Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. ------------ . ■ --------------------------------------------- --- I -*■ Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the Kaat Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fa.r, to -aose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends • ••••• • •••••• WEEKLY EDITION The East Oregonian of Pen dleton, Oregon, is published in the baart of the wonderful In land Empire. You *111 find that it is readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accu rately and fully. ••••••••••••••• • • VOL. XXVII Í. i J PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO..OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 13.1WM NO. 47 MURDERED HIS WIVES. the clever manner in which be ac complished thia task. Startling Story of Sidney Sladden Stanley made a second trip through Central Africa and secured inform Comes to Light in Los Angeles. ation of great benefit to chartograph- Los Angeles, May 12 —A startling ers Returning to civilization, he story which may develop Into one oi was decorated by numerous science murder mysteries came to light in societies of France and Great Brit Los Angeles today. The cnief figure ain For a third time he went back in it is Sidney Sladden He was and established trading stations once a resident of this city. He is along the Congo from its mouth to now a prisoner in the county jail at Stanley Pool Emin Pasha, governor Louisville, Ky.. charged with having of Equatorial Africa, who was pen Seventy Men Are Known to Utah and Nevada Wool Sells swindled the Pacific Life Insurance ned in by hostile natives, was reliev Reported From London That Russia’s Ruler Would Abdicate Company, of »hich he was general Reported That the Port Arthur Vessels Were Sunk by ed by an expedition beaded by Stan Be Dead and Many In Better Than it Did Last agent in Kentucky. ley B'issian Sailors. Special Policeman Charles L. Fos . the Throne of His Fathers. On his return from this trip he Year. jured. ter, who for ten years has been on | lectured before scientific societies all Sladden's trail, is authority for the' over the world. statement that an effort is being The explorer married Miss Doro made to prove that Sladden, once the THE WOOL GROWERS MUST The Splendid Docks at Dalny, the Finest Harbor in the World, Built at most dashing of tuen about tuwu. is Decpairing of Breakmg ths £jpckade. the Russia«« Will Destroy Their thy Tennant in Westminster Abbey. MINE CONSIDERED ONE Joly 12. 1890. and after his election OF THE BEST IN STATE. LIVE UP TO AGREEMENT. Warships and Evacuate Port Arthur—Three Japanese Transport* Are' to parliamaat trom the Lambeth dis a Coat of S6.OOC.000, Are Blown to Atom«—Skirmishing in the Interi- guilty of wife murder. His first wife, who is now living in East Orange, N. trict he bad been active in the Eng Reported to Have Been Destroye<P—United States Asked to Inquire or With Slight Losses on Both Sides—Sentiment Against Absolutism J., declares that before she divorced lish political field Sladden he tried twice to kill her Firedamp Formed in Pocket and lg- Buyers tor Eastern Mill« Will Try to Into Fate of Japanese Captured While Bottling Up Port Arthur. Is Increasing in Russia. with chloroform. AMENDMENTS DISCUSSED nited by Miner's Lamp—Mangled Disorganize Pool—Old Buyers Hare Dr. T. L. Magee of San Diego, cer tified that the second Mrs. Sladden's Bodie* Piled High on Injured Men and New Ones Coming—Wool Bet Two Theological Institute* Will Be death was due to natural causes. Mrs. Tokio. May 11.—Togo reports that they were attacked by 6.000 Russians Liverpool. May 12 —The Post to- ( forcements arrived from Ping Yang. Sladden No. 1 is positive in her dec since May 6, many explosions have under General Seykoff, assisted by — Rescue Work Begun Immediately ter and Cleaner This Year Ths« Charged With Heresy day asserts mat the report reached when the enemy fled, The Japanese laration that her husband not only been heard in the direction of Port troops under General Rtorssel I^ m > Angeles. .May 11.— Au amuse- Last. — Eight Dead Italians Recovered. London from high quarters from St. lost four killed and six wounded. tried to i >ison her. but that he did Arthur The cause has not been as ment clause was introduced in the 5« non-eommis- The enemy had over Petersburg, that the ciar is suffering Methodist conference this morning, poison his second wife. Another one certalned. but the impression is that Benefit Red Cross. rrom great mental depression and is sioned officers taken prisoner. to a petition presented by the Ep of Sladden's wives into whose sud the Russians, despairing of defending St Petersburg May 11 Th»- czar Carbondale, 111., May 11.—A disas Never within th* observation and desirous of abdicating. den death inquiry is now being made their fort ress. are destroying their today reviewed S.ouu troops tor the worth League of the Wyoming con trous gas explosion occurred in the experience of J. H Gwinn 8** there Port Arthur Cut Off. was a young Chicago woman who at ships previous to the evacuation of benefit of the Red Cross An admis ference Tte petition said; "By all Big Muddy Coal Company mine at tx-<-n a more auspicious time than th» Would Go to the Front. London. May 12.—Lloyd’s corres the time Sladden married her had the p' irt sion of 50 roubles was charged All means, let the amusement clause Herrin this morning shortly after the present for the realization of top St. Petersburg. May 12.—The czar pondent at Niu Chwang. states that two children. <>t th«- nobles and fashionable element alone We beliete striking it out of mm went to work, The loss of life prices for wool He adds. "And never will bid farewell to the tenth army Port Arthur is cut off. Produce is the discipline of the church would be Rumor From London. In addition to these three wives of the capital attended The review is known to be 3u. —t noon eight has it been more necessary than now corps at Kharkoff on the 23d. He arriving in great quantities from up Sladden has l.een the husband of a London, May 11—A correspondent • nded with a charge by the Cossack* the death blow to every virtue of the Italians bad tiren taken out dead and that the wooigrowers hang together still maintains a keen desire to go to the river. The Japar se troops are Miss Wilson of Washington. D C.. of Reuter's sends an unofficial report church and will be the opening door and live up to * he strict letter of bodies are in sight. the front. to everything unholy." It was sign other marching from Feng Huang Cheng and of a young woman who died sud that the Russians have destroyed Ruwiin Securities Dcwn. The mine has long been consider- their sales days agreement, if the ed by 250 leaguers representing 42 towards Hsyen. Perfect order pre denly in Louisville two months be- their Port Arthur fleet. digb prices that are within sight are ed the best in Southern Illinois London. May 11.—The Russian im churches To Evacuate Dalny. vails in Niu Cuwang The authori fore he married Miss Wilson. The explosion was »aused by the to be realized." perial fours today declined another Dr Kiigo caused ’ he first cheers of St. Petersburg, May 12.—Alexieff ties do not anticipate trouble or fight Three Jap Transports Sunk. half point on account of the land re the 19M conference by denouncing ignition of firedamp formed in a He urges the supreme importane« METHODISTS DISAGREE. telegraphs today that preparations ing in this vicinity. Great credit is London, Msy 11.—It Is reported verses and the reported death of Zas mobocracr in America and demand pocket and touched off by a miner's of loyalty to the agreement. which is for the evacuation of Dalny docks due to General Kondratorvick and this afternoon that three Japanese lamp Fifty men were at work. Tie are being made. Material that would Civil Administrator Etzel in preserv Delegates Uphold Neely in Right of transports were sunk. No > particu- sulitch. All Japanese issues were Ing a unified church as the greatest rescue work began immediately. The simple loyalty to themselves as indi half a point higher viduals and to their chlefest easiness need of Christianity today The be useful to the enemy is being de ing order. Conference. lars accompany the report. identified dead are: Tom Green. John interests and reiterate« that all in speaker was given me Chautauqua stroyed. Los Angeles. May 12.—A fight be Reported Sale of Liner. salute Heresy charges against th* Miller. Fred Theberg. H Williams, dications point to a strong market. Absolutism Declining. Rumor Repeated. tween the bishops and the conference There is no correspondence whatever Berlin. Msy 11 —It is reported that Garrett Biblical ins’ltute and the A. Craig Cost of Dalny Evacuation. Vienna May 12.—Russian advices occurred this morning over para London. May 11—There la a repe the Russians have bought the Ham j Boston Theological Schoo! are ex between the present situation with St. Petersburg, May 12.—The Dal today state that the conviction is graph 34. rules governing the, gener tition of the rumor and it is believed Grewaome Bedfellow. presence of advance buyers try- burg-American liner. Princess VI c- pected to be presented Thursday the intellectual al conference. The rule deals with here, that the cruisers Askold. Novlk ny docks, piers and appurtenances growing among Portland. May 11.—Henry Steven :ng to buy wool in advance of sales toria lionise ! Bishop . J. H. Vincent presided. cost the Russian government $6.000,- classes that absolutism has seen its the manner of electing a judiciary and Banyan, accompnaied by a tor son awoke this morning and found ■lays "tod the situation of three years 000. best days, and that the czar will be •ommittee. The question Involved pedo boat, left Port Arthur tn the di-i bis roommate. John Nemes, lying ago when a mob of buyers bulled the For Japanese Loan. COUNTY SEAT CONTEST. led of his own initiative to give the in the discussion was; "Privilege of rectlon of Pitzwo, In which neigh-, _ dead tn a pool of blood with a ballet market with promises that had no London. May 11. — The Central Anxious to Loan. empire a constitution and parlia- bishops vs. rights of the conference." borhood they met the Japanese trans Ne’wS"'rorreapJndcnt t, at Tokkt. says Union Files a Restraining Order :n bis heart, beside him. It deve! loundation »caterer aside from ths London. May 12.—The Central ment. Rev. J. M. Buckley is supporting the ports and sunk them. iped this afternoon that Nemes evi flimsy and uncertain one of ar. eBort the second issue of exchequer bonds County Clark of Uruon dently had suicided yesterday after on the part of speculators on a gi News states that the Japanese loan bishops and Rev. T. B. Neely uphold for 100.000.000 yen. will probably be Port Arthur Cut 0«. has already been over subscribed. ing the right of the conference. The County. noon and Stevenson did not discover gantic scale to corner the enure Riotmg at Shang Kiang. • toward the end of the month London. May 12.—The Reuters’ cor delegates favored Neely in direct de The banks handling it are crowded La Grande, May 11.—Citizens of t when he retired beside him late las- • <x»l output of the United Eiatee Shanghai. May 11.—During the ri- The cabinet is now conferring with this morning. respondent at Tokio wires that it is feat of Buckley. Bishop Hartzell, of ottog at Shang Kiang today the mob the bankers regarding the matter The slump in prices following that Union have filed a restraining order tight Both were :at-crers officially denied there that Port Ar Africa, delivered the address of the burned the police headquarters Sev unholy visitation of advance Layers _____ against County Clerk J H Mim Fortify Seaports. thur railway communications have day. Mcnst r Tumor. was the simplest result of a collapse naugh. forbidding him to place the era! persons were killed. Squadrons Not Combined. jf a corner. Berlin. May 12.—A St. Petersburg been restored. Omaha. Neb . May 11. — A surgical names of Union and La Grande on St. Petersburg. May 11—An official To Recover Bodies. dispatch states that the town of Ses- Inquire Fate of Japs. This year every buyer comes with investigation shows there Is no truth the official ballot for a vote on coat.- operation was today performed upon Rumor of Fighting. Washington. May 12.—Major-Gen totbez. on the Gulf of Finland, 18 Mrs Mary McEIvaln. of Ruskin. Neb. a backing of actual, healthy, normal ty «eat rer_.oval re Washington. May 11. — At the In the report of a juncture of the Shang Hai Kwan May 12.—A ru eral Wade, of the Philippines. In re quest of the Japanese government. Vladivostok and Port Arthur »quad miles from the capital, is to be The courts will be called to pass «bo »a* relieved of a cystic tumor demand, indicated by suet evidence strongly fortified as protection for mor is current today that fighting is porting the engagement at Mmdano Secretary Hay today Instructed Am- rons after a naval battle upon the order Immediately, as the weighing 102 pounds It is the larg as the following trom the Boston were killed in which 17 Americans Neva and St. Petersburg. going on southeast of Niu Chwang ballots must be printed soon The e«t recorded in the history of surg Commercial Bulletin: -------- says that General Wood has ordered bassador McCormick at St. Peter»-! petitions presented to the county ery After he operation the womae "In the West, nowever, notably in burg to inquire of the Russian gov- Yalu Casus It i**. the troops to proceed to recover the ernment as to what became of 60J Seoul. May 11.—An Antung dls- court by La Grande asking for the weighed but 92 pounds. Fighting at Port Arthur. Resist Attack. Utah and Wyoming, where the buyers bodies of the killed and wounded and St. Petersburg. May 12.— Rumors London, May 12.—Japanese Minis are mostly gathered, operations in Japanese men sent into Port Arthur gives the official casualties of removal are said to contain at least A nt i-T rust Deci «ton. ter Hayashi gives an account of the of fighting at Port Arthur are cur punish the offenders. No additional harbor in the last bottling expedi- .jje battle of the Yalu as 31 Japanese 1,500 fictitious names and names not the new clip have been fairly large on the registration book, hence me Russian attack on Anju of May 10. rent here, but no confirmation is details were given. Jefferson City, Mo., May 11.—The tor this early in the season. Boston tton ofltoers killed. 2$ wounded. 160 men which says 24 Japanese resisted 200 made. Niu Chwang is still held by -------- . killed and «66 wounded The Rus- restraining order from the taxpay supreme court today knocked out the buyers have been operating every Life Sentence. Russians until a company of rein- the Russians. xntl-trust proceedings instituted by where In I tab St. Louis buyers Russians Fall Back. ,lan, )ost j j6* killed. 475 wounded ers Mary Dover. Del.. May 12-—Mrs Union claims that the present the terminal asi-’-ciatlon of St. Louis have been prominent Anywhere London. May 11.—The Exchange «nd 138 taken prisoners. Powell, who was convicted of the court house facilities are adequate The attorney-general sustained the trom 124 to 14 cents is the range of control of the headquarters and rec- murder of her adopted daughter. telegraphs to Rome says that an of-' MORE IRRIGATION. to the needs of the county, while la demurrer of the association to quash prices, with little bought at less than ords of the society and Burns Elsie Albina, was sentenced to life ficial dispatch from Chee Foo states Foreigner« Protected. Grande denies this statement the outer proceedings and to annul 13c. and a good deal at as high as Dead Ox Flat Project Now Under brought suit against him. that owing to the simultaneous ad imprisonment, today. Ixindon. May 11—In the house of 14c Grease price* are fully as high the charier Construction. vance of the Japanese from Feng commons, in the discuMton of foreign OFFICERS INDICTED. as last year, and higher in some in Huang Cheng and Niu Chwang. the affairs. Under Secretary Earl Perry- Weiser. May 12.—Work on the con Congressman Kennedy Renom'nated. stances The shrinkage is greater Russians consider their position at stated that the British consul at Niu 1 struction of the Malheur Butte Irri Reform in County Officials at Butte, Canton. O.. May 11 — The republi .his year than last, variously esti Lia Yang as untenable and are pre Chwang had not requested the dis-, gation canal was begun this week un The can congressional convention of the mated from 1 to 3 per cent. Montana. paring to fall back on Mukden, where patch of a gunboat for the protection | der the supervision of Peter Pence Eighteenth district met here today landed scoured cost in Boston is well the of the British subjects. The place j the first serious attempt to re«ist more Butte, Mont., May 12. — Even of Payette, superintendent and gen and renominated Congressman James up to half a dollar." Jat>anese advance will be made Indictments were presented this was within the theater of war and | eral manager. Kennedy for a second term Congr e ss “Woll from last years crop to East the only courae then open was to ad The company has been reorganized morning by the grand jury. County mau Kenned* was without opposi ern Oregon has been sold in Phils Poles Arc Organized. Commissioners W. D. Clark and M dress the belligerents. This had be«*n uuder the name of the Malheur Land tion deiphto within the past week tor 17 Berlin. May 11.—The German done and Russia replied that all pre £ Irrigation company, limited, with P. Haggerty, Assessor Jan Brown. cents. and this is a good indication Road Supervisor W. F Matthews and secret service agents confirm th* cautions would be taken to protect headquarters of the company in this that price« this year will go high" Call in Money. statement made at the diet that th* , British subjects However, in the | T. C. TAYLOR RELEASED city. The officers of the company are George Wise, J. M. Kelly and E. M NEW YORK POSTMASTER Private advice# from the East are Ryan, teamsters, were charged with Polish Nationalists Washington. May 11 are tborougllly interval of the retirement of the Rus - Secretary Edward Shainwald. president; Peter FROM POSITION OF TRUSTEE. ixmfirmatory of the claim that the conspiracy to cheat and defraud the organized Shaw todav decided to call in 10 in Chicago, and other «dans and the Japanese entrance, he per FIRE. NOW UNDER Pence, vice-presulent; Herman Haas, i American cities with large funds to did not suppose there would be any cent of all government money on de- mills of the Eastern manufacturing treasurer, and D. H. Bandy, sec re-1 county. Constables John McGrath buyers want advance sales simply i finance a war for Polish liberation protection tary. Peter Pence, superintendent and Thomas Cosgrove were charged Reports Sales of Realty Amounting posit in national banks on May 25 region are practically bare — the with collecting illegal fees. Inspectors Recommend H>s Dismissal — and general manager. to $606 90 — Expenditures $75 — buyers want advance sales simply be Cabinet Resigns. Russians Aggrvssive Only Affects Large Banks But No Specific Charges Are Made A large number of teams are now cause the mills must soon have the Present* B-lls for attorney ’ s and Women May Still Sing. 11.—The Central 8«oal. May 11.—Two hundred Rus ' employed at the head of the ditch, Washington. May 11.—Shaw s call wool and they want to disorganize —His Son Loses His Official Head i I/indon. May Receiver's Fees for $350. Rome. May 12—The Vatican auth- News a' Seoul says that the «-«tunet «Ians have attacked Anju. 100 mile« and more are wanted. This canal will i few apj-rox’.mates $10,OBO.OQO With the pool so they can get it cheaper and Many Subordinates Are Out— has resigned in consequence of th«- »outb of Wiju A small J*;-au«-s«- irrigate about 2-, .000 acres of land oritles deny having received objec exceptions the rail is made upon all All the old buyers are coming into Is a Friend of Platt's. tions from American archbiBhops re censure by the emperor, who including Dead Ox Flat, opposite this has garrison is defending the town the banks whose authorized ba'.anree the field or are already here, and T. C. Taylor this morning filed his garding the impossibility of enforc- accused the members of neglecting -------- city. before tbe previous calls was 1150,- many new ones are beginning to I report as receiver of the estate of C w.o or more , ing the papal decree providing for their duties Trams Running. 'ocne onto the ground already. Washington. May 12 — The report ! the restoration of the Gregorian BALLOON ACCIDENT. Iz»nd<>n, May 11—A Central News H Wade, and his report of the sales The Utah and Nevada sales so tar of realty belonging to that estate | chant and the banishment of women of the inspectors of the New York Japs Repulsed. Mme Explosion. 'dispatch from l.lao Yang, says a in no instance record a sale for leos AU of the transactions of the latter Twenty Persons Killed and Injured in from the choirs. It is pointed out City postoffice is in possession of the Paris. May II.—A St. Pe4ersburg train reached Port Arthur yesterday. Murphysboro. Ill . May 11.— Au ex many in this connection that the decree postmaster-general, who will not give dispatch reports that the Japanese No Japanese troops Were observed have been detailed tn the Bast ore- plosion took place this morning in a thsm last year’s prices, while a cent Paris. sales have been made for half the sales took place, and gun Ian as did not call for the exclusive use of Paris. May 12—Twenty persons i the Gregorian chant nor did it for out the contents until reviewed by were repulsed 20 kilometers east of n««.r the railroad, but some Japanese the report offers nothing new for the mine at Herein Five are known to more ttor the same quality of wool.) be dead and 25 are injured Port Adams. The J aim were at- cavalry had been seen behind Feng Furthermore, all who were in the were injured by the falling of a bid congregational singing include- the president. readers of this paper pool last year, are in the pool this It is well known, however, that the tempting to cut the railway when | Wang Cheng flaming balloon in the avenue De ing, naturally, female voices. As receiver Mr. Taylor makes cer Royal Heir Expected. year with one exception, and the inspectors have recommended the dis- Aumesnil today. tain enumerations as follows: Feb Rome. .May 11—In the chamber of missal of Postmaster Van Cott, bis It was an ordinary undirgible bal ruary 2 Mr. Taylor received from deputies this afternoon the speaker pool is mu<n larger in membership Surrendered by Bondsmen. *nd m the amount of goods. because son, and a dozen subordinates, As- loon and is sa d to have come from trustees. cash Matlock and Taylor, Chicago, May 12.—Captain John sistant Attorney-General Robb, to announced that Queen Helena is ex.- the direction of Rambouillet with amounting to $585 9>i; February 3 he p<- ted to be confined in September. it has new members who see its ad- Healey, ex-president of the Alaskan vantages, and some of them are « whom the report was submitted, wll. several aeronauts aboard. The bal received from the sale of harness Exploration Company, was surrender heavy woolraisers. loon fell into the Rue Edouard Rob ed by his bondsmen today. He will probably modify that recommenda $20. and $1 cash which was commis VALUATIONS TOO LOW. In practically every in toe ert near the Avenue D’Aumesnil. be taken to New York to answer to tion, Senator Platt, Van Cott’s per- sion due C- B Wade as appraiser oi While trying to extricate an aero a charge involving the loss of $10,- sonal friend, has worked hard for ' a loan to the E 8 £ L Association Rs Iroads m Washington Are Greatly Inland Empire the wool Is better han It was a year ago. being clean naut who was caught beneath the him. Total, $606 90. Undervalued by Assessors. er and of a more uniform staple. balloon, a bystander cut the silk bag, 000 of the company's money. Later. His disbursements from the The Spokesman Review has the which exploded, injuring 13 specta amount gtven were as follows: Cash Money for Boise Barracks. The president this afternoon ap- tors badly and slightly burning seven to Joe Bailey as salary as custodian 'ol’iowing to say regarding railroad HEAVY VEGETABLE SHIPMENTS. ONCE AN INMATE OF the recommendations made POPE TAKES EXCEPTIONS Washington. May 12. — Senator Du proved others. An aeronaut was fatally and watchman of the Foster ranch values m Washington: bols was notified today by Quarter by Robb and as a result Richard Van AND MAKES A PROTEST. AN ENGLISH POORHOUSE. $75. leaving a balance of $53190. "If railroad property should be as Walla Walla and Milton Send Out hurt. Cott, son of the postmaster, was 1 master-General Humphreys that I sessed for taxation on the same basis Tons of Green Stu* to th« Mining The document also Incorporates a ■ $140,000 had just been apportioned summarily removed. No proof of ac I vs that of private individuals. Adams GRAND MASTER RECOGNIZED. Region. 1 for enlargement and repairs at Boise tual maladministration has been Asks That Loubet Use His Power Headed Expeditions to Central Africa receipt for all property, real and per 'ouaty would have collected taxes sonal. which has come ihto his hands barracks from the general army ap made against the postmaster, and he Last night the O. R £ N. Spokane and Authority to Restore th* Three Times—Served in Federal during the Incumbency of his receiv ast year on $2.354.805 worth of prop Illegal Officers Ousted by Supreme will be allowed to serve out bls propriation. ranch train brought down 80 crate« Church’s Prestige in France. and Confederate Armies—Member ership and trusteeship. It concludes erty on which not one cent of taxes jf spinach, rhubarb, onions, radishes Court. term. vas paid. * with his bill for serving as receiver of English Parliament. Washington, May 12.—The su- Auto Accident. • Within Adams county the North tnd lettuce from Walla Walla and and with Carter & Raley’s bill as at preme court of the District of Co- Douglass. Isle of Man, May 12 — Will Tie Santa Fe Up. ern Pacific has 574 miles of main Milton gardens, billed for Elgin. Ra Paris. May 10. — The Petrie today torneys. The former Is for $100. the lumbia, this afternoon handed down During preliminary trials of the Ben line and the Oregon Railway £ Navi cer City and Sumpter. San Bernardino, May 21. — Four London. May 11.—The famous Af latter for $250. published the text of the pope's let an opinion recognizing Simon Burns, nett auto race, held here today, an These shipments have been run gation Company has nine and a half hundred and fifty mechanics are af grand master workman and others, Englishman by the name of Earp, ter to Loubet in which his holiness rican explorer, 8lr Henry M. Stanley, miles of main line. The market value ning very heavy this spring and fected by the Santa Fe strike. Thirty Irrigation Apportionments. chosen by the general assembly of who was going at raciDg speed, drove if the Northern Pacific railway is a »hen the strawberry crop begins to blacksmiths have been brought from takes exceptions to the president’« died at an early hour yesterday from Knights of Labor at Niagara Falls in the car Into a stone wall. Earp and the East Eighteen dead engines are Washington. May 11.—The sec re little more than $70.000 per mile. move, it Is possible that another bag an attack of pleurisy complicated neglect to visit the Vatican during November, 1902, as legally elected of- tis brother are badly hurt, tary has decided upon the apportion gage car will be used to accommo- "This gives $4.025.000 as the value in the yard awaiting repairs. The his trip to Rome, It Is an energetic with heart trouble. His condition ment of $3,000.000 of the $27.000 00, fleers. Burns and his associates had of the Northern Pacific road in Ad late the trade. Southern Pacific machinists have no filed a bill in equity against John W. | Wins Stake. and dignified protest against Lou- had been very grave for the past 48 of tho reclamation fund for the Yu tras county. The O. R. £ N. road is The large scope of country in the Hayes, alleged grand master work-1 London, May 12.—King Edward’s tified the strikers ..¡at they will quit bet's neglect to the pontiff as hours, and while tne physicians could ma project in California, and the worth at least $65 000 per mile, being Eastern Oregon mine« that does not before they will repair the Santa Fe man, and others elected by another i horse. Rose Market, won the Breed No special bonded for $60,000. which would produce anything tn the garden line, engines. It is reported that the en "Christ’s vicar on earth." Continu hold out no hope for his ultimate re Malheur of Oregon. convention at the same time and ‘ era’ stake of 2G0 sovereigns at New- gineers will quit If the Santa Fe ing. his holiness deplores the anti amount h^s been decided upon for make the value of that company's make« an excellent market for the covery. it was not thought that the place. Hayes succeeded in getting j market Milk river project, in Montana, road $617.500. early vegetables from this district, clerical movement in Europe and ex end wsb so near. does not sign the new agreement. probably about $1.500.000. and the market gardening business "The total value of the railroad in presses his hope that the church’s He was born to Denbigh. Wale«, in Adams county thus shows as $4.642. is increasing in Umatilla county prestige be restored. The letter con 1841, and at 3 years of age was an Attends Y. M. C. A. Jubilee. cludes with exhortation to Loubet as inmate of a poorhouse. where he re Leaders Acquitted. 500. The two companies combined every year Buffalo, May 12.—Helen Gould ar- a "Dear son in Christ’’ to use his Manila. May 11.—Dr. Domlnanor paid taxes of $4au.695 for all their rived in her private car from St. power, his authority and personal mained for 10 years, during which Reclaim Hudson Bay Land. Gomez and Buena Ventura Kallbaza. right of way tn that county. time he acquired somewhat of an ed Louis this morning to attend the In- magnanimity to maintain concordant "The ordinary individual pays tax were Surveyors, under the direction of who were tried for rebellion, ucation He arrived at New Orleans ternational Y. M. C. A. convention, integrally. at the age of 15 and was adopted by acquitted, The latter was president es on an assessment of 60 per cent H E. Marble, of North Yakima, yes After dinner the heiress and party | Democratic rallies have been ar- lies will be held in which all the visited Niagara Falls. Tonight she a merchant of that place named Stan of the i.nionallst party and Gomez of actual market value. Figuring 60 terday commenced the preliminary Begged for Liberty. ranged for almost every point In democratic candidates will take part wii] be given a reception by the ley, whose name he assumed. His th) leader of the detu’eratir labor per cent of $4.642.500. the value of work on a new ditch which is to be the roads, gives $2.785.500 as the sum construction in the Hudson Bay coun Butte, Mont., May 10.—Because own name was John Rowlands. Umatilla county within the next two and it is the intention of the cam ladies of Buffalo. union the roads would be assesses if the try by the l’ine Creek Irrigation Com paign managers to have several she was Imprisoned for drunkenness weeks. At the commencement of hostilities law commanding uniformity of valu- pany. of which Frank W Paine. John Beginning with a monster mass prominent outside speakers here if and separated frwm her pet canary, between the North and the South, he States Senator McGinn Out. Prominent Ohioan Dead. at Ion was observed. O. Paine and Chris Bowers are the Mabel Ford, widow of Bob Ford, who enlisted in the Confederate army, meeting at Echo, on Friday, May 20, possible. Portland, May 11—State Senator "The difference between the sum Incorporators Cincinnati, May 12.—Genera) An- killed Jesse James, tearfully begged was captured, changed his views and under the auspices of the Echo dem The Echo mass meeting is to be Henry E McGinn, of Portland, has upon which an individual owning the The first surveys were made this ocratic club in which Colonel James ' the most Imposing assembly of the drew Hickenlooper, a former lieuten for her liberty In the police court enlisted in the Federal navy. resigned bis office, and his successor F. —. Holbrook will be campaign. The democratic club at ant-governor of Ohio, and the we)) this morning. When the judge said H. Raley and E. At the close of the war he went to will be elected at the coming elec- same amount of property would have morning and the engineers will pros to pay. $2.786.500 and the amount ecute the work as rapidly as possible the principal speakers, the following that place is very strong and has em- known gas lighting expert, died here she could go free she threw her arms Turkey as a newspaper correo pond- tion. actually assessed. $430,695. shows the The ditch will be about 20 miles in alxiut his neck and kissed him. weeks remaining before election will ployed McMinn’s band, of this city, today. ent, and later was the New York sum of $2.354.805 as the sum upon length and will be commenced at the be studded thickly with democratic to furnish music for the occasion. A Herald’s representative with the Planing Mill Burned. which taxes have been dodged. Bookbinders Out. end of the ditch constructed by the meetings. Illinois Train Wreck. ' grand ball, free of charge, will be British army through the Abbyssln- "The result of this under assess Freewater and Hudson Bay Irrigation North Powder. May 11.—The North At Pilot Rock, on the evening of given at night and a general jollifica- Chicago, May 12.—Three thousand Dixon, 111., May 11.—An Illinois ian war. That paper sent him to Af May 23 a democratic mass meeting tion will be held. Committees have blank bookbinders are scheduled to Central passenger train was ditched rica to find Dr. IJvingston. who had Powder planing mill, together with a ment is just the same, and is clearly Company. It will extend through a large por will be held, in which the Pendleton been appointed to have charge of the join the strike this afternoon, mak- this morning two miles south of here, . been lost in the Congo region for two large amount of finished lumber, was in violation of law as If the assessor destroyed by fire last night. The loss had allowed an individual with land tion of the high lands in that locality brass band will figure prominently. different features and the Echo peo Ing 5,000 in all unemployed. The Ten passengers were injured, three years. At Alba on May 24 at 2 p. m., and ple will acquit themselves with their Typotheta is making an open shop seriously. Three cars and the engine He was honored by England and will reach $3,000. The origin of the worth $2.354.805 to keep his name off and will end below what is known as the tax roll." the “Big Slide" on the Touchet river. Ukiah on May 24 at 7:30 p. m , ral- usual grace. fight. rolled over a 17-foot embankment. 1 the Royal Geographical Society for fire is unknown THIS SEASON