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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1876)
tm e e ' '' I 4 1 Kim- I. I- tioKiniiDiinn r.nn nt meei?mHirinV M? IH7VnrDlTIP PD1T1PI VS. 1H Tfl tfiM'O BV TnP (WIT III? firD uOnHT ' 'i ; " 1 . i X . . , CialaBLluilfiU I Uu f Mil VloobUUnailu.l ui vi.uubuaii i mv .... u.i uv.iuu i u n.iu m iiiu unu4i vvu UfUII, . ;!. l 'ilil"tt 'l I' feU&ENE CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIl) 29, 187(5. V , ': n- " $2.50 per year IN ADVICE. f . 1 I -1 LOg" tilh -ADVKRT1S1KG. . dTtr-iemenU iniertea u iouow. : MUirt, 10 line or lew, on InwMtion S3; enon .nt Insertion II. Ca.h required in advance jime adTertuer. wui u . , , i, ix month..... ... BOO ... -M. I W jraqiUty notice. In local column, JO oenU per line !aracn tmertion. -'" ' ' " Adverting bUta wlU be rendered luartorly. v 'JUllobwor murt be tun ro on ,,71 PCiTOFFlCE. r. ... . OfflM Honre-From J . m. 'tolp.m. Sunday. VaafroPmtauth'ul leave. Koto north 10 i ArHve. from the north and ear- full l. in For Siuialaw, Franklin and Long ck.fco" WodncJay. For Crawford Jut Omw Creek .nd Bn.wn.vine t I , llitawffl beroady for delivery lialf anhenrafter .SialrfSnta LetU.n..houlde left rt the offloe w-- Wore ATTIR80M. CHURCHES. Biwht Chobch.-H. 0. Davenport, parior. Ber Vlwieverv Sonday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ttunday flSloUtl p. m. Prayer meeting WeiJ Fnday i..'Cwti-'A: 0. FalrcbUd,PUr. Sexrioee at 10:SOa. m.and 7:80 p. m. !ainii-0. X. Whitney, PaiUr. Service. b pecial announcement. SOCIETIES. ' HfiiiimaTjODOt No U. A. F:, ana A. . .Meet. Ant and third Wetaeadaye In each montn. 8nicr. Bum Txiixw No. t) t 0. F f 0. r. meet. every imwuj iuiug. "WiSltWHALA ECiKMnT No. !eeUou the 3d and th Wednwday. in each month. . GEO. B. DORMS, ilTTOttsir 1 Ml COUNSELLOR AT UW, Office on Wiiiamette street, Eugene City. ' G. A. MILLER, DENTAL. BOOMS IN DONN'3 fx " BUILDING.. ' ,;' , . j E-geaeCity, Or., Profeises DENTISTRY AND ORAL SURGERY DR. JOHJV. JIERRBOLD, SURGICAt AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, TJnderwood. Brick Building Up Stairs, M, . v. EeBpecttulIy oflera his services U SfP'Sthe citizens of this place and vicin Clltr'rYPitv. in all the branches of his pro- Mston. - ' ..'."" The Latest Impiurements in , . . . Plate Work : . ixennted in satisfactory msnjMf , - -' 6TOCK IS CASH, and Alt Work Vast be Faid r on Delivery. , S ' ? " DENTAL, .s D n r urtrTQTT tiaa rtrtiTirtd Dpntftl ROOmS I DtrrranUrinUnderwtwd's' building, tugene City, and respectfally solicito snare oi me puD VMmnTbj mission, B. Cardwell, brtanl Hr-ACTA II. If ''' J' I . C -' ' . r AsW.PATTERSOJf: PHYSICIAN AND 1 SURGEON, oke in NIntli Stwet, tfc St. Charl. Hotel, an at He.ldeaco, KiJGrKNa CITY. OBKQOy. OR GEO. W. OOELL Wflcq' Ep Stairs, first NorUl of Astor Botts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ' Tor eovermce of self nnd Ptn'W"n1d keeoantswill be left in charge of 0. M. OOOPEE, Xm., the .ton Store, who to fully aor l7ei towllectttiem. It fully Ied that alt account, for servico. will be prenented fo pay aunt in thirty dayK, and collected in aixty. . Eugene City, April 5th, 167S. - . , r- ; Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICAL GUN SMI Tit .DEALER JN GUNS. BIFLES, irMaia Ppnuririnir done id the neatest stv'e ad Warranted. Sewing . macnines, sues, 'Locks. ec' rtepiured- Guns loaned and ammunition furnished.' Shop od Ninth Street, opposite Star Brtery. ' JEWELRY ESTABLISMENT.- 1 j. S. LUCKEY, DBALER lit 1( Clocks, Watches, Chains, Jewelry, etc, .' Repairing Promptly Executed, far All Werfk Warrnnted.j J.S LUCKKY, ,r P08T0F?ICEBCILDIN0. Wrjlswette & Eighth Bts., Eugene City. rFor Salcr. Which are nicely locate.! and will be ld at abar tain. X7. Vlliwooa Ion and Stationery Storer POST OFPICE BUILDING ."EUGENE CIt f , I bare on hand snd am constantly receiving an iMOrtment of the Bt School and Miwellsneoos kooks. Stationery, Blank Books, PortfolU. Cards Wallets, Blanks, Partmonnaes, etc-, te. All or ders, promptly Hilled. A. 8. PATTERSON. ' OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE f SLOAN BROTHERS rrHX, DO WOEK CHitPEi tLaa any othet I j in town. HORSES SHOD FOE $1 50', Wit new material, n3 round. Besetting dd ibrm C wata, AH wartasite t t 1T iflresi' Siop onElgMi fit, OBpbaite Hum phrey'' EUMa-- BEN. F. DORRISp i T dealer in Stoves and Ranges, Tin Ware, J PLAIN, PANCT 4 JAPANNED ' Shovels and Tongs, ' ' Fenders $ Fire Dogs, Cauldron . Wash Kettles. , Hoilew, Iron and Copper Ware, . PORCELAIN, TINNED & BRASS PRESER Y1NG KETTLES, Driven Well k Force Pumps, Lead and Iron Pipes, Hose 'pes and Hog' IN PACT, Ererythin; belonging to my bssi ness, all of which I will sell at the IOWEST CASH PRICES. . JOB WORK Of all Uses 4oo promptly and in a iatisfactlorr banner. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. By attention to baslnsss and honorable dealin hope to merit a share or your patronage Ja8 BEN. F. DORRIS. 'All peisoos knowing themselves in debted to tne wiU please call and 6ETTLI WITHOUT DELAY. 3. F. DORRIS. f3 HAVENER MARKET ! BECKER & BOYD, Proprietors. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, BEEF. Veal, FORS AND MUTTON. Dried Meat, of all kinds. Tard. Tallow.sto. WU1 ell Beef in chunk, from S to t cent. GEOoS. WALTON. AARON LYNCH. FIRM JNEW AND ' . NEW GOODS. In Dorris' Brick Building. Walton 8c Lynch Have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on a general . , . Grocery and. Provision Business, and wil! keep on hand a general as sortment oT t .: : . ' Groceries. ' Provisions, -.Tobsoca, Cigars, Vuts, Candles, Soaps, Candles, Crockery, Notion . Wood and Willow Ware. Green and Dried Frnits, Cured Meats, . i Etc., Etc Tbey propose to do business on a CASH BASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established Goods dellTertd trithoot charge tp Buyer All KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED For Which WE WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Eugene City Brewery MATHIAS MELLER, Pro'p. I. now prepared to fill all order, for LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Come and ace for yonnelf. recommendation. A good article feed. ASTOR HOUSE, B. C. PENNINGTON, - Proprietor. mtrta unfTT-ITKOWS I.AKDI.OHD has again X tnVeo ehar of the A8fOE HOfbE, and liaa re-Btted and re-fiirnUlied the ame, and will keep it Mcond to bo house in the Put. You need not fenr to give him a call, for hie table will be .upplied with the be the eoantry affords. Charges reatombiu Come one, come aU. Real Estate For sale. CEYjfaf OS EIGHT HO' DEED ACRES OF Farm and Grazing Lands For Sale" oft Easy Terms. Abo, notsB AND LOT Eurme. Inqaire of ... geo. n. TnfcRsToar. Carding and Spinning. rTivren PTTnrHABEDtba MaehinerT owned H by C. GoodchUd, I am now prepared to nuke all kinds of YARN,1 BATTS, c, Forenstoner At the Lowest living Rates. WM, IRVINU'. EUGENE CITY, OREGON WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Wasiiisgton, April 3, 187G. The Demooratio oauous bill was of fered on Tuesday last by Mr. Payne of Ohio, and on a motion, to suspend the rules received only 81 vdtes to 150 against it. Nearly all the votes for the bill were from the Democratic side of the house. But as was pre dicted iu previous letters neither the Hard-money oor the per tt greenback men among the Democrats voted for the bill, and it is now thought that the finance question will be dropped as Reno sometime since suggested. The acuteness of the Republican par ty leaders has never been more con spicuously displayed than in the way they have handled this finance ques tion. They have lad absolute con trol of all the departments oi the gov ernment for fifteen years and were the authors of the system of financo, "the direful causo cf all our woe," and now they deftly make of it a wooden horse to introduce confusion into the Domocralio citadel. Their Richard sons, Chases and Boutwells could not grapple with the monster they had evoked and they evaded it Now that tho Democrats control the llouao, whose duty it is to grapple with such questions, tbey force the issue and de nounce the Democrats as "incompe tent," because they do not at once settle a question which Republicans have been unable to in years of effort. The Democrats would do well to (bl ow the example set them by the Re publicans for so mauy years and for the present ignore the finance question. Their whole efforts should be to re store holiest and efficient government; when this is done it will be time enough to discuss obtuse questions of finance. Success can only be attained by perfect amity and that cannot for the present be had upon this money problem, therefore it should be se verely let alone. One of the House committees has been investigating the management of the Government insane asylum, and it has been shown that while one body of Republican patriots were speculating upon the bones of dead soldiers, another sot have been mak ing fortunes by feeding insane men and women upon rotten beef and mouldy bread, clothing them in rags and iorciug them to live in filth that would turn the stomach of a well bred hog. Suoh patriots should be in the language oi the Cincinnati plat form of 1872, "relegated" to private ife. : General Custar has been before the committee on war expenditures ana has testified to the corruption of post traders and to the manner in which they robbed officers and soldiers to enable them to make money enough to pay Orv 1 Grant, Belknap, and the other black mailers. Several of the post traders have testified to their having been assessed and forced to pay sums ranging from one to tour hundred dollars tor political purposes. With the whiskey ring busted and the post-traders fieed from the system of blackmail, the campaign fund of the Republicans will not be so large as it was in 1S7Z. . . It has come to light that Robeson has been construing the bankrupt house of Jay Cooke, McCnlloch and Co. as the fiscal agents of the navy in Europe, and $200,000 of the drafts of Pav-master General Bradford, who is kept in plain violation of law in Lou don, have lately come out as having been paid out of funds intended tor other purposes. There has been more "crookedness" in the navy thaa in any' other department, but it is harder to trace because Kobeson has covered up his tracks too well. Whitthorne is on Ins track like a sieutn-bouna and will bag his game before long. Attorney-General Pierrepont seem to be on "the ragged edge," for not only is the committee disclosing some very discreditable lacts s to Ills de partment, but there has arisen a ques tion of veracity between him ana the President as to the letter written to the District Attorney in relation to implicated witnesses and which Bab cock stole a copy of aod published. The articles of impeachment against Secretary Belknap have been prepared and reported. The evidence is amply sufficient to codvict bim and the trial will commenco next week. The House is now boldio? night sessions to consider the executive, legislative and judicial bill ; tome opposition has been developed among the Demo- cratio members but there is no doubt tbat the bill will rr ss substantially as the committee' reported it, and that six millions of dollars will be saved to the government by iu becoming a law. Should it bo defeated, there .tangibility must reH, ,?pon the lie publican Senate for continuing the useless expenditure of $6,000,000 per anaura.7 The entire force of the ad ministration seems to be brought to bear to secure Conkling delegates to the Cinoipnali Convention and the Democrats ought to heartily aid in this movement for no other candidate except Morton could be so easily beaten as "the favorite son of New York.'? i ' ;' . ., i , Last night the House elected Messrs. Lord, Knott, Jenks, Hyndo, McMa hon, Wheeler and Hoar to raanago the impeachment case. The two last named are Republicans aud all are good lawyers. Secretary Belknap has employed ex-Senator Matt. Car penter and other distinguished law yers to conduct his defence. They will first plead to Mie jurisdiction, claiming that Belknap's resignation prevents impeachment. This is an interesting question that has nevor vet been before the Senate and tho judgment on it will be looked for with interest by all parties. It is thought that the legal question raised will be decided without any partisan ship. The bill making silver dollars a legal tender in all sums np to fifty dollars, and smaller silver coins in all sums to twenty-five dollars, passed the house on Friday. The Treasuror is authorized to issue these coins for the redemption pf fractional currenoy. The Chi istiancy resolution, a substi tute for that of Senator Morton di recting an investigation of the Mis sissippi election,' passod the Senate by a nearly strict party vote. Senator Key of Tennessee, tho only Democrat, voting lor the biil. C. S. Bell, for. merly of Jackson, Mississippi, testi fied that he had been employed as a detective in the Interior department and was sent by the President and Attorney-General to St. Louis to act &S a spy upon District Attorney Dyer, lie says that the Private Secretaries, Babcock and Luokey paid him to steal any papers he might find in Dy er's ofliue that would convict Bab- cook. . One item of news from Europe is portentious. it is said that tho czar of Russia will soon abdicate in favor of the Czaroveitch. The former has been the steady friend of the Emperor William and Bismarok. and the latter is well known to have an antipathy to everything German. Several of the Russian papers are openly advis ing the Servians and Montenegrins to assist tho Herzegovinians. The Czar oveitch is one of the ablest generals in Europe and is supposed to have ereat military ambition. The pur chase of the Suez canal by England to strengthen her position in England, and the great accossion to the power of the German Empire have aroused the jealousy of the Russians, and it is thought that this movement portends au effort to extend the Russian Em pire to the Bosphorus and consolidate its power by establishing a Solavio Empire on the borders of Germany. Such a resolution upon the part ol Russia would pluo:;e all Europe into the bloodiest war of centuries. Nemo. Cubshks, Or., April 18, 1876. To theEdioth Ooabd: 1 see.b? the lust Guard that the ootids script of the Long Torn postoffice is again on the wins;. That your readers may the better understand tbs sitnation I will stale that about a year ago the people of three dis tinct points oo this aide of the county peU tiniwd tlis P. 0. D. at Washinetoo for the establishment or no office at each of tbem. Appreciating the necoB.ity thereof Mr. Un derwood kindly vokintwred his intercession anrl the nwtitioni were eranted. No sooner was this done than the boodlam of the Long Tom portoffiee, fearing a decrease of revenue, and reeling outraged Decause ine peopie nun dared to act without first cousulung the good plwusore of bis royal biuhoesa, Immedi ately flew to pieces, cursing, without stint, all of the Inhabitants of the country around for tbpir audacity. The officials ol the Crow nrotofficA warn the first obiects of bis dis- nloasure. 8o outrageous (ltd Ilia coonduct become that (he eood folks of that place, fearlul of the wrath to cotno, secured the services of physician to watch biro, as shown by the following conrnunication to il.a riiTiiin at that time: "Tbe Dosimaster of Lone Tow is on the verge of insanity j tbat Dr Canada? kfpt his borse saddled mVht anrl dav It-si his rTBiDtoms becomedao- tfMrona."eu!. This too. suppressed. la due e . , - . . . time our tarn csmo. In Kruno of Jonel3tl. 1875. article bead i -na Torn Ahead." be saili lllto our af- lections, In subiunce as ioiiows: - j nav uio a postmaster in virtue of sis official capacity .wore in his owo depo'.r; ao l a Sunday p. . m r i . I. vhnnl nrenn ized at which a man was object ed to as superintendent bcaos be couldn't prsyetc. A l was me uhij utTiij uu ls,re Tom at the time, and aa be had re- CecUMf opoo the good sense and Intelligence nf n whole eommunitv as well, 1 believed it bat ah act of jnstice to myself and neighbors that ail individual who baJ so little toosidr- aiion for the ferlinirs of others should be re- hnkfd. In tJnrn cf June 26tb 1 replied, touching gentif a Wcf ;is' ilstirjTisbinjr, charactt-riHtics. and cuirzlng bin! as follows: Ifl saying tbat on Long Tom there is a port miater who swore in bis own depaty be (Hnston) asserted what be knew va ra anso- i , . .. ... i n,h words. 1 charged j hjm i,B girting a willful lie. The week following came bi rejoio.W, con'aioing nothing but a few silly attempts at witticism and a pitiifu! wail over lbs Ingratitude, of rtfinoiic re baa served so long 'tod well Having failed to answer the most material charge, that of falsehood, I dropped the mat ter. The affair had about escaped my mem ory until a few weeks ago he sent me a let. ter asking ror au explanation. , I answered that I had no explanation to make, and that relied upon the troth or each and every al legation submitted as my only justification. luriaermore anted Dim why he evaded ue barge of lying lat summer when the contro versy beean.' He repllod to the' other charges, why lit this, the Bast damaging of il, go npon the record unanswered I He id not dure deny it pnblicly, but under cov er Of ao envelope said he tlluded toother parties. To this I replied, the two assertions in reference to the deputy and the Sunday school formed parts of the same proposition that we were boors and to sustain tbe truth of it he bad conpled ao incident tbat bad occurred elsewhere near two years be fore witb one that bad occurred here insin uating that ibis was the scene ol both. No other construction could be placed oo it. the letter of it the spirit and reason of it the r (Teot and consequences of it, all point to tho (nine inevitable conclusion, tlis writ ten, as wbII aa his nnwrittan. historv of the west side offices confirms it and clearly points out the motive tbut impelled it. .' In the latter of 183 near three years leforo the establishment or an office at Ibis place n postmaster in the absence of a Jus tice of the f twee swore In bis deputy, i his was known only by the parties personally concerned and two others in-the service of the Department until told by one ol them in conCnlene to Huston.' I Imve charged him witb fulsxhood inasmuch as no other con struction could be placed on the. paragraph in UtMRD of June 19th, 1675. . have proved is dnnlioity in trying to create the impres sion hy insinuation that the incidents occur red at one and tbe same place, and tbat, too, supplementary to a betrayal of coufldence most damnable in tho extreme in a private letter dated February 28th be confesses tbat tbe party who told bim the secret objected to Ins using it. it asKod Dim ir toe party so conBding bad given him permission to ase it at tbe time, and in tbe manner , and form in which hedid. I have since ascertained that be did not. I then told him that the right to use the secret was in abeyance that though confided to him it belonged to the pnrty giving it, and that he had violated the rules ol honor by divulging it wtmout ins permission. , lie has charged me who aetng unfriendly to him. To this I answered that I bad uniformly spoken well of bim except in relation to tbe matter In controversy, and bis coutemptiule habit or poking sticks at his neighbors. 1 denied the charge, and told bim that three different postmasters at as many different times bad threatened to pub lish him. One of these I persuaded not to attempt It. Another bad ao article ready, and by my advice it was destroyed. The third in transitu to tbe ollice was haouea me lor revision, but I refused to have anything to do with it. I culled his attention to the fact, but be only grew worse, calling mo tbe n visor of these offices, and so educated bog Thus you find, Mr. Editor, that I am not tbe only one tbat has been wronged. I express ed m v sorrow at Bndintr bim on tbe "ragged edge" advising bim to keep bis pebbles In bis pockets, for by doing so tbe luture imgni yet have pleasant things in store for bim. I he mora i aavisen, toe . more ne oowieo. He then threatened me with Ins tongue, with bis mm. with the courts, with clubs, powder, if need be.' All this I could stand, but when be proposed to call together a whole precinct oo next, general election day, tbat a whole community might no scanaai ized on account of a persoual misunderstand ng betweea two men, the proposition was so mnnsfroms that I hastily indited the note quoted by aim. ' As to being champion of the Kund.j school, i am bat a senoiar mere, As to beior tbe "Uolialb of all tbe enraged depaUes," 1 will say they are well able to de- lend themselves. AS to my came Dcing oe fore the independent convention with my consent two fears ego, he is an unmitigated liar. As to my democracy, it win sot lose by comparison with his. it is numsn to err, but I have never beaten a poor uomo orate near to death to satisfy a personal spito ; have never held np to ridicule, tbe littlosbort- comings of my ne ghbors; have tiver said tbat it was a criminal o!Tice to buy postage stumps at any other but the place at which a person receives his mail, in order to in- creaee m? revenue : have never sooijht to ruin when 1 could not rule, as be has dooe. liu'yd np by the proud conscionnness oi never waving done wrong or injury to my fellows, save in just retaliation for wrong or injury sustained, I care not for the enmity nor friendship of this vile brajrgart, and will epstwe bim here that "lianquo ' ghost will not down at bis bidding.": v ; . j ; J. U. JJaSSOKD. ; As both tbe parties interested in this matter have now b-.o heard we suggest tbat they proceed to settle the matter through some channol other than newspaper. It is ont of place to tlms ing personal matters before tbe public Fd. Oregon's Great Glacier. . . From tba Oregvniaa. UcKenzir Bunas, April 14tb, 1876. As but a small minority of our citizens can expect to celebrate tbe Centennial season wiid me uuanors, mero ue many of tbe majority who are casting about pjr the next thing to see or ao mat waj w$ worthy of so occasion wbicb at best cuo occur bat once in a lifetime. To a small imt 'anoreciative number of sucn let me sogf et visit to the great glacier lying oo the western slope of the rent' peak of tbe Three Bisters where, standing ob a vertical balfaiileof ice, bands and nostrils 'tisg'ioj with ilwceeewswltoreaa.tbey marimjg'oa themselves transported to tbe pole without tbe perils of a northwest passage. Not tbat the trip will be without its risks, but thee will be small iu comparison with lis compensations. On July 2Stb, last, with a friend I left cairp at Lake valley oo tbe McKenzie wagjo road at 5 A. M, and riditg seven mie and walking three stood at 9 A. M., nn Oi. nr,rtk Mil if fha lu-tr. and a few days later a iutnbtr of persons starting from j Dear tbe same pi ace tci-k tbe ascent on foot in seven, DQurs, by a (di(Tor sot route,' salt most seem to be quite easy of access.. Once reached the lortbef ascent is bin pastime, ooly requiring care to avoids the enjvassos, which in places sre quite Moset tos gether, but is they seldom intersect by ilg t aging, tbe pedestrian can pass arouud those be caunol jump over. ' Tbey vary in width fiom thirty font to Barrow seams, and are to common observation bottomless. From tbe upper or south end of tbe gla cier tbero is some- bard climbing to reach the top of the middle peak, but oo one who has bad tbe courage to reach this poiot will stop short of the summit., , Tbe 'peculiar form of the mountain alone must account for the existence of so large, aa tee field at in small ao altitude. Its length, north and south, is about four miles, witb an Irregular width of a mile. A bigh. rocky ridge extending noith for five Biles Irom middle inuuuuin, supports and soroeos l.lroiin theiqn oo the west, and the sheer w ill or tbe norm mountain shades it almost till noon, wliilu its eutire sarfuoe Is so incline d plane tlieiMing northward at ad angle of !f) pVurees. Of us rate of motion little It knowr, but Its t if abrasion is on the east em edge where it comes in contact with tbe bluff of tbe north mountain. , Immense mas ses of debris .ru carried northward snd dei posited in winrows upon tbe margin as well as tbe surface of the ice current Stretch- Inn westwurd for miles from its northern ex. tremity, are its anoient moraines, deposited. at a period in geology more favorable to III operations than the present. . ,: YY hen it Is considered that to this agency we owe the irraoful lines and carves or. every bill, if not tho alluvium of all our far? tile valleys, the glacier cboald be an object ol popular as well as scieuQflc interest., ,. yuue as interesting, nowever, is tne vol canic system of this Immediate region, for it Hre bad not Drat built up tbe mountains, water could not crumble them down. Hav ing examined perhaps twenty extinct voice-,- noes, 1 have fouud tbat in the ros only of cases one side or the other has blown out leaving a semicirole or a perpendicular wall to represent the crater. Thonjh scarcely willing to believe such to be the case, I fonni il true of both tbe Middle aod JNortU bis-, tors. 1 be south mountain, also a volcano, still retains the perfect form. ''' "';"'. On the lOtli of September, last, sooo after the first autumn ruin, it was my good for, tune to view from" tbe summit of the north inosntain the ponfra! features of almost oar entire State without hindrance front cloud or smoke. The svyeep of vision seem 3d almost boundless, Including all tbo peaks northward upon this range, tne mountain: system oi Eastern Washington, the Willamotte valley. coast nngo end ocean on the west and tbe). spire of Shasta on the south. ' Wlib a target. neld-glass, Mount lynuall. fpid by Voun Muir to bo the .highest land incrto America, might have beon brought la sight., , Should any reader of this imperfect sketch, who poseeses oven a modicum of enthusiasm be led by it to seek find and a lilce entertain ment here or elsewhere, yot and I, Mr. Editor,' will share bis thanks. To view at rbiladel. pbia the collected evidences of our national, progress and prosperity will be even a great, er cause for enthusiasm, aud stolid tho American in whose brest either scene will not. kindle tbe patriot, wbile it slides ttjs. par tisan, sectarian and provincial. i, Professor T. M, Uutcb has expressed bit intention of visiting tbe glacier tbn Bummer in company witb othor gentlemen of scien-t tlflo attainments, and Mr. Buys, editor of the Eugene Guard, will repeat bis visit of tail season, having then only seen enough., to fairly arouse bis Interest. Prof. ,1'yndalL "Ob tbe Forms of Water,' makes most ex-'' cedent reading, but, aa to tie child the neo agerie is better then the picture, buok.-ao nature outlectures Tyndall. " ' "' ! ,. u. nv, ..i .. p.y.RM-Rgwr" ., , Kewr York City PoiltrW ; A correspondent ol the Philadel phia Ledger, writing under! date of' the first says:'. ' 1. fno it twos Present indications' point to a bit- ter struggle in the approaching Demr? ocratic Slate Convention between thejj Tammany and' n'ntl-Tanimanr fao-.v tions from' this city.' .The latter are' leavini no stone unturned to" rftrtd'1 their atrongest men' jtnd o'. perfect,l their organization'. With' ; IcadefaV like John Morribsey, Who hrtVe beert'n careful to make themselves "popular). with tho working-men and trades br'- ganizations,' Mr. Kelly1 wilf BaV3! plenty ol work: on bin hands uliocr- ' pects to exclude them froin'th'e jCca- J vention. Morrissey is ' a strong t Tildon man, and as Kelly, is under- ( stood to be weakening on that point. it - would riot be : sufpnsiHg if the ' Governor's friends should v'oto to ad-i mit the former to' seats iu heCon'i vention. , - ,.,!i. $ It may alsb'be stated' thai tLe'anti- Tammany fafction have determined if they cannot haye their ewrt way1 it' Utica to run an iudependeut caadU'a date for Mayor at the next election,",: lb which case it is uhdurstool Coa- (J trailer Green will be their man. There is some talk about covert "p" port for Green from what ara ' called tbe Custom House Republicans,: but 'J there is nothing in that, so far asonel can judge of what is on tbesurfaoaof things. New York pbliticsi'provcrb- ; blly, are as complicated as a Chinese '' puzzle, but one thing usually w plamvi u .v:i- .t... rik -.tni"rf have no compunction about joinings ' hands with each other,' under coyer, , when it is their mutual interest to do" so, the more thoroughly to ptuck" tho' f public goose. " 1 - - ' The Odd Fellows of tVashicgtOQCOunmre -waking arrangrneDts Tor railroad exenr- si on to et. Jo on tbnir nxt a 'inivesary," " A ptil 26. They expect to b "pe ial at ; half fare rates, and invite everybody. .