Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • * u I 1 Unswayed by fear, uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth. the whole truth about county. state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to •aose who differ from its views, as well as1 to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION < • • • • • • • • • • • The East Oregonian of Pen dleton. Oregon, Is published In the heart of the wonderful I d land Empire. You will find that It le readable, reliable and progreeelve, and will give you the news reliably, accu rately and fully. * ___ PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21, UHM VOL. XXVIII KILLED DR. JESSOP IN A QI IRREL FEW WO TRAINS WKKi'KKI). YEARS AGO. »■>.* an*I Death by Ili-art l'allure \< i . i »'«caped Puiii-liiiictit llccaus«- It Wits t laiimil Wa» Ho Was Insane—Vilnius Vccuortl of Cruel Treatment to His Daughter, When His lYieml. Dr. .Ie«»op. Interfere»! Shot—Yesterday ami Was Adams Quarreled W illi His Paramour \\ li<> De-wrted Transports Carry a Ninety Fresh Army to Be Hurled Against the Slav. llim- -Till* Morning His Lifeless Bmiy Ila- Found in Ills Room. San Francisco, Oct. 20.—Rev. s Charles G. Adams suicided by Inhal- ing illuminating gas, this morning in his room. SE< OND J XU \NE«E YRMY TO One Tliou-and- Gnn- to Be «ent Into Manchuria—Both Burying llieir Armies Busy Dead—Kunqaztkin Reinforced by Co-suck Division-»— JapaiH--e Kight and 4 enter Armies Doing Terrihle Expects »'non tuiese Work—Kuropatkin strong Reinforcvnn-nts House Soon and Must Says Jap- Strike t rtisliing Blow Now or B«- Overwhelmed. has a dispatch from Tokio stating that 90 transports left Habeo yester- day with 74.00» men. 200 guns. am- for clothing bound munition and Manchuria. The second army consist of 400.00» men and will 1000 guns. Japs Ylu«t Act Quickly. Berlin. Oct. 20.—The Mukden cor- respondent of the Tageblatt wires that Kuroratkin will be reinforced within three weeks with a complete army corps, consisting of five divisions of light infantry and many batteries of quick-firing guns, to the F\<-ll<-tm-iit. first Sacramento, Oct. 20.—The section of No. 3. westbound passen - ger. ran into the rear of a freight train which failed to clear at Yulia Pass ut 5 this morning. The freight engine went Into the ditch with the baggage ear. one couch, caboose and three cars of stock. One ear of spirits burned and also the telegraph office at Yuba Pass and 2000 feet of snow' sheds and track were consumed. During the excitement R. J. Laws, superintendent of the Sacramento di- vision, on the passenger train with dropped dead from Jai*ies Agler. heart failure, The road fs expected to tie cleared by 8 p. ni. The |s«rn- geis were uninjured. Adams was formerly an Episcopal ian minister. Several years ago he gained notoriety by having shot and killed Dr. Jessop at Berkeley, He was never punished, us it was claimed he was insane at the time. Adams was accused of abusing his <*avr daughter, when Jessop attempted to ScnffoMlnr Bearing interfere, and during the struggle Way at Buffah». Adams shot Jessop. Buffalo. Oct. 20.—By the fall of a For some time Adams was practic Swan and Seneca scaffolding at ing law here. Last night he had a workmen were streets today two quarrel with Maud Ellison, who room dashed to death and three seriously ed at the same house with Adams. injured. They fell '■* feet Dead He tried to persuade her to return to John Striegel and Charles Ork. stone him. but she refused and he told her masons. he would suicide. This morning the landlady found his body in his room. David B. Hill in Oliki. Rome. Oct. 20.—The Italia Militaire The Japanese, he says, are doomed unless they defeat the Russians in a decisive conflict be fore the arrival of these fresh troop* Japs Capture Many Stores. Tokio. Oct. 20.—Six divisions of the Russi.uis now confront the Japanese left army. It is stated at the war of fice that the Japanese left army has captured near Lang Touc Hich six ammunition carts. 500* rifles. (000 rounds of field gun ammunition. 75.- 000 rounds of rifle ammunition, be sides clothing, tents and other war material. Little information is obtainable concerning tlie situation with the right and center armies. Additional casu alties are reported including 12 of Ac- ficers killed and 30 wounded, cording to the fullest reports obtain- able here, the total Japanese casual- ties are in the neighborhood of 8000 killed and wounded. Both Annies Burying Dead. Tokio. Oct. 20.—The opposing | Columbus. O.. OcL 20.—David B. HI.1 who Is returning to New York Polar Bear and t ub- Frozen in Mons after his three days on the stump in Indiana, has been persuaded by ter Block of lee. committee to the democratic stale Seattle. Oct. 20.—Frozen solid in stop off for a day or so and enliven a huge iceberg, a large polar bear, the campaign in the Buckeye state. with two small cubs nestled closely by In accordance with the plans made her side, was the strange sight seen for him Mr. Hill Is to speak at Tiffin by four members of the crew of the this afternoon and at Mansfield to whaling schooner Barbara Hernster. night. which recently returned from a cruise in the Arctic. Fourtli Cavalry Arrive»». The story is told by lairs Hansen, YValla Walla. Oct. 20 —-The head a member of the crew. who. with quarters. band and troops A. B. C and three other men. was returning to the D. of the Fourth cavalry, arrived at vessel after a lively chase after a Fort Walla YValLv this morning from whale, when the frozen bears were Leavenworth. Kan. Col. E. Z. Stree- seen. ver is in command, The first squad The men were in a small boat, and ron of the Fourth ri as stationed at were passing the face of a large ice Fort Walla Walla, just before the berg when the bears were discovered. Spanish-American the outbreak of The berg stood out of the water near war. ly a hundred feet. The ice on the side in which the animals had become White Star to Compete. frozen was as clear as crystal, tr.l New York, Oct. 20.—A new service the nien had no trouble in seeing the between New York and Mediterrane- beasts. Judging from the size of the berg an ports was inaugurated today with liner and the position of the animals. Han the sailing of the White Star sen thinks they may have been there Republic for Genoa and Naples. The <*unard tor years, as the beasts are fully 25 line will compete with the line for immigration business feet above the level >f the water. ENTOMBED IX NO. 94 \ —- It EBERG. TIFT TO min WOOL PRICES winter quarters. The price on patent I The fourth cavalry arrived from flour this morning advanced 15 cents. I the East to relieve the ninth, and was ----------- I intoxicated on its arrival and was en- Japanese Gaining Advantages. pertained by the 15th cavalry. Later i Chee Foo, Oct. 29.—According to ‘hey went to a notorious house, took Ute Port Arthur advices the Japan-1 possession and quarreled, ese have captured further minor po-1 Some members of the ninth caval- sitlor.s on Kihlung mountain. Sever-1 ry (colored) arlved on the scene and al assaults were made on positions. I another quarrel commenced. Pistols repulses followed until finally theland knives were freely used. Four PULSED IX the Isthmus at Dynamiting ming and Utah Causes a Point. Rapid Advance. T» MIT I R«|Hnrr Bctuern Psuauians aiwl AiiM-rlcaii. In 4'azial Z»oic Has Narrowly Bcv-n Hair Averted—Natives Tlin-alrunl to Dviuniilte tlie t anal—Feeding Ygaln-t tile Action of live I'nlted Mam Has Been at Boiling l’oint—.Secretar» Taft Mill Take Minister oliaklla Willi Him. Washington, Oct. IE—The preti dent today Instructed Secretary Taft to make a personal visit to Panama to confer with the president and other officials of the republic regard ing the questions arising over the possession by the I'nlted States of the canal sone. Secretary Taft will leuve on No Vember 14. He will take with him Minister Obaldia and William Nelson t'rumnell. counsel for the new Pan ama Canal Company. The news states that the situation has been mo«t strained, an open rup ture betsreen the two countries being barely averted Feeling in Panama Slates, Is bitter against the Vnlted and threats have been made to dy- natnlte the canal. switching crews struck for more help to clear the yards at Ogden and Reno. has In t'liim-se I onv Village Continue to Com entrate 'Hieir Ions-« In Front of Itu—Ian 4'enter. Home. Get. 1». The GIrondale Di Roina say« Kuropatkin has wired the <zat the following “We will literally execute your orders. an<^ will conquer or die.’’ Hl Ja|>an«*««* CoiM'viitrutlng. St. Petersburg, Oct 1 >.-~Sakarof f reporta under today’s dale “The J a pane»«* are cuucc nt rating on the front near Ttnshipu. TliH 1« M» < «lit« tnrr I a M center and while recon Nprliig's pHœ«»—Agrniii .Vrv Scour- Captain L>am buffski, noitering yesterday evening, captured iiitf Uic tountry for W m »I—O%er two Japanese guns, sustaining no loss Two-thtanilw «»f the ( Up ht l iah himself Our left has made a slight llan AlraMljr H c « mi l'un'tui’«*«!— advance.*' K<*cii ConipetlUofi i ! m * H uj - Rciiiionx-nM-nt« for Ikidi Amite«. rm at Ail W< m »I < rnlrr-r— Atlrmpt BOIKE FAIR OPEXEI». Beautiful Weather ami I*rge Oowvl« (.reel tlie Opening. been caused by the Santa Fe washouts and freight trains being diverted to the northern route. The men have worked night and day and are exhausted. Freight is being moved with difficulty today. One switching crew is kept ! usy handling the ordinary business at the points named, while the same crews have been working continuously for 34 hour shifts in the effort to handle the increased traffic The crews simply ask for more help and will not attempt to handle the rush alone. Inti-ll«»TM*thSrf Yk-Orft Coaler» YYl’.h Kurvqiatkln \v««ciaik»n Guthrie. Okla . Oct. 1>.—The an- nual convention of the Anti-Hcrse- thief Association of Oklahoma and Indian territories began here today and will continue through tomorrow. The association has about 450 brunches In the two territories, all of which are represented by delegate* siramhnat In-fwx-ti.r for New York. < alif<mia'» Many I’rizc« Sacramento. Cal . Oct 19.—Califor The Hague. Oct. 19.—The Dutch nia has been awarded 14 gold. 12 sli gevemment has decided to offer a ver and 22 bronze medals from the free site f ir Carnegie's Peace Palace. mining department of the St .Louis In the environs of The Hague, in the exposition. Also two grand, rtne a oods gold, five silver and 11 other prises from the livestock department. «ile lor Pea«» Palace. Two Children Burned. Xcw Mexico Snow Storm. Shelbyville, HL. OcL 19—The Woodsworth Orphan Asylum was de Raton. N M. Oct. 19—Five inches stroyed by fire this morning and two of snow fell al this place The storm New children perished. Several were In extends through Colorado and jured by jumping. .‘Mock is suffering. Mexico. THE SEASONS SALMON PAC K. Japanese captured the iron railroad] hundred and fifty were engaged. At bridge and the heights south of the 12 o’clock this morning the shooting F-Stiniatml Tliat tlie Output for 1*04 bridge, which are 500 yards from the I was commenced by the ninth cavalry, Will Re 2.450.000 Caw». main fortress. The Japanese lost 501 They killed a number of the fourth Delivery of the 1904 salmon pack men I cavalry and fatally injured a member is proceeding rapidly, and reports re October 12 nine Russian cruiser» I of the 15th Infantry. Member* of the ceived from Alaska canneries during left the harbor and proceeded to I fourth cavalry were so Indignant they the last few days have enabled deal Shaopingtou and bombarded the Jap- I set fire to the buildings. Three build- ers to make a reasonably close esti anese left flank. Japanese torpedo] Ings were burned. mate of the total ppek on the Pacific boat destroyers hurried to the scene, coast for this season, says the Oregon and the Russians retired to the har Daily Journal. Those who have fig LAND SHARKS TO ESCAPE. bor. One Japanese destroyer while ured It carefully place the amount at returning hit a mine and severely Xo Effort to Be Made la Federal I 2,450.000 cases. The Bering sea damaged, but managed to reach Dal to Pr<ew<nite Tliem This 1«“* >" estimated at SOO.OOO cases, the Court I total Alaska pack at 1,500.000, and ny. • Term.* I the output of the Columbia river and Japanese Y’essel as a Spy. I The timber thieves who have Ifc-en I other Pacific coast canneries at 900. Lisbon, Oct. 20.—A disguised Jap-1 fearful of indictment by the federal 000 cases. anese cruiser It is learned, ha* reach-1 grand ’ jury, are " to *■ have one ----------- more » ’ ----- --------- The Alaska pack Is not far from watch the I respite. With perhaps a single un-lthe same quantity as that of last ed European waters to the Russian Baltic I important exception, no evidence in year, although some estimates say It movements of I relation to the land frauds is to be||, short. There was a slight revival fleet. _______ I submitted to this grand jury and no I of (he pink salmon canning Industry market condition* »Teet Coaling. I effort will be made by the govern-1 this year, since Baltic nearly normal OcL 20 —The Russian menL says the Oregon Dally Journal. I have returned to a Copenhagen, against I state In relation to this class of fish. anchored off the No subpoenas fur witnesses Baltic fleet was the vessel«Ithose concerned in the frauds haveiof the Alaska pack there are about Skaw last night, where 1 been issued by United States District I 200.00 ca«e« of pink salmon, of ex were completing their coaling. Attorney John Hall. I cellent quality. Unless the domestic The government’s Inaction is a sur-l demand for these fish revives at once SI 14TI>E BY GAS. prise, yet it does not necessarily In-1 it is thought the Japanese will take dicate an abandonment of the effort | the entire output. Prcaninent Society Giri Vnstrung by to reach those of the conspirators who Death of Parents. I'our Bullets Hit Woman. the have thus far escaped from Oct. 20. — Fannie | clutches of the law. San Francisco, Through the courtesy of Justice of woman. Lent, a prominent society Secret agents of the Interior de-1 the peace Frank Craig at Pine, the was found dead in her bath room at partment are still engaged in ferret- Herald learned the full particulars of home thia morning, by her brother. I ^ng out the proof« of guilt, and It is the unfortunate killing of Mrs. H. T. She was attired in her bath robe and|we|| known that they have evidence Beck by her son-in-law, Leonard Fos apparently turned on the gas. which points strongly to the complic ter, which occurred Sunday night at Her father. C. W. Lent, who was ity of men of means and of high Half Way. a retired mining man. and one of the standing, who rumor has long con it seems that Mrs. Beck arose some most prominent citizens of the city, nected with the frauds. But wheth time In the night and went outside. was burled yesterday. His death, er this evidence is sufficient to form On her return Foster heard a noise, following that of her mother, a year the basis of indictments is uncertain. and getting up. reached for a .22 rifle ago. appears to have unstrung the Francis J. Heney, special counsel which stood near by. He fired a young woman. for the government in the prosecu- warning shot and called at the same tion of Benson, Hyde. Diamond and time, but receiving no answer. con Chicago Grain. Schneider, and in the cases against cluded that a burglar was trying to Chicago. Oft. 20.—December wheat Horace McKinley and his accompli. force an entrance into the house. He fired four more shots, each one May ces, is taking no part in the investl- opened 21.15%. closed »1.14%. opened »1.14%, closed 21-13%. Corn gation of others whose operations In taking effect in the unfortunate lady, have aroused the susplc- and causing Instant death.—Baker I opened 49%, closed 48%. Oats open- public lands City Herald. ion of the government. ed 29%, closed 28%. The net taxable value of Vmatllla county proj^rty this year, amounts to »193.1*8.20 more then the 1903 assessment Assessor Strain finished his assessment rolls this morning and the grand total shows taxable property to the amount of »9.457.198.95. I-ast year the «•- sessment roll totaled » minus the property exempted by the board of equalization. "Last year.” said Assessor Strain "there were a great many more exemptions by the board than there were this year. The equalized prop- erty for 19»4 is In round numbers »50.000. and with the exception of a few hundred dollars In small claims, the entire exemption was taken from the stock of the Oregon Building 4 Loan Association." The asseasor's figures ahow that there are 385.725 acres of tillable land in Vmatllla county, and 50*.444 acres of land that are non-tlllable There are 491.15 miles of railroads, telegraph and telephone lines. Fmatllla is known as a stock grazing region, There are 9887 mules and horses. The cattle amount to almost twice the number of mules and horses, while the sheep are almost 170,000 strong. It will be noticed that the total amount of real estate in 1904 Is con- siderably above that of 1903. But there is a falling off In personal prop- erty. This decline in personal property Is doubtless due to a desire of the asses»<ir to partially allow the 1300 exemption which the law contem plated. but which the legislature failed to provide for this year. The summary of the tax roll follows SUMMARY’ OF ASSESSMENT. No. acres tillable land No. acres non-tillabie Improvements on deed- ed land ......................... No. of lots......................... Improvements on lots Improvements on un- deeded land ............... Mlle of R R. bed. fele- graph lines, etc............ Rolling stnek .................. Steamboat», machinery etc........................................ Merchandise .................... Farming implement»,. Not»« ................................. No. »htarea of stock... Money ................................. Household furniture.. No. Horae» and mule». No. cattle ......................... No. sheep and goats. . . No. swine ......................... 1904. 285.725 1903. 381.317 Value. 1904. » 3.237.898 00 Y’alue. 1903. » 3.2*7.828.00 50*. 464 482 937 538.134.00 &it <97 an 9,902 9,373 359.293.00 657.584.00 672.203.00 353.538.00 «24.682 00 «38,300.00 45,703.00 63,915.00 129.523.89 2.294.511.00 119,875.00 74.095.00 314.273.00 109.559.00 213,085.00 132,488.00 71,137.00 40.695.00 188.032.00 149,575 00 222,102.00 5.777.00 48,471.00 337.403.00 124.252.00 321.132.00 117.63« 00 » 9.457,198.95 2 9.«52.588.00 33«.7*3.00 101.795 00 691.15 4.244 9,887 18.287 168,161 2,996 532 2.073 % 11,871 28.411 183,583 3,013 Grand total.......... .... »•••• ••••• Exemptions In 1903 .. .......... .. . . ....................... Reductions by board of equalization 1903 Taxable property will wtn of Many Railroad«. New York. OcL 17 Wail street is watching ubile Standard Oil gradual- i.' but «u ■ ly dominates the railroad zyatein« of the country, Change* in directorate* of various trunk line« foreshadow complete ascendati* y of Standard oil interests In the most im portant railroad «/«temi of the coun try and the elimination of the tradi tional power of the Vanderbilt-Mor gan party. Within th* last three years the It ■ k* feller« have gradually obtained a foothold In the New York Central. Neu York. New Haven * Hartford, Chicago A Northwestern and other line« usually known a« Vanderbilt - Morgan railroads. Neu methods of doing« will be introduced in the New York Cen tral railroad, one of the moc im portant changes. It is »aid will be the retirement of Senator Depew, chair man of the board of directors. Petition for Rehearing of Case of Kalyton vs Kalyton is Denied. sl I’ltEMI 401 KT < ¡.AIMS TO HAVE JUIUbMCTION. < a«e Imcdilng Ti tic to Hefndilp Indi ali I aliai - on 1 ma lil la llr-w-rì allori. Ih-acdied a Dn1*doa l^et linuailar. Bui FeUUoa Wa* »Red far New RIVER OX »TRE. Hearing—Judp- Muore Render» U»e Decdsloa, in U torti He M>» thè «{■■»■tacular «•‘•nr at Burning of New Male supreme < ourt («a AastaC la York Paint Works. tarrjing out thè Objccta ut thè Buffalo. Oct. I’.-—■f'he McLennen I edera! Ls» < oir-ring indissi I -1-1 Paint Company’« woriu at Black TlUen. Rock, were dam*<ed by fire to the Rome, Oct. 19.—A report reached here that the Russians have received reinforcements of 20.UO0 from Kirin, and the Jajianese were reinforced by a brigade from New Chwar>g. extent of 1150.QU0 today. An Im- Salt Lake, OcL 19. — Eastern wool met ¿Be tank of varnish was punctur- » on-es Are » ace to » ace. buyers are attempting to corner the ed and flowed down the river taking A decision affecting the heirstop to wool clip in Utah and Wyoming. Tokio, OcL 19.—A dispatch receiv fire, creating a spectacular scene. o- .-ral tOULUui.d ru re» of lands on Agents are buying the 1905 clip. In ed In official circle* this morning Firemen protected neighboring the I'nratiiU reservation. some of It some eases at an advance of six cents rtatea tluvl O>ama * army is still fa< e t/uildings until the fire burned out very valuable land, hag Just beer, rea over last spring s price* to face with Kuropatkiti * fot Four firemen were injured. dered by the giate supreme court, Sixteen to It cents per pound are * he Japanese are in one side of the Judge Moure rendering (be decision, ■ ulli.g price* Two-thirds of the en Shakhe river and iiuMUaris on the I Ittoen Years for Munter. all the court conc ur nag. tire t'lah clip has been contrar ted other side. San Francisco. OcL It.—Garnet The decision referred to was in ’.be for already. was this morning sentenced to 15 a»e uf Kalyton, by K». RuMdan« Ih-frated. 1 let real. year» in San prison for the iytui*. her gu«r<li*n ad bteito appel- <X»AsT STEAMER (SHORE Tokio. OcL 1» —oyama reports un- murder of Major J W. McClung. In lazil represented by T. G. Hailey, v* der yesterday date: “The enemy is the room of Mrs. Hitchcock. In the Mary ILaiyton et si., respot. lent, rep resented by H J eBar.. The case TH*1 Ylicr Klml« ll lu-atcn to Ple<v-« gradually decreasing his force in the Pal i e Hotel last November. rea- hed a decision last December by direction of the right army. Only on liw Rocks Near «lu—law. M um I Hr the state supreme court on u appeal Eugene. Or.. Oct 19.— The schoon- •mall detachments continue to be ac Salem Get 1«—The «iprem* coart from Vmatii^a county. Tuexi * peti 'Frisco to I tive. The enemy was beaten at Ben- er Alice Kimball, from •ihu. retreating to the northeast. The» affirmed the decision of the cir- tion fur a rehearing was tlieU by th* Florence, ¡oirted her a ichor chains | enemy made assaults last night but nt court Multnomah county in appeilanL which petition raised the In a storm at the mouth of the Slu»- »hick was all were repulsed. Today only occa finding Martin Le»ia guilty of mur* question ut Jurisdiction, la* river and went ashore. sional exchange» of cannonade oc drr in the fl ret degree Leela muat not raised in the original case. In the The crew swam through the break “pinion handed down jesterday the curred.** therefore hang. ¡u> aentenced. ers and secured a boat and took off supreme court denied the petition for after a great effort. George Martin, a rehearing, and in a full discusaion •lapaikc-a* < ommil Suichir. Admiral Y anMtlart Dead the vessel's owner, and his wife She of the Jurisdictional question reaf London Oct. 19.—Admiral Van Petersburg, Oct. It.—During is fast breaking up and will be a to firms its former decision. After dls- He retired in 1878. the advance of the left column. 40 »mart is lewd tal !oa*. ussion of the act of ccngrca* under Japan«-*« with five offnem were »ur- n the land upur. which the L'ma-s rounded in a Chinese riiiage, but Fire- Tlircsirn Santa Monica tiila reservation was allotted In *ew- only five turrendered, the remaining Ixis Angeles. Oct. 19—Forest fires ««»mmitting vuicide. eralty, and declaring in substance The village uf which have been burning for 24 MLa Tung tv reported to have been that the land Is distributed to the al lottees and their heirs in case of dswth hours, threaten Santa Monica Thous destroyed by fire a- donees of the and« of dollars loss In farm property government, the court says: ha- been sustained and hundred* of Says lire Is VraKrnint cattle and many ranch houses are de The law of descent of the etite St. Petersburg. OcL 19.—It is re stroyed. The government experiment YND 111 (III I« IIIA. beit.g applicable on the death of an al ported that the Japanese fire station lux been burned. It Is feared Indian allottee, after the primary Shakha river is weakening owing to the Ilves of some ran hers* families patent or certificate is issued, baa * the ir.sufflcieiit supply of projectile* may be Included T< <ual Irvrtx In Member-Top During state court Jurisdiction of the subject t<» < orner tiw Market < auar« Grt*«t lAeitrmrnt. to Assist in Pew.«- Making. tremendous rush on the Vnlon Paci traffic Die—Japuiic-,- surruiinilcd « llp.11 fic and Rio Grande. Southern Pacific of Conquer or ( I AT* FOR BENT Wool REtXiNill.IATION A s siaiHlanl Oil < onipany Gets Control Anti-American Sentiment on Corner on 1905 Clip in Wyo SK ItFTAKV TAIT YMI.I. AT- < mtoi >( AIT \< Ks it Ben-i-liu tin- Itu— luiis Mere Beat eii ami DrlvtMi Back— Washington. Oct. 19—Ths presi dent today appointed Ira Harris su Hartington. Neb.. OcL 19.—Dori* pervising inspector of steamships at santa »r Traffic Ha- Been Diverted and Hazel, two children of F. W the port of New- York, to succeed In Over tin* Northern Route. < a usi ng Barnhart and Bertha Felber, a do- spector Rodle, who was removed as a < ra«li al All tlie Terminal Points mestlc. are dead as a result of a fire a result of the Slocum commission's % mused by the girl throwing kero- report Harris is a graduate of Ann apolis. sene In the stove. Salt Lake. Oct. 20.—Owing to the congestion ■nn RE- < onmilts Suicide Rallier Tlian Be < aptured by Russian«—Jupune««* smut FOB BEST A tl.l -••nil- Word to < zar Tiiut He Will Boise iTty. Oct. 19.—Nature smiled benignly on the opening of the Inter mountain fair In this city, and If the weather should continue as pleasant ‘luring the week as it opened this morning the annual meeting of the association this year will be a record breaker, both tn attendance and the exhibition. The city has been gaily decorated for the occasion, nearly every busi ness house displaying the colors of the association or the national colors Along the streets many colored lights have been put up. which will give the streets a brilliant appearance at nlghL Many strangers came In yesterday to attend the fair and the train this morning was taxed to Its utmost ca sWITYIHNt. 4RFW- (ANT X1XTH < IVAERY IX DRUNKEN pacity. Ample provision, however, HYN'DI.E THE TRAFIK BRYWI. AT MOXTEREY. has been made to furnish accommo dations tor all and there need be no fear of any stranger not finding a Southern Pacific Yardmen. Worn Out Riot in 11 »e Red Light District of Cal place to rest at night after the day » With Continuous Isihor. Ask for enjoyment. ifornia Town Resnlta in Tlirrc For Help In (tearing Out die CongesC- mer Soldiers of Fort Walla Walla Three Humnl to Death e»l Yarvl- st Ogden ami Reno— Being Shot ami in the Death of a armies are now devoting their time to! burying the dead. caring for the wounded and planning additional movements. It is now known that the Japane.*? left army lost about White Man of tlie Fifteenth Infant- 5000 during the recent fighting. The Trooper* Escape on ry—Negro further discovery of Russian dead in Early Train—Buildings Burned. dicates that Kuropatkin’s losses will I reach 25,000. The Russians have been reinforced Monterey, Cal.. OcL 2*.—About 21 by 30,000 men of the 17th, 10th and o’clock this morning a brawl took I sixth Siberian corp^ place in a notorious den of the red I light districL between members of I Japs Order Oregon l'lour. the 15th infantry (white) and the I Portland, Or.. Oct. 20.—The flour ninth cavalry (colored) during which orders for Japan to be shipped in three of the latter were shot. They I November, received in Portland, ag killed one white and fatally Injured gregate lOO.OOo barrels and from Se another, and then escaped to an early attle and Tacoma will be shipped train for San Francisco. 140,000 more. Although it is consign Lamps were overturned during the ed to private Individuals, the suppo- irition is that it is destined for the I row. which set fire to the building. Japanese army and indications are In | which, with its contents and adjoin- preparatlon for the establishment of I ing buildings, were totally destroyed, HESSIANS HAVE BEEX In 1903 ....................... 143.017.00 229.634 00 213.018.00 240.700.00 9,141.00 2 9.214,030.00 Paris, Oct. 19.—A telegram from Mukden reports that Alexleff has ar rived there to confer with Kuropat kin UM- Year 1X01—Rev. H. W ms Jooee • >f Buffalo. » .angeiiM. < «»tiling —ImfMt in «tau- < hufs-h Trv-a-airy of 9145 Wa» Paul Off al One En- tiiu-ta-tK Mo ling—Bapu-t m-min- ary to Be ».staldished at Berkeley. matter and is its decree, determining the heirs in sveh cases valid? "So long as the United Stales bold* the lands in trust for Indian allottee* •he title thereto remain* tn the gener al government, and the question as to whether or not a final patent tbere- f“r shall issue is to be determined by the secretary of the Interior, thereby depriving state courts of all jurisdic tion of the subject matter. If thl* were a suit to enforce the trust re served the United States would be an indispensable party, and as this can not be done by a state court, the de cree rendered herein would be votd. ’’The determination by a state court f the helre of a deceased Indian al lottee is ncL in our opinion, an execu tion of the trust. The finding of such fact is not an interference with the primary disposal of the SOIL bet is In aid of the general government in pro tecting the rights of its truaL ’TTius it was held that where a per son had taken the initiatory steps to secure the title to public land, and re ceived from the proper officers the necessary evidence thereof, be »-as entitled to the possession of the premises selected, and tor any inter ference therewith by another without legal title or equal equitable claim 1 state court, upon application st the entrymen would put him Is possessd - of his right* "The rule is settled In that s person entitled to sion of land the title to the United States, will be his right by our courts, when his pos session has been unlawfully disturbed by another ” The principle at issue is the old question of jurisdiction of the federa! and «ate court* which has been often raised, and tn many different phases although the underlying contention has ever been the same Other cases, notably that of Parr v* Dazn- sln. are pending involving the sain« Issue. The doctrine of concurrent or Joint jurisdiction by the federal and state courts Is by this decision sus tained. although the word "concnr- renf Is not used in the language of the decision. The decision says sim ply that the state also has jurisdiction while no one has ever questioned that the general government had juriedic- tion. The returning delegates from ths Baptist State Convention at McMinn ville. bring unanimous reports of an enthusiasm session ar.d of general church progress being reported from all sections of the state A brief syn opsis of the work of the church throughout the state is as follows HiKi II tOI XTY WOMAN There are 55 mission churches, in missionary pastor* KILLED Itili HIRt.EAR which work 4 2 These 55 mlmon churches have a membership of 289*. and sustain 41 lo.iuinl Foster, of Pine Valley, Sunday achools with an enrollment of 3174 These same churches last year Hearw a Not« In Hi« Houv ami raised for benevolences. 82711.84. «liool* Int« live Darknewv. Iixumtly There are now in the state 121 Bap K Illing Mn. Beck. Hl« WTfe's Mcrth- tist church organisation* with a total rr l'ixtcr Tlvouglit it Was a Mid- membership of 8209. During the year Just ended there night Burglar—lnqizc«t Held at were taken into the church in this Pine VaUey. state by baptism 444. while the num ber received otherwise was 837. mak ing a total taken into the church dur Baker City. Oct. 11.—Leonard Foe ing the year of 1501. farmer living in ter, a prosperous The convention developed the fact Pine valley, about half way between that of all the church’s varied inter here and »¿agle valley, shot and kill ests evangelism has been during the last year, and now t* the one and all mother-in-law. ed his Mr* Beck, a ibsorblng topic throughout the Mate. whom he mistook for a burglar last < i >ne re-ult is that one of the church's nlghL grvateM evangelists will come into the The particulars. as near as can be •t.ite during the coming winter—Rev. learned, are that Mr* Beck had oc- H Wise Jones of Buffalo. N. Y.. un caslon to get up some time In the der whose ministrations during three night and Foster hearing the noise, regular pastorates over 40* conver- jumped from his bed and fired, kill- « were brought abouL This week Ing her instantly. Rev Jones begins a series of meet As »>on a.« he realized what he had ings at YtcMinnville. done. Foster immediately hastened The report of the finance commft- for a doctor, but It was too Ute. •..■» showed a def: it of 1445.83. This County Coroner Snow was tele amount was raised at one enthusiastic phoned for but owing to his absence M-sston and the work of the state is the Inquest took place at Pine, five now free from debt. At one other miles from the scene of the tragedy, session 830*0 was raised for McMinn where the body was removed today. ville college Justice of the Peace Craig, presiding. On Wednesday evening a "designa No arrest will be made. tion service" was held w hich was of peculiar interert. The presence of »'Ire Drstrny« »"lax. eight or ten outgoing young mission Salem. Oct. IS.—Fire has destroyed aries gave especial enthusiasm to the the Salem Flouring Mill and Ware service. A short address was given house. and also a warehouse contain by each, followed by prayer designat ing 250.000 worth of flax, which was ing that particular missionary for his to have been used by the proposed special field new flax mill. The destruction of the The work of establishing the I*aclfic flax removes all hope for a mill this <'.>a.«t Baptist Theological Seminary at year. The total loss In the fire was Berkeley. Cal . was then taken up 8100.000. and It is thought to have ,• | ,\. k. ( n.uch enthusiasm enthusiMtn and been Incendiary. During the coming good planning, year work will be actually begun on Hearing of Machen Appeal. M. Rev. Claiborne the Institution. Washington. D. C.. Oct. 18.—The Hill. D D.. is its president, and J. appeal of August W. Machen and his W Brower. D D., of Portland, is its co-dvfendants In the postoffice con vice-president. spiracy case came up for hearing to day. This Is the case in which Ma Storm on ITorkla Coast. chen. Diller B. and Samuel Groff and is Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 19.—It George E. Lorens of Toledo. O.. were reported that five vessels were wreck sentenced to two years In the peni ed in the storm which Is sweeping ths tentiary and to pay a fine of 210.000. east coast between Miami and Palm The Beach. All wires are down, Would Sell Stock to Employe«. near schooner James was wrecked New York. Oct. 19.—It Is stated in Palm Beach, but the crew was sayed. Wall street today that Fnlted States Steel will. In December, make a third Rio Grande on a Itainimgc. offer to employes to sell them stock Fort Worth. Texas. Oct. 19.—The In the company, to be held for five years. It Is understood that stock 1s Rio Grande Is on another rampage, to be sold in the neighborhood of and is rapidly rising, In West Texas Mexican families near El Paso. 50 280.000.000. were forced to flee across the river for safety. Alaska Da at St. I suit«. St. Louis. Oct. 18.—Today Is "Alas 1-orec Goes to Mexico. ka Day" at the World s fair. Gover Austin. Texas. Oct. 19.—It Is re nor Brady of Alaska. President Fran cis of the exposition, and Judge Irwin ported that L. F. Loree. who recently Rock of Juneau, are the speakers. A. 210.- resigned as president of the 000 marble bust of William H. Sew - Island, will become head manager of the principal urd. secretary of state at the time of a system embracing the purchase uf Alaska, was unveiled. railways of Mexico. Wallula Boys Kun Away. Wallula. Oct. 19—George »Xies of Wallula reported that his son. Ches ter. and his stepson. Claude Arnold, ran away yesterday Instead of going to school, and up to a late hour last night no trace of the boys bad been found. The lads were 1< and IS years old. respectively. No reason is known for their sudden disappearance. New I'Wight Buildings Burned. Nashville. Tenn.. Oct. 1».—The new freight sheds of the Nashville. Chat- tanooga A St. Louis Railway rare destroyed by fire today. Loas. UW.- 000. Much freight was destroyed. Denver A Rio Gramie Meeting. Denver. Col.. Oct. 12.—Ths stock holders of the Denver A Hlo Grande railroad held their annual meeting In this city today. Only routine business was transacted. States W UI Buikl at the Fair. New York and Massachusetts trill erect 120.000 state buildings at the fair. New York l-ewis and Clark will spend 215.000 additional In furs- ishltig a suitable exhiblt to be con- tallied In the New York building, and Massachusetts will spend about 81*.- 000 in the same manner. The two states expect to have contractors at the grounds shortly to begin construc tion work on their building*