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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1876)
ti:i i::u.:i city guard. ATURD A.Y, APR MO. 18704 EUpENE CITF.OEEGOy. ; riilOlHATIt' TICKET. For CoDgrosi : L. F. LANE, Of Dooglaa County. - For Presidential Elactori : 'HENRY KL1PPEL, ot Jackion. E. A. CRONIN, of Multnomah. J7. B. LAS WELL, of Grant. - SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT- ForJuugat . J. M. THOMPSON, Of Une. ,, For ProaecntlDg AttortMjr -S. II. HAZARD, or Coo.. oat regard to pergonal preferences Mr. Thompson is a man of ability, a deep thinker and one whose con elusions are generally correct. Mr. Hazard, tbe candidate for Pros ecuting Attorney is a resident of Coos county and is said to be well qualified to fill the position. Tha MepuMitaa Convention. a i Ml LANE COUNTY TICKET. For But Senator: JOHN WHITEAKER. For BeprawoUilTMi ' A. D. BURTON, A. J. CRUZ AN, disconsolate, .E. P. REDFORD, R. B. HAYES. ''' ' For Count CommlNlooeri. J.E.IIOLT, C.T.UALE. pj .;!' ' For Clark: J.P.CURRAN. '"' ' ' ForSherlfli , JOHN STEWART. . For Traaanrer: ; JOHN G. DAY. ' ForAaaeaeort ; geo. w. kinsey. ForSohool SnperinteDdent: J.C.BOLAN. For Burreyon ).'.;. G. K IIAMMERSLY. For Coroner: YM. OWSLEY. On Wednesday evening when the Republican delegates began to come in they were in exceedingly good spirits; they had seen wherein the Democrats erred in making nomina tions, and they proposed to profit by these errors when 'their .convention shonld meet on Thursday. ' But on Thursday morning they were Dot al together bo judilant, thoir cheerful ness was oozing out. Their caucus of the night before had demonstrated to them that if the Dcmooratio party had made blunders, they were not in a position .to tako that advantage that the case required. Aftor dinner and before reassembling they held another caucus, and came in looking rather Nominations were pro cccded with, and if tbo ticket pro Iduced is superior to that of the Dem ocratio Convention in any respect we fail to see it. . Tbe Democratic party have a "soft thing" so fur as most of I the nominations go. The idea of J, III. McClung attempting to debate the issues of the day with Gov, Whitcaker makes us laugh For brazen-faced recklessness and Ian nnblu8bing disregard for facts thore is probably nothing extant that rivala the Republican platform of New York, adopted at Syracuse, March 22d. It says: "We are .lor thorough retrenchment and reform; for tho unsparing pursuit, exposure ThnT)Bmnnrt5n Rial ,Onnvn!nn aD(1 punishment of jiublio frauds and -which mfltat Salnm on WmW,Uv M5olal di8hone8tf i .(why not dishon- '.prooeededtodispow of all the busi- t officials ?) for the elevation of the to come before a Convention this Pulll orvlce nd PUN and effloient mar Whilfl iI.a -.11 fft- Ktn,rw Bvernmonl; or maintaining unurn TentionwMonly for tho purpose of -th national credit and honor." nominating Judicial officers, we had A11 J conceived and no doubt but that the whole work hr"-ht ln wety dfl-" aftor would be disposed of. The people "0,KMP DeeD P"- Wash- uivvii, auu ii a iiuuuiu wuro even Tha llftt Conrcntlon. east or mo mountains nave a tong, tedious and expensive trip to make to reach Salem, and it waa un derstood that they would insist on making one trip answer the purpose. There was roally .no necessity for a State Convention at this time, as dis trict Conventions could have been made the Judicial nominations with mocked with more shameless clTront ery or tantalized with more bitter ar- casm, it must have been by some other Radical .platform. Again .it says: "We .charge the Democratic party with thwarting the ends .of jus iioe Dy lis partisan mismanagement and obstruction of investiaation . w out going to Salem to do it. Rut the f1"0" loup U0Dlh of ite ascendency -Convuntmn h. nrni,Ki Ann io " vret huo of Contfress.'' work as woll as it could have ri,C88 Premon w informed, done.' Tbe objection that candidates ! 10,lod "aPPlaU8" W as if one lot electors should not have been put Do,noorall Congress in four months ro the 6eld until they know who they T,! "p089 ,nJ puni"h 811 were to vote for, ia of no particular the Radical thieves who have been at lio treasury and punishing public of fender." Whew M The Washington correspondent of that virtuous (?) and high tonod ( abeot, the San Francisco foti, says i o . .... . . Jorce. Il ia supposed that tho fit w . le" year8, 1 he ltoPubl1- Louis Convention will com. n at. a " ,ue J mauircated in Democrat and adopt a Democratic UeIknftP br'b". Marsh'e stealings, platform; this being done and the IJaboook, tr,al. ho Tombstone coo- uandidatos for elector, leing well- tr80t Post-traderaVcontraot, the Navy kaown-Democrats, thore can be no Yard'' ' 8at nd-but it is difforenoo which comes firm, in th Uiowt 10 "count, as thU platform field, . The choice of the convention pM"0'Ur8nt iorProlocl,08th9Pub io thia rekpeut is a cood one. As coocorna the nomination of Con gressman we are well satisGud with the selection, and there is no doubtot the . re election of Mr. Lane. His eonraa ami itin liilitn litia 4 . ' in tftA nMa.Hi rr , 1 that Bolknap wae impeached beeause la the present House have drawn bkn t.. n il . . -i. w:. , . , Mrl- BolknaP "'""J o associate Z.ZV ' wilh Mra- Mar"h.iu Europe, .o. ao. 7,?h i , V, V 0O,,nt of Mr Mar"ha mJ with opposed to him last fa havs fe t thn r . ' ' ,. ... . rrenenman. Mrs. Marsh, to sn te miSflr ViniTS and douhU cr vn w.v nni " i. - i V Mra. lielknap, couoooted (he eharaea r" Wf 1 Committee of New York ,TOp.ruce in uregon ,uJ Marsh was paid 120,000 to go to 1. "- 'u Washington to tesUfy. This, in the .U8 . ,. w egress Iight 0, ,ut,oquont events, is a plaua n T 7"" ible statement (?) Mr Marsh, in her It .a we I known that no man canfio M m tMliGeJ llut(h9al , r. . ,v " fUlked to Mrs. Relkuap as freely as to ,!... n u ..J. .u; . ",loMwll yot tell ua who paid Marsh ;r,; ::.rTrr "r. bat0; d- Democrat . t Lw " U " mberof Congress ha, fled to U Br returning him w. .ha.l a. Zl'Tl "i wh,t or' "J how man ban., .tin f,...i . l i. 'stuffea II jmooratio jackals" were b- elves still further honor, and be en- un. i .:,u n il t u l aKU f M. .i. . . , volved with Belknap, Baboock, Haut- able to reap benefits that cannot be .u . , - , k- v 00n u lba olber RaJioal oflenders. ; 7 " whose oj'j.voouu wm nua inai mey bave not the same prejudices to aid them that Making Ilia Mark. Hon. Lafayette Lane, member of Congress from this State, and one of the youngest members of the House, is making bia mark in that body. There are few older men who woul care to openly attack Sunset Cox whose satirical style of speaking has given him a name throughout the land, but Mr. Lane seems to hav como out of the contest unscathed! A Washington dispatch of the 22 sayaf . i One of tie most eloquent and effec tive ' speeches in advocacy ot the transfer of the Indian bureau to the war department, was that ot Repre stntattve Lane, of Oregon. He ar gued that the transfer to army man agement wou'd tend to, maintain peace, secure additional protection to tne lives and property of our citizens reduce tho expenses of (rovernmenl and in nowise injuriously affect, even if it did not improvo, tbe condition of Indians. While discussing the quea tion ot ' economy, he dexterously culled attention to the vast amount of good which a portion ot the money mus savea couia enect Dy opening .1.- ' . . I .r i i i iuu uitvigauun oi me voiumoia and improving tho harbors of the coast, so as to develop tbe natural wealth and manifold resources of Orecon. II administered a severe rebuke to Cox of New York, for aspersing the char nctcr of frontiersmen. He eulogized their gallantry, magnanimity and in Diligence, vividly depicted the hor rors ot Indian barbarities in Oreiron and Utah, and showed the justness ot the complaints against tho present system ol Indian management. Lane also showered ridicule on tox s ac count of his observations of th French policy at Algeria, and his son limentality concerning tho noblo red men of the forest, and attributed it to studious perusal of Cooner s ro mancea and his experience as a Tarn many chieftain. This wily and for cihle extemporaneous speech has given Lane high rank among tho do haters of tho House. Xuttrell, of California, followed Lane wilh an able speech in advocacy of tho bill. Every member of the Pacifio coast delegation, except Page of California, supported tho bill which passed theJUouso by a vote ot 139 to Q7. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. i ateoah "smells to heaven f The third nrt v. ilia WWr f.mll. ., u. vu. umtgiair. wne s u j visiog the Demoorwy to follow former candidacy. ap iu Greeley blander ol 187i We A to nomioationa Jor this, Ju- are of ;h opinion that the advice of Acial diatnct, they are probably the Montgomery Blair, who exolu-ied all beat that could have Uea made, the Demooratio papers in Oregon Whiie at an iodiridaal the editor of from the mails in 1862, will not be thu paper baa been openly opposed very acceptable to Dtraocrata, to say to the nomination of Mr. Thompson, nothing ol his blo wout at Cincinnati we bare confidence in x the judgment of tie delegates who went from thia eonnty, and who placed him In aomi aatiov Hey were men of age and .experience ar.d went to Salem de-ter&iac-J to do their best to ratio in 1372. Mr. Blair vat a sellout lCadical and an arerage "Liberal," but up to this time hit Democracy it imperceptible hia iJea of a good Democrat Vu filled by Horace Gree ly, and is now satisfied with Mr. Blair. Wasiiisotov, April 10, 1876. Th ditfcloiures of the lut week. rhilH they are not io startling at the ftulknup f. lair, tre or much greator importuci. fit- fort Mr. .Clymttr's eommittue sit .bus bn proven thut Pronidoot Unuit hin'ilf wnt i py to St. Louis to prevent the .cunvicliuii ol Bubcock. The witnpsi nll. who wi he spy, trim to protect Urunt, his old cuin- msnder, but fiis temimony and that of Hub- cock, Lucky, Uradlxy and Pierrepont ol Washington, and of Mr. Dyer and Col HroadliBad, the prosecuting In (Iih whUltoy CU8H8. leaves very Utile duubt iu tbi minds of those who have read the testimony, thut it was the Intention, of the President lo do all In. his power to protect his guilty sec- rotary, and he did Uiw after bi spy badJo formed Lim that there was no doubt of Iib eocksgadt A. spy was even kept in the grand ju7 room aad Grant was inlunned ol II thut was done there, so that from tbe be ginning he could not have been in doubt as to Habcoik't 'Connection .with tbe Whiskey ring. The naval comnlittee Late tnkea an ho mouse amount ol testimony and bave uu eartbed such a show of corruption in tbe maimer of conducting that department, that tbe country will stand absolutely appalled wbea it it made public Secretary Ilobetoo has ool enly diverted the public fund from their legitimate use, but be .axed millions of the government mouey ud risked its loss to usUio the siukiiiK fortuuet 'of tbe bouse of Jay Cooke, MoCulloch & Co. of London, when he knew that boase to be .virtually bankrupt Large aiuountt will be lost by bit criminal conduct. I be navy yards every here were ued at politieul macbiout to lor ward the election ol Radicals and 1 1 funds that should have bfto expended in huilding ships was used to secure votes. Ilobesoo'i friend, Caltrll, was paid Ore per cent, on all contract!, and ao one dewing to tell any thing to the navy iktpartutiat ooulj 4n to without tubinilting to this black mull. Jut the InJiaU commiilee have demon strated even more of rascality than could be found in the navy deparUiect, in tbe treat ment ot the Indians. Every tpK-ieS of ve nality that could be dvi and tbe xit- enoaofariutt which permeated eftry de partment of tbe giwerniiixritand even pne- irateu into tbe very CtimuiittM room where tbe examination waa b-lug enaJe. L'on- Kntssman Page of California U on tbe lo an cmnmmee ami was oue of the tuV eomniitlr over which WiUbir of Arkanaaa preaidoj. WiUbira bat been moat industri ous in bAHiiix ap rrud. He it a g.od lawrer aod duaVrdands bow to extract tlx Imth from evetT an nnwilbng wilmae. P4gH was conlion.lly m Uie babit of brow beatioit witneaaet More tna coMiiiHIm and had lo ba reproved more Clan once (ot Bia conduct. It tii)l! came oat lixt h bad a moo lor kit action, u ooo uf the wit Mr. Meeker, a Mrreptadiil of the IltniU. enre at b bad b.vo liilo. wmJ 'hat 'm (u kimaall a m.mberol the Indian nnjf. Mker refu.wd lo give tb name ol bit inlormant. aod Pap. bliMtervd about br ng him Uki-n bwlorw tbe k'iua and comp llwi to answer. bi.t be bat not doit to nur be iol-nd to. Scale and WiUhire of Arkou. de- aerTecroJit for the manner i which tht-y bava cobducted this invcatipatioo. Tb. poet oCoe committe bave alto prca that contracu were bochl io th. cost shameful manner, from the b bet -of- tlciaJtJp tLe drpartmcct. lex cf tbe paid employe of the contractor! being in the very room or tbe I'oalmueler-Ueueral and another being assistant V. M. General. Every day new revelations are being made new luveaiii'atioDt ordered, but the business of Congress is not neglected on this account. The House sett daily from noon until five or six r. M , and bat three uigbt meetings per week. The discussion on tbe Legislative, Executive and Judicial bill it prolonged as tbe Ripublicani are using every effort to de feat the proposed saving ol six millions of dollars made by the bill as reported by tbe committee, but it will fioally pass about us originally reported. It ' is suid that the Texas and PaciQo bill' will be reported next week as tbe only opposition. to it now comes from tbe Uoioo and Central Pacific rail roads which do. not want their .monopoly broken down. ' ' ' Col. James 0. Droadbead of St. Louis; who it most favorable spoken of us a com promise candidate before tbo St. Louis con vention, is in Washington to testify in tbe whiskey trials. No name . presented to tbe convention is entitled to higher respect than that of Col. Broadhead. lie is a geotleinan of unimpeachable integrity, baa never been mixed up wilh any disreputable transactions, was a onion man and a war Democrat, aud is the peer of any man iu the country" in ability. Hayard,. Judge Davis and . llen dricks are much talked of, but it is too goon to eveo conjecture who will be either the St Louis nr the Cincinnati nominee. Bluitie seems to still be ahead of all tbe other Rad icals, Ibe New York Tribune which is strongly for Bristow, admitting that Blaine will get the largost tote on the first 'ballot. The executive committee is working well. as the result in Connecticut shows, and the ex posures being -made here are beiriuninir to tell. If properly handled, and tbny will be. the.people will surelv repudiate Radicalism this lull. The revolution in Mn e is still Drnirres6- . ... . ... ... ing lavoiaoiy lor 1'iuz. IIih goveromunt papers admit that there are 10,000 men in the field and railroad communication be tween Vera Cruz und the !ity ol Mexico has been interrupted. Tbe Emperor of uruzil ana lus wile will arrive at New York in a lew days. I hey will spend some months in the country. The borne exhibit ors should hurry up their articles fur the Centennial, as the buildinzs are about ri-adv and il is desired to have everything in place before the 10th of Miy. Nemo. Democratic .Noiultiatlou.. Following aro tho nominations made by the Democrats of the vari ous counties of the State: Umatilla County. Ropresentativon, J. L Morrow, W. Goodman ; County Julre. II. G. Yoakum; Sheriff, E. (?. Sloan ; Coun ty Clirk. T. J. CoH'm", -Commission '.r!, b. (J. Liu'lufoot, Ju'Il'o Wuldron : Treasurer, G. W. Webb. Benton County. ,.- Representatives. G. li. Smith. T. J. Hitches, John IVient: Clerk. E. A. Miluerj Sheriff, -W. A. Wells. Lake County, i Ilopresentatives, William If. Averill, Guiney A. Brooks: Sheriff. Samuel C. Ilotson ; Clerk. Ii. R Hat-1 tan : Treasurer, S. S. Hunks : Assesnr. G. C. Duncan ; S rveyor, Frnnk Cheesenian; School Superintcndem. I v.. j. JicLonnell : Uottnlv t oinmis eioners, Stephen C. Moss aiult W. II. lortoi). Marion County. ' Representatives. F. X. Matthfeu. J. M. Kitchen, J. M. Seott, John Sav-a-re, Jaeob MuClain, D. II. Murpliv; Clerk, Van 1. Hide: Sheriff, P. K. Murphy; County Commissioner, Wagons. Hacks, Buggies, Carriagea, A large stock on band and I will to order pf the Best Eastern Timber throughout. i ALL foil ! WIRRASTED W ITEBT RESPECT, at; Fair Prices. Repository and Shop Corner Ninth and dak Streets, Edc&XR Citt. Tlease call aud see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere . . .. , . Blacksmithing, Wood Work and Carriage Painting done - to order. . W. Wa.ESPE;Yr, McC0Rmicb:s ; ; HARVES TI NQ MACHINES! . i u'.'V '- -: . tv -t, FARMERS OF LANE COUNTY, dorit waste yon 'precious time and money any longer in .looking at, discussing or buying Third and Fourth rat Machines, but go (straight lor tho BEST ONLY, and buy McCORMICKU .More than Thirty Years' Experience in Perfecting and Manufacturing ; them has proved it, and over Two HcKdred Thousand ' "a. . ' .Faemehs havq indorsed them to bo such. . -A ' ..' So digest this subject well and then go and look, and ydur own good sense and judgment will lead yorj to buy a McCORMICK Machine everj time. : MATHEW WALUS, Agent,.; piS em ' EUGENE CITY, OREGOIT. ; Also Agent for .Moline Wagons, Wheeler's Independent Reaper, and Cots Improved Hay Rakes. j , i . . , , & H. FRIENDLY. TRADE HAS JUST OPENED FOR THS SPIU-VO AND BUMMEK The Largest Stock of Goods EVER BROUGHT 10 EUGENE. OUIt STOCK OK clothing: has heen lamely Increased and we can show a oanaaorae a line oi.reaey tiadegooaa m MEN'S AND B0Y3 Business and Dress ulls, As caa be found in the jaunty and as, prices that cannot ran io aaiuijr. DRESS '! JOUR GOODS DEPARTMENT In well AIM with a aitlendld awmr' e all the leadlnK ntylea and fashionable ilia t goodt, Empress Cloths, ? i i . j Mohair 'and ' American Dress Goods. riald, Tlain and Opera Flannels of all colors Bleached & llublt-nched Cotton Flan nels. Ladies' and Gents Underwear, SHAWLS aud SCARFS; S. WOOL BLANKET All Colon. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS .j& CAPS, ; In the leading Style. -. OIL CLOTE3, for.Floor and .TaWa tut. BOOTS & SHOES ' We woald call sfiecial attention to our itock . Mens' and Boys' San Francisco Boota, . Whlcr we have 'old for a number of yeara with great sallufHctlon. Every pair warranted. A complete stock of - . HARDWAHE1 Plows and farming ' Utensils. CHOICE TEAS. .CANNED GOODS. , , and all cboica , , FAMILY . GROCERIES ; ;v ; ' at atoalihingly low ratea. LIVERPOOL AND CARMEN .ISLAND SALT. Highest price for all kinds of produce and WOOL. - tliarli's lhonias. Ji iorni' Ii Jackson rcasnrer, bamiu-l ra-ki'i-; Awesor . 1. 1 erkiii-a, School :-'nncrintiiideii v. m. ivmser: a.n vevi r. teth r lammiTj Coroii(T Dr. A. il. licit; Duujflm CountT. Senators, M D.'an, James C. Hutch iimon: Kepriwiitaiives. Jnincs I Boaii, Win D. MeGvc. Win 1. m and Win R. Smith ; Clerk, Jas J uiiiarn; Micntr. 1. t , Kice; Troas urer, William T. Wright j Commis sionors, jas. Mark, John Stewart School Supr-rintcmU-nt, Geo. Grubbe Assesor, K. A. Raner: Survevor. ! S. llalpain ; Coroner, Jas. G. Clark. Coo Countr. Joint senator for tho counties of toos and Uurry ; M. Brown ; Rep rcsentative, R. II. 1W; Commis (loners, Win. rnruin. S. Siiinrpn Clerk, W. II. Jackson ; Slierilt', A. G t :i n' r . ... iNeu; ireusurer; jonn f lunairaii issesor, j. wawineld : llool Su Surveyor, teriiiteinlent, J. Cocke : .V. Hall; Coroner, C. B. G.ld Symptoma of Catarrh. Dud, hear beadache, objtruction of the oa al paisagea, discharga Ulluij' into the throat, tuinetiinea pruiue. wacerv. ac-iil thick and teoaciuw mucom. parulent, iuuco- poruieui, oiuixiy, uulrul. off. nsive. -tc. In other, a Uryneaa, dry, waUry, weak or iu- naioetl eyes, rinumir id ear,.,. h.nU. ii aud couxbiui' to cLar the thioal. ukvm lions, acaba Iron) ulcers, voice alter!. Dsal lwaiif, off. oiire bft-aih, impaired null and taste, d iziue, oieuul d. DresaioD. titklimr couh, etc. Only a lew ol the anovn ajrap Iouh are likely io be present in any caw at vae I'uie. When applied Wita Dr. Pieren'a V.,i IV.....k .. ' awuinpaiuea wun ir. rtei UiIUea Mlical UtacovvryaaciiDalitalioiial treaioienl, Lr. tfajre a Catarrh Krmdy pro duci perfect cure ol tbe worat cajfi oi Catarrh and Opna of uiiDy yera stand i. This thorough e.ur of medication oMtitaHs the only acientiac, rational, and eucoaslal aiMiner of trvatin IhnoJ ouj diat-aaa that bat erer boon odered to lb afDicted. Tha lea.iera of llm lU.liuil rnv t j ro the men who have corrupteJ the ballot bos wherever money wouM buy Totea or biyooeta couldl control .a mem. a; has been proven that t crooked whiskey stills of the country were let running to rai a carapaigo fund, ao.l that tens of thoiands of dollara were collected rrora the post traders and corrupt government con tractors for tLe aame purpose. Robinson & Church DEAI.EK8 IX J! JIIELF& HEAVY 1IARDWARL HAVE TflB Vr1 Selected Stock in Oregon VklsSwawawkpIH Mi MM ITAVB FOR 8ALB II AT THE LOWEST RATES Imn.Sttel, Aiea, Anvila. Cable. Chains, NaiU, Rope, Glaai, Putty, ralilo A Pocket Cutfev1 . Ouoi, Pistols, Ammunition,' '' Agilcultursl i - i Implemans Blasting Powdtr, Fishinff Tackle, Eto. Etc. ... We Invite an ernnU nation . of. our foods nAdent our prlcas will auit the timac. . , . FOR THE SPRING Jb SUMMER TRADE 1 WB BEO to Infonn ar fricndi nd tha publie tht v lutve juit revived dict trom Saa Fruncisco nd tha Eaatern auuketa AN IMMENSE STOCK GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS InOTIOIIS. clothing, , FUEXISIILVG . GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, 1 ; ':. '.' . , BOOTS AND" SIIOES, Clocks, Paints, Oiia, Etc., Selected br our Mr. a. Ft.., m -ki. i. ir.., - " REDXTCKD PRICKS. : Partin will And It to thrir ni. ..ii ud extmira our iuw-k tr.A irrAi hr.,ra n-v,... ing elnwhere. Highest price paid for all k:nds of Produce. S. ROSENBLATT & CO., T'orVAp""1 T?- HWPMCM BRAND J. or SOAP. For ale only br ' ' - ' ' u T. 0. HENDRICKS. HARRINGTON'S SPANISH LUSTRAL; CEtEBRATED for ita medical powwa otot the Hum.ii Hir. Ibis prcparmtloo endU mtet Scurf and JDo druff, excitiofr a heal thy action of the roota of the Hair, thereby improving ita growth and Beauty, and ia a lira preventive for 'Htnii, and by ita frequent uae-euM,tbe HairtoanuriM iufocv mer bealthtul and bril liant appearsnea. Ita excellent propntiea vwler it Indupeneabla to a Udy 'a Toilet. '1 hia preparation la porelyvepeUMe. Pre pared ud eold by FRANK HARRINGTON. X.NUENE CITT, OBEOON. Alto keera an lauirl ami r - or raiora. etrmna. hmsSrtM .. i and perfumery. , , . FINE POULTRY E. D. IWkiuaioa, a wil knoa er.iita of Pcr'aad, JieJ ia t!ut city oo th 23d. Bred br M. evrb. ir NAPA, CalUbmiia. ' Broaa Tnrkeya. wwrtiM 40 Ire evk. r.m,U lun Iroa 40 to SO lr. prr pair awaj-nae, iMrtturna, Oejaa, etr. IV . . aia lwka.avntinBv W o M lba , ao i bnt of all bucaaee Layere, Alen A fine wnrtmnl w T, t.,v. Any v&rirty of fch clectred imported. IOC, tra to uh, freah ak.d welt V-ckU. lot lie a; aleraie p.rea. -Sea; lot IUnatrated CirruUr, aad P. ice Hat, to M. EYRE; N.j,a, Cal. 0 vwipt ef loerata in tam- I will f,mifc "lartcinJluKinur ir-iirnv TT uiiuCmt J! pan ra-jolMr. t, ; .,' puUietaid. eaoacripuoa otuy Notice of Dissolution. pHEPARrKER8HirnERCToroB rrrs?. A in bet wwo Juaeph bternbenr and Iaaaa ea nere under tbe flrra name and tyle of 8 tern bare ft Peniere, ae dia.Jved Mareh lid by mutaeleoB ent, Iaaar t-en lera retirin. Joeeph 8ternbenr aa .umea .11 U,e ib,l,t. of tke UtTara.d th rnttjr iaautuorid to collert and rr!rt for ilZ due the came. . JOhKPH STKkNBEBO. , . . . ISAAC 60DERS. Junction City, Marta 1Mb, 187&. PRODI CK OFEVRftr KIXD TAXXX in nchaim for rooda bv . G. HENDRICK8. pxt Try uua in to. U. ,; as.1 dea iilv tan W-t l.Uayw. Pleaee ataie where y eaw rtie alrerUefcti' Ordera mj alee S left aS tha ef5. Watches,. Clocks and Jewelry -MUSIC, 'I ' I te ' AXD SEWING MACHINES r TH ASKISO THE PUBLIC for tbeir past ITber ' al ptnace. we bow inriie them t n ' at onr new mom ia Underwood A Co ' new brick Mock, where mat be found a fnll . t MnH, k . I: Walchee. Cha ai.a Jewelry repairea Is the be t workmaeatca auoatr and Wamatad. Acetta, St, -Zzsszd Cit7,Qregaiv GRAIN BR0S.L HABDYARE, IROH anil STEELUV Hubs, Spokes, Kims,' Oak, lsh and Hickory Plank kOBTBBl'P eV TII03I PSOM, , F04TLASD, OEEOOK. jaalla