Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fair, to «dose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION V^XXVAXX. X' VJ’ The East Oregonian of Ken dleton, Oregon, is published tn the heart of the wonderful In land Empire. You will find that It la readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accu rately and fully. o \ ■ N VOL. XXVIII. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14,1904 NO. 92 I Poorly Equi|>|s-d ami No Fire, Drills or Oilier l*recaution* I Washington. Oct. 13.—The report of the Slocum Investigation commis sion has been In the hands of the president several days, and will be made public Monday. The report will find the Slocum was inadequately equipped to protect life, the llfe-pres'ervers and other ap pliances being useless and the crew not drilled to meet an emergency. The master is criticized tor not beaching the vessel earlier, and the owners for violating the laws govern ing safety appliance* COAI. BARGES BREAK MOORINGS IN A STORM. PENDLETON «ILL Tliree ll<-l|ilc— Craft on Wlilcii Art- 15 P<«>ple Drlyeri to bea from Ixi-t Itiver—furious storm Hur ried 'I1 m -( u to Dentil—Dl-<ap|s-ar »'rum Sight al I,a,l>reak ami Tlu-lr Fate Surety ««-aletl—< aplaln«’ Fam- Hie- Mere Living on the Barge*. Grand Lodge Session at Sea Startling Stories of Robbery New- York. Oct. 12.—During a vio Murderer and Victim Curse Movement Among Business lent wind and rain storm early this Sustain Fearful Losses of Soldiers, While the Japanese morning, three barges loaded with side Shows Happy Condi Told to the Interstate Com- coal, Each Other While on .the Men to Secure Better Local broke from their moorings at Capture Thirty Cannon Seventy-sixth street in East river, and merce Commission. tions. Operating Table. Train Service. were driven down the river at (real speed. On board were the captain's fami- NIAI AX AR< HIST PAPER. TOI VI. MEMBERSHIP IN iin iih.i it tToit « vit co. Iles, comprising 15 people. At day- B<n h WII.I. DIE FROM Ml < H < 04 NTKY TRADE IS («encrai Sioe—'l Make« a Disastrous Sortie From Purl light the barges had disappeared and OREGON IS NOW 531». THROTTLING SHIPPING. it is believed they have been either Herr Most Moukl Start a "R m I ” Pub- THE PISTOL WOUNDS, GOING TO WALLA » ALLA. Driven Baek—Port Arthur Is in Flames From tlte Awful Bombard licatloil ill lliicago. carried to sea or sunk ment, and Russians Are Breaking Avvav ami surrendering—Ke|>orted Chicago. Oct. . 13.—' "The General Strike." Herr Most. Most, editor, is the Net Gain of 20» Menilx-r« In lhi-l WrUs-wr, Irstify Tliat Slil|q«-rs Pa, D,iug < o<iie—ion of Uw simuler la PR! «IDI XT til ARGEXT1XV That a Russian Army Corps Is Completel« surrounded. num«» of a nr a publication that is Arar—llnancr- slu>yy a Balancr of Ettori huíate Tribute to the Monofi- Tliat i His Naim- I. < Lark ami Tliat Sxin to be ’ .unched In Chicago, ac- 3*4.1*3.g3 4 *«li oa Rami—I our —Brataae of Robber Rate». Im- tn <H«I aial Ili-^Msitsl state-man IMl- Hr < t.Himiltted Murder In Alaska cording tc information received by the Office. -Ne» Ix«lgv« lllalilutml During tlw measae Quantities of fruit Rot In for Plunder Whkli Was «quaialer- Berlin. Oct. 13.—The Tokio corres Major General Murui was wounded the poi* e. Buenos Ayres. Oct. 13.—Dr Manu Year—Flit, Destila. Including One pondent of the Local Anzeiger reports and one colonel killed. itrelianl, Wlillr tlw Prices In the Unofficial i-il In «an Eranciwi»—Perpetrator Her Most is come here for the el Quintana was today Inaugurated as the results of a three days’ continu reports have it that the Russians are .«ole purpose of founding the news Grami Ixaige Offkvr. E. .M. bargen I Cities Are So High tlu- Poor < annoi 1- a < <«>k b, OisupaUon and Wan president of the Republic of Argen ous bombardment. Port Arthur is in retiring along the entire front, and paper ant will be the Inspiration of of Portland—Twelve IK-putle« .Ap Bu, It—W lirn KMppcrs Protest tine. the occasion being marked by dering lie-qe-rail-» by Pro fe-.-Joo— flames and a large number of Rus that the Japanese have captured ail its utterance* It is understoo pointed During the pear—District Senor They Are Adv Iwsl lo <s> Out of the customary' ceremonies. Ollrr. luipltawird in Robber, and sians have surrendered under a w hite eight guns, Also that the Russian that "The General Strike" will appeal Jose Figeuroa Alcolta was at the tonvenüon« Hehl al Dlffemit B u -I im -««. M urvb-r. flag. It is reported the Japs have force which struck the Japanese right to rabid anarchist* Herr Most has same time Inducted into the office at Peneihu. has been surrounded. Pollila. taken two more forts. been out of prison In the East but < f vice-president. a short time. The new prerident is 48 years old Russians Retire From X'eutai. Uruiwr- Off VladiyoMok. Chicago. < let. 12.—Witnesses before and that he has the confidence of the San Francisco. Oct. 12.—Fred Av SL Petersburg. Oct. 13.—The Rus- »TABBING %T U 11.1. \ Il 11.I. V London. Oct. 13.— A Paris corres The Knights of Pythias' grand the Interstate commerce commission people Is proved by the peaceful man erill shut Luiu Lockwood four times A movement is now on foot among sians were forced to vetire from Yen- pondent of the Exchange-Telegraph, lodge ot Oregon is now In semion ut today* testified that the Armour com ner in which the selection waa made. through the breast and himself above alhvl by Col sw aside, with a full represr-d.i.iuii pany have complete control of the tai owing to heavy Japanese rein- reports that five Japanese cruisers I Cu "in it I'ann Hand He Is an eminent lawyer and jurist the heart, prompted by Jealousy. Pendieton merchants and foreements. The Russian losses were have been sighted off Vladivostok. ored Troo|u«r. fruit growing Industry In a major and his 35 years of active political While on the operating table in a dy men looking to more satisfactory fr »m all parts of th« state. thousands killed and wounded. Their 13.—Edward Walla Walla. Oct. life have never been smirched with ing condition, each cursed the other train schedules on both the W * C. Grand Chancelor Waldman's an- part of the stales. cavalry suffered heavy losses. Hay Defines Contraband. Wllsky. a Russian farm hand, was nual report with the first business I Because of extortionate de manda any taint of political jobbery He and hoped for the other's death. Both R and the mix- i O R. A N trains. Manchester. Oct. 13.—The Dispatch stabbed through the left lung last taken up after calling the gathering ■ for the use of private cars In which has the cordial support of the hlspre- will die. Th* people of Helix. Athena. Wes Russians Lose SO.OttO. states that Secretary Hay. through night by James M. Smarr. a colored to order and getting organized for ! the railroads co-operate, lion dreessor. President Roca, and is ex Averill has made a dying statement ton. Adams and other nearby points Rome, Oct. 13.—The Agenzia Libra Ambassador Choate, has made a val trooper of the Ninth Cavalry. and work. that his true name ».» Clark, and merchants and fruit growers pay a pected to follow his general policy. has a Tokio dispatch giving the ag uable contribution towards the solu may die. The stabbing occurred in that he left fur Alaska as cook on desire to come to Pendletou to do tribute of $25 to $75 per car for the He reminded the member* that he gregate Russian and Japanese losses tion of the contraband question. In an alley at the rear of Schwarx's the brig Norwhal during the gold their trading but the privilege of shipping to market. STRIKE l\ PORTLAND. in the battle south of Mukden at 20.- a long note to the British government saloon. It is alleged Wilsey tnterfer- made but one promise at the com rush of 1457. At Fort McPherson schedule of the local train« forbid Edward Davies Chicago consignee mencement of his term, and that 000 killed and wounded. The Rus he clearly defines the case against red In a quarrel between the negro Oír Hundred ami Xinel, T«-i«-pl»»oe he and several companions killed and of the Yosemite Valley Fruit Compa was to devote his best energies to the sians retired from the vicinity of the inclusion of food. Raw material an«l a white civilian, when the form robbed four men of I34.90», which them to com* here, transact their Girts Have Gone OuL Yentai yesterday in great disorder is among the list of contraband, ex er turned on him. The soldier Is In order, which, however, would be fü ny. said these conditions frequently they squandered here. Klnee then be business and return horn* on the compelled growers to allow fruit to tile without the co-operation nf all Portland. Oct. 12—A general strike after suffering fearful losses. In cept when consigned direct to a the county Jail. rame day. rot on the ground, while extortionate of telephone girls today has practical taut been employed as a cook. m«-mbers. fact, the Japanese enveloping the blockaded port or to a It is very expensive tor them to re besieged prices were charged in nearby cities The result of thia work ly tied up business Only IS girls of he lefl movement. The Japanese artillery- army. The paper states that Hay is main over night and spend two days CHANGE OF A’ENVE. >1 CTTI.E MUFFING. Armour's Icing charges are from a force of nearly 200 with the order for Judgment. are corking The decided the battle. on the trip and tn order to invite not likely to materially influence the British attitude in the correspond IroqiHiis Defendants Will Be Tried at Increase of membership during the $15 to $23 per car from Michigan to The,- objected to rigorous rul--s which llarlsTnia-ier- IlcfMwi for SefWem- them to come here and make thia year had not been so great as he I I’hlcago. although icing is not neces dl< tated wearing spparel both in the Capture Thirty Ru-dan Cannon. their regular trading point, a move- ence with Russia. Peoria. tirr MWvra i.rrai t'otunve. could have hoped, but the presiding I sary for that distance. The railroads offi«-e and on the streets. ment for better train accommoda- Tokio. Oct. 13.—Well informed cir Chicago. Oct. IS.—The prosecution officer said that in quality there was I delay cars to make it appear reason Seattle, «»et. IL—Port Warden tions wlll be at once inaugurated Japane-a* Ixising Ground. cles heie state that General Oku cap and defense in the case of James E perhaps cause for felicitation, as an I able When he refuse«) to j«ay such Jensen complete* his report for the Trainmen ly that people from Ad- III ms I*- I-lais I Republican«. tured 35 field guns, making a total of St. Petersburg. Oct. 13.—The Cummings, stage carpenter and John charges. Armour notified him to re month of September yr»ter<lay after am» Athena and W-«ton regularly do 30 captured in the fighting south of Bourse Gazette reports that yester J. Noonan, business manager of the effort waa made to get only such Providence. It. I.. <>ct 12. — The re noon. The total number of or sir-lr their trading in Walla Walla, because knights as would remain permanent, tire from busineM Mukden. The latest reports indicate day- morning the Japanese retired Ill-fated publican state convention to«iay Iroquois theater today Railroads having contracts with arriving was 64 of which 56 were of th* superior train accommodations. the success of the Japanese contin from two lines near Yental and evac aggeed upon Peoria for the plac« of active worker* ad«»pt*d a platform Indorsing the na irmeur refuse to accept his ship steamer* Th- total tonnage of them They leave home In the morning on ues. Twelve district «leputies were ap platform and commending uated Yentai station. The right wing trial. In accordance with a change of ments without the exorbitant charges tional waa «3.762. the northbound passeng-r train, Roosevelt. <«*orge H Utter, of West having been considerably weakened, venue gTante«i by the court. Will J. pointed during the year, and seven being paid In advance The number of vessels departing •pend the day tn Walla Walla, and Ja|>« Take tiie Offensive. deputies of the grand chancellor at erly was nominate«! for governor, and withdrew during the night, leaving liavts. the manager, has an applica fither witnesses testified that but was 66. of which 61 were steamer*. return home tn good time in the eve- St. Petersburg. Oct. 13.—General the Russians to occupy Pen Slahu tion before the court of dismissal of large, the latter being W M Cake. for the prohibitive charges the prices Frederick H Jacks*«n. of Providence, The tonnage of the departures was n r This is drawing thousands of Portland. J. H Aitkin. Huntington for lieutenant governor. Sakahoroff reports that the Japanese without fighting. They have thus the indictment against him. ■•f fruit and other«-ts will be »•4»3. The number of psssnigers ars away from Pendleccn. and a J W Maloney. Pendletou. 1. M <'uri. took the offensive on both sides of turned the Japanese flank. The Rus- 'J«t m 1 !• per cent In the cities arriving was 52.57». The total nutn- decisive move is to be made to secure Albani L. It At'nao; •alem; G W * the railway and north of Yentai sians attacked a (Kmitioii of great Br,an S$M-ak« In I nd la na. John Leverone. a <'lncinnatl ship- I«er of arriving was 52 37». a regular passenger train from Walla Griffin Eugene, and Herman Wise. mines. Monday and Tuesday, A hot strategic value and occupied it after Rovkvllle. Ind.. Oct. 13.—W per. testified that rates on the Ar J. Th- total number outbound was 54.- Walia to Pendleton coming over in Astoria battle was fought at Hauiin Pass. a fierce fight in the fental hills. mour car lines for Icing are ex es- Bryan began a speaking tour of In- ?*• The value of the - .«rgoe« was the morning to connect with No. I ea_st of Yentai, which was taken by Many New Mrinbrr«. slve They charged him $43 per car diana on a ape« lai train this morning. $3.25».745. for Portland at » a. m . and returning Ru—ian stcanicr Searciicd. the Russians. Grand Keeper of Recorils »nd Seal for 14 cars of fruit. When he refus He was accompanied by State Chair after making connection with No. 2 Seattle. Oct. 13.—The Russian ship L. R. Stinson's report for the year ed the shipment, the company al man O'Brien and other members of Didn't < atch Robber«. -artbound. ir. the evening Stoes^el’s Sortie Disastrous. 7 Glenard. out from San Francisco embraced the financial < ondltlon of templed to destroy his credit, ami the committee. A b:g crowd greeted A ear.vass of the tuatness mer. Is Baker City, Oct. 11 —Sheriff H*r- Rome. Oct. 13—The Italia Mili- September 26. arrived today. She the order In this state membership then sold the fruit at 334 per car him here. vey K. Brown and Deputy Snow have soon to be male and a mass meeting taire publishes a dispatch stating that reports that she was stopped a short Increase and all other matters per-1 I han he could afford to sell IL decisive just returned from a three-« eeks' of citizen» called to take talnlng to the clerical work of Pyth-1 General Stoeasel led 15.000 men in a distance out of San Francisco by a Japanew Capture Contraband steps to improve this condition. ' after three grain robbers, who sortie from Port Arthur on October Japanese transport. Her cargo and Ian ism December 31. 1M3. there RI ««I IX« ATTACK THE As the present condition centimes London. Oct 13. — Baron Hayashi. made a gun fight on the officers when 10 and 11. on the receipt of the news papers were examined and she was MEET CHINESE AGENT were 75 lodges in Oregon, with a total EXTIRE JAPANESE FRONT Japanese minister, reports that Jap caught stealing gra:.-. near this dty the people will becom- more fixed tn that 30,000 Japanese had gone to re allowed to proceed. AT PORTLAND ARMORY membership of 5172. anese guard ships captured the steam some time ago The sheriff has made their habit of trading at Walla Walla, inforce Oyama. The Russians, how There were Initiated during the Their« \re Heavy and They er Fupln. on October 1. while she the longest continuous chase after and If the Inducements to come to Retvisan Damaged. ever, were driven back. year l»03. 413 new members. 51 were Have a General U «Handed—llimr was attempting to smuggle an enor these robbers, ever made by Baker Pendleton are not made superior to St. Petersburg. Oct. 13.—Admiral Chin**-* Goirrnnirnl Offer« a Twenty reinstated and 115 were admitted by those of Walla Walla, a large trade mous quantity of contraband into county officials. Kuroki in Danger. teiveminenf li«-a«l- tlie R|««t Act Io Alexieff confirms the report that the Per Cent Incrva««- In the salary of card from other lodge* logically belonging to this dty will be Port Arthur. In the same period 216 were sus ■Landon, Oct. 13.—An exchange tel Retvisan was badly damaged by Jap Karopstkln. Instructing Him to permanently diverted to the Wash War Times, to Drill Chlne«e Troops Fair baulk- End« Toor. pended for non-payment of dues and e-graph dispatch from Rome, states anese shells at Port Arthur. Three ington dty. Rcvicvup, I la«. Yang, or Quit— Mill Not Marry Divorced People. ami Introduce American System of other causes. 195 withdrew Council Blurts Oct. 11.—Fairbanks to join that the Russian losses In the fight holes were made in the side above Japanc-v Capture Immense Stores Boston. Oct. 11—The committee began the final jaunt of his Western Mobilization and Organization— lodges In other «talea. Î were expell- ing of Yentai Tuesday, were over the water line, and the rudder was RIVER STEAMER IS FAST. of «'ontrahand Ju-t Ihitwlr of Port • on canons of the Episcopal convention tour here this morning, starting on 5000. Japanese reinforcements are damaged. strong Sentiment In Favor of Ac- ed and 4 7 died, making a total loss of i today reported an amendment which a two-days' trip through low* He 449. Xrthur—Russia <Wdrr« 100 Ti«rpr- being rushed to Kuroki, who is in cepling tive Offer. Mountain Gem Shows Admirable refuses to solemnise the marriage of will end with a day tn Illinois. This left a net gain tor the year of Baltic Fleet Sall«. danger of being overwhelmed. docs of tiae W hita-beaai«. I any person divorced, for any cause speed Against Strong C an ta t of 20» members. Between December 31. London. Oct. 13.—The St Peters St Petersburg. Oct. 12.—Kuropat ■arising after marriage. Snake. U \VTs WOOLEN MILL. Russians Are Surrounded. . Portland. Oct. 13.—An accredited 1»93. and June 39. 1)0«. 135 more kin reports the battle below Mukden burg correspondent of the Central The steamer Mountain Gem return Tokio. Oct. 13.—Oyama reports News wires that the Baltic fleet, in agent of the Chinese government has new members have been taken In. continues to rage along the entire Crane «»oreexl« Senator Hoar. Baker <H, «tarts an Xgitatinn foe a ed early yesterday afternoon from a that the Japanese central army at command of Admiral Rojesevensky. arranged a meeting at the armory making the present total 531». front today. When yesterday's fight Boston. Oct. 12.—Governor Bates On December 3!, l»03. there was trip to Ten Mile, where a cargo of Mill to 1-** Her «vires of Wool. midnight Tuesday, captured two field sailed from Lorua tonight for the Far here tonight when he will offer the to the account of lodge finances a bal ing ended the Japanese were offering today appointed ex-Governor W Mur guns and eight ammunition wagon* East. Payroils are what is wanted by Ba 140» sacks of wheat was received and stubborn resistance and had even ad- ray Crane United States senator, ; to From vanced thetr positions, brought to Lewiston for shipment to Oregon National Guard a 20 per cent ance on hand of $64.1*3 45 the artillery succeed the late Senator Hoar, The ker eity people who are Interested tn advance over their salaries on a war January 1. 1*02. to January 1. 1>91. bearing the brunt of the fighting The its future. One of the strong talks the eastern market over the Northern appointment is to hold until the >e<- $11.864 13 was paid out by the order al present is for a woolen mill and Pacific. Japanese stuck to their guns and the Islature meets In January time basis If they will go to China for sick benefits. $3*97.05 for funeral Russian batteries were unable to The steamer made the run to Aso- scouring plant. The Democrat of > dis under contract to drill Chinese troops benefits and $4000 20 for other relief, yesterday has the following concern tinu in one minute leas than an hour lodge them The losses are not and establish a guard system similar making a total expended In relief Eigtvt-Hour law Not legal and reached Ten Mlle in one hour and ing the matter: stated. General Danleloff. was work of $19.131.38. Milwaukee. Oct. 13.—Judge Halsey. to that of the American. "one of the most needed Industries 36 minutes after leaving Lewiston. wounded in the leg. but did not give New Ixalgtw Organizzai Sentiment among many officers in up hls command. The Japan*»« have In the circuit court, today decided In Baker City today is a woolen mill. This includes the stop made at Aso tin which gives the neamer an aver Grand lodge rank waa conferred entrenche«l line« extending In a semi that the eight-hour labor clause can In the country contiguous to Baker dicates acceptance. age sp«?ed of eight mile« an hoar upon 33 men during the y**r. all be circle north of Yental railway eta- not be Inserted, legally, tn a contract City some 5.000.000 pounds of wool against the current of the upper In which the city Is a party. is produced annually. Hon. which they still hold. ing past chancellors from subordinate Chicago Grain. “This wool is all shipped to the Snake river. lodges. Four new lodges were Insti NO WARNING Of SUDDEN OPENLT ACCUSES REPUB The Ten Mile landing is located 13 Chicago. Oct. 13.—December wheat tuted. named Cascade No. »2. at Fall Eastern coact in the grease, and Russian Attack Rcpul«e>i AND PAINLESS DEATH. opened at $1.10%. closed at $1.10%; miles from Lewiston and several stiff LICANS OF BUYING UTAH. freight is paid on nearly 50 per cent City; Lomax No. 92. at Adams. En Tokio. Oct. 13.—A Russian Infantry May opened at $1.11%, closed at' terprise No. »4. at Enterprise. and of dirt. Pendleton has a woolen mill rapids are located between the two brigade, with 2000 cavalry and two $1.10%. Corn opened at 50 cent* i Poseidon No. »5. at North Bend. and a wool scouring plant and Ore- point* guns crossed the Taltse river on Oc The steamer Lewiston went to Aso Former Senator Make« Flagrant Old Gentleman Had Worked for W. closed at 49% cents. Oats opened gon City and Portland have woolen During the same period the lodge tober 8. In an attempt to strike Kuro tin yesterday and received 120» sacks 8. Byers for Seventeen Years—I>e- at 29% cents, closed at 28% cent* at Iak«- View, known as Goose Lake mill* 4 liarge« «'onceming Deal, for tl«e ki's flank The Japanese cut off their "Salem tor many years has had a of wheat from the Wilmer-Clearwa nii«e < aused by I,ro|»sical Affection lodge, had to surrender Its charter, retreat and Kuroki hopes to be able .Mormon A'ote—Says Church Offic large Woolen mill running at a prof ter company for shipment to New Addition b> Mare Island. and arrangements have been made to capture them of Ute Heart A'ery Early in tlw Th.- Russians are ials and Politician« Delivered tiie it. There is no reason why there York Washington. Oct. IS.—In his annu-' to this end. probably under the command of Gen Morning—Hail Been ill Some Time The Norma is making regular trips Utah Elector- to the Republican« should not be a woolen mill and al report Captain Diehl, judge advo- i eral Mltschenko. whose absence Is Nearly fifty Death* to upper river points for wheat, and and Enable to Lie Down—funeral —I- Ils- Ci-'mlnation of Churcn In scouring plant in Raker City to manu- cate general of the navy, recom- Forty-six knights have died during causing the Russian officials consid A. M. ROBINSON SPEAKS facture on the ground the fleeces the steamers Spokane and Lewiston, at ti>e Home Tomorrow. fluence in Politic«. mends an addition to Mare Island the year, eight of these being past erable anxiety. aside from taking out cargoes of raised here. OF GROWING POPI LATION prison to cost (50,000. and alno a chancellor* One of the deceased wheat from river points each trip are "The sheepmen *I«>ne could afford summard court of one officer, Inst end s | m *II« Struck War«lil[>«k maintaining a regular dally passen was a member of the grand lodge. George Platt, aged 67 years, a to subscribe 50 or 75 per cent of the Salt Lake. Oct. 13.—Former Sena of four to try mfrior offenses, The Tokio. Oct. 13*—The heavy guns Grand Master of Exchequer E. M. stock necessary for the establlsh- ger and freight service between Lew tor Frank Cannon, one of the most prominent resident of Pendleton, report was approved by Secretary Sargent, of Portland. District con ar* dropping shells into Port Arthur M<irr laborer- Engaged In tbe City In fact, there are ment of these mills. A flrst-class iston and Rlparia Titan at kny Time In tlx- PaM— prominent Mormons in the country, dropped dead this morning, after Morton. n.«w all kinds of boats on the riv«r. ventions were held at Union. Sumpter. habor. The Russian battleship Rltvl- I scouring plant would perhapa Taking 2U0 Steer« to Pa«ture for Cfi — iio. and the freight rates saved Pendleton. The Dalles. Rainier. Alba aan has been severely damaged. The has made the most sensational speech partaking of a glass of whiskey. Platt Storm I xmm ny. Forest Grove. Portland and Fos Japanese officials believe the con BEEF FROM M ALHKVR. Winter Ucvling—Predicts Warm in one or two years, in the dirt taken ever delivered In Utah. Cannon was i had been suffering for a long time quest of the port, though proving Santa Fe. N. M . Oct. 13 —The first sil during the year. out of the wool, would alone pay this with a dropsical the affection of Wrather Till« I all — Ila« Noted the chief orator at a meeting of the slow work. Is a certainty. train for Albuquerque left at noon, Ik-ven Gars Containing .100 Head Go cost back to the investors. Expenses and Income. signs for 241 A'cars. American party. just organized of heart, and this caused his death. For the first through service since Satur- "It Is believed that a movement tn ing to W alla W alla. I Under the hea«l of expenditures. It the past month he grew steadily Dili «pic« Wreck G. N. Train? day. The total storm loss in the ter- republican and democratic Gentiles, this direction can now be made suc- was set forth that $657.42 had been Eleven cars of beef cattle passed ritory will equal 12.000,000. Minot. N. D.. Oct. 12.—A Great who are opposed to the domination worse and was unable to lie down. I>ul«l for printing and stationery. $4,- "Walin Walla's population during < essful. and that sufficient foreign through Pendleton this morning from Northern freight carrying two torpe t ■of the Mormon church in politics. Early this morning the suffering 117.43 for contingent expenses. 32,- the past 12 months." declared A M. capital can be interested to supple Raker City en route to the Walla do boats consigned to Japan. w-as He said: "In 1896 a United States I man started up town to get a flask Macedonian« Riot. 238.53 for per diem and travel, and Walla market. The animals were Roblnaon. a prominent Walla Walla ment the home capital.” wreck*«! east of here, presumably by wenator came to Utah on behalf of Constantinople, Oct. 13.—Two $24 4 for subordinate lodge supplies, purchased in Malheur county by B county farmer, who Is In Pendleton the republican party and bargained of whiskey, which he ha«l been taking Greek bands entered Macedonia and or a total of $7257.64. Total receipts spies of the Russian government, in today, “has increased at least 3000. M-TTI.IM. RANGE QUESTION. L KM well. The shipment consists of with the ecclesiastical powers for the I as a tonic. He entered a saloon and had a fierce conflict with a band of of the grand lo«lge during this period the guise of section hands. The sus- »00 head. The stock were taken to 1 never saw such a rapid growth of a delivery of the electoral vote of Utah after having his bottle filled, took a Bulgarians. The Bulgarians lost six were $6793.85, and there was $4467.12 l>eele«i section hands have disappear community thut is not rushed up with «o'rvtary W ll«on suggc-t, a lX'aivful Walla Walla by way of Umatilla. drink at the bar. He turned as he It was 1 na and surrounding states. killed and 22 wounded. One Greek on hand at the beginning of the term. ed. Mr. Kidwell went to Walla Walla on a txHiin. The increase In population anil Practical Question. pcssible to ca rry out the bargain at i set down the empty glass and fell waa killed. I leaving a net at the opening of this . Is due to the prosperous times and lifeless to the floor. Dr. C. J. Smith The feud between the cattte and the passenger this morning. Mn»t fight or Go Home. that time. lo<|ge of $4003.33. In closing, thanks "The Malheur region is a wonder the fuel that the people believe it is sheepmen on the Western ranges ha.« "In 1900 another emissary of the was summoned, but the man was Birmingham. Oct. 12.—The Post a good place to Invest. Rev. W. N. Stimson liead. were tendered by the grand keeper of been one of long standing. Cattle ful country." said Mr. KldwelL "and T< publican national party came and dead before he arrived. has today states that a telegram the time is not far distant when it “There ure more laborers engaged Portland. Oct. 13.—William Nelson record an«l seals to Grand «'hancellor The funeral services will be held made the Siime bargain for the elec- rrache-1 high official quarters In Ix»n- by Hie city now than at any time ill men have guarded their pastures with will be one of the Important agrtcul- Waldman. the Winchester, but have not been to-ul vote. The bargain was execut I Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock Stimson. ag«-d »5. the oldest Presby- don from St. Petersburg. declaring the history of the town. The street clergyman on the coast, able to overcome the dogged persist tural portions of the state, as well ed in Utah, which for years previous 1 from the family residence. 708 Wll- terian i that the advance of Kuropatkin and improvement work has brought in at Pupal Nuncio to Arbitrate. ence of the sheepmen. Consequntly as a stock raising district, It Is a ly had given 1500 majority for Bryan I low street. Rev. Robert Warner, pas known from California to Alaska. even the general order Issued over least 1500 persons—laborers and their died last night. tor of the First Methodist Episcopal Rome. Oct. 11. — Tne pope has been there are but few sections of the long, tiresome journey into the Inter The state, was turned over to the re hls signature, were dictated from the fannlie*” requested by Brasil and Bolivia to range country that Jiave not been sub ior of Malheur and a railroad is badly publican party at ecclesiastical dicta church, will officiate. Russian capital. I Mr. Robinson this season harvested jected to the close nipping and sharp badly needed to tap the southern Asphyxiated by Gas. allow Monsignor Tontl. papal nuncio George Platt came to Pendleton 17 tion. This year similar bargains Kuropatkin was peremptorily or 38.000 sacks of wheat. He is In Pen portion.” years ago from La Cygne, Kan. He trampling of the sheep. Sun Francisco, Oct 13.—Altur Cu- at Rio Janlero, to act as president of dered to either advance and reoccu have been made. dleton for the purpose of taking back Secretary of Agriculture Wilson Is "Betcie the death of the late Sen was In the employ of W. S. Byers for per. of the Chilean training ship Gen the arbitration tribunal for the set py Liao Yang or return home. Liao 200 head of steers purchased from J. quoted as follows on this subject: "We He is survived by a eral Bazuerano. was asphyxiated In tlement of the terltorlal questions be- No Beet Bounty Claimed. ator Hanna. President Roosevelt be- many year* Yang having been designated all C. Lonergan. The animals will be are solving the sheep and cattle fight a room In a hotel. An apprentice tween the two countries. When Interrogated yesterday as to xwme fearful that Senator Kearns widow and four children. along as as the winter quarters for turned on Robinson's pastures this in Wyoming all rtght. and we will companion in the same room Is dy »hat had become of the sugar beet wwaild take a Hanna delegation to the ltiisslan army. winter and fattened in the spring. Murder and Suicide. The Jetty Damaged. have it all fixed if we have time bounty which caused so much com ing. An accidental flow of gae. the Chicago convention and a bar Mr. Robinson predicts a long. Warm enough. We are dolug it in tills ment a year ago. State Auditor Theo Richmond, Va., Oct. 13.—Bessie Portland, Oct. 11.—Two of the gain yvas made by which if Senator Have RusdatiM Captured Yen tai? fall. "I have resided In the Columbia way. The cattle men are going into dore Turner said not a cent had been Bryan Abroad. newest sections of the jetty at the Smoot would take a Roosevelt dele Stone and Robert Gill, who eloped Mukden. Oct. 12.—It la reported river valley for the past 26 years.” the sheep business and the sheepmen demanded by the sugar factories and Indianapolis, Oct. 13.—William J. mouth of the Columbia river were gation to Chicago, the Smoot investi from Ashland Tuesday, were found here that the Russians are In posses he remarked, “and I never experienc- are going into the cattle business not a cent had been paid, says the gation. scheduled to be renewed at with their hands clasped, dead, by a Rryun spoke to large crowds at Tip washed away in a fierce gale yester sion of Yental. i ed a cold winter yet. that a warm fall "in other words, we are running Boise Capital New* He took it for Salt Lak* City during the summer, searching party, a bullet hole In the ton, Kokomo and Peru, in Indiana, day evening. Six workmen were Im did not follow." both sheep and cattle. We find that granted, he said, that if the sugar would be r«>stponed until after elec head of each, which told a story of today. At Peru 30,000 turned out to periled for a time but were rescued. the cattle eat pari of the grass the people after examining the statuta Russia Order- Toriusloe«. tion. That bargain was carried out. double suicide, or murder and sui a democratic barbecue. Millionaire Kllltd In Duel. sheep will not touch and the sheep and constitution. If they thought there First Elevator in Walla Walla. Vienna. Oct. 12.—The Russian gov "Since that time and quite recent cide. Seville. Spain, Oct. 11.—Marquis have no trouble In getting the fine was any money due them they would Santa Fe Line Is Opened. ly another emissary has appeared, Walla Walla. Oct. 11.—The first ernment has ordered 100 torpedoes Pickman. a millionaire politician, grass they want. We have no trouble be aftar It. He still held to his for Fairbanks at .Moline. properly accredited with high author Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 13.—The pussenger elevator in Walla Walla from the Whitehead firm. was killed in a duel here today by a running them both on the same range mer decision that no money could le ity from Washington. He has bar Moline, Oct. 13.—Fairbanks spoke Santa Fe Btarted to run through will commence running tomorrow Peredos. The and we can fatten them both and gally be paid the n anufacturers of Berne, Oct. 11.—It I r announced to- Gendarme. Captain gain*^ for the delivery of the elec from his car here this morning. trains this afternoon. The line is morning when the elevator service toral vote to the state to the Roose ! Thousands of workingmen turned out open except from Albuquerque to El will commence In the new Ransom day- that Dr. Leo Vogel ha» been ap- duel was a result of personal differ make more money than with cuttie beet sugar from the treasury of the »tat* or sheep alone.” pointed minister to the United States. ence* velt ticket.” building. and factories were closed down. Paso. CANNON STARTLES GEORGE PILOT t