Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by fear. unInflu euced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair, to .aose who differ from Its views, as well as to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 1 e j e SO/) tf¡ VOL. XXVIII. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1904. LOURDES MlltACI.E. —... M i.ixlerful t un* of a <'<»ti*iini|itlv«* Rc- |M>rt«*<l From I'raiHV*. Paris, Sept. 22.—All Paris is talk ing of the latest Lourdes miracle. For six months Marie Madeleine «¡laser, aged ilk has been slowly dying of con sumption. Doctors agreed that her case was hopeless, and forbade the patient to go to Ixiurdes. However, she defied the physicians, and went. On her arrival she was completely immersed in the bath. A violent crisis linmedi itely follow ed the «-ontacl with the cold waler. The doctor declared that death was at hand, and one of the fathers ad ministered the last sacrament. But Marie faintly requested to i>e immers NOMINATION M (s THE E. M BRANNK'K. OF Big Batti«- Now Imminent at Fusliun. 30 Mik** From Muk«k*n—Oyama ed again, and was dtpp«*d four times RESULT OF COMPROMISE. Later, perceptibly better, she was PORTLAND IS PRESIDENT. Urge* Hit Troop* to Heroism as tlie Work! Is Watching the Jaftenrae brought back to Paris, and was car ried to the church of Notre Dame des Armies—Rusaian Tr«*ip* Arriving al Muk.len al Rate of 3000 l‘g-r Hay Victories for the closing ceremony of Ilill Bring* Two Warring Factions Ti>- Ttir»** Day*’ s«*«*ion» F1lh*l With lu- —l la.let Report* to the t'sar That Russia Must Have Ships In the I’ar the national pilgrimage. gvtlwr li> tlibemllng III* Haught) t«-rr*t — t»oimH»r < 'tuvintM-rialn. During the benediction she sudden Ee*t or All Is I .ost. Nature Far Enough lo Nominate I t ongn***o>an WlllianiMin and M<tn- ly rose, those beside her remarking III* (n-ii-Etu-my. D. < <aly llcrrick; that her face seemed transfigured, and I la-r* of Or<-g«Mi Irrigation t'omml*- began singing a hymn. Then she was —I ranci* II llarrl*«m Nominated *l<>n Pn-M-nl—VWI to Oregon Sal Tokio, Sept. 22.—It is reported that holding all passes at Daranse. east of gently led out of doors. All the fever for I leutenant Gotemor—l*latf«.mi mon llatclH-r, — Magnifkenl Agri had gone. She was In no pain, and the Japanese have taken a fort on Bentslaputxe. I im I oiww National I ’ latforin and cultural Fthlblt—Cla.liv Fruit* Se when she got home she ate and drank another height to the west of Etses- Ticket and Dcsmtmces ••tMelli-in'' lected From Exhibit to Be Netti to and seemed as happy as If she had Russian t'rui-wr* lte|Milre>l. han. which was carried by a desper In stat«* (flair*—I nlon of Factions St lami* to Br Pla«*r*i With Oregon St. Petersburg. Sept. 22.—Captain never been III in her life. ate assault. The Japanese have since Cladet has arrived front Vladivostok I* l*rouii*lng of mmw **. Exhibit—Itos Mn-ling to Be Heid resisted all efforts of the Russians to with a message for the czar. He re FLECTRIl R (II.ROAD. in Portland. recapture It. Both of these heights ports the three Russian cruisers fleet, Philaah lphia Expert Reports it Feasi overlook Port Arthur, offering excel which escaped the Jai*anese Saratoga. N. Y-. Sept. 21—The lent gun positions, which materially again in good repair and ready to ble. democratic «invention was called to The third annual convention of the prey upon contraband commerce. weaken the Russian defense. Spokane. Sept. 21.—“Moran prairie Fresh soldiers are going forward t«f oilers the most difficult part of the order al 12.23. Duncan E L. Lee Oregon Irrigation Association, held at the Far East at the rate of 3000 construction of an electric line from was made permanent du man. Hl» I ««ntarlo closed Ila aesslons today with ('«Mil Famine at Port Arthur. a grand picnic In the grove at Arca Chee Foo. Sept. 22.—A dispatch dally. This number will be increas Spokane through the Palouse coun address was liberally cheered. dia and a drive through the Irrigated ed as soon its Lake Baikal difficulties Senator Hill will place Judge Her-1 try.*’ said M*. D. Marks, the electric from Kinchow says the British cruis district of Malheur county. are surmounted, anil the railway road expert whom Jay P Graves and rick In nomination. er Foxton Hall, has transferred her his associates have here from Phila After a conference of leaders this I The buaineaa of the convention was cargo of coal to the German steamer around it <?ompleted. delphia to report upon the feasibility morning It was announced that D. completed yesterday evening. with Ericaka. which local authorities will Big Battle I* Certain. of the project. "The farther you get <*ady Herrick, of Albany, will proba the election of officers, and the selec not allow to leave until they are given Mukden. Sept. 22. — A battle is ex from Spokane the easier the line will bly get the nomination for the gover tion of Portland for the 1905 meeting assurances that no attempt will be pected hourly in the vicinity of Fu be of construction and the greater norship. and Francis B. Harrison will E M Brannick manager of the Stu made to enter Port Arthur. profit there will be in Its operation." be decided on for lieutenant governor. debaker Company in Portland, was On account of the Russian warships shun, 30 miles east of Mukden. unanimously elected president. 8 he said. Stanchfield • name will not be pre having been obliged to keep up steam A. I*owe|l vice president. and Russian L >*■*** at I.lao Yang "The only large piece of bridge sent«*! to the convention for eight months and that an enorm A. King Wilson, the well known Port The ous quantity of fuel is required for St. Petersburg. Sept. 22.—Kuropat work will be at Rock Creek land attorney, was elected secretary Hill Name* III* okl Earmy. the water condensing plant, there kin reports further under yesterday's creek is 3<)0 feet deep and the length for the ensuing year, and arrange must be a coal famine at Port Ar date that there is no change in the of trestle require.! will depend upon Saratoga. Sept. 21.— Harrison was| ments were made for an active cam the amount of cut made on either thur, unless more coal has arrived. situation about Mukden and adds nominated for lieutenant governor. paign for better irrigation laws for "Small detachments of the enemy side of the canyon. The course of the The platform Indorses the national Oregon by the appointment of a leg Russia Must Have a Fleet. have moved from Benlapudxu toward road Is entirety* unknown as yet. but ticket and platform. islative committee of seven to be an St. Petersburg. Sept. 22.—Cladet Raoytoul In order to penetrate north It will be built where the greatest Herrick’s selection was the result nounced by the president. Murphy declared says the Russians will be unable to of Baling Pass. Indications are that traffic will be available and most as of a compromise. *uccr**ful Meeting. he would not accept McTarren's can- recapture Port Arthur, in the event the enemy is endeavoring to flank sistance is offered by the farmers. The third annual session of the as "I found the inhabitants of the dis our left. of its fall, without having the mastery di.iate Hill finally brought the fac “Our losses at Baling Pass Monday trict traversed eager for its construc tions together by an act of self-abr.e- sociation was rendered p«*cullarly in of the sea. and urges the dispatch of every available ship to the Far East, were one officer killed and 10 wound tion. My report on the project will catlon In accepting his ancient and teresting by being held In the very ed. three men killed and 45 wounded. be favorable, and 1 see no reason why personal enemy and by promising to heart of one of the choicest irrigated including the Black Sea fleet. dlttlrlcts In the west Th* ripple of The extent of the Russian losses at it should not be built very soon.** n. mlnate him hlmaelf. Liao Tang were 54 officers killed and For many years the Hill and Her the Irrigation ditch could be heard Troop* Urgwl to Heroism. PIONEf- R *1 I« IDF* rick factions have been at war In Al from the window- of the convention Rome. Sept. 22.—A telegram from 257 wounded: 1501 soldiers killed and hall and the t*-rfum* of th* Irrigated bany county. Tokio says Oyama has addressed a 12.023 wounded.** clover and alfalfa fields and the laden Aged Man Takes tie- 4 arts «lb' V-kl Hcrri« k • Nusaiaatiua I nanintoua proclamation to the army urging a orchards was wafte.| to the speakers Ru**4an* Krpet Casualties. Route. supreme effort in the forthcoming Al the conclusion cf HlU's iwmlnft- as they rtood on the platform, dis battle which he says is liable to de St. Petersburg. Sept. 22.—A report Ing speech George Haines moved that Ashland. Or., Sept. 21.—Joseph cussing the subject of Irrigation. cide the campaign. He adds that the received today states that since Sep Robinson, an Oregon pioneer of the the secretary cast the ballot of the The attendance from outside points whole civilised world is watching the tember 2. the Russian casualties at ’50s. committed suicide here this convention for Herrick, which was In Oregon vras very limited. Portland Japanese army whose heroism has Port Arthur have been 14 officers morning by swallowing an ounce of done. having the largest delegation of any succeeded in winning general sympa killed and 23 wounded; 306 men kill carbolic acid. A son. with whom Further N ominallona place except Malheur county. Among thy in the struggle against Russia. ed and 750 wounded and 4 5 Russian he lived. found the old man on the For attorney general. John Gun- those from Portland were Governor cannon have been ruined by the Jap ground in a barn about 7 o'clock, suf nan. of Erie; secretary of state. John Chamberlain. President A H. De- Armies Prpare for Battle. anese fire. fering from the poison. He was taken Pallace. Jr., of Monroe; treasurer. veres. E W Brannick and A King St. Petersburg. Sept. 22.—Japanese home and aid summoned, but he died William Munch, of Onondaga. Wilson. Ru**ia Get* No Red < row Fund. operations against Mukden are rapid about 10 o'clock in great agony. An Prominent among the public men Outline of Platform. ly developing. Kuropatkin reports Madrid. Sept. 22—The Spanish Red almost illegible note was found on his present were Governor «'hamberlaln. The platform proclaims the devo-1 the Japanese army at Bentsiapatxe Cross society has resolved to send 25.- bed. reading as follows Congressman Williamson, who dis begining to advance northwest. Out 000 pesetas to aid the Japanese “Good-by to all. Tell the undertak tlon of the party to the principles of I cussed the public land question Dr. posts tried to capture the Kaoutou branch of the society. It was propos er to bury me on that lot in the government enunciated by Jefferson, Jam«-« Wlthycombe. of the Oregon Pass, commanding the road to Fus- ed to send an equal amount to Russia, Wagner creek graveyard. If anyone and then proceeds to attack what It I Agricultural ('«»lleg» Thomas Kay. hun. the Russians offering a stubborn but the proposal was rejected almost knows where it Is; If not. any old calls “odelllsm." and says "The issue of Odelllsm Is the para-1 senator from Marion county; Stephen resistance. unanimously. The government fears place will do. Good-by to alL You A. LowelL of Pendleton; J H Ixvw- Kuropatkin has placed a strong the incident will cause diplomatic em will find the money in my pocket at mount and overshadowing Issue tn I ell. Irrigation comml«si«*ner of Idaho; state affairs, is between oficlal hon-| force astride the Mukden and Fushun barrassment, should Russia require the head of my bed." D. W. Rosa, state engineer of Idaho roads to Bentaiaputze. and is also an explanation. Seventy dollars was found In the esty and official corruption. Judge J H Richard, of Boise City "In palpable violation of his sworn designated place. Robinson, who had and T G Halley C. W Mallett and lost one leg. had been despondent for obligation lo be the Impartial servant W E Gate«, of the Oregon irrigation some time, and had repeatedly threat of the whole machine, his present du I commission. al action constitutes a public scandal, ened to make away with himself. In «.sla Attire. He was born In Ohio In 1334. and and amounts to the grossest contempt The Ideal autumn weather en- of official duty in the history of the crossed the plains to the Willamette I couraged the beautiful little city of valley in the '50s. settling later in state. Instead of being opposed to extrav I Ontario to put on her most splendid Jackson county. He was at one time well-to-do. but had lost nearly every agance his administration has become ' holiday garb for the meeting of the | Irrigator«. The profuse foliage of the thing. He is survived by three sons the actual promotor of adroit schemes to loot the public treasury under the ornamental tree« In the business and one daughter. guise of law." «reels was enriched by streamers of ACCEPTS OFFERS OF WAS SECRETARY NATIONAL State Issues are than taken up and bunting and fluttering flags and the PROHIBITION AT SALEM. handled exhaustively. stores and business place« were tasti TWO COMMISSIONS.^, STOCK .ASSOCIATION. ly decorated. The cltlsens. headed Vote on Ixtcal Option Will Probably by Mayor J W Laeky. greeted the COLORADO DEMOCRATS. Be Taken in Marion County. delegates and found ample accommo Sum of 434.447 Will Be Paid to the M oh I Widely Known Kuxknun in tlie Salem. Sept. 22.—A petition asking Convention Is Now st Sea foe a Candi dation« at hotel« and private home«. Company as Actual Cost of Moving Mewt—< ounected With National Nothing was left undon to make the that Salem precincts Nos. 2. 3 and 4 date for Governor. Its Track*»—State Portage and Open Livestock .Association for 10 Years be formed in a district for the purpose vhrttor«' stay In Ontario a pleasure Denver. Sept. 21.—State democrat an*! a pleasant memory River ('<>mml*-4<>n Clotte Deal for —Representative of tiie Independ of voting on prohibition this fall was ic convention met at 10 o'clock this Right of Way With Railroad and ent Packing Plant—Died Suddenly filed with County Clerk Roland to morning. Oregon Salmon HaUdsery- Up to noon nothing had Now Have Only Fi-Ji Cannery Own The first day'» entertainment In on Train. From a Tubérculo*!* day. The district proposed included been done except the electing of Sen the business section of Salem, em fish ers to Fight for l‘a**age. ator Teller as chairman. The con clude.! a visit to the Oregon HenHirrluMte — Personal »lends bracing every saloon tn the city. vention is at sea. as there is no can hatchery, the largest In the world, in Every Conununity in tlie West It required 90 votes to have the didate for governor. situated on Snake river, one and a It has been definitely decided and and Northwest. question submitted under the local Charles Hughes, of Denver, who half miles east of Ontario. The del option law. and the clerk will place was a likely candidate, withdrew this egates were shown through the won agreed upon that the O. R. A N. com it on the ballot, unless, before the ex morning. Former Governor Adams, derful plant by Fish Warden Van pany will accept the offer of the state Greely, Col., Sept. 22.—Charles piration of 30 days, a petition shall second choice, also declined. Former Dusen, of Astoria. portage and open river commissions, Martin, secretary of the National be submitted for the whole county, in Congressman Shaffroth la now look The capacity of the plant 1« 30.000.- and in consideration of 334,4(7, the 000 salmon fry annually, with a pos Livestock Association, died suddenly which event the present petition will ing for the place. become dormant, and the question actual cost of making a new grade sibility of doubling thia capacity at for 2900 feet along the right of way last night on «he train en route from «111 be submitted for the county. leisure. The first flag to fly over the lHAHUMk CONTINTES. here to Cheyenne. A tuberculosis of the state portage road, will move plant was hoisted by Governor «'ham WILL EDUCATE A CHINESE. Its tracks back from the river and hemorrhage caused his death. No Prospect for Antl-RrpubUcan Fu berlaln In the presence of the visit surrender the right of way for the ors. on Monday evening. Mr. Martin was the most widely sion In Montana. Eugene Church Contributes to U m * portage road. Over 10.000 beautiful Chinook sal known stockman in the West, hav Helena. Mont, Sept. 21.—No appar mon are now In the storage area of The state has reached an agree Education of a Celestial. ent headway on fusion had been made the hatchery, awaiting the beginning ment with the company providing for ing been connected with the National Eugene. Sept. 22.—Lee Tong, a up to noon by the labor, populist and of the spawning season, which begins the removal of its tracks for the sum Association for 10 years. Christianised Chinaman, arrived In He was representative of the Inde anti-trust conventions. Recess after October 15 and lasts until cold weath of 322,937, or actual cost of the grade | Eugene from Portland today to be and later, the open river commission pendent Packing Company, recently educated for the ministry at the Eu rectrss are following each other, pend er stops the process. ing a report of the conference com made a further arrangement with the organized by Western stockmen, and gene Divinity school. TI h * I'rults of Irrigation. mittees. company whereby its tracks would in such capacity visited every commu The most esplendid and reallsjic His tuition and expenses will be Heinze today made the announce be moved still further back, giving nity in the West and Northwest con paid by the members of the First ment that he favors Lindsay, republi feature of the convention was the ag the portage a first-class grade, the taining stockmen of any prominence, ricultural. horticultural and miscella Christian church of this city, the Be- can, for governor. open river commission giving 313.430 and has a larger personal acquaint neous exhibit. A large warehouse rean « lass, consisting of a number of ance with all classes of rtockmen for this further concession, this was transformed Into a pavilion, young people, having started the than any other American. DYN A MITER ’ S < t >N IT-SSION. amount being the estimated cost of which was filled with the products His home was in Denver and he movement to secure the money for the additional grade. of Irrigation—the offspring of the His health this purpose. Sheriff Bell Say* If Romain«* I* Guilty This now settles the right of way was a tireless worker. deserts and the mountain torrent, Lee Tong Is very good looking for Hr Will Be Taken to Colorado. question for the portage road, so far has been falling for several years. united by Intelligent labor. Over a Celestial and dresses In good Amer as the O. R. th N. company is con Topeka. Sept. 21.—Sheriff Bell, of 1200 separate exhibits of fruits, vege ican style. It is his intention to go cerned. Agreements binding this ARRESTED FOR MURDER. Cripple Creek, arrived today and had tables, grains, grasses, honey and to his native country to enlighten hie arrangement and providing for the a long talk with Robert Romaine, the home products were seen In the pa heathen brethren after his education payment of the price, will be signed William Brittian Is Cliargrd Willi self-confessed dynamiter of the de vilion. It Is impossible to convey any la finished. soon and nothing now seems to stand pot at Independence. Col., and later Idea of the magnitude and excellence Complicity in Breathitt Crime. In the way of the early construction talked with Mrs. Romaine. of the exhibit in a written description. Lexington. Ky., Sept. 22.—Deputy SHOT AT DON CARLOS. of the road, excepting the Taffe and Sheriff Terry and Coroner Bailey, of Bell said Romaine Is a desperate The prize squash weighed 94 Heufert Interests, which are opposing Breathitt county, arrested W’llllam character. If found he had done pounds and th«* Second monster tip Spanish Pretender Attacked While the condemnations proceedings now what he said, he would take him back ped the balance at 79. Apples 17 Brittain today, charged with complic strolling In Vcnl<-e. In the courts. to Col..r:>tli. for trial. He knew of inches In circumference, weighing one ity in the murder of Jim Cockrill, two Work on changing the O. R 4 N. years ago at Jackson. Venice, Sept. 22.—An attempt was no reason for Romaine's confessing. pound and 11 outices. peaches half as grade will probably begin at once. In larg«* iis these apples, prunes, pears The arrest was made at Vancleve, made on the life of Don Carlos, the moving the tracks back at that point Breathitt county. A posse of Brit Spanish pretender this morning. He School for Blind O|«ens. and plums displayed in large quanti the O. R. 4 N. company can do away Salem, Sept. 21.—The Oregon ties. so beautiful, uniform and rich tain's friends attempted to intercept was taking his usual morning stroll, with several curves and make even when an unknown man fired a pistol School for the Blind opens today In coloring that those who have visit the officers but were eluded. a better roadbed than it now haw at him. The bullet missed the mark. with about 25 or 30 students. Mr. ed the St. Ixiuis fair said there was The would-be assassin was captured. Ge«>rge W. Jones, the superintendent, nothing in any of the state exhibits Pre*l«lcnt at Washington. Chicago W’lwat. was at the depot last for the purpose there to compare to this collection of Oyster Bay. Sept. 22.—President Tile Sultan Talks. Chicago, Sept. 22.—September of meeting a number of the students Oregon products at Ontario. Roosevelt and family arrived at Jer wheat opened at 31.04% and closed Constantinople, Sept. 22.—The sul who were coming on the train. A large selection of the choicest at 31.07%. December wheat opened sey City at 1 o’clock and took the tan today granted an audience with fruit exhibits was made by Governor Pennsylvania train for Washington, at 31.09 and closed 1% cents higher. l .Minister Irishman and discussed with Steamer Struck a Rock. Chamberlain and expressed to Rt. Corn opened at 52 cents and closed where they will arrive at 6:15 this him the outstanding demands of the Monterey, Cal., Sept. 20.—The Louis to be itdde«! to the Oregon ex evening. at 51% centx Oats opened at 30% United States on Turkey. steam schooner Northland, ’Frisco to hibit there. cents and closed % cent lower. San Pedro, struck a rock off Point Th«* honey exhibit at the pavilion King t^sirgv of Saxony III. Eighty thousand bushels of wheat Pinos last night, but was hoisted off consisted of Malheur county honey In Welnliard's Funeral. Dresden, Sept. 22.—King George of • Portland. Sept. 22.—The funeral of this morning, leaking badly. has been sold within the past two 26 different forms, and was pronounc days for 70 cents. The local market Saxony is ill with bronchitis. Grave the late Henry Welnhard. Portland's ed by the Judges to be the most com fears are entertained, owing to the today is about 70% cents for club Albany, Or., is to have a public plete honey exhibit ever displayed In millionaire brewer who died Tuesday JUPANESE CAPTURE FORTS HILI NOMINILLA IRRIGÍTION LN DID ENEMY MEETING ENOS New York Democrats Name Third Annual Session of the Judge Herrick for Gover Oregon Association at On nor. tario. German Collier Transfers Coal to Vessel Which Will Attempt to Break Coal Famine O.FL.SN.ÏIELOS CHAULES MARTIN TO PORTAGE ROAD DIES 5UDDENLÏ and bluestem at 75 cent«. Tbs East Oregonian of Pen- • die ton, Oregon. Is published In the heart of the wonderful In • land Empire. You wUl find e that It is readable, reliable e and progressive, and will give • you the news reliably, accu- e rately and fully. ( • king's advanced age which Is 73. night, occurred today. park. Oregon. STOI.E H'MSI < aptain Kellhley Disappear* Frxxn tonHtabular, Sltow. Washington. Sept. 20.—It is an nounced by the bureau of the Insular affair« today that Captain Ira Keath- ley. second In command of two com panies and the band of Philippine < onstabulary at the St. Louis exposi tion, has disappeared with 34000 of constabulary funds. He Is reported tv have gon« to South America. Keathley served with credit In the Philippines Baker City Ehs-thai Baker City, Sept. 21.—The regular <*ity election here will o«x.-ur Novem ber 7. the day before the National election, and there is considerable speculation whether the primary elec tion law Is applicable to city elections or not. Some of the city officials hold It Is not applicable to thia elec tion. while several prominent attor neys insist that It will be neersasry to Invoke this law to place candidates In the field for municipal offices. <q»-rs H oum - Ctiangr. Hatal*. Baker City. Sept. 21.—Ed Gei ser has Just closed th» deal by which hr has l* omi the sole owner of the Baker City «>pera house Mr. «»riser hu appointed Art Harris manager of t hr o|»rra hvusr The public are as sured of a run of th- best entertain ments procurable the trouble with «he Northw»»t-rri Theatrical Associa tion having been settled NO. *0 THIRTY -POUND < KOWN. NEGALI FIENDS FLUID MUROLA King Peter of servia A«**-pl* tlx- Bur den of State Belgrade. Hept ...—The garrison, augmented by troops from the prov inces, In all about 2C.0UU. lined the streets through which the royal pro fession passed, before 7. At 4 a salvo of 21 guns artnotincad the king was about lo leave the pal ace. As the cavalcade emerged from the gale of the new palace there was loud cheering chiefly Jed by govern ment employes aided by th« police, who scattered everywhere. Behind the king rode the little crown prince on an undersized Serv ian horse w hoae appearance evoked the first real enthusiasm of the day. FOUR KILLED AND SEVERAL During the return trip King Peter wore hls crown, which weighs 3« INJURED IN GEORGIA. pounds, and with great difficulty k«-p< his bead erect. Tonight Belgrade and all towns in Servla will be illuminat Mbits-* lleanl of PkM to Marder Ames ed. lamlb and Armed Men Malted In tin- Rond lo Intercept Use Fiends— “DETBCTIVE" AHRESTED After Hearing Segme* IH*caw> I»e- (llegetl sr«-rv-t *ervkv Man < aagitl tall* of Tlieir Antfa-ipated t rime*. (ttenipllng tu < a*ii I'ueged (Yaecka Use Milite* shot Inn. Ilse Mob, Kill Farmington. Me Sept. 21.—Leroy lug I user and Injuring Mor«* J«»ues A. Freni h. of San Franctaco, who I.u>pl>»>* Ixsrgt- Aumtarr <»f Nrgr<»e* claimed to be a member of the United and Treats Tlsetu MeiL States secret service, was arrested here charged with stealing a horn and buggy French came here, bringing G. A. M«(WI. Ga.. Sept 21.—Upon being Harlow, of Pittsfield whom he said informed that a mob of 12 negroes he had arrested for counterfeiting. had planned the murder of the fam French was arrested while trying to ily of Silas Jones, a prominent plan • ash «becks aggregating 3446. signed ter at Taibottom, a posse of whites by Ilario* United States police my armed and hid In the timber along they don't know French as a secret the roads leading lo Jones’ home. service officer. At 11 o'clock last night the negroes On the Way to Assassinate a Family Are Waylaid and Shot. < hl«l Fellow* «1 km »*«* Ms dringt vci San Francisco. Sept. 21.—Wash ington was selected for the next ses sion of the grand lodge of Odd Fel lows tn September, 1905. The vote DIAMOND *PE4 1(I. URMKED st*»-! Washington. 91; Buffalo. 29. Philadelphia. IS; «'leveland. 14. and switch Thrown arxl Fast Train Ditch- Montreal, 11. nd. Killing Fireman. <xdf Tournament Resumed. St Louis. Sept. 21.—The Olympian golf tournament was resumed today under favorable condltlona. Bert Mc- Kennle. of St. Louis, beat R. Hunter, of Chicago. In the first round-up I-ambert. of St Louis, and Ralph Me- Klttrich. of St. Loula. played a tie. ARMIES SKIRMISH BEFORE MUKDEN Springfield. IU_. Sept. 21.—Train wreckers threw the switch at Barclay III, throwing the Illinois Central Diamond special for St. Iculr Into the top of the works of the Barclay Mining Company's mine, early this morning. Fireman Con Cannon, of Decatur, was killed and Messenger Walter Haya, of Clinton. badly injured. None of the pasaengers were badly hurt. All but the rear sleeper left the rails CAN ADLAN M ANUF (CTURERS. STEAMER MAMX/T LOST. Ba*4>»-*- M«-n Meet foe D4*ew*»4oa and strike* Bar and sinks Oat ut sight In 4 oiombia River. St Helens. Ore.. Sept 21—The Mascot, one of the best pass« nger freight steamers on the Columbia 4N«tTHER BIG BVITLF nver sunk on a bar at the mouth of sI.EM* IMMINENT. l*ewts river last night, and is com pletely submerged. No casualties Borii Ruwdan and J«[aiirv (mite* in < «mdltkio io Make a Hard Fighi— <>>ama Says He U IH l*re*» Karo- patkln Unti! snow IHe* He Uill lì ieri «XI Into M lutee «duarter* and l«uard All tiie (»round t.alrved Un- lll **uring St. Petersburg. Sept. 21.—Kuropat kin. under yesterday s date, reports that a flanking attempt by the Jap anese on the Russian left was unsuc cessful. The situation at Mukden, he mya. Is unchanged On Monday the enemy was obaerved moving to the east of Dating Pass Later the Jap anese twice attacked the Russian out flanking forces and were checked by cavalry and machine guna 4Md People * Hosne Spokane. Sept. 24.—The Old Peo ple's home, in Arlington heights, on the Hillyard car line, has proven so successful that it Is nee esaary to en large the building. There are 11 old people, ranging from 45 to 99. in care of the Marta Beard Deaconess home which has charge of the work. It is the only old people s home tn the state, and applications to be received are com ing In much faster than the appll- car.ts can be cared for. The r*eaconem Aid Society. of which Mrs. Q. H Bushnell is presi dent luid Mrs. J. A. Morrill Is secre tary. gives much of its time to work of th« home and is planning to raise about 3544 to repair the building, en large the dining room and add a bathroom. Batik- I“n*«iii"«*l at Mukden Tokio. Sept. 21.—Kuropatkin. It Is learned. Is preparing to make a de termined stand at Mukden. He Is strongly entrenched and has an im- memw army at his disposal. The bat tle will be terrific as both armies are now In condition to renew fighting Oyama. it is stated, will continue to press Kuropatkin until his operations are stopped by the tall snow. He will strongly guard hls advance position, and remain until spring, when he will lake up the work where he left off. I'rrdkU y'all of Port Arthur London. Sept. 21.—The Tokio cor respondent of Reuter's says II Is pre dicted In Tokio that the reduction of Port Arthur will be accomplished within a fortnight. Marine*« Guard the Lena. Waahlngton. Sept. 21.—The navy department, at the request of the commandant of Mare Island, has or dered 150 marines to San Francisco to guard the Lena. were discovered creeping stealthily through th« forest to the un suspect - ir»g home. After haring the marder discussed by the negro Der-ds. tne white mer. opened fire on the would- be murderers from ambush, killing four and injuring several more. Eight of the negroes tn the mob had recently been acquitted from a charge of belonging to the “Before Day' Club of negro murderers. The attempt of the negroes to mur der the Jones family is Inexplicable, as Jones employs a large number of negroes and treats them well. None of lux employes were among the ma rauders killed or injured. Killed by a Fall. lirvOon Montreal Woe Sept. 24.—There was a large and representative attend ant» touay at the opening of the an nual convention of the Cana«lian Man ufacturers Aaam laUon The conven tion will be in session three days and It promises to be the most Important in the history of the organization. The questions to be discussed com prise matters relative to trade within the empire manufacturers' insurance rates, parliamentary and committee reporta as well as other Items of minor importance to the i as octa tlon. The indications point to the election of M'. K George of Toronto, as pres ident of the association for the ensu ing year. I 'NEARTHING LAND FRAUDS. AutiMTHie* operate- Ft*«sn rpukane land otnev. Spokar.e Sept. 24.—The United States land office has succeeded in rounding up the fourth and apparent ly the bead of a gang of fraudulent land locators. H. J. Shout was last evening brought to the county jail to await hls trial in October The names of the other three are Bone. Barco and M iliiams, also tn the jail. Tne unearthing of this giganUc fraud has consumed weeks and the end is not yet. The office retuse» to give out any of th« particulars. Malta Malta. Sept. 21.—Louis Pars ley. a Canadian, is dead In this city from a fall M'hlle at work on the roof of a livery stable he slipped and fell, sustaining a fractured skull and other Injuries that proved fatal after a few hours. Parsley had resided In MOB AN AMFJUCAN. this city for three years. He had no relatives in the M'est. t on*Ml al Geneva. *»tureian«l. Make* Tnwbir Slate I xv** 47 0041 Acre*. M’ashlngton. Sept. 21.—The interi or department has denied a motion for a review of its decision In the Klamath swxmp land case, rejecting the claim of the state of Oregon to 97.40« acres in the Klamath Indian reservation. FOUR CHILDREN DIE OF POISON Pnmxqed His Untie. St. Petersburg. Sept. 21.—The em peror has appointed Grand Duke Ser gius Mlchaeleovltch to the newly cre MOTHER FINDS FAMILY ated post of Inspector general of ar DYING ON RETURN HOME. tillery- The grand duke is the uncle of the emperor, and governor of Mos cow. Eight-Year-Old Boy Finds Sweet ( ake* Containing Drstdly Polson— SPRAGUE GRAIN FIRE. Fat.* Hti'tti H Unself and Feeds Tltem u> Younger Children—Pa S|tark* Front a Traction FTngine Heki rent* Abwut I'rom Home. Return to Br the Origin. to Find Enttrr Family Except Baby. Sprague. Wash . Sept. 21.—E. A. McKenna had 1500 bushels of blue In lWwth Agouk*« Several Children stem wheat destroyed by tire at his Were Trying lo tjurach Burning farm. 16 miles south of here, yester INHson by Drinking Mater—Baby day Refused to Eat die Cake*. The engine of the threshing outfit had Just run to get in place when fire was discovered in one of the stacks Spokane. Sept. 21.—Ruben Josser, It Is presumed that it caught front a spark thrown out by the engine, as It aged 4, today found a box of "rat was pulling In. biscuit," or poison cakes intended for The grain was Insured. The net rats and squirrels. He ate of the loss will amount to about 3600. stuff and treated his brothers and sis ter. Pt*-*Ment Back to Washington. Annie, aged 4. Rudolph, aged 11. Oyster Bay, Sept. 21.—The presi dent's visitors were today Fran W. Fred, aged 6 and Ruben are dead Higgins, republican candidate for from the effects of the deadly poison governor of New York; Jacob Riis, and other children of the family are who recently returned from a visit to dangerously III. The baby refused to Denmark. Tomorrow the president taste the stuff. The poison biscuit was found in a and family will take the Sylph for Jersey City, whence they will take a box in the pantry. The parents were absent from home and as the stuff special for W’ashlngton. was sweet and had the appearance of May Be Hotly of Outlook'* Editor. cookies, the children ate It greedily. M’lthln 30 minutes two of the child Iatndon. Sept. 21.—A body believed to be that of Charles B. Spahr, of New ren were dead and when the mother York, was washed ashore near Broad returned she found them writhing in Stairs, Kent. It Is not fully identi horrible agony and trying to quench the burning poison by drinking water, fied. such of them as were not uncon- «clous from Its fatal effects. Six Killed by lightning. Two of the children who did not Houston, Texas, Sept. 21.—Lightn ing struck a tank nt the Texas Oil Re relish the peculiar bitter taste of the finery on the Texas coast today, kill biscuit and ate but little of it. will ing six workmen and firing the tank. live. Geneva. Sept. 24.— H. L. Washing ton. the Americar. consul, suffered rough treatment at the hands of a crowd of workmen near Copper! to day The consul, with five friends, while automoblling. ran into a cow. The owner of the animal and a party of Italian workmen, attacked the party with stones Washington was severely wounded about the head, and the others sustained slight Injuries The party escaped by dashing full speed through the mob. THREE MEN MUHDF.RED Italian* and xk-itlan* start a Reign of Drsror. Chicago. Sept. 20.—Vincenzo Bru- nom. an Italian laborer who was se verely wounded by assailants who murdered hls two companions In their shanty at Riverdale last night, died in the county hospital this morning. The finding of 3435 in tbe clothes of the dead man lead the police to be lieve the motive was robbery. It is thought to be the result of a feud among the Slelltana or the work of a black hand society. The vicin ity is being thoroughly searched for the murderers PEACEMAKDl K1LIXD. By Maiulcr* Tlwm Beal One of the Flghlev*. Helena. Mont., Sept. 21.—Bert M*ar tham. essaying the role of peacemaker between Charles Reed and Frank More in a fight at Kendall last night, was fatally shot by Reed. Bystanders thereupon beat Reed so that he too. is expected to die. IlkHlng Near Milan. Rome. Sept. 20.—Strike riots «xrcur- r««d near Milan this afternoon. Gen eral Escard. In charge of the troopa was riding in a carriage accompanied by a detective, when strikers attempt- ed to stop the vehicle. The Jetiyctlve was struck on the head He drew a revolver and shot the ring-leader dead. Other strikers arrived and a riot ensu«sl. The strike generally* 1» ended. Fmtory Dcniroy«<d. Paris. Sept. 20.—The Rugiert fire works factory at St. Denis, which supplies the whole of Frani-e with py rotechnics. was destroyed by an ex plosion today.