Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1904)
— WEEKLY EDITION. WEEKLY EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fair, to •nose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. • ••••• • •••••• vmxxxAxx. * Tba Best Ora»,iiian of Pan- «Ileum, Oregon, la published in th* Leart of tba wonderful In land Empire. You will find that It la readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accu rately and fully. • •••••••••••••• • • VOL PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO..OKEGON, FRIDAY. MAY 20.1904 lfo^eaj CALIFORNIA FOR ^JSEVELT. NO. 49 have loaned more hail it been ask«*«l| MARINE DISASTER FEARED. INSPECTOR CLARK TO IDAHO. “Any returns front the place this Defends Beth National and SÌ. • Ad- year?” I! Canada Clamor* for Tariff on Amerl- Walla Walla Lose* Popular Postoffice ’’Well, you know we only move«! i IIUllU illlU I l»wr. Wlllll || can Lumber. ffninistrations. Official. «nt there last July, but have sold $!,- Sacramento, May 19.—The first bus-'^ ** ew «a B "V“ 11 ■ * ew ea ancouyer, B C., May 18. A marine Walla Walla. May 18.—Thoma* J. ooO worth of produce, besides having | Clark, for three years postoffice in iness of the afternoon session was the a living for th«' inmates of the county . spector In a district comprising South- adoption of the platform. It Is very house, which amounts to a saving of esuitern Washington and Eastern Ore brief, leaving matters of national pol several hundred dollars, as w«> now gon, bas been transferred to a better icy to the national convention, and of only have to buy groceries Queen Charlotte Sound, signals of dl*- district which takes in aJl Southern the state to the August convention, “Yes, 1 think it a good buy and ----- ¡tress were seen on Egg island, but the Idaho as far north, as the town of but it declares allegiance to party that it will eventually be almost, if not I weather was too bad to venture as- Roosevelt In Idaho rounty. Mr. Clark n i r .. i i j r ■ „ principles, favors protection, a sound quite self-supporting, which will mean •iistance rcOpli? OT tn6 Inland tmpirs system o. finance, building a merch- will move his family from Walla Wal A. L. Craig, 0. R. & N. Pas a saving of about $5.000 annually.” Communication the Beleaguered Town Has With the All boards of trade in the province la probably this w«-ek His new res- Only ant marine, ample navy, 'mprovement (have united In sending a strong dele ldence will be Boise. Relating to Attempts to Graft, senger Agent, Rejoices to Express Ringing Senti of rivers, preservation of forests and gation to Ottawa to urge the govern “How about the publication of the Mr. Clark came here from the At- reclamation of arid lands. Outside World is by Chinese Runners. ment to place a duty on rough Amer- See Historical Awakening. lantic coast and uuring his inspector- j It also praises 'he administration of ilelimptent tax list?" ments at The Dalles. ’lean lumber coming into Manitoba ship ba- made h!tns«-lf universally “Oh. that is one of the few gratis Governor Pardee, pays high tribute to ¡Irnm the United States fre at * ra’e popular, at 'be same time rigorously Roosevelt and instructs th«' delega att«'mi>t«Hi to he worke-i by the Trill- of over lO.OOO.OOO Thousands of prom- enforcing tbe postal regulations and utie. For its claim of $6’6. |4u" was tion to the ustionai convention to vote OREGON. WASHINGTON. IDAHO GOV. CHAMBERLAIN SAYS THE accepted, which was $100 more than This Important Event I* Confirmed From Si. Petersburg — Japanese Dam- Ir.en' men all ov-r Canada have been tnaaing ail employes lu tbe district and work for him. written and asked for assistance in keep strictly to the mark ought to have been paid Does any NOW BEFORE THE WORLD. PORTAGE WILL COST $157,535. age Anothsr Russian Battleship—Japanese Are Advancing Stead ly Up inducing the government to exact an one suppose 6o cents on t he dollar A Roosevelt Convention. ¡American lumber duty. NO SPECIAL RACING SERVICE. on Mukden, and Have Closed in From East and West Across the Pe- Sacramento. May 19.—The r-publi- would be accept«»! from a solvent ; can state convention was called to or- debtor? Is it not an admission that Tourist*. Student* and Homeaeeker* INJURED CHARLES NORRIS Permanent Open River Association Is ninsula to the North of Port Arthur. Western Union Adheres to Ita Inter , der this afternoon with about 700 del the claim wss unjust? | ■ • « All interested in Thi* Great Country “Why. they presented one bill Formed With an Executive Commit egates present. Tbe utmost enthusi diction of Gambling News. Athena Harnew Man Thrown From amounting to 860. when the contract — Portland Chamber of Commerce asm and harmony prevailed, though tee From Each County Bordering His Rig and Sustain* Broken Leg New York. May 18—A or the election of delegates at large is nrice was 81.90, and when I insisted Tokio. May 18.—An official dispatch commanding at Port Arthur, ataiaa Take* Step« to Bring All Portions der was issued '.iday by the Weotern on cutting 858 10 out of it I was Athena. May 18 — 'Special > has the Columbia River — Delegates expected to develop a sharp contest. today reports that up to Tuesday the that the battleship Publeda was dam threatened with bodily harm, but the railway to Port Arthur bad been cut aged by a torpedo sent from a subma Norris, a harness dewier of thi* city. I nion, reading: of Oregon Clo«er Together—Thomas Roosevelt ’ s administration will be in- Resolve That the People of the In “It has been decided to discontinue idorsed, and the delegation be instruct- rommissloners sustained me. These In five places. i rtne vessel Russian reports at first ■ was In Weston yesterday evening in forthwith the collection and distribu Richardson Appointed Commercial ia buggy, when be started to run a land Empire Will Raise Any Deficit , ed to cast its vote for him at Chicago bills can be seen at the clerk's office.” i said tbe ship struck a Russian mine tion by thl* company o! horse rac* re- "Or«' mor«' question: Did you have rare with a boy on horseback down Agent to D rect Capital to Waiting The Los Angeles delegates, who got Driving Back the Russians. in the Portage Appropriation by the street and was thrown from his ports.” 1 back of ex-Senator Bulla In his fight any interest in the farm purchased for Industries and to Find Markets for 18. — The Japan- Washington. May Th«- order goes to every superin Steamer. Russia Buys a WâH rig and had a leg broken and Popular Subscription — Enthusias- ; for a place as delegate at larg'. will a poor farm?” "No: I sold it October 14 1893 («e-» •se legation gives out the following otherwise bruised up. but not serious. tendent in 'he country, and is nation Madrid. May 18 — Russia has pui- Surplus Products. ! be disappointed. The combination of tic Meeting Adjourns to Meet State Tokio dispatch: al in scope In order to obtain racing chased tbe transport Alfocso Xlll 17 northern counties is so strong that •lee! records book 11. page 264). for “The commander landmg tbe force« in m tbe Trans-Atlantic company reports the pool rooms will now be $5 700 ’ ” intoxicated at the time and He was Commissio nin Portland Friday. Bulla stands no chance. of the Japanese army on Ua Tung "Had you a mor:gage on it?” his buggy struck a telephone pole In forced to collect their news at the The delegates at large to the repub A L Craig, genera. passenger agent. tracks and file it with the company “No; th«* halance was paid m«' F«-b- eninsula reports that between the the street. Cgar Reviews Artillery. lican national convention will be Gov R .M Hail advertising agent, and J. daily 15th an<l 16th there bad been a- other telegraph business is trans- The Dalles, May 19.—A permanent ernor Pardee. George A Knight of ruarv 27. 1900 (See book 5 of mort skirmishes with the enemy The St Petersburg. May 18.—The c zar • ted. the company simply acting as H O'Neiil, traveling paz-i-nget ag«r WOMAN AND GIRL. organization of the Open River Asso San Francisco. John L. Spreckles and gages. page 210).” of the- ORA N, were in tbe city lapanese detachment* successfully reriewt-d the artillery detachment* at a rommon carrier ciation was effected yesterday with Judge J. W. McKenney of Los An Bielgorrd today, expressing in his Both Were Drowned in the River at •his morning between trains, en route drdve back the Russians and destroy SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIANS. J. A. Smith, of Blalock, as president: geles. speech ronfldence th«'y would uphold 'o Walia Walla on a tour of inspec ed the telegraph and railway*. CHARGE MISMANAGEMENT Columbus. W. J. Mariner, of Blalock, secretary, i The convention was called to order their honor and renown in the war tion over the lines and to renew old At Tulantien ami vicintty on the Columbus. O.. May 18—With a pre» and J. P. Peters, of The Dalles, treas according to schedule by Chairman General Assembly Represents More l«th after severe fighting, the Japan- with a bold and powerful enemy acquaintance with the many friends of of I Also Corruption in Manipulation Than 1.000.000 Communicants. ty 4 year-old blonde girl bound to her urer. and they, together with Henry Cutter of the state committee. the road in Eastern Oregon. -se occupied the heights about three Amalgamated Affair*. Judge A. G. Burnett was elected body with bands of linen, a handsome Hahn, of Portland, and Dr. Blalock, Mr Craig is highly pleased with the Mobile. Ala . May 19—The annual ind a half miles from Ktnchow Tbe Off. Mukden Not Cut of Walla Walla, constitute the execu chairman, and Frank Ryan of Sacra session of the general assembly of the Japanese casualties were 146. includ I brunette woman about 25 years old. Anaronaa. May 18—A sensation usines» in his department this St Petersburg. May 18 — Tbe report mento. was elected secretary. Bur the as yet unidentified, leaped from tive committee. wax sprung this morning at the mem vpnng _ and looks for _____ __________ an unprecedented Southern Presbyterian church was ing nine officer* wounded ¡that the Jap* have taken up a position Into nett made a brief address, then named Rich street bridge this morning A board of directors, composed of ing of the stockholder* of the Ana*| rav. ’ to and from the West during called to order today by the retiring north of Mukden, thus blocking the des- the commUtees. John F Davis is tbe river. Both drowned after a ore delegate from each county in the 7-^ stimulus to ronda Copper Mining Company, when i .j,^. nexJ two Russian Admission*. moderator. Rev. Abner C. Hopkins. D further retreat of the Russians is dis l>erate fight by two men who sprang representatives of the Eastern stock states of Oregon. Washington and chairman on resolutions. Frank Short D.. of Charleston. W. Va. 'ravel was never so great in the West ad- St Petersburg. May 18. — Tbe credited here An offirer of the gen Idaho, tributary to the Columbia river of Fresno, chairman on credentials. holders charged mismanagement by as now on account of the great his- About 200 commissioners were in mlralty has a dispatch from Admiral eral staff points out that th« only :n and attemp’ed a rescue Tbe wotniin has been identified as was chosen as follows: the Amalgamated. attendance, half being ministers ana Wittsoeft, dated the 14th at Port Ar route by which the Japanese could orica awakening in this great terrt- Husband Multnomah—A. H. Devers, Portland. THREATENED UPRISING. Among the charges is that the ne* 'ory covered by the travel* of Lewi* half ruling elders. They represented thur. stating there had been no fight have marched thither is most mount Mrs Malcom Copeland and and wife quarreled last night, Wasco—A. S. Bennett. The Dalles. profits have fallen off almost $4.00* and Clark and by the Louisiana Pur about 80 presbyteries and more than ing since the telegraph was cut. The ainous and would have given tbe Sherman—John Fulton. Wasco. Pole* Threaten Russia With An At- 1.000.000 non in four years with an ore produc chase both of which great events will communicants. scattered Russian squadron 1* In good order. Russians an opportunity to overwhelm Copeland is missing. Moro—Jos. A. Woolery. Ione. tlon not decreased, and coat erf rei-zc be celebrated in the years 1904 at St variously over the spates of Virginia. Communication is now maintained by their enemy. tempt st Freedom. Wheeler—W. W. Ste'wer. Fossil. STUCK IN THE MUD. ion materially lessened. The charge Louis, and in IK'S at Portland. West Virginia. Maryland. North Caro London. May 19.—Because of a Chinese runners. It is stated that tbe general rnlli- Umatilla. T. G. Hailey. Pendleton. threatened uprising in Poland in the lino. South Carolina. Kentucky, Ten includes that millions have been spent People in different part* of the tary position is that throe Japanese Anchor* of New Battleship Failed to by the Amalgamated in politics it. country did not appreciate the his Crook—C. M. Elkins. Prineville. not nessee. Georgia. Florida. Alabama Kuropatkin Cut Off. summer. Queen Alexandria will divisions are marching slowly toward Urlon—Joseph Wright. Union. Mor tana, that wer* taken from the torical interest centered in the West, Hold. attend the anniversary concert May 26 Mississippi. Louisiana. Texas. Arkan London. May IS The Central News U* Yang One along the Fen Huang Wallowa—Polk Mays. Joseph. until this agitation caused by thee« Quincy. Mas* . May 18 —The battle Anaconda treasury. the day Chopin died. She fears her sas and Missouri and Indian territory. »-respondent at Rome wires thst a Cher g road, the others aome distance Baker—Wm. Smith. Baker City. two expositions commemorating two was successfully nresence would be interpreted as en to the right and left a battle la not ■hip Rhode ialaad telegram was received there from To Malheur—Will R. King. Ontario. EVIDENCE HARD TO GET. of the greateat events in the nation's DEADLOCK CONTINUES. kio reporting that two Japanese dlvls- expected tor some days, owing to the launched today, and immediately Grant—Chas. P. Johnson. John Day. couragement to the revolutionists. history •tuck In a mud bank ovrlng to her The Poles in London and elsewhere extreme «are and so* new of the on» have arrived close to Mukden and Clatsop—Hermann Wise. Astoria. in addition to the stimulus of home anchor» falling to hold She will be W tnesses Snow Prejudice Against Springfield Convention Will Fight it cut «iff Kuropa’kin’s line of retreat. are known to be most active, shipping Japanese advance Columbia—T. A. McBride. St. seeking which has brought thousands released next tide. Murdered Woman. quantities of arms to Poland via the Out Along Present Lines. Helens. Austrian frontier Court diplomatic Will fake to the Air. R sing Sun., Ind . May 18.—At the to the Wea: during the past few year* Japanese Reoccupy Kai Hing. Springfield. III.. May 19.—The pith Washington. circles consider the situation serious. ballot for governor stood: Yates. 482: Herero* Bartar'tie*. Gillespie trial Detective Franklin tes now the tourist and student of West St Petersburg. May 18—An imper Tokio. May 18.—It Is repor ed the Clark—A. L. Miller. Berlin, May 18—Southwest African tified that James Gillespie balked all ern history will find a keen delight tn ial ordinance order« the formation of Japanese have reoccupied Kai Hing. Lowden. 396; Deneen. 440. the new territory around which clings Skamania—John Totten. Stevenson Torpedo Boat Damaged. Three ballots were taken this morn a Siberian balloon detachment. ¡20 taLes southeast of Nlu Chwang dispatches today report that Herero« attempt* to secure information. Myron such historical interest Klickitat—Daniel O’Connor, Golden- disinterred the bodit* of German sol Rarboar also told him Elizabeth caus Hong Kong. May 19.—The British ing with no change. The convention and It land from Ijaiehou. after heavy Every reputable class is now at- dale. Battleship Damaged. torpedo boat Hart was badly damaged voted down a proposition to take up losses The force occupying the town dier* and mutilated them. The em ed all tbe trouble, having talked about •racted to tne West. The homeaeeker Y akima—Arhur Coffin. North Yak- by a collision with a launch here to the nominations of miror officers Barbour's wife. Barbour admitted press has sent her portrait to General Ft. Petersburg May 18.—A letter re- Is in al) probability that landed at for new opportunity, the tourist for ima. ¡knowledge of who fired the shot Trotha with * meaaage ahead of governor. day. One Chinaman was drowned. '■elved by a fri«-nd of General Stoessel I Air bon Monday an.i Tuesday pleasure and the student for histori Franklin—E. P. . Green. cal knowledge and investigation. Adams—W. W. Yentz. Oregon. Washington and Idaho will Turner, Walla Whitman—H. 1 H. be viewed by the greatest throng of Walla. curious and admiring people tn the Columbia—M. M Godman. Dayton. next year that ever visited any section Whitman—Charles L. McKenzie. in th«- West in the same period of Colfax time Douglas—E P Trimble. Waterville It should be the aim of these «rate« Asotin—E H. Libbev, Clarkston. to welcome anff enterfain that boat of Spokane—N. H. Durham, Spokane. ! people-*« «oeff’-n manner that many Garfield—M. T. Goss, Pomeroy. of tbem.-.wiU be induced to stay and Idaho. become wheel horses with the pio HAZELWOOD PEOPLE IN NINETEEN MAJORITY IN SEVEREST BLOW OF THE Nez Perce—James E. Babb. Lewis HE BELIEVES THE TRIBUNE IS BY THE BLUE MOUNTAIN LIGHTER CROP IN SOME neers to*. STALL SEPARATING STATION. THE OPEN CONVENTION. “Eastern and Western Oregon must WAR TO THE JAPANESE. MAKING VOTES FOR HIM. COAL MINING COMPANY PLACES BUT NO FAILURE. Governor Chamberlain, in a 45- get closer together." said Mr. Craig minutes talk, reviewed the portage There must be a friendlier, closer road situation and gave the figures ar Give* the Plain Fact* on Record in Rumor* of a Turkish-Russian Compact Sample of Fine Fuel Can Be Seen m Moat Fields Will Largely Outgrow th* Hearst Was Defeated in the Tempor Small Irrigated Farms at Moton and rompact. Both sections are parts of rived at by the state engineer. The Vicinity Make it an Ideal Cream •he «same treat state. Both seetjons i ary Organisation of Committees, Regard to the Poor Farm Purchase, by Which the Black Sea Fleet Can Pendleton—This Coal Ha* Under Effect« of the Freeze, Which Did estimated cost of the portage road as District — Hazelwood Creamery »re interested in the highest develop and in All the Committee Fights. Dardanelles — Japanese the Valuation of Land Near Nolin Pass the gone Severe Testing by the O. R. & Not Affect High and Level Ground given by the state engineer is $15",-1 Pecple Are Extending Their Trade ment of the resources and the most Only to Win Out When the Final Destroy More Railroad and Capture 535, leaving »4.465, out of the appro and the Railroad Assessment—His N. in Engine Work, and Found to —The Medium Developed Wheat rapid possible extension of internal i Over Umatdla County—Separating Issue Was Made In the General Con priation of $165,000 wfTh which to a Commissary Train — D'sappear- Estimate of the County Printing Be Fine Railroad Coal. mprovement and -ommerce Suffered the Moat. purchase the right of way and carry vention—Both Factions Were Stub I Station at Echo. ’The Portland Chamber of Com ance of 50.000 Rounds of Russian Graft—Wa* Threatened With Bodily I on the preliminary work of survey. merve has taken a step which will be born and Uncompromising From Artillery Ammunition. for Cutting Down One Item. Harm The members of the permanent as w E. Brock received a box from The »heat raisers of this county Start to Finish. appreciated by the people of Oregon _____ » The Hazelwood Creamery has in and which will be tbe cause of Im sociation will meet with the state port George Consor. of Heppner, this are not as badly hurt by the recent , age commission in Portland tomorrow stalled a separating station at MU- measurable good to the state Tokio. May 19—Admiral Togo re morning, containing a piece of coal frosts as was at first supposed, and I Judge Hartman, when asked today. to review the situation and take steps ton. and is now shipping a large “A capable live man. Thomas Rich- from the mine of the Blue .Mountain though the crops will be a shade _ ______ , . ports: ’ ’ Report from Rear Admiral Santa Cruz, May 18. — The resol □- how he liked the Tribune’s editorials to secure the right of way and begin quantity of butter fat from that city •rdson. formerly of New Orleans, has Coal Mining Company, near Heppner, . lighter in some parts of the county ¡ t |ons committee adopted a resolution Dewa says the cruisers Kasaga and roasting him, answered: the actual work of construction, if it in which property Mr Brock owns an ¡than would have otherwise been the ’ct.mmeEding Hearst'to the national to their cream«ry at Spokane From been tendered 8he position of com "Fine, Some of my republican , Yoshino collided during a fog near interest is deemed advisable at this time. ¡case. Mill even the frostbitten fields jconvention for his fight on public 1*- six to nine lOgallon cans are shipped mercial agent for the Chamber of Port Arthur May 15. The Yoshino friends think I am paying Dodd to do Resolution*. The piece of coal weighs 350 will give a fair crop, sank, only 90 of the crew being saved. sues. but refused instructions by a out throe time« a week the fanners Commerce whose duty it will be to The following resolutions were this heavy work for me. I am receiv On the same day the battleship Hat- pounds and is a bright, clean looking vote of 27 to 25. The fight bow goes bringing their milk to the station to bring Portland business men and It has been the medium wheat that be separated, the skimmed milk be Eastern Oregon producers together unanimously adopted by the meeting: ing assurances of support every day. suse struck a Russian mine and sank.” piece of fuel. The coal from this bas been caught by the frost That to the convention. ing returned to them. Whereas, The material develop caused by the Tribune’s efforts.” and make them acquainted with each A supplemental report by Togo property contains about 75 per cent which is yet very young and the well Many farmers are purchasing sep other’s weeds and wishes. “How about the charge about your says: "At 1:14 the afternoon of the of carbon, iwid has stood some bard matured seems to hare escap«>d the ment of the resources of the Inland Instructs for Hearst arators and deliver nothing but the ■ He will spend much of his time in Empire has been greatly retarded be placing too low values on land in the 15th. in a deep fog off Port Arthur, tests in the past. Not long ago a car blight and are now in good condition Santa Cruz, Cal.. May 18—By * ma pure cream at the station, while the remote corners of Oregon, ascer cause of inadequate and insufficient interest of the railroad company down tbe Kasaga rammed the Yoshino, load was taken to Portland, where it For the most part the frost damaged jority of 19 votes the democratic state means of transportation and exorbi the Umatilla river?” which sank, only 90 of the crew be was tested by the O. R. & N compa- the wheat in the draws and low convention tonight instructed the del many who have not the convenien taining the needs of each communi ce« for handling a separator, bring ty. studying the possibilities for in- tant rates to tide water, and "Oh, that's all right. I am backed ing saved. The engine using it pulled more ■y. places, and left I that of the high or egation to the national convention at whole milk to the station where instries in the different localities and Whe’eas, The condition of affairs up in that by the assessment roll and “The same morning the Hatsu. cars and made more steam with less level ground In good shape. From St. Lout* to vote for Congressman W. the It is separated by the company will make it a special part of his work can only be remedied by opening to by Roe Ferguson, Lute Rothrock. Will while cruising off Port Arthur, cover effort than with any other coal before this fact it will be seen that the R. Hearst for president. The vote The price paid for the butter fat is navigation by canal the upper Colum Rigby, Frank Clopton and N. Berkeley, ing the landing of soldiers, struck a used. damage will not be so great as it stood: For instruction. 365; against. regulated by the price of creamery ’o induce capital tn invest in these favorable places, and to help local bia river, or building of a portage road whose estimates agreed substantially mine 10 knots to the southeast of the The company is now putting in large might have been 346. butter, being 2 cents lower than the ’»pita! to es’ablish home industries around tbe dalles, and with mine. These things are of record harbor entrance. She signalled for improvements and development work In tbe whole, the crop will not be market price of the butter. This and find a market for their products. Whereas, We, the representatives in the case.” help and Instantly struck another on their property, and will begin min damaged greatly, for that which has means from 10 to 25 cents a pound "This mxn will be the mean* of OPEN RIVER MEETING. of the various communities of Ore "Could you tell me something about mine. It sank in half an hour. Three ing on a large scale in a short time. been hurt will, with good weather, for bu:ter fat 'he year around At welding all sectirujs of Oregon to gon, Washington, Idaho, to be bene the poor farm, the railroad assess hundred of her crew were saved by grow again and will yield a fair crop, this price the Income from a common gether closely. Through the Portland fited by an open river are met in ment, etc.? though It will be late In maturing Delegates From All Over the Inland row runs from $5 to $< per month, Chamber torpedo boats.” YOUTHFUL HORSE THIEF. of Commerce he will direct convenrion to devise ways and means "Why. Dodd’s vaporings are so silly, Empire at The Dalles. Rnt these patch«! which will give a depending altogether on the care capital to different portion* of the looking to this desired end. his case so weak, that it should be de little after having been up against The Dalles, May 18. — (Special.) — Japs Lose Two Warships. Baker City Boy of 10 Has Stolen given the milk cow and the grade of state which presents favorable open- Resolved. That we urge upon all murred out of court. the frost would have yielded large The meeting of Inland Empire farm 'he animai. London. May 19.—An official dis Three and Skipped. and will find a means of market the necessity of lending every aid and "It seems a waste of time to pay any acreages if the blight had not come, ers called to take step« to burry up The Hazelwood people are gradu- ing and an outlet for the product* of encouragement to the enterprise in attention to them, but will say that patch received this afternoon an- Willie Smith, youthful robber of so that the effect will be felt tn the the construction of the portage road ally extending their trade over Uma- th«> most remote corner of the state, order that we may have speedy relief owing to lack of time the hearing of nounces that the Japanese cruiser the Salvation Army barracks to the total. and ship canal at this place organized tills county. a se;>arating station »•here the people are in any way iso- from present burdensome conditions. the railroad company's case before the Koshino and the battleship Hatuse tune of about $350, and who was Rome Individuals will lone pretty yesterday evening by electing J T Resolved, That we recognize the board of equalization was passed up to were sunk off Port Arthur. Over 600 turned out of jail because he was heavily where they have low land Peters, of this city, president, and J. row being in contemplation at Echo, lated. The need of thia kind of an and also a shipping station at Athe- vgency has long been felt in «the state. lives were lost. Of the crew of the loyalty of the people of Oregon to the the county court at the request of tjio young to send to the reform which was In the tra.’k of the frost, S. Stewart, of Fossil, as secretary. na. The need of a confidential friend and project as evidenced by liberal appro Messrs. Watt and Morrow, who had battleship 61 were saved. school, is subject to apprehension but these places are not very many, Delegates from all the Columbia The small farms and Irrigated pas triviaor. who is in touch with the out The former was a 4,150-ton vessel, again, says the Baker City Herald. priations made by the state legisla charge of the company’s case, and on so that provided no more freezes oc- river counties in Oregon were pres tures in the vicinity of Milton and ture, and urge immediate action to their failure to show any good reasons the latter 15,000 tons. He only stole three horses this cur no one will suffor much loss In ••nt and the convention is still in ses Freewater, make that an tdeal milk side world has been one of the chief elements in the delay of our highest wards making use of the funds thus for reducing the same it was allowed time. Up to a late hour horse own Umatfllli county. sion. considering seriously the best renter, and the company Is using development. Reported Jap Naval Losses. appropriated that the object sought to stand as made by Assessor Strain.” ers were scouring the country for plan to encourage the building of the every effort to extend the cream pro- In this man, Eastern Oregon, South Chee Foo, May 19.—Dalny refugees the child horse thief, but no trace of may be accomplished without un "How about the much-talked of portage road immediately and to en ductlon of that district. SOAKING RAIN FELL. ern Oregon and Western Oregon will arriving today insist that the Japan him had been found. Deputy Pros necessary delay, and would respect poor farm?” courage the later construction of the The Weston mountain district is And a man who is capable of supply ese fleet suffered severely In the re ecuting Attorney Wlnfree was also fully request the state portage com Favored the Welch Place. Athena and Weston Visited by a Re ship canal, when the state shall have also considered one of the best cream ing the needs of one section and of cent operations before Port Arthur mission to survey, or cause to be sur looking for him. The stern-faced secured right of way for the govern districts In the West, owing to the directing the surplus of the other sec “I favored purchasing the old Welch veyed, a feasible route for a portage place of 65 acres, which li«-s just on and Dalny, the losses including the prosecuting attorney had the boy un freshing Shower Last Night and ment. great amount of outside range and tions. in such a way that stimulated Today. battleship Kishima and either the road, and to immediately proceed to the western limits of tbe city, about cruiser Asama or the battleship Fuji, der his surveillance under a fad of the great variety of forage crops trade and «ievelopment will result all construct the same. > Athena. May 18. — Special.) — A soak his that any kind of animal or human WILHELM THE WI8E. that can be raised there over th«' state." We pledge ourselves to use all the 20 acres of which are in cultivation both of which struck mines Russian being could be tamed by kindness. ing rain fell last night all over this The Spokane creamery furnishes influence in our power with the com and about 25 more can be cleared up boats went out to rescue Japanese district and beyond Weston, coming When the boy was caught red-hand German Emperor Had Best Go Try It the entire supply of Ice cream for After Arteaian Water. from the sinking vessels, but were munities we represent toward raising at an expense of about $1 000. the Inland Empire towns, besld»»« "This could have been bought tor forced to retire when Japanese rein ed with nearly $350 of the Salvation Just as It was beginning to be needed Himself. The all important question of ob funds that may be lacking for the $8.000, by crops and orchards. Army ’ s money in hlB possession, the and the present buildings on forcements appeared. Berlin, May 17— It is learned that nearly all the butter consumed In taining cheap water for irrigating the completion of the work. Whatever wheat may have been deputy prosecutor thought it was district the county ’ s lots about one-fourth this The Russian consul has a Dalny dis pretty tough. When it developed frost bitten last week will now be Emperor Wilhelm 1s so incensed at thousands of acres of land in close While we realize the desirability of miue distant could have been moved proximity to Nyssa will be thorough a canal and locks as a permanent im to it at small expense but Messrs. patch stating that two Japanese bat- that the boy was under 10 years of started off briskly and will make a the ministerial blunders In German INSURGENT ARMENIANS. Southwest African affairs that he ap ly Jested this summer. Several of tleships were lost Monday at Port Ar- provement. still we consider that the and Walker favored the thur and the harbor passage is par- age be did not know what to do with crop, notwithstanding tbe setback, pointed General Trotha direct, with the residents of the Owyhee, who needs of the present warrant us in Gilliland Orchards and gardens are in a thrifty him. Chapman place, which was purchased. tfally opened by the removal of the The Worm Turn* Against the Turk*? own farms above the ditch, are com urging the construction of the port He was under the prescribed years condition, the slrawberry crop of out consulting the ministers. "It consists of 160 acres with good Japanese fireships. Iron Heel. When leaving for a tour of South bining to bear the expense In com age road as a means of temporary re- water rights, about 70 acres being for the reform school, he was too Freewater being especially well ad- Constantinople. May 18.—The vail mon of drilling for artesian water vanned. This rain will cause the and West Germany tbe kaiser re lief. young to send to the pen to mingle rich bottom land, 50 acres of an black, Japs Destroy Railroad. W. J. DAVENPORT, with the hardened criminals and the quality of the berries to be much bet marked to Chancellor Buelow. "I of Bltlis • eports 17 villages destroy«»! and work will be begun in the very alkali flat and 40 acres hill land. The N. WHEALDON, Niu Chwang, May 19. — A Japanese deputy prosecuting attorney for the 1er than if they had been produced wonder what stupidities those block- by Armenian insurgents in the Sas- near future—Nyssa Progress. black bottom land of 70 acres is well heads will perpetrate while I am soun district. Six hundred families O. H. KJOS, fleet was sighted 10 miles north of state had him brought to his office by Irrigation alone. worth 87.000. The alkali flat land is taken refuge in Mush Hackmen Strike. away thia timet" JAMES STEWART, Wheat is now two feet high In many Kai Chow today. The Japanese troops boy shed tears for examination. The partially reclaimed and produces flne N G BLALOCK, marched several miles inland from and looked innocent enough. Mr, places and growing as it never grew Cleveland, Ray 18—Four hundred alfalfa, and will eventually be worth MR8. SMITH ON TRIAL. Liner With Broken Shaft. Committee. before at this season of the year It hackmen struck this morning on fatl- $100 per acre and such land it is claim Kai Chow and destroyed four miles Winfree melted. Is 20 per cent better now than It was Queenst««*/n. May 18.—The Red Star uie to reach a wage agreement with of railroad and captured a commis story told the But last evening ’ s ed by Prof. I^eckenby, is the best in Charged With Selling Worthless CHINE8E PORT OPENED. liner Friesland, with a broken shaft, employers They declare none will tale. The boy had stolen three on May 20. 1903, and It seems now the world when the alkali is washed sary train. Mining Stocks. is helpless off Minehea. Tugs have drive carriages even to the funerals. horses within 24 hours at that time that no circumstances can prevent a out of it. The price, $10,500, included Loss of Ammunition. An important Concession to Foreign three horses, eight head of cattle, Seattle. May 17—Mrs. Lloyd A. gon« to her assistance and expect to How many he has stolen since has bumper crop. It is still raining at 3 p tn., with prospects of a flne rain a 1 Smith, charged with having obtained bring th«> boat to Liverpool tonight John Church, of Port Angeles, has Trade Intereats. Birmingham, May 19—The Post, not been reported. farm implements, wagons, mower, over the wheat belt tonight. many thousand dollars under false been appointed to fill the unexpirvd Washington, May 19.—Minister Con rake, chickens, etc., leaving the price prints an Odessa report that 50,000 pretenses by selling alleged worth The Installation of the fireboat in term of his brother. W. J. Church as ger at Pekin, cables the state depart of land at about $9,500. Judge Fee rounds of heavy ammunition reserved Fred Vandergraft, a well known Four prisoners escaped from the less mining stock to scores of wom Portland, will reduce insurance rates county clerk W J. Church was kill ment that the port of Tsinanfu, Shan loaned $2500 school money on it and at Kherson, h ir either ulsappearod or rancher of Gooding, Idaho, cut his Inquiry proceedings throat in a fit of despondency, Mon Yakima county Jail Tuesday morning, en in many coast cities, was placed on the water front at least 12 per ed in a runaway accident laat Satur tung province, has been opened to for he is instructed to loan only one- is worthless by digging through the wall. day. on trial this morning. cant eign trade by an imperial decree. third the value and he, perhaps, would have been ordered. I day. * L I I n I I H 1 I I IIIIIllIHlII TO PORT ARTHUR SEVERED MAKES A REPLY DEVELOPMENT ;