Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1904)
—■i — I« WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by fear, uainflu- euced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell tbe truth. the whole truth, about county. state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to .aose who differ from ita views, as well as to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION _ Í • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • VOL. XXVIII. PENDLETON, OREGON, EKLDAY. OCTOBER 2M, 191)4. PEACE CONGRESS FARCE. Note sent Out Inquiring as to Most Acceptable Time and Place of the Nephew of President Roose President of Great Banking velt Celebrates His Return Corporation is Chicago Un From the Islands. der Charges. Meeting. Washington, D. C., Oct. 25.—A cir cular note of instruction was dis patched by the state department to day to the diplomatic representatives of the United States, directing them to sound I he various governments in re gard to the time of holding the next peace congress and ascertaining whether The Hague would be accept able as a place of meeting. FRIGHTENED RUSSIANS SAW OIIIOAN • The East Oregonian of Pen • dleton, Oregon, la published in the heart of the wonderful In • land Empire You will find • that it is readable, reliable • and progressive, and will give • you the news reliably, aceu- • rately and fully. • NO. 96 SAYS ROOSIAELT MILL IIUL 314 VOTES. New York, Wr»t Virginia. Indiana and Vt iscondn In Hie Republican < oluinn-— Marylam! and Montana Doubtful, But Favor Purkcr—Next H oum * Will lie Republican |>j Safe Working Majority—I«recasi Is U m * Re-uli of l«ng Pollili al Observa tion». Admiral Rojestvensky Declares His Captain Saw Two Hostile Ships Among the Fishing Vessels Italian Being Tried. Walla Walla. Oct. 24.— Joseph Di Pasquale, the Italian charged with LIEITEN KNT fOHrt’M lF. HAS DF.< IDEI» IX» MEET the murder of Valerio, a fellow coun Reply of Russia Is Not Entirely Sati»im-tory, But Both Government» DISTURBS SAN FRANCISCO. ALL THE ACCV8AT1ONS. tryman in this city, several weeks Ixiok for Amicable settlement— Vintimi Denies That He Left a Ves ago. is on trial In the superior court. The case will go to the jury this after sel Behind for Six Hours, Which Renderral No Assl-tanev to the In noon. The defendant declared he at Young Soldier Has Just Returned The Bank Involved by HL* slwrtcotn- tempted to run away from the man jured—Regret» tire Accident, But saj* He \\a* Not Aware of Having From liie l*tiillppine*. ami Caused ing* Has Been Sold to a Rival Firm he shot and was forced to kill In self- Such a Rumpus on the Barbar) Injured Anyone by Firing —The Defendant Is Accuse ’ of defense. toast in San Francisco That lie Feloniously Burning the Works of Pass Intended Divorce Canon. Was Arrested, Thrown in a Patrol the Chicago t ar A- Iswvmotive Co. sssevaeessaesssasseseeesesseaesos Boston. Mass.. Oct. 25.—The Epis Wagon ami Hauled to the Station —tires test Sensation in Man) copal convention by a resolution to —Claims to Be a Nepliew of the Years' History of Chicago Banking • Rojestveimk)'» Report. day referred the matter of the elec President—Earlier in the Day He and Financial Circles—Agitates tile tion of a presiding bishop to the next Ilnanciers. London, Oct. 27.—Admiral Rojestvensky'» report reached Count Whipped a Hackman. general convention. The vexing Beeckepdorff this morning, and was quickly conveyed to the govern divorce canon, as amended by the ment. It Is understood the admiral state« he never had any Inten house of bishops, was taken up by tion of firing on the trawler*, which were early noticed by the Rus Chicago. Oct. 27.—The attorney for the house deputies, and passed with San Francisco. Oct. 25.—A man sian fleet as It passed Imgger Rank. claiming to be Lieutenant Granville I. N. Perry, until today president of out debate. Among the trawlers the Russian officer* noticed two steamers Forteacue. of the 10th United States the Bank of North America, announc moving at a high rate of speed which looked exactly like torpedo o Swallowed b) Trust. cavalry. and a nephew of President ed at noon that Perry has decided to o boats. Roosevelt, was arrested in the ten surrender himself and answer any Wilmington, Del.. Oct. 25.—The Rojestvensky concluded these were Japanese torpedo boats, and » derloin last night, for disturbing the charges made against him. Harlan and Hollngsworth plant of the a adds that in his opinion the »luadron fired against these two * This action, together with the sale United States Shipbuilding Company, peace. ships He denies that a Russia.i war* ip waa left behind for six o He had been making the rounds of the bank this morning to the Con was sold at auction today. It was * hour* and never lowered a boat to assist the injured. of the tenderloin restaurants and tinental National, comes as a climax purchased by the reorganization com He says. "The Russian officers were totally Ignorant of the * drinking freely. After leaving the to sensational charges connecting the mittee of the shipyard combine, for shots having struck the trawlers “ On behalf of himself and the of O ' “Poodle Dog" restaurant, he became name of Perry with the alleged fel $485.000 ficer» and men of the fleet, he regrets that the trawlers and fisher o noisy, attracting a crowd of several onious burning of the works of the o men Buffered. Ch|cago Car & Locomotive Company. hundred. Steamship U recked. One of the foreign torpedo boats disappeared after the firing a i ■ —— — A policeman ordered him to be Tampa. Oct. 25.—The Spanish ship The other remained until morning, waiting for Its companion. The o I quiet or go to jail. "Take me to jail WHITMAN JUBILANT. Ontaneda. arrived today and reports admiral asks what warship It that was noticed hovering near a if you want to. I am not doing any the loss of the steamship Massachu the scene, and declares that both the ships he fired against were • thing wrong." He then told the po Belief That the Government Will setts. 17 miles off the old Bahama ca a unmistakably of the warship type. liceman that President Roosevelt was Construct Irrigation Works. o nal. The ship waa bound from Eng his uncle. Colfax. Wash.. Oct. 26.—Prospects land to New Orleans. It is not known Continuing boisterous, the police whether the crew was saved man finally called a wagon. The for the speedy construction of the In case I London. Oct. 27.-—The opinion of Jestvensk) s explanation. by the man was taken to the station and re Palouse irrigation project the Russian embassy is that the sit that no agreement is reached. Eng-1 stole Money In TranQt. leased on 21# bail. Earlier in the government at a cost of 33.504,00# land will not declare war but will I Winnipeg. Oct. 25.—Highwaymen uation will very shortly be cleared Inform Russia that the Baltic fleet I evening he had a fight with a hack-, are better than ever and Whitman now, that Rojestvensky » report is re county is accordingly jubilant as the today held up the manager and clerks man. in which the hackman was construction of this big irrigation of the Hamilton branch bank near ceived. A pacific solution. It is said will not be permitted to proceed. badly worsted. may be reached at any moment Lieutenant Fortescue arrived from ditch is worth at the least calculation Plum Coulee, south of here, who were Baltic Fleet Gets < «al. to Whitman conveying $300v to another branch, the Orient yesterday and was cele a half million dollars county alone. and took the money. The robbers es Vigo. Oct. 27.—Spain has granted British Fleet Awaits Oedrra brating his return. Ten thousand acres of land owned caped Into North Dakota. Edinburg. Oct. 27—The home fleet permission of the Hal tic fleet to take by Edwin T. Coman. cashier of the lies at anchor in the Firth of Forth on 40# ton* of cool each. The fleet MADMEN AT THE FRONT. First National bank of Colfax, and will probably leave Vigo tomorrow Actor Wada Manager* Widow. waiting order*. William Huntley, a merchant and Epidemic of Mania Among Ruseian London. Oct. 25.—Edward Terry, heavy land owner of Endicott, will Itu-eta Ready to 'A|>uk<iar. the actor, today was married to the Soldiers. Rueda ns tired al a sard* be directly benefited should the pro London. Oct. 37.— The Parts cor widow of the late theatrical mana London. Oct. 25.—The Moscow posed ditch became a reality. Over London s Oct. 37.—Lloyd's has a respondent learns from the highest ger. Augustus Harris. press continues to publish painful 100.000 acres of land in Whitman. telegram from Gafie. asserting that authority that within 34 hour*. Rus stories of lunacy and mania at the Adams and Lincoln will be placed the Swedish steamer Aldebaran. ha 1 sia will give a complete satisfaction. front. The Sibirsky Viestnlk prints under irrigation according to the been fired at by a Baltic ship In the Including apology payment of in the following story of a soldier driven present plana Skagerack to the north of Belt. The demnity and a full Investigation. mad by the horror: shot did not taae eflect. “Into the Tomsk municipal hospi YOUTH GETS SIXTEEN YEARS. Japanraa- < apturv a Village. tal is carried a wounded man of mid Russia Won't Punish Officer». dle age. He is covered with knife Claude Hawkins. Murderer. Sentenc Mukden. Oct. 27.—The Japanese London. Oct. 27.—The deadlock on wounds, one in the chest, another in have advanced to the village of J or da- ed—His Youth Saves Hi* Neck. the punishment of the Russian offic the side and two in the stomach, the Can. capturing the place after an all er* continue* Russia maintains that Marysville. Cal.. Oct. 2«.—Claude latter so deep his internal organs are night fight. the demand for such punishment of Hankins, aged 14. was sentenced to visible. Paying no attention to his the Russians interferes with sover 14 years at San Quentin for the cold injuries he continues to relate tri l ighting I» Re-umrai. OREGON INFORMATION eignty rights and cannot be entertain umphantly how he has destroyed a blooded murder of George Morse, a St Petersburg. Oct. 27.—A dispatch whole Japanese corps. Another mad farmhand, in July. Robbery was the BUREAU'S GOOD RECORD. ed. from Mukden reports that fighting man thinks he is the czar, and he be motive. along the Shskhe river «as resumed In passing sentence the court de America supports England. stows decorations of tinfoil on his keeper. During the earlier fighting clared the boy possessed a most re Dr. A. Le ^loy VIMls Millon Today on London. Oct. 27.—The Central at iq o'clock last night. around Liao Tang, two lunatics es markable intellect an 1 was too dan Business Connected With the Bu News asserts that the secretary of the Sklrml«l>ing at Mukden. His extreme caped and went over to the Japanese. gerous to be at large. reau—Ila* the Nairn-« of Over 130 Aiherlcan embassy. Henry White, has St. Petersburg. Oct. 27.—Sakharoff They were sent back next morning youth only saved him from the gal assured Lansdowne of America's en Families That Have Bren Ixxotod tire sympathy and moral support. lows. K reports today “The Japanese open under the white flag.” ed fire on our force* last nigh*., Through the Bureau This summer whereupon the Russian» advanced Baker Count) Taxes. —Magnificent Collection of Pro FOR BEING OBSCENE. Cabinet U ill Meet to Consider. and repulsed them, subsequently re Baker City, Oct. 27.—Assessor ducts Collected—Many Willamette London. Oct. 37.— Premier Balfour turning to our own positions" yesterday evening Italian Editor Get* Two Years for George B. Jett at midnight dispatched a summons Valley Towns Represented. footings in Baker Sending Improper Stuff Through completed the for a meeting of the cabinet today. TOOK <' At ID. county's assesment for 1304. the total This act is a result of the failure of Mail. valuation being 33.355.035. The total Dr. A. Leroy arrived yesterday Russia to send a satisfactory reply Pueblo, CoL. Oct. 25.—Charles De number of cattle in the county Is from the west, en route to Milton in tc the British demands, and is taken ■van I raneixan Did Not Dare Fare molii. former editor of the Italian 24.354. valued at 3215.440; Trial for Attempted Murder. horses. the prosecution of his work as super as a symptom of the Increasing grav paper. Lavatore, the official organ of 4301. valued at $44.7851 sheep. 33.- San Francisco. Oct. 27.—Rather ity of the situation. intendent of the Oregon Information the United Mine Workers, was sen 572. valued at 377.145. The 44 miles than appear In court on the charge of Bureau. At milton he will finish the tenced in the federal court today to of narrow guage roadbed of the attempted murder. W. W. c'asteet. a Del Caaae Would Mediate. two years for sending obscene matter Sumpter valley is valued at $83.500 work of collecting the exhibit of pro solicitor, suicided this morning with ducts peculiar to that famous Irrigat through the malia Birmingham. Oct. 37.—The Post carbolic acid. The tragedy occurred and the 47 miles of the O. R. A N. Is ed district, and arrange for forward The special article was one attack valued at $371.800. learns that the French foreign min an hour before the case was called There are only ing the character of Mrs. Lionel Ross, 73,848 acres of tillable land In the ing the results to Portland. ister. Del Caaae. has offered his ser A few months ago he shot and se Since he was last In Pendleton Dr. of Amboy, editor of “Polly Pry,” a county, valued at 3702,445. and 304,- vices as a mediator between England riously wounded R M Dunham, Leroy has visited the following points Denver magazine, which opposed the 240 acres of non-till^ble valued at and Russia should such services be president of the California Business which have taken actively to the work coal strlkera needed. He make* the offer as an $511,170. of contributing to the exhibit in the ally of Russia, and a friend of Eng College, while school was in session. A quarrel over money caused the Portland union depot: Albany. Salem. land. ARBITRARY PRICE OF COAL. Parker Leaves New York. shooting Corvallis. Philomath. Toledo. Yaqulna New York. Oct. 27.—Parker left Cooandsston of Chicago Agents Fix for Esopus at 10 o'clock this morning. Bay, Newport. Forest Grove. McMinn BritUi Steamer Released. JAPANESE ASPHYXIATED. ville. Fairview. Gresham, Cascade the Price to the Consumer. He will arrive at Rosemont at 12 Locks. Hood River. Nagasaka. Oct 37.—The British The result of New York. Oct 25.—In the Hearst and will spend the remainder of the this trip and those preceding It is that steamer Slshan. captured before Port Student on Hi« Way to University of hearing before the interstate com day preparnig a speech which he wilt Dr. Leroy declares there is now on Arthur by the Japanese, an alleged California Blew Out the Go* merce commission today George Mer deliver tomorrow to a delegation of exhibition In the union depot the carrier of contraband, has been re San Francisco. Oct. 27.—Kelgi Ku ryweather, a wholesale coal dealer, democrats from Orange county. Gov finest collection of Oregon products leased. do. a Japanese student, age I 17. and of Chicago, and representative of Cox ernor Odell's home. ever gotten together In the state, Miss Ouha Jemasuaka. a school Brothers, miners, testified that he was teacher, were found dead In a room without any exception whatever. In Funeral of tbe Victims. Drath of a Pioneer. chairman of a commission of railroad house this the doctor’s own language. "It Is sim Hull. Oct. 27.—The funeral of Cap In a Japanese lodging agents in Chicago which met month Walla Walla, Oct. 27.—Mrs. Caro ply magnificent" tain Smith and second officer I^g- morning, asphyxiated by gas. ly and arbitrarily made the price of line McKinzie, aged 43 years, is dead Dr. Leroy spent four days at Hood gott. of the ill-fated trawler Crane, It Is believed to have been acciden coal. He said pressure was brought at her home in this city. Mrs. Mc River inspecting the beautiful ex was held today. Immense crowds tal. The boy came from Japan yes to bear to compel the dealers to Kinzie came to Walla Walla 30 years hibit of Hood River district products attended. All business was suspend terday and intended to enter the maintain fuel at full pricea ago. She was the widow of Isaac Mc but In spite of his utmost endeavors ed and flags on all buildings were at the University of California. The wo Kinzie, one of the prominent citizens he was able to secure but 12 boxes of half rnast. A hundred wreaths were man was 31. of Walla Walla in the early days. Crew and Psspongers Saved, f selected fruits for the Portland ex received. Including one from King Chicago Wheat. hibit. What he did secure, however, Ed ward. San Juan. Oct. 25.—Forty passen Railroad Manager Resigns. Chicago. Oct. 27.—December wheat is very fine, and is an assorted lot gers and crew of the steamship Kel opened at $1.15% and closed at San Francisco. Oct. 24.—Charles comprising every variety. The rea vin, which was abandoned in the open Will Stop tlie Baltic Fleet. $1.14 \ May wheat opened at sea, two <lays after she left New H. Markham, general manager of the son he did not get more was because London, Oct. 27.—It la learned that $1.12%. Corn, at 53%. and oats at York. October 5. were rescued by the Pacific system of the Southern Paci the Hood River business men and England will refuse to accept Ro- 23%. schooner Cordelia. For 17 days they fic company, has resigned his posi other citizens realize the value of ad tion to accept a similar one with the vertising and simply bought up and suffered hardships in open boat* Texas Oil company. The retirement shipped through to St. Louis, for the will take effect as soon as his suc World's fair, all but 12 boxes which Cornelius Vancott Dead. Mr. Leroy was so fortunate as to get New York, Oct. 25.—Postmaster cessor is named. hold of. Cornelius Vancott died at 3:25 this Baseball Clubs Fleet. The information bureau has the afternoon. He was stricken at his New York, Oct. 24.—The National names and places of location of 150 office yesterday with acute indiges tion, which caused an attack of heart Association of Professional Baseball families from the East which have There have been no developments until on the return trip from Hunt Clubs today elected Patrick T. Pow found homes in Oregon through the failure. during the investigation by the coro ington Sunday morning. ers, of Jersey City, president; John H. direct Influence of the bureau during Some who have heard all the testi ner's jury into the circumstances sur Farrell, of Auburn, secretary, and the past summer. It Is altogether COULD PAY TWO FINES. mony believe Swauger fell off the Eugene Burt, of San Francisco, a likely that at least an equal number rounding the death of Seymour side of the car and either went to have located in the state through the Swauger. although some Interesting sleep on the track or undertook to C. t. Hartington Paid (10 for Dis member of the executive board. Influence of the bureau of whom the facts have been brought to light and turbing the Peace. walk the track and was run over by Fairbanks Touring Illinois. bureau has no direct knowledge, or some interesting theories advanced. another train when killed. There was When City Recorder Fitz Gerald Springfield, III., Oct. 24.—Fairbanks perhaps none at all. These 150 fam There is now no one who believes in a great profusion of blood at the fined E. J. Hartington 310 this morn delivered the first speech of his pres ilies. by the way. are all in Linn. the possibility of foul play from any most easterly point where there was ing for disturbing the peace, the of ent tour of Illinois to thousands at the I-ane, Douglas, Marlon and Multno source. All the evidence Is conclu evidence of an accident. A short dis fender displayed a handful of gold Arsenal this afternoon. He is billed mah counties. sive that the death was purely acci- 1 tance to the west from this point was and with a contemptuous fling of a for speeches this afternoon at Jack dental. evidence of the body being dragged, piece of it toward the court, remark sonville and Chain and tonight at Rigid Steamboat Inspection. No one can be found who will tes and lesser amounts of blood to a ed that he could pay two fines if Hannibal, Mo. Washington, Oct. 27.—As a result tify to seeing Swauger on the train point mnetloned. and there was found necessary. of the report on the Slocum disaster, from the time it left Pendleton with the trunk and another great quantity “It will become necessary, if you do Slashed His Abdomen. the president has Instructed Secretary Swauger on the top of a box car. A of blood. not have a care how you conduct Ix>s Angeles. Oct. 27.—George W. Metcalf to order a searching invest short distance this side of Bingham Still others who have heard all the yourself in this court,” remarked the Relthman suicided in the city jail by igation of steamboat inspector serv (the body was found a mile and a testimony, believe the man was kill judge. slashing his abdomen in a horrible ice In every department. Rear Admi half this side of Bingham) Conductor ed by No. 22, by failing between cars Harlington is a painter. C. J. Wil manner. ral Kempff will Investigate the dis Waffle, on his way from the caboose while walking on the top of the son Is a carpet layer. Both work for trict whose headquarters are in San to the front of the train, found a train, and that the more or less mu different firms. Yesterday while at The largest stick of saw timber in Francisco. • bundle, on top of a car, which has tilated body was dragged first in one work they met at the same house. the world will be on exhibition at the been Identified as Swauger's bundle, direction and then in another until They quarreled; swear words were Lewis and dark fair. It will be 10# Young Walton has been positively but Mr. Waffle supposed It belonged it was left where found by the engi used and Harlington was arrested. feet long. 12 feet square at the base, identified by the motorman and con to some hobo, and having no knowl neer of the light engine perhaps 15 The reason for the quarrel was not and eight feet square at the top, will ductor, as the highwayman who shot edge of Swauger, brought It into the hours after falling from the train. brought out at the trial. It is alleg contain 40,000 feet of lumber and Policeman Nelson in an attempted caboose. This was Friday evening. The theory that he was riding on ed that domestic troubles were the cost $300. It will be furnished by hold-up of the Albina car, a month Neither Mr. Waffle nor any member the rods has been abandoned. The cause. W. F. McGregor, of Astoria. ago. of that crew heard of any accident I jury will meet again tomorrow. HAS LOCATED HO VERDICT FOUND IN SWAUGER CASE Seattle Trolleys Crash To- Oregon Delegation Will Leave gether Head On, Injuring Portland on the Night of Twenty People. November 9. Athens. O.. Oct. 24.—General <'buries H. Grosvenor ha» given out i his prediction uu the election. He predicts that Roosevelt and Fairbanks will carry New York. West Virginia. Indiana and Wisconsin." He classes Montana and Maryland V. <01.1 BEVI. ESTATE MAN, ( ONE FARE RATE OF as doubtful states with chances In fa vor of Parker. According to his fig (70 FOR ROUND TRIP. Is I ATALI.Y HURT. ures, Roosevelt will have 314 votes in the elctoral college, and says there will be a good working republican Outbour»! < ar W a* 10 Minutes I^te <wi«rrtMW I liamberiain and < ongreo»- majority in the house. • nian J. N. Wllllaniwni Will Ltsd aial Trird u> Makc Uw Rcgular Walla Walia Prize llgln. Mea-tlng Plai-e*—IntMHiial Car Also tiw- Ivrtegaüoo—Mayor MaU<xA. Walia Walla. Oct. 24.—At the Jutlgv Lowell Miai T. G. Hailey W1U 1 rirai to Mal.* Ont* More *latlon Walla Walla Athietlc dub next Fri l'.raaibly Attend From Pendieux»— in liliiMlliig Fug—Ouata Togetiwr day night two interesting bouts will tadug Ililrt) Mile* an Hour— * »reguu W 111 Make an Effort to be pulled off. Perry Queenan and Bring lite 1303 < oogrraw to Port Iwcnty Pra>|>le Are berioudy In Al Tero will fight four rounds. Joe jure«! and < »4e W111 Dira—Gros» land — AUetalaZK* I rom «tregua Robertson, of Vancouver, Wash . and K. R. Stone, of Omaha, will meet. < ur» i.---iw—, < iaargral. Ila» Vlways lira-n < «xnparattvel, Robertspn 1s a small fighter, and IUghi at Irrigation Meetings. Stone will weigh al least 40 pounds more. Seattle. Oct. 25.—Twenty wera in- _________________ Jure<l, ,ne fatally, in a head-uii col-, Peudlelon *1U be represented at Venezuela Vgainst Aaterfcan«. th- cvmirig National Irrigation Czm- Washington. Oct. 24.—A dispatch iisiun In a dense fog, on the Seattle gr-ss at El Paso. Texas, by several of fr>-m <'ara<as says the court of first trolley one this moruitig. her most prominent citizen* A spec Instance In Venezuela, has rendered '.he accident occurred at t.4v. th » ■ ial rate for the round trip has been a judgment against the New York A al» acre to meet at a switch hair ma a* L> all railroads leading to Ei l*.ermuda Asphalt company, and I! e a m.ic te-.. .j where the accident OC-! Pas- arid efforts are being put for- latter appealed to a higher court. The - - : - 1 > min ■ a rd to induce a* many <*regoniana derision upholds the attachment on to attend a* possible in order to se part of the government asphalt fields ute» Ule in starting, tried to make ar* th* next convention for Port- up the time. The .abound car tried and provides for the appointment of Lar.d during tbe Lewis and Clark ex- to make the next switch, and both a receiver. po».rior. The regular rat* to El Paso »ere running 20 miles per hour. Delegates to the congreaa, A. i'ole. a real «.state man. is fa- is $7e World'» lair Ijiuvme- taily hurt. Motorman Tom Berg. th-re tore may go and return for thia St. Loula Oct. 24—The official - - Pu.lman tare for tbe round John Perky pyle, Koadmasier Dave and authentic figures of the receipts Sullivan. F D. Clever. John Colelle. tr.p win be $12. and expenditures of the World s Fair May or Matlock, who is now at St. W F Boyd, the two Wagner girls, for the first months. May. June. July L uls, will return to Pendleton in are severely injured and others and August, show that the total re-1 time to vote and will then proceed slightly. celpts for that period amounted to I Judge Stephen A. Lowell It is reported later that one of the to Paso. $2* 445.#2#. the disbursements for ha> signified his intention of going the same period $2#.477.445. leaving I Wag er girls, aged 14. will die from > the congress if possible. His law her tnjurie*. She was pinned between a balance on hand September 1 of | two «eats in the front end of the car. ptiru-er T. G. Halley, who is now in 8188.355. is expected to be in £. Pas*, W F. B<>yd is also thought to be tt.e '**■ ■ -> injured. Grom carelessness on also Wi.liam Blakeley and H. J. Tay Meet lArning« w I mim Decrease. . art of both motormen Is charg lor. ■ New York. Oct. 24—The director* ed. Heretofore Oregon's representation of the United States Stel corporation al the irrigation congress has been today declared the regular quarterly] very light. At Colorado Spring* <<>MMIR<IVI. (ONt.RESS. dividend of 1 % per cent on preferred I there were but five Oregonians out of stock. The statement for the quarter! 4#« delegates present. At tbe Ogden Tran*-Ml—l>*i|q.i Drl<-gat>-* V*wnilh- ended feptember 30 show» the net meetit.g there were 12## delegate* in **c. Ixwti* In Vnnual *e-wd.>n. earnings to be 31S.7BOO##; for th»| and 4v from this stat*. same f»er1od last year they were $32.-1 Governor George E. Chamberlain .- Louts Oct. •(.—The Trans-Mis 4(#.(M. sissippi Commercial Congress began and Congressman J. N. Wlillaznoon it* 15th annual session this morning will lead the Portland delegation. Tbe Vair--liIp W ill lie Tested. in the Hall of Congrem at tbe W'orld's Portlanders srtll leave tor El Paso on St. I»ui». Oct. 24—-Captain Bald-1 Thoma* Richardson of Port the night of November 3. taking four win. <>L»San Francisco, stated today I ia 1. Ore. <hairman of the executive days for tbe trip. Th* congTeas con that his airship would make another! ra.mmittee called the meeting to or venes November 15 and srlll be tn session three day* trip Thursday If the weather 1» fa der. vorable. Knakencbu will again nav-| The opening up of vast arid land Addresses of welcome were made ■gate It. T. C. Belbow. of Montana is | by Governor Dockery. Mayor Well*, regions in Oregon during tbe past on the program for a Right with his ar. 1 President Francis, and were re- few months has caused much I me rest «1 nded to by vice-president* of the locally tn regard to tbe question of ir- airship Wednesday afternoon. The bringing of the con c« ■ crew representing the states and r gat.or gress to this state in 13#l will give territories. Mr*. Rnmevell to New York. President It C. Kern of the cor.- an opportunity for irrigators througb- Washington. Oct 34—Mrs. Roose-1 ■ i a.-, a ! ire»». This af ■ ut the United States to study Ore- veil left Washington this morning fori gon's conditions and it is believed New York to attend the republican I ternoon th* »s-raker* are James R will prove of great benefit to the mass meeting at Carnegie Hall this! Garfletd of Ohio. Alexander Revell of Chicago. CoL Fred Fleming of Kan state. evening and hear Secretary Hay. who sas City. Ocher Delegates May Go. is expected to make one of the most In addition, steps are being taken notable speeches of the campaign Dl-TRKT DIVIMON TROUBLE. to Insure the attendance at El Paso of D. C. BrownelL O. D. Teel and Death of a Pioneer. I vpLvnatlon of the DifTl.-uIlle* In the J. F. McNaught. of Echo. Their go Walla Walia. Oct. 24—Thomas Ed ing is not assured, but is probable. North Fnd of ti>e County. wards. aged 45 years, a pioneer of Judge Lowell is also tn correspon Wallula. Wash.. Oct. »3. — (To the Walla W'aila. died in this city last dence with W. 8. Goodman, ex-repre night of cancer of the stomach The Hist oregonlan. I—In your issue of sentative. of Milton. and with W. T. remains will be interred at Dayton the 17th inst. I see that you have been misinformed as regards affair* Shaw, president of the Hudson Bay Edwards leaves three children. to secure their In school district 84. The west end- Irrigation Company era are accused of trying to run thing* attendance If possible. Snow at Duluth. Duluth. Oct. 24.—A snowstorm I without regard to the wishes of the STOCK PRIZES AT PORTI-AND. raged In this city all night. There | east endera. Now. the truth of the matter la OCfev* that the east enders carried on school Leals and Clark Expotltioa (M.OOO for Cooling Animal Show. and didn't «-.ire whether the west end ers were alive or not. They enumer Portland. Oct. 24.—The Lewis and ated children out of district 105; Clark exposition has voted $4 0.#49 their books were kept in such shape for i -• rr.iums for a big livestock dis that nobody could tell anything about play from all trans-Rocky Mountain them, their director* took pecuniary states during next summer. About interest in the furnishing of school $12.will be offered In premiums supplies contrary to law. for horse« $14.00# for cattle. $4$## We in the west end. built a new for sheep and goats. $350# for s«rtne school house, the east enders. as they and $1590 for poultry and dog* style themselves never even gave us a dollar. We asked their directors as PRl NF CROP SHORT. gentlemn. to allow us one month FIR-r VND ONI Yt AM- school in the new school house; they North«»*! HarvvM Will Be But SO 1*111.N 11 VI I Y NEXT *Art RDA1 refused us. They are afraid of edu to 40 IVr Cent o< l *ual Crop. cation. There are still one or two dryers Now. by the east enders. I don't le-orgi' 4. Ilrovvncll of Oregon City m.'»n ill who live In the east side— running in the prune district. It is W ill Vililrc*« Voters on Republican there are only two men at the bottom raid but they null likely be done In a <i.i) or two. and then the prune dry- ------------- Judge Janie* A. Fee. t an- ■f all this trouble. Before it is over be housed again until next these two men will have to give an < i« w dldatc for Prv*identlal Elector Will year, say* the Salem Statesman. account of their past stewardship. l*rolml>l) Vilvlrv**- live Meeting— The crop ts coming very rapidly, Now. the policy of the west enders < ainiMign I* Exceedingly Quiet— is this; Run two schools in tbe dis according to Mr. Gtle. of the Willam ette Valiev Association, but is not No Furtlw*r Arrangement* Mode for trict. three if necessary. Give every liilil a chance. We are willing to moving off very fast. The crop when S|>cvelH-* During the < aiiqvalgn. pay our share, and let the east end it is ail in will be just about as esti mated heretofore about 25 or 3# per do the same. It seems queer, though, that the cent of the crop of last year, which There will be a gathering of the re for the entire Northwest amounted to publican clans in Pendleton next Sat men vv ho want the district divided about 3# 00#.### pound* Thus there have rented their farms and are mov urday night. State Senator George will be from 7.500.00« to 3 «90.### C. Brownell of Clackamas county, ing away. They hoped we would not pounds this year In the Northwest. vote a tax this year, but we did. and one of the prominent campaigners of If the market depended upon the the slate will be present as the princi will next year. Respectfully. prunes of the Pacific coast this year, DAVID MARSHALL. pal orator. prices would be very high, but for Chairman Board of Director* Arrangements for the rally have tunately, this is not the situation, not been completed. County Chair and a good deal of the market condi II limit* «-(»NTRAt'TS FILED. man Frank Curl of this city, has re tion defiendu entirely upon the enor ceived word that Brownell would be mous crops In Europe. Especially SupcrtntciHleat E. B. Conklin and 21 present, but the place of meeting has are the German and French craps Ti-tsclicr* \rc Now on tin* Rcconl*. not been selected. Judge Janies A. reported as being very heavy. Fee of Pendleton, one of the presiden The one thing that saves the prune City Superintendent E. B. Conklin tial electors for Oregon, will be In wild the 24 teachers of the Pendleton growers of the Pacific Northwest ts vited to be present and also address public schools, this morning filed the fact that they have at least 75 the gathering. their contracts with the county school per*cent of 30-49« and 40-50s In their The coming of Brownell will mark They will, of «upertntendent. They are among the crop of this year. the first and perhaps the only politi Inst of the teachers in the county to course, realize the best prices that cal meeting of a public nature held comply with the regulation requiring are going under the circumstance* In Pendleton or Umatilla county this the filing of contracts. fall. St. Izilus Fair Attendance. The names of the teaching force of the city schools follow: E. B. Conk Following is the monthly and ALLEGED THIEF ABRISTE». lin. George W. Eyre. Clara G. Hall. grand totals of the St. Louis fair at Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe. Mary Rltner. tendance since the opening on April W. R. t'olcinaii In Custody at Cany«»» Carrie L. Epple. Eva L. Wood. Neva 30; City, Wanted Here. l-ane. Rozena Epple. Pearl Wills, April. 1 day .............................. 147.733 W. R. Coleman wanted In this city Sadie Baum. Eva D. Froome. Stella L. May. 24 day..................................1.001,331 on a charge of horse stealing, was Marple. Pearl Rinearaon. Anna Lin June. 24 days............................. 3.124.834 placed under arrest yesterday after genfelter. Francelia Duncan. Maude July. 27 days .............................3.343.55T noon at Canyon City. Ore., and will Davis. Metta White, Alma Harris. August. 3S days ...................... 3.088.743 be held pending the arrival of an of Elinor Moorhouse. Rebah Gans. Car- September. 24 days.................. 3.451.873 ficer to bring him here. Coleman is lenetle Haley. Anna M. Deal. Edna October, 1 day .......................... 117.318 charged with taking a horse belong Uren and Nettie Elton. ing to a Ukiah farmer. The crime Is Grand total ........................... 13.515.511 The funeral of Mrs. Mary Wilson alleged to have taken place last week. United State* engineers declare Suspicion was directed toward was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock Coleman, but he had disappeared. from the residence of her parents at that unless systematic and regular Sheriff Taylor wired out descriptions Pilot Rock. The services were con dredging ts done in the Mississippi throughout the country and the fugi ducted by Rev. R. J. Dlven. field mis river, that It will become useless for sionary for the Presbyterian church. navigation. tive was soon located and arrested. I