Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. W EEKLY EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fair, to ..lose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. % a e«z • • O • • • • •••••• a VOL. XXVIII PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO.OREGON FRIDAY. JUNE 3, 1904 i ! FOURTH MAN IS DYING AT FORT ETHAN Negotiation* for the Release of Per- dicari*—An Appeal Recruits Coast of Korea—Russian Will Be Khar- to the Religious Prejudices of the hoff and Are Forcibly Put Aboard Moslem Tribe Which Is Holding the the Cars—Chinese Governor of Muk Kidnapped den Incites His People Against the an Invasion by Disbelievers. for the Far East Mutiny at American, to DEATHBED Made I Prevent Russians. « Tangiers. June 2.—The American cruisers Olympia. Baltimore and Chee Foo, June 2.—Chinese arriv Cleveland arrived today, making ing from Tukushau report the num seven in port. ber of Japanese troops landed there during May as between six and ten Appeal to Religious Prejudice*. ■thousand. These proceeded to Feng Paris. June 2.—Ambassador Porter Huang Cheng, whither reinforcements saw Foreign Minister Delcasse this from other points were also sent. morning and handed him the Ameri can request for French aid in the rtf Dalny Harbor Open. lease of Perdicaris. Delcasse prom Rome. June 2.—Tokio dispatches ised his support and sent instnictions say that Japanese gunboats have en to this effect to the French minister tered Dalny harbor, the bay having at Tangiers been cleared of all mines. A dispatch from Tangiers this morn ing says the Atgerra tribe has sent Mutinous Russian Recruits. a delegation of leading men to have Berlin. June 2.—The Vossiche Zei- a personal interview with Raisuli in tung reports tha- the last force of an endeavor to elicit his promise to men sent from Kharkoff to Manchuria release the captives to avoid the refused to enter their train and final I landing ot foreigners opposed to the ly had to be pitched bodily into the Moslem faith on Moroccan shores. It cars. Then the wives of the soldiers is believed their arguments will have threw themselves on the rails ahead considerable weight. of the engine. They were forcibly- The Italian cruiser Dogali arrived removed. Others took their places at Tangiers this morning. until the commanding officer gave or ders to proceed regardless of them, E. M. SARGENT DEAD. and several women were killed and wounded. Unexpected Phase of Oregon's Di Na Kick to Russia. vorce Statute Developed. London. June 2.—In the house of commons today Earl Percy, under ‘secretary of foreign affairs, said no representations had been made to Russia on the subject of naval mines outside territorial limits in the Far East. Portland, June 2.—E. M. Sargent, one of the most prominent Northwest ern bankers, dropped dead on the street of heart disease Divorce* Invalidated. A divorce case here has brought out the novel fact that a statute ex- ists which provides that in all divorce suits must be given 10 days' advance notice to the district attorney, who is then supposed to represent the missing party. It has been ignored for years. A case brought on these grounds and sustained would invalidate all di vorces granted in Oregon for the past five years, including alimony provis ions and property distributions. Last Drawing of Veretschagin. St. Petersburg. June 2.—The last drawing of Veretschagin. the Russian painter who lost his life on the bat tleship Petropavlovsk, has been sold to a Moscow dealer for 820,000. The drawing depicts the late Admirals Makaroff and Molas. both of whom went down in the ship, holding a con ference alioard the ill-fated vessel. Passed the Japanese Lines. DEFAULTING TELLER. St. Petersburg. June 2.—A Mukden dispatch dated yesterday, reports Speculation the Undoing of Connecti- that Lieutenant Colonel Gourke has cut Bank Official. reached there from Port Arthur, pass-1 New Haven, Conn., June 2—Doug- ing the Japanese lines. las M. Smith, teller of the National Tradesman Bank, has con»«-»*ed he is Arousing the Populace. a defaulter in a large sum. probably A vemi-offlcial estimate of the Rus- $25.000. A warrant has been issued sian casualties at the battle of Kin- but Smith is not found. The money chow places the killed and wounded was lost in speculation. at 30 officers and 800 men. Mukden dispatches state the local CAN HAVE THE NOMINATION. governor is doing his utmost to rouse the populace against the Russians, Gen. Mile* Must Declare Himself Be and trouble is feared. i fore it is Tendered. Japanese Transnorts Sighted. Paris, June 2.—A Shanghai dispatch this afternoon says 15 large Japanese transports were sighted off the west coast of Korea, their objective appar ently, beirg the mouth of the Yalu. A STUBBORN LOT. Illinois Republicans All Bound to Chicago, June 2.—National Prohi- bition Chairman Stewart in a state- ment today concerning Gen Miles' position, says Miles would undoubted ly be nominated by the prohibitionists for the presidency if it were known he was really identified with the par ty and shouid openly state the fact, but since he is not willing to make such a statement, the prohibitionist* must look elsewhere. Have Their Own Way. Springfield, June 2.—With all the GREEN RIVER FLOODS. delegates released from their pledges to support particular candidates, a resolution to that effect having been Death List Increasing—Much Damage adopted this morning by the republi to Property. can state convention, following five I Green River, Wyo., June 2.—Floods minute addresses by each of the can on Green River and it? tributaries didates now before that body, tile cost at least two lives and much 67th ballot was taken, To the sur- damage to property. The death list prise of everyone there practically , will be greatly increased when the I complete reports are in. was no change. Speaker Cannon gave a fatherly talk to the delegates, urging the nom NOTE TELLER DEFAULTS. ination of somebody immediately. Springfield. June 2.—After the 68th Disappears With Seventeen Thousand Dollar*. ballot the convention recessed until Washington, June 2.—William Mey 3 o’clock. er, assistant note teller in the Nation al Savings Deposit Company, has dis BREAD RIOTS THREATEN. ! appeared taking, so the concern Destitute Italian* May Make Trouble charges. $17,000 in negotiable certifi cates. He was last seen Saturday. in Montreal. The bond company is endeavoring to Montreal, June 2.—Bread riot» locate him. threatened among hundreds of edsti- tute Italian emigrants now here, A Race* by Electric Light. hundred or more Italians arrived to- day from Boston, and 500 are on the i Charleston. S. C., June 2.—Horse racing by electric light is to begin at way from Europe. the old exposition grounds track here tonight, all arrangements having been Baker Fair Organized. Baker City, June 2.—S. O. Correll, completed for the opening. Many secretary of the temporary organiza fast horses are here and the manage tion of the Baker County Fair Associ ment predicts a successful meeting ation filed articles of incorporation Southwestern University. in the county clerk’s office today. Georgetown, Texas, June 2.—The Stock will at once be placed on the market for sale and as soon as a exercises of commencement week at sufficient amount is sold those hold Southwestern University were inaug ing shares will meet and perfect a urated today with the annual musical permanent organization. The pur and elocution recitals The graduat chase of the ground and the construc ing class this year is large and the tion of buildings will immediately fol exercises promise to be unusually in low. The Baker County Fair is a go. teresting. The Dalles, June 2.—(Special.)—At the Shaniko wool sales *oday, 16 buy ers were present, and 1,750,000 pounds of wool was sold, ranging in price from 14% to 19 cents per pound, 4 cents higher than last year. The wool was all of the best grade and the bidding was very brisk. The sales were a complete success and the growers are now more determined than ever to stand by the sales day agreement. Very little wool was sold this year outside of the sales and what was sold, went lower than the same grade at the public sale. The next sales at Shaniko will be held on June 14 and July 1, at each of which sales about 2,000,000 pounds will be ■old. STATEMENT. Obn Burdy Exonerates James Donald, the Hostler. DEGREE OF HONOR. GROCERY COMPANY $15. AREATTÄNGIERS Invaders Are Off the West • •••••••••••••• NO. 53 FLIM-FLAMMED YOUNGER ALLEN. Mysterious and Terrifying Succession of Brutal Happenings Supposed to Be the Work of a Homicidal Mani ac—Victims Hacked to Pieces— General Corbin Take* Charge to Make a Special Investigation. Burlington. Vt . June 2.—The sol Are Landing Supplies and The Fleet of the United Slates diers at Fort Ethan Allen are panic- Michigan is Anti-Hearst, Bu¿ State 'Department Reads the stricken by three mysterious mur is Constantly Growing at ders of men in the ranks, and a Riot Act io the Sultan of Thousands of Soldiers at Will Send an Uninstructed fourth savage attack ou an Infantry man who is dying from his wound* That Point. Morocco. Takusan. Delegation. The details are kept secret by the officers, who retuse to make public tne names of the victims. General KIDNAPPING INTERESTS DALNY HARBOR CLEARED WILL RETALIATE FOR THE Corbin is expected to take persona! PARKER PARTISAN WILL charge of an Inquiry. SEVERAL GREAT POWERS. FOR JAPANESE VESSELS. HEAD THE DELEGATION. MURDER OF PERDICARIS. It is believed a homicidal maniac is at liberty, Extreme brutality marks the crime, the bodies being hacked to Fifteen Transports Laden With the France Will Take an Active Part in pieces. Georgia Is an Unknown Quantity, Will Hold th« Moroccan Government Island a TLa fl* s' Ursgonian of Pan- a <l*ton, Oregon, is published in th« heart of tn* wonderful In a T om will find land Empire that it is readaLi*. reliable and prograsal.s, and will give you tbs news reliably, seen- rataly and fully. •»te With Chances Anti-Hearst. Though Strictly Responsible and May Start the Parker Forces Are Divided and a Force of Marines for the Interior. Their Caucus Breaks Up in a Row— to Overhaul the Brigand* in Th«ir Nebraskaites Native Fa*tn«wsa*—In the Event of Take Their Usual Bedtord. Ind . June 2 Olin Bundy, Violence the United States Will In Radical Stand. Scoring the “Reor- a memlH*r ot the citizens' committee flict Punishment if the Sultan Dess Head* the gamzers. ” and Bryan employed in the investigation of the murder of Sarah Shaffer, the school Not or Cannot. Delegation to St Louis Convention. teacher, and who recently died in In- disnapoli*. mad«* a deathbed state ment exonerating James McDonald Washington. June 1—instructions Detroit. June ; 1 —The antl-Hear*t from complicity in the crime. Burxly. «ho was a prominent attorney, col forces won in the preliminary organ- have been sent Consul Gummere at lapsed under th«* strain of th« work. : nation ui the democratic state con- Tangier* by the state depart meat on order ot the president, to convey vention today. electing L T. Hearns word Immediately to the Moroccan WILLIAMS MUST HANG. ' < hairman government that the United State* An un.nstruct«»<i delegation will b« will insist that the Moroccan govern Judge Bradshaw Sentence* The Dalles sent to th«* St Louis convention with ment capture and execute the brigand ‘th«- anti-Hear»t men in the majority. Raisuil. should he carry out hi* threat Murderer to Die July 22. Campau was re-elected delegate at at killing bi* captive* The Dalles. Or.. June 2.—In the It has been determine»! that the circuit court last evening Judge large and indorsed a» a member of Bradshaw passed sentence on Nor the national committee. He is for Called State*, regardless of the ac tion of any other power, will assume man William* for the murder of Alma Parker. the responsibility of pursuit*:; Raisu- Nesbitt, fixing July "2 a* the day of li into the mountains of Morocco Hard Fight in Georgia. execution. Williams' counsel asked 4<> days in which to file a bill of ex Atlanta. Ga June I.—The Georgia should he make good his threat, and ceptions for an appeal to the supreme d»-m>Mratic state convention met at will capture and execute him sum- court The court room was crowded noon A hard tight Is being made by m^rily. At the first information of with spectators, a large majority of th«- Park«-rite» to have instruction« harm to Perdicaris or Varley, ma them being women. for the New Yorker eHarst’s friend« rines will be landed from the Ameri ar«> opposing, and favor the unit rule. can vessels at Tangier* and started The Parker caucus last night broke for the lair of the brigand«. RETURNED SAFELY. up in a row. The delegat«*» at large will probably France Will Mediate. Torpedo Destroyers Lose Their An- be Congressmen Gnggs. Maddox. J. Washington. June 1.—It is learned chors Off Ventura. Cal. M Smith and Judge Sweat. AU ex today that France has agreed to exer- Ventura. Cal June 2.—The torpedo cept Griggs are favoring Parker. else ber good office* with the sultan destroyers Preble and Paul Jone», of Morocco toward securing the re which lost their anchors last night in le*M- of Perdlcari* and Varley from Nebraska I* Radical. a gale and were forced out to sea the kidnapers a* a result of a direct Omaha. June 1. — The administra with 60 men, women and children vis- itors aboard, returned safely this tion and "Reorganizers" slated for suggestion fr"tn the state department. morning. There were no fitalities. scoring resolutions Hearst is not In evidence. Alleged News From Prisoner*. but everyone was seasick. The convention 1* expected not to Tangier«. June 1.—The newspaper The monitor Wyoming, which was Manx- state* that the family of Perdi- also crowded with visitors, held to divide on any question. Before being called to order, thr^» i ^ h « have received letters' from the her anchorage, but was tossed about delcraies at large were practical « •«, captive* in which they state they are until all were seasick. 'ected; Bryan. C J Smith and W -43. 4 fair spirit*, and that their captor* Thompson. The fourth is not yet ei. are considerate. dence. ROB PULLMAN CASHIER. ORDERED OUT TROOOPS Striker* and Strikebreaker* Fight In Lawrence County. Ohio. Two Negro Desperadoes Get $2.500 Cash Yesterday Afternoon. in District Convention df a Strong Or der With Membership of Ladies Presented Alleged Checks for Thous Only. ands of Dollars, and Ostensible Ev The ladles ot the Degree of Honor idences of Identity, to Secure a Tri held their first semi-annual district convention in this city last night ami fling Cash Advance—"Buys” Heavi this afternoon. Representatives wen- ly of Supplies for a Mythical Gov in attendance iront all the iodg»-« of the county, delegat«-s lielng sent from ernment Camp. Defeat Occurred at One of The Younger Groc«*t> Company vX’vi'^ot^-, went into the government supply bus Prosperity No No 35 of Athena, iness yesterday morning for a short of Helix, and the Birch Cre»-k lodg' His Most Important Out time, and as s result of th«- transa o! Pilot Huck llou "Captain" D. M. King is now in posts. or. Monday Last. The cottvenuun oj><-n»-d last nig to the county jail racing a ciiarge of with Mrs Matgaret E. Herren, of having obtained $15 under false pre mating in tenues, snd with having in his possl»- Portland having the : candidate* slon forged evidence* of debt amount charge. A clan« of six degree work CAPTURE CANNON AND were initiated into the lug to $9,100. A CO86ACK SQUADRON of the lodge Daring the i evening I Monday morning King «ante to some very entertaining pa¡>ers w«-re town aud »«-at to the Younger gro r»-ad having to do with the work of cery store on Main street, where he the order, and several musk al num represented himself to be a Captain b»-rs were given Refreshments were Russians Abandon Considerable Ter- King, in the employ of the govern served and a g»-neral social tim was r tory—Japanese Will Concentrate ment geologl»-al survey He said that had AH Efforts Upon the Subjugation of he had u detachment ot m«-n on the The business meeting ot th« <-on- guv<*rnm«-u: work near Echo, and had vention was held this afternooc at - Port Arthur and Make a Defer# »* •.ome Into town to buy a tdll ot goods o'ciuck at which time the pla< • for Elsewhere Until <t Has fur its use. He said he had come holding the next conventioa was de Fallen—Japanese Warship Aground (rum the valley, where be had been cided upon and plans laid for the fu visiting C. E Eldridge, the owner of ture conventions. The work ot this —Hot Fight Reemts m Final Defeat ’he Independence Creamery Company convention »as more for organiza for Russian Forces. Mrs Eldridge »as bis sister, so the tion than otherariae, this being the captain said, and in proof of the ' first »onvention held In the county statement he showed a letter slgnwi I It Is the intention of the ladies of by her | t'maUlia »ounty to hold conventions Roue. Jut A Tokio telegram After having eatablisiied his identi , at different pia< e* in the county each Kur •k; has administered a com ty be 8tat«-d that he Lad be» n told by | - •lx month- from now on They »¡1. def«rat *o the Russians under in effec’, and intended Mr Eldridge to show any favor to ’hell* ih - e<lu»atiotia! ___ ;*a’ kin u*-*r äumnetx ax.d that Younger c«>m;>any that was In h!s I o buil< the membership in this power and he ha»1 therefore come to' coun y. ,K>»;tioni «rast of Ha. buy a bill of g<jods in the afternoon. , Mrs Herren left this evening ft been abandoned Severa, about 5 o'clock, he <~ame back to the . John Day in the interest of the orde captured and a whole store and bought a list of groceries ' Cossacks taken prisoner* WASHINGTON SOCIALISTS to $755 He was to come in in the morning and pay for what i Focus ng on Port Arthur. he bad bought, and take them to I Nominate a Full Ticket and Choose Ber in June 1—Colonel Gaedjk camp I Ater in the evening King a Committee. came ba< k to the store and stated Reai'le. June 1—The soialist* of • ar 4 correspondent in Mane buna, of that owing to the I au K s having been Washing'on today in state convention * hi* Tageblatt te'egraprs -that the closed all day h»- was out of money. I at this place nominated the Japanese Lave a!<andoned all military up»ra’ioa* ex»ej»t the *i»-ge of Port He presented three checks t amed by | ticket W A. Trowbridge, the government Govtroor. D Burge«* of Tacoma, Arthur and will attempt nothing else paymaster, ard asked to leave them lieutenant governor. William DeUly until the port is captured. in the safe over night. One of the >f Arlington; secretary of slate. G E Land Attack on Pert Artnur. • hecks was for 88.000. one for $7.500 Boomer of Prosser; treasurer. Ber and one for $350. In consideration of nard Goerkes of Echo; auditor. A F. Chee FoO, June 1—The land attack this security Mr Younger advance»i Payne of Bellicgham: school superin- on Port Arthur wax ‘egun yesterday the man $15 until the banks should endent. F. C. Sylvester of Olympia The Russian forces that were driven open in the morning. land commissioner J F. LaClerc of southward from Dalny and Kinchow Yesterday morning King showed up Ellensburg: attorney generel. O. C. are assisting the garrison. The Rus st the grocery store early and asked Whiting of Hoquiam; congressmen H sian navy will join the movement to for the checks, saying that be would D. Jory of Sunnyside; T. C. Wtswell repulse the enemy. The opinion of have them cashed and then come of Seattle. George Creston of Hoqui- refugee* arriving here is that Port back, pay for his go«ads. make up his xm. supreme judges. William McDev Arthur will succumb to overwhelming l->an and take what he ha»i bought itt of Seattle; D W Phipps of Seat numbers ie; presidential elector*. O. Lund ot He then skipped. Battleship Aground.’ Mr Younger was alone in the store Spokane: D M. Angus of Prosser. De St Petersburg. June i.—A Mukden at the time, and as soon as one of the Forrest Sanford of Everett; P. R clerks came, sent him out on the Pratt of Custer, D G Crow of Seat- dispatch says the report is current there that the Japanese battleship ru- track of the man. as be bad grown tie. The following state committee w Ji 1* aground on a reef off the Miao suspicious After some detective work Henry Harrison, the clerk, with • hosen. Emil Herman. G. W Scott. J Tao Islands, guarde»i by torpedo the assistance of the city marshal J Hawlans. Seattle. J M Smith. Ta boats. Tacoma: scorna : De took the man into custody at the coma: J 7. Mudgett. T Hotel St. George He will be held Forest Sanford, Everett; Max Vetter. Hot Skirmish May 30. pending the convenience of the dis Breidabtik: O Lund. Spokane. C E. Liao Yang. June 1—The Russian Cline Lynden. trict attorney soldiers wounded in the skirmish near Vag-nfuchu Monday arrived today. They *ta-e that detachments of th* Japanese 13th Infantry and some cav alry attacked a forage convoy of »0 men SIberian C-«sacks came to the ' reecoe and charged the Japanese with lances and swords Only three Jap- an--se escaped Another de’acLment tried to help the Japanese, but seeing the attempt tp be hopeless, hurriedly retreated The Cossacks followed, but meet i FOOT BRIDGE COLLAPSES SHEEPMEN SELLING AT PRI mg a heavy machine gun fire and AT SALIDA. COLORADO. two battalions ot Japanese infantry VATE SALE LOST MONEY. ( intrencted. they retired with a los* of 25 wounded Portland. June 1—A bold robbery was committed after noon yesterday by two negroes, who entered the of- fire of the Pullman company at the Union depot just as Cashier W H SCHOOL GROUNDS ARE Aurelius was making up his cash I>ra*!ng revolver*, the negroes de- BEING BEAUTIFIED. nianded the cash in sight and Aure- handed over about $2.500 The negro»-« back» d out of th»- office door Terrace* and Walks Being Construct- with their gun* still leveled on the ed and Shrubbery Will Be Planted cashier, and then disappeared —Weston'* Normal Will Present Detective« are at work on the case, the Most Beautiful Appearance of but Aurielu»' description of the ne Any School Site in tne State—Out- gro»» Is not accurate, and the po!f»-e 6ame Quality of Wool Wh-cn Sold at Village Terror-stricken. an- of the opinion that It will be dif look Bright for Next Year. 10 and 12 Cents Before Sale* Day Ironton. June 1.—The labor •rot»- ficult to apprehend the d«*speradoes hies at Hamilton Furnace and Hang- Brought 13' a and 14 Cent* at the The police are wholly unable to ex ing Rock, just below the city, reach«-d plain how such a robbery rould occur Sale —Next Yeat^May See Complete work of improving the Weston The a crisis this morning, when a «trlker Normal s< bool grounds is rapidly pro was arrested on the < harge of hoot at such a place and at «uch a time. Organization of Wool Pool—Mon gressing H. G. Newport, of Echo ing Superino-ndent Jeffries last even as it Is aileg«-d to have taken place. tana Blacklist Law Very Effective. without anyone bating seen the having the <ontra< t«. ing The strikers threaten rescue. thieves The grounds w ill b»- gra<l«*d and The village is terror-stricken Both terraced in three banks, with con strikers and the Imported negro«« Jam«« H. Gwinn, secretary of the ENGLISH DERBY. crete walks leading from the dorml an- armed with rifles. Oro-gi.n Woolgrower*' Association 1» tory to th«- f»< bool building and also well pleas»-»! with the w«xii »ale« that Was Won by Saint Amant. With Odd* have been «o tar conducted in Eastern from the str«?et to th«' whool buihF MAYOR OF BALTIMORE. ing The grounds will present one of Five to One. I Oregon this *«-a*on th»- most beautiful* views seen in any The highest mark reached with ijindon. June 1.—Th«' English Der school site In Oregon when complete, A Republican Succeed* a Democratic by at Ep*om today was won by Ixo- Eastern Oregon wool this spring was Suicide. the effect being due to the gradual pold I»»-.- Rothschild* Saint Amant. 15*. cents at Heppner whil«* a larg«* slope of the hill, and combination of Baltimore. .Mr , June 1.—Clay Tym- five t«> one. Th«- French «-olt Gouver- 'portion of th»- clip in that county »dd rising terraces and the long vista as anus, president of the council, and re- uant was the favorite seven to four, cloa«* to 14 cents. Last year there se»-n from the street. publican. be»am<- mayor today to »uc- but did not show. was but one grower who reached the Pr»>t»-ssor R. C. French designe»! »«-ed McLane, democrat, who suicided 1 ancashiere was the only Amer:< an highest point, while this season Six the improvem«'nts. and is having them Monday. No further explanations of br«*»i colt, owned by Buchanan. Whis men at Heppner sold at the highest carried out under the strictest super Mclane i act is made known other key Distiller also ran. King Edward figure, showing the undoubted bene- vision. being himself a special land than despondency over criticism alm- viewed the race, but the queen tv i fits coming from the organization. scape gardener and expert. The soil ed at him since the fire. mained away on account of rain in The buying ha» been spirited at on the grounds is very rich and deep both the Pendleton and Heppner the »-arly hours. and will produce shrubbery and flow RUSSIA WILL PAY. I sales ami the sales yet to be held ers in abundance and the normal will New Associate Justice. | promise to be more interesting anil present a beautiful and attractive ap Will Settle for Seizure of Canadian Washington, June 1.—The president important than either of th»*se. pearance when the young shrubs at It is now seen that the private Fishing Eoats. ha* decided to appoint Ed A Mann tain a few years’ growth. The work of Las Cruces, associate justice of the I sales made before th«* public sales Petersburg, June 1. — The stand St. will cost over $1,100 anil will be com ing claims of England against Rusal* supreme court of New Mexico. day. were losing propositions to the plete in a short time. growers that sold, as the same qual for seizure of Canadian Ashing boats The outlook for the normal for the on the Pacific coast, are settled by ity of wool which sold for 12 and Distinguished Italian Dead. next school year is exceptionally even as low as 10 cents at private Russia agreeing to pay for two of the Turin, June 1. — Former Minister of bright. sale, sold for 13% and 14 cents at six boat» seized. Foreign Affairs Blanc died today. the sale. At Heppner the buying was so »pir GENERAL WOOD RETURNED. ited that on one lot of wool 11 buyer* tied on the price and all the lots had Hi* Command Engaged in Fight With high bidding and sold well. The next Datto Ali's Band. sale in this chv will take place June Washington, June 2.—General 10. Wade, in the Philippines, cable» no Mr. Gwinn hope* that by next year tice of the return of General Wood Pendleton. June 1.— (To the Editor.) -Mr. Temple also alleges that some every sheepman in th»* entire range from the expedition to Like Llgua- —W. P. Temple published a signed property was missed. An examination district of Eastern Oregon will be a san. and a list of the names of men of the sheriff assessments for the past member of the pool and will refuse killed May 8 in the action with Datto letter in the Morning Tribune of years will show that a good deal of to »ell a pound until the regular sales Ali's band, All the wounded are do- the 31st of May. real estate always escapes the rolls. days. ing well. He allege» that my assessment of When it is considered that there are In the state of Montana the Wool- last year is unequal. I have never 15,000 to 20.1*00 separate discrlptions | grow»*r»’ Association has adopted a pretended that I or any other man In the county, It Is not surprising that regular blacklist rule, In regard to SHOT AND KILLED. can entirely equalize valuations. But a few are lost in making up the roll. the sales days. Any Montana sheepman who sells Soldier Was Trying to Escape From it is my aim to approach as nearly as But they are usually caught the fol possible, such an Ideal assessment, lowing spring by the sheriff. a ¡>ound of wool b«*foro or outside of a Three Months' Sentence. and shall be glad to co-operate with My deputies have also been attack the regular pool 1« barred from the St. Paul, June 2.—Tony Wisch, a taxpayers in every part of the county ed upon the ground of excessive bills. benefits of the »ale*, and any buyer private of the 30th battery, at Fort to that end. The comparison drawn are unfair. 1 who buys a pound of wool before or Snelling, was shot and killed this Main street lots in Pendleton, in the because the t«*rritory worked by my outside of the regular sales is barred morning by a sentinel while attempt best business portion are valued at deputies does not correspond with from bidding on wool offered in the ing to escape. He was serving a about $12,000 each, an<l assessed at that worked by Mr. Buzan's. The ex- regular pool. This has been very ef three months' sentence. Another es- $4,000. Ami the improvements upon pense of my office was only $4142 dur fective and has resulted in bringing caping prisoner was captured. them are added to this. ing my first year, which will be found the high«*st price» paid on the Pacific The Echo country has been develop-' to he from several hundred to $2000 Coast, for Montana wool. ing rapidly, hew land has been less than it has been done during the BURNED TO DEATH. NEW COMPANY ORGANIZED. brought under irrigation since my first year of the last two or three of Eighteen for One Day’s Record in first assessment, which has probably my predecessors There have been Increased its value. only three bills for material or labor, Will Do a General Building, Ditching European Countries. may which I have used, cut down. Two of and Reservoir. Land worth $1 per acre then Vienna, June 2.—Twelve persons Articles of Incorporation were filed were burned to death in a fire which be worth much more at present. now, them were for printing by the Trib this morning organizing the Newport As I am away from the office une and the other was a reduction of destroyed Mowyvftkow, in Galicia. shall be during the whole week, a few dollars from a deputy's claim. I,and & Construction Company. H Six were killed in a smaller blaze at and it is not possible for me to answer In conclusion I ask taxpayers to G. . A E and H. R Newport and W Keiff, Russia. Mr. Temple In detail, but if he will point out to me my mistakes. If my H. Boyd are the incorporators, with bring real errors in valuations to my critics will only use the same dili their principal place of business at Succeed* Quay. notice, he will perform a public serv gence in helping me to build up my Echo. The capital stock of the com Washington, June 2.—Acting Chair ice which I shall appreciate, work hereafter that they have used In patty will be $5,000, divided into 1,000 man Payne, of the republican nation I have made my valuations as pub- trying to tear it down In the paBt, we shares of $5 each. al committee, today appointed Sena lie as possible (I wish they could all shall soon have an Ideal assessment The purpose of the company will be tor Penrose a member of the commit lie published for criticism and correc- In this county. to own and operate a general con tee to fill the vacancy caused by tlon), so al) taxpayers may assist me Your* truly. struction and building business to Quay's death. in equalization. C. P. 8TRAIN. put in flues, ditches and reservoirs. I Columbus. June 1 —Governor Her rick today ordered troop« to Hanging Rock. I-awrence county, to preserve order at Hamilton Furnace, where a s» rious ciash occurred between strik ers and colored strikebreaker*. The sheriff telegraphed that a mob is parading the streets armed with Winchester* and shotgun», openly threatening violence and destruction of property Four com panic* of ln- fantry left at noon. V » ii' Throw* People Into the Swift and CAN REBUILD Arkansas — Several Treacherous Are Drowned and More Are Musing Vaudeville Thevter on the Site of tee —Disaster Took Place Cere Old Iroquois Theater. mony of Throwing Flcwer* Into the Chicago, June 1 —Judge Dunn this Stream in Honor of Naval Heroe*. afternoon mandamt.sed the city, com Saiiiia. Col . Ma» 31.—By the col lapse ot a footbridge over the Arkan sas river at noon D»?coratiun Day, thro»* i«*r*on« wero drowned and half a dotea are missing Th. Hisands of p»>ople had gathered on th» river front tu thro» flowers into the river in ht»n«*r of the naval dea«l. The river is only 2V feet wide, but very deep and swift. Th<‘ known dead ar< Mrs Warren Thompson, wife of a large furniture dealer: Hazel Lyons. 6-year-old daugh- ler of Mr and Mrs. Charles Lyons The body of a boy was seen fl»»ating down the river three miles east The Lyons body »'as recovered. reeoverod. Among the missing are Nora Anderson aged 13. pelting it to grant a license for fate Iroquois theater, which corporation was re»»ntly refused permission to build on the old site. The «■ourt stat»<d that the theater cxynpany will devote the building to vaudeville and had complied with the ordinance*, and that if it wanted to «instruct a the ater in a graveyard of It* own there ■ »•.. i be no objection, long as it kept " it bin the ordinance* Rich Gold Strike. Cripple Creek, June 1.— A gold <hr.k< of great magnitude has been made a’ Glen Brook. 16 miles south. and hundreds of mners are rushing there on special trains, The ore is of phenom» ual richness, and outside the Cripple Creek mineral zone. Rev. Scanlon Dead. N- w York, June 1.—R»'v. H Scan lon. chancellor of the arx'Ldiocese of JAPS GOvD FIGHTERS. '5sn Fran» i •'. died today at St Vln- London Press Unbounded in Praise of -tit s I sp al from a complication of ailment*. Their Prowess. London. June 1.—The London WOMAN HAD NERVE. dailies exhaust the vocabulary of terms of admiration tn characterizing the Jai»anese. The achievement at Walked 200 Miles in Central Oregon Kin Chou they regard as proving the and Carried Her Babe. absolute military equality of the Jap- Mrs. Elsie Hughes, who passed atiese with the best European armies through Long Creek on Tuesday's and as qualifying Japan to rank as a stage from Monument, undoubtedly great power. holds the record of Eastern Oregon, The Telegraph says editorially: and probably of the entire West for “Japan is no longer a great power long distance walking says the Ix>ng by brevet rank Upon the field of Kin Cr<s k 1 ight On last Sunday evening Chon she has taken her final commis- she arrived in Monument, having sion, and henceforth her intercourse walked the entire distance from The with the west stands on a basis of Dalles to that place, a distance of reciprocity as well as equality.” about 200 miles in 15 days, and car Most of the newspapers regard th«' ried her 7-months-old baby in her fall of Port Arthur to be now inevi arms. table. Mrs Hughes, who was living near The Standard is surprised that such Th»- Dalle*, was recently deserted by a position as Kin Chou could have her husband, and concluded to return b«*en stormed with so comparatively to her i>arents‘ home near Whitney, small a loss of life, and says: in Baker county "Th«' extraordinary d'minution In Having no money with which to the intensity of slaughter on battle travel by rail, she set out afoot, stop fields is exercising the minds of many ping at night at ranch houses along tacticians for in it may be found the the way When she arrived at Mon solution of many problems involve«! ument she was almost ill from over in the maintenance of the monster ar exert ma. and good people of that lit miea of Europe.” tle town made up money enough to send her the remainder of her jour RECOVERING ney on the stage Ida Raymond I* Practically Out of All Danger. Ida Raymond, the woman who at- For Hi* Wife'» Home-Coming. Calvin Ross was found dead on hi* own front porch at Martin. Wash. Saturday. May 30. by his wife, who had been away on a visit to Spokane He had shot himself 10 days before. and his lx>dy had not been discovered because the house was In an isolated place. tempted suicide at the Palace lodging house yesterday forenoon by taking the contents of a bottle of chloroform I* on the road to recovery today, tod%y and that «he will ne well it is now I thought __________ in a few days. She began to show sign* of improvement yesterday after- noon ulmut 5 o'clock, and has contiu The Waverly. Wash . beet sugar ued to rally since that time, She I* factory had been increased in capac now pronounced to be practically out ity from 350 to 500 tons ot beets per of danger by the physicians. day at a cost of $40,000.