Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION, • • o • • • • • • • • Unswayeti by fear, uninflu- en«-ed bv favor, the East Ore- gonlan will tell the truth. the whole truth, about county. state ami national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to .dose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. • • • • • • • • • • • A.S Tbe East Oregonian of Pen- • dleton, Oregon, is published in the heart of the wonderful In- • land Empire. You will And • that It is readable, reliable • and progressive, and will give • you the news reliably, accu- • rately and fully PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, HMM Walla Walla Orphan-' ami Willow-' Asylum Reatly to O|s*n. tained Intact by Hill. St. Paul to take th* N«*rthern Pai lfi«*, and the Atchi son to be merged with the Erie, merger to be dissolved. Walla Walla. Sept. 29. If there Is no hitch In the present plans, the Stubblefield home for Indigent wid lllglx-r 4'alifornia Must M»«> I'a) ows ami orphans vs ill be ready for oc cupancy early in IK'tober. Superin Bouiitl»-» on \\ lid A ululala. tendent A. R Ol«ls anti Mrs. Olds, the Willows, »’al.. Sept. 28.—Dr. Chaa. matron, are now ut the home superin Keane, the state veterinarian. hai I tending the work of getting the Print Imaginary Article From Farmers on Reservation Wei J uki paid an official visit to this vl Sales Days of the Organiza place in shape for the opening. clnlty. He finds the cattle in an ex- Alarmed at Conditions in Port Arthur the Russian Admiral Tlie new hot water heating appara I cellent condition, but advises greater Roosevelt Reflecting on the come Enforcement of Rent preiautlon in the destruction of the tion for 1904 Were Sue tus has been installed and the plumb Makes Bold Dash for Open Sea. ers are now busy placing the pipes I « art'asse* of dea>! animal*. , Regulations. Chicago Strikers. and radiators in the rooms in the He advocates the covering of the cessful. building This work will t>e complet carcasses with «'«»al oil and the n burn- ed this week. ing. Thl* method has prove •d quite effe<-tlve in stamping out the anthrax, I Applications for admission to the EVENING l*»>sl EHI Tolti II. Meets 11 m * Watchful .la|M»iu'«** an<l Limp- Baek Into tlx- Harbor With a which had gained «tulle a f<x>thold In I home are already being received by Noi sATIsl »TORT. the region of Colusa, an«l with Its con U Is SOLD !\ THE POOL the trustees. Many of them have Di-abhsl Warship ami S oiim * G o si P'v|s*riemv*—Japanese \rv Sahl to tinuance there for another month com«* from Walla Walla and Vmatllla Keane ex|*cls to have ’he d seaxe en counties, while a few requests have Have Captured Baling Pa— Near Makdeu—Annie- Now llefuro Muk- Iwen received from other counties in W«--tern l’ajMT- A«*ce|>t«sl Personal T. J. Twissly -a). Renters UHI Be tirely eradicated. •»-«■rotar) J. II. Gwinn, of Orogrm As- «leu Compri.*«* 2.50.(MH> Men. Each—-lap- Have UHM» Gun-. ■ I m - K i —lan- A mam meeting ot the Rtockmen's laith the states of Washington and l tterancr« oi Ila* Pre-I«lcnt »• Gra <*la«l t<* Have signature of Secre »M-ialion. Says U m * Mianlko Meet Defense Association has been called Oregon. There are already enough nine ami l *ssl Tìietn lo l’rvjmlitv tar» of tlx- Interior Atta«-lu*d to to further raise the bounty on ani ing was U m * Best Ever Held—At- applicants to fill the home, and the Volcrs—Imaginary < «>rn -|s>n<l«-mv It Is pro- Their lwa«M—UHI Uso Welcome mal* that prey upon stock indications are that there will be te«Mlai>ce of 75 to K3 mjk I ».real En- more than can be accommodated at Beinevn Roosa-vell ami Dtnincllv tlx- < liang«' \\ lik h Makes lite In- p.»x*d to raise the 82-50 bounty on Uiustaton—.Nine I xmx U A-xx-laUou* cojotes and to place a bounty on the present time. Wa- Print«sl a- «ieiiulm* lx*lter In «lian Agent tlx- lit* I pier it of Imilan With a Tots! Merntx-rstilp of 209 London. Sept. 29.-—The Rome cor They also charged the Japanese with bear« and panthers Denver Magaziiw—Posi Come- Co Rent Money as II Will Do Away respondent of the Exchange-Tele- ; firing on Russian burial parties, in No»» » on>pri*w tlx- state Aso«-iaU<«a IIIE tONNEtTHlT I. M SCHEI» graph wires that a telegram has beei pursuance of their policy to under ti le Rescuc ami Reileves Inienw Utili tlx* Ilcrnnl Nagging of lite — A—•>-—<iM-iit of 8J |*er IWO slteep received from the commander of the mine the Russians' health by means stir In l’emllctoti < Ircies. lisllan IzuKlIonl. ls-)inl to iH-fra) Et|M-nw« of o- (»raixhlaiigliler of l.imsalns Naval Italian squadron in the Far Eas: of odors from the unburied dead. < a<Mli«lale Take- a Day's Rc-t at eta Um. Swretary CliriMeixtl tix* Bost. stating that the Russian warship; Great Fall-, After Hartl < ani|x«lgn- Brooklyn Navy Yard. Sept. 29.— made à sortie from Port Arthur to Vivan«*»* on Ku—ian Front. ing. New Y'ork, Sept. 28 - The alleged "1 feel sure that I speak the sen day, but were quickly attacked by London. Sept. 29.-—A Central News Amid the cheers of th<iusands. the Great Falls. Mont Sept. 28.—Th* Togo's ships and oblige«! to return t.> dispatch from St. Petersburg, states waiving of flags ami booming of can f«»rgery of the president's signature to timent of every renter on the Vmatllla Th.- su«*«ess Of the sales »Lay plan the harbor. One warship was badl» that a telegram has been received at non. the battleship »Connecticut, de a magazine article printed In Denver, reservation, when I say that the rent Fairbanks' special arrived at * o’clock ..f «>r*g,,i 'Hilmra to j»ooi their pro- which reflect« on the Chicago meat er welcomes the rigid enforcement of this morning after a slow night run damaged. ■lii t has tx-en demonstrated by the the Russian capital from the front, signed to staml as the most Impress strikers, has created Intense stir tn all the regulations concerning the from Butte on the Great Northern. expressa«»ns of approval that «.«»me indicating that the Japanese are mak ive of fighting machines afloat, was political circles. leasing of Indian lands." said T. J Meetings at Boulder and Marysville iron, the sh«*epm*ii who attended the ing an advance along the entire Rus successfully launche«l at 11:19 this Fighting Force lix-rea-evl. The source of the letter was ex Tweedy, one of the most prominent were abandoned by the state commit r* ■ t state .«axelation meeting at morning. Tokio. Sept. 29.—It is stated at sian front. <’hiñese in the neighbor Miss Alice Welles, a granddaughter plained trxlay. when the Evening Post farmers on the reservation this morn tee. and a meeting was held at 19 S' •’*•■' retar> J. H. Gurtnn. of the foreign office that the new con hood are flocking to Mukden. o'clock this morning Instead. of Gideon Welles, secretary of th- printed a letter and lntr«xluctory par- ing. th* Oreg«,:, Wouigroxers' Association scription regulations are to augmen «graph which appeared tn Its editor "We feel more secure In our leases Fairbanks and Dolliver will have a navy under Uncoln. christene«! the who has returned from the xmeions Fmw Will Be Equnl at Mukden. the available fighting force J>y about ial column« August 1. v hen the signature of the secretary day's rest here after the many meet at Shaniko, said: battleship. Rome. Sept, 29.—The St. Peters- 200.000 men. The caption and introductory para of the Interior is attached to them; ings *>f the past few «lays "The pooling s>stem has been the burg correspondent of the Italia Mil graph. which explains and Justifies we will farm our lamia Just as In the Neither show the effects of their Carey Net Not Bead. rneatis of securing a better and more i la ire reports that in the impending Meetings will be the letter, says "President Rons- |s>st minus the eternal nagging of hard campaigning British steamer Stopped. Salem. Sept. 29.—The state land velt to Donnelly: The following let- the Indian landlord, when the agent held at Big I»«lge and Helena tonight. uniform price tor wool and thus one battle at Mukden, Kuropatkin will Chee Foo. Sept. 29.—The British of the highest ob Je» is of the associa- have a force equal to if not superior board has been Informed by the gen ter is one which Presldent Roosevelt is made the sole recipient of Indian steamer Yik Sang, arrived here today to the enemy. The Russian force will eral land office that the Carey land tion has been a< < omplished. Between 4OINTY COI KT miti \TENED might have written with advantage rent money, and every man who Is and repor’ed that she was stopped by amount to 250.000 mer with 800 act. supposed to have expired by llm- 9.909.099 and 7.00«. 999 pounds of to himself and his country." now farming on the reservation with a Japanese torpedo boat destroyer, guns. The Japanese w.d have th* itatlon on August 18, 190«. Is still in <*.l wer* shipped out of the Shaniko Talk of l.»n«1ilng 4 ««»nnilxdoncr at Th* letter then follow« The en money Invested in teams, farming im outside Chee Foo harbor. country this year and it is estimated same number of men and 100*1 guns. force. the provision being that it re tire letter was reprinted in several plements ar,4 other equipment wlU Butle Over I3«x-ti<«n \p|x4uUix-nt» t •« —-th* 2 * 999 pounds were main in force until lands s-*t aside Western papers as a genuine letter feel that he is fully secured in his Butte. Mont.. Sept. 2 4.—Threats sold outside the pooL" Jap- Capture Baling I’ll—. Ku—ia Exteixls Term of Eiili-iuxm under it are reclaimed. from the president to Donnelly lease, with the s.gruiture of the sec »ere freely made her* this morning, I’- -» Manning Ever Heid. St. Petersburg. Sept. 29.—A report Tokio. Sept. 29.—An emergency The strikers are very angry with retary attached to It. while with ths that the county commissioner would Kn*tk* Enthuda»t Injured. has reached here from Mukden that order under the conscription law was the president. Mr Gurtnn dBeterss that the recent old verbal agreement with the Indian be lynched or driven out ot the cltly the Japanese have assumed the offen grixetted this morning. The new or Col lenders Point. Conn.. Sept. 29. now in force, no one knows the ten unless the board rescinds its action In meeting of the w«»o<growera was one sive and captured Dating Pass. Th- dinance extends the perio«ls of serv —William Steigler. a <*apltaltst and briti - ii su muti ns» i» of the most Important in point of ab ure of his lease nor feels sure of his naming the election officers. Russians, it is said. evacuated the ice of second-class reservists from Arctic exploration enthusiast, was fa le lance and In matter of enthuM- stipulation »Ith the Indian owner of The people's party chairman, in a pass without serious resistance, Th. five to 10 years and abolishes the dis tally injured last night In a runaway the land." man«iamua suit in the district court, aam ever held- "There were between report is unconfirmed. tinction between conscripts of the accident. His homes bolted at the al leg»-» that the commissioners named 78 and »5 delegates present." he sard. first and second-classes of reserves. gate of the residence and he was * ■ of the prtn« .pal matters discuss TEMPORARY MIRRI M.I - the election officer* from the demo Th* change will necessitate a new thrown to the ground. tklor- Drive Jap- From Victory. cratic employ*« ot the Amalgamated ed and acted upon Is the opening ot Washington. Sept. 27 — The depart the Blue mountain forest reserve to Chee Foo. Sept. 29.—Russians re scheme of division of the organixa- ment of Justice this morning, upon <^s«rgc Mi-mlllii Says Time of Coa- Copper Company, over the protest of the sheep graxers. The expressions HoM-l p K i«'tini Dies. siding here claim to have information tion of the army. i the other parti»-« tract Marriages Is Cuming request of the state department. In of the sheepmen tn the form ot a that the Japanese lost 7000 in the last Seattle. Sept. 29.—James Murphy, structs the district attorney for Ma*»- London. Sept. 21.—A silly-season Not Concerned in tiie War. rexdutlon will be submitted to the assault on Port Arthur, which begai one of the three men shot by robbers achuaetts to take |- «-per step« to sei newspaper dhwussion of the marriage s*«retar> of the Interior. St. Petersburg. Sept, 29.—Upon th* in th* saltxin hold-up Monday night. on the 19th. It is also claimed the aside a Judgment < t Judge Pbelp« at question has provoked an opinion Uoahl Improve Range-. Japanese were forced to retire from czar's arrival from Southern Russia, dle«l this morning. lee. whereby Th r I .*—-cretary Guer from George Meredith, who In an in three forts captured by them on ac he will go to his hunting lodge at Bie- In effect the Slate Woolgrower* A*- ney, of the Brltisl. ■ mlxssy. was fined terview In the Dally Mail, welcomes count of the stench from the corpses lovezch. for a fortnight's shooting. so »ation recommends that the same 822 for con* trip: --f court and the free discussion of the subject, though pr«» - dur* be followed in the matter same amour: P- «. .er-«pee41ng an as he confesses "everything that of pasturage in the Blue mountain re- auto. ought to be said has to be cut In half " I AVOIts ».OODNOW SAYS THE UNION SPIRIT Ser-.e that is foil« wed In the <’aacadea. He predicts a change in the legal HAS COME TO STAY . -- eTeeexfoe ***»4 t* that after the Prut. p; 1.«vire a lut <»uemey. ends of marriage and foreshadows a Charge- Acain-t Consul < »Encrai tre first >ear permits be granted for a state of society permitting marriages Boston, f - . ' 27. — The state depart to sun Be* l*rv-*a*d. Pro-xlent of the American Federation longer l-*nod from three to five ment has »-<ed Governor Bates to for certain limited periods, the state Washington, Sept. 29. — H. D. BID of I-aboe See- Nothing to Cause year* The reason for this to that tn secure a t -nipt redress an«i ample enforcing a provision of money dur secretary of Klarin In Pro-ent Conditions Nor Pierce, third assistant < HE» K- INII *KIPs man» Instances the sheep men desire reparati -n a- 1 apology to Guerney ing that period to provide for and ed stale, has completed his investigation to improve the ranges by reseeding for the a<Uv > ot Judge Phelps at Lee ucate children, the government poa- Future Prospects—Says the Spirit in the case of Consul General Good an 1 if the grazer knows that he to to wbly taking charge of this fund. yesterday. of l’nioni«m Is Firmly Five«! anil now at Shanghai, and made a report \I.FX INDER PRESSIG WOULD Ha«l < Barge of \t c-t««n lewlcr Dur- reap x rr.e of the benefits he is willing Mill Continue to Strengthen De to the president. It is stated unof MIXE EXPLOSION REORGANIZE COMPANY. Justice NA 111 A|x>logtse. Ing IhM'fHi* of « lark Wood at St. t«» spend from 859 to 8199 to improv« spite Association- Being Formed to ficially that the report favors the the range rraa* Pittsfield. Mas*. Sept 27—Justice Ixtui1 Imitami Vanir of Ju-tkv* accused, but may not be final, as iJrvrn Ml «we* Trrrihlv Burned and Combat it—Tlx* Unions Are Nou »—<*| fir FAprnsrs. those who pressed the charges are ■M-ix-nH* Is to Finance a New Con>|>a- Phelps was seen this morning and I- •». Uoal aixl Forgery W a- I Not Throe Win IHe Di-tlnctive Institutions — Tempor preparing further evidence. "There are about 2.599.900 sheep la mid: “1 have received nothing of- Dcte«qr<t I util Tlirre l»a« Ktlrr Oregon this year. Possibly half of ny and Take Management I’ntll flcial. but will apologise If neceaaary." Scranton. Pa . Sept. 28.—As the re ary Setback Will Do No Harm. I rime hi« < onimltinl—I! He*w4 these are represented in the aasocia- April I. 1905 — old sUM-klMtiders to sult of a terrific explosion in Mount Chicago Wheat Market. Washington. D. C.. Sept. 29.—"More Back I nan Outing In Europe. An aweMment of 82 per 1909 lx*-e- 814 six! Ut-Mon Fair -torr tlon Jessup mine at Beckville this morn Be Included and Indebtedness of Chicago. Sept, 29.—September scared than hurt." was the comment head was levied by the «sscielation to ing. it to reported that 11 miners were New York. Sept. 27. — Among the 9». 930.000 to Be Paid Off—Mine Is wheat opened at 81.1114 and close«l defray expenaso of the organisation. of President Gompers of the American arrivals on the North German IJoyd terribly burne«! and some may die at 21.199s. December opened at *cai«i to Be One of the Be-i in Fa-t flyer. Kaiser Wilhelm II. this morn The onr>"l«a:lon now has a mem Later—The injured are all foreign Federation of Labor, when he read 21.12% and closed at 81.11'«. Corn Because he could Imitate the sig ern Oregon. But Has Bern Run in ing. were William Vanderbilt. Robert ers and three will die. bership ot about 200. embracing nin« th. interview with Barney Conen. opened at 54 % cents and closed at nature of Justice L. S. Wood, of Wes different aswociatlona. One new as Goelet. Claude Spreckels. Mrs. Mar Debt and C losed. ton. A. E Lovell, temporary editor of sociation was admitted at the last president of the Illinois Federal’ *a of 53*« cents. Oats opened at 30% MFRGIR IO HE DISSOLVED. cus Daly and Count Von Hastxfeld. cents and closed % lower. the Weston Leader. succeede«l In meeting the Mount Vernon body, Labor, who predicted the disin egra- Reputed Term« of *-cttlrment of passing two forged checks at Weston with a membership of 28." The famous Golconda gold mine, tion of me forces ot union labor. lad) ( ursin Not Out of Danger No Sale* at Pendleton. last Saturday, which were thought to The holding of next year s meeting Famous Dispute. "Th«-re is nothing to fear for or London. Sept 87.-—Lady Curzon be genuine until yesterday afternoon. in Portland Mr. G«rtnr> says is a wise The local market remains at 71 said to be one of the best mineral gan-/« ; labor either at present or ir Chicago. Sept. 28.—Strong rumors with normal Lovell has had charge of the Wes move. "AU the sheepmen." he con- for blue- holdings in Eastern Oregon. Is soon passed a fair night cents for club and 79 cents the future.” sanl Gompers. "Neither reported. to be reorganized. Alexander Prus- strength not declined, but her condi In financial and railroad circles of ton leader «luring the absence of tinned." are In favor of going to the Citizens’ Alliances or other or stem, f. o. b., with no sales tion is still critical and she Is not Chicago and New York are that the »'lark Wood at St Louis. Justice L. P«»rtiand. It is fair year and at the sig. of Chicago, who reorganixed the ganizations can prevent ila growth. parties to the Northern Securities dis S Woo«!, father of Editor «’lark out of danger. Senator Hoar Near ll»e F'.n«l. time of the meeting they can take Trade unionism has come to stay, It Red Boy mine. Is the mtn who says pute have reached a basis of amicable Wood, has been Issuing checks tn Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 29. — Sena ■heir families and visit the exposl- in this is a distinctive institution settlement on a plan as follows he will place the Gobonda on its feet. A large body of Doukohbors Is on l«yment of the running expenses «lur tion." tor Hoar Is no better this morning. country.' Union Pu« ifle will take the Burling ing »’lark s absence, and Ixivell forg He was in Pendleton yesterday for the march from Saskatoon. N W. T. Marlin's Successor. Compels admitted that the labor < but failed throughout the night. He ton. the Great Northern will be re- ed L S W«x»«!'s name to two checks, to the United States. movement has received a temporary ; may live through the day. or he may this purpose and departed last night Di- is«ing the probable fu«~c?aaor «»ne of 814 w hlch was cashed by II tor the east, by way of Portland and setback from which it is Just emerg not. The physicians cannot nay. Hesaell. and one for 88. cashed by the of th« e late »'haries F Martin, of I»en- ing. San Francisco. ver. I x-cretary of the National Live- Fair Store at Weston. l»eath Is at Hand. Prussig's scheme is to finance the The Weston batik cashed the stork \Kx»ci.vtIon. Mr. Gwinn said Wortester. Sept. 29.—Senator Hoar mine and take the management until BELIEVE LETTER GENUINE. cheeks an«l the forgery was not de "Martin »«as the prime mover of the Is still living this afternoon. Dr. Gil about April 1. 1905. He will allow tected until yesterday. when I. ft. national txxly. He was its organizer President Hagenttarth Member- of Miner*»' I nion Say Roose man says that death must come soon. the old stockholders to contribute W«xx| discovered that his nam«* was and Ita life. pro rata, according to their holdings velt Wrote Article in Question. • ttache«l to checks not i—u*<! by him. :« .« ». V able man. but the great bulk I^dy Curzon Improves. toward the reorganization fund to Ixivell was seen to take the mixed • 1 the work fell upon Martin, and I Denver. Sept. 29.—Editor John M. London. Sept. 29.—Lady Curzon pay off the mortgage Indebtedness. train for Walla Walla on Saturday d<> not belleve the association knows O’Neill, of the Miners' Magazine, the evening and since then has com who to put in his place." organ of the Western Federation of had a fair night, maintaining the im This Indebtedness amounts to about 830.000. pletely vanished Resides cashing Miners, says he printed the Roosevelt provement noted yesterday. The assessment of the property of of ton«! outside the right of way. the these two forged checks, Ixivell also CH I I KHi.iHHi t NlONIsTS The Golconda has been closed since letter, with the full approval of Sec descriptions are clear enough. One the O. R A- N. company. In Uma left numerous unpaid hills In Wes lai* May. It was first worked about I.ady Curzon Not Out of Danger. Ql IT PAYING IHRS retary Haywood and President Moyer, Is that ton. He has Ixrn In the vicinity of tilla county, according to the decis contention of the company to whom he submitted the matter London, Sept. 29.—Lady Lad y Curzon 10 years ago. The present company the description, ‘ one line system of ion rendered In the state circuit court Weston for the i»ast six months, hav Barm*» Colteli. VrvMtlrnt of Illinois first. O'Neill, Moyer and Haywood has gained strength during the day. took charge three years ago. It got The description ing w«»rke<l through this afternoon by Judge W. R. Ellis, telegraph.’ is vague in debt and was finally shut down, harvest near this morning stated that they still but is not out of danger. I 'eileration of lathor. Sa>- Unie* It is claimed that the mine is Jus*, is regular, with the exception of the gives accurately the length of th* there. believe the letter is genuine. I nlon- \rv Rcorganisml on Better descriptions of several minor tracts line ami the location.” and that its as good as it ever was »'Iiarles Wood, a brother of Editor Murder Cae P<>-t|X>n«*«l. of lan<! outside the right of way. em \ Feu Dc-«*rl|>tion« Are Vague. I inc- Ttx*> Mu-t lx»««’ Ttx*ir ENwve t’lark W«x»d. Is now In charge of the FOUR ARE KILLED Ix-xington. Ky., Sept. 29.—In the minerals are very rich, Prusslg will bracing about 75 acrea few weeks. “Such descriptions. however aa part Weston Leader and will manage the —Blames Vnwl*«* I catlerslilp. Po circuit court this morning, the case of return to the coast in a The action wax brought last May of the south half of section so and so. business until the return of Clark Hre Tramps Struck by Baltirixire « William Britton, charged litical ».rafter- and l'ntiiix*ly with the by the railway company against the embracing seven acres, naming the from the East, which Is expect«* I to COLLAPSE KILI.S ONE. Ohio Train. murder of Jim Cockrill, wa» postpon strike- f*ir tlx* Trviubl«* — Mn-t county court and the assessor to have township and range, the court holds be In about two w«*eks. Frederick, N. D., Sept. 29.—Five ed until October 5. \ilo|» Bettire* Metlxxls of Uarfarv. Lovell Is about 29 years of age. a Building the entire assessment of the O. R. A Is not clear, aa it Is Impossible to de Faulty Construction of a men supposed to be tramps, were N. company annulled on the ground termine the exact location of the member of the eighth army corps o( Chicago. Sept .28.—A sensation was Causes a Ik-atli and a Strike. Banker Stabbed to Heath. struck at a Baltimore ...,IMa[tao that the descriptions were vague ami land. With the exception of about 75 the Spanish war and wears tattoo In caused here by the announcement Chicago, Sept. 29.—One man was Imperfect. struck by a Baltimore & Ohio train Honolulu, Sept. 29.—8. E. Damon, The matter was argued acres of land so described in various Ink on his hands and arms. that 190.000 men. members of labor at Galootin this morning. Four were a 1 prominent banker and well known killed an«l five seriously Injured by before Judge Ellis September 9, by “I thought the name L. S. Wood unions, have ceased to pay their dues, parts of the county, the court finds killed and the fifth may die. on i the mainland, was stabbed dead the collapse of a building on Ashland Arthur C. Spencer, representing th* on the ch«xk I cashed was written in Th.* Chicago excitement was aug- for the defendants. by a Porto Rican laborer, without ap avenue and 55 th at noon, All the railroad, and James A. Fee and Dis In Umatilla county the O, R. & N a smooth an«l flowing style, for a man mettled today by an interview from parent cause. Accidentally SboL workmen on the building struck. It trict Attorney Phelps for Vmatllla company has ICS 40 miles of tracks Mr Wood's years, but 1 did not sus Barney Cohen, president of the Illi is owned by Alderman Carey, It Is county. Notice of appeal was given Walla Walla, Sept. 29.—R. Worth, Property, according to the valuations pect such a nice appearing young nois Federation of Labor. In which Ix.ndon ’ s New Ixird Mayor. claimed that was faulty construction of this city, while hunting In the by the railroad and the matter will , placed by the assessor such aa depots man as Mr. Lovell." saltl H. Hessel. he said the union forces in the state mountains yeste, day afternoon, acci I.ondon, Sept. 29.—John Pond, an the cause of the collapse. now go before the state supreme I nnd buildings, amounts to 830.000. who came down to start the officers are rapidly disintegrating, and unless dentally shot himself through the alderman of Ward*, was today elect court. reorganize«!, destruction of the unions The total valuation of the railroad's on the forger’s trail last night. right leg with a revolver. The wound ed lord mayor of London to succeed I a Follette Case Pending. A—W*KHIII<*llt 1.« Regular, would speedily follow. tracks, rolling stock nnd real estate, Sir James Ritchie. is serious. Madison, Wls., Sept. 29.—The su- He blames unwise leadership, polit In rendering his decision. Judge based on Assessor C. P. Strain's as preme court took no action In the Ellis said: “I find that the action of sessment of 812.000 a mile amounts ical grafters and untimely strikes for Glninls Enter Cemetery at Boise. <»|>cn the present crista. He says the La Folcite case today, It is possible the assessor In making the nssess- to 82.200.000. Grave and Strip Corp*«* of Clotli unions must reorganize on a sounder some action will be taken tomorrow ment on the property of the O. R. A The decision rendered this after ing. or Saturday. Judge Cussiday Is still N. company to be regular and with noon affects about basts and adopt methods now being 8500 worth of Boise, Sept. 27.—Unknown ghouls used against tile unions by the Km- unable to attend court. the exception of a few small tracts property. entered the cemetery hist week and ployers' Association ami Citizens’ desecrated the grave of May Pierce, Alliance. Parker Visits Ol«l Haunts the 1 "-year-old daughter of the pas The holding up of the collection of “If the railway appeals there will New York. Sept .29.—Parker spent tor of the Church of the Nasarene. tlieinana Girl- E’s«*ape. taxes on the assessment of the O. R. be an unavoidable delay, and unless a large portion of this morning call who died of typhoid fever. Salem Sept 27.—No trace has yet A N. company, which is to follow, as the county were to surrender there is ing on his old associates at the ap The desecration was kept a secret been found of Lucinda Davis. Cora the railway will in all probability ap iothing left for the districts but pellate division of the supreme court. until today, in hope that the guilty Williams and Lena Yount, the Indian peal its action for writ of review to to raise the taxes on themselves. This He received several callers and ex girls who escapeii from the Chemawa “We do not believe In parties might be apprehended. the state supreme court. In the opin can be done until the matter is flnal- pects to return to Esopus tomorrow. Umatilla county saloon men do not the courts. The body of the girl was not stolen Indian school Saturday night. They ion of Assessor C. P. Strain, will cut ly settled.” Intend to oppose the prohibition crying before the shoe pinches,’’ he cloth "The temperance people are or mutilated, although all the were last seen In Salem riding In a down school district funds for some "But what If the supreme court movement, on the grounds that they said. "Grandpa" Bryan. finds for the railroad?" was asked. time to come. believe the local option law to be un making all the fight now and we In Ing was stripped from the body and carriage with three strange men. Of Newport, Sept. 29.—A daughter curried away. ficials are making a vigorous search. To remedy this, Mr. Strain suggests “I cannot see how it can,” replied constitutional. In case It Is voted to tend to let them go ahead. "Prominent attorneys throughout that the school districts In Umatilla the assessor. “The Oregon Railroad was born this morning to Mrs. Aaron close any of the drinking places, the Fifteen Injuretl in Wreck. Fatal Hohl-l’p. county thus affected, vote stiff taxes & Navigation company has no cause L. Levitt, formerly Ruth Baird Bry- proprietors will continue to operate the state have given their opinions an. It Is Bryan's first grandchild. Columbus, O., Hept, 28.—A head-on Pocatello, Idaho, Sept. 27.—Three to tide them over. "It may be a year for action. District Attorney Phelps the saloons and defend themselves that the local option law Is unconsti place between two tramps attempted to hold up a section or two," he said, “before the delin and Judge James A. Fee, who are In the courts when suit Is brought by tutional. nnd we are prepared to dem collision took No Ilo|>e for Savon Klug. trolley curs on the Sciota Valley gang of Japs near Blackfoot and as a onstrate that it Is.” quent taxes are collected from the conducting the case for the county, their opponents. Mr. Hessel trim In Pendleton last Traction line near here at 7:30 this result of the fight W. J. Fitzgerald, Berlin, Sept. 29.—The condition of railroad, but then the school districts have shown a disposition to crowd the Herman HeBsel. a prominent Wes Out of 17 passengers on section foreman. Deputy Sheriff J. C. will find themselves In possession of matter to a final decision as soon as the aged king of Saxony Is believed ton saloon man, has collected over night and was present at the meeting morning. snug sums, which may be used In Im possible, and 1 do not believe wr shall to be hopeless. The last sacrament 8500 to aid In the saloon cause In of the Citizens' League. He returned the two cars, all but two were Injur Sweet. and one of the would-be hold ed, and one will die. ups are mortally wounded. has been administered. have long to wait.” provements. euse It becomes necessary to go Into home this morning. HELD ILLEMLLÏ All Irregular Leases on Uma tilla Reservation Must Be Bonded at Once. CAUSE UE4TMENT Llmil o< «40 Aeree to Dne JPsOT Ulll Ateo He Rigidiy Eaforcad— Ar-tlng srerrtary of tire Interior I -oc- an f »rder lo .Actlag .Agro t McNicfadls — Man) I enses Now Heid Ultliont Knthority ot Interkur DefMcnznrni — AH Indlan Moaey llereafter UHI Be Ramile«! B) U«e Agent In < Itarge. Ml I*«»*-- nm iirki r(a l ma til la In. dian laml wltlamt sanction of the «or- rvtar) of Ur inu-rioe. mu-t be can- «v-ih-l at otxr arxl nnorlwl Into a lx«rxlrd Irxe. autlaorizral b) Ute gov- rrninevit: Ix-re-aftcr no l*aw will be allour«l t<> «-«cred U«e limit of 840 acr»-- to cacti rrnter. nor fur more than Iwo >ear- all rent money here after |«axi <>48 Indian land», must he fiaxl to »tie agent or acting agent on October I and April 1. of each year; all h-a-<-- no»« In-Id ultbiut auUx»r1ty of the -»swtary of the Inirrior »111 be »Tv-dited with any anwmnt that may have hern imkl to the Indian*, anti renter- Ixddlng irregular Irase* in«-i a|«ply to Ute acting agent for a bondr«! Immrdlatel» or ejrcv- tix at pox ceding* will be at once in- stitutrd Such is the substance of an or«ier issued by the acting secretary of the Interior under date of September 1«. to Acting Agent McNlcbolla. of the Umatilla Indian reservation. The order is not new. but Is an old order revived and trill be strictly forced. A large number of the lasaaes held on the Vmatllla reservation land are held without anctlon of the secre tary of the Interior, and many of them far in eiresi of the limit of 948 acres. Very little of the money paid to Indians for lease« pi »see through the hands of the agent, and as the title to the Indian lands is yet vested tn the government, these orders will be ngidly enforced hereafter. Those of the renters on the reser vation who desire to continue in P- "oea»lon of their rented lands are asked to apply for a regular form of lease and enter into a legal contract with the government for the use of the land. The government will recognise all Informal leases now tn force and will waive the 949 acre limit restriction, if such renters immediately apply to have their .eases sanctioned. There are nearly 79<- lease« in force on the reservation, and it is estimat ed that when the 949 sere limit to rigidly enforced this number will al most double. At present a large number of rent- er* deal almost exclusively with the Indians who constantly harass their renters for money tn advance. This aggravation causes these renters to wel«x»me the change tn program whereby the rent money will be paid to the agent at stated time« and the »<irr):pg of the Indian landlord will be done away with. The enforcement of the <«♦ acre limit is also we.corned by the busi- ness men. as it means more Indlrid- ual renter* and a consequent Increase In buaineaa In order to carry on the work of making out and for-carding ’.ease« for the approval of the secretary of the interior, four new employes will be added to the force at the agency. It has been thought possible that an agent would be named for the Vmatllla Indian* by October 1. but as yet nothing is known of the intentions of the government tn the matter. IONE TRAIN ROHRER. Rrlcasr of Man Wtw> Dvnamited Car and Got UOOO Jefferson City. Mo.. Sept. 28.—The doors of the Missouri penitentiary will open tomorrow to Sam Wilson, known .«s the “lone train robber.” who was received at the penitentiary July 3. 1898. and he will be set at liberty, having served three-fourths of the 15 years to which he was sen tenced. The most notable exploit in Wil son's criminal career was the robbery of the Missouri Pacific train which left St. Louts on the night of May 24. 1893. It was held up one mile west of the town of Pacific. The express car was shattered with dynamite and the express messenger was compelled to open the sate and deliver its con tents. amounting to 84000 tn silver, to the lone robber. Within a month af ter the robbery Wilson voluntarily surrendered to the authorities and confessed his crime. A considerable portion of the money was recovered, in view of these facts an«l his good conduct while in prison Wilson will be released tomorrow several years before the expiration of the term for which he was sentenced. Canadian Railroad Wreck. Buffalo, Sept. 28.—In a wreck of two Grand Trunk freights near Wood stock this morning. Conductor Falla. Brakeman Benedict. Engineer Kirk- land and Engineer Herron were killed. Hoar's Ufe Ncarw the End. Worcester, Maas. Sept. 27.—Sena tor H«>ar Is no better this morning, and is still unconscious. He has taken neither nourishment nor medi cine and Dr. Gillam stated that ths patient will not last long. James Caldwell accused of the murder of Warren Curtis, in Harney county, has Just been found guilty of manslaughter on a second trial, and sentenced to the penitentiary for six year*