Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1904)
11 * WEKLY EDITION I WEEKLY EDITION. ______ I Unswayed by fear uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- goniau will tell th«» truth. the county. whole truth, about state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely Hair, to ..lose who differ from its its views, as well as to friends. • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• • • • • • X" • ’ • ! • • • • • • • • • The Las' Uregvulab of Pan- dieum, Oregon, la published In tts heart of the wonderful In- land Empire You will flnl thM ft ia readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the u«»i reliably, accu- rately and fully. * vot T^. “ - • EAS PLAN T HUS BEEN LOCATEB STRAWBERRY Will Be Built on the Present Commercial Association Ar- Site of the Electric Light ranges for a Farmers’ Insti tute on May 26. and Power Works. AGREEMENTS ARE ALL MADE AND BOND FILED. Thi* is the Conclusion Following the Visit of J. H. Anderson and Sur vey of All Proposed Sites by Him and the Committer Council Health—Work Will Begrn Six Months and on Within Finished a Year and a Half From Date—All Objec tions Turned Down. J. H. Anderson, the gas magnate of Spokane, reached town yesterday, looked over the city, selected the site for his gas plant, accepted the franchise granted by the city, and filed his bond for the amount asked. He left this morning for Spokane. While here Mr. Anderson, in com pany with F W. » incent. the loca. manager of the Northwestern Gas & Electric Company, and Councilmen Swearingen. Murphy and Dickson who compose the committee on health and police, made the rounds of the places available as sites for the gas plant. After viewing all ot the sites offered, it was decided that the best for all purposes would be the present location of the Electric Light & Power Company's station and this was accordingly chosen by Mr. Anderson, and the choice ratiflec by the committee, in whose power final action in the matter of the se lection had been left by the council at its last meeting The franchise was then accepted by the company and the acceptance, with the bonu was filed with the city recorder. Begin Work in Six Months. This action closes the deal as far as the city is concerned, and it is now up to the company to begin to make preparations for the construction of the plant, inside of the six months limit, as laid down in the ordinance There is a great deal of opposition to the location of the plant at the lx-e decided upon, and it was locat ed in the face of a petition of nearly •>11 o the property holders in the .'¡strict affected. The petitioners ai-n that the proximity of the sta *-r> Will lessen the valuation of ' ir properties owing to the odor of gas. and that the plant should be put in some place where there are no residences in the near neighborhood The other side of the controversy la'ms that the selected site is not. strictly speaking, in a residence, but in a manufacturing district. That here are no houses to the east and the south, and that the prevailing winds will blow all odor from the city instead of towards it. They do not. however, acknowledge there will be odor from the plant, and claim that persons who are not otherwise acquainted with the fact will never know that there is a glass plant in the vicinity. • It is cited that in Walla Walla and *n Baker City there have been gas plants for years, and' never have the parties living near them raised objections to their prerence. The company will construct a high board fence around the property, and it will be entirely shut off from public gaze and notice. The sewer connec tions and preventive construction of the place will obviate any chance of the plant being a nuisance. It is also pointed out that not only the city, but the residents individu ally, have recourse at law in case the plant should become a detriment to their property, or a danger to their health. The company will commence the construction of the plant inside of six months from this date, and ex pect to have the gas in the houses in side of 12 months from the time work is commenced. LIEU SELECTION DEED. Abandoned Arizona Entry to Locate in Umatilla County. A rare deed was filed this morn ing in the office of the county re corder. It was a lieu selection deed •nd by its provisions it was shown that Edward B. Perrin had taken up 80 acres of land in Coconina county, Arizona, but had, under the provis ions of the forest reserve act, deed ed the land back to the government In consideration of the right being Ing granted him to take up another piece of land elsewhere. According to this permit he on May 4 filed on the south half of the northwest quarter of section 19, in township 6, north of range 34 east, being in the Hudson Bay country. Having filed on the land he sold the right to file and all interest he may ever have in the land in question to William H. Caston, of Walla Walla, for »400. • ««••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sam Parks Dead. • ___ • Ossining, N. T-, May 4.— • Sam Parka, former walking • delegate of the Housesmiths' • Union of New York, convicted • of extortion and perjury in • connection with the building • strikes, died at '.. 15 this • morning in the prison hospi- • tai. He was sentenced to • one year and six months. • Parks failed in health imme- • dlately after he fell into the • clutches of the law, and died • of tuberculosis. • JAPS BOTTLE IIP HARVEST. Milton and Freewater Districts Will Make First Shipment About May 20. • • a a a a •••••••••••••••• PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO..OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY «. 1904 ceptcd at the meeting last night : Chester Foster. Conrad Platzoeder, A. Kunkel, Royal Sawtel). A J Good man. Frank Duprat. Frank G. Mitch ell. T D Taylor and E A Schiffler • r ! Preliminaries and Details for Confirmation of Statement Canal Transfer Are Consid Comes From St. Peters- I ered Perfect.- burg Sources. NO. 45 COMMITTEE TO MEET IN CHICAGO JUNE 15. It Will Then Determine Contests and Weed Out All Not Standing in With the Machine—Entire Personnel of the Officering of the Chicago Con vention Has Been Fixed by the Waenington Machine—Convention Will Meet Only to Ratify. Nobody Responsible for the 'Their Delegates to the M. Explosion on the Battle E. Quadrennial Conference ship Misoouri. Will Insist Upon It. The strawberry crop in the Milton and Freewater districts promises to Washington. D. C . May 5—The be very heavy, and the first ship committee on arrangements tor U.i- ments will be made about May 20 | republican national convention thls this year. afternoon decided to recommend un Already the large growers are en ; officially to the full committee for gaging help to handle the crop and ■ temporary chairman. EUbu Root. for- from all the present prospects it will : mer secretary of sar, alter deter EXPLANATION OF MOW O. R A N. COMPANY TO TWENTY-FIVE MILLION THE JAPANESE SUNK TEN T hey favor retaining be a serious matter to s«*cure pickers mining that the »ub-commitlee had no FURNISH ABLE SPEAKERS. just at the right time to put the DOLLARS THE SECURITY. OBSTRUCTION VESSELS. authority to officially elect a tempor ACC.DENT OCCURFt THE AMENDMENT CLAUSE crop out as fast as it ripens. l’ma-| ary chairman. Indians have been engaged to tills Charles W Johnson of Minnesota Large Committee of Farmers and pick by several of the large fanners Money Has Been Withdrawn From A Great Battle Is Confidently Ex was selected for temporary serre "Flare Back” During Big Gun Prac-> Their Influence Will Be Against Con and all the local women and children tary; John R Malloy of Oblo, chief Business Men Appointed to Pre that can be induced to work, have pected to Begin at Any Hour—A assistant secretary, and seven assist Circulation Carefully to Prevent t.ce Ignited Unexploded Powder solidation of Orders—Probable the pare tor the Meeting—Agricultural been engaged, The crop is in excel- Naval Engagement With the Vlad ants. including Walter S Mellleu of Financial Stringency, and the Cash Still in tne Gun—Held by tne Court Book Concerns Will Be Merged— lent condition and if the weather California; serges nt-at-arms. W F Experts Will Address toe Farmers continues warm the harvest will liec- ivostok Squadron Is Reported— Stone ot Maryland, and First Aaalst Will Be Paid at Once—Morgan the That There Was No Negligence or Proposed to Raise the Salaries of on Live Topics of Dairying, Diver- ■ssarily begin earlier than the 20th. Czar Will Take Personal Commend ant David C. Owen of Wluconain, Fiscal Agent—American Engineers Culpability, But That toe Use of the Bisnops- Estimated Value of xs the berries will ripen rapidly, president's clerk. A. Child« of Maine; sified Farming, Forage Crops. and In Manchuria — Japs Are and Zone Governor Leave for Pan- Keeping Smokeleex Powoer Is Not Under- The stand of berries Is very heavy, the Church's Hoid-ngs Is 1'0.000.- official reporter M W Blumenbtirg Feeding—Eight New Members Add- xnd the crop promises to show a bet Up an Almost Continuous Bombard- of Illinois; five reading clerks and ama Tuesday—1,700 stoed in toe American Navy—In OOG— Editors and Publishers to Be ’er quality all over the strawberry two tally clerks ed to the Association. ment of Port Arthur. Work. trie Supreme Court. Chosen. ’'strict than usual. There has been Probably 3e Murphy. >n abundance of water and the •Cornelius Bliss has not been offer- weather has been cool enough to ed and has not accepted the cbair- produce The largest attendance and the hold back the vines and 1 .ondon. May 5 —Reports are cur- New York. May 5 —Secretary L* m Angeles May 4 —Dr J W. E manship of the republican national i Washington. Ma« 3—lhe full text than Shaw, who is in the city today in rent here that Russian and Japanese greatest enthusiasm in months mark larger and sweeter berries committee." of th«- finding of the court of inquiry Bos*-t*. colored professor of history is the statement going where the warm weather crowds the connection with the payment of the forces at Klulleu Cheng have fought 'd the regular monthly meeting of from White House authority. It is into the Missouri disaster was made and theology in Gam*, a Seminary, .•ines and berries too rapidly. The Jap Panama canal purchase money this naothc-r desperate battle believed Murphy, of New Jersey, »'ill public th!» afternoon he Commercial Association last The prices for picking will range afternoon, said: South Atlanta. Ga, said i today the anese losses are placed at lu.«kJO. the be incited to fanait«* the <ampai<n sight. from 25 to 32 cents per crate, ac- Russians at T.uoo. Th* Russians are There is no hitch in the arrange- The cause of the accident was tfaei colored delegates to the Methodist We arranged for said to have retreated in disorder The rapid growth of the associa ’ording to the rush The n. R A N met ! for payment unexpected ignition of two sections, conference will make a hard fight to Black Will Nom.nate. to t*e place«! with the Mor tion from 40 members just a few s preparing to handle the immense J I"’ 1 Washington Maj 5.—Former Gov- xf charges ot unexploded smokeless I secure tie- eie* ;ion i of a colored veeks ago. to a membership of 90. at •utput and it is probable that a rec- Ran company Monday Rumor of Russian Victory. ernor Black, of New York, has been powder then in the gun by the "flare bishop. While the secretary of the Teas hisf time, is telling in its beneficial lar baggage <ar will be put in sen- Izmdon May 5.—The Central News selected to make the Roosevelt nom- Jack ' The fiau.<- ignited two of the He said the colored delegates stand ce on the branch line during the ber- ■try is required by statute to take correspondent at St. «vtersburg says 'Sects for the city of Pendleton. inating speech. Among the second- sections in the ammunition car and or the retention of the amusement •y and cherry season, instead of the security in a case ot this kind, the Will Hold Farmers’ Institute. the rumor is current at th«- Russian ng speeches will be one by Harry t shower of burning powder was clause but fear consolidation, as it nixed smoker and baggage car in extern of the security is left to h>s capital that a second battle was After auditing the expense ac- use ordinarily irojected down the 12-inch elevator may wipe out the Freedman s Aid So I discretion. Securities approved by fought at Chung Haitien. 2v mile* Jdwards. of Macon. Ga. 'ounts. and accepting eight new n the handling room igniting eight ciety. Committee Meeting June 15. i the .department to the extent of »25 »outb of Feng Huang Cneng in which members, the association took up the ither sections of a moke leas powder DAN SMYTHE ACCEPTS. Cand.dates tor colored bishop are 10M.000. will be deposited at the time the Russians lost 7.000 Acting Chairman Payne has issued The Japan natter of holding a farmers' institute The accident was in no respect Dr. Bowen. Dr M C B Mason, and the warrant is delivered a call for a meeting of the republican esc according to run. r. were driven n this city, this having been present Vili Make the Race for District At- Working out the plan will cause back in disorder national committee in the Coliseum Jue io fault or negligence on the Rev. J. B Scott. 'd to President Borie after the sue no financial disturbance, as the Value of Church's Holdings. torney in Seventh Judicial Dis t Chicago. June 15. to determine art of any officer or members of 'essful meeting of farmers at Echo money is being drawn from the centeal* and prepare the temporary 'he crew Reports of the publishing agents of trieL ast Saturday. Czar Will Go to the Front. The court finds the following wor ■he rhnrch win show that while the banks to the treasury too gradually " uU oi delegates Dau P Smythe, who has been as President Borie. T G Hailey and hv <*f particular mention under the ibysteal assets are worth at least Rome. May 5—According to a di ee Teutsch spoke enthusiastically of ■ociated with Hailey a Lowell in law reel communication received by the lead of extraordinary heroism Act 13 •-.*.w. the TWELVE FIREMEN HURT. To Deliver the C«»n. properties of the ■he benefits to be derived from such >r*ctice in this city for some time, ng Gunner Cox. Chief Gunner's Marc tburch, its periodicals and po;-e from Russia, the czar, notwtth Washington May 5 —The preti* I standing the advice of his ministers, i meeting, in educating and furnish- '«as accepted th»? nomination for dis- Mate Schepke -tapers are valued at fully »10.000.- Gasoline in Undergrouno Storenoas« loussen. Gunner* ■ng information to the farming com- •rict attorney in the seventh Judicial dent today received from General - is dei< rmitird to go to th« front and 1 list of 18 other officers and men Exploded. Editors and publishers whose ■nunity. Mr. Teutsch. who attended listrict on the democratic ticket, and Knox a letter reporting that he has command the army nefading Captain Cowles, is giver salaries range from »75*- to S5.000. Philadelphia. May &.—Twelve fire s he picnic at Echo, outlined the mu lied his acceptance at The Dalles ■ made an arrangement with the new deserving special commends will be elected and a consolidation Panama Canal Company and .Morgan men were Injured early this morning i tion." ificent offer of Colonel R C. Judson ■esterday. Persecuting toe Jews. of the publishing bouses is to be pro The district comprises the countie« & Company, whereby the latter were by an explosion of gasoline stored >f the industrial department of the Rear Admiral Barker approves the posed Berlin. May 5.—The Frankfurter underground by the Pennsylvania R. a N., to furnish lecturers for if Crook. Sherman. Gilliam Wheeler designated as agents to mas*- the Indings and comments at length or Advisability of increasing the sal- he institute and after some interest xnd Wasco, and is the largest judic transfer of the money due by the 'Zeitung reports that Russia has or railroad near West Philadelphia sta 'be ]>roperti*-s of smokeless powder of bishops from and trav | dt-red the* expulsion ot 115 Jewish Unite*! State- to the canal romi-any tion. Irg discussion, it was decided to ial district in the state. While the. *he use of which is apparently not eling expenses, to »6.400, will be dis During the fire railroad detectives thoroughly understood la bold a farmer's institute in this city district is strongly republican, com-j The forty million is to be deposited families numbering 6m* ¡n-rsotis. from our navy Two days will be occupied >n Thursday. May 26. on the court nlicatlons this year seem to make the; with Morgan immediately upon the ' Nlkrlkk province, and Tcbernigoff. endeavored to eject two Italians who The admiral says the conduct of cussed bouse grounds at which time at leas’ chances favorable for a democratic delivery by the < anal company to the i which are within the “pale." hence «ere trespassers, when one shot De the captain, officers and crew was with organization, after which will be heard reports of committees me dx or seven prominent arricultura’ candidate, and especially where the' Unite ! States of all property includ I the expulsion is illegal and wanton. tective Conner in the abdomen. vuperb, and he makes special men- A fire started at midnight and was tion of Mousser.'s art of crawling morials 'rv>n> conference >xperts from the leading colleges and personal popularity is as great as ed in the purchase. The French in extinguished without much daniag- nstitutions of the Northwest will ad that of Mr. Smythe, who has a host terests to accept this deposit as cquB Russia Buys Steamers. through a bole into the burning mag Skirmish Over Bcc< Concern 'ress the farmers on the practical of friends in the different counties, alent to payment tor all purposes of B«-r!lng May 5—The Tageblatt When the firemen went to make a •zine lx* Angeles. May 4—The first •>uestions of dairying, forage crops Arlington is his home and be will delivery of property, although a part says Russia baa purchased all the final examination with torches, an skirmish over the Methodist Bock Ceding, diversifie. farming, cream make the campaign from that point of the funds In distribution awaits eight steamers of the Nord Deutch explosion followed, enveloping the W-ll Enlarge tne Capitol. the action of the French courts Concern fight took p ace this morn >ry prospects and other live topics erllne. and three ships of the Ham whole company in a sheet of flames. Warhing'oc May 3—The joint ing when the book committee met hat concern Umatilla county. burg Packet Line commisaion of senate and house at Engineers to Panama. to consid«T the consohcAtion of the It is not the intention nor the aim 1 meeting today decided to adopt Eastern and Western concerns at ->f the association to imitate the Washington. May 5 —Geo W Da Blocked the Channel. ■he Waiter plans of 1865 for the ex- New York and Chicago No report -natemess preparations of Echo, in .vis. governor of the Panama canal *ension of the east fron» of the rap- will be made till the regular sesston St Petersburg. May 5 —A Port Ar- ’his meeting, in the way of literarv zone, accompanied by a corp« of itol. of the conference but it is under entertainment and free dinner, as i American engineers, will leave New thur dispatch says Japanese ships last evening were seen coursing far stood the committee favors consoli such would be out of the question York Tuesday, atd on the arrival of Accepted Gr<sby Resignation. dation here, but the meeting will be strict the Colon will assume entire control out. and a fresh attack on Pon Ar Washington May 3—The resigna thur is anticipated Every train is bringing in scores ly educational and will be given a« of the canal property. tion of Melvin Grigsby. United States of delegates and friends, and the The message contains information an expression of the highest objects The 1,700 laborers now employed attorney in the Nome district Alas city is rapidly filling up confirming the Japanese contention of the Commercial Association in will be continued in their work ka has been accepted by the presi that the harbor is sealed Twelve Ail arrangements for the opening benefiting the community in every CONFERENCE OF SiOCKMEN dent No intimation as to his *cc- of the «inference tomorrow morning fireships were sunk, of which eight WIN» OVER THE STATE possible way. AND RAILWAYS BEARS FRUIT. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Attorney Generat Knox a are <ompleted have been located, while the poal- ANO LOCAL MACHINES. ceeK-r With the hearty assistance and co OF GOVERNMENT CENbUS tions of two are unknown, while the year ago recommended Grigsby for Dr W Thomas of Philadelphia, operation of the O RAN. company dismissal for leaving his post with tells an awful story of the sufferings remaining two retreated The aver it is hoped to hold a profitable meet Free Return Transportation Privile- age tonnage of the vessels was 2.000. Grast Victory in Both Casas tor Rad out lermiasion of thousands of delegates at the ’ng and to make the fanners' instl- Western Believed That Eiyhty-five Thousand ges Taken Away From Grand Canyon without food or wa •ute a regular event hereafter. icsl. Progressiva Democracy — Gen. Three Hundred Will Cover ths En Stockmen on January 1, Will Be Lynchehaun Released. ter for 24 hours The delegates Steady Bombardment. Committee on Arrangements. James B. Weaver Heads the Iowa tire Number, Allowing for Falsified Restored—Chicago. Milwaukee 4 Washington May 3— The attempt worked Sunday laying a temporary 5 — A Central News. London. May President Borie named Bert Huff Delegation Backed by Instructions to extradite Thomas Wa'she (or Lyn- truck around the wreck Returns — Twenty-two Hundred St. Paul Road First to Act—O. R. Tokio correspondent, wires that fol man as chairman of a general com —The Anti-Mearet People Opposed cheh.itni. wanted in England has Were Born Here. 4. N. Expected to Give Out Notifi lowing the sinking of the fireships mittee of arrangements, the commit- failed through a decision by the su to Bolting — Hearst Carnes Eight FORTY MUTINEERS. Washington. May 5 — The director Monday, the fleet bombarded the cation Soon. •ee to be appointed by the chairman, preme court today Out c< Ten Congressional Distr.cts of the census today made a state forts at Port Arthur. The bombard xnd the following farmers and busi- Lynchehaun was sentenced to life Sa'em Convicts Go on Strike About oess men of this vicinity were ap- In Illinois. ment regarding the number of Chi- ment was resumed Tuesday and con imprisonment in Ireland for assault Their Food. tinued yesterday. Charles F Martin, secretary of the nene in the United States, based upon pointed to have charge of tbe insti- ami murder He escaped from prison tute, and confer with Colonel Judson National Livestock Association, has Salem May 3 —A few of th* par and was arrested at lndiarapol'is. a comparison of the census returns Des Moines Iowa. May 4.- When Another Engagement. it once in the matter of selecting sent out notice to Western The supreme court affirmed the de ticulars of an unsuccessful mutiny stock with the report of the commissioner speakers for the meeting: John Ma St. Petersburg. May 5—Rumors are the democratic convention assembled cision of the Indiana court that a’ the penitentiary on Friday last of immigration, in which he says the carty, E. J. Meiners, Jurgen Mumm shippers that the return transporta- persistent here of s naval engage at 2 this afternoon. Hearst was mas Walsbe should have l*een given an have just come to the outside world R. I-aing. George Perringer, J H lion privileges, in force up to Janu results of the compilation shows that ment between the Vladivostok squad ter df the situation and it was a fore examination before turning him over Forty men m the foundry put down Ferguson. William Blakeley, W. W ary 1. 1904, but discontinued since of 6.C72 Chinese males re pored an ron and Kami Mura's squadron, but gone conclusion that Iowa’s 26 dele to tte New York authorities and his their tools and demanded an audi gate« to the national convention will Harrah, R M. O'Brien. W M. Rob that time, have been restored by born in the United States, probably they have no confirmation ence with Warden Curtis, their com dis» barge is ordered Northwestern roads, 2.231 were really born here, and 4,- be instructs«! for the New Yorker. erts, 1. J. Cheney. Dave Cargill. I.. C. Western and The crime for which Lynch« haun plaint being the quality and quantity 426 were cases ot false returns Rothrock. Purl Bowman. John Crow ind that shippers would be furnished The opposing f*< tk>t. has agreed to was convicted was an incident of the of the food served them. Japanese Loan Floated. Thi- true numl>er of Chinese immi C. E McLellan, J. A Borie. T G free return transportation for them- abandon its plans for a rump con Irish land riots and it is claim'd in Twenty-five men started the trou- grants into the United States will Ixmdon. May &. — The Evening Hailey. Lee Teutsch, Dr C. J. Smith. selves and attendants. who accom- vention. out of deference to the the offense was really of ble by laying down their tools and Eastern probably reach 85.301, instead of 80.- News announces that the Japanese wishes of Congressman Wade, al tne *1?» behalf to Thomas Thompson. C. E. Roosevelt. ,>any stock shipments a political character demanding ot their guard, John Ber 8<C. as reported, the difference being loan of »50.000.000 has been floated W. F. Matlock. Leon Cohen. R Alex markets. second district, (the only national gen. to lead them to the main build due to false returns at about 93 It is secured by- import This is the outcome of a confer- ander. J. S. Whittinghill. G. A. Hart representative losa democrats have Jury Completed. ing which he did Warden Curtis duties and will bear 6 per cent. ence of stockmen and traffic manag- man, and J. F. Robinson. chosen in many years ) AT WORK AT TOPEKA. Washington, May 3.—The jury in was temporarily away, and while A meeting of the committee is era held in Chicago, on February 25 Wade is personally opposed to •he Tyner Barrett postoffice case waiting for him. 1» men in the poi- Movement of Warships. called for 3 o’clock Saturday after for the purpose of discussing the Hearst, but against bolting Eighty-four Men Have Gone to Work vas completed this morning and the shing department ot the foundry noon. at the parlors of the Commer matter. The committee of stock- Chee Foo. May 5.—Chinese Junks The address of Temporary Chair- preliminary statements made Ty went through the same formula witn in Santa Fe Shops. cial Association to decide upon the •nen. of whlch Montie B. Gwinn, of report a fleet of 40 Japanese warships man Cullison did not enter into fac heir guard. W. H Hicks, and tol- ver is in court in an invalid chair. details of the institute, and make Boise City was a member, was ap- Topeka, Kan.. May 5.—Eighty-four and transports off Wei Hal Wei Tues tional differences. owed the first body of protestants final arrangements for the speakers pointed by the Livestock Associa- machinists and apprentices wont to day. steaming northwest Ex Congressman Butler was chosen over to the main building. On Inspection Tour. with Colonel Judson, who is expected ion in Portland at its annual meet- work in the Santa Fe shops this He shouted permanent chairman, For the sake of discipline, and to Norfolk. May 3.—Secretary Moody. to be present at the meeting. ing in January. morning The company will bring Additional Killed and Wound. some for Hearst. ienaiors Hale. Penrose and Bacon. relieve themselves partly of the re While the speakers have not yet So far the only road to actually mm to take the strikers' places im Kuro. Tokio, May 15—General Hearst Resolutions. xnd Representatives Dalzell, Meyers sponsibility of standing guard over been selected, it is almost certain ;rant the privilege has been the mediately. Third Vice-President commanding the Jai>anese In Man The resolutions committee by a and Hemingway sailed for Guantana die men in a body, the sentries or- that Dr. James Withycombe, ut the ?n*cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, but Buckalew. of the International Ma churla. reports 200 additional killed vote of eight to three, reported a mo Bay this morning, aboard the iered all the men into their cells Oregon Agricultural College; Profes he other transcontinental lines are chinists' Union, in charge of the and injured Russians have been found strong Hearst indorsement Dolphin, to Inspect the naval station They obeyed reluctantly and sullen- tor H. T. French, of the Idaho Agri- expected to follow immediately. strike system, will tour the road. on the Yalu battlefield. iy. Sixteen out of 22 district delegates there -ultural College; Professor C. L. Agent E. C. Smi.-i, of the O. R & Picket lines were established today, and each of the four delegates a' Smith, of Spokane, and Dr. E. N. N.. has received no notification of but the strikers are orderly. Upon the arrival of Warden Curtis Big Fight Expected. THREW HER BABY AWAY. large were named by the Hearst Hutchinson, of the bureau of animal he restoration of the pass privilege, til were rounued into tne chapel, Ixtndon. May 5.—According to dis force. Th«> latter are General James industry, will be among the number, is yet, but expects to hear from his where Mr Curtis listened to their SAID TO HAVE RECANTED. patches received from the front today B. Weaver. J. M Parsons. J ldge E Woman's Mind Unbalanced by Toe 'omplaints about the food, and then, besides other able speakers on spec •’empany any day, on the subject. M,ny Cares and Too Little Food. ial subjects to be designated later. without making them any promises, Report That Famous English Liberal an engagement between Japanese M Carr and S B Wadsror-h _______ • and Russian land forces is expected Spokane. May 3.—Mrs. Mary Fig cave them the alternative of return- The farmers of the vicinity of Pen W. & C. R. IS IN LINE. Is Now a Catholic. at Fen Huang Cheng any moment. leski. on route over the Great North .ng to work inside of two minutes. lieton are especially invited to take Hearst Carrie aChicago. Manchester, May 5.—The Dispatch Russian reinforcements have been •»rn from New Jersev to the Sound >r of the dark cell, or of being suot >art in this work, and be present at teturn Transportation to Stockship- Chicago. May 4.—Hearst has -car prints a report that John Morley, the pouring along the IJa Yang roads, 'ast night threw her baby, less than if the vdld neither he institute, as it ¡ b the beginning Inside of two pera Is Now in Effect. eminent liberal member of parl.a and it is probable Kuropatkin person ried eight out of the 10 congression x year old. out of a car w indow, near jf a regular course of institutes to ninutes every man was either in the Thia insures al districts in Chicago B. Caiderhead, the general ment, hitherto thought to have a ally will command. 8. Columbia Falls, ami then did her foundry or on his way there. >e held here, from which the farm- In tbe event of defeat the Russians Illinois to Hearst by an overwhelming beat to follow It. with the train at ?rs will be able to draw incalculable reigbt and passenger agent of the loaning toward Voltaire's philosophy. Warden Curtis declares that the instruc- has joined the Catholic church. will retire to Motieng Ling. 55 miles majority. Illinois has been secured full speed. Other passengers held quality and quantity of the food is tenefits. These speakers are experts W. & C. R., is the bearer of by Hearst despite the opposition of tions from the headquarters of his along the Lia Yang road to make a her and the train was stopped aud at least as good as the best average in their lines and are employed by Fren-h Train Wrecked. final Btant to prevent the Japanese the and state democratic machines. backed down until the baby was prison fare, and will make no con- he various states and government to company to restore at once the old It means Hearst. If nominated, will Motieng Ling Calais. May 5—The Basle express reaching the railroad found. It had landed tn some cessions to the men. who will be further the work of agricultural sci agreement (in force prior to January carry Illinois by 75.000 majority. bushes and then rolled off into the more closely guarded and watched ence and their experiences are valu 1, 1904) under which stockshippers was derailed near Nesle today. Five is a narrow pass, comparable to the had the privilege of return trans- passengers and the train guard were famous Shika pass In the Russo- mud. and was almost entirely un than ever from now on. able to the farmers. port at ion. badly injured. ¡Turkish war. Turkish Cruiser Ashore. hurt. being only scratched and bruis Meetings Twice a Month. This position bv the W. & C. R is • •••••••••• Constantinople. May 5.—The Turk ed a little. Before adjournment it was decid practically simultaneous with the Investigation showed that Mrs. a ish cruiser Abdul Medjid. Aniericau ed to hold meetings of the associa- decision of the Chicago, Milwaukee built, recently arrived from Philadel Figleski was temporarily eraxed with Formally Turned Over. ion every two weeks, and the meet- & St. Paul, which has been widely phia. is ashore while en route for hunger, travel weariness, lack of a ng adjourned to meet on Tuesday heralded as “the first’’ to acquiesce Smyrna in charge of Turkish officers sleep and the care of nine chtldhen Danema. May 4.—The for night, May 17, at which time a prop- in the wishes of the stockmen as ex- nil of whom were with her She mal act of turning over the isition will perhaps be presented to oressed in their joint conference in had denied . herself food, sleep and Panama canal to the United Roaaeau Operated On. change the constitution to fix the Chicago, February 25. with the traf rest to care for her little ones, until States government, was per- Portland, May 5. — (Special.) — his fine was suspended because he regular meetings twice each month, fic managers of the Western roads. Paris. May 5.—Former Premier her mind gave way. formed with much ceremony Charles Cunningham and four of his is holding the land. The membership campaign is as- Waldeck Rosseau was operated on The canal at 7 this morning six associates plead guilty today. The cases against Mrs. Kato James suming immense proportions, and as this morning for over trouble DEBS FOR PRESIDENT. Deputy Sheriff Miller, of Silver was received by General Cunningham got off by pleading and Mark Shackleford were quashed a means of further adding worthy Bow. Mont.. Jumped out of a car win Brooks and staff on behalf of members to the association President Socialists Then Nominated Hanford guilty and agreeing to pay a fine, the on motion of District Attorney John German Liner Ashore. dow on a moving Southern Pacific the United States. Consul- sum imposed by the court being »5,- Hall, “for Jack of evidence.” Borie stated that each member would ’or Vice-President. Lisbon. May 5.—The German I mail train, in Nevada. Wednesday morn- general Gudger and other 000; Asa Rayburn, pleading guilty, This closes the most interesting be expected to hand in the applies Chicago, May 5 —The socialist na got a tine of »100; Glen H. Baling, land fraud cases in the history of liner Kurfurat. from Zanzibar, la Ing. to follow a prisoner who was prominent Americans witness tion of a new member by the next making his escape from Miller, and ed the ceremony, which con Eastern Oregon. The federal court ashore north of Sagres meeting. The club Is in a highly tional convention this afternoon nom pleading guilty, was fined »100. neither prisoner nor deputy can be inated Eugene V. Debs, of Indiana, cluded wtth raising the Amer room was filled with spectators when Shelly Jones plead guilty, but the prosperous condition and the mem James Reid, a pioneer of Cariboo, found, It is feared both fell into the ican flag The natives ex bership is greater than ever before. for president and Benjamin Hanford, fine was suspended because he has the “sheep king." Charles Cunning and a member of the Canadian par river which ran beside the track. The of New York, for vice-president, and lived on the land and intends to make ham. was fined. A lecture on fraud press much aatistaetion. New Members Added. adopted a platform along the usual it his home. in general was administered by Judge liament since 1881, Is dead at Van train was backed up, but found no The following members were ac- socialistic i.aea. trace of them. Dallas O'Hara pleaded guilty, but Bellinger to each of th« defendants. couver, B. C. I • •