you want to mako a quick recovery, yon ought to wrlto and got a copy of It.; Many a doctor would chargo you $3.50 Just for writing this prescrip tion, but I havo It nnd will bo glnd to sond It to you entirely freo. Just drop mo a lino Hko this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, K1491 Luck Building, Da troit, Mich., nnd I will send It by re turn mull in n plain onvolopo. As vou will see when you get It, this re clpo contains only pure, harmless emcdles, but It has great healing and palh-conqucring power. It will quickly show Its powor once you use It, so I think you had bettor lee what it Is without delay. I will iend you a copy freo you can use It and euro yourself at home. Hon. Wnltor Sutton of Port Orford was a buslnoss visitor at tho County Sent yesterday. Ho is now visiting hU daughter, Mrs. Josse Turnor of Hunters Creek. Whllo hunting a fow days ago E, L. Thomas and Win. Chllders saw it whlto buck deer. Thoy did not havo tho good fortuno t6 got a shot at him, howovor. Tho burned district in Langlols will be rebuilt Immediately. Orders for lumbor hnvo already been placed by tho Whlto brothers. Read the Times Want Ads. Tho solnes atnrted operations again yostordny with hotter catches than hns boon mndo for yonrs. Calvin Woodruff and Jacob Johns who aro running tho upper ferry caught over ono thousand tho first hnul ut Bag- nell'8 Forry. Notwithstanding tho heavy blow that Langlols received by tho tiro of two weeks ago. n largo crowd as sembled nt the Woodmon colebratlon and wns royally ontortulned by tin gonerous peoplo of that plnco. Work Is nrogroadng vory nicely or tho mining building below Cunnlff's A ditch has been dug nnd u rosorvolr Is bolng built to tap Cunnlff's Creek, nnd no doubt boforo long tho busy hum of machinery, as It grinds out thoprecloue metals, will bo a familiar sound to overy passerby. . Try The Times' Want Ads,