Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
h KKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • • • WEEKLY EDITION. Unswayed by fear, uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth. the county. whole truth, about state and national affairs. It is lair, absolutely fair. to -aose who differ from ita views, as well as to its friends »••»••»••a • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • . • • 1 • • • • • • • • • e • • VOL. XXVI11 PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO. OREGON. ERIDAY. MAY 27. 1904 • Th* £»»■ (jrsgonlaL of Pen- • list on Ctiegoti Is published In the Loan of the wuudarfuj Ln- • lar.d Empire Ton will Cud • ihat it is readable rellab.e e »rid pograaalvs and will give e you the o**» reliably accu e riraly and fully • «• ••••••••••••••a« NO. 51 --------------------------------Hi«oricaJ JAPS CLOSETN ON PORT ARTHUR I that the income from labor and ener- Igy would be doubled Farmers allow enough valuable property and crop* to go to waste each year to make a handsntQe profit Hr cited an ins'ance 1 of a cattleman in Washington who I turned out 8<Mt head of cattle iu the I lanes and dry fiaithills and permitted i the entire herd to wander for days without food, while the snm«- farmer had idle laud producing nothing. He was suffering a double loss by per mitting the stock to die and depreci ate and bv allowing the land to He idle. He urged more thoughtful, earnest study among land owners, with a view to conserving the forces of the land lie close«’ by tell.’ng for the future a atery of the old Irisnman. who had SPEAKERS URGE MORE ADMISSIONS MADE BY made "dollars by thinking whore he NEARLY TWENTY MEN CARE IN FARM METHODS. *'a'1 1101 lna<,° cin,s '' hari1. ’ KNOWN TO BE KILLED THEM on witness stand The P»ndleton band furnished n»u- I sic for the forenoon and afternoon | »«»»sions Numerous questions were Farmer* Know Too Much That it Not asked by farmers in the audience, and Many Otners Wounded and Missing in One Man Fixes the Price of Lehigh True—Are Unwilling to Take Ad i while the attendance wa* very small the River and Beneath Debris— Coal at Tidewater, and Tidewater i for the banner wheat «-ounty In the vantage of Other Men's Experience 1 state of Oregon, the interest was suf- Boat Was Bound for New Orleans Price* Regulate Prices Elsewhere— —Professor French Despises the | fleient to warrant the effort. With a Tow of Coal Barge*—Boat In Other Instances Conferences Be- The O R. & N company and the| Title of "Professor"—Says Farm Pendleton Had Been Recently Remodeled and tween Directors of Railroads and Commercial Association Experts Are Not Professor*—C. L. pre to bo congratulated for the part Refitted—A Pittsburg Pleasure Coal Companies Established Selling they took in preparing for the meet Smith, of Spokane, and Colonel Jud ing and furnishing the speakers free Party Broken Up by the Disaster. Prices for Entire Country. of all charge to the farmers. son Speak on Live Farm Topics. They Capture Km Chow, a Institute Was Lightly At Fortified Outlying Town of tended Owing to the Very I Busy Season. Great Importance. RUSSIANS EVACUATE KAI PING. NEAR NIU CHWANG. — LUES LOST 81 eudum law, ami thU bill is the first presented under that popular law in our state No saloon keeper or liquor dealer or gambler or those in sympathy ___ ____. with th«- sam»i can conscientiously ____J vote against ft without forfeiting ___ _ ______ their claim to belief In p«-rsonat liberty and personal right«, Local option appeal« to every Am«-rican ictlzen a« a "basic princi pe- of American government." Would It not be an un American pro« «-»-ding to vote against it. U-caus«- it would be to vote against th«? "ma jority rule?" We appeal to «-very fair- mlndt-pt p«-r*«»n who le-liev---» r «-qua! ‘right* and privilege» and in the nor-1 erelgn ¡e»i-r of the people to rote fhr (local option at th«- coming ehyc'lon LOCAL OPTION PRESS COMMIT CONTRACTS PRODUCED TEE ARE INCRIMINATING. Boilers in an Ohio Towboat Coal Trust Magnates Admit I Give Way With Awful Re That the Laws of Supply sults at 1 ‘Uisville. and Demand Do Not. Interstate Commerce Commis Montana Presents a Hot Con sion Reluctantly Resumes test Between Conflicting the Investigation. Delegations. OHIO UNTERRIFIED ARE NON-COMMITTAL. WARRING FACTIONS FROM LITIGATING INTERESTS. I Coal Trust's and Railroad Companies' Butte Has a Fight Against Moyer and Refer* All General Issue* to the Na on Dalny, and Are Crowding the Private Records Disclose That a Haywood. But Can Be Compromised tional Convention and Declare* War at Every Point of Vantage— System of Rebates to Favored Rail With — Sentiment Seem* to Be Only About Matter* of State Con Russia Will Not Abandon Her Pol road* Existed With Differing Per Aga n*t Direct Affiliation With the cern—Sends an Uninstructed Dele centages of Benefits — Defense Ob icy of Planting Submarine Mines Federation of Labor—Brotherhood gation, Conservatives Ruling. jecting to Every Step of the Pro Outside the Three-mile Limit. But of Engineer* Make* a Splendid Columbus. O, May 26 —Tbe demo- ceeding*—Light on a Gigantic Swin Insists on Making Treaties Cover- ' ratic state convention this afternoon Showing—Expected to Retain W. 8. nominated the following ticket: dle. ing the Issue. After the War Is Stone. Secretary of state, A P. Sandies, Ended. ZIONIST CONGRESS. IxHdsville. Ky . May 26.—The boil New York. May 26—President supreme judge. P. J Renner, clerk ot ers ot the towboat Fred Wilson ex Truesdale of the Lackawanna, was The farmers’ institute met this _ ___ he supreme court. H. M _____ Mahaffey; ! Neu Yor».. May 24.—The interstate Denver May 25 —A big fight occur- Promoting Plans for Colonization of ,n u ;ay resumed ploded ibis morning. killing about 18 chief witness this morning at the ood commissioner. Quln an Garette. p,umui''rt* ' r- ! on the convection floor of the London. May 26.—A Central News morning at 10:30 on the court house Palestine. I investigation <rt the tomplaint by men and seriously injuring 10 others session of the Interstate commerce member board public works, W. H. Western Federation of Miners when Tokio correspondent wires that word grounds, where seats and shade had Hamburg. May 26.—Th» Zionist j Hearst against the Reading and ether •he creden'ia)!- committee made it* Where the wrecking of the boat oc commission Th«- coutsel for Hearst e erguson. been prepared for the occasion. The ■'oneres.« adjourned today. is received there that the Japanese The conservative faction controlled railroads «arrying coal to tbe sea- repot- stating it Is unable to reach curred was off Riverview park, as the repeated the question* asked last year attendance was very light at the fore The central comtnlitw formally today stormed and carried Kin Chow, noon session, and an informal meet- j uked and the delegation to tbe St. Louis ! board from the an'hracite regior.». an agr«-m»-ni on the contesting dele- the Russian government whetb oat was about to tie up. I Under tbe supreme court's decision which he refused to answer then, but onventlon is uninstructed. rations from Butt» representing the to the rear of Port Arthur. ing was held, in which ex-Mayor Hai »r It would be willing to support Jew |lhe commission will demand the pro The boiler was a large one and the is compelled to now according to the The platform is chiefly interesting Amz'gama’ed company or Rockefei- ley welcomed the speakers present | ish colonization in Palestine by influ duction of contracta refused to tbe for what it doe* not say. detonation heavy. The crew was supreme court decision ’■ August Atta'ck on Kin Chow. and complimented the farmers on the encing the sultan to grant his consent Ail national questions are referred I ommission last year. •’..-» who baa be»n waging such a blown into the air. some falling into "Do you know who fixes the price opportunity of listening to the ad Tokio. May 26.—An attack on Kin »o ceding of land for the purpose President Baer produced the con- ‘d-t«»T srar In Mon'ana against to the St. Ix>uia convention, and ex- ’.he Tbe he river, other* on the embankment, ot anthracite coal carried by your -ression is given only to state mat 'racts with the Temple company con Xmaigsma’ed. The Chow began early this morning. The dresses of the practical farm experts Russia replied affirmatively. convention final- jointly with those with the jersey who had been secured for the insti »resident also read a sympathetic while the les* fortunate were caught roads?" ers. ly decided to seat four Rockefeller main assault was direc;ed on Creiths. tute. message from the kaiser "Suppose | do. after action by the in the wreckage and instantly killed. The Ohio delegation will vote as a Central, l^ckawanna. Erie. Susque -ieleeate* from the Butte Sta'ionary south of the castle. The artillery is Mr Hailey called attention to the hanna and Reading railroads. The :nit upon a decision of a majorl y of in a commanding position. The cas fact that farm subjects were being The dead are Captain Price of Pitta- !>oard of directors," was the answer I coi.ns»! read from each the percenta Engin«-ers* Union. California Prohibitionist*. "How do you account for the fact he delegate* to do so. ualties are not reported. Among the question* to be discus» urg; Pilot Melier, Mate Sykes; A. more and more studied by Umatilla that the price circulars are uniform A plank favoring two-cent street car j xes of rebate tonnage to be accord«—! M by the convention are the election Oakland. Cal May 26—Making up ounty farmers, and that gradual!. I the several coal carrying «■ompanies. W. Kennedy of Pittsburg, an lcaur- if there Is no agreement?” are* »as adopted. Castle Heights Captured. I ranging from 2$ to 4 the former be ■f officers politic*! policy of Gover- 'hey are adopting many of the ad ‘n enthusiasm what they lack In num- ince man. making a pleasure trip; "Circulars were Issued each year lor Peabody and Roosevelt and re ■>er*. the prohibitionists of California Tokio. May 26.—The Russians, after vanced ideas promulgated by the col ing the Reading rebate and the latter ■norgi ol b«-*dquarter* to Burte. in state convention here Engineer Surely, six colored, deck l riot to the first of April that a meet EXCURSION 6TEAMER AT LARGE I 'he Su*q :ehaxina '««embled leges and universities maintained for the Japanese captured the castle at Butte has candidat«’* for both pres •oday. In addition to choosing dele- lands, and the cook and steward, ing of the coal carriers was held ev Asked to produce the contra«-« of Kin Chow, retired to the southern the benefit of the people. err spring and prices agreed upon Wat Disabled in the Irish Sea. With the national convention «bite men. ect and secretary-treasurer to *uc- In introducing Colonel R C. Judson •ates to April 10. 188$, between the trunk line* heights, which the Japanese in force The boat was recently remodeled nrior to the Issuance of the circular* be discussed for waging a , land th» Temple company, Baer's 'eed Moyer and Heywood, but may 800 People Aboard. attacked and carried. of the O. R. & N. industrial depart -Ians will campaign throughout th» .■ d at 140.000 she was The prices were based on tbe price* insert to their ree’ectlon If they can vigorous Liverpool May 26—The excursion |co’j3Ml obje—,-d. say ir g it »is not ment. he made mention of the fact get the headquarters. «rate this fall on behalf of the prohl- ■ound to New Orleans with a tow of of con! at tidewater " I •-ailed for. that Colonel Judson has been the on examination of the ’'.earner Que«-n Victoria, with '».») poo Land Attack Is Expected. oal barge*. bi'Ion movements. > w- • pr . • >le aboard and missing for 24 hours |*u!>poenas Tokio, May 26.—Dispatches this rromoter of many of the most profita WHAT IS LOCAL OPTION' Additional Killed. Sentiment Against. w*« found disabled in the Irish sea tbe latter morning indicate that an attack by ble farm innovations eve* made In Cardinal Satolli Coming Here To the list of ktlle<! 1* added Sec Denver, May 25—Th» afternoon Replying to Cumm:«»ioner Prouty. Eastern Oregon, and that while this ind towed back. the Japanese on Kin Chow to the rear Rt-ae. May 26.—Cardinal SatolU ha« ond Engineer Shlever and Steward Pres* Committee of the Temperance Ba«-r said he Delaware « Hudson, «• »*:•«» of 'he Western Federation of of Port Arthur is imminent. Power veteran agitator for better farm meta- »neaged passage for New York and Quinn, of Pittsburg. W. A Holland, Force* Issues a Statement Penn») I ¡vacia & New York and Or. Miners is devoted to lis’enlng to rea Will Push Investigation ful artillery is in position for an on >ds and diversified crops was often will sail from Naples tomorrow It an in«uian-«- ag<-nt of Braddo k. Pa . ■arlo a- Western were not in the sons by tbe •xecutive board of the termed the "crank" of the O R. a N Tbi- pres» committer- of the local Salt Lake. May 26- — Sena ’ or Du- slaught on the Russian defenses, con is understood tha' be goes to Ameri ilae on a pleisure trip; Dec). Hands option cause has prepared the follow agreemrat with T«mtie The Penn- American Federation of Labor why vet his cranky methods had resulted sisting of thirty guns. It is reported -a with no spe< 111 mission He will White a r.d Johnson, and Cook Thora- ing circular letter which to being boia. here from tbe Washington con- sylvania did no* own any lines reach affiliation should be cvnsuiamaxed and would continue to result in untold '«rence aith the antl-Smoot people, the Russians have evacuated Kai «pend some time in Washington and ton. it ig tUough: other deck hands 1 The sentiment among tbe metallffs-r ing tbe min«*« Pine. 20 miles southeast of Niu good to this section of the state. His Baltimore and exp-'ets to visit th.» St. and kitchen assistant« are In •he - widely distributed throughout the leciare* the Smoot Investigation will Haw said he »»s not any more pre- ous miner* is against affiliatine. . county : very industry and push had brought ie pushed to the bitter end. but not fa Chwang. •sre-1 to state now than last year out some of the most valuable facts Louis exposition before returning to wreckage. “WhM I* Local Option?" ng further done until after election. what the increase in the cost of min- Brotr.eroood of Engineers. concerning the productiveness of the Italy Many people ask what I* this local Japs Ten Miles From Port Arthur. Eastern Oregon counties. ing caused by the strike was FORFEITED BOND Los Angele*. May 25.—Tbe con ven Vice Consul Aspnixated. option issue now pending'* lx-t It be British Surrounded. Chee Foo. May 26.—The Japanese •ion of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Colonel Judson's Remark*. Paris. May 23 —Senior Quivre. the Simla. May $8 —No new* ha« arriv-' Double Swindle Perpetrated Upon a understood that it 1* not prohibition are now only 10 miles from Port Ar NO RATES FOR RACERS Engineers resumed considers'ion of ad Colonel Judson made a brief It will not close a saloon It 1* ab*o- Venezuelan vice-consul, was asphyxi thur. Heavy fighting has occurred ed from Gvan Gtse. Tibet, where a Wealthy Woman. its insurance report at today’s ses un iress. recounting fb.e work he had , lately prot«-ctlve and not prohibitive ated as a result of an explosion in near Dalny, toward which the Japan British force has been aurrounded for i New York, May 25— Richard C. Railroads Will Not Grant Half Fare* sion The report shows that during iertaken in Eastern Oregon, in dem ■ It is not a partisan bill — You can vote ese are making forced marches. three dars. 'he operation of the insurance plan on Race Horse Shipments. Flower, mining promoter and alleged onstrating that diversified farming for it and be loyal to yonr regular — $12 of»'fk») has been pai-1 out in ben swindle r of many jiersons through the party ticket would pay. He especlalW’ tol? of his Walla Walla. May 25.—Following Russia Will Persist. efit« averaging at the present time «ale of w«jttt*«-s mining stock*, failed experiments in ‘‘dry land alfalfa" and Option means choice, Ixw-al option cfr-sely on the action of the Western Ilitoi.Vi monthly, to the beneflriarie* Berlin. May 26.—The foreign office stated that the successful growth of •o app«-ar for trit’ this morning, and i* local self-govercment—it is borne Union in shutting th* pool rooms and ■h* 1-ond of S23.8MI, furnish«-«! by rul«» By voting for It you are not has information that Russia recog •his crop on the driest soils in the raring club* out of the special wire and disabled members. The tnsuranre reports sbowec a nizes the justice of the complaints of -tate had been thoroughly demon- Mrs Cornelia Storrs w idow of th» voting for or againut tbe saloon, but privileges, comes the announcement greater advance in that branch of the indiscriminate mine sowing, but will -'rated. He has carried on more than ' irnn-r comptroller at New York. was yoa are voting to give the people of 'hat the railroads in the West will brotherhood * work during the past continue to use mines throughout the ’<Yi agricultural experiments in his 1«-clar»-d forfeited by Recorder Goff •-ach k>ca!ity. If they so desire, the dee line to grant horsemen half rates biennial than at any time in its his war. after which negotiations will be department to prove the adaptability C E LOCKWOOD THINKS ORE flower's lawyer* conf«-s»ed ignorance tight of choosing for themselves what on race hors* shipments on the fair tory. undertaken with the powers regarding of different crops to the dry soil of >f thtir client's whereabouts they shall have; saloon or no saloon circuit hereafter GON NEEDS THE MEASURE. It is hoped by the delegates to reach their limitations. It is un-hrstood Mrs Storrs lost I* not that fair* the interior and eastern portion of Heretofore the rate hors«»s shipped the work of electing grand officers $3<K i .<. i »> In Flower's mice enterprise*, •his state and each and every one from on«- fair meeting to the other Why Vot« It? • tthio the next two or three days snd hoping to save some of the money, METHODIST CONFERENCE. has demonstrated in greater or less B» < ause there I» every reason for ■Jeettmeot Aroused at Open River over the Northwest Circuit have been Author of the “Lockwood Primary was induced to become surety for the According to the stetement of sev foot of the idle degree that not one ¡■assed at half rates» making it pos Meeting at The Dalle* Will Hurry I and no reas<>n against. No one hav- »rai of th«> brotherhood leader* Grand Law" Now in Force in Oregon, in accuse«!, who »« a physician Editor Epworth Herald Selected and lands of this section need be idle, if sible for even men of very small I frg a clear conception of the g»niua Up the Construction of the Road- Chief Engineer W. S. Stone will be the City—Effect of That Law in farmers could have the courage to m> an* to rlub together snd follow the Book Concern Agents Will Be Soon. of American institutions can conuls- elected to fill the position which he May Be Necessary to Build a Nar entire circuit SITUATION UNCHANGED t eat alfalfa on the waste places Portland Ha* Been Very Satisfact jtently oppose It or fall to vote for It. now holds by reason of tbe death of Los Angeles. May 26.—Discussion row Gauge on Account of the State This action will prevent many Professor H. T. French. ory— I* Only an Extension of the Santa Fe is Importing Scab Strike It concedes th« right of the majori Grand Chief P M Arthur of the report upon the consolidation attending the races at horstmen from Appropriation of *165.000 Being Too Professor H. T. French, presiden' ty to rule The power 1« taken out Australian Ballot Law—Umatilla of the benevolent societies of the Breakers From the Cast. Small to Meet the Expense of a distance an-l unless the order is re- of the hands of councils or county church exhausted the afternoon ses of the Idaho Agricultural College, at FAMINE THREATENS MILLER. County Leads Eastern Oregon vokod the fali races will only be at Washington. May 24—Th«' In’erna- commissioners and placed exclusively Moscow, formerly with tbe Oregon Budding a Standard Gauge. sion of the Methodist conference. A •ended by horsemen in the immediate Counties in Interest on the Subject. tional Association of Machinists* Agricultural College, was then intro- in the hand* of the people It la In dozen speeches were made for and Consul Wnte* Albany Fr-ends That vicinity of the different fairs headquarters today report«*d the San accordance with the initiative and luced and briefly spoke as an intro- against consolidation. He Ha* Only Enough to Last Until ta Fe strike situation unch*ng<M with was to man luctory. to the address he referendum law as declared by a ma fh«- Da.ll«-« May 23 According to Charles E Lockwood, a prominent •he road importing men from Phlla- YAZOO CITY BURNING. July. • • ■ ■ -. ■•--« It takes the liquor tn arrangement mad - at the open n the afternoon. Editor Epworth Herald. He said he objected to being called attorney of Portland, and one of the ielphla and other Eastern citl«*s most problem out of politics by making It dver mt-eting Wednesday. J A. Albany. Ore., May 23 — F. J Miller Los Angeles. May 26.—8. J. Harbin i professor, because he was a plain -xecutlve board of the Direct Primary tf whom. It is cllamed. know little a non-partisan issue. Smith, F. A Scufert. J T Peters. Misuse ppi Town Appeals fcr Outside of this city is in receipt of a letter wvs elected editor of the Epworth farmer and preferred the title, He Nominating League. 1« in the city to- about the trade. Every consistent democrat will V S Bennett W J Mariner and Hen- Aid. 'rom his brother. Consul Harry B Herald by the conference this after ’aid that in the Idaho college they tay. attemlirg to private business and rote for It. because he believes in the •y Hahn, delegate» from the assoeta- Vtller of Niu Chwang. China Mr Yasoo City. Miss., May 25 — Fire noon. ■ ’ •rking in the interest of the league Fortune Left by Miser. vere discouraging the use of the word rights of the sovereign people to have ion. met with the state board Satur- this afternoon destroyed a dozen fine Miller sent with the letter a number Mr. I oc-kwond Is a’«o author of the Many delegates are demanding re professor, as It smacks of something 1 nndon. May 26.—An extraordinary a voice in governmental affair* He 'ay in Portland and were in confer- '•urines* buildings, and Main street phot ¿ranks, scenes in the Russian lease to return home and much Im- bove bard work, and in the list of "Lockwood Primary Law." now In affair is report.-d this week from Zu emtihasizes state and local right* ■nee three hours, coming to a perfect was swept clean The flame* con- xrmy camp*, and other views, taken porant business is still to be trans useless dignitaries not needed by '»roe in Portland, the law applying rich. The police, on examining the Everv cor sistent republican will inderstandirg in the matter tnue. The loss is already $3>1<*.000 by himself. They are of great In'er- •nly to cities of 10.000 and over in room of an old man who had di«*d from vote for it, because he believ««* in th» acted 'armers. In order to build the portage rail- Ou'side assistance has been sacked. >t a* thev show condition* as they Dreeon. The election of Book Concern agents He said he was the owner and prin atsrvatlon. found a veritable gold principle of protection dom«^tlc am* mad within the appropriation flx«M by V'-tnally exist Following are extract* Loss $2.250.000. H» find* that the prospects for the and secretaries will occur later and »ipal farm hand on a good farm and line. In every nook money, notes, local protection as well as industrial he legislature. It may be necessary *r m the letter of Consul MiPer: the session for the consecration of iso superintendent of the Idaho stale idoption of the amendment are ex- •nd liond« were discovered, and on an He be1 lev««» tn moral Issues—in Abra 'or the commission to consider the Ore hundred and twenty-five build ■ N i ma I from home written since bishops tonight. ngs are destroyed. Including th* 'arm. and spent his time on the farm, -eptiorally brlvht ail over the s'ate 'iventory belrg made it was found ham Lincoln's Itnmor'al declaration instruction of a narrow gauge road; •'«'br-.-ary 1. You can perhaps imagine be only opposition to ft «romlng from >rera house, city hall, four churches hat the miser had left nearly $2M.- a government of, for and by the peo -ut if estimates of envineers exceed and not In the offices of tbe school. xy fee’invs as well as my lack ot •> ’ every bank. Loss istimated a' *10. Nobody was ever seen to visit pie. He has demonstrated his theories by ■overt attacks made by political lead HENRY C. FOOTE SUICIDES. he $165 000 provided, ft is the opinion now’««!re of home affairs and what -rs who fear a lo«« of nrestlee If the 2 2$h Oôû' Mayor Holmes and Johr Every coralstent socialist will vote -f the commission that It is without he old m-n and as there was no will vtual contact with the soil, and on are 'Making of th!* war. "hambers are seriously injured. Wealthy Tacoma Man Takes Pistol knows that much of the energy used -'»onle are en rusted wholly with the he authorities are rrestiy puzzled as for It because one of his fundamental uthority. "LJvirg is getting altogether too principles is the initiative and refer In present day farming is wasted selection of their candidate* for of to how to dispose of the fortune. xnenslve here as imports of food are Members of the commission assur Route for Unknown Reasons. Ice. ‘ -nergy. -'rohibited. 1 have enough to la«t me 'd the representatives of Eastern Or- FRANCE AND ROME DISAGREE. Chehalis. Wash., May 26.—Henry C. All clause« of peonie in the «tate He sees the strength of the soil be- •mil July, and I don’t know how 1 -gon interests that it was their pur Foote, a wealthy member of the Taco ig diminished by the one-crop meth 'avor the amendment. bec*ti«e ft an i«t- and intent io comply with the Trouble Result* in Recalling the ¡hall get or after that, and may have ma firm of the Bartlette-Foote Com ods and has lived to see diversity of ■ea’g to the lover of notificai Iib»rtv o divide with other* before then. ■equirements of the two laws to the French Ambassador. pany. and an officer in the Chehalis arming make many a rundown farm io matter what his posl'ion. nariv or There is abso’utelv no nse to write est of their ability, but they were Rome. May 24—Cardinal Merri Del- ro-ed. It is simnlv an extension of Condensed Milk Company, suicided ■r rich. He has seen wheat land war 'oubtful whether or not they could al, papal secretary, is quoted as say- • <! anv war news a* there are with a revolver last night on the which had been sapped of its strength bo snstralfan hal'ot svstem and Its •rrespondents ftora'.shing more than ncecd with the construction of the ng the holy see is confid'-nt a satis provision* are wholesome ard non ’ - roadside near Chehalis. Cause un '»y the continual grind of the wheat k’-i’w and besides you are getting ortare road without preventing the ’actory solution of the French situ Portland. May 26.—A special to the forest reserve, extending across Ums known. The body will be sent to Chi rop, ard summer fallow recuperated >ar. It places the power now exeref« 'vernm«-nt going ahead with the ca- ition will be arrived at. but should ■»ore n, w* from the outside which is tils. Union. Grant. Harney. Baker and cago for burial. His wife and Bon »nd made to produce two and three- *d by the "slate” makers In th* ’oumal from Washington says: 'he French chamber indorse the gov -none than we get. Crook counties. The commissioner o' ■*1. are in New York. old In changing the crops and adding bands of the vo’ers and by rigid pro- "Forester Pinchot today recom- "I suppose this will find yon lnter- Secretary of State Dunbar asked -rument's finti-clericalism the pope he genera) land office will make a islors prevents one party from In- omething to the soil, instead of tak- tended the establishment of tbe thorough examination of the proposed -hether or not the organization effect ■nav submit the whole affair to the '«ted in a political campaign. I have erfcrine with the nomination* of FRENCHMEN JANGLE. ng everything from it. »o news as to what is going on In laury mountains forest reserve in reserves before acting on Plncbut’s 'd at Th«' Dalles would enter Into a judgment of the European powers He congratulated the farmers of dher parties. Oregon, as ail of my mail has been ■ontract to acquire the right of way 'rook county, and the Blue mountain recommendation. Mr Lockwood has given years o' Unsettled Question of Representation 'Jmatllla county on having such 'ut off I aiu advise-! by the Japan 'nd build the road for the amount the French Minister Recalled. -trong. vigorous soil, and was glad to bought to the formation of a broad -ommission ha« at its command, and at the Vatican. Paris. May 24—After the meeting ese authorities that it has been ar nrimary law, which would meet the give a bond to complete the work P’ris. May 25.—It is reported that know that the wheat yield had hold •equirements of a progressive people if the council of ministers today a ranged to forward my mall, but to ip to a high standard, despite the Some of the committee were dis- note was issued officially, announcing make sure and have it so I can direct at Tuesday’s meeting of the council and while the present amendment is 'O*e«l to accept such a plan for build- the recall of the French ambassador it, send evervthing via U 8. postof of ministers a conflirt arose between -onstant reduction of the sol) forces -ot perfect, it has many of the leading fice. Shanghai." !ng th«- road without hesitancy, while to the Vatican. Premier Combes and Foreign Minis >y s'ralght wheat raising. But he ’eatures of the laws known on varned them to beware of the future. •therB questioned the fairness of ask ter Delcasse. The premier advocated he subject. ing a few people to bear th«' expense TWO CARLOADS OF HORSES. handing passports to- the papal nun The day was coming when even na- STRIKE CONTINUES. The stat«- of Minnesota has such a rebel against the thoughtless “Now is th«- time to begin gathering ! shipment, after being collected here •hat might result when the whole pop tire will cio. while Delcasse opposed. No de 'aw. and it has been found of the "All kinds of growing grain, alfal ulation would be benefited cision was reached. It is expected uethods that take everything away highest efficiency in cleansing the exhibits for the Lewi« and Clark fair," Teamsters Refuse to Go Out On Sym Wil! Go to Alaska for the Use of Sur fa. clover, vegetables and fruits should That immediate efforts will be made the question will be reopened at the »nd add nothing to tbe land <al<l ex-Mayor T. G. Halley, to the veyor* in the Geological Bureau- -fate of rings and political corruption pathetic Strike. lie Bclected while at their best stages »o, overcome the obstacles that have C. L. Smith 8peaks. next meeting. Suitable Ar.imal* Were Very Hard Th«- people nominal«- their own candi East Oregonian today. j and preserved for the Umatilla coun been presented was promise«!, and the New York. May 25—The freight Prot’-ssor C. L. Smith, editor of the dates ami have no conventions to be "While the best crops of wheat, al ty collection. Our best foot Rhould conference ended with assurances of handlers' strike continues today, de to Find—One Load Will Be Put Up- inland Farmer, of Spokane, and a lec- nacked and prepared beforehand. Complai-it Against Russia. 'alia, fruit and wool ever «-njoyed by ■ be put forward at this exposition. th«' Eastern Oregon citizens that they mite th«- plentitude of non-unionists ' on Seattle Market. He has conferred with the members Umatilla county are growing and be- Washington, May 25.—The diplo tirer in the employ of the state of "Homeaeekera who will certainly will furnish the labor to build th«' road secured by the company. Boats are Washington, in the institute work, if the league in this city and finds the D C Witherspoon of Washington, matic and consular officers as well as 'ng harvested this year, the people hoc and admire the product* of Ore- If necessary arriving and departing on time Tie spoke briefly in the forenoon on the interest in the subject very marked. D. C-, who has been in this country naval officers, have been instructed •ihould take especial pride In selecting ■ gon next year, tihould be struck with of the teamsters to remain decision eed of agricultural education in the Umatilla county has shown greater by the United States to Investigate the best specimens for exhibition. s’ work is a body blow to the striker*, for the past three months in the ser the peculiarly wide and <ilvcrHitl<-d in CLOSING ARGUMENT. West. He said he had been in the in ’•oncern in the movement than any the report that Russians are setting “it will be too late to get certain terests represented from this county, win still claim to be able to win vice of the geological survey, will stitute work for over 30 years and nther Eastern On-gon county, and kinds of crops and fruit after this and especially by the excellence of and allowing to escape beyond the «hip a carload of hortu?* out over the Trial of Tyner and Barrett Drawing ad seen the revolution of many diff both the republican and democratic •rop is out of the way. That exhibit ¡th«- products shown. three-mile limit, destructive mines, W & C R this evening for Seattle, DESPERATE CONVICT. to a Close. which are a menace to the vessels of erent farming sections in the West. ounty conventions Indorsed the prin- ihould be selected at leisure, and it where they will be transf«-rred to a "By co-operation and general inter Everywhere he had encountered the "iple in their platforms. Washington. May 25.—The closing any flag. • hould cover «-very field of Industry In est the exhibit can be «•ollected with Spoiled Buckeye Kills a Guard and «hip and sent to Alaska. The govern lame apathy among the farming com in sticakinr of the effect of the ’his county, fully, and lie a fair repre •little expense and is a matter of pride argum«-nt for the defense in the Ty ment now has large parties of sur Then Himself. tnunities. They were loath to change "Lockwood primary law" In Portland, ner-Barrett postoffice conspiracy case sentation of th«- products of Umatilln : and Rhould not be forgotten. veyors working under the geological Steamer Czar Sunk. heir methods. was mad« ’ this morning The case Is Columbus. O., May 25 — Convict bureau in Alaska, and Mr. Wither Mr. Lockwood says It has been en- county. "I will furniRh land free to anyone expected to go to the jury this after Kieff. May 25.—The steamer Czar He caused a ripple of applause by •Irely satisfactory, and while not com Frank Green, a bank robber serving spoon has been hunting horse* for the "If we wait until the last moment to who will ralae i some experimental collided with a small vessel this paying in emphatic tones that the •»lets, has served to advance the io years, this afternoon shot Peniten us«> of these men for some time. begin making the selections, the ex cropR for exhibit. The more varied noon. morning and later sank, drowning trouble with too many farmers is '•anse of the present direct primary hibit will bear evidence of having been tiary Guard Henry Gerhart and fatal- O. H Holcomb, of Seattle, will send products we show the better for the seven, while- 300 others had narrow that they know too much that is not nominating law. by Introducing the GREAT DAMAGE TO FRUIT. ly inflicted a serious wound on Albert a carload of horses to the Seattle "ollected hurriedly and will nocessar- escapes. true, and not enough that is true. voters to the action of the la win !ly bo Incomplete. The best of every the state. People will be present at Hubler, another guard and then shot market either tomorrow evening or the Lewis and Clark exposition who Crop Suffers Severely From Wind In They refuse to be benefited by study actual operation. hims«-lf through the head, dying tn- the next day. The stock has been thing grown this year should be saved will be in search of every imagine- Chinese to the Transvaal. and experience stantly. • California. Th«- only opposition to the amend- hack for the exhibit. picked up here and there over the ble kind of land and surroundings, He estimated that one-half the en ment in Portland comes from loader« Hong Kong, May 25.—Sixteen hund ______ county. San Jose, Cal., May 25—A high "Every farmer snd stockman Rhould Nothing Rhown at that fair will be South Carolina Fire. red Chinese laborers sailed today for ergy used on farms today is wasted, of rings and factions, who dare not take especial pride in this matter. It amlRR. Every exhibit will attract some wind yesterday practically destroyed Mr Witherspoon had much diffi the Transvaal, the first importation that if better methods were followed, openly oppose it, but who are fight should not be necessary for a com- particular claaa or condition of pim the cherry crop. The loss Is fully Atlanta. Ga., May 25—A million culty in finding suitable animals for if crops that were adapted to certain under tbe treaty recently signed in ing through others against the meas mlttee to bn appointed, except to ple to the wonderful resource* of two-thlrds. From twenty to thirty-five |..c. dollar firs I* reported at Wreeuwood, th- Alaska service, and used musk kinds of soil were selected and grown, ure. London. • classify and prepare the exhibit for Umatilla county." million pounds of prunes was lost time in making up *he shipment. Japanese Are Making Forced Marches