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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1902)
HE SWEARS REVENUE. Brother of the Murdered in Pursuit. Uuard r tin- i''."'!"'-1' .-isiliiti ii'.'iu Ollies liilil!-: eillcs'. ,1 1" i tnl-V Poktlvnp. Juno 1-1. On the train which arrived last owniiiji from Salem was Charles IVrivll of Ketio. Ne vada, a brother oi ;u.ird Frank FerreU, j Who a- murdered Ity the esci!''l I'uti- ' viols Traey and Merrill on M. unlay morning last. Tn conversation with the j Journal eorrPfMtndeiit on the subject of 1i;m brother's death and his own inten tions, lie said : "Yes, i.nor ua- my brother. 1 have just come from his efave. aii l 1 liave made nj n.y mind to lake the trail of the devils who killed him and to stav on it till cither I or thev are .lead, i Mr. i , i. i .n .". .i,- It! Karnard- it n.n; iiiu;n, c'li.ii'ii iinmnn they lud only given liiin a chanee for his life I wouldn't care so mueh, bttt they shot him in the haek iike the tlirty row. amis they are. and so help incti.l. 1 will never leave tl.eir tra. k till 1 meet them find w lien we do meet oiue'"ly :s roin to die," and Ferrell's square jaw eame together with a sua" that showed lie way in dead earnest. had A VKi:si:ruKNT. There is a iwvulittr thing ;tloiil i ds business," said he. "You nrohablv know that 1 am eonneeted with the pris on at, Ken... Well, ad last Sunday night when 1 was. hi wateh I felt .pieer. I felt heavy and depressed as though something was ;oiiig to happen. When I weut home alter my wateh was over, I could not fleep well, and I told my wife.that 1 thought I eoiild see my mother cry'uisi.1 I knew that soinethiu was oiiii: to iiapjn. "Well. I went to Inland to.-d an turned i""r an hour or so. when 1 hear a knock at the .l.-.r. Mv wue answers it. and when 1 heard a lv's voice say "SiiJii here."- I knew what a the mat ter in a second, and was out of lied in jump. When 1 uellt iuto the oihe: room my win-was standing there will a telegram in her hand, crying. She of fered it me and 1 said. -Never mind 1 know what's the matter." lie lore I looked at it 1 knew Frank wa- dead. It's a .;Ue.-r thin isn't it'.' '"I at once ot leave of absence, and with my wife started for Salem. When I pt t'" the prison and iotsnd out lnw lH.r Frank was -lauditere.! without a chanee for hi-life I could hae cried, but it I can only tind them I'll make them J-ay." and Chas. Ferrill's dark eyes flashed in a way that lled ill for the esoai-ed des-radoes. "What curse will you pursue"'" m the nextue-tion askevl him. 1.1'AN or itrsi it. 'As to that I hardly know. You there are three others and myself in the partr, ami w-e will probably work indi jiideutly of the isse. My idea is that the Wst thing to do is to get ahead oi those fellows and t lie in wail f..rtliem. In that way we will have the advantage of them, and w hile I mean bn.-iness. 1 don't intend to throw my life away if I can help it. We will strike in from Hubbard tonight and try to head them off if issible, but you can lt that ii they are once located in the brush I wiil go iu and light if I g" in alone." At Hubbard Ferre'd left the train and was joined by his friends on the plat form of the depot, and in a few min utes the little party were ..n the way t- the ecene the cha-c. Ient on exacting a terrible Threshing Outfit for 5alv. A "2 inch J. 1. Ta-o Separator and a twelve horse t I'.lc: i. at en-ine will be sm ild cheap. Apply to .1- W. Wiisos. M2Sp. Caui.i-' Ya'dcv the. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred c.nvs n .K iiie Indian l. iu ples. bin wor.-e yet is a K.dy that's pol itttI by eo!is.;paii..i!. IViu'i permit ii. I'leansc oitr svsicin with l'r. Kind's New'e I'i'ds and aoid l.nield misery. Thev 'jive livc'.v !i.r-. :l.t;e bowels. piil die-tioii. mi.- appeii'.e. Only L'v at A. Mar-ier- .b 'aj store. Xotioc for Publication. I NI I KI) slAl.KS I.ANUOI I h K. K .-la i R... li. anii. May -. I '.-. I Nali. e i lit-icliy ;ivcii llnil in c.hhiiIihiicc ' Willi the ro isiuns ut tlie net of intiitri ss el ! Jan.' .!, Is'.s, ciititlc.l "An net for I lie Mile j nuil-cr in ihc Slates m l'iiUl..rniH. tircitnii, ,i N.a:a!.l, mi. 1 V Hshilml.i'l l.-ri it.iry." ns cXU'inl j el In li! (lie itiiMic lullil stales l.y H. I nl Ailitllsl . 4, IS'.'J, JAMKSS. SM'.I lll-N. el A u" ill, enllll'.V e! Mll'lisnll, Slitle oi liuluu::i, Ims lliis" .lay Uli-l ia II. is ' n!l.rf. i.iv m.mii vimcci, ut 1 I. II lltO l'lll. I'llv. Notice for Publication. I'SITKIl Si 1TK- I.4NI.OI I I. K. K..:Kltillt.i, I lie.. May 21, l A'J. Nnliiv R llflsliv Itiv.'li tilal ill r'llllplliilil'O niilillie 'in isions of Ihc ael oi i'niin-s of .liim.:. 1. niliil.'.l "An ai l I. ii Hie sale ol 'linili.'r I.hihIi in lh.'slnli s ol Calif.. rnia. ir.' pi!', Nt' rt.ln a ll'l ash ill;'. I . in lei l itnt ,' a1- i'X In all Hie l' I. alal Slates l.y net of August , IS'1'- ' KKANK Mii.lNMS. nf II. '.Hi In. eilUII I ol Ol nllt.i stale.'! Wl'-l'.'Ill'ill has llii .lay liled ill t!.i oil i. e lie kwnrll Mill nii'iii Nn. 'ti'. l!ie i.iMi lius,. of tho s1 . NW 1 ol s.'i'llnll tl. H. Ill lnvhIiii W evt, all.! n ill olli r Society JVlefetings. M. I finrcl 1. . A,.-, ci . M. I aiircl b.nigii .oj. I.;. jJ 1 1 :;li!n ren'il'tr inrctinf? on tei 'iliit I rj mid f urtli V.'i it en!.... e ol eat h i O COOCKMXJOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO OOOOCKXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOO 6 o mouth. 1 '. i'i:')i i), W . ..I. N. T. .t i:vki' i , Stcfetav.y. - A Morses Wanted ;.-! i- 1 . atl ,e. ill I"1 at ..ti Saturday May 17 .I ' !:!!" l'ra'.l lior-es. i to li'.oo pounds : ti. ii li.'ii for ::",( are ' t ia i'i i:: on I iiat date. No s U 1 I in.l 1 slum . till'llstl Ims elan 1 la SRI-1 llllol I" l.'l.' Ule ueo i t , 'I I lo ' '! ' .' of Hi's nlti.v at li.wl.llri!. ,.n I, Hi" Mill .l..y ol Aimnsi l;mi. II" naia 's as wilni'ssi's- A. I . s nil. . of Itiu oilH W ash.. :-. I-. Km. nit, llaUUll'l. Or,-., II. V. Mil ler no t Hies. Ii. II.hkI.i K.isi'liur.;. On-. Auv ainl all in rs'iTiv i-iaiiiniist aiiv.'isely ilia ....''.! -. :.l ,-.1 iaii.isme i.'.ii.'st,-.l in lile their e. I Ill ; hi.s elli. e .11 .'l In f. lie sai.l I nli -lay nf A.uu-i I U.'. I. I. ItKllMJKS. in ,:. K.'Kisler. slnleia. Ill No. nn,! W i., SW' ., Hie s, Sl., ol See- i -'(, stout h . el UhH'i'N. I S Ol I.HIIM h.,. 1 1 nit I lie i li.iu S.i IJ. ill l.iu lisliin ,i :a s ol I. unite i., i,,,lt . o, m ilu lainl smuMil is nn ire vulu- 1 I'dll. tl illl'l.i'i: .in' li'.u"! iii ,i. si 8 ). V. W. l.n.!e .N... bi. 3 jlo'Ii. tie.' !-if and fouiili jlou-C: I ,la .-oi b an" iii a! 7 e!l) p. in., i J in tin 1. . . I'. Haii. :.!' in I Jj Oil in Douglas County. The Rich Fields Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas n. p. !. Mi i i. '. i 1 i : I.. .... !; i,l v. lit ellrf I'lnel !.i stl.iw Ihat Ilie ..i-.. ,,.r ti ,.,IT nr si. me I hall lot' iil'i ieelt ill al s,,ii':M is I. '..:.' almi'.le lor Us 1 1 m l-er in j ,ir.n-es, ill'. I In . slal'listi Ills i limn I . Mil.! la m I 1 ' 'aaii iri i. nil iin.l I'lil (inses, iiii.I In . s- . ,.,,,. 1 1. tcr anl lea' ner ol lies oihee . ti l is elaii.i la s:;i 1 Ian. I I" I Ha- Heels- . Kosel.llrK. H ..'.. Hi. on s.ililr-lav Hie l aii .lay I 1'. f tills el!,,',' ;it'l.nri;, ,lie- I . sl,.,' 'i.'J. lie llllllles Us ullil.sH, .lolill I li v.'.ali.l. uic-.'ii. ..nn t uarii" Tiioin, l.onis I. W ini-ninii, unit Ailiii I relsnuin all of Itosebui";, (iieK.m. Alivall.lllll )..' elailinlli,' i'..l "is.-ly tii. ..i ... .. . I. ...... I.. ..I L.l. .i.,, t.... ii, -si. .1 lit lil l,,:i s ii. il,,s .,:!,. e ,.ii ..r I., ime ii'l I .'.I. .tin ' and I'jUltl of s'l'iiti'inlj.'r I'1"-'. J. I r.i'.iinos, i m,M'n't.. r I n ;-' If "'o'l' lii'jsier. arl .,,,.( j,-. v, ..;,... I,,..-: : . .. . ; ally invited tn isM v :. Notice for Piil'licatiou. 1 w. V. C. a-, - " n ..! y i. ml. M. V order. Notice for Publication. . Wi.M, ! i-tll e;..r. iv o. r.i.Ks. i: ..,.!,. i tilil..H l.! 1 I). . i . II. i !, ,! ': v:s .-. I-. l'0-r tiMllU . .1 . it ..I'll cert' :. ' iei.-t n y I ,.. io, . j C! 9 i o i , n 1 :1 i Sliet iiV's Sale. n The t ' (.'"in 1 t M I ia1 Oi-eu'.'::. F.r I .'. , -mil . I. W. .Hell be! ., as A. III. in- , t rat or of the Partnership 1 F.statc of . Ma: k- ai.d II. Wo'.iei 1h rv. ; Plait. iil'l. ' Clll'e.lsllC.'s 1. Ill'l tllli.'i'. I Uns.'l.iii', Uret' ii, Air 7. l'.mi Sotn'.1 is In leliV i:i. n i Inil in e. .in.i lam i' 1 u ith tin- (". isi.ias ..! (Ii.- n. I o! , Julie .!. is.s, elll.ll.'l ... ..1 ...r On- sriic oi i a. -I .an is, n in.-' 1 1! IK. Or. j .,, califoram tn.-i-.n . Nei ail.1 XV1 il.'"s.l,...l I oiim-ss I M I'M; 1' i SM11S I.imi On ICR. 1;..-, :.',im. Mi May .'I. I".'-'. N :i . -s In u '. uiieii laat in i ..innli-in w:i:i '.'i.L .m. i'i.'i;- of tin' a. I ol -iiti:.- ;. is ,, mi:i, .l -An A. t i r 1 .Si':I'!h, Hilt ash ilmt, ill I 'tl lt i! . asi'M.'ll'l- ; i,.,rii..ri li ' s. i . ' 1 1 l '. I to all Hie I'lll ; el to all Ilie I'ii'i'm- i.all.l SUtes i'i act ol AIIK- . ,j "I, H, , ,v ,-( Aintnst 1 11. Is I.', I list 1. .l'ii- I'll COI I.. I (iK.IU'.K .l.SVEAKNs. ' ,,f lia u'i, . .. m: "I st l...itts .t-cenf Mnuies... 1 1 1 i i.i '. ' h '. i ' 1 . .. 1 1 ii t y . 1 1 1. .ii it i .is Mate ..: n. i.nn, , ,i,n' in tins ..if., e lo u ! :;;is .tav M.-.1 .11. tins ..Tin-.- les X""o" i 'mtcwct-l N. vl-l mi ilie I'" r. 'MS. o, xk ' s ,.ie. ieii' N.. ." i..i :v I :r. Iihv; ol l!ie mni , ( ..,,,, j ii'i"t .a -.".III. :! ' West . .ia: a.v'.il seel.o.l S . J I" ll'.-'i'! V.K, ,,,, '. ..,,m t.,l In- Hill J s ,,i . s,, j an. I .ill off. r 1'ia.ii In sli.nv i ,,,,,. , , f..r Us unii.'i or s:..n, I 'I.:.: I. it- 1 Ml I s l!';!:l Is , Irtl'l.n.a l"i ii , . ( u.illiai l i:i.s.s. H'l i I" -!Hl I ; lil t and e:'.!'"!' : U'.'J. upon a i reitdeled alat ! caf.-e o:i II: .1 ; :.. r -I;:, io il Co !.cr, . s c. V I.e. u ; : 4 " li. SnerifiTs Sale. In The Circuit t'ourt f The State H tireiioii. For iMinlas County. Murphy, ..rant .V Co., a 1 corporation, l'luint iff. j Vs. . i The Me ice Co., a ci-; ljration. l'.T. Meioi- and F. .1. Iefei;.!ants. j Notice is here'nv "iven that bv virtu. of execution aud order of sale dulv issueil .Hit ut the al-ve'ii;iiiie-l Court and cattse on the 7tfi day vi June l'.ni. npoii a jndUient and devree duly renden-.! and entered in said C'turt and cause on the liithday of May. lii'l', iu favorof 1 1 1 above named l'laintilT and against the alwve named Iiefendants. for the sum of fJoJJ, with interest ther.-on at the rate of S jier cent jt annum from the l'ith day of .May, If lJ, and tlie further sum of 0" attorney fee and tin further sum of fl:J...i costs and disburse ments. Now therefore I wiil, on. STtri:nAY, the l-rn way of Jfi.v. at two n'lTiM-k p. m., of said day at the Court house front door, in l!s-burr. Donglas eount-. Orvn. sell at jiublic amtioii 1o tiie highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the rjeht, title and interest the said Defendants or either f them had on the I'.nh day of February. l'l. or at any time thereafter, iu or to the following descrilnil premises to-wit: The northwest iUarter of the north east quarter of section ei'.dit iu township 2"l S. K 4 west of W M, iu I lou'las county. Oregon, together ith all and singular the tenements, hcr.-ditameiits and ap purtenances thereunto beloiisiin-r or iu anywise tipiK-rtainiii. and will apply the proceeds of such sale, iirst to tin fostjof such sale, and to the costs and disbursements herein taxed at fbl.i'iO, aud the sum of f.J't.fK) Attorney fees, and to the payment of the sum of 3: due the Plaintiff with int.-resi there on at the rate of S -r cent per annum from the Kih day of .M iy. I'.tnJ. and the overplus if any t here 1m-, pay over to the said JlefeiidantF. tiieir assigns or le"al repr-s.'i:t:itiv s, a by order of said Court iu said ext-rution to me directed, cm niaudiii me to sell the aiiove descriiicd real jiroperty in the manner provided by law. . I;ted at Il'isobar;.', He., this !ilhda of June. IWJ. I'.. 1.. Pahhott, sheriff of J)oii"ias County, rejiui. Fucelie U. Il.taat. and Haltie C. ilanati. Oele'i lae.'.s. Notice i- her.'by o:A,.;, ;,.o. f an execution an 1 . i-.i- .- ..i stl; out ..f the ab.c natue 1 t' n thef'th day of .li:i;e. jtld-tlnetll and dei'I.s' dlliv entered in -.I'.l t'oe.rt and llith day of M y. !''0- by ..ieclo-urc ol a luortiaiie in favor of the above named Plaiutii'l and against tin- : '' n an .1 liefen.iants and a '.inst the l'cr.-:!...ttet-tiieuti.ii.e.i ani .'. m..rt; icct i.roi-.rtv for the -tii:. . I i ' 'U 7a 7 w.:.i interest l her.- u a; t i : cent i-cr annum ii1 1 ' March. l'.'H". at..! ..r the c..r s"all.(iil a; . .! t:ev !e. - and aud .l.i-bltfs.'lliel''-. lloA tic ' nn o "" i S.vnitnW. oi:'. n.'. , .1 1 ; !'"''.. at twooVhu-k '. la. ! sc.! i ! :V ..t :!.-' (.'.nr; l.oit-e tr.-nt d --r V- """?: l'ou-ia-coti:';y. n. it . ' ' :a' at.ctloii to In.' !.;.:cs :!.. ' 1 iu hand, a'i :i,e iil.5. t:t:- .!-' :. which the said I .-!'..., : !. ' a in !.a i Ii.. .s-:. !: . A-l.. - or ai aii v t ; me t :. ii.a'. .. .r .' ... lii .wifiT de-cri'-i pre!'ie-. t :' : iH-jimiini: at . a;:t 1 '"' a: -utii and r.."-.' c'. am- w.-t i lb- crner sections i'i. --. 1'T ..nd -s. in ' n-'M. .. ou;h. ranje u. -. : :!.. .-tie Viet "-ciit, : .'' - 7." chains ihei.c- .n;!. b:.:;o . .i..;:;s; tla-nee ea-t :.i'.' cnaia-. : i."' i. haitis. i:..!tli sst., ,:,.jr, , -. . haius. th.' - ".tli i.s'., .icjti'i - ea-t '2KX chain-. ;,.cn. . iraii.t line, t" l ;' ia he tract of lau ! .- -nv. aii and w ife t.. T. .1 . ' tv o 'i'!.-;;;:ir. I ... t',.e .!--'''l !"T u liicii is r.- oi'i-si m !7il ..f the Pec'i'd ..: i ' i- ! I .! county. niiO'i:. t !.!.' - ::. :.. North rinppt.i '.!. . tile meander- ' " ' I- -a ' a i.:nt la.oj , v.. -l ... ::. tweeii s'-eti .t's :;: ..!. . ..: . north to tin- ' i ' .:...:t--.. - :;: iltil l's.! ;i Ti s. !i, .re I !' !e --. .. 'i'i i "part ..i !. I - !...:.! i t'.n. ;i ..f i o-.'!" . i I". o i . I '...ii..;.. Also till" .'.:- i" "'I'.tIV ' and lot 7 of : -1 :" ! ':- ' i and s.--tioi. ." ..t.iajl.ti.J 1" acres, more or Ai-. I t " -- 111. lii,' ill,! '.. , tl:e s. ati es- ' sect ion I'i . ' '! ili'l' section 1M . .ntaiail !..t- -J ami :.-"' ti 7 and the io . 1 :. -a-esl .a -ee;:-.. . acres : als-. tl ..' -: : .'':. -.t!i"'. ! :: Iionati"!-. I '!. ::i . ib-nrv I' section- --' -7 i ': J- d'-s-'":' a follows, t.-wlt : P. : : - a' .. ' li.4i chain- .r. a . .- - .ntt.w.-: crtii r .'! said i ' ; " : 2 thence e.l-t "7. '!s el:: : -. ':.:.. Il'-M'- -i. 17 cliains. ti ..'-: . i.ams thellee solt'li I'd !7 ci: li.:- t ;' .- ! U'innin-. : '. i : J - i" the ii..rth.-l ;. :"o ":...-; s.vti"ii cat. i'i,:'. j Cats: ' north ! t la- - in .-;-! ;..-.': a '' ' containing V:l a :--: ..-. ti..- .::;:. -a-: '., of the icr: In i-t 1 laudl"t 1 ..:'-.-ti'.n I'I . c..:i!aiieo. .M .. r.'s. ii,. r. !' ail oi :!.,- tie .i. - ril.i'! land- atet j promises iwaj n: : i - in -..".an- in town-nm '. .-.'..:. I: "i r.n - ' Wiiian.ette Me ii (r.fion. and cntainint; ins'.t.:;ii acr. s. t'.-e'ln i liient-. InTedilam.-!!- a: ces thereunto !..-ioi;ji:-a'p-!t:iininu'. an-! ' il! : cii-lsol slien su..'. Il'-'i, to the of the l o-t- of S'icil s;l',. and di-ictr.-.-nietit- !:. : in la... ' L'U. si'i-.-nd. t.i tic itiviii"!:! of .! torill'V fees ;,1, In e paV 1 : no .-r : -a.iu- 1 ! a'l l,.r acrl. ll.illiai i-nrp "i-. i , i: ! in . :'. lisli Lis . laiin in mi. I la'i.l iH-inir I : i :. -Iti i.MiT H!l i le'l'i .1 . r nf Has olliee at lin" I i :r -. (n. ,i! ..a V!"ioiv l!.. l-lii :' fs.'l' 1 j ,.... , J...I.V 11,' laic. i s s Cl.t'ss.'s' Creel I.. ' i !; iii, it-'::, II .ill I' M.I!, r. Oram TaylofailJ. ' I. v M .. .i. e: l'a::'l. v ' t . " 1 1 1 V:: .in '. :o. 1, r-olls t l.ianmc K'l.Lrel in.- .1 s, I iHii.ts ice i.siiesle. to liii'liieir ! as oil:. " en nr t'i""le tin" Mill 1.1. II . ,l., ! I'":.'. I. I . I'.iai'.'ItS. ! Iv.'itisler. i Ci i. K. 1 or l:TM Kl N . t j . nie.-t - al ';'. lliili-'!av eveniiij, a' K. b. If i:ii'.:!-:: of r:.'..':. N... Pi. M :i.i . 1 1 M i . P. O 8 ;.m.-o. c V'.'l V 1 u i'.' .1 li . ;,,'. Ci. i o 18 it listi Ills i-Ultll In s.ii.l Ian 1 I..-'..:.: an. I K.s'.'ivcr nf this ..ti., :il U... oil Til.'s.tny. Ilu' stii ol Ja llttliit'fl as witnesses lIlotilHs l.ioi'"!', I..'" K . '.a Or.'Eoli nllj I lio. a- K l.iu-a ' ll. . . . AUV linn an i'.'isi.i.s . - it i anils r.'i n sf'i i ii." una II. i i'.'XlsllT li'iii;. i ip i.'..n. V. 1 o lie II 1 1 .1 1 IL' 1 1 ..i Kal ii s I i.."1..Iki"'v .l l : F. II 1. .If) a. Mi.s. '.: l.o.lj ! ii. O , o , C) INVESTORS WILL REAP A HARVEST The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in a niht will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be uncovered and developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMl'QUA VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon nil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo and Cqx express. Umpqua Valley Oil Co. , Io t,-OC C!C;0C:;C00C0CoC0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOo fill- A. t'e , t. is (,r iulay. .all:' atiove lie.sii Hie. r c'.mis ;n lliis, ,ly of July. r'. al'i;i V i. .i -'.1, .1 . nKiin.i-.s. Notiuo for Publication. vfll I) si" A I las I.ANIniKHl K. I. -l.ti llil.Oli'.. Mav I ', :,. i. I-. .: v. a tl. a' in 'iiii'lirttn . . i is;, .'as ..f ta-' art of O'lna. 's- ol ' a .::...! lii Vi'l lor Hie salt- .. . s j:. : ., s;,.;,.. ,,i Caiiliiinia. .ire ... ;:',.'. Wits,,iiil..'.i I .. :a. l"..i. I H!.- si- i iio-i s J n No. Notice for Publication. ia r.. v. ii :tt ! t; A " e, , vi t a I ,'.l'.o"l I :: Ail: :,n. 1' .si: C. V.. te.l sn-. s I an I MI l;!. ..-. r. .'ii Aaril 1 . -. Natuv is li.-rel.. .a... Hint ill . ..iu, .'::.:; . Willi Hit: -r a ea.iis oi i',i' hi t "I i .natr. ss ot June a. ls.s. . ni al, si 'An in '. i I'H I'ae -a i' : iiu.iMr I U'li in I a- s u!.-s t.l i i.'ii'orai't :' .":;. rri:..;.' s , c. ,m,i w --..iiut-'ii l.rna.i'- h.o,'.i.I' . a. t ot t,, :', ,.,. (.uliiie i.,u 1 -ta:.'- ! a. i ' A" -; 1 ;. 1- . lvj. il silN hln.iAK t.. I UN'., !:is. slnie ot tlie- ,,, i !,.,, '...l ,-. .i i si t v ol I.. " . - ' ' ' "a l.a.l ia tills etli.'e lc,s ,v..rtl ' s., . is He- ,n tao.1 ill ll.l- .! v Ills -A. ire it.r lite ).'.ii. tiasr ..I ihc N' .!, i.i. in No. -1 i"r ti: I '.i. !.:.- . : .-. . . . o. loll i;-l::t' 2, seal i:, l.anf Sii(,i, s,',in!l .0. l'"l :f - ' :i:..: i-..i tal'-r ors.: '...sum t!,: raact- - a "t. an.t u i;l ell' r j r t i st.oa tai' u':t:''i is iii..-- vhiimliii'iitr it tiuiiM-r i nK. l.-m ... :,;' i-in..-, - . .-t' i r '.'s ". t.. . a..!. .: j'.i.-:!-.!:n! e;r- ami to ,.r ,.,,n,. irra n .'. 'ii!-". a " I !. , i.inl I ' -a,.l .aa-l U.'l.ire lite llei: ; t-tal":-1. lil 'a:'.. '' s. : : l i n :: 1 '....'.- t . . le -l:-,sn-i ,.i u.; etLrs- al i:..-. I'mt. i,i,.rsii.l ih.- .':... : ;.. i l-" -.M!l il .'I Hsals Or, 'irnn. nil i is. lii Ja. Ilie C '.!: l-'J' " ' :' ' l.a i s i ii, -s r,or .li)l-"0'l s-etur.i.i eve: o,j 'icr- nl t:.e o: . iiv;:c i ' al't t. : . ,i, tarian la '! . i ; !' I :,.;. s, : c.a I, .1 ..' . I.. .: i Is Absolutely PURE, anJ u ill OUTWEAR all other Leads. SIEVER'S BAKERY, Jlcksonrc. i C Our Cream and Hoine-iiiade Iln-ad i a oyd or Utter J than I'vcr and will ie 1 live ed to any pari oi the cjty. f Lfeave or lers or jilione Main i'sj. J 5 J. SIEVERS, Proprietor W.V.VWAV.V.V.VWMWA".V.VAV.VAVWAoM a' ! :..! we i .r it : s :i.a curry it tt.l Vol gfl It I . I !!. i N. 1'. J: iV.P.fuHer&Co. Drain Gardiner COOS BHY STRGE ROUTE la 1 PortlanJ. Oregon I.e..ll.:l'l K.n u:i '.'. ;i...' ii. rn.i:-..:i. ..i.:i ; ' I :l'.t .. ! Kns. lure. :i i; ii. ; , . a:l :v :,"!l- i .im."s .. ti''rs"! It..' ( - :;:' :u-.s a.. , ! in -I tl tii iJic:r iii -..;! .-.;..! o. .'.: -a. I 77 ''1 . ; - .1. i. l;i:i.'.K-. ll- siist. r. lie llalil.'s in --.s ...c, ii 1 elf. n- I ,.i;n! I'l.'UMI 'l l l'i!"'.!. I!.'" l ' ii i,;.s:iiy, i.r.-if'.i w .'.;ia"i ii i- -!. v : 'H. .:"-t"'. AliS :iii 1 uo ;. t. ': ..'i'i: u : " :- i. .a. e r:i" : 'k': :s a-, r. . ... .-i :.. tii- :: .a.ul- III tin- o'!.. ,' "ii : ' ! '" ' ,: J::if, 1 '.... A-". K. .1 "1 Blille.l I -.- i:. i. i it.' c K' lor Publication. n s! 't S..J 1- - ill. - .1: ,; 'a - i" I'a "::,. .i s'aa s i.aud ol!.. '. ! ' a i:, ' rv ei-n. Ma 11. I jl . . !'. l.rtl 111 latllli i.:i' ' s ... . : -.- a I ol .'.niitr ss ,.i . i ' Aa Ai t for tlie '-.e o: -:ai. s ,,; r.ii..ra'.. Oa c .ii . i: Ii rr.tnrv, hs exi'inl- i J' I..H..1 -I.-s .. ol A-.14 I t; Notice for Publication. 1 --:. .la i i.:t.. CI :.( I F a r-. 1 ' S r.I. .41 a a '.. M. 1 Ai: ra 1 a. a ti !: I' iUK !.: . : k.-...'. s'f.a- .: ..sir. ;. a-i ai ::::-.-.!.. . in- -w .r:i s:i. i.'. a r I. ; :.'. !:.i "f ttis' l.o'.c -Va, s:; - ! -. eti'in No. ''. s . . ; ' i; , ra !. ... s '.li s I t, tl ' I Wl.l 0!l. T !. l. at .:. "aa.! s.(;i'at i more ai ."it' ttiaii l'r aitia'.iilU' !..,!. i ts . I iii;. I" s;.; rni'l K.-ener i.f ia:- I, mi ;;.irt'. tli" II. tiaiu.-s -s itr.'si r isb- r.c. .-st-aiiie v s!;. iT. IU '' 1!"P 11, ni 'o.:- a .ra s or- . A . a: I ; a A .-isi. 1 a . i a n.s . u. s .lis .Irti'ii.t.c a'li.'rs '!v la-: l.,i: !s ,.re ic .neUfsl :u r.te nt..'V i- ia a ' V -V . v ' la-'-!i Ilie K c. is'. a ': '. a . '. . a. '.s"s, en'-iiasl "Aa .ca : t.,'r it:i i- tn la- sat'.-, .a i' I Sni'smi'l s!aa-v..c. I err: l. . i v 1 i.. a. I tn. Ca .; .. iui : - ,ri ' list 4, !-', ,, , AS HKI- .1 1. -ii .liN. ! i ot itii. ..!.'.. ri.ti'i:: ei i ;. . r -T--a . s : ' '. ' a. it" : j..o. h- th: .! t.l- 1 ri it..- eili-e : itciiif t S.i ..a,:ir '.i.s-1. .. .! I 4 of s.,'t: Nn i.'. '...v a-a.i- - :.'.!-. :': i) c: an'l w ni o:!-'r .r--c :,, s!. oi 't't 'a." . "'li;ii'. I ". :.' . . . ... .e !i: :'.-'. c -T r '. !l::i l i: H:ti. 'i.i'iaii i- - -!: 1 ' ' " lii c.aim 1-. s. ,ti-; i t'-t l" ' :: it- -' mn-i ttv i .' er ol la., or. . Ui- t.'.'tf. " -on Iiid-Uv. tin- l.'.'i .l-y... A a-i..:, 1 n''i".sii5 .n'.:it'"a' .liia.-s s s.,. :.. A :i. In. !:'. !.. K. t n'lmt: ,..'..'.. " - . II w M.I'.vr. ims i; H.i.m'n a ' An :nl I i . '! ..I f-v. I. F . ! i 1 n '.'-: ..:! ! i -J if ,n .: i ; ! 9 i8 i 9 Go to f I i 1 Hi BARBER SHOP. i- Knr a l'r-i:ii ; t an l Firt-tlase Shaw or Ha.r-i-nt. Cini t.'".t Workiiien. I'ieAn Tow-r!-, Tool" .ilnavnin phaf. : i onil a' Baths in Connection. on Ja. kson St. I l'.ininei,cin with Moiwlay, January '', will charge $7.50 for tlit-fare from I 'rain t Coos lay. Ilaage aiiowancc wi'.li each fail fare, J 1-.iuils. Travfllin' n.rn arc aiiowel . ',') joun-Js -as;zp' !.fD thy have :X) pjaii.l or luorc. Ai! tiiv-i haar, .:. p.-r iuu 1. anJ no al lowanc ill lf in.i'le for roiin ! trij.. I'AJI.Y TA.K For fiirth.-r information ii.!rw J, R. Sawyers, Proprietor, Praia, Ortrgoa T. ... i.r" r ' ' ', , ' :oc OOOOOC0000000003 0 I r is I ' ... or !' n' tt. J ' .1. I. liKll-or -. K- -:-t. r 1 a:-j. t. a c.a a. - : A'.K':-: m: t t d : '- -..-.' si."'. ! n . tli.s' t.n or la- -.t.- sji 'l ; '. J. I . li-.. ED T. NAGKEL, !:hII'KNT (?!&NQ)(fiJKER) i.. :!.. :..n Xoiicc U.-x Publication.- railt l s ti'.-s 1ju1 ml. '. K .m : a-.. ' 'r. tt.iii. Aj.r. 1''. t a... . I erci.v i'.H tl ti'.At 1a ctmp.l.Ci ; : ..r 1 a.. a-...!.- .a tae it"i 1 ncji'it .a ,. :. : -7s ..;.;;''.o.l 'Ai; act ar tin- sR:j i.t :."ii s iu ih ' --..iti- .. ti;i!..-!i,4.i:. "7 "ii. .. ! a'l i Aiici st..i! : a- .:.'..l . I'a '.. Iji:i 1 -i i" s a ' t ..I A".7 ;: J.tV,'- 1 . i HANAN. U..HS a.-, state ol ore ,. nr- ii.i-.lav i.. .1 :u tin- ,ct-e h:- rn ' ::' LI S-. '---': .or tbi ::"-- o: lh" s' --. ::' :i e" '. -4 I' i.ieiet' .'7 -. nl V'-i ani a;., .a'.'l I'-.-c. I" -!'" .aa-! -laiit isja tr.' vaaia'-'iL I..r i:-tn:i-t , -i 'i.ati a a i. jrii i 'anal j :.r;..s"s aii'l .!'.h !,:..:!:.' to -art i:i'l l" '-:" - . t : 'i-l I!-' .!. t i a . fa at I:.... ii'.r7. : . -ii ..ti .s!ue-:- 'a.'- .t" ol Jiilv. i . :.:.::--- ate . s. I 'lrln-n. a c: i '. : : a . rt. 1 Jnl-li " Mt.-si-e' ol Inn. 11- . i ;. -7 n !'. I'.eJ.- :. "i ....m-i-uik. l'r Al,'. .. . a , i r-.i!l- i in ! ,.li7 -'"!' iM ..i'i- :v'sl.l I'.X Notice for Publication. I'S 'Ili'Tl l'l .M' I ill' ' Knv-I.ure '".' a -'!: - S'nt n' in:-! v ;. n "':'. la.'-:. I -a nn ::c I r '. :: 'ii- of I J" '. : '.':.- .I' i:.- :. l-:,i-::'..'..'."'l A'. '!. i" liai'-.- iia-ts ;:. -.. .: ... i .!' .ruil. : 7' a. S. a i.t ia I W. :.,:: " -a 1 1 1,.:'. , -is .- ;. a : . .. : : i- I a i 1 . . -' , Io act ol A : 7 ' i s : I !- ' 1.111 l.i' I- 1IKN' '' K i il 1 ol I a '.:.. I, 1 ".tic . 7 I)" a 7 a- s'V-- ..: ' -. . iia- t;, is ,m !. .. ! in t:.. .'Il -"fi : I intli- No l..r la- (.a-!..- ..I i - N" '.-:,:::::, . .n '. to Nu. ... .- a a oi r.aniti - i'..-:i.ia ';.-.-.; a. -!.',.'.! :C 'a.,- i" '':; .s i r : iia' iv-l.T i's no.!--' r -'-.:'-' i.ana - s,. .. 111. 0 i 'i! I: it3.'i I: References. sJ .All Wo:k Ou.irauteed. A a.i.-:: Uof.Ss.-Y C OGOOOOOC ooooo ooooo 0 !t.s I i; Si' ii ! I - . - 7e J -.i,- i:l ,1... .:!: :: or n. J. T. BKIl-.K- t:.o l., .in.l .Mr. I i,:-lit lai llr- ' r an n'l. R. . Any kil l " I I- r- i !..t.- .. s. rn.-l .a i iun :- ,n ll'l- .:! . c si'jii'i-. r. 1 "L n--'f H. Little- DENTIST. - - Professional Cards. V. !!(i!VKi:, i X I li Oregon, j SVAPlWWAViW.V.VAV.V.ViV.WVtfiWWiViViVWb 20CXXOCXXXXCCOOOOOOOO COOCCOOCXXXXX XXXXDCOO OCOCXJCCXOO ( AZALEA n ILLS The finest Rough and Dressed LIMBER Fine Cedar Fence Posts, Wood, etc. Fine Port Orford Cedar Finishing Lumber We want your orders for building material. All orders promptly filled. GEO. W. RIDDLE LUMBER CO., AZALEA, ORHGOX OOOOOOOOOOOOO XDOGOOOOOOO OOOOZOQOCC)GOQCX&-XOOCXiCXXi i M. (i'lM'.Url.v T. A. Ia;rv I. L. Martin Roseburg Real Estate Co. I'arm and Timber Land Boueht and Sold Notice for Publication. l.KI OfFI'K IT KoaCBI Ra, Ol: K., M BV -1 . 1 'Jtri. oiiec is lierct.y uivcn tliat lii.t loltnuhii; na'ji.--l tsjlller li-h lil.-'l entire ot h r iiileutimi tn xi.ati'j tiiibi .rM. in aUtM.rt of lu r .-laiin ami iliai said iirtail ))iil Ijc nia.i.' ia".nie ihe K' jrisit r nd K.ccivi-r, I. s. Ijinl Oil id- t 1:o-.-Iiii:k, orexou, OIl AUKIlst II. 1 '.'. MaKY h. SMITH, nil TL T S MIS, U: N W In W J i, rec. Si, 1. a, r. U. 0 West. Mie nni's ilie Inii.nvins w u i.rnv. her con liunnus r siti-.m-t i:h.ii ami ciitic-iinn .if sulrt lainl viz: John K. hmitli nnl Win K 6in"li. of Hn. k miy. Op: , nnd Win. It. Ku -fieri .l Slyrlle Crw I, Ore., ami aIi m . Willi-, ol Dil.ari, 0r-7in. J. T. Iliaiait s, jli K.-Kist.r. I'I ilM.ol7.li7 illleti t Sicr.-'iti til t i.e r.ii. liiiii!l'r.ii!i t!i'Mjsi I i.,r.'::is ,-. i.!;' v ;n tl..- :io'v;.:" vt i : i i tie' t . . a . -:i I ; i.'lil.-i. i. r it . ::r. v. :-, :i:.i.'.-. I i.e i r..- yaents :' tO-t- al sjil.. ..; ',: i.ii'i a-nt i a' I lic't-U'11 c .i.t:n: iti u it h iii',"!i-i . :' ;.i ner eenl i r :;n- iav..:' March. 1'"'.' al: 1 I Notice ff.r Publication. Notice fur Publication. Sol.. .' i.. I i itn ti.e pi. l:i re I ll.'.st states IjitlJ Oil ' s.a ,,ti, t ir. ,-":i May i, 1 a.'ll laat ill e..lilj.iinll. e Jimu .. I", a el tli.- to t .l !olli:res- (.1 Tanl' rl. l.t. tic I "A a a' t lor the of lim A"0. S ht' .-, . ,.f i ;tii!.,rul'i. lr.sp.'li. : t- ..I'i. '.'-I l ''' s!ii!i'-i":i i :.. a. 'la- I ul.': l-i u 1 - t i. i Notice : ii :'. a t tie i ! lae .:. I-': ,':irii si Uosei.":.:. I - I.iNfi in r r. --n May t. : - a. ',1.: ,ii -' :'. : aa till' a' I ' " . ' -- " n ri ; t'-r inc i. n lie -;;. ol aal r i a. i'i.- a tn an. I V .,.'i.!.- a.n .r:i:..rv, i.c- ni.-l I-. all ta- I'lii.;;.- I jtii't , ... torv. is len l- . Anpii'i i. i- a si.'i at: "1 Anc- ! IUltRYK.MII.IEit. a I fiak'.ati'l. i oiiii;, nf lin'.tias. s::t. ..; i ir--iii ..;- II,., ;, :! i : E:MKi i li V: Ii I AN AND SU KG KON. 1; -iioihtj tlKtOON ii na to II.-r of the Sot :.! 1.1pm. St.. . ;,,' t.K.r loati of l"l I"H i.u M : 11 K, li'j A S !ia':. . '. I.CS1 AV J. KKIi.MAN. o! K 'stliiii-. i-.tin.'a. ..! Imau as. state of i M'i,'..n, Ic- -als .lav lia.l .!'. t'a-offie; liis .s.vniii n.tte l:.'.::t S.i. ill s lor tie .li.-hu-e of tic N W 1 4 ,, -- N... 11 I'.uiiSttM. . -s s.H.111, i t .'- '-l uti'l il. !! r in-l tlie .iVl'!. ills, if tills tli"!'.- !s-. ..IV 1.. ilie -;ii'l I 'I'l'inliiM-. tio ir assigns or Ic.mI ri'iiic-i-ntittlvos. a- l.y .ir.i. r nl sat. I Cntirt in sui t c"i uiioti f., in,- (ir, , It . 1. coinliinnniiii; iia-! soil liie ;il .1. scrii"'l rciil .roi-''t v in tic' 111:11 ner 1 -1 - -vi.lisi l.v lau . Ii.ttci tlii- 'Mil !i! ol .1 11.'', i-!!'-.'. i:. I.. rtiiiM'ii, Slu-rift 'tl Iioitjl i- C'-nu'v. Oit-kun. Contest Notice. ni'. '1 states I. nil OtTa e i' trj. .. u;'.i,-.'.!ay -! atlaiui' iai iii' ! n til' has t n- .;- t -! 1:1 ties .,:'a . !, . ..:. -u e- j rnei.l Nn - (nr IU- .i:r. hn.- "I tin- -ar.h a-t lUarl. r is. : 4 . ,,1 sjt lanii Nn. -1. 1:1 I'sli:;. N... j seulli nl I tan-. Sn.J W: .-. nl iii :! r in .1 tn s'l.'W tlml t.'.c iatl'l snllCM is i. nr" -s 1 1 ! .( ; 10 i lor I.s t'Uil- r or st.,n'.- tiniii for aiirn nil aa! ;-i.r- !' t' Il " Isll.i s,Milll is more v-ii'iallie I'.I i - a III lllls.lliil'n II!Oi-ini in si . n in .1 - .'-' nr'sii.tu- U.b'i l..r M-riCiilinral i.ur-I Lre llo-K.-itist. r au.l Kv.m r ! this ottavai aa.l : . es'a'.'is a ni-cian.i t" sai-t 1-11.I I:..-, i'lin.'. or. .'ni: nn "lonCay He' 1 'Hi :.- of -'..t ia- !!. '.-isii r an 1 H.x. r..T of tin oflaa-i j.i.i,.l-r, !'.' He nan. - itti."s i,.a. at i:..-. ntii" . ri-o:i. u ILur-'lav, Ilie lllli'iay ! J. su-arns. t P--.5 I. I li. luon tn, i.iam of An i-: I'',' II-names a- v.;i'inss.: John i on. i Hoy Mil r, '.'. ol Oak;u.l. Umoii l.'l "? r 'i -or't. Han IUU, lienri .-.IlKl-'lon, j Any all.l a!'. t.nlifc .Ulm'.rJi IV'T-.'lj' 111.' H--ITV s;-ai'o- .: ol f!."'. l-iiit. Ore on. I !wvt .les. riU-5 Imels ate p ijii. sicl to tile i.i ir n i-.,-,.!:! trs,,ns t iHtinii.t: aiivci IT the c.iin in tni onu .i, s, rii.l are n-n. -t.' I In lilc llu-ir J s. .iomU-r. I: .''. . 'aai.s in lli.s otli-cnli "i lAlore sain i nn iay m in- A n- i-t 1.' J. J l.BKIIn.1.1 ' litgt uitil thir.l I i n it: - ' a : I : v J. A Itf.MAN '.s. I" : ' T rv r. ''. i on ..r la l P- -:! l-'itli '!a el J. T. ItKlin.K.s, K.--;i-ter. M.-.j. KettlaUT. Noticcfur Publicatiou. I'llitvl btatej Lall.l Ho-' A nill'i. iciit emit. in tliia crhce l.v JOHN . Vi:.s'N" coiit'latit, aait.s: ta. it..:ncsr,'a. t.':y -t. rri.l.- March 1'.. 1'. IW Iii" -I.' , -V', .-' . i : H.lliii sj-a ' s ra .K!4, -eel i'i:i :Lf. t'.w nl..t. -i -citii" 1 i atmi I.i:- i !ii - iay iii'il il lh:s oft ice l is. siv..rn rant;.; - -I tv ' -1 . 1 1 -: i . til Nn i '. lor '.In jnn lia-e ol Hie r.'4 "JAMKS I-.KA-I.:Y. I .. i.s. eta. ii No s, t.i.'.ielnti .tl -nnlli. rantte Xu. h cunt, stee, in lic'li il is all'aic'l that the iil iv . e.i. ant i.l oil. r iiroal In sltoiv tliat t!ic lain! Jam B.-iisley lias ii.-cer e:lilislie..l li;s res.- ; .,,'ie!it u r.anc !!: lm il tltnla-r ninl clone Hi'iii'i- on tlie iati l, ict in pnc. t .i or ail i.t -.1 i : !nui lur a'ir aiii'iral iirja'-. s, an-l In eslat.iisli the aatiie, ali'l iarln-r liiat lie I as It'-.n ii' -.'.t'. 1 hi citiaa to -acl ianii l.vf-rc tlie I!t".:iflcr all. I fruin tli iaii'i f'.i h i:ri'l m icre limn -. K. . .a . . r ot tills hi'ht nt ftnseliuiE, Oregon, on iitnlitli- las' j ;cl m it'i iat l.-an- nl-nas. L"-e. 'arl i i !i a r-'ii: Iti'j Islii .lav f -.'(.leinlier, l'i' lie tlial tie li Ii lly in a.icieii-'l tl:" int. -i; l:ml ' imnic i!:."S : W iiiiam Muilli. ui.l aii' 1 al'senei fi.mi ti.- iaii'l ! n..' c.'i- Kater. 1 ..nanl III..-' hil! LM iilions i:rali, lo liis crnpjoi mem :n tlai Ariay, Nu.y or Ma-.allor llarlin-lnii. V asiiinton. rine or.K ol Hie (iiiffl stacs as a n;!.te s.,i , Any ui:. nl! i r-oii clnl:uii arturelj- tlie ilier. o'li' -r, seaman or t larine .luring '.In v. ie ', al,:.. c .les.-rii.. 'I laens ap- r.'.ii l. .l to II their with st;iin or an;.' ntner nai in m hi. ii j ciaiin-ia lln- olliee on or la-'fure -i'l Is'li lay of tlie fin I. -.1 .stal's 'iiv l.c i in.'...'."'! ; ai'i t.a' la S. Men: Iter. 1'u. J. T. II RI U'tKs, arc liercl.v iio'ilit ! ! Mje ur. p sj. acl aa l oil. r J2u Keister. CM'lelice Inliciiii::: sai'l anc-'i'tii'a ai in oca.: k a. In. on s-i ...!' .''- r '', a J a- lie i.."a:stei iai'1 Ii f."V. r a', lit"- I ialc'1 -aia- lui-i 4)llj. e iu I'.oscljinit,. ip-it'iti. 1 lie hti i'i enlil' ' tai'l liiivib'a in a nn,i r iifli.Iu vit, i?:e.l May 1J, ; ' .'. r:i Imili iai ts v.hii'li shniv I hat a I icr 'la. '! liiifll'"'' Has, tin. 1 i-eri ii .' i-l llli- ln.ll.'i: I'all lint tie lnaoe, ll is her." y 1- 'iere'l aid ..i.-.'t.''l ;t!iil Mi.jii ii -aije I.e .,':.:n l.. !ne ami i.mi. r' H'i'iti. I. 1. I!i;l Ic .KH, K.'itis'er. iti J. II. nn'JlH, Notice for Publication. j I'lil'.i.l s'.atca I.aict OtI. -e, j Kn-rlnirE. Or. -ami. May II. !.- ( Notice is helebv lthell tlitil 111 colli l.ilallt e j with the l'mri-inns nl ihe ai a nf Cm, (-:. nl ' June 1T. entitlcl " An Aet ior the ' "I j timber :boI- in the slat. -.( l aiiioruia, op it 'll Neva la, aid Wa-lin ruhi Territory,' as ci. n.i etl lo ail the Pnliiie l.iu 1 ,-:al'-i by act nl A as'- I l;'ielnirir, in-eoii. May X, law. No! i- is la rci.y i;;. en that in c iintliance .vuli ine vn.i i-i.ins if tliea.t ol 'nni;r- ol I'll:.' ::. laT eu'ili'-'l "Ati Act for the sale of n niter iaini- in the -lal'-s of ' 'a'Ui.ruia, Orei;o i. i ust 4. I t I N'.-iii'la. an. I Washiinttoti Tcrritnry," as cmeii.l- 1 HOW AUD W ll.LIAVS. '. -I to aa the'- Ian. I -ta'..'-hy a. t of Anc ' of senttl.-, cmiicv of Kinc stale ( WHshini,M.i". t list I, s'j', has this .lay lilt 'i in thi nlta-e hi nrn ktate- i ji ni . si. m tii meul Nn. .1.1 lot tt.e nipna-e ni me c. re, J. ill V St. 'll'l n.ty ol -suitll, siatr oi ali-I i NK', ol ectioli No. ia. I ot liUni" N Notice for Publication. I'NITKI' STATUS I.ANH Of rI K K.iskui i:... Ore., May 1x2 -.ntioe is hei'-oi i.''c:i Dial III :'iil.llBlie wilti the -.o-vi-citi- ol the A.-t tl I'mittress of June :;, li.s. .-ii:.lie.l, -'A u Ai l lor the snle of limb. r lamia in '!' htates of C ii.if.irniu, Oi, KOii, Nevada, utol W,vslinietim T. trilori , aa ex-ie:c1e-l to ail tne 1'iibne lainl nana tc. Aet of August 4, is--'''- KKtMT- 1.. I.IIOH'.K of 1'e'dne. .!'..iiity ol la.nt'las. .stute.if i.i;oii lias tliin tiny liie.i in thl tfliee hi mvorn -i.-i'.' men t No. 2.'i7 lor liii'tiir.'liase .tl Hie 'll, S'i 'fi'l Keeli.iU No. A 'linshi. s nf U I West anil will ntfer .na-f to slam that the lano MiiiKht is inoie vaiiiaitle for iik Iniiher or st"ii. than lor at:rieii!liiral ami to estal'iish hi elailll lo sai l ialiil la-fore Ihe Keit.l.T ali.l Keceiver ol lliia olh.-e at KoaelMi'i:. tiiciron, nn Wedne-'lay, the IU .lay ol fc. i.tcinlM-r, l'Hr.'. He nam -a s w l lll'isaei. : Waller t.roflk. Wm. Moore tnl Maurice Moon, of Itoschnrir. re.f ami t.'el estin liei-it'l"', of teniae, Oregon. Axiaud all verMiiik clainiiiiK aflverK'ly the Bbnve-rlcscriliexl latntK are re.inestert to (tie their claims iu thia ofliuc ou or lefore aaij 10 day of tee!!tniber, iia J. T. BRIDGES, ft lUsliU Notice for Publication. Unite f Slie Lainl Olliee, Contest Notice. Cnilcil S.latcs I.ainl olhce R'Jhl'hlirir, Oli !?nIl, .'.lav 1 l:j' A suQiclciit cnntebl ulli'iavil jiavin hieu liie.i ill Ihin ollii-e i,y wai.i hk t:. i:rz.i;i.i., ei.iitedtoiit, ai-'Riiist the Innn. et. a'l enliy Nn. 'Jsol, ma.le March It), r.aa., lor .s1 , NW'i, N1. sitji .Seetiou M. lo'.i nshii "'. uri'lj raiitte - iv.l.y ! AKHIIHT.Ar.AM, i (nnte-tee, ill which it is a'l.'ii. .1 :h,t lh. sni.l i eniryiiiiin lias nevci csnii.nsu. n nis ii-hiiiein a nu the lamt. au'l Dial he lm- imi i in .r.. t-t nr Cultivate! I lie Sillic, aU'l II. t.l lie l,tia hi'CU nh- seni Irn.-i the iaini fnr a neiitai oi sj itmnihs last pnht, atnl tlial he In.s '.'.iinhv iii,;,ii,!i,ij. . i the same: thai s:icl it.i',-. tt'.s. iic ; the lainl i.oi .inc i.t . j eineloyiiiolit ill Ihe Ann;. Na.y, n M.i:ii:i-; :oilb Of tlie rillti.'l SiUttes - ji (tiivrtie s.M,j,.r ( olliccr, ficainen, or inui ine, .liiriin.' I In- inn ii ii ; sj.niii. or iliirltnr any other war in -. 1 . ; -i i U... I'liileil .Stah-s limy he cliltii-i !. s.ii.1 ;.,:l!is are il lehy nntilkil lo lijan-ar, ii'sjioi..! ami nlli-r evl'lem;e ronchititt ai-i a a. ii i a.i! ic in ti .-lm -ir a. m, on setieiiil r 1-. lac. a. t-.r. il,.- li :-;si. ( and Keeiver nl Ihe riuie.i -int.-- I a'i.: oi!'.- in ko-ehilrv, OP'Kon. The saiil Cnlilcstalil hi:', in-, In a l-l 'i.-r i.l!! (lavit, filed May l.t. I'i 'J. s. t (, ..n, t,,,. i hieh ahow thut utter .1 'i 1 . 1 i ! -n . - p. i-oi,ni service ol lliis l:olii ' cull liol h lnaili., it :,- hereby onlep-d an l .in. ' !. . i tlmi s i h notice be given by due ami iro.r nulCc ai ion I J 'i B..ih..i:s. I!e;;isler. 1 Dill J. H. lljoTU, Hucelver, Ko'cl.iit, ' ircoii. May J7, !'.'. is Ina. l.y itivi iithal in coinpllatice tiiilh ttie .r... islnlls ..I the cl ol ..nff ess ol IJiiii'., p, ciilit;e'It An Ac l lor me sine oi limber lacls in the slates ol ('a, norma, Oieoii, Ni". a a, and Wa -hi Hi: I oil 'I eiiil'iry.' a - er tt'iid ! i-l ! i iili tie inil.ilc laud Hilte l.y acl of August i I, '-...'. j U II. 1. 1AM SMITH ; of It : i . litiftnii. coiinlyol skaitil alale of Wali- i ia'.-t'li, h:.- il.i- .l 'v al.'.l in tlii- olliee hi nvmii slut,.,,,, ni N'n i 77 lor the j.nichasc ot the N I'.J, j of Sk i, an No s, i.,i. ieln, .11 miiiIIi, raliite s v.i -t. ami uiil'oil'T jipa.f tn short idal the land I sni'vlil is inoie vuliiiiiile fur its limla-r ami t-loii.' ; tliini fnr narii nltiital purposes and tn estalili.-h his lann in said lainl hefnie the ileitialer and i'.i;' ciVcr III tilts i.tllC'Ill llnH'lillli;, Ol'CL'KII, on I '1 hn-vlay inc l-tii day of s. .l. iiiia i , He i nainek as v.iliic-ses: .lohu slau r.Haiimril Slater. lA-tiiard Hrnnksaiid hieullolla Itnatka, all (if lair aiiL'ioii, W iishlliL'toh. A ii y and nil i.erson-c'.nlliiiiii: adversely the ah. tic described land are pMinate.l lo Ilie their claims ill this olliee on or latfop- aai.l 1 s tli day nl .September, It'U. J. T. HI'.IIXIIH, Ji!p HeitiKter s.n.111. rane a uesi. an-l w n niter io snow lhat ti.e iiui'l omlIiI ia mure a,ualt!.' tor Its nmlier or stnic than tor aricu.iiiral I " i r i and lo establish hi. eitiiia tn sH,,i iHiel before the ltci;iler and Kc.'.-lvei nf this othie at Kns. Icirif. Ori'icon, on Salui'lay. ttie J id .lay of Auir ui. I'a'i- He n.naies aa tA'tttii ss.-s: Kay s. Kisii er, N'e' S,inr.', ot Seattle, ashinitinii, W in. M. Porter. IU e Bnreu, oH'aina Val i. y. orevnu Any and nil tiersiina claitiiin adiei-ely tin ah.ive deserilH'.l lands are rc'iilcsl, .1 In tile llieir eliiiins in thi" nrti'-e an nr i-eSip.' said 'i.v day ol Auitusl. im.J. J.T. IIKIIa. I.s. . lill.ip K.'Ststie. Notice for Publication. Tinted st..s l.a ll'l Ollce, KnschiirK op'Si'ii, Mai '-', h'j. Nolicc la herebv litven Ihut ill 4:.uiiiiiatn e with the proviaious of Ihe act nl tanntii-ss i, June !!, laTs. entitled ' An n l for inp snie of liniia'r lantla iu the States ol "a 1 1 'or ni a. On eon, Nevada and WashiiiKion lerritoiy, aa extend ed to all Ihe I'llblie l.illl'l slates by act of Aug ust 1, l -'.r.'. WA1.TKK (,KuNK, of I'. pine, ciiiuly ol liriintlas, stale "of ure sou, haa thiadrtv lile.1 in Ihia otllce Ina Kiioru alateinent No. '.'i-l lor Ihe iiurchase of the NW i. of aeetion No. 1-'. loiv.ish.p ::o snutli, ruin;.. I west and will nller naf In shir Unit Ihe land Miuixht ia more aluahle for Ha tiinh'-r or slnne than Inr a-triciilniral pui jaises, ami In cth lish fita claim tn said lalel belnre Ihe Iteitistcr ami Kcc. iver nf lliis ..ihce at Kn-ebur, op-iroti, on KreUy, the lath day ol Aiii;ii-i. I'in' lie names bm wiliic-ws: Maurice Mumi , Nick M.aire and 1'eter Mill, ol Kiischiirt;, Orexmi, ami Kd McK , of repine, Oregon. Any and a II K'rnn chiiiiiiiiK adversely ihe above descrihtd lamia ar iuesh .1 to li e'thcii cliiiniK iu llii olliee on or hen. re .aid l .th dav ol Annual l:a. J. T. I'.KIIl l s. Ill .) Ki'ilisler Aihuiuistrators Notice. In the County INrlrt of Dntc'lus INiUhty, rilate of ir. Itnll. Ill the mailer of Ihe estate of I W . W. Wa'kcr. deceased Nrilne is hen by Klicn by Ihe lllldep iijlled adniliiisirolorol the e-!aieof W. W. Walker, do- I ens. .1. to the cr. ililnrs all jieraona hav- I ililt . biiuis laaillist the sai'l lie. eaaed, U exhibit tin in. uiih ihc neces-ary v.hii hera, within aix I months a'ti r ihe Iirst piililicalloii ol Ihia notice ' to tli" adiliililatralor at llillal'l llonlas coiiuty Or. koii. , Hate ol Ihe first Iiuhlication ia tin- hlh day o1 MB,r.U-. tUCiAK WAl.KEK, Adiiilnistrator, to write tor our cnnliilenliul letter before ap p'yiiifr for patent ; it may lie worth uioucy. VYe prompt iy obtain U. H. and Forciicu PATENTS nrl TRADE MARKS or return EN TIRE altnrney'a lee. bend llifKlel, sketch nr photo and we Mini on IMMEDIATE FREE report on pul. lital.ility. we give tho LHiat lepil Hcrvicu and advice, aud our charges are moderate. Try U8. SWIFT & CO.. Patent Lawyers, Opp. U.S. Patent Office.Washington, D.C. Notice for ru::is.i't:o;!. itpsi;!, ,r , i !. : . : - - ; :. N'.ti ' :- i: a 'a . a ta: . :. an. e w.l.l tt:c J P.. -: a- o ' ' ii ' ' :.-:- .! J niic ::. is; :.::' . a ' ' i .: : s , ,. , ,i liint-.-r I in ' - . a i - . a ..:;. -. .:-. L'-iii Ni". ii !.'. mi i ii e i ' i ' a - i . . a- . x t iai- .1 t ii. . : . 1 it. ! - . : s t . ..."t ..f A it'i-l I. is.'.', li. .-. . . of Kil'.ii. . . - --..' ' " a has lii is .iiti- I :i ; .s - ..- a ,s . it . a .. - tii meat No ii." ! ... . th" -r :, nl 11. ai No .' .n.i:: :a ' m::'.:i . e-t uti.l !!i .a . j : : t . ' ,.:. : t.. ,i;,l s. nu!r. ! i.i . ' . a a ,'; t a . '. t a.t- r r si.-n,. thai! Inr uri ..i i.a. ;. ".ri. s . a: a ; . ; ,.st. his i .i. : in 1. 1 a l -tli t a : i! a s. ,- ;:. K.a-encr nl i la- . a:, , i.t it 1 1 ei, ,,a In. tie ; . ., a, ii oi a. a t 1. II- linineii as nit:..- - i i'njn. In.i-.', A Hi rt ileal. Ill in.jh. i.i K. '.,' 1 i.i.c !...-.. 'a ' . H'l ol lo . lie. I IP t'o'l. Any and n:i p r- n ii.t.oiiu- n a.i-.ii 'ae aisoe ilistia-'l .n.i is .t r 7 a s'. ! t. I:!.' their claims: in ttn- nilae on or t.i a r. m;.! l.".h day of A'.it.s-.ito. Mijp i i i;i.:ii..ks i:. c.ster Notice fur Publk ation. I : I" . a. - : ..: '.: Ri-. ', ;: . in li V..V Nnli.'.e is iica I... V; l"i :...: ol ' a Willi the p n. is on-o; t e . : . ' "'.: Juii" J, l-.s, eia.'e I ' s ii ,.c; . . : a I iinbcr l.iin.Is i:i lie sa.'of .a 1 .ii i ; u it eon, Nevada ail'! VI' -el. .::!":: . a.'i. lell'l' -1 In i. i I lit I'a'.a I .ail i s'.i es a Allitus! 4, s 'J. si i:i ii i:n u ii'iiM i i ol I'-'ei, count .' i a i ' ' : 1 : i - hits this t i V t.l.-d iti "11- "tta . :rs s .i , ment Nn. .' . no 111 ' I 11' i a- : sA I, and NW'.ols.V, . I s e I..M N low liship N'n -' . lit!: ' N". i V. ' -: .an! II 1' priad I I'i'ii'l : lint 1 tl'1 l "l s.. al.lalili im PS ta:.' I "' " i : 1 ;'i cultural pai s, ai"! to . -11 .. .! Lis ' said land I- a"'' iy !! -ia r nu I I., c tins,, thee ut Pes. bar.', ii . tell, .ci In.'' I till dav nl Allkllst 1 ai.'. lie l: . .' - :.s s .Imii'-s I'. I'i. b 111.1:1. I 1.. Vt .t.ics. I'ardilc. nf fill. Ihctoa Jniil. s ...oei . burv. Oteitiiu. A ill and ai! . a- .a - c'a r.i,:i ; i..-e . above desci ib."t .and- ar ri'.i i to claims In till" ntHce on r beer, nl Angusi, HJ 111 s, i 'J. :...:i:i; . s I I.. a l;,. se el . t It' .: Vlii tl cat !:,t cai Notice for I'ublication. I'M It'll s l A I I lee. 'in.', i Notice is ticieb) tin ii il. mil' 1 he PI. o ei" .s ni i I'.- i June :;. s;s, . u: i l ANI'iC'l ,a I . lie.. .. .s, 1 -rj. i . oiav-a.iii, i i n ,r. ss oi a ii' t tor tie- of ll 111 iter lull' Is 1 11 the SI. it' s ,.! I mil,. I 111:. III. Knll, Ni valin and .V iisliite.aoii I ."riimy, a er'en.t isl io till Ihc I'ul'lii: I'lind siaics b .'t ol A ait list I. Is'CJ, .lullN I.. Iliil.l IS. of M.-lp. . ('..inn v ' i I " I 'ias.asai'. ,.f m e...,, has I h is .lav li l-.i in tins .atiee his ,.ri: Man liient No. ; is, tor Uii iiicliase nf tin' S'v ( Nl-.'i. Ihc Nf. ni NU ' , ae I Inl on- .a ., turn Nn. Is, Ton n-lnp -' sou l', li e. No. In West, and will oil. r (e..'l to slim, thai tl..: Iillld HUlithl is niore Vilal !.!. !..: lis timber cr atone than for n.irieulu. : .! pin i lees, nudin establisli his clnnn to ni.l a. a. I U for" the K.-ltister and Koe.'lvcroi Oils o'Va e i.t- I. "si l.ui. , Oi CC.011, on 1 iii mIii . Ilie l-'tti aa;. . a .c - s , ltlli-'. lie lianics ns nilli. s-. .-: Cher.. :. II. .aa, Jullll 1 ili'lil, Krnnk I! l.oa . . -i l "e i el ill 1 l'i -!!, ami trunk incut:, m Mcii.isO or. ip-u Any and all persotis claiiiinn,' a. tiers -iy I!:. iKive-descrihcl lands are ii tiiestctl tn li'.e i a 1 1 ' ainia in Hii" olliee nu or hi'iore aid l-ilh . 1 j of AiiKUal I'JOl. J. i'. HKH .Hs. lillp - K.Ki.l.i. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Tinil uer Pstxruates a Specialty. List your pioper- tv with us. G V riSHKK. M. I). YOUNG SAM'S- x 'ivsR-ian, (.liiie i.vit P. O. 'l ii- iio Main -V'l. nirgeon. KoSKBtRO, UKKGOS. QK.iiK.o. K. H0UCK, Physciau Surgeon. tiff e Ki vo w s ,1 r.n i , Miin 3i KOSKBfRO ORE'rON DENTIST, I'a lew H.n'.dmc, r-i"; :ioae No. . KOsEUfUli OKKliON B.M. ClILD VDLE, DENTIST. inl.i'f c; - lo s..m an. s II aU KOsKBt'KU ORE 1 M. CRAWFOKD, 4 Jk Attorney at Law, H 1 Ji Mars'.era B J., ROSEBCEti. OK iryBaMD. sat-etiire tht 0 S Uind Office and miunie eaM' a upoctally. Late Receive! V. 8. lml Office. JOHN II. SHUTE, ATrOKNEY-AT-LAW, Hotfli'tl KU, Orkuo.i. H'lxlue". belnre I'.S. ljnJ Office auJ Pmbala btiines a iecialty. OSicvs Al ra!:am Uiiildinx. J 0. r ri.LK.K ION Attorney-at-Lav. i. li p.aeiice in all the Stale and federal tnm Oilico In Mark' BMi., K.wuunt, Oregon. c l.MMOPOKK S. JACKSON, Attiiriiey and Counsellor at Law. Minine; l aw and Water Rights made it niei laity, wa.-aicra Kid ROhsBl'Rtt, OREGON V: ui) 1 and i -.evlcw HuiMtii. W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. ROSKBl1 Rt. ORKlK)- Q.I.OK(5E M. BKOWN, Attorucj'-at-Law, ROSEBUK0, OK ttoitrl If.iuso Down stiiirs. J A r.lTCHANAN, Notary 1'nblic. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. KOSKBCKU.OR Room s Marners lliiildiin;. J. KO r.I SETT, Attorney at Law. Roora ll, or Si Wil-on Block. ROHKBCRO, Ou, A new and complete line of Chinese and Japanese iNoveiiies, .uiuaware, oiiks ana L,inens. All gooils are as represented.. All are invited to call. r.itcr Httilditii.', trth Jarkoa Mrvet -r- THE.. i" ii yui viui SMOKE ii THE . . 1 Our Makes-r iraiijc. i incrii-aii IWautv Manufactnr-sd -i '.- Ji 10c, ew Riva Jumbo. Jane Reil. UNION-MADE 5c. POQ"n CUDOC lU-n.lrickf bik.. near LVjxt aJW.-W A CAR LOAD Mitchell Wagons ALL 5IZES, JUST, ARRIVED Also a car load Hnim Mitfbcll Oiissifs. Snrres of the famous . . and Koad njLoii on Iiantl. If you wish comfort, elegauce and a reasonable price, see us before buying J. F. Barker & Co. R0SKBURG, OREGON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! Thi'so liaxins: farm lands ..r villa'?' i iin.rty sale .r cxcliaiiee. will! do vc! to call and w llnv now rcai I ostatc linn mi North Jacks, ,n Strv,t ; Uotil Katato liouht." sold or -x-'hani;ed lor laastcrn prc.rty. Also tioveriinu'iit land lot'attsi. Cruisers! always- on hand. Ksli males fur nishfd. etc , jiSi. -IXSURK IX THK- Kl FIRE REUEF ASSK J0I1 Ur.ORGDCASl'ARI Painter, Paper Hanger and Decorator .bl. Sixn and Buggy Painting a Specialty Call on or leave orders at Churchill vt Woollc-y'i -s ' KOSKUUKO, )RKti0J " v INSURANCE AT COST. Hc.l tifticv, McMiunville, lr. j.n Amt.of insiiranc-:in force, 1 1 1 .fOO.tXX.'l.CO' Net fain in one year, 2,ts.sV7.00 Saving it members 1 yr., Sttt.l.tiO Nuinlier separate risks;", 22,3;0 Sttf A. J. Buchanan, KotHibnrg, Oreou. Agt. for Douglas Cx Homes from $250 to $5000 Writ or 'Phone OTm. Iff, Porter, - . - .. Real Estate Agent 'and Notary. Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Quids, Camas Valley, Oregon A 1 i y