Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by fear, uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth. the whole truth, about county. state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to «.lose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • Tbe East Oregonian of Pen dleton, Oregon, la published in the heart of the wonderful In Empire. You will find it is readable, reliable progressive, and wfli give the news reliably, accu rately and fully. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 11M>4 FIRST AAA AKENINR OF THE BETTER CLASSES NIL BATTLE IN PROGRESS I'ierj Orators. Priests. Ilisliops. Pre- Isle» mid Former Filipino Politic ian» W ill Address tin* Meeting— Cull for the Meeting Says th«1 Isl ander* Mu»t Awaken to Tlieir In terest«»—Are Being Cun»kterr>d by Ik-st F'.leiiH'iits in American Society —Priests Deeply Interested—Extra Force of Troop» Will Be at Hand to Keep Order. Russian Fleet Made Desper ate Sortie and Encountered the Japanese. FAILURE OF ATTEMPT TO RI X THE 1U.OCKADE. Fleet of Eight Chine»«' Junks Organ- i i/«-«i to Carry Arm« ami Provision» to Port Arthur—Japanese Fire on a British Vessel ami Capture it— Mudi Skirmishing in Manchuria With Little Resulting I'rum it— Russians Important Cap ture.---- KuRtpatkin Will Make Win ter Headquarters at Mukden. Landon. Oct. 6.—A Central News dispatch dated at Chee Foo. at 2 o'clock this morning, states that a big naval battle is proceeding out side of the harbor of Chee Foo. It is thought the Port Arthur fleet made a sortie to reach Chee Foo harbor and that the Russians encountered the Japanese squadron. Fired at British Vessel. Chee Foo. Oct. 6.—The British steamer. Chenan arived from Taku. reports that last night, when 60 mile« west of Mlatso Islands, a Japanese cruiser fired a shot which narrowly- missed striking the vessel. The ves sel was then boarded but was at once released. Secure Japan««-** Arms. Harbin. Oct. 6.—Refugees who succeeded in reaching here declare that the garrison at Port Arthur have taken 30.000 rifles, besides am munition. from Japanese soldiers fal len in the attacks on the strong holds. Manila. Oct. 6.—Fiery orators will sreak to a mass meeting of Filipinos Sunday, called for the purpose of ad vocating the independence of the islands. The call for the meeting says: "It would be inexplicable and even im proper for the Filipinos to fold their arms and remain passive at a time when the very best elements of Amer ican society are working ardently in order that our native land may at tain its ambition." The government is not interfering with the meeting. Every educated Filipino. priest, former politician and patriot in the city of Manila and in the vicinity is on the program for a speech. It is the first real awakening of the better class of Filipinos on the subject of independence and the ar dor displayed in the preparations for the meeting is contagious. The priesthood is especially jubi lant and many of the bishops, pre lates and high Catholic officials will advocate measures of peaceful inde pendence as soon as possible. An extra assignment of troops from Cavite will be at hand to assist In case of riot or disturbance. PANAMA is DISSATISFIED. PI VI KlM.llIvs IN SESSION PHELPS ORDERS GAMES ID STOP \\ ill Ap|a«al American Treat) to The llagm* Tribunal. New York. «let. 6 Senor Edouard Mangle, of Colon, who is here on a mission from the government of Panama, says that strong protests, which have been made from time to time by the republic of Panama against the methods employed by the I United States in taking authority over the isthmian canal zone, are reaching a crisis. Since the arrival here of a delega tion of leading men of the Panama government. It is learned a movement has been started to appeal to other nations through The Hague tribunal Declaring that conditions on the ENGLISH WINNER OF' "NO- EXD < AMI LAHT EVENING isthmus have become intolerable, rep resentatives of the new republic say BLE" PRUES “LICKED." AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS. that the treaty of Panama ratified with the United States has been con strued In a way never intended or U»lwr In Trennml Temple Ws» In Ilealili lli.d Been Falling tor Two thought of by the people of Panama. Year». But Critical Illness Lasted sulted by 1*>> iiiim > us Britisher—Ttwy it is declared that a feeling of in I'lliwiwfl In the . Convention Hall Only a Short Time—DI late. I Heart tense bitterness prevails throughout Panama, resulting in the movement II»« Exact Cause of Death—Has and U m * Briton Was Vanquished— to appeal for arbitration at The Women Delegates Cry “We Are Dis Been an Active Member ut die Hague. graced; We Are Disgrac'd '—I'slier Cabinet—I list istant W yuan Should the United States decline to Was Attending tu His Business Will A«t Until tlw Appointment— become a party to the proposed arbi AA In’ll llie FUlgllsilluan Insisted on tration. it Is argued, that Panama will Flags al Half-Mast — Postoffices j at least have published to the world Taking a Seit Not Belonging to W III < Iw Fritlay. Its case. Him. Portland Making sirenuou* I ffort» to I «1«-i.un» ««r < «»igratulatlons Rrs«riv-1 Lit ml 1903 Couveiition. «<1 amt «««*iit by tlw Body. Portland. Oct. 5 Portland and th«- I B««st«m t>< i. Z.- The peace con state <it 'iregon will be largely r«-pre-I ti • i».e-mbl<-d at 19 o'clock this sented at the 12th annual session of . A telegram ut greetings to the Irrigation congress to be held at H IK- -«.a 1'xall. of ¡Ajuduu, Fre«ler- Li Paso. Texas, on October 15. 16. 17 ick Harris an«i Andrew Carnegie, at and 18. The delegation will make an sklbo castle. effort to secure the convention of Many telegrams ut approval were 1905 for Portland. received from religious «organizations This decision »as reached at a throughout the country. Rabbi Levy, meeting held yesterday afternoon at ”f PK’sturg vice president of the the Commercial Club rooms by E. M. Universal Peace Union, aroused great Brannick. A. H. Devers and A. King enthusiasm by his address In which Wilson, president, treasurer and sec he denounced war as a fratricide. retary respectively of the Oregon Ir rigation association, and Tom Rlch- Man) isrman Y csm -I s . ardson. manager of the Commercial Portland. < »«-t 5.—Germany Is very ORDER THOUGHT BY GAMBL Club These men drew up a formal letter to A W. Gifford, secretary of much In evidence along the water- ERS TO BE TEMPORARY Including the Oriental liner the El Paso entertainment committee front Arabia there are four vesels in port making the above announcement The sailing president Brannick an«! his accosiates flvi g the German flag vessel* are the Emitle. the Anna and N«»nr of the Fraternity Refuse to say: ot«rj tlw Onler and A'ery I Jr tie Ex- “It Is the present Intention of the the Nomla. It Is very seldom that .arge fleet from that country commercial bodies of Portland to In • ciieanent I a < by it»— All vite the next session of the National Is in the harbor at the same time. Outfit* \r»- Idle Today—Bow Gam« Irrigation congress to meet in this M hen ashore the skippers are usual- Mer bays Hi. Pmpte .Are Always city. Beginning June 1 and ending :y together, and although they «-an Very Milling lijiMr) the Laws and October 15. the Lewis and Clark ex ' Ik g«»««d English, they speak in the position and Oriental fair will make langu.«re «if their mother tongue al < .a»w«queuil) .Are PleMed to («xa- Portlan«! a gala city. There will be most exr luslvely. While Germany is pl>—IG-venue to the City Will He displayed here a greater showing of • ell represented the British are still t.rvatl) Reduced. the products which come from irriga In the lead, having six vessels In port. tion than was ever presented tefore. Th.. . a-e the Durfriesshlre the Ruth- ell the Wray Castle, the Eskasonl. While this exposition will cost to ex Washington. Oct. 5—Postmaster ceed ft 000 ooo we are convinced the HartfleM an<j the Camavon Bay. Not a gambling game is in opera Boston. Oct. 4.—Hon. W. R Crem General Henry C. Payne. who has that the greatest lesson it will teach tion in the city of Pendleton today, On»- Kiln! in Wreck. er. member of parliament, leader of been seriously 111 but a few days, died will be Irrigation and Its re«ults." because ut the action last night of A'lanta Oct. 5—A passenger train District Attorney G. W., tn the British delegation to the Peace last evening at his apartments at the on the Augusta Southern railway ■erring notice on all gamblers that F'««rt,-F'ourth Oreg««' Ite|M»rt«. Conference and winner of the Nobl.- Arlington at « 15. went through a trestle over J«mes they must «ease operations. "I do r.ot Salem. Oct. 5. — The forty-fourth prize for promoting universal peace, The immediate cause of death is I creek near Gibson t«xtay. and one was ■ ’ ipate any trouble in enforcing volume of < «regon court report» Is in was badly "licked” by the usher at stated by the physicians to be dilated killed. The train ran into a burning the law." said Phelps, this morning. heart, which rendered medical assis the hands of the state printer and tro’le and derailed all except the en- ' and I shall arrest any person who Tremont Temple yesterday. Will soon be ready for publication, Cremer started to ascend the plat tance almost vain. His health had there still remaining a very little por glh“ All the cars were burned and attempts to operate a game of form * here only local notable* were been poor for the past two years and tion of the book that Is not In type aev«m passengers and the crew were chance. permitted The usher explained mat had gradually grown worse during •nd off the press. It will make a Injured. W. H. Shurley will die. I was glad to take the present ac ters and got abuse, to which he re the past few months, until It was good-sized book and will bring the tio: because of the complaints that I hinted that Mr. Payne would be com I'rautl < a«c* to Be Heard. torted. Then they clinched and the hear on all sides of the flagrant way supreme court reports up to the last Britisher was vanquished. The usher pelled to resign his position in the term of court. Wash «“« t O< • 4 —The appeal of which the town has been running cabinet, on account of the continued refused to apologise. August W Machen A Co . defendants wide open. All over tbe country I Cremer was wearing his “Noble" aggravation of his trouble. 'te j •’ ff;«e cot,»piracy rase was hear strangers remarking the laxity Man, H<*t>w»lrad I lling«. Mr. Payne was a prominent poli Prize at the time of the fight and In ' 'he United States circuit Walla Walla. Oct. 5.—Acordlng to c«.urt f appeal* this morning, and a of Pendleton's morale I hesitated at the struggle It was torn from his lapel tician a member of the national re first to take action, for 1 believe It publican committee, and a leading the «luarterly report of A. J Glili* and fell to the floor. more- the duty of the city government receiver of the local land office there member of the cabinet while tn his | the letter box fastener case The usher is a small man. weighing to regulate such thinga I do not have been 151 original homestead fil about 80 poun-ls less than Cremer, present position. wish to apear tn c heroic light in this George B. Cortelyou present chair-1 ing« during the quarter ending Sep Uiis-tan Expeslltion Miffcrw who Is a pompous, portly man. of In matter." man of the republican national com-| tember 10. Thl* covers 22.8»* 04 solent disposition. l»ndon Oct. 4—The Lhasaa expe- No Gansea Running. will sjecee-1 Mr. Payne as a«rres of land and brought In 81458 tn ditlrr, I* andergoing great hardships The clinch occurred near a gallery mlttee fee* and 81421 58 In commissions. n. marching toward India. It is said There appears to be no inclination In which were seated several women postmaster general. Th>* Is an unusually large number of ’b .• th. <*h>riese of Am ban signed the o the part of the gambling fraterni delegates, who screamed. “We are ihls class of entries for three months Angio-TTbeten treaty without recelv- ty to disobey the district attorney's PMofncew Hill Close. disgraced; we are disgraced'" • g 'he nercsaary permission from the mandate. A personal Inspection this Washington. Oct. 5—Flags on the momlr.g by a reporter for the East l'airhank» Turn« Eastward «Tiinese government. IVaor CtoigTv—« Elects. government building« are flying at Oregonian showed the banking garasa Truckee. Cal. Oct. i.— Fairbanks' Boston. Mass Oct 4.—Robert half-mast today out of respect of the and card tables tn all the houses, The presi last meeting In the Pacific Coast I Treat Paine, er., of Boston was today late postmaster general either boxed up or under car.vaaa elected president of the Intema'tanal dent will Issue a general order cios- states was held here al 7 o clock this« with hairs and stools piled bottom Peace Corgress. and Ben) :tn> . • » lie various executive departments morning owing to a misunderstand-1 side up on top of 'he tables. Trueblood of Boston. was re-eledted on Friday, the day of the funeral, Ing as to the time of the meeting, j but a small group assembled. The I The unemployed dealers, boosters secretary. The congress held Its first here. and hangers-ofi of tbe houses ars formal business meeting today. Every postoffice In the United senator shook han«lr and chatted with I •Landing In the bar rooms or on the Meetings will be held State* will be closej during the hour* the faithful streets today, awaiting something to at Virginia City and Carson City. Ne PREPARING FUR IltltlGATORA. ; of the funeral. turn up. The service* here will be held at ' vada. and at Reno. Nev., tonight. Fl Paso Eiprct» Monster Crowd at St. John's Episcopal church and will j ttesnblers Not Kicking : be well attended by ail he prominent I Uamk-r» In Sight Dn««>» Irrigation Congrv*. Not a gambler In the city has been BIX llolT MAS INDIAN Portland. Oct 5.—While suffering | fnur.d to express erttictsm of the dis El Paso. Texas. Oct. 5.—A. W. official* of the government and rep- I resen tat I ve» of foreign nations. from nervous prostration Miss Annie I OBJEtTION Is GROt XDLFXs trict attorney's action. "It is his or Gifford, secretary of the Southwest The remains will be shipped to ■ E. Kenne«*y left her bedroom and. at ders that we clooe.” said one. "and ern Irrigation Asso«-lat:on. has re for tire«I in her night robes, wandere-1 we re great people to obey the turned from California. where he has Wiocons'n on Friday afternoon been ever since the adjournment of the final funeral services, which will ' • bout from 8 o'clock until 7 this AxiuufaHt Against < «»mtened Harve»- law." be held In Ail Saint's Episcopal momlng gho then entered the resi «• r* »aid b) Mr. Holl to Be Inspir the Mining Congress, August 2«. Usually when a town is "closed" on Sunday dence of friends at No. 46 East Sev During his sojourn In the Golden church at Milwaukee es! b) Agents of statiunar) Ma- the kr.tghts cf the green doth, ha»- morning Interment be in Forest enth street and was cared for until state, he has visited San Francisco. ciiinee—He Claim* U m « < oiubiiMxi ti » pack the r teiescopes and depart returned to her home Oakland. Fruitvale. Los Angeles and Home cemetery. save» tbe Indian Much Muncy__ for fresher pastures. But in the Berkeley for the purpo*» of awaken Northweei ,r«t st present the new M« mb I Itamagr» Repairrwl • Mr liMiian *a»ed »luOO on 200 fields are scat e and trespass notice« Wynne is Acting Chief. ing enthusiasm in the coming Irriga lien ver. OcL 5. — The flood situa Acer» I ln» A car. Washington. Oct. 5—First post tion congress and to secure exhibits are many, no ,t is apparent that Pen therefor. master Genter Wynne was this morn tion In Oklahoma. New Mexico and dleton is to retain the presence of a Kan«»» continues to Improve. No Much Interest, h- states, is manifest ing formally designated by the presi few score of 'floating population" for more rain has fallen. Railroads are The agiGtiun among the Umatlllaa some time to come. In the November meeting In that sec dent to perform the duties of post- tion of the country and not only is a 1 master general, pending the appoint rushing repairs and the Santa Fe •K.> li * th. use of combined har- Income Umsn Fine*. w-ilt have trains into Las Vegas. New ' esters, de* lares Ben Holt, manager full del» cation of about 150 members ment of a new member of the cabi Last month 14 gambling houses Mexico, tonight. No more lives are ■ ■f thi Holt Brothers Combined Har certain to come to El Paso from Cali net. reported lost. vester Company for the Northwest, paid fines of 875 each. This month fornia. but the fruit growers will is tbe work of «ertalti stationary the mount of each fine was Increas send exhibits of fruit and wine and RI VDA FOR Till I VIR. agents. ’ The Indian." said Mr. ed to 8166. Including the fines on cartons of fruit, wines and nuts for Holt ti » morning.' is not opposed gamblers inmates and keepers of distribution among visitors and dele Walla Walla I» ITi-|>are<l to Entertain gates. to the combine. as a matter of fact hous- s of Hítame, and other offer sea Her V'l»ll<>r«. the -evenues of the city of Pendleton he knows it saves him money. Secretary Gifford went before the Walla Walla. Oct 4.—Two car "I was talking to a prominent In- last month were Increased to almost California Promotion Club and se load* of horses arrived at the race 81*00 The money derived by the cured a promise of its co-operation- dian farmer yesterday who informed track yesterday from the state fair city said a prominent Pendleton of- also the state board of trade These me that he saved fully 8100* on a at North Yakima and were quartered organizations sent out hundreds of -••«•■acre field by harvesting it with f, a', "is very helpful to the town, at the racing stable*. They will be letters to as many California towns, a combine. This little talk about but things have be enrunntng a little put in training at once for the meet too wide open and we can well forego asking fruit growers to send exhibits eing their straw, is merely an ex next week. the income " recommending that strong delegations cuse The Indian who protests has The horse* have all been on the M PREME HU RT l>E< 1*- attend the Irrigation congress. been urged to do so. circuit for the past three week* and INDUSTRIOUS TRIBE. Assistance was also obtained from "Business this year in my line has KiN lb A SURPRISE are In excellent condition, but their the industrial department of the been better than ever before. The owners are determined that they Warm ««pring Indian« Earn Money in Southern Pacific, which will take up combine Is no longer an experiment must be In better shape for the con Hop Field«*. the convention subject at once and Jutlg»'» *tan<l Tlirw Io <»« h « tn I'nxor and the farmers realize thia The test In which they will participate exploit 1! in the Sunset Magazine About <0 Warm Spring Indiana of 1-a Follette I'aciioii—licit Thai stationary machines must go.” during the fair. one of the best publications on the Mr Holt makes his headquarters men. wot. a and children, arrived at Steve Bailey, of Seattle, brought an MI hti « ill«’ Convi-ntlon II«« Regu Pacific coast. in Walla Walla. He departed this Chemawa recently and pitched their excellent bunch and the Cushman lar tin« Action of the Regular Part» morning for The Dalles and Port tepees on the school grounds, says string was In the lot. Mart Lynch DELEGATES ARE NAMED. Authorities Must Stand—he»«- Re land. the Uhemawa American. also arrived yesterday from North ceived at Headquarter« With Satis They are the genuine tame “wild Yakima with Francisco, the Walla «Mivernor Appoints Prominent Ore Killed a Bear With a Dtrk. injuns." with their gaudy blanketa faction. Walla favorite. Francisco Is In fine gonians to Two Contention*. Portland. Oct. 5..—Killing a bear long hair, moccasins, huge ear rings fettle and It Is expected that he will Salem. Oct. 5—Governor Chamber They are headed by tbe with a hunting knife has not often and beads do some fast racing during the early lain has made the following appoint Madison. WIs.. Oct. 5.—La Follette <■ -curred since the days of Davy great Chief Quehpama II. and were hours of the day. ments of delegates of men who are The track is being worked every wins the supreme court decision tn Crockett, but the method was brought tn search of work in the hop fields going to attend, and other appoint day and will be in excellent shape for the factional republican fight in this into fashion again Sunday afternoon •nd may have searched tn vain had ments will be made later, when the Superintendent Campbell state. by James Short, a resident of Wash Assistant the opening of the fair. governor ascertains who will be able The decision was three to one. Cas ougal Wash . w ho stabbed a big. not come to their rescue and made Demands for stalls and pens for to attend: blooded stock are coming in dally and sady dissenting. Section 35 of the shaggy brute to death after a des arrangements tor them to pick in the To the 15th session of the Trans- every bit of the available space has Wisconsin law was quoted as author perate encounter lasting 30 minutes. Wler field with the Chemawa stu Misslsslppl Commercial Congress, to already been reserved. Carpenters ity for the decision. This provides Weakened by loss of blood. Short dents. be held at St. Louis, October 25th to It Is ms de as pleasant for them as are at work constructing an addition that in ease of the division of a po fell in his tracks alongside of the 2tth inclusive: al number and Secretary Caswell says litical party, the preference is even dead bear, and was found by two possible during their stay at Chem- C. H. Breck. Baker City. he will be In a position by the middle If the convention held, was pursuant .ompanlons who had accompanied awa. The men work in the hop field* J. K Reader, Ashland. of the present week to supply all the to the call of the regularly constitut- him out Into the woods for a morn during the day. while the women re L R. Barrow. Portland. main In camp and weave baskets. The ing ramble. demand It Is expected that a ma e«l party authorities. Henry E. Dosch. Portland. baskets made by this tribe are the jority of the stock will be at the track The decision of the state central E. M. Brannick. Portland. best and most sought for of any on by Friday or Saturday. MEETING* FOR PORTLAND. committee in placing the La Follette R. G. Enstwlck. Portland. the coast. ticket on the ballot. Is presumed to T. B. Wilcox. Portland. On Friday eventng a party of the »•> 1 ar 13 Convention» Arc Scheduled Negro llnngvd for Murder. be just and must stand. James M Moon. Portland. for the City During the Ia*wl* and men and women, wrapped In their Washington. Pa., Oct 4.—James To the 12th National Irrigation most gorgeous blankets, attended the Decision Pl«‘a«cs I<*atlcrs. Clark I'air. tongress. to be held at El Paso. Callahan, colored, was hanged In the regular weekly social and stayed un Chicago. Oct. 5. - The Lai Follette Texas. November 15th to 18th. inclu county jail at 10:15 this morning for So far Portland Is assured of 13 til the very last, evidently enjoying <le< islon Is received at national re the murder, last February, of Moss sive. conventions during the I^wls and Ray. also colored. Carraghan sus- publican headquarters as an undis Clark fair, with many more in pros to the fullest extent what to them J. K. Reader, Ashland. must have been a strange sight. guised relief. It is believed it re pected Ray of Intimacy with hi* wife, James M. Moon. Portland. pect. The 13 mentioned do not in moves Wisconsin from the doubtful a white woman. E. W. McDaniel, Baker City. clude many state meetings which are A MUF..AT KING. list It is expected that the "Stal A. H. Devers, Portland. to be held there, but comprise the wart" ticket will be withdrawn. Grullon's Victim Dies. E. M. Brannick. Portland. list of national events which will take Ho»» Jacob Hoffman of Eureka Flat*. Portland. Oct. 6.—Pierre Serge- p!u<e In Portland next year. Began Hi« Career. Op|M>««' t arnHal l\«n»x««. Th»- races at The Dalles district fair Ktsslow. who was shot by Adolph Those now schedule«! for a regular Walla Walla. Oct. 5. — Walla Walla Jacob Hoffman, second wheat king are open only to horses belonging In Grudon. the Insane umbrella dealer. meeting tn Portlan«! during the year property owners are protesting of "Eureka Flats," has just sold to . Monday, died last night. the district. 1905. are as follows: against the action of the Southern Photographers' Asoclatlon of Paci Portland buyers 30.000 bushels of Carnival Coni|«any. which is to show fic Northwest. Associated Fraternities wheat from this fall's harvest, at 75 here next week. In fencing up por of America National Good Roads As- cents a bushel, reserving about 25 tions of certain street*. A remon ««lation. \mertcan Medical Asocla- per cent of his crop for feed and strance was filed last night with the tlon United Commercial Travelers of other purposes. This wheat was rais city council but no definite action Oregon and Washington, Order of ed on land that 15 years ago waa re has been taken. Rail»».iv Conductors. National Con garded as arid and worthless, and ference of Charities ami Correction most of It »»as bought from the O. R. Mct iellan Remove* < «iiiiini— toiler*. Residents of Pendleton and Uma I local merchants. Pacific Coast Electric Transmission 4. N. Co. for 82.50 per acre. Today tilla county are now being harassed Local merchants are resident here New York. Oct. 5.— Major McClel »««elation. National Women's Suf it produces ail average of 30 bushels l»y three or four steel range peddlers and help support the county and city lan today removed the entire civil frage Asoclatlon. North Pacific Saen- of bluestem wheat to the acre, and who have lately come into the coun governments, while these transient service commission. Park Commis gerbund. National Asoclatlon of Let the grower nets about 52 cent* a peddlers contribute nothing to the sioner Schmidt, of Bronx, was also ter Carriers. Order of Hoo Hoo. Lewis bushel the cost of raising the grain try. b«>ing 23 cents a bushel. Under pretense of selling a good government. Local merchants sell a dismissed. It Is charged the officials I.oyal Legion. Twelve years ago "Jake" Hoffman range at a "dirt cheap" price on easy better article for less money on bet certified to illegal pay rolls in the l>ro*|MX,tive Conventions. terms, these peddlers sell an article ter terms and people should not be park department. was a young German harvest hand, American Society of Civil Engin working In the field for W H. Bab that Is Inferior In every way to goods deceived by the plea that because Unless the Chicago Federation of eers. American Asoclatlon of Travel cock of Walla Walla He began by handled by home merchants. they these stoves are sold by peddlers that take notes for the stoves sold. Imme they are better or cheaper than the Iatbor complies »«Ith the rule* of the ing Passenger Agents, League of leasing a tract of land, and gradually Sportsmen, American succeeded In ac«fuirlng possession of diately sell the note to the local bank home article. Don't patronize a peil- general federation, at Its meeting In American and leave the country, taking out dler an long as a home merchant car November. It »«III be expelled from Christian Convention. State Press As arid lands and bringing them into a sociation of the Pacific States. the general body. state of fertility.—Pacific Northwest. good money that should be spent with ries what you need. International Peace Congress Postmaster General and In the Scene of a Lively Fist fluential Politician Passes Away. Fight. PARKER DECLINES TO SPEAK. Camlhlate Mill Not Take tin* stump in tlu* < ani|utign. New York. Oct. 6.—In a statement issued this morning from the national democratic quarters. Chairman Tag gart announced that Parker has ful ly determined, after carefully consid ering the matter, not to go on the •tump. Such speeches as he deems desira « 111 RCHEs ARE IDENTICAL ble to make may be made at Rose Archbisiaip of Canterbury Say» doser mont. Taggart says the incident is closed and those tn charge of the Union Is Needed. campaign fully approve the deter Boston. Oct. 6.—The Archbishop of mination of Parker. Canterbury today addressed the house of deputies of the Episcopal general A'oung «lilin»«' I'ollik-ians. sessions. He said the paramount San Francisco. Oct. 6.—Native necessity was to work for the family and home relations between the Eng Sons of the Golden State Is the name lish church and the church of the given to a new organization of Chi United States, which are identical, nese young men. Although using the I rather than fraternal or filial. name of Native Sons, the Chinese parlor has no connection whatever with the original organization. One Natives Slaughter Portuguese. Lisbon. Oct. 6.—Troops operating alm in common with the original or against the Guanhamas in Portuguese ganization is mutual benefit for mem West Africa were ambushed with a bers. and as an influence In Chinese politics. loss of 254 killed and 50 wounded. No Change in Situation. St. Petersburg. Oct. 6.—General Sakharoff reports today that Tues day passed with no change in the sit uation. Skirmishes occurred at Hun- lipu between our outposts an«J four companies of Japanese infantry. One squadron of cavalry reinforcements and outflanking movement was or dered. compelling the Japanese to re tire to Tadusampo with considerable less. In the evening a detachment of Cossacks approached within four NEW JETTY HAS M ADE verst es of the Yentai mines and met A DEEPER CHANNEL. four squadrons of Japanese with three companies of infantry. The Japanese retired. Our force recon Passage Is Scouring Out and Scon noitered the Japanese position and llie Largv-t Vessel* Can Filter die returned, having lost one killed and Columbia Without Peril—Work on three wounded. Two Japanese were tile Jeltk«* Will Be Iiiscontinued taken prisoners. Because of die Dense Fog—Drexlg- ing Will Continue Until Rough Attempt to Run Blockatle Failed. Weather. Tokio. Oct. 6.—The Japanese fleet, off Port Arthur today, captuared a junk laden with provisions which Portland. Oct. 6.—Results of the was trying to enter the harbor. State ments of the crew indicate the exist extension of the government jetty at ence of a fleet of 80 junks, organized the mouth of the Columbia are al to run the blockade from the vicinity ready apparent in the increasing of Tsingtan. The junks were to enter depth of water upon the bar. The at night, the Russian guns and mines scour produced by the jetty is stead given them the advantage over the ily slicing of the top of the bar. so that recent soundings are said to vessels of the blockading fleet. give materially better depth than those taken a year ago. Will Winter at Mukden. Major Langfitt. the government St. Petersburg. Oct. 6.—A telegram engineer in charge of the jetty work, from Mukden asserts that Kuropat declines at this time to give particu kin has ordered his troops to prepare lars as to the results of recent sound for winter quarters at Mukden. This ings. saying that a report will proba indicates that Kuropatkin thinks the bly be completed next month and un danger of a successful attack on the til then he prefers not to make any city by the Japanese is remote. definite statement. “You can say this, however.” he Torjicdo Boat» Damage*!. said, "there are evidences that the St. Petersburg. Oct. 6.—According jetty is causing a scour which is re to a telegram from Chee Foo. three ducing the bar. We have taken some Japanese torpedo boats were damag sounding.» and we shall take more ed off Chee Foo during the storm this mor .h or next. Then a map will yesterday evening. be prepared showing the results." Work upon the jetty will probably end for this season about December W. & C. R. El.FITS OFFICERS. 1. The Chinook will continue dredg Old Officer* All Re-elected and Con- ing as long as the weather is favor able, but it is expected that she will dltlon of the System is Prosperous. not be able to work later than the Walla Walla. Oct. 6.—At the an first week in November, on account nual meeting of the stockholders of of the fogs. the Washington & Columbia River railway, held yesterday, every share BOISE ICE FAMINE. of stock was represented, either by person or by proxy. Stock I* Completely Exhausted ami z The meeting received reports of the Plant Can't Supply the Demand. year's work and appointed a board of trustees without change. Immedi Portland. Oct. 6.—The Boise peo ately after the adjournment of the ple are up against an ice famine and stockholders’ meeting, the trustees from the present indications the re re-elected the old board of officers, frigerators in private houses will re which was as follows: main as only a pleasant memory of ‘ President. Howard Elliott. the hot summer days. Vice-president and general man Yesterday the ice companies noti ager. Joseph McCabe. fied their private customers that no Secretary, George H. Earl. more ice would be furnished to them. Assistant secretary. R. H. Helf. All of the natural ice has been ex Comptroller. M. P. Martin. hausted and the only supply now is Assitant comptroller. Rowland that made at the artificial ice plant. Smith. Hotels, restaurants, butcher shops, Treasurer, C. A. Clark. saloons and drug stores, or places Assistant treasurer. J. G. Cutler. where perishable goods are kept, will tie supplied. In case of sickness, also, ice will be supplied. Social!»! Candidate Coming. The dealers claim that they put up Spokane, Oct. 6.—O. Lund, state committeeman of the socialist party, as much as last season as usual, but received a communication today that the demand has been much from William Mailly, national secre greater than expected. It has taken tary, saying that Benjamin F. Han an unusual amount to supply the re ford, the socialist candidate for vice- frigerator cars to move the immense president. could be in Spokane Octo fruit crop, Armour & Co. alone tak ber 25, if suitable arrangements ing 800 tons from Butler Bros. The rapid growth of the city has alBO con could be made. tributed toward depleting the stock. The demand for ice at the present Hearst Case Postponed. time amounts to about 10 tons per Washington, Oct. 6.—The case of day. while the capacity of the ice William Randolph Hearst against plant Is only about five tons. George the anthracite coal roads which v.-iu Butler of Butler Bros., has just re assigned for a hearing before the in turned from a trip all along the line terstate commerce commission at of the Oregon Short Line to replenish Chicago, on the 11th, has been trans his stock, but at every place there ferred to Ne v York for hearing Oc was the same condition that exists tober 24. in Boise, and he was unable to secure a pound. Mr*. Curzon Improves. Payne's Body in State. London, Oct. 6.—A bulletin issued Milwaukee, Oct. 6.—The body of from Walmer Castle this morning, announced that Lady Curzon passed Payne will lie in state in the city hall a better night and is a little stronger from Saturday evening at 8 o'clock today. until Sunday noon. IO VV IX I lli: lllllli. VTORS. Fairbank« In Utah. Elko. Nev.. Oct. 6.—Fairbanks ar rived here at 8:13 alter a pleasant night's ride through Nevada. He spoke to a large crowd on current Issues. He is still seriously hoarse. Senator Smoot, of Utah, has joined the party and Kerns, of Utah, is to join the party today. The only other meeting today is at Ogden. Two Burned to Death. New York. Oct. 6.—In a fire which partially destroyed a coal barge at the foot of Conover street. Brooklyn, this morning. Patrick Harrington and Joseph Zear.eri were burned to death and Captain Gartman was seriously burned. Union Tcam«ters Strike. Cincinnati. Oct. 6.—All the union coal teamsters of the city went on a strike this morning for an increase of wages and recognition of the union. BOYS’ CONFESSION CLEARS MYSTERY W A» THOUGHT TO BE A HORRIBLE MURDER Minnie Barmen I ng Kills Herself In Pn-s-iuT of A'oung Brotliers and »l-ter» Fearing It Would Cause a Shock to tlie Mother. U m * Tltonght- iul Boy Cat Down tin- Body—Pix«e Was Organised to Hunt Down Peddler Suppow-d to Be tin« Mur derer—Boy Conf<-»a*l to Ills Sis ter's suichle in Time to Save Uw l*c«ldler. Chicago. Oct. 6.—From the confes sion of John Harmeniug. a brother of 15-year-old Minnie Harmenlng. who was believed to have been murdered In her father's bam near Palatine. Wednesday, it developed today that the girl hung herself to a rafter in the barn. The boy and two younger children discovered the body and cut it down and hid the rope in order to save the parents from the shock. Today the brother broke dowrn and confessed. A posse had been organized to hunt down a Polish peddler seen at the house yestenlay evening. as It was believed he was guilty of the supposed murder. As the leader of the posse was ask ing the state penitentiary for the use of bloodhounds for the chase, the boy confessed to having seen his sis ter commit suicide and also that he knew his mother would be crazed if she saw the body hanging, and cut it down to make the crime more bearable for his mother. Chicago Wheat Prices. Chicago. Oct. 6.—December wheat opened at 81.11% and closed at 81.0»%. May opened at 81.11 % and closed at 8110. Corn opened at 51% cents and closed at 49% cents. Oats opened at 31% cents and closed at 30 % cents. No I«ocal Sales. Wheat on the local market is not quoted today. There have been no sales for several days. Club Is about 72 cents and bluestem 77 cents. Herreros Vanqiilshesl. Berlin.’ Oct. 6.—General Von Throtlie In command of the German forces, operating against the rebel Herreros in Southwest Africa, cabled today that he has quelled the rebel lion and is now pursuing the rem nants of th« Insurgents. District Attorney Has Just “Discovered” Gambling in Pendleton. SIVS COMBINES ME HEBE TO SIH Lft FOLLETTE WON FACTIONAL FIGHT THE STEEL HINCE GRAFTERS ME HERE